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Third Quarter 2021
Volume 6, Issue 3

When COVID-19 Reached
the Corporate Bond Market


The Economic Effects of Changes
in Personal Income Tax Rates


Banking Trends

Data in Focus

Third Quarter 2021

A publication of the Research
Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Economic Insights features
nontechnical articles on monetary
policy, banking, and national,
regional, and international
economics, all written for a wide

Volume 6, Issue 3




When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market

with Benjamin Lester.

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, several key markets faced serious trouble.
Benjamin Lester takes a closer look at what happened in the corporate bond market,
and at the Fed’s efforts to help.

The views expressed by the authors are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
helps formulate and implement monetary
policy, supervises banks and bank and
savings and loan holding companies, and
provides financial services to depository
institutions and the federal government. It
is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that,
together with the U.S. Federal Reserve
Board of Governors, make up the Federal
Reserve System. The Philadelphia Fed
serves eastern and central Pennsylvania,
southern New Jersey, and Delaware.



Patrick T. Harker
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Michael Dotsey
Executive Vice President and
Director of Research
Adam Steinberg
Managing Editor, Research Publications
Brendan Barry
Data Visualization Manager
Antonia Milas
Graphic Design/Data Visualization Intern

ISSN 0007–7011

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Previous articles:


The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates
How do changes in personal income tax rates affect the economy? And does it
matter who we tax, the wealthy or everyone else? Jonas Arias applies an empirical
perspective to these and other questions.

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?
The rise of business cards has undercut the dominance of local banks in smallbusiness lending, though, as Jim DiSalvo explains, small banks still compete in
making relationship loans.

Research Update
Abstracts of the latest working papers produced by the Philadelphia Fed.

Data in Focus
South Jersey Business Survey.

About the Cover
Second Bank of the United States
Opponents of the First Bank of the United States blocked reauthorization of the bank’s
congressional charter in 1811, but their victory was short-lived: The War of 1812
triggered a financial crisis that necessitated the creation of the Second Bank of the
United States. In 1824, the Second Bank’s permanent home opened on Chestnut
Street. Modelled on the Parthenon, the temple built in Athens 2,500 years ago,
the Second Bank of the United States features thick, imposing columns on top of
a massive stepped platform. This building helped launch the Greek Revival style.
However, the same forces that opposed the First Bank also opposed the Second.
President Andrew Jackson, one of the bank’s biggest critics, vetoed the renewal
of its charter in 1832. It would not be until 1913 that the U.S. yet again attempted
to create a national bank, but this time it would be a central bank, not just a bank
operating across state lines.
Illustration by Antonia Milas.


with Benjamin Lester,
a senior economic advisor
and economist here at the
Philadelphia Fed.

Benjamin Lester
Benjamin Lester is a senior economic advisor and economist at the Philadelphia Fed.
He grew up in suburban Philadelphia
and first encountered economics while
a student at the Lawrenceville School.
He earned his bachelor’s in economics
from Cornell in 2002 and his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania
in 2007. After teaching at the University
of Western Ontario for four years, he
joined the Research Department of the
Philadelphia Fed, where he specializes
in studying how market frictions affect
real-life markets.

What led you to become an
I always loved mathematics. I got to Cornell
thinking, “I’m good at math, so I’ll major
in it.” But then I saw people who are really
good at math, and I thought, “I’m not
going to be a mathematician.” That’s when
I started taking economics classes. As an
economist, you’re not a pure mathematician, but you use applied quantitative skills
to answer interesting questions.
Tell us about your interest in
market frictions.
In the classic model of supply and demand,
no one asks, who traded with who? How
did they find each other? How did they
settle on that price? That’s all brushed
under the rug. But think about the housing market. You can’t go to the housing
market and say, houses are selling at this
price and I’ll take one. You have to see
a house, make an offer, maybe your offer
is rejected or maybe the seller makes a
counteroffer. The terms of trade are determined bilaterally. It’s not as if there’s a
price for a house.
And it’s not as if you know everything
about the house. Maybe the furnace is on
its last legs, or the neighbors are loud.
Knowing that the owner knows more than
you do, how does this affect your offer?
Some of these frictions are associated
with what economists call search frictions,
which refers to the idea that it’s often
hard—or it takes time—for buyers and sellers who are natural trading partners to
find each other and negotiate a price. And
where there are search frictions, there are
often also information frictions, which occur when one side of a transaction knows
more than the other.
As I studied these two frictions, I realized
that they fit together. Solving a model with
search frictions requires characterizing the
terms of trade between two people.
Meanwhile, much of the literature on information frictions starts with understanding
how two people with different information
may or may not trade.
But hasn’t the digital revolution done
away with many of these frictions?
After all, thanks to digital technology
we are swamped with information,
and finding a counterparty should be
much easier.

