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Vol. 5, No. 1
January 2010­­

Insights from the

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

A Historical Look at the Labor Market
During Recessions
by Enrique Martínez-García and Janet Koech

The labor market

Turmoil in housing, credit and financial markets plunged the U.S.

during this recession

economy into a recession that has taken a heavy toll on the labor market. The

is shaping up as

weakness that began during the second half of 2007 gravely worsened dur-

the worst since the

ing a period of extreme financial stress in 2008, and the labor market has yet

Great Depression—

to recover.

though it’s a long

The unemployment rate surged to 10.1 percent in October 2009, the

way from the

first double-digit reading in 26 years, and it held at 10 percent in November and

depths of the 1930s.

December. The rate has increased 5 percentage points since the recession’s start
in December 2007, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Nonfarm
payrolls declined by 85,000 jobs in December, exceeding analyst expectations,
though November figures were revised to a gain of 4,000 jobs. Thus far, nonfarm
employment losses during this recession total 7.2 million.

To put the recession’s labormarket impact into perspective,
we compare the past two years
to previous downturns, including
the Great Depression. We also
examine the data commonly used
to assess labor market conditions.
While unemployment rates and
nonfarm payroll losses are widely
reported, a firm grasp of what they
measure is critical to understanding
what they tell us about the current
state of the labor market.
Unemployment Scenarios
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) determines
when U.S. recessions officially start
and end. Its business-cycle dating
work shows that the nation has
been through 10 recessions since
the one in 1948, not counting the
current episode.1 These slumps
went from peak to trough in 10
months on average, while employment declines lasted an average of
12 months.
The past episodes, however,
are anything but uniform. The lon-

gest recessions started in November
1973 and July 1981, each lasting 16
months. By contrast, recessions that
began in July 1990 and March 2001
lasted only eight months but were
followed by so-called jobless recoveries—prolonged periods of slow
employment growth after gross
domestic product starts to rebound.
The current recession will
almost surely be the longest of the
post-World War II era, although
the official end date has yet to be
determined. The only way it would
not exceed the 16-month duration
of the 1973 and 1981 recessions
is if the NBER concludes that the
current recession ended in April
2009 or earlier. To compare current
and past recessions, we created
scenarios by plotting the recent
evolution of the unemployment
rate against all post-World War II
downturns. We used the rate prior
to the current episode—4.7 percent
in November 2007—as the common starting point.2
We find that the current recession’s unemployment rate rose

Chart 1

Unemployment Rate Rising Faster
than in Any Post-World War II Recession
Average of all post-WWII recessions
1973 recession
1981 recession
1990 recession
2001 recession
Current recession












NOTE: Shaded area represents upper and lower bounds of historical scenarios for all post-World War II recessions.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Population Survey; authors’ calculations.

EconomicLetter 2

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swiftly by historical standards
(Chart 1). By December 2008, it
had already surpassed the average
of all post-World War II recessions—and it continued climbing
through 2009.
Looking at the evolution of
the unemployment rate in depth
and length, the 1973 and 1981
recessions are most similar to the
current recession. The 1973 scenario warns us that unemployment
could remain elevated for a long
time. The 1981 scenario offers a
more optimistic outlook, with a
rather quick employment recovery and return to prerecession
unemployment levels less than
three years after the start of the
The jobless recoveries that followed the recessions of 1990 and
2001 suggest a bleak medium-term
employment picture. Both recessions were rather mild in the short
term, with small increases in the
unemployment rate over the first
year, but their effects lingered and
kept unemployment above prerecession levels long afterward.
Unlike the 1973 and 1981 episodes, the 1990 and 2001 experiences became closer to the postWorld War II average over time.
Total civilian employment
during the current recession also
shows the stresses under which
the labor market has operated. The
percent decline in civilian employment wasn’t much different from
previous recessions until October
2008, when it began to deteriorate
rapidly, falling outside the his-1012
torical range within a few months
(Chart 2). This coincided with the
onset of financial market turmoil,
which shook the economy and led
employment to weaken further.
Civilian employment is still
declining, 24 months from the start
of the current recession. By contrast, employment losses in past
recessions tended to stabilize after
six months and show tentative

