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VOL. 8, NO. 11 • DECEMBER 2013­­


The Euro and Global Turbulence:
Member Countries Gain Stability
by Matthieu Bussière, Alexander Chudik and Arnaud Mehl

The pattern of
adjustment of euroarea countries’ external
competitiveness to
dollar and risk aversion
shocks has become
more similar since the
euro’s creation.


iscussions about Europe’s role
in a rebalancing of the global
economy—specifically whether
countries under stress, such as
Greece, Ireland, Portugal or Spain, will
close their competitiveness gaps with
Germany—are part of a wider, long-standing debate about whether the euro’s creation has changed the way countries sharing the single currency adjust to shocks.
A key question since the euro’s launch
in 1999 has been whether the costs associated with fixed exchange rates would
exceed the potential integration benefits
for members of the monetary union.
In other words, now that differences in
relative competitiveness across euro-area
members can no longer be corrected by
changes in exchange rates, how will real
(inflation-adjusted) wages and other
indicators of competitiveness adjust? This
question is not specific to the euro; it is a
classic dilemma in all monetary unions.
Discussions of this issue before the
euro’s debut largely focused on the asymmetric effects of global shocks—the extent
to which shocks common to all euro-area
countries could impact individual ones
differently. If countries were hit by such
shocks, patterns of macroeconomic performance might diverge. This could adversely
affect the monetary union, whose smooth
functioning is dependent on optimum
conditions—including high labor mobility,

price and wage flexibility, and sufficiently
large fiscal transfers.
More than a decade after the euro’s creation, it is possible to assess whether these
concerns were justified. After the onset of
the global financial crisis, some observers have argued that the euro area’s initial
design made it ill-prepared to avert the
emergence of large differences in member
competitiveness. Real effective exchangerate evolution—relative price-level changes
in each euro-area country with respect to
those of its trading partners—has generally
occurred since the euro’s creation in 1999.
Indeed, although bilateral exchange rates
among member states are fixed, the trade
weights of partner countries vary among
member states, and domestic prices differ
(Chart 1).1
Accordingly, significant differences in
external competitiveness persisted across
euro-area countries, and these gaps grew
ever wider until the outbreak of the global
financial crisis.
Euro-area changes in real exchange
rates can be examined using a global vector autoregression (GVAR) macroeconomic
model to study the effect of two shocks
common to all countries—a global shock
affecting the dollar and a shock heightening global risk aversion.2
Individual euro-area countries’ real
exchange-rate responses appear to have
become more homogeneous since the

Economic Letter


Euro-Area Real Exchange Rates Show Persistent Differences

Exchange rates, normalized so that December 1999 = 1 (in natural logarithms)














Jan. Aug.
’08 ’09

SOURCES: International Monetary Fund; Bank for International Settlements.

common currency’s creation, though to
an extent dependent on the nature of the
shock. Thus, the competitiveness performance of euro-area core and periphery
countries reflects their differing development with regard to wages, productivity,
other labor costs and non-price competitiveness factors. It is not mainly the result
of global shocks’ unequal impacts, per
se, as initially envisaged at the time of the
euro’s launch.3

Global Shock Transmission
Tracing the effects of shocks across
countries and time is difficult because of
the multilateral nature of exchange rates
and relative competitiveness. For instance,
an increase in the relative price of currency
A in terms of currency B may be ascribed
to a strengthening of A or to a weakening
of B (or even to a combination of both);
in each case, underlying causes can differ
appreciably. The GVAR model takes into
account important features of the global
economy, such as unobserved common
effects, the dominance of the U.S. dollar in
foreign exchange markets and neighborhood/spillover effects.4 The model may be
used to identify economically meaningful structural shocks such as global risk
shocks. It is also useful for tracing the reaction of real exchange rates to shocks, given
countries’ interdependencies.
The model covers the real effective
exchange rates of 60 countries, including all euro-area countries. The CBOE