2021 Q3

Not always. I’ll give you an example. Decades ago, stock exchanges turned equities
into a fairly frictionless market. If you want
to buy stock in IBM, give me three seconds,
I’ll check my computer, I’ll tell you the
price, and I’ll trade at that price. But the
corporate bond market is not like that at
all. If you want to buy a corporate bond,
you call up a dealer and say, “I’m looking
for this particular bond with this maturity.” And they might say, “OK, let me see
if I can find that bond. I’ll get back to you.”
Maybe you buy at their price, or maybe
you call another dealer. That falls into the
search model I’ve been working on, where
it takes time to find and negotiate with
a counterparty. For some reason, older
technologies seem to be valuable to some
market participants.
You conclude your article for Economic
Insights by writing, “the Fed’s March
23 announcement of the SMCCF…
calmed investors and reduced withdrawals from funds.”1 That sounds
to me like a psychological response.
Where does psychology fit into the
models of market frictions?
When I write about calming the market,
I’m thinking about agents who are rational
and forward-looking. If I’m a perfectly
rational, forward-looking agent, I have
reason to be concerned at the beginning
of a crisis. I’m not sure who’s going to buy
my asset. Or there’s a lot of uncertainty
about the quality of this asset. I’m worried that maybe the rest of the market
knows something I don’t about my asset.
That might make me want to sell it right
now. If the Fed says, “We’re going to buy
these assets,” it lessens those worries that
derive from information frictions. I use
terms that have a psychological interpretation, but I use them within a perfectly
rational paradigm. In behavioral economics models, people are systematically
biased. But I’m thinking about a world
where they’re not biased, and policies
can resolve inefficiencies that come
from frictions.
1 The Secondary Market Corporate Credit
Facility allows the Fed, for the first time, to
directly purchase investment-grade corporate
bonds issued by U.S. companies.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Photo: Aimur Kytt/iStock

When COVID-19 Reached
the Corporate Bond Market


s the economic implications of the COVID-19 crisis became
clear, financial markets across the globe entered a period
of distress. As asset prices fell, investors rushed to liquidate
large portions of their portfolios in a “dash for cash.” However, in
several key markets, investors found it difficult to find dealers that
would buy these assets at a reasonable price.
One market that was under severe distress was the $10 trillion
U.S. corporate bond market. This market, which is the primary
source of funding for large U.S. corporations, was bound to play
an important role during the pandemic, since firms in a number
of hard-hit sectors—such as travel, hospitality, and entertainment—
would surely need to borrow in order to survive significant
declines in revenue. However, by the middle of March 2020,
the corporate bond market was “basically broken,” prompting the
Federal Reserve to intervene in an unprecedented fashion.1
In this article, I describe the deterioration in trading conditions
in the corporate bond market at the onset of the pandemic,
and the likely causes of this deterioration. Then, I describe how
the Federal Reserve intervened, and how the market responded.
Finally, I pose a few questions for policymakers to consider before
the next crisis.

We investigate how the pandemic
affected the corporate bond market, and how the Fed responded.

Benjamin Lester
Senior Economic Advisor and Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The views expressed in this article are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market
2021 Q3



Trading Volume Nearly Doubled from the
Beginning to the End of March 2020

Before the Fed’s Interventions, Interest Rates
on Bonds Surged as Their Prices Fell

Trading volume, billions of dollars, February 14 to May 30, 2020

Credit spread between corporate bonds and a risk-free security (a Treasury) in basis
points, high-yield (HY) bonds and AAA-rated bonds, February 14 to May 30, 2020

This reflects a surge in selling pressure.

The decline in prices affected both lower- and highly rated bonds.




Feb 19







Mar 23


Mar 18

Mar 23

Mar 18
Feb 19

Source: TRACE corporate bond data set combined with the Mergent Fixed Income
Securities Database (FISD).

Note: AAA is the highest possible
rating that can be assigned to a bond.
High-yield bonds, also known as
“junk” bonds, pay higher interest rates
because they have a lower credit rating
than investment-grade bonds.



Source: ICE Data Indices (ICE BofA AAA U.S. Corporate Index Option-Adjusted
Spread and ICE BofA U.S. High Yield Index Option-Adjusted Spread, both available
from Federal Reserve Economic Data [FRED], St. Louis Fed).

Trouble in the Corporate Bond Market

After reaching an all-time high on February 19, 2020, U.S. equity markets began
a rapid decline in early March as the COVID19 virus spread throughout the world.2
Soon after, the sell-off extended beyond
equity markets and into a number of key
credit markets.
In the corporate bond market, trading
volume surged by more than 50 percent,
reflecting a sharp increase in selling
pressure (Figure 1). As a result, corporate
bond prices began to fall and interest
rates on corporate bonds—which move in
the opposite direction as prices—rose
sharply. In Figure 2, I plot the changes
in interest rates for two types of corporate
bonds relative to a risk-free benchmark.
One line represents the spread between
the interest rate on relatively safe corporate bonds (rated investment grade) and
the interest rate on a risk-free security
(a Treasury). The other line depicts the

corresponding spread for riskier, high-yield
corporate bonds (rated below investment
grade). We see that interest rates on both
relatively safe and somewhat riskier
corporate debt spike substantially relative
to the risk-free benchmark: The credit
spread for safe bonds increased by about
150 basis points at the height of the crisis,
while the corresponding spread for highyield corporate debt increased more than
500 basis points.
Although it’s painful for owners of
corporate bonds, as well as for firms that
need to borrow, there is nothing necessarily wrong with an increase in selling
pressure and a subsequent fall in prices.
These are simply signs of an increase
in the supply of bonds for sale without
a commensurate increase in demand.
However, reports emerging from the corporate bond market last spring signaled
a more fundamental problem: The market

