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VOL. 9, NO. 4 • APRIL 2014­­


Central Bank Transparency
Anchors Inflation Expectations
by J. Scott Davis, Adrienne Mack and Mark A. Wynne

A high statistical
correlation can be
found between
the level of policy
transparency among
central banks and the
anchoring of inflation


entral banks in most developed countries, responding to
the financial crisis that began
in 2007, have pushed interest
rates to zero (or close to it) and embarked
on a range of unconventional monetary
measures. These policies have boosted
the size of the central banks’ balance
sheets to extraordinary levels, both in
absolute terms and as a share of gross
domestic product.
Such actions could have been expected to lead to significant increases in actual
and expected inflation. Yet to date, in most
of the countries that implemented these
policies, actual inflation remains close
to, if not below, central banks’ targets,
and inflation expectations remain well
The Federal Reserve’s rate-setting
Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) has greatly increased the
amount of communication about its
decisions over the last two decades.1
This major change was part of a broader
Fed move toward greater transparency.
Central banks have long realized the
importance of independence, transparency and credibility to successfully maintain low and stable inflation.
Students of central banking have
long maintained that greater policymaking transparency—desirable as part of
sustaining independent central bank

accountability—also yields significant
dividends in terms of the conduct of
monetary policy.
Specifically, it was argued that greater
transparency would increase central
bank credibility and help anchor inflation
expectations. Moreover, it allows a central
bank to take extraordinary measures in
certain circumstances without the public
fearing that policymakers had abandoned
their commitment to price stability. In
fact, a high statistical correlation can be
found between the level of policy transparency among central banks and the
anchoring of inflation expectations.

Central Bank Transparency
Researchers Nazire Nergiz Dincer and
Barry Eichengreen sought to quantify various aspects of central bank transparency
and combine them into a single index
that could be tracked over time.2 They
looked at five dimensions of transparency—political transparency, economic
transparency, procedural transparency,
policy transparency and operational
Political transparency involves how
open a central bank is about its policy
objectives. The researchers ask three
questions. First, is there a formal statement of the objective or objectives of
monetary policy? (In the case of the Fed,
the FOMC has a dual mandate for full

Economic Letter

Over the past 15
or so years, there
has been a general
movement toward
greater transparency,
according to a
review of the
measure for major
central banks and
for an average of
20 countries with
independent central

employment and price stability.) Second,
is the primary objective quantified?
And third, are there explicit institutional
arrangements between the central bank
and the government?
Regarding economic transparency,
three questions are also posed. First, are
economic data relevant for the conduct
of monetary policy publicly available?
Second, does the central bank disclose
the economic model or models that it
uses for policy analysis? And third, does
the central bank regularly publish its own
macroeconomic forecasts?
Procedural transparency, the third
dimension, involves how monetary
policy decisions are undertaken. Three
more questions are asked. First, does the
central bank provide an explicit policy
rule or strategy that describes its policy
framework? Second, does it give a comprehensive account of its deliberations
within a reasonable amount of time? And
third, does the central bank disclose how
it reached its rate-setting decision?
Policy transparency is the fourth
aspect of transparency that Dincer and
Eichengreen include in their index. Three
questions follow. Are decisions about the
adjustment to the main operating target
or instrument announced promptly?
Does the central bank provide an explanation of its decisions when it announces
them? And does the central bank disclose
an explicit policy inclination after every
policy meeting?
Operational transparency is the final



dimension—again, with three questions.
Does the central bank regularly evaluate
to what extent its main operating targets
have been achieved? Does the central
bank regularly provide information on
unanticipated macroeconomic disturbances that affect the policy transmission
process? And does the central bank offer
an evaluation of the policy outcome in
light of its macroeconomic forecasts?
Dincer and Eichengreen score the
answers to the questions with a 0, ½ or 1.
Summing the 15 scores, they arrive at an
aggregate index that ranges from 0 (least
transparent) to 15 (most transparent). For
2010, the Federal Reserve System scored
11, putting it in the top 10 central banks
in terms of transparency that year. The
European Central Bank also scored 11,
and the Sveriges Riksbank (central bank
of Sweden) took the top spot with a score
of 14.5. Among member countries of the
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD), Mexico rated
a 6, the lowest score of the group.
Over the past 15 or so years, there has
been a general movement toward greater
transparency, according to a review of the
Dincer–Eichengreen measure for major
central banks and for an average of 20
countries with independent central banks
(Chart 1). 3

Anchoring Inflation Expectations
The anchoring of inflation expectations refers to a change in what people
anticipate about inflation in some future

Central Banks Become Increasingly Transparent

Index of central bank transparency
Greater transparency

Euro zone
Average of
20 countries


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

SOURCE: “Central Bank Transparency and Independence: Updates and New Measures,” by Nazire Nergiz Dincer and Barry
Eichengreen, Bank of Korea Working Paper no. 2013-21, September 2013.


Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • April 2014

Economic Letter
period in response to temporary and/or
unexpected inflation today. Thus, if expectations are perfectly anchored, then beliefs
about future inflation shouldn’t change
following a temporary increase in prices—
for instance, following a sudden rise in oil
and gas prices. However, if they aren’t perfectly anchored, then even a temporary
shock to prices today can feed long-term
inflation expectations and affect price and
wage stability for years to come.4
Because expectations are not typically
observed, gauging how anchored they
are can be challenging. Some survey data
on inflation expectations do exist, and
market expectations can be inferred from
the yields on nominal and real (inflationadjusted) bonds. But these data are available for only a handful of countries.
An alternative measure of the extent
to which inflation expectations are
anchored may be constructed for a wide
range of developed and developing countries.5 It assesses how much people raise
their long-term expectations when actual
inflation is 1 percentage point higher
than anticipated. If there is no change in
inflation expectations following a surprise
increase in prices, then the index takes a
value of zero and inflation expectations
are perfectly anchored.
The average value of the “anchoring” index across the same 20 countries
depicted in Chart 1 is plotted for 1998–
2007 (Chart 2). The smaller the index
value is, the more anchored are inflation



For the average country in the sample,
there was a steady fall in this index over
the 10 years. In 1998, when actual core
inflation turned out to be 1 percentage
point higher than expected, people raised
their long-term inflation expectations
by 0.10 percentage points. By 2007, they
would raise long-term inflation expectations by only 0.02 percentage points following the same unexpected increase.

Aiding Monetary Policy
Has the move toward greater central
bank transparency helped anchor inflation expectations and made it easier to
realize monetary policy? For the average
country in the sample, inflation expectations became better anchored between
1998 and 2007, as indicated by the data
used in Charts 1 and 2.
The 1998–2007 average transparency
index value plotted against the average
value of the anchoring index for the 20
countries in the sample shows that countries with more transparent central banks
have more anchored inflation expectations (Chart 3). The inflation anchoring
index falls—meaning expectations are
more anchored—as the transparency
index rises.
Cross-country differences in central
bank transparency explain 44 percent
of the cross-country differences in inflation expectation anchoring, statistical
analysis shows. This finding is in line with
the results from other studies showing a
strong tie between central bank transpar-

An alternative
measure of the extent
to which inflation
expectations are
anchored may be
constructed for a wide
range of developed
and developing

Inflation Expectations Become More Anchored Over Time

Anchoring of inflation expectations

Greater anchoring












SOURCES: “Cross-Country Variation in the Anchoring of Inflation Expectations,” by Scott Davis and Adrienne Mack, Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas Staff Papers, no. 21, 2013.

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • April 2014


Economic Letter



Transparency Linked to Inflation Expectations
in Advanced Countries

Anchoring of inflation expectations

Greater anchoring

Greater transparency



See “Central Bank Transparency: Where, Why and
With What Effects?,” by Nazire Nergiz Dincer and Barry
Eichengreen, in Jean-Philippe Touffut, ed., Central Banks
as Economic Institutions, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar,
2008, pp. 105–41; “Central Bank Transparency: Causes,
Consequences and Updates,” by Nazire Nergiz Dincer and
Barry Eichengreen, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, vol. 11, no.
1, 2010; “Central Bank Transparency and Independence:
Updates and New Measures,” by Nazire Nergiz Dincer and
Barry Eichengreen, Bank of Korea Working Paper no. 201321, September 2013.
The 20 countries are Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands,
Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. The
transparency index for the euro zone is a gross domestic
product-weighted average of Eurosystem central banks in
1998 and a measure for the European Central Bank from
1999 onward.
See “Relating Commodity Prices to Underlying Inflation:
The Role of Expectations,” by J. Scott Davis, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Letter, vol. 6, no. 14, 2011,
and “Inflation Expectations Have Become More Anchored
Over Time,” by J. Scott Davis, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Letter, vol. 7, no. 13, 2012, for a discussion of
the role that inflation expectations play in the price-setting
process and how the 1970s temporary shocks to oil prices,
combined with unanchored inflation expectations, led to
years of high inflation.
See “Cross-Country Variation in the Anchoring of Inflation
Expectations,” by Scott Davis and Adrienne Mack, Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas Staff Papers, no. 21, 2013.
“Central Bank Independence and Transparency: Evolution
and Effectiveness,” by Christopher Crowe and Ellen E.
Meade, European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 24, no.
4, December 2008, pp. 763–77; and “Central Bank Transparency: Causes, Consequences and Updates,” by Nazire
Nergiz Dincer and Barry Eichengreen, Theoretical Inquiries
in Law, vol. 11, no. 1, 2010.



Index of central bank transparency



SOURCES: “Central Bank Transparency and Independence: Updates and New Measures,” by Nazire Nergiz Dincer and Barry
Eichengreen, Bank of Korea Working Paper no. 2013-21, September 2013; “Cross-Country Variation in the Anchoring of
Inflation Expectations,” by Scott Davis and Adrienne Mack, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Staff Papers, no. 21, 2013.

ency and reduced inflation and inflation

Policy Benefits
Over the past two decades, the
Federal Reserve System has become
much more transparent about how it formulates and conducts monetary policy.
Other central banks similarly changed
their practices over the period. One of the
main arguments for greater transparency
in policy deliberations is that it helps
anchor inflation expectations. The evidence supports this argument.
Among advanced countries, a review
shows a strong relationship between an
index of central bank transparency and
one measuring the anchoring of inflation
expectations. The fact that transparent


central banks such as the Federal Reserve
and the Bank of England can maintain
stable inflation expectations despite
extraordinary measures and an unprecedented amount of monetary easing over
the past five years is a testament to the
benefits of monetary policy transparency
and credibility.
Davis is a senior research economist, Mack
is a senior research analyst and Wynne is
an associate director of research and vice
president in the Research Department at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

See “A Short History of FOMC Communication,” by Mark
A. Wynne, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Economic Letter,
vol. 8, no. 8, 2013.

Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The
views expressed are those of the authors and should not
be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the
Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that the
source is credited and a copy is provided to the Research
Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed website,

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201

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