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VOL. 12, NO. 15 • DECEMBER 2017


Brexit Through the Gift Shop:
No Refunds
by Michael Sposi and Kelvinder Virdi


ABSTRACT: The effects of
Brexit through higher barriers
to trade could cost British
households the equivalent of
428 British pounds annually or
$580 in 2016 prices. Effects
across the rest of the EU
would vary, but countries
that trade extensively with
the United Kingdom, such
as Ireland, stand to incur the
greatest losses.


ritain voted to leave the
European Union (EU) on June
23, 2016, setting the stage for
the government to notify the
EU of its intention to withdraw from
the trade bloc by March 2019. While
British voters were optimistic that greater
protectionism would provide a gift of
improved economic well-being, theory
suggests otherwise.
Brexit, the common term for the
United Kingdom’s departure from the
EU, will likely significantly affect trade,
foreign direct investment and immigration between Britain and much of the
While Brexit will result in new policies, trade is likely to be among the most
apparent changes, with the possibility of
new barriers affecting economic activity
and welfare. The U.K.’s negotiation with
the EU and affiliated countries regarding
new trade rules will determine Brexit’s
economic ramifications. As an EU member, the U.K. has access to the European
Single Market and largely duty-free trade.
If officials cannot reach an agreement
with the EU by March, they may have to
fall back on the tariffs and quotas set by
the World Trade Organization (WTO)—a
scenario often referred to as “hard”
Assuming that the U.K. leaves the EU

and a new regime of tariffs follows, higher
trade costs could mean the average U.K.
household will incur an added expense
of about 428 pounds or $580 in 2016
prices, analysis suggests. In aggregate, the
EU will experience much milder overall
effects that equate to a 0.10 percent loss
in welfare. Non-EU members will not be
meaningfully affected.
Even if the U.K. and the EU enter a
free-trade agreement in the future, Brexit
will impose short-run losses.

EU Specialization, Trade
The U.K. and EU are a highly integrated goods market. A total of 46 percent
of U.K. trade is with other EU countries;
conversely, the U.K. accounts for 12 percent of EU trade. Imposition of higher
tariffs would be strongly felt in the U.K.
and to a varying degree among other EU
The tariff change would immediately raise consumer prices as well as
the prices firms pay for intermediate
inputs. Additionally, investment goods
such as machines and equipment, which
are highly traded, would become more
The allocation of factors of production—including capital and labor—across
sectors and countries would be disrupted. Absent tariffs, countries generally spe-

Economic Letter

U.K. imports from
the EU decline by
11 percent of gross
domestic product
(GDP), and U.K. total
factor productivity
(output per unit of
capital and labor
employed) falls 0.6

cialize in producing and exporting goods
for which they have comparative advantage—electronic equipment in Germany
or pharmaceutical products in Ireland,
for example. Distortions introduced by
tariffs can reduce international competitiveness and negatively affect aggregate
Less-traded service activity would
not be immune to higher tariffs on goods
because of linkages between goods- and
service-producing sectors. Service firms’
global spending on material inputs
amounted to 31 percent of total expenditures on intermediate inputs, based on
2014 data from the World Input-Output
Database.2 Additionally, the goods sector
accounts for 13 percent of global servicesector sales. Thus, declining goods
production would translate into weaker
demand for services.

Macroeconomic Effects
To assess the impact of the hard Brexit
scenario, it’s assumed that tariffs between
the U.K. and the EU increase to WTO-set
levels—the cost of the U.K.’s imports from
EU countries would, on average, rise 3.58
percent, while the cost of U.K. exports to
the EU would increase 2.12 percent.
Nontariff barriers—quotas and regulations—are generally agreed to be larger
than direct tariff barriers. Estimates sug-



