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Vol. 5, No. 15

Insights from the

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

Expanding Variety of Goods Underscores
Battle for Competitive Advantage
by Shalah M. Mostashari

As more firms take
advantage of the cost
savings of an increasingly
international division of
labor, continued growth
in the variety of imports
coming from developing
nations can be expected.


he variety of goods imported to the U.S. has dramatically
increased in the past two decades. This growth reflects a widening circle of nations delivering the same goods to this country. In some
cases, the U.S. makes its own version of these products—such as Hershey’s
chocolate, which is consumed within the U.S. and exported. At the same
time, a growing number of competing brands originating from numerous
other countries are sold here.
Such increasing variety of trade has been characteristic of many goods.
Analyzing this type of commercial activity helps explain how countries and
firms gain a competitive advantage, how they organize their production
internationally and how quickly they can expand into new product lines.
Documenting Variety
It’s important to distinguish between a “good” and a “variety.” In this
article, a good is considered a product as defined at the most-detailed
level used to track U.S. imports.1 A variety is a good that originates from
a particular country. Thus, French red wine is a variety different from
Chilean red wine, even though they may have the same “good’’ classification. This approach assumes that goods are differentiated by country of
origin.2 Admittedly, this definition may not accurately reflect the complete
number of imported varieties. For example, within the category of French
red wine, there may be a number of imported types with varying characteristics and prices.
The number of varieties imported by the U.S. increased 33 percent
between 1989 and 2007 and 23 percent between 1989 and 2009. Decreases
in 2008 and 2009, when import varieties tumbled back to 2001 levels,
largely reflect the world trade collapse during the financial crisis that

The substantial increases
in import variety are
primarily driven by more
countries exporting the
same goods the U.S.
already imported.

began in August 2007. Nevertheless, the
trend over most of the 20-year span is
Growth in varieties can result from
importing a broader range of goods or
importing the same good from more
countries. Of the 8,870 total possible
goods, the U.S. imported 8,414 goods
in 2009. Over the past 20 years, the
number of goods the U.S. imported
ranged from a maximum of 8,503 in
1989 to a minimum of 8,383 in 1992,
reflecting little variation in the number
of imported goods across time relative
to the growth in variety (Chart 1).
On the other hand, the average
good was exported by about 12 countries in 1989, compared with about
16 in 2007. The substantial increases
in import variety are primarily driven
by more countries exporting the same
goods the U.S. already imported.
Rationalizing Trade
Trade patterns suggest that
resources and technological knowledge
are particularly helpful in explaining

which countries can competitively produce certain goods. However, consumer preferences for variety and choice
also play a role in the large number
of differentiated products bought and
sold. These findings are consistent with
two widely held theories of trade.
Trade explained by comparative
advantage, or “old trade theory,’’ suggests that countries exchange goods
when they have fundamentally dissimilar attributes. Differences between
countries could be derived from
variations in productivities or in the
resources they possess to manufacture
goods. For example, the U.S., being
relatively abundant in capital and
skilled labor, is expected to export
goods to China that rely heavily on
these inputs. China is expected to
export to the U.S. goods belonging
to industries such as textiles, whose
production is relatively labor intensive,
standardized and does not require
workers to be formally educated or
trained. In extreme cases, when countries are very different, their exports

Chart 1

Varieties of U.S. Imports Rise Even as Number of
Goods Remains Stable
Number of varieties (thousands)

Number of goods







’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09
SOURCES: Author’s calculations using data from the U.S. International Trade Commission and “Concording U.S.
Harmonized System Categories Over Time,” by Justin Pierce and Peter Schott, National Bureau of Economic Research,
Working Paper no. 14837, April 2009.

EconomicLetter 2

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

are specialized in unique subsets of
goods—such as Pakistan exporting textiles to Japan, which sends computers
to Pakistan.
On the other hand, “new trade
theory” has primarily been applied to
explain trade between similar countries. Countries respond to consumer
preferences for variety and choice by
producing and trading differentiated
versions of the same products.
Overall, the expectation is that
countries with similar resources trade
different varieties of the same products, whose production requires comparable levels of technology and types
of inputs; very different countries specialize in distinct sets of goods.
However, in the detailed product
data, one sees that in many cases the
U.S. imports exactly the same goods
from relatively less-developed nations
as it does from rich, advanced economies. For example, in 2009 the U.S.
imported similar nonmilitary turbofanpowered airplanes from Canada,
France, Israel and Brazil.3 Still, goods’
and countries’ characteristics matter. In 2009, 33 countries, including
China and the U.K., were exporting
men’s leather footwear, but only four
countries were exporting those moretechnology-intense airplanes.4 Small
and low-income countries export
substantially fewer goods, and their
exports are still concentrated in lowlevel manufacturing and labor-intensive
This suggests that some species
of hybrid between “new” and “old”
theory may be at work. Peter Schott
studied unit cost differentials within
a product category across countries
and found that unit values vary systematically with exporter resources.5
For example, China’s average price
per pair of men’s leather footwear
was $14, but the U.K.’s average price
was $149 in 2009. Schott argues that
capital- and skill-abundant countries
make intensive use of their resources
by producing superior varieties that
possess added features or higher quality. Low-wage countries export lower-