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market

2021 Q3

was becoming illiquid, in the sense that
it was becoming harder and more costly
for investors to trade at prevailing prices.
In a recent paper, five other economists
and I attempted to quantify the deterioration in market liquidity in the corporate
bond market during the COVID-19 crisis.3
We measured the cost that dealers were
charging for customers to buy and sell
corporate bonds—also known as the bid-ask
spread—under two trading arrangements.4
The first type of trade, called a riskyprincipal trade, occurs when a dealer
trades directly and immediately with
a customer: The dealer purchases bonds
from a customer who wants to sell, absorbing the bonds onto its own balance
sheet; subsequently, the dealer draws
down its inventory of bonds by selling to
a customer who wants to buy. The second
type of trade, called a riskless-principal
or agency trade, occurs when a dealer
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


acts as a middleman and simply finds another customer to take the other side of
the trade. These trades are typically less
attractive for customers, since they have
to wait while a dealer finds a counterparty, but more attractive for dealers, since
they don’t have to use their own balance
sheet to facilitate the trade.
Measuring the cost of these two types
of trades, along with the fraction of each
type that occurs, provides a multidimensional assessment of market liquidity: We
can learn about both the cost that customers are paying to trade and the speed
at which they are trading. When we plot
bid-ask spreads for risky-principal and
agency trades from mid-February through
May 2020, we see that the cost of executing a risky-principal trade increased
dramatically in March, by more than 200
basis points, whereas the cost of agency
trades increased more modestly (Figure 3).
When we plot the fraction of trades
executed as agency trades, we see that
customers responded to the increase
in the relative cost of immediate riskyprincipal trades by substituting toward
slower agency trades (Figure 4). Hence,
at the height of the pandemic-induced
crisis in the corporate bond market, not
only did it get more expensive for customers to trade, but it also took more time
for them to trade.

What Caused the Deterioration
in Market Liquidity?

While a variety of factors contributed to
the sudden evaporation of liquidity in the
corporate bond market in March 2020,
two simultaneous developments appear
to have played an outsized role. First,
there was a dramatic increase in the
quantity of bonds customers were trying
to sell—that is, there was a surge in the
demand for liquidity. At the same time,
there was a decrease in dealers’ willingness to absorb these bonds onto their
own balance sheets—that is, there was
a reduction in the supply of liquidity.
On the demand side, the ramifications
of the pandemic for corporate profits,
and the expectation that some corporate
debt would be downgraded to a riskier
rating, motivated many investors to decrease their exposure to the corporate
bond market. Leading the way were mutual
funds that invest in corporate bonds;
these funds were forced to sell a portion
of their corporate bond holdings as investors pulled out their money in droves.
Economists Antonio Falato of the Federal
Reserve, Itay Goldstein of the University
of Pennsylvania, and Ali Hortaçsu of
the University of Chicago report that the
average corporate bond fund experienced
cumulative outflows of approximately
9 percent of net asset value in February
and March of 2020.

However, as noted above, a surge in
selling pressure alone is not sufficient to
cause a market to become illiquid. Indeed,
in a well-functioning market, dealers
would “lean against the wind,” alleviating
unusual selling pressure by increasing
their holdings of the security. In this sense,
dealers are supplying liquidity to the
market: Their willingness to hold a larger
inventory of securities implies that the
security itself is more liquid.
However, regulatory requirements
put in place after the 2007–2009 financial
crisis likely made it more costly for dealerbanks to hold assets like corporate bonds
on their balance
sheets. As a result,
See Postcrisis
when the pandemic- Regulations and
induced crisis
Balance Sheet
hit last year, these
dealer-banks were
less willing to absorb the bonds for sale
and supply liquidity. In fact, as selling
pressure surged between March 5 and
March 23, the dealer sector as a whole
didn’t absorb any of the immense selling
pressure, on net, coming from the investor sector (Figure 5).
To summarize, two key forces behind
the rapid deterioration in trading conditions in the U.S. corporate bond market
were an increase in the demand for
liquidity, coupled with a decline in the
willingness of dealers to supply liquidity.



Before the Fed’s Interventions, Risky-Principal Trades
Became More Expensive

Customers Responded to the Increase in the Cost of
Risky-Principal Trades by Switching to Agency Trades

Bid-ask spread, basis points (bps), February 14 to May 30, 2020

Percentage of trades executed as agency trades, February 14 to May 30, 2020

The cost of slower agency trades increased more modestly.




The cost of slower agency trades increased more modestly.

of Agency


Mar 18


Feb 19




Feb 19


Mar 23



Source: TRACE corporate bond data
set combined with the Mergent Fixed
Income Securities Database (FISD).


Note: The bid-ask spread is the cost
that dealers charge customers to buy
and sell corporate bonds.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Mar 18

Mar 23

Source: TRACE corporate bond data set combined with the Mergent Fixed Income
Securities Database (FISD).

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market
2021 Q3

When combined, these two forces can create a dangerous
“illiquidity spiral”: As assets get harder to sell to dealers, they
become less valuable and riskier for investors to hold. Then, as
investors’ appetite for these bonds dwindles, dealers become
even more concerned about buying them, since dealers know
that if they buy these bonds, they have to either leave the bonds
on their balance sheet for a long time or sell them at a loss.
Facing the prospects of such a spiral—with rapidly falling bond
prices and, hence, rapidly increasing borrowing rates for U.S.
firms—the Federal Reserve decided to intervene.