gest that nontariff barriers would rise by
a tariff-equivalent amount of 6.53 percent
for U.K. imports from the EU and by 5.21
percent for U.K. exports to the EU.3
This calculation assumes all other
policies are kept in place, such as
those governing migration and foreign
investment, allowing isolation of Brexitinduced trade policy impact on the economy. A model developed in part by one
of this article’s authors takes into account
bilateral trade flows between each of
the EU countries, including the U.K. and
other countries.4 The model depicts how
investment prices and consumer prices
respond, as well as the linkages between
various economic sectors.
The model’s implications are generally consistent with expectations. As soon
as the higher tariffs take effect, prices of
imports increase, thereby deteriorating
real (inflation-adjusted) wages. Upon
impact, real income in the U.K. falls by
0.5 percent as the wage rate declines relative to the consumer price level (Chart 1).
Furthermore, some of the goods the
U.K. previously imported would be produced domestically by less-efficient firms.
For instance, U.K. imports from the EU
decline by 11 percent of gross domestic
product (GDP), and U.K. total factor productivity (output per unit of capital and
labor employed) falls 0.6 percent.

Model Anticipates Falling U.K. Consumption Following Brexit





Real income








Years after Brexit


NOTE: Brexit occurs at year 0. Values are indexed to 100 in the year before Brexit.
SOURCES: World Input-Output Database 2016; Penn World Trade Tables 9.0; authors’ calculations.


Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2017



Economic Letter
Reduced real income leads to lower
consumption and investment. However,
the decline in investment would likely
exceed the decline in consumption
because, as in almost every country, the
investment purchases contain a large
share of traded components such as
machinery. Conversely, consumption
purchases contain relatively more nontraded items, such as health care.
As a result, the stock of capital in
succeeding years declines, lowering the
economy’s productive capacity for years
to come. Further shrinking of real income
occurs and, in turn, prompts additional
declines in consumption and investment.
Eventually, the model economy settles
into a stationary state with permanently
lower real income, consumption and
The U.K.’s ratio of net exports to
GDP increases with Brexit, not because
of higher exports, but because of lower
imports due to higher import prices
(Chart 2). Over time, as production
declines, U.K. exports gradually fall so
that, over the long run, the trade deficit is
permanently larger—0.9 percent of GDP
versus 0.8 percent before Brexit.

Implications for Welfare
Summarizing all of these effects in
terms of their total impact on well-being,
or welfare, is challenging. To evaluate
welfare, economists typically focus on
consumption. That is, investment and net
exports constitute national saving, which
is effectively a means of transferring consumption over different points in time.
A welfare function evaluates the net
present value of a particular stream of
consumption over time. Changes in
welfare are computed by comparing the
consumption status quo against a counterfactual—in this case, consumption as
predicted by the model following Brexit.
In this context, it’s helpful to consider
consumers’ welfare function in terms
outlined by Nobel Prize-winning economist, Robert E. Lucas.5 First, consumers
tend to place a premium on current consumption relative to future consumption.
Typically, economists apply a value of
0.96 to annual data, so 100 units of consumption one year from now are worth
only 96 units of consumption today.
Second, consumers tend to prefer smooth



U.K.’s Net Exports Slip After Peaking as Brexit Takes Hold

Percent of GDP

Net exports as a percent of GDP






Years after Brexit




NOTE: Brexit occurs at year 0. Values are indexed to 100 in the year before Brexit.
SOURCES: World Input-Output Database 2016; Penn World Trade Tables 9.0; authors’ calculations.



Brexit Affects the U.K., Ireland More than Most EU Countries

Percent of
welfare change




NOTES: The map reports changes in welfare for EU members only. Countries that are not part of the EU are in gray.
SOURCES: World Input-Output Database 2016; Penn World Trade Tables 9.0; authors’ calculations.

paths of consumption to paths exhibiting
large year-to-year swings.
Applying the welfare function to the
Brexit-induced path of consumption in
the model, the welfare effect on the U.K.
is equivalent to a permanent decline in
per capita consumption of 0.7 percent.
Equivalently, we say that the welfare cost
of Brexit to the U.K. is 0.7 percent. This
amounts to about 428 British pounds

(equal to $580) worth of consumption per
household annually in 2016 prices.

