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VOL. 6, NO. 7
JULY 2011­­

Insights from the


Distance and the Impact of ‘Gravity’
Help Explain Patterns of International Trade
by Ananth Ramanarayanan

The gravity model of
international trade
takes its name from its
similarity to the law of
universal gravitation
in physics and is known
as one of the strongest
observed relationships
in economics.


nited States trade with other countries declined dramatically
during the recent recession, with the volumes of imports and
exports each falling about 21 percent from third quarter 2008 to second
quarter 2009. By comparison, real gross domestic product (GDP) contracted only 4 percent (Chart 1). A subsequent rebound in international trade
flows is just as striking and has been one of the most robust indicators
during the accelerating recovery.
International trade flows are typically among the most volatile economic variables over the business cycle, fluctuating far more than GDP.1
This volatility represents a large degree of quarter-to-quarter variation in
the amount of income that consumers and firms (both in the U.S. and
abroad) spend on foreign goods relative to domestically produced ones.
However, the geographic distribution of trade between the U.S. and the
rest of the world is, by contrast, remarkably stable over short time horizons. The fractions of goods the U.S. imports from individual countries
or regions change slowly, and the movements in these fractions over the
business cycle are relatively small (Chart 2). For example, China’s share
of U.S. imports rose to 19 percent from 6 percent over the 15-year period
from 1995 to 2010, though this figure changed by no more than about 4
percentage points during any single year, and typically much less.
One broad explanation is that this pattern of trade is determined by
factors that are permanent, or at least slow to change, as well as by factors that vary over the business cycle. A framework known as the “gravity
model” incorporates this idea to explain trade flows. Introduced in the
1960s, the gravity model of international trade takes its name from its similarity to the law of universal gravitation in physics and is known as one of
the strongest observed relationships in economics.2

Chart 1

U.S. Trade Collapses and Rebounds
Volume index, 2008:Q3 = 100

Trade may decline as


the distance between


two countries increases,




reflecting transportation


costs for goods.


















SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics; Bureau of Economic Analysis; Census Bureau.

Chart 2

Geographic Distribution of U.S. Imports Changes Slowly
U.S. imports (percent)











Rest of Asia






’10 ’11

Rest of Europe
Rest of the world

SOURCE: Census Bureau.

The simplest form of the gravity model relates trade flows between
two countries to their sizes—typically
measured by their GDPs—and some
measure of the distance between them.
The reasoning behind the relevance of

EconomicLetter 2


these factors is simple. A large destination country has a lot of income to
spend and so attracts imports, while a
large source country has a lot of goods
to sell, so it tends to export a lot. Trade
may decline as the distance between
two countries increases, reflecting
transportation costs for goods.
Charts 3 and 4 depict how trade
between pairs of countries is related to
the three factors of the gravity model—
the size of each of the two countries
and the distance between them. Here,
distance is measured as the great-circle
arc length between the capital cities
of the two nations. More generally,
including other measures of distance—
such as whether countries share a border, a language or a free-trade agreement—is economically relevant as well.
Chart data cover bilateral trade flows
among a set of 22 countries in the
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD).
Chart 3 confirms that bilateral
trade flows are positively related to
the importer’s size and the exporter’s
size: Larger countries export more and
import more than smaller countries.
Chart 4 shows how relative trade

Chart 3

Country Size Influences Bilateral Trade
A. Measuring Import Income

B. Counting Export Income

Bilateral trade (millions of U.S. dollars, logarithmic scale)

Bilateral trade (millions of U.S. dollars, logarithmic scale)

















Importer’s income (billions of U.S. dollars, logarithmic scale)



Exporter’s income (billions of U.S. dollars, logarithmic scale)



NOTES: Countries included are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S. Trade and GDP data are from 1993. Data are plotted for all pairs of these 22 countries.
SOURCE: Data on 22 OECD economies are from “Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle,” by James E. Anderson and Eric van Wincoop, American Economic Review, vol. 93, no. 1,
2003, pp. 170–92. Data available at

shares between different pairs of countries depend on relative distance. Each
point on the graph represents the fraction of a country’s exports to one destination relative to a second destination
country, plotted against the ratio of the
two distances involved. This relative
measure is meant to isolate the impact
of distance from that of country size,
and indeed, the downward-sloping
relationship in the chart suggests that
distance is a significant factor in determining relative trade shares.
Among the factors affecting trade
flows, the importance of distance is
likely to remain relatively fixed over
time, while the influence of country
size fluctuates over the business cycle
and contributes to trade-flow volatility.
In this way, the gravity model helps
explain why the pattern of relative
trade shares across countries is fairly
stable, as in Chart 2.
While the economic costs associated with distance—for example, shipping costs—vary over time, this has
less impact on relative trade than on
absolute levels of trade. As an example,