Corporate Bond Market Timeline During the
COVID-19 Crisis
3 Mar The fomc dropped fed funds target rate by 50
basis points (bps)

The Fed Intervenes

The Fed responded to the turmoil in financial markets with a variety of measures (Figure 6). Early in the crisis, on March 3, the
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), using its traditional
lever for easing monetary policy, dropped the target for the
fed funds rate by 50 basis points. Then, on March 15, the FOMC
decreased the target rate by another 100 basis points, to essentially
zero, and announced that it would use its full range of tools to
support the flow of credit to households and businesses.
Among the many tools that the Fed chose to employ, three
policies were most likely to affect liquidity in the corporate bond
market, either by reducing investors’ desire to sell their bonds or
by increasing dealers’ willingness to absorb these bonds onto
their balance sheets.
First, the Fed assumed the role of “lender of last resort” by introducing a number of facilities that made it easier and less costly
for dealers to borrow funds. In particular, on the evening of
March 17, the Fed announced that it would revive the Primary
Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF). Originally introduced in 2008,
the PDCF offered collateralized overnight term lending to primary
dealers starting on March 20.5 By allowing dealers to borrow
against a variety of assets on their balance sheets, including

The fomc dropped fed funds target rate by an
15 Mar additional 100 bps, to essentially zero
The Fed announced it would revive the Primary
17 Mar Dealer Credit Facility (pdcf)
18 Mar Markets began trading again
20 Mar The pdcf began overnight term lending to
primary dealers
23 Mar The Fed announced the Primary and Secondary
Market Corporate Credit Facilities (pmccf and
smccf, respectively)


1 Apr

The Fed temporarily exempted both Treasury
securities and reserves from the supplementary
leverage ratio (slr)


Before the Fed’s Intervention, Dealer Banks Were
Reluctant to Buy Bonds
This fueled the liquidity crisis.

9 Apr The Fed expanded the pmccf and smccf
programs in size and scope

Cumulative inventory of corporate bonds held by dealer banks, billions of dollars,
February 19 to May 30, 2020

Feb 19


Mar 18

Mar 23

12 May The smccf began buying corporate bonds

Source: FINRA market sentiment tables.

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


corporate bonds, the PDCF was designed to
reduce the costs associated with holding
inventory and intermediating transactions
between customers.
Second, to ease the panic and restore
liquidity in the corporate bond market, on
March 23 the Fed announced the Primary
and Secondary Market Corporate Credit
Facilities (PMCCF and SMCCF, respectively).
According to the initial announcement,
these facilities would allow the Fed, for the
first time, to directly purchase investmentgrade corporate bonds issued by U.S. companies, as well as exchange-traded funds
(ETFs) that invested in similar assets. On
April 9, these corporate credit facilities
were expanded in both size and scope,
allowing the Fed to also purchase some
lower-rated corporate debt.6 By stepping in
as a (potentially large) buyer of corporate
bonds, the Fed could ameliorate the risk
of the illiquidity spiral described above
by reducing investors’ desire to sell their
bonds and increasing dealers’ willingness
to buy them.

Finally, to relax dealers’ balance sheet
constraints and reduce the cost of providing intermediation services, on April 1 the
Fed temporarily exempted both Treasury
securities and reserves from the supplementary leverage ratio (SLR).7 Although this
exemption was primarily intended to
increase liquidity in the Treasury market,
the effects would clearly extend to the corporate bond market, since dealers would
be more willing to absorb corporate bonds
onto their balance sheets if there were less
risk of violating the SLR.

How Markets Responded to
the Fed’s Intervention

After the Fed’s various interventions
were announced, the price of corporate
bonds rebounded and credit spreads fell
significantly, with an especially noticeable
improvement after the March 23 announcement of the corporate credit facilities
(Figure 2). At the same time, measures of
market liquidity recovered. For example,

the cost of trading immediately via riskyprincipal trades declined by more than
100 basis points (Figure 3), and there was
a corresponding shift away from slower
agency trades (Figure 4). Perhaps the
starkest evidence of an improvement in
liquidity provision comes from the sharp
change in dealers’ willingness to absorb
inventory onto their balance sheets (Figure
5). Between March 18 and the end of May,
dealers increased their net holdings of
corporate bonds by more than $60 billion,
thus doubling their precrisis holdings.
These observations establish the
coincidence of key interventions and improvements in market liquidity, but they do
not establish that the Fed’s interventions
caused an improvement in market liquidity.
To study the causal relationship between
policy and market conditions more closely,
my coauthors and I exploited the eligibility requirements of the Fed’s corporate
credit facilities to perform a difference-indifferences regression.

F I G U R E 1 ( R E V I S I T E D)

F I G U R E 2 ( R E V I S I T E D)

After the Fed’s Interventions, Trading Volume in
Corporate Bonds Stabilized…

…Interest Rates on Bonds Fell as Their Prices Stabilized…
Prices recovered for both lower- and highly rated bonds, but not fully.