signs of recovery after one year.
The acceleration in employment losses after October 2008
isn’t matched by a rise in the
unemployment rate. This discrepancy can be partly attributed to
workers leaving the labor force.
The current recession, in fact,
differs from previous episodes in
the evolution of the civilian labor
force. While the 1973 and 1981
recessions saw significant labor
force growth, the 1990 and 2001
episodes had meager increases. In
the current recession, the civilian
labor force moved between those
experiences until October 2008
(Chart 3). From then on, the labor
force continued on a somewhat
unusual path of minimal growth
that dipped below the historical
range two months later and stayed
there every month except May 2009.
In the last few months of 2009, the
civilian labor force fell noticeably
below its level at the start of the
recession in December 2007.
Nonfarm Payroll Losses
To assess aggregate labor market conditions, analysts and policy­
makers often look beyond the
unemployment rate, civilian employment and labor force numbers,
all of which come from the BLS’
Current Population Survey (CPS).
The BLS produces another
monthly employment series with
different definitions of employment
and different survey and estimation methodologies. The Current
Employment Statistics (CES) survey is derived from a sampling
of business establishments and is
the source of the widely reported
nonfarm payroll numbers. The CES
survey counts jobs—the number
of workers on payrolls—while the
CPS counts individuals working.
Both surveys have their
strengths and weaknesses. The
CPS provides a broader picture of
nonfarm employment because it
includes the unincorporated self-

Chart 2

Civilian Employment Falling Steeply
in Current Recession

October 2008


Average of all post-WWII recessions
1973 recession


1981 recession


1990 recession
2001 recession
Current recession










9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Months after start of recession

21 22 23 24

NOTE: Shaded area represents upper and lower bounds of all post-World War II recessions.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Population Survey; authors’ calculations.

Chart 3

Civilian Labor Force Growth Slowing
in Current Recession

October 2008
Average of all post-WWII recessions
1973 recession
1981 recession
1990 recession



2001 recession
Current recession













9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Months after start of recession

NOTE: Shaded area represents upper and lower bounds of all post-World War II recessions.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Population Survey; authors’ calculations.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

3 EconomicLetter

21 22 23 24

Structural shifts in the
labor force give rise
to different growth
patterns in nonfarm
payroll employment.

employed, unpaid family workers,
private household employees and
workers absent without pay. It
may even partly capture off-thebooks employment not reported
in the CES. However, the CPS
employment classification is based
on interviewees’ descriptions of
their jobs and doesn’t always agree
with employers’ reporting in the
CES (see Box 1, page 6).
Analysts often view the CES
as a better gauge of cyclical movements in employment by sector
because of its higher sampling
ratio. However, it’s subject to
double counting because it may
include persons with more than
one job or those who change
jobs in a given payroll period. In
the end, the CES nonfarm payroll
numbers aren’t always easy to
reconcile with the CPS household
data (see Box 2, page 7).
To achieve a clearer comparison of CES nonfarm employment
in past and current recessions, we
account for an important struc-

Chart 4

After October 2008, Nonfarm Payroll Losses
Surpass Pre-1970 Average

October 2008


Average of all
pre-1970 recessions


Current recession










9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Months after start of recession

21 22 23 24

NOTE: Shaded area represents upper and lower bounds of all pre-1970 recessions.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Employment Statistics survey; authors’ calculations.