Chart 4

Assessing the Impact of Distance on Trade
Relative exports (exports from nation i to nation j /exports from nation i to nation k, logarithmic scale)







Relative distance (distance from nation i to nation j /distance from nation i to nation k, logarithmic scale)
NOTES: Countries included are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S. Trade and
GDP data are from 1993. Data are plotted for all pairs of country pairs.
SOURCE: Data on 22 OECD economies are from “Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle,” by James E.
Anderson and Eric van Wincoop, American Economic Review, vol. 93, no. 1, 2003, pp. 170–92. Data available at www2.


3 EconomicLetter

high oil prices raise the cost of sending container ships between China
and the U.S., so we may expect to see
U.S. imports from China fall. But at the
same time, the cost of shipping from
Germany to the U.S. rises as well, so
the fractions of total imports that come
from China and from Germany may
not change much.
The growth of any particular
bilateral trading relationship relative
to others is due to factors that change
slowly. For example, China’s economic reforms begun in the late 1970s
and 1980s led to greater openness to
international trade, and China’s accession to the World Trade Organization
in 2001 marked the beginning of its
growing importance for U.S. trade.
If the pattern of trade is so strongly related to permanent and slowmoving factors such as distance and
trade policy, why does overall trade as
a fraction of GDP vary so much over
the business cycle? That is, why do the
relative amounts the U.S. imports from
two different countries seem to behave
differently than the amount the U.S.
imports relative to what it buys from
Perhaps the factors that determine
whether a consumer or firm imports
a certain product from one country or
another are different from the factors
determining whether it is imported at
all rather than bought domestically. For
example, exchange rate movements
over the business cycle can change the
purchasing power of the U.S. dollar
and significantly alter the relative cost
of importing a good from anywhere
versus buying it domestically. At the
same time, the relative cost of importing from one country versus another
may not change much.
At present, though recovery from
the recession is proceeding at various
speeds in different parts of the world,
we shouldn’t expect drastic changes in
the geographic pattern of U.S. trade.
For example, for the past year, the
prices of goods the U.S. imports from
Canada are temporarily rising faster
than the prices of items from China.

But the opposite happened from mid2008 to early 2009, and the U.S.’s relative imports from these two countries
remained fairly stable. While one
country may gain a temporary advantage over another, it is costly to reallocate production between different locations. In the same way that permanent
barriers such as distance significantly
affect relative trade flows, so producers
should be willing to re­allocate production from one country to another only
when there are extremely persistent or
permanent changes to the relative benefits of doing so.

is published by the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed
are those of the authors and should not be attributed
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Economic Letter is available free of charge by
writing the Public Affairs Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX 752655906; by fax at 214-922-5268; or by telephone at
214-922-5254. This publication is available on the
Dallas Fed website,

Ramanarayanan is an assistant professor at the
University of Western Ontario.

The volatility of trade flows over the business

cycle has been mentioned in Economic Letter
previously, in “Trade, Globalization and the Financial Crisis,” by Mark A. Wynne and Erasmus K.
Kersting, vol. 4, no. 8, 2009; and “Durable Goods
and the Collapse of Global Trade,” by Jian Wang,
vol. 5, no. 2, 2010.

The gravity model as an empirical model was

first used by Jan Tinbergen in Shaping the World
Economy: Suggestions for an International
Economic Policy, New York: Twentieth Century
Fund, 1962. Originally gaining popularity because
of its success in explaining the pattern of trade in
the data, the gravity model was later shown to be
consistent with economic theories of international trade based on the costs and benefits
of trade between different countries. See, for
example, “Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the
Border Puzzle,” by James E. Anderson and Eric
van Wincoop, American Economic Review, vol.
93, no. 1, 2003, pp. 170–92; and “Technology,
Geography, and Trade,” by Jonathan Eaton and
Samuel Kortum, Econometrica, vol. 70, no. 5,
2002, pp. 1741–79.

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