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Vol. 7, No. 11 • OCtOBER 2012­­


Bringing Banking to the Masses,
One Phone at a Time
by Janet Koech

The World Bank
predicts mobile
money could affect
the lives of more than
2 billion people in
developing countries
by 2020, paving the
way for a new era of
financial services.


ore than half of the world’s
adult population lacks access
to formal financial services.
The proportion is greater in
developing countries, where 64 percent
on average do not have bank accounts,
compared with 17 percent in developed
nations (Chart 1).1 Mobile communications technology is fast becoming a conduit of change. Cell phone subscriptions
have mushroomed to cover 75 percent of
the global population, enabling mobile
banking networks to sprout and reach the
unbanked, disproportionately in developing nations.
Access to financial services is considered essential for wealth creation. A banking relationship, for example, can improve
living standards and alleviate poverty by
lifting consumers’ purchasing power. It can
also benefit consumers through increased
security and reduced costs for financial
goods and services. Greater access to
credit helps small businesses by providing
a funding alternative to personal wealth or
internal resources.
In developing regions, formal financial institutions often rely on brick-andmortar branches that are geographically
concentrated in high-income areas such
as urban centers. Distance to banks and
their limited hours of operation discourage many in poor areas from opening
accounts. Moreover, poor households

may be unable to afford bank fees or
meet minimum-balance requirements.
They also may distrust financial institutions. A lack of appropriate products and
services for enterprises that are small
or in informal economic sectors further
hinders inclusion. As a result, large population segments operate exclusively on
a cash basis, outside the formal banking
Mobile technology is making possible
development of advanced financial systems capable of channeling funds to their
most productive use.

Avenue for Inclusion
The expansion of mobile communications systems holds much promise—
6 billion mobile phone subscriptions
were active in 2011, up from 719 million
in 2000. Most of that growth came in
developing nations (Chart 2), an advance
buoyed by inexpensive handsets and
prepaid airtime cards.
Residents of developing nations living
in cities frequently seek to send remittances to families and friends in rural
areas. As populations gain global mobility, demand also increases for cross-border cash transfer services.
Opportunities to innovate and use
technology to lower consumer costs have
grown along with economies of scale.
Mobile phones represent one of the larg-

Economic Letter
est distribution platforms to provide the
social and economic benefits of formal
financial services to the unbanked.2 An
estimated 1.7 billion people have cell
phones but no bank account. In Africa,
for example, cell phone subscriptions
outnumber bank accounts in many countries (Chart 3).

Reaching the Unbanked
With mobile banking—also known
as branchless banking—individuals
and firms can use their phones to make
deposits and withdrawals, transfer funds
and pay bills. The technology can bring
services to those with no previous banking relationship (the transformational
channel) or augment services offered to
existing customers (the additive channel).3 Mobile financial services are mainly
transformational in developing countries
and additive in developed ones.
To monitor the rapid expansion of
mobile-phone-based banking, the Global
System for Mobile Communications
Association established a tracking tool
that documents mobile-phone-related
services targeting unbanked populations.
There are currently 129 such mobile
banking efforts worldwide, with 91 more
planned in the near future.



Various institutional and business
models deliver mobile banking. Some
systems are offered by banks, others
by telecommunications providers and
still others by bank–telecommunications company partnerships. Regulatory
factors, which can differ dramatically
between countries, often determine institutional arrangements and services.

Kenya’s M-Pesa Model
Kenya’s system, locally known as
M-Pesa, is particularly illustrative. It was
launched by Vodafone affiliate Safaricom
in March 2007. M-Pesa (“M” for mobile,
“Pesa” for money in Swahili) allows customers to deposit and withdraw funds
using a mobile phone account. To access
the service, customers register with an
M-Pesa agent and are assigned an electronic money account linked to their
phone number and accessed through a
subscriber identity module (SIM) card—a
memory chip in the mobile phone.
Mobile phone service in Kenya and
in other developing regions is mostly
prepaid—a pay-as-you-go system in which
users purchase airtime from a large retail
network. Most sales agents function as
a kind of M-Pesa branch bank, taking in
and disbursing cash. Fuel stations, banks,

grocery stores, cooperatives, microfinance
institutions and courier services have
become agents. There are more than
27,900 outlets—far outnumbering Kenya’s
840 bank offices.4
M-Pesa is designed for easy adoption
by all population segments. Customer
registration requires only a governmentissued identification card. Account
holders can make deposits through any
registered M-Pesa agent—exchanging physical money for an electronic
credit, called e-float, and applying it to
a mobile-money account. E-float can be
transferred electronically to other users
by mobile phone and exchanged for cash
through an M-Pesa agent. It can also
be used to pay bills or purchase airtime
credit or stored and kept as savings. All
transactions are authorized and recorded
in real time using a secure messaging
system, and the electronic accounts are
backed by highly liquid deposits at commercial banks.
There are no costs to set up an
account, and M-Pesa customers enjoy
free deposits and no minimum-balance
requirement. Fees are charged only for
customer-initiated transactions, such as
money transfers or bill payments, plus
mobile airtime. Prices are based on a

Percentage of Households with Bank Accounts, 2011

Adults with an account at a
formal financial institution (%)





No data

SOURCE: Asli Demirgüç-Kunt and Leora F. Klapper, World Bank, April 2012.


Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • October 2012

Economic Letter


Service Challenges and Benefits
Developing Countries Overtake Developed Economies
as Global Mobile Phone Subscriptions Reach 6 Billion

Mobile phone subscriptions (billions)



Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants


developed countries
developing countries




Total: 719 million 2.2 billion

6 billion

















2010 2011*


SOURCE: International Telecommunication Union database.

tiered fee structure rather than a percentage of the transaction amount, making it
easier for customers to know the cost of
services used.
On the retail end of M-Pesa, agents
must maintain sufficient liquidity to
meet customer requests. M-Pesa relies
on a system of intermediaries between
agents and banks that provides liquidity
to the system, exchanging e-float for cash.
These middlemen have their own distribution networks and take on much of
the work of ferrying cash to agent outlets
around the country.
M-Pesa had more than 14 million
subscribers—about 59 percent of Kenya’s
adult population—as of April 2011 (Chart
4). The service also works through Western
Union for international remittances across
45 countries. Before M-Pesa, Kenyans had
limited access to money transfers.
Companies widely use the service
to pay salaries to employees who lack
conventional bank accounts. Through
M-Pesa’s partnerships with banks, customers can withdraw money from ATMs
as well as from M-Pesa retail outlets.
Many use the service as a savings tool,
although no interest is paid. Eighteen
months after the March 2007 implementation, survey data showed that 75
percent of users reported saving in their
M-Pesa account, with 21 percent say-

ing it was their most important savings
In 2010, M-Pesa partnered with Equity
Bank of Kenya to create an interest-paying mobile bank account called M-Kesho
that is integrated into the M-Pesa interface on customers’ phones. Users can
transfer funds between accounts and may
access other resources such as microcredit and insurance services that are
offered by traditional banks and financial



M-Pesa has experienced its share
of challenges. A survey targeting early
adopters noted slow service during peak
times and occasional service interruptions from network and server difficulties
and power outages.6 Additional problems
cited include errant transmissions due
to user error inputting recipient phone
numbers and inconveniences related to
liquidity management by agents. Six percent of users reported delays associated
with agents running short of cash. Still,
satisfaction surveys indicate customers
value M-Pesa services compared with
other money transfer alternatives.7
Economists Isaac Mbiti and David
Weil found that increased M-Pesa adoption leads to greater bank use, implying
that M-Pesa is used as a complementary
financial tool and not as a substitute
for the formal banking system.8 The
researchers also observed less tendency
to use informal savings mechanisms. The
cash transfer service prompted a surge
in remittances and has boosted farm
The World Bank reports that the correlation between financial access and
economic development is positive but
weak; economists warn of limits to poverty reduction arising from increased
financial access alone.9 An effective and
inclusive financial system is a necessary,
but not a sufficient, requirement for economic development.

Cell Phone Subscriptions Outpace Bank Accounts Across Africa

South Africa

Share of adults with an account
at a financial institution


Mobile phone subscriptions per 100 people








NOTES: A mobile phone penetration rate above 100 implies multiple phone subscriptions to an individual entity.
SOURCES: World Bank Global Financial Inclusion database; International Telecommunication Union (2011 data).

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • October 2012


Economic Letter




Number of customers (millions)

Number of retail agents (thousands)






M-Pesa account holders





M-Pesa retail agents










Factors hindering faster adoption of
mobile payment services in other countries include uncertainties about the pace
and scale of customer adoption. Most
systems require high transaction volumes
to be viable. Policy regimes may be insufficiently open to allow a range of models
to start up and develop. Kenya’s rapid
acceptance of M-banking is attributed to
the system’s simplicity and a supportive
regulatory environment. Similar mobilebanking successes include GCash and
Smart Money in the Philippines, Wizzit in
South Africa and M-Paisa in Afghanistan.

of robust financial services, the need for
efficient payment methods has contributed to M-banking’s appeal. The use of
mobile phones as a channel for delivering
financial services offers an enticing development opportunity with the capacity to
boost the purchasing power of unbanked
households. The World Bank predicts
mobile money could affect the lives of
more than 2 billion people in developing countries by 2020, paving the way for
a new era of financial services in which
banking will no longer be the domain of a
small upper class.

A Game Changer

Koech is an assistant economist in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas.


See “M-Pesa: A Case Study of the Critical Early Adopters’
Role in the Rapid Adoption of Mobile Money Banking in
Kenya,” by Benjamin Ngugi, Matthew Pelowski and Javier
Gordon Ogembo, Electronic Journal of Information Systems
in Developing Countries, vol. 43, 2010.
See note 5.
See “Mobile Banking: The Impact of M-Pesa in Kenya,” by
Isaac Mbiti and David N. Weil, National Bureau of Economic
Research, NBER Working Paper no. 17129, June 2011.
See “Access to Finance and Development: Theory and
Measurement,” in Finance for All? Policies and Pitfalls in
Expanding Access, by Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, Thorsten Beck
and Patrick Honohan, Washington, D.C.: World Bank,
November 2007, pp. 21–53.

SOURCE: Kenya’s Safaricom database.

In developing countries with a high
mobile-phone penetration rate but a lack

See “Access to Financial Services and the Financial Inclusion Agenda Around the World: A Cross-Country Analysis
with a New Data Set,” by Oya Pinar Ardic, Maximilien
Heimann and Nataliya Mylenko, Policy Research Working
Paper no. 5537, World Bank, January 2011.
See “A Research Agenda for Applying Mobile 2.0 Solutions for Base-of-the-Pyramid User Communities,” by Tim
Kelly, Teleuse@BOP3 Working Paper, LIRNEasia, October
See “The Enabling Environment for Mobile Banking in
Africa,” by David Porteous, Bankable Frontier Associates,
May 2006.
See “Out of Thin Air: The Behind-the-Scenes Logistics of
Kenya’s Mobile-Money Miracle,” The Economist, June 10,
See “Mobile Money: The Economics of M-Pesa,” by
William Jack and Tavneet Suri, National Bureau of Economic
Research, NBER Working Paper no. 16721, January 2011.

Kenya’s M-Pesa Customer and Agent Bases Growing

Economic Letter

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Federal Reserve System.
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Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
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