quality and labor-intensive varieties of
the same goods and, consequently, sell
those products at lower prices.
Dynamics of Variety
A critical question is by what
means a competitive advantage is
gained over time. The early stages of
producing and marketing a good are
likely to take place close to the ultimate markets, typically rich countries,
Raymond Vernon found.6 The location reflects a heightened need for
flexibility in the choice of production
technique and a requirement for reliable and swift communication with
customers and suppliers. Once production becomes standardized, differences
in production costs invariably take
precedence over the flexibility needed
in the early stages. As a consequence,
production moves to countries where
labor and production costs of the
more-standardized process are lower—
presumably less-developed countries.
Still, developed countries may continue
to produce goods through innovation

and the manufacture of new and superior varieties.7
There is evidence that over time
middle- and low-income countries are
able to move into product lines previously dominated by rich countries,
consistent with changes in the production location predicted by the cycle of
product innovation and standardization. Countries may be divided into
three types: High-income refers to the
richest one-third of countries in the
sample, middle-income refers to the
middle one-third and low-income to
the poorest third. Of the 2,163 goods
initially considered in 1989, only 383
were still exclusively exported by the
richest countries by 2007, 905 were
exported by both high- and middleincome countries and 621 were exported by high-, middle- and low-income
countries (Chart 2).8
Propelling the Product Cycle
Several mechanisms have likely
contributed to developing countries’
ability to start exporting new product

Chart 2

Goods Exclusively Exported by High-Income
Countries Decline
Number of goods



High-income only

High- and middle-income



High-, middle- and low-income




















SOURCES: Author’s calculations using data from the U.S. International Trade Commission and “Concording U.S.
Harmonized System Categories Over Time,” by Justin Pierce and Peter Schott, National Bureau of Economic Research,
Working Paper no. 14837, April 2009. GDP data from “Penn World Table Version 6.3,” by Alan Heston, Robert Summers
and Bettina Aten, Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices, University of Pennsylvania,
August 2009.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

3 EconomicLetter

lines. Imitating firms may reverseengineer products, allowing them to
acquire the knowledge to create other
versions. Technology may be diffused
to manufacturers in developing nations
in exchange for royalties or licenses
paid to firms in developed countries.
Advances and widespread investment in information and communication technologies as well as greater
international capital mobility have
lowered the costs of fragmenting the
production process across borders.
A developing country may begin
exporting a new good as a result of
a firm locating there the parts of the
production process that are routine
and labor intensive, such as assembly.
Meanwhile, the company maintains
innovative activities such as research
and development in the developed
country. As more firms take advantage
of the cost savings of an increasingly
international division of labor, continued growth in the variety of imports
coming from developing nations can
be expected.

tion between 1989 and 2009 was eliminated
from the analysis. Similarly, with the exception of
East and West Germany, whose exports were aggregated in 1989, all countries that restructured
were eliminated from the analysis.

The reason for this distinction is simple: Many

countries export the same good but at different
unit prices. If these goods were identical in every
way, they would need to sell at the same price
to be competitive, a prediction that is not at all
borne out in the data.

This statement refers to HTS 10-digit code

8802300040. As a basis for comparison, real
2007 per capita GDP for these countries was
$36,166 for Canada, $29,632 for France, $24,047
for Israel, but only $9,644 for Brazil. GDP data
were taken from “Penn World Table Version 6.3,”
by Alan Heston, Robert Summers and Bettina
Aten, Center for International Comparisons of
Production, Income and Prices, University of
Pennsylvania, August 2009.

The specific code for men’s leather footwear

considered is HTS 10-digit code 6405100030.

See “Across-Product Versus Within-Product

Specialization in International Trade,” by Peter K.
Schott, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 119,
no. 2, 2004, pp. 647–78.

Mostashari is a visiting scholar at the Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.


See “International Investment and International

Trade in the Product Cycle,” by Raymond Vernon,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 80, no. 2,
1966, pp. 190–207.



See Innovation and Growth in the Global

For the purpose of this analysis, a good is

Economy, by Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan

defined according to the 10-digit code of the

Helpman, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). Only products


that were consistently defined over the sample

or low and high only, or which stopped being

period (1989–2009) are included. Any product

exported were consistently small numbers over

code introduced after 1989 that became obsolete

the time frame. As such, they were omitted from

before 2009 or underwent some sort of redefini-

the chart.


is published by the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed
are those of the authors and should not be attributed
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Economic Letter is available free of charge
by writing the Public Affairs Department, Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX
75265-5906; by fax at 214-922-5268; or by telephone
at 214-922-5254. This publication is available on the
Dallas Fed website,

The share exported by middle and low only,

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