Impacts Close to Home
The welfare costs of Brexit are larger
for the U.K. than elsewhere in the EU,
except for Ireland (see map). The U.K.
would face increased trade barriers with
all 26 other EU members, while each EU
member would face higher trade barriers

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • December 2017


Economic Letter





Percent change in welfare

United Kingdom


European Union (excluding United Kingdom)*








Non-European Union*




*Welfare for aggregates is computed by summing across members of the aggregate.
SOURCE: World Input-Output Database 2016; Penn World Trade Tables 9.0; authors’ calculations.

with only the U.K. However, the impact
isn’t the same throughout.
For instance, Ireland, the biggest
Brexit loser, stands to experience a welfare decline of almost 1 percent because
of extensive trade ties, which account for
31.5 percent of Ireland’s GDP.6 On the
other hand, Croatia is the EU country that
is least affected by Brexit; Croatia’s trade
with the U.K. accounts for only 2.2 percent of Croatia’s GDP.7
The effect on welfare for the entire EU
is mild; the welfare cost is -0.1 percent
(Table 1). Finland, which represents the
median EU country in terms of changes
in welfare, stands to lose just less than 0.1
Non-EU countries are mostly immune
to Brexit developments, although there
are some exceptions, such as Norway.
Because Norway is not part of the EU,
tariffs on its imports and exports do not


“Soft” Brexit is less well-defined but is widely believed to
imply a free-trade agreement between the U.K. and the EU.
See “An Illustrated User Guide to the World Input-Output
Database,” by Marcel P. Timmer, Erik Dietzenbacher, Bart
Los, Robert Stehrer, and Gaaitzen J. de Vries, Review of
International Economics, 2015, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 398–411.
For tariffs corresponding to a hard Brexit, see “Brexit and
the Macroeconomic Impact of Trade Policy Uncertainty,”
by Joseph Steinberg, University of Toronto, Working Paper,
2017. For measures of nontariff barriers in the EU, see
“Non-Tariff Measures in EU–U.S. Trade and Investment:
An Economic Analysis,” by Joseph Francois, Koen Berden,
Saara Tamminen, Martin Thelle and Paul Wymenga, 2013,
IIDE Discussion Paper 20090806, Institute for International
and Development Economics.
See “Capital Accumulation and Dynamic Gains from

Brexit Effects Vary Among Countries

change. Instead, as a result of geography,
some trade that formerly would occur
between the EU and the U.K. will likely
be diverted to Norway. For instance,
Norway’s trade with the EU, including
the U.K., could increase by 0.1 percent. In
turn, Norway could realize a 0.1 percent
welfare increase.
Overall, economic consequences
of Brexit will accrue over many years,
although most of its effects will be realized in the short run. The U.K. stands
to lose just over 0.7 percent in terms
of welfare. Effects on the rest of the EU
would likely be mild, with the exception
of Ireland, which could lose close to 1
percent in welfare.

Trade,” by B. Ravikumar, Ana Maria Santacreu and Michael
Sposi, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Globalization and
Monetary Policy Institute Working Paper no. 296, Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2017.
See “Macroeconomic Priorities,” by Robert E. Lucas Jr.,
American Economic Review, 2003, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 1–14.
Trade between Ireland and the U.K. accounts for 15.1
percent of Ireland’s total trade.
Trade between Croatia and the U.K. accounts for 2.3
percent of Croatia’s total trade.

Sposi is a research economist and Virdi is
a senior research analyst in the Research
Department at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.

Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
The views expressed are those of the authors and
should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed

Marc P. Giannoni, Senior Vice President and Director of Research
Jim Dolmas, Executive Editor
Michael Weiss, Editor
Dianne Tunnell, Associate Editor
Ellah Piña, Graphic Designer

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201