EconomicLetter 4

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tural change in the labor force.
Agriculture’s share of total civilian
employment averaged more than
10 percent before 1970 and less
than 10 percent after, according
to CPS data. This shift away from
agriculture coincides with other
structural shifts, such as increased
participation of women in the
labor force, that give rise to different growth patterns in nonfarm
payroll employment. We take care
of the structural change in agriculture by splitting the CES nonfarm
employment data into pre- and
post-1970 periods.
U.S. nonfarm payrolls often
experienced abrupt changes prior
to the 1970s. Examined through
this historical lens, the current
recession’s nonfarm job losses
weren’t out of the ordinary at the
beginning. While less than average
in the early months of the downturn, nonfarm employment losses
exceeded the pre-1970 norm only
after October 2008 (Chart 4).
Unlike in the pre-1970 experience,
the recovery of nonfarm employment hasn’t taken hold yet.
In the post-1970 period, total
civilian employment and nonfarm
payroll employment behaved more
similarly, due in part to the decline
in agriculture’s employment share.
Nonfarm payroll losses under the
post-1970 norm were somewhat
milder than they were pre-1970,
but recovery took longer as well—
closer to 17 months on average
(Chart 5).
In the first eight months of the
current recession, nonfarm payroll
losses were similar to the post1970 average. After October 2008,
however, we see a significant
divergence. The current recession’s
acceleration of losses is unusual
compared with both the pre- and
post-1970 periods. Only in the last
few months has the rate of nonfarm payroll employment decline
started to appreciably slow.
Nonfarm payroll losses show

the same deterioration after
October 2008 that we observe in
total civilian employment in Chart
2, which isn’t apparent from the
evolution of the unemployment
rate, as seen in Chart 1.
Unemployment Scenarios Redux
The rapid deterioration of the
labor market after October 2008 led
to fears the economy might sink
into a second Great Depression, a
nightmarish period when unemployment rose from 3.2 percent in
1929 to 20.9 percent in 1933.3 A
look back at the 1930s tells us just
how close the current recession
has come to the greatest economic
calamity in the past century.
Employment data for the interwar years comes from the influential work of Stanley Lebergott,
amended by the addition of
emergency workers as suggested
by Michael R. Darby.4 Lebergott
worked with the decennial censuses and other sources to create census-year labor force and employment estimates that would be consistent with the CPS definitions.
For the years between censuses, Lebergott relied on CES
employment data by sector,
subjecting them to a variety of
refinements to reach his final numbers. He also used the CES data
because of their fairly complete
coverage back to 1929.5 The CPS
household sample didn’t start until
1940. However, due to a lack of
complete CES survey data prior to
1929—with the notable exception
of manufacturing—he had to use
more heterogeneous sources to
extend his employment series further back in time.
There are many differences
between the Great Depression—as
characterized by the Lebergott–
Darby employment numbers—and
the current recession. Looking at
the interwar period between 1919
and 1941, it becomes clear that
unemployment-rate effects are

Chart 5

After October 2008, Nonfarm Payroll Losses
Surpass All Post-1970 Recessions

October 2008

Average of all
post-1970 recessions


Current recession










9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Months after start of recession

21 22 23 24

NOTE: Shaded area represents upper and lower bounds of all post-1970 recessions.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Employment Statistics survey; authors’ calculations.

Chart 6

Unemployment Nowhere Near Great Depression Levels
Average of all interwar recessions
1920 recession


1923 recession
1926 recession
1929 recession (Great Depression)


1937 recession
Current recession











NOTE: Shaded area represents upper and lower bounds of historical scenarios for the interwar period.
SOURCES: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Population Survey; Lebergott (1964); Darby (1976); National Bureau of
Economic Research macrohistory dataset; authors’ calculations.

significantly smaller in the current
recession than they were in the
interwar period (Chart 6).6
The current recession has

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

been longer and deeper than the
1923 and 1926 recessions but
not the 1937 relapse in the Great
Depression decade. The major

5 EconomicLetter

Different labor market
data sources use different
conceptual definitions
and methodologies.

differences that emerge from the
data are due to the order of magnitude and duration of the Great
Depression—although we can’t
fully appreciate how the current
episode will compare until we
turn the corner on the current
slump and move from job losses to
steady job creation.
Not Created Equal
A historical look shows that
the labor market impact hasn’t
been as severe in the current
recession as it was in the Great
Depression. While the latest episode has a lot in common with the
post-World War II experience, it’s
unusual in the length and depth
of its labor market reach. It was
the acceleration of employment

losses after October 2008 that
transformed an otherwise average
recession into the worst episode
since World War II.
Different labor market data
sources use different conceptual
definitions and methodologies.
Measurement issues can complicate the interpretation of aggregate
data, and sometimes aggregation
itself can mask important structural
The historical precedents show
that when looking at labor market
conditions, it pays to examine a
broad range of data, to understand
the sources and what they measure
and to get a more disaggregated
view of the numbers. Even then,
inferences should be made with
great care.