Volatility Index (the VIX), a measure of
implied volatility on a hypothetical at-themoney option on the Standard & Poor’s
500 Index, is widely used as a yardstick of
global market uncertainty and risk aversion. The model uses 20 years of monthly
data (the 10 years before and 10 years after
the euro’s creation).5
The GVAR methodology allows assessment of whether the euro’s creation was a
major turning point in the way real effective exchange rates of euro-area countries
adjust to global shocks.
This is an open question for two reasons. First, even though nominal exchange
rates of euro-area countries are fixed
relative to each other, there is no implication that their individual, real effective
exchange rates will react to shocks similarly. That is in part because roughly half
of euro-area countries’ trade is still with
outside nations. Second, the big question is not merely whether adjustment to
global shocks across euro-area countries
has converged but, rather, to what has it
converged? Is it convergence to a simple
average of euro-area countries’ patterns
of adjustment before the currency union?
Is it a convergence to the most credible
economy before the euro? Or is it to something else?

World Dollar Shocks
Consider the impact of an unanticipated appreciation of the U.S. dollar before
the euro’s creation. In the model, a roughly

1.25 percent shock to the dollar’s real effective exchange rate—amounting to one
standard deviation, a size considered statistically typical—was associated with a 0.4
percent depreciation of the German mark
(Chart 2, upper panel).
The bars in the chart represent the
mean effect immediately after the shock,
while the length of the associated line segments indicates the statistical uncertainty
of the estimates. The currencies of Austria,
Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland and
the Netherlands depreciated pre-euro, by
0.1–0.3 percent. By comparison, Italy and
Greece’s real effective exchange rates tended to appreciate—though not to a degree
that was statistically significant—while
the exchange rates of Luxembourg and
Portugal were unaffected. These results are
partly reminiscent of findings from studies
of dollar shocks conducted in the 1980s.6
After the euro’s launch, the picture is
completely different (Chart 2, lower panel).
All euro-area countries’ real effective
exchange rates respond similarly to dollar
shocks, including the exchange rates of
Italy, Greece, Luxembourg and Portugal
(which reacted differently before 1999).
The same one-standard-deviation shock to
the dollar’s real effective exchange rate is
associated with a 0.3 percent to 0.6 percent
depreciation of all euro-area countries’
real effective exchange rates. The pattern
of adjustment of euro-area countries’
external competitiveness to dollar shocks
has become more similar since the euro’s
Intriguingly, this more homogeneous
response is also now similar to that of one
country—Germany—which issued the
region’s anchor legacy currency before
the euro. The estimated response of the
German real exchange rate to a global dollar shock is very similar before and after
the creation of the euro. The estimated
depreciation of its real effective exchange
rate following a dollar shock increased by
0.1 percentage point, to about 0.5 percent.

Rising Global Risk Aversion
Consider how a global risk shock,
represented by a rise in the VIX, motivates
appreciation in safe-haven currencies and
depreciation of some emerging-market
ones.7 Some of the euro-area legacy currencies were viewed as safe havens before
the euro’s creation, especially those of the

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2013

Economic Letter


Dollar Shocks Lead to Weakening of Euro-Area Countries’
Exchange Rates

Percent change of exchange rates



































area’s core. A rise in global risk generally
led to an appreciation of these currencies
(Chart 3, upper panel).
Global risk shocks were associated
with a 0.5 percent appreciation of the
German mark and a 0.2–0.5 percent gain
for currencies of Austria, Belgium, Finland,
France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
The currencies of the countries at the
area’s periphery did not exhibit a safehaven role—Italy, Spain and Portugal’s
real effective exchange rates tended to
After the euro’s creation, the picture
changed completely. Almost all euro-area
countries’ real effective exchange rates
respond more similarly to global risk
shocks (Chart 3, lower panel). The real
effective exchange rates of most euro-area
countries tend to depreciate contemporaneously, by 0.3–0.5 percent. In other words,
their responses are now more similar
to those of peripheral countries such as
Spain or Italy prior to the euro’s launch.
These estimates are consistent with those
obtained with dollar shocks. In both cases,
after the euro’s creation, the real effective exchange rate of individual euro-area
countries depreciates when the dollar
One interpretation of these findings is
that they reflect the fact that the euro has
become the globally most relevant alternative currency to the dollar, with a liquidity
unmatched by any of the legacy currencies,
and hence the main counterpart to dollar
Still, a noteworthy change is Germany’s
response pattern to global risk aversion
shocks, from appreciation before 1999—
when the German mark had safe-haven
status—to depreciation after 1999 along
with all other euro-area countries. This
has potentially important implications. For
instance, euro-area economies might no
longer be subject to marked appreciation
pressures in periods of heightened global
risk aversion. According to some observers,
this brings undeniable benefits for euroarea members such as Germany. Before
the euro, the German mark gained significantly when global uncertainty surged,
leaving Germany to shoulder a large share
of adjustment of global exchange rates and
possibly negatively affecting its terms of
trade—generally making German exports
more expensive.