Trading volume, billions of dollars, February 14 to May 30, 2020

Credit spread between corporate bonds and a risk-free security (a Treasury) in basis
points, high-yield (HY) bonds and AAA-rated bonds, February 14 to May 30, 2020



This reflects an easing in selling pressure.



Apr 9
May 12





Mar 23



Mar 23

May 12

Source: TRACE corporate bond data set combined with the Mergent Fixed Income
Securities Database (FISD).


Apr 9

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Source: ICE Data Indices (ICE BofA AAA U.S. Corporate Index Option-Adjusted
Spread and ICE BofA U.S. High Yield Index Option-Adjusted Spread, both available
on Federal Reserve Economic Data [FRED], St. Louis Fed).

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market
2021 Q3


When the SMCCF was announced, the term sheet specified
certain eligibility requirements for bonds to be purchased by the
Fed. These requirements included an investment-grade credit
rating and a maximum maturity of five years. The difference-indifferences approach attempts to isolate the causal effect of the
Fed’s bond-purchasing program by studying the differential
behavior of bid-ask spreads before and after the announcement
of the SMCCF for two groups of bonds: those eligible for purchase
(the treatment group) and those ineligible (the control group).
We found that immediately after the March 23 announcement,
bid-ask spreads for risky-principal trades declined by about 50
basis points more for bonds that were eligible to be purchased
by the SMCCF than for otherwise similar but ineligible bonds.
Later, when the program was expanded in both size and scope—
and other policies were introduced, such as the relaxation of the
SLR—the cost of trading all bonds declined.
Interestingly, despite the significant improvements in the
corporate bond market after the Fed’s interventions, trading
conditions did not fully return to their precrisis levels. Even in
June 2020, the cost of risky-principal trades and the fraction of
agency trades remained above the levels observed in January
2020. Hence, it appears that market liquidity did not fully recover,
even after markets had calmed.

F I G U R E 3 ( R E V I S I T E D)

…Risky-Principal Trades Became Cheaper…
This is a sign of improving market liquidity.

Bid-ask spread, basis points, February 14 to May 30, 2020




Mar 23
Apr 9

May 12



Source: TRACE corporate bond data set combined with the Mergent Fixed Income
Securities Database (FISD).
F I G U R E 4 ( R E V I S I T E D)

…Fraction of Faster Risky-Principal Trades Increased…
This is another sign of improving market liquidity.

Percentage of trades executed as agency trades, February 14 to May 30, 2020

Lingering Questions

Given the expansive approach of the Federal Reserve during the
height of the mid-March turmoil—in which a variety of distinct
interventions were announced and implemented in a short
period of time—it’s difficult to isolate the effect of each program,
and thus difficult to assess which interventions were most effective and why. However, policymakers need to understand the
frictions that generated illiquidity and identify the policies that
eased these frictions. In particular, what are the conditions
that can generate large, sudden surges in selling pressure after
an adverse event such as the outbreak of COVID-19? And which
regulations prevent dealers from absorbing this selling pressure?
Though economists have not fully answered these questions,
recent research is providing some clues. For one, the growing
popularity of bond mutual funds over the last decade has enabled
larger, more immediate surges in selling pressure during times
of distress, since these funds are forced to liquidate their positions
when investors withdraw their funds.8 Hence, the Fed’s March
23 announcement of the SMCCF—which calmed investors and reduced withdrawals from funds—appears to have played a key role
in halting (and even reversing) the illiquidity spiral that began in
the second week of March.9
However, market liquidity had not fully recovered even months
after the initial panic had passed, suggesting that lingering and
important frictions could prevent dealers from “leaning against
the wind” in future crises. Understanding the precise nature
of these frictions and evaluating whether their costs (in terms of
market liquidity) outweigh their benefits (in terms of financial
stability) remain top priorities for future research.

of Agency

Apr 9


Mar 23
May 12
Source: TRACE corporate bond data set combined with the Mergent Fixed Income
Securities Database (FISD).

F I G U R E 5 ( R E V I S I T E D)

…& Dealers Absorbed Assets onto Their Balance Sheets
Cumulative inventory of corporate bonds held by dealer banks, billions of dollars,
February 19 to May 30, 2020

May 12

Apr 9


Mar 23

Source: FINRA market sentiment tables.