Box 1

Two Views on Employment: Comparing the CPS and CES
Comparison by

Household survey
(Current Population Survey, CPS)

Payroll survey
(Current Employment Statistics, CES)


Civilian noninstitutional population age 16 and older

Nonfarm wage and salary jobs

Type of survey

Monthly sample survey of approximately 60,000

Monthly sample survey of approximately 150,000
businesses and government agencies covering
390,000 establishments

Major outputs

Measures labor force, employment and
unemployment with significant demographic detail

Measures employment, hours and earnings with
significant industrial and geographic detail

Reference period

Calendar week that includes the 12th of the month

Employer pay period that includes the 12th of the

Employment concept

Estimates the number of employed persons

Estimates the number of nonfarm payroll jobs

• Counts multiple jobholders once

• Counts multiple jobholders for each payroll job

• Includes individuals absent from work
without pay

• Includes only those receiving pay for the reference

Employment definition

Includes unincorporated self-employed persons,
agriculture and related workers, private household
workers, unpaid family workers (persons working
without formal pay in their family’s business) and
workers on leave without pay

Excludes all the groups listed at left, except for
the logging component of agriculture and related

Benchmark adjustments

No direct benchmark for employment; adjustments
to underlying population base revised annually to
intercensal estimates and every 10 years to the
decennial census

Employment benchmarked annually to employment
counts derived primarily from unemployment
insurance tax records

SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employment from the BLS Household and Payroll Surveys: Summary of Recent Trends,” Jan. 8, 2010. For more details on the CPS and CES, also see and

EconomicLetter 6

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Box 2

Reconciling CPS and CES Nonfarm Employment
To reconcile its two often-divergent employment measures, the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) calculates an alternative nonfarm payroll series that adjusts
the Current Population Survey (CPS) to more closely align with the Current
Employment Statistics (CES) definition.
This requires subtracting agriculture and related employment, the nonagricultural self-employed, unpaid family and private household workers, and workers
absent without pay, and then adding nonagricultural wage earners and multiple
jobholders to civilian employment. The resulting series is seasonally adjusted.
This adjustment brings the two series much closer together—but discrepancies remain. Between 1998 and 2001, for example, nonfarm payroll growth
was more robust in the CES than in the adjusted CPS series (see chart). In both
cases, a jobless recovery ensues; however, the adjusted CPS shows stagnation
and the CES an outright decline between 2001 and 2003. From December 2007 to
December 2009, the current recession’s nonfarm payroll losses totaled 7.2 million,
according to the CES, and 8.5 million, according to the adjusted CPS.
The BLS identifies several possible causes of these discrepancies, mainly
related to differences in definition, size and concept of the two surveys. These
differences range from sampling errors and benchmark revisions to off-the-books
employment, the birth of new firms and varying job-to-job movements. The
existence of these discrepancies reminds us that employment surveys can give
conflicting signals, so it’s important to track the numbers and understand what
they measure before making any inferences.

The acceleration of
employment losses
after October 2008
transformed an
otherwise average
recession into the
worst episode since
World War II.

Number, in millions


Household survey (CPS)


Payroll survey (CES)
Adjusted household survey














NOTES: Shaded areas represent recessions. The official end of the current recession has yet to be declared.
SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employment from the BLS Household and Payroll Surveys: Summary of Recent
Trends,” Jan. 8, 2010.

