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VOL. 12, NO. 7 • JUNE 2017


Bank Asset Concentration
Not Necessarily Cause for Worry
by Ricardo T. Fernholz and Christoffer Koch


ABSTRACT: U.S. banking
assets have become
substantially more
concentrated within a few
large institutions. However,
decreasing relative rates
of big-bank growth and of
idiosyncratic volatility—an
indicator of individual bank
susceptibility to shocks and
a resulting redistribution of
assets—suggest a reduction in
systemic financial system risk
through contagion.


oday, the top 1 percent of
U.S. bank holding companies
control more than 60 percent
of banking system assets. Two
decades ago, the share was half that, raising the question of whether policymakers and the public should be concerned
about the increase in asset concentration
(Chart 1).
The global financial crisis of 2008–09
was about the common systemic risk
accumulated on the balance sheets of
the largest U.S. banks via their common
exposure to asset-backed securities
involving the U.S. housing market. This
analysis considers another potential
source of financial instability: entityspecific, idiosyncratic risk.
In the past, single-entity failures such
as Continental Illinois National Bank and
Trust Co. in 1984 or the near-collapse
of the Long-Term Capital Management
hedge fund in 1998 raised concerns
about the contagion of idiosyncratic
shocks and triggered policy responses.
This analysis examines idiosyncratic
volatility’s role in shaping the bank size
distribution and in increasing the risk of
contagion from one entity to the other
through exposure networks.
Recent academic and policy debates
about “too big to fail”—the notion that
some financial institutions are so large

that their failure would cause severe
financial market dislocation—suggest
that a review of the patterns underlying
rising U.S. banking asset concentration
over the decades could be useful.

Influential Entities
Empirical distributions with many
small observations and a few extremely
large observations are known as power
laws. Power laws have been shown to characterize phenomena in both the social and
natural sciences, including the distribution
of wealth, firm sizes, city sizes, the popularity of websites and even the frequency of
word use in English and other languages.
A novel, for example, may contain
10,000 unique words, with most occurring
just a few times but a few—words such as
“and,” “the” and “to”—appearing hundreds
or even thousands of times in the book.
Analogously, based on the collection and
size of assets a bank holds (with bank
assets playing the role of word frequency),
the largest bank holding companies are
the “and,” “the” and “to” of the bank size
distribution. That means a handful of large
entities and their behavior are particularly
important for the banking system as a
U.S. bank asset concentration is shaped
by two statistical factors based on the relative size of individual institutions.

Economic Letter


Total Share of Banking Assets
for Top 10 and Other Large Bank Holding Companies



Entity-specific shocks
that might endanger
the financial system
through contagion
have decreased.

Top 10 bank holding companies


Top 11-100 bank holding companies


’86 ’88 ’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00 ’02 ’04 ’06 ’08 ’10 ’12 ’14 ’16

NOTE: Data reflect assets as of June each year.
SOURCES: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Coucil; authors’ calculations.

One factor arises from the degree to
which larger banks grow more slowly
than smaller banks, and smaller banks
grow more rapidly than larger ones—
a phenomenon known as the rate of
cross-sectional mean reversion. Stronger
cross-sectional mean reversion indicates
a lesser concentration of assets in the
largest institutions.
The other factor is idiosyncratic
volatility; that is, individual banks’ susceptibility to shocks specific to them. A
higher degree of idiosyncratic volatility
disperses the asset distribution among
banks and leads to a greater concentration of assets in the biggest banks.
A key finding of an analysis based on
these two factors is that as one source of
systemic risk (asset concentration) has
risen, another source of systemic risk
via contagion (shocks specific to bankholding companies) has fallen. That
means entity-specific shocks that might
endanger the financial system through
contagion have decreased.
However, a fall in idiosyncratic
shocks is consistent with a greater potential of systemic risk stemming from common responses to aggregate shocks. For
example, a large number of banks might
hold similar types of asset-backed securities and be exposed to the same macroeconomic risks, as is the case with mortgage-backed securities and exposure to
national housing market risk. This would


lead to common movement in response
to aggregate shocks.

Banking Sector Concentration
U.S. banking sector concentration has
substantially increased in recent decades.
The number of banks has shrunk in the last
half-century, from a peak of around 14,000
commercial institutions in the 1960s to
about 5,400 today. Indeed, apart from savings and loans acquiring broader charters
as banks, the number of commercial banks
entering the market since the financial crisis can be counted on one hand.1
Not only has the number of banks fallen, the concentration of total bank assets
at the largest financial institutions has
substantially increased. The top 1 percent
of bank holding companies account for
more than 60 percent of all banking system
Banking assets in the U.S. have become
increasingly concentrated in the 10 largest bank holding companies (Chart 1).
Meanwhile, the total assets of the nextlargest bank holding companies—the 11thto 100th-largest companies—have declined
from half of total assets during the 1980s to
roughly one-quarter during the 2000s.

Driving Consolidation
Chart 2 shows two stylized bank asset
distributions. Both have the same mean—
that is, the average size of a bank drawn
from both distributions is the same. But

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • June 2017

Economic Letter
the orange distribution is substantially
more concentrated in the upper tail—more
banking assets are held in a few large institutions. The blue distribution is less concentrated at the top.
How do distributions, such as bank
asset concentrations, transition from the
blue to the orange depiction?2
One way is through permanent changes in cross-sectional mean reversion, operating via the natural tendency of the largest
institutions to grow slower than the rest of
the bank population on average over time.
Another way is through permanent changes in idiosyncratic volatility. All else equal,
greater idiosyncratic volatility broadens
the size distribution and propels individual
institutions away from the middle.
Changes in the concentration of
U.S. bank assets are summarized by this
Bank asset concentration =
(Idiosyncratic volatility of bank assets)/
(Cross-sectional mean reversion of bank
How have the two factors, cross-sectional mean reversion and idiosyncratic
volatility, changed and what can we learn
from such changes?