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Postcrisis Regulations and Balance Sheet Costs
After the 2007–2009 financial crisis, a number of new regulations were
introduced to strengthen the resilience of the banking sector. However, some
of these regulations have arguably increased the cost for dealers of holding
assets on their balance sheets and thus could have important consequences
for liquidity provision in dealer-intermediated financial markets.
Perhaps the most important set of regulations is the 2010 Basel III framework,
devised by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). This framework includes both enhanced capital and new leverage-ratio requirements. For
example, the BCBS introduced a liquidity coverage ratio (LCR), which requires
banks to have enough high-quality liquid assets to cover potential outflows
over a hypothetical 30-day period in which markets are experiencing stress. The
Basel III framework also includes limits on leverage, including a supplementary
leverage ratio (SLR) requirement, which ensures that a bank holding company’s
tier 1 capital is sufficiently large relative to its total leverage exposure, including
both on-balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet exposures. In short, these
types of requirements imply that banks need to hold more capital as their
balance sheets expand, which is costly.
Another important set of regulations for U.S. dealer-banks derives from the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, which
includes the so-called Volcker rule. Among other things, this rule prohibits
banking entities from engaging in proprietary trading—that is, trading activities
with their own accounts. Despite an exception for trading activities related to
intermediating, or “market-making,” in practice it can be difficult to distinguish
between proprietary trading and market-making. Hence, if the Volcker rule
reduced the incentive of regulated dealers to buy and sell bonds—since financial
penalties would be incurred if this activity were deemed proprietary trading—
then the Volcker rule could be responsible for decreased liquidity.10
In the academic literature, there are differing views on whether (and to what
extent) these new regulations caused a decline in liquidity in the U.S. corporate
bond market. In their study of a variety of price-based measures of market
liquidity during “normal” trading conditions, University of California, Berkeley,
economist Francesco Trebbi and Columbia Business School economist Kairong
Xiao found very little effect of postcrisis regulations.11 However, there is considerable evidence that after the implementation of these new regulations, markets
appear less liquid (or less resilient) during periods of intense selling pressure.
For example, several studies examine dealers’ behavior in response to a large
surge in selling pressure for nonfundamental reasons, such as when a bond
must be sold by index funds because its maturity falls below a certain threshold.12
Collectively, these studies find that the impact on prices during these episodes
increased after the introduction of postcrisis regulations, and the effect is more
pronounced at dealer-banks that are subject to regulation than at those that
are exempt.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

1 See Idzelis (2020).
2 For example, between March 5 and March
23, the S&P 500 index declined by more than
25 percent.
3 See Kargar et al. (forthcoming).
4 The price a dealer is willing to pay for an
asset is called the “bid,” while the price at which
a dealer is willing to sell an asset is called the
“ask.” Hence, the difference or “spread” between
the two prices is a natural measure of how much
it costs to trade, and it is often used as a metric
for market liquidity.
5 Primary dealers are trading counterparties of
the New York Fed that intermediate markets
for government securities, along with other fixedincome securities, including corporate and
municipal debt.
6 Although announced on March 23, these
facilities did not begin purchasing bonds until
May 12.
7 These exemptions were extended first to bank
holding companies and later to commercial
bank subsidiaries.
8 See Falato et al. (2020), Ma et al. (2020), and
Haddad et al. (forthcoming).
9 Boyarchenko et al. (2020) estimate that
about one-third of the market’s recovery can
be attributed to the announcement of the
PMCCF and SMCCF alone.
10 Bao et al. (2018) find that banks subject to
the Volcker rule are less willing to provide
liquidity during episodes in which investors are
suddenly forced to sell corporate bonds.
11 Also see Adrian et al. (2017) and Anderson
et al. (2017).
12 See Bao et al. (2018), Dick-Nielsen et al.
(2019), Bessembinder et al. (2018), and Choi
et al. (2019).

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market
2021 Q3

Adrian, Tobias, Michael Fleming, Or Shachar, and Erik Vogt. “Market
Liquidity After the Financial Crisis,” Annual Review of Financial
Economics, 9 (2017), pp 43–83,
Anderson, Mike, and René M. Stulz. “Is Post-crisis Bond Liquidity Lower?”
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 23317 (2017),
Bao, Jack, Maureen O’Hara, and Xing (Alex) Zhou. “The Volcker Rule and
Market Making in Times of Stress,” Journal of Financial Economics, 130
(2018), pp. 95–113,
Bessembinder, Hendrik, Stacey Jacobsen, William Maxwell, and Kumar
Venkataraman. “Capital Commitment and Illiquidity in Corporate Bonds,”
Journal of Finance, 73 (2018), pp. 1615–1661,
Boyarchenko, Nina, Anna Kovner, and Or Shachar. “It’s What You Say and
What You Buy: A Holistic Evaluation of the Corporate Credit Facilities,”
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report 935 (2020).
Choi, Jaewon, and Yesol Huh. “Customer Liquidity Provision: Implications
for Corporate Bond Transaction Costs,” Finance and Economics Discussion
Series 2017-116, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Washington, D.C.
Dick-Nielsen, Jens, and Marco Rossi. “The Cost of Immediacy for Corporate Bonds,” Review of Financial Studies, 32:1 (2019), pp. 1–41, https://doi.
Falato, Antonio, Itay Goldstein, and Ali Hortaçsu. “Financial Fragility in
the COVID-19 Crisis: The Case of Investment Funds in Corporate Bond
Markets,” Becker Friedman Institute Working Paper 2020-98 (2020).
Haddad, Valentin, Alan Moreira, and Tyler Muir. “When Selling Becomes
Viral: Disruptions in Debt Markets in the COVID-19 Crisis and the Fed’s
Response,” Review of Financial Studies (forthcoming).
Idzelis, Christine. “The Corporate Bond Market Is ‘Basically Broken,’ Bank
of America Says,” Institutional Investor, March 19, 2020.
Kargar, Mahyar, Benjamin Lester, David Lindsay, Shuo Liu, Pierre-Olivier
Weill, and Diego Zúñiga. “Corporate Bond Liquidity During the Covid-19
Crisis,” Review of Financial Studies (forthcoming).
Ma, Yiming, Kairong Xiao, and Yao Zeng. “Mutual Fund Liquidity Transformation and Reverse Flight to Liquidity,” Columbia Business School
Working Paper (2020).
Trebbi, Francesco, and Kairong Xiao. “Regulation and Market Liquidity,”
Management Science, 65:5 (2017), pp. 1949–2443,

When COVID-19 Reached the Corporate Bond Market

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Photo: Skyhobo/iStock

The Economic Effects
of Changes in Personal
Income Tax Rates

We apply an empirical perspective to understand the macroeconomic consequences of changes in personal income taxes.