NOTE: The chart shows the impact of a positive dollar shock on the real effective exchange rate, with 90 percent
confidence bands.
SOURCE: Authors’ calculations.

Policy Implications
GVAR exchange rate modeling suggests
that the dissimilarities in external competitiveness across euro-area countries during
the last decade—at the core of discussions
about the region’s future—are unlikely to
stem from global shocks with asymmetric
effects, as initially feared. They are more
likely to originate from country-specific
developments in price and non-price
competitiveness, such as diverging labor
costs, tax structure, productivity growth
and product market regulations that have
contributed to competitiveness gaps across
member states.
Structural reforms are probably neces-

sary in all euro-area countries, particularly
in those that suffered losses of competitiveness after the euro’s creation. The removal
of barriers and limitations affecting labor
and product markets would make a positive contribution to that end and help support these countries’ adjustments.
Bussière is head of the international macroeconomics division of Banque de France,
Chudik is a senior research economist in
the Research Department at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas and Mehl is a principal economist at the European Central

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2013


Economic Letter




Euro-Area Currencies Weaker After Risk Aversion Shock

Percent change of exchange rates



































NOTE: The chart shows the impact of a positive global risk aversion shock on the real effective exchange rate, with 90
percent confidence bands.
SOURCE: Authors’ calculations.


Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not
be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the
source is credited and a copy is provided to the Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed website,

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201

The views expressed are the authors’ and do not necessarily
reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Banque
de France, European Central Bank or Eurosystem.
The real effective exchange rate of the euro is a weighted
average value of the euro relative to an index or basket of
other major currencies, adjusted for the effects of inflation. It
is a standard measure of external competitiveness.
The GVAR methodology provides a general, yet practical,
modeling framework for quantitative analysis of the relative
impact of different shocks and channels of transmission
mechanisms across a large number of countries (or units).
The existence of such divergent country-specific evolutions is documented in “Competitiveness and External
Imbalances Within the Euro Area,” ECB Occasional Paper
no. 139, European Central Bank, December 2012.
See “Infinite Dimensional VARs and Factor Models,”
by Alexander Chudik and Hashem Pesaran, Journal of
Econometrics, vol. 163, no. 1, 2011, pp. 4–22; also see
“Econometric Analysis of High Dimensional VARs Featuring
a Dominant Unit,” by Alexander Chudik and Hashem
Pesaran, Econometric Reviews, vol. 32, no. 5/6, 2013, pp.
For details of the model used to generate the empirical
results, see “How Have Global Shocks Impacted the Real
Effective Exchange Rates of Individual Euro Area Countries
Since the Euro’s Creation?” by Matthieu Bussière, Alexander
Chudik and Arnaud Mehl, B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics,
vol. 13, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1–48.
See “The EMS and the Dollar,” by F. Giavazzi, A. Giovannini, D. Begg and L. Katseli, Economic Policy, vol. 1, no. 2,
1986, pp. 455–85.
Global risk shocks are identified using a statistical technique called “sign restrictions,” which consists of restricting
the signs of the responses in the GVAR model to shocks that
lead to a contemporaneous rise in the VIX; an appreciation
in the U.S. dollar, Japanese yen and Swiss franc (three
currencies often considered by market participants as safe
havens); and a depreciation in the Korean won and Polish
zloty (two emerging market currencies).
The impact was not statistically significant for Italy.

Mine Yücel, Senior Vice President and Director of Research
E. Ann Worthy, Senior Vice President, Banking Supervision
Anthony Murphy, Executive Editor
Michael Weiss, Editor
Jennifer Afflerbach, Associate Editor
Ellah Piña, Graphic Designer