Declining Idiosyncratic Volatility
Idiosyncratic asset volatility measures the intensity of shocks specific to
bank holding companies. These shocks
include unanticipated changes to bank
liabilities, sudden changes in loan
demand, defaults on assets or other factors that are specific to individual entities
and do not affect all bank holding companies at the same time.
The size-specific volatility of U.S.
bank holding companies has evolved
since the mid-1980s (Chart 3). The size
rank of the 500 biggest bank holding
companies from largest to smallest is
depicted along the horizontal axis; the
magnitude of idiosyncratic volatility (in
terms of standard deviation) is shown on
the vertical axis.
The blue line depicts 1986 to 1998,
a period of lesser asset concentration,
and shows that idiosyncratic volatility is
particularly high for medium-size bank
holding companies.
The orange line depicts the largest
500 bank holding companies for 1998 to
2016. Volatility for 1998 to 2014 not only



Two Factors Shaping the Distribution

Number of banks
Cross-sectional mean reversion

Less-concentrated size distribution


Smallest banks

More-concentrated size distribution

Total assets per bank

Biggest banks

NOTE: Without entry and exit, larger entities must grow at a slower rate than smaller ones to maintain cross-sectional
stability. Cross-sectional mean reversion captures the intensity of this natural and necessary growth-rate differential
between small and large entities.
SOURCE: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



Bank Idiosyncratic Volatility Declining

Standard deviation




More volatility





Size rank by total bank assets




SOURCES: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; authors’ calculations.

seems to drop throughout the bank size
distribution, but also appears to be more
uniform across all banks. One interpretation of this drop in idiosyncratic volatility
for all bank holding companies is that
aggregate shocks to banks of all sizes
have become more common and the
institutions have responded similarly.

Slower Relative Growth
Surprisingly, the change in idiosyncratic volatility displayed in Chart 3
would result in a less-concentrated bank
asset distribution. That has not been the

case; assets at the biggest bank holding
companies increased.
Normally, an increase in asset concentration at the top institutions is
caused by idiosyncratic volatility and
decreased reversion at the same time.
The decreased idiosyncratic asset volatility implies that cross-sectional mean
reversion must have decreased, too, or
bank assets would not have become
further concentrated. This is, indeed,
the case. In the periods before and after
1998, reversion rates are negative; that is,
the largest entities grew slower relative to

Economic Letter • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas • June 2017


Economic Letter

the growth rate of overall banking assets
in the economy (Chart 4).3
More negative values indicate a
greater intensity of mean reversion. The
blue line, for the earlier period, 1986 to
1998, shows that reversion to the mean
was strong in the period. Indeed, lessening cross-sectional mean reversion from
1998 to 2016, illustrated by the orange
line, more than offset declining idiosyncratic volatility and led to a rise in bank
holding company asset concentration.

Future Concentration
Our estimates suggest that the distribution of bank assets is stable—idiosyncratic volatility and cross-sectional mean
reversion for each bank size rank have

stabilized in recent years. Unless policy
or the economy substantially alters those
factors, U.S. bank asset concentration
should not increase in the future.
Thus, while one source of systemic
risk—bank asset concentration in a few
large institutions—has increased, another source of systemic risk through contagion—shocks specific to bank holding
companies—has declined. This suggests
that a more concentrated banking sector
does not necessarily result in a riskier
banking sector.
However, these estimates do not
speak to other sources of systemic risk.
Shocks common to all banks—nonidiosyncratic shocks—might or might not
have increased.

Policymakers need to remain alert
about common risk factors, which were
not captured in this analysis because
they affect all institutions similarly and
do not have implications for cross-sectional bank asset distribution. Common
risk factors include derivatives (such as
credit default swaps) and asset-backed
securities, products that triggered the
2008 financial market meltdown.
Fernholz is associate professor at Claremont McKenna College and Koch is a
senior research economist in the Research
Department at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.

See “Too Small to Succeed? Community Banks in a
New Regulatory Environment,” by Preston Ash, Christoffer Koch and Thomas F. Siems, Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, Financial Insights, vol. 4, no. 4, 2015.
For technical details and methods see, “Nonparametric
Methods and Local-Time-Based Estimation for Dynamic
Power Law Distributions,” by Ricardo T. Fernholz,
Journal of Applied Econometrics (forthcoming); “Why
Are Big Banks Getting Bigger?” by Fernholz and Koch,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Working Paper no. 1604,
2016; and “Big Banks, Idiosyncratic Volatility, and Systemic Risk,” by Fernholz and Koch, American Economic
Review, vol. 107, no. 5, 2017.
Note that cross-sectional reversion rates here are negative throughout because of entry into the top 500 banks
from below. See note 2, “Why Are Big Banks Getting



Cross-Sectional Mean Reversion Decreases





More mean reversion








Size rank by total bank assets




SOURCES: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council; authors’ calculations.


Economic Letter

is published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
The views expressed are those of the authors and
should not be attributed to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas or the Federal Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas.
Economic Letter is available on the Dallas Fed

Mine Yücel, Senior Vice President and Director of Research
Jim Dolmas, Executive Editor
Michael Weiss, Editor
Kathy Thacker, Associate Editor
Ellah Piña, Graphic Designer

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 N. Pearl St., Dallas, TX 75201