Jonas Arias
Senior Economist
Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia
The views expressed in this
article are not necessarily
those of the Federal Reserve.



he personal federal income tax as we
know it today was adopted in 1913 after
a protracted political and judicial process
that culminated in the ratification of the 16th
Amendment.1 Within 60 years, most U.S. states
had implemented a personal state income tax
as well, and the federal government had added
the Social Security payroll tax.2 Throughout
this process and ever since, personal income
taxation has been an intensely debated issue in
policy and academic circles. But even after
all these debates, experts still disagree about
exactly how personal income tax rates affect
individual economic behavior and macroeconomic outcomes.
Some empirical studies find that economic
activity responds to cuts in marginal tax rates
but not to cuts in average tax rates. Other

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

studies find that both marginal and average tax
rates affect the economy. Likewise, some empirical evidence shows that tax cuts for workers
with high earnings lead to sizable changes in
personal income, and also that such cuts are
more effective in stimulating economic activity
in the near term than tax cuts for workers
with lower earnings. Other research, however,
argues the opposite.3
This lack of consensus in the empirical literature complicates the design of not only fiscal
policy reforms aimed at achieving long-run
economic growth but also
fiscal policy actions aimed
See Marginal
at stimulating short-run
vs. Average
economic activity.
Personal Income
To address these issues, Tax Rates.
we need to tackle a few

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates
2021 Q3

questions. Do changes in tax policy operate
by means of supply side effects associated
with marginal tax rates—by, for example,
fostering incentives to work or to take
on entrepreneurial opportunities? Or do
they operate through demand effects
associated with average tax rates—by, for
example, fostering consumption among
individuals who now have more after-tax
income to spend? Does tax policy operate
through trickle-down effects, whereby
cutting marginal tax rates for those at the
top of the income distribution leads to
broad economic gains? Or does it operate
through bottom-up effects by stimulating
people outside the top of the income
distribution to work longer hours or join
the labor force, raising their incomes and
inducing economic growth?
In this article, I examine these questions from an empirical perspective and
analyze how changes in personal income
taxes affect economic activity.

Economic Consequences
of Changes in Marginal Rates

Assessing the economic consequences
of changes in marginal tax rates is challenging due to two features of income
taxation. First, the marginal tax rate paid
by an individual depends on their level of
income. Second, there are three types
of personal income taxes: federal income
taxes, state income taxes, and Social
Security payroll taxes.
Because marginal tax rates depend on
the level of income, there is no one marginal tax rate for everyone. Instead, there’s
a distribution of rates across the population. And because we have three types of
income taxes, there are three distributions:
one for federal income marginal tax rates,
one for state income marginal tax rates,
and one for payroll marginal tax rates. But,
to analyze the aggregate effects of tax
changes, it is useful to rely on a single,
succinct measure that allows us to study
what happens within the economy when
any of these distributions change.
Economists’ primary summary indicator of marginal tax rates is the overall
average marginal tax rate—that is, the
sum of federal, state, and payroll tax
rates across taxpayers weighted by their
income relative to the total income of
the population.6 This rate corresponds to

Marginal vs. Average Personal Income Tax Rates
The marginal tax rate is the tax rate imposed on an additional dollar of adjusted
gross income.
Adjusted gross income is defined as gross
income (which includes wages and other
forms of income, such as dividends, capital
gains, and business income) minus adjustments such as interest paid on student loans
and contributions to a retirement account.
Under the current federal tax code, the
marginal tax rate is graduated, increasing
with each higher level of income (Figure 1).
The same holds for most state income
taxes, albeit the rates are lower and differ
by states. In contrast, the marginal rate
on the Social Security payroll tax, though
graduated, decreases with income.4

Consequently, this individual faces a marginal
tax rate of 22 percent: If they make an
additional dollar of income, they effectively
receive 78 cents. Notice that the marginal
tax rate can be transformed into a net-of-tax
marginal rate, which is defined as 1 minus
the marginal tax rate. In our example, the
net-of-tax marginal rate is 0.78. The net-oftax marginal rate is a key concept for gauging
how individuals respond to changes in marginal rates, because ultimately what matters
for an individual is the amount that they take
home from each additional dollar of income.
The average tax rate is the total amount of
taxes paid by a taxpayer divided by their
adjusted gross income. Our hypothetical taxpayer pays a total of $8,990 in taxes, and
hence their average tax rate is 12.4 percent.5

For ease of exposition, let’s ignore state
income and payroll taxes. Now imagine an
individual with an income of $72,400
(corresponding to the tax year 2020) who
uses the standard deduction (which is
$12,400). If we ignore other components of
the tax code, such as tax credits and exemptions, that taxpayer has a taxable income
of $60,000 and pays a tax rate equal to 10
percent on their first $9,875 of income,
12 percent on income between $9,875
and $40,125, and 22 percent on income
above $40,125.