We should be mindful that no
two recessions are created equal.
Structural changes—for example,
the fall in agriculture’s employment
share—can be relevant to gauge

the evolution of the labor market
but can also make comparisons
with past episodes difficult. Other
structural changes matter as well—
such as labor force participation

Federal Reserve Bank of Dall as

7 EconomicLetter

rates, the skill level of workers and
the shift from manufacturing to
While data limitations hinder
comparisons across recessions, this
historical analysis helps us better
understand the relative severity of
the current episode. Notably, this
recession is unusual in the depth
and breadth of employment losses.
The reasons for this will continue
to be examined by analysts and
the public for years to come.
Martínez-García is a research economist
and Koech is a senior research analyst in the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas.

See the National Bureau of Economic Research


1980 recession are included. The 1980 episode
was short-lived and was followed in rapid succession by the 1981 recession, so we do not include
more values for the 1980 recession to avoid the
overlap with the 1981 recession.

The unemployment rates are taken from Table 3

in “Three-and-a-Half Million U.S. Employees Have
Been Mislaid: Or, an Explanation of Unemployment, 1934–1941,” by Michael R. Darby, Journal
of Political Economy, vol. 84, no. 1, 1976, pp.

The seminal work on pre-World War II unem-

ployment estimates is Manpower in Economic
Growth: The American Record since 1800, by
Stanley Lebergott, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964.
Darby (1976) objected that these estimates did
not include emergency workers (employees of
government programs such as those sponsored


compute this contour, only 26 months of the

is published by the
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The views expressed
are those of the authors and should not be attributed
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas or the Federal
Reserve System.
Articles may be reprinted on the condition that
the source is credited and a copy is provided to the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Economic Letter is available free of charge
by writing the Public Affairs Department, Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas, P.O. Box 655906, Dallas, TX
75265-5906; by fax at 214-922-5268; or by telephone
at 214-922-5254. This publication is available on the
Dallas Fed website,

All data are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

(BLS) Current Population Survey (CPS), at
monthly frequency, and are for individuals
16 years and over. The unemployment rate is
defined as the ratio ut = Ut /Lt. By definition, the
civilian labor force (Lt ) must be equal to employment (Et ) plus unemployment (Ut ). Working
with this identity, the current unemployment rate
can be expressed in terms of the previous-period
unemployment rate as,
ut = [ut-1 – (1 – ut–1)(dEt /Et-1)
+ (dLt /Lt–1)]/[1 + (dLt/Lt–1)],

by the Works Progress Administration), who
were instead counted as unemployed. At the peak
in 1936, emergency workers totaled 3.7 million,
according to Darby. In our historical analysis
of the interwar period, we choose to bundle
the employed as defined by Lebergott with the
emergency workers as counted by Darby.

See “A Century of U.S. Unemployment,

1890–1990,” by David A. Weir, in Research in
Economic History, vol. 14, Roger L. Ransom, ed.
Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1992, pp. 301–46.

The data of Lebergott (1964), including emer-

gency workers during the 1930s as suggested
by Darby (1976), are at annual frequency. To
replicate the pre-World War II scenarios, we first
interpolate the data using the Chow–Lin method

where dLt = Lt – Lt-1 and dEt = Et – Et–1.

(“Best Linear Unbiased Interpolation, Distribution,

We use this simple mathematical formula as

and Extrapolation of Time Series by Related Se-

a recursive algorithm to derive the historical

ries,” by Gregory C. Chow and An-loh Lin, Review

scenarios. Our initial condition is the unemploy-

of Economics and Statistics, vol. 53, no. 4, 1971,

ment rate in November 2007, one month before

pp. 372–75). For the civilian labor force, we use a

the official start of the current recession. Then

time trend as the reference for the interpolation.

we use the growth rate of the civilian labor force

For the employment series, we use a time trend

(dLt /Lt–1) and of employment (dEt /Et–1) in every

as well as the employment data on manufactur-

past recession to infer recursively the unemploy-

ing from the NBER Macrohistory dataset (series

ment rate that would have prevailed given the

m08010b, U.S. Production Worker Employment,

November 2007 unemployment rate. We plot

Manufacturing, Total, 01/1919–03/1969, www.

selected historical scenarios as well as the upper

and lower contour of all past scenarios. To


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