While this example is useful for distinguishing
marginal from average tax rates, in reality
individuals face lower net-of-tax marginal
rates and higher average tax rates. This is
because in addition to the federal income
tax, they pay state income taxes and payroll taxes. When I assess the economic
consequences of personal income taxation
elsewhere in this article, unless stated otherwise, the measures of marginal and average
tax rates that I use take into account
federal, state, and (individual and employer)
payroll taxes.


Two Ways to Measure Taxes

The marginal tax rate is graduated, increasing with each higher level of income.
Marginal tax rate (the tax paid on
each additional dollar of adjusted
gross income) and average tax
rate (total taxes divided by total
income at each level of adjusted
gross income)

Tax rate

Tax Rate



Source: Author’s calculations based
on the IRS marginal tax rates for a
single individual filing in the tax year

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates

2021 Q3


Taxes begin
at $12,400
Gross income



Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


the average marginal tax rate paid by a representative individual
in the population (Figure 2).7
Armed with the average marginal tax rate, we can study the
effects of changes in marginal tax rates on aggregate economic
activity. But how, precisely? Structural vector autoregressions
(SVARs) are one of the most powerful tools economists have for
assessing how changes in economic policies affect the economy.
Using SVARs and building on the 2018 work of economists
Karel Mertens of the Federal Reserve and José Luis Montiel Olea
of Columbia University, Emory University economist Juan
Rubio-Ramírez, Federal Reserve economist Daniel Waggoner, and
I estimated how key macroeconomic variables react to a tax cut.8 Specifically, we
See Structural
considered an increase of about 1 percent
Vector Autoin the net-of-tax average marginal tax rate
based on post-World War II data (Figure 3).
The net-of-tax average marginal rate is 1 minus the average marginal tax rate, so an increase in the net-of-tax average marginal
rate is equivalent to a decrease in the average marginal rate, that
is, a tax cut. One year after the tax cut, personal income increases
by about 1.3 percent, real GDP increases by about 0.7 percent, and
unemployment declines by a tad more than 0.3 percentage point.9

Structural Vector Autoregressions
A structural vector autoregression (SVAR) is an econometric model that characterizes the joint behavior of
economic variables. An SVAR is made up of equations
designed to represent different sectors of the economy. Some equations describe the production side of
the economy, others the demand side, and others the
behavior of policymakers.
For example, when setting a graduated tax rate
schedule, policymakers typically take into account
special factors affecting current economic activity,
such as the effects of a change in government
spending or an adverse shock affecting the purchasing power of households.
By explicitly modeling how variables under the control
of policymakers (like the graduated tax rate schedule)
interact with other variables (such as economic
conditions) in a flexible manner, SVARs offer a useful
framework for understanding the effects of policy
changes without having to introduce specific economic
modelling restrictions regarding the functioning of the
entire economy.


The Evolution of Personal Income Tax Rates After
World War II

To understand the economic effects of changes in personal income
tax rates, we exploit exogenous changes in these rates such as
those induced by the Revenue Act of February 1964 and the Tax
Reform Act of October 1986.


SVARs Explained
Variables and equations representing facets of the economy…


Average tax rate and average marginal tax rates, 1946–2012







combined with their
changes over time…

Average Top 1%
marginal Everyone
tax rates Bottom 99%


Average tax rate






Source: Mertens and Montiel Olea (2018).
are used to create
one comprehensive
model, the svar.

Note: The average tax rate is defined as the sum of federal personal current taxes
and contributions for social insurance divided by total income. The average marginal
tax rate is the sum of federal, state, and payroll tax rates across taxpayers weighted
by their income relative to the total income of the population. The average marginal
tax rate for the top 1 percent and bottom 99 percent correspond to the sum of
federal income tax rates and payroll tax rates across taxpayers in a given bracket
of the income distribution, weighted by their income relative to the total income of
these taxpayers' income bracket.

response to an
change in policy


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates
2021 Q3

Changes in marginal tax rates are persistent. According to our estimates, the
net-of-tax average marginal rate remains
essentially constant during the year after
it was changed. It then only gradually
returns to its previous level. Given this
pattern, households likely understand
that changes in taxes will persist for
a while but eventually will be reversed.
This is insightful because the strength
of the economic response depends on
whether households perceive the change
as permanent or transitory.

Marginal vs. Average Tax Rates

The sizable macroeconomic effects associated with changes in marginal tax rates
suggest that strong substitution effects are
at play. In particular, the responses of
real GDP, personal income, and unemployment are consistent with an increase in

the labor supply by
See Substitution
households induced
and Wealth
to work by lower
taxes. Changes in
marginal tax rates can also have wealth
effects, but these effects seem to be minor,
so economists generally associate modifications in federal income tax brackets
exclusively with substitution effects.10
To what extent are these substitution
effects the main driver of the economic
response to changes in tax rates? To find
out, Mertens and Montiel Olea compared
the economic effects of changes in netof-tax average marginal rates, which are
more directly related to substitution
effects, with the economic effects of
changes in average tax rates, which are
more directly related to wealth effects.11
They found no evidence of an economic
response to changes in average tax
rates, so tax reforms, they reasoned,

likely operate exclusively through substitution effects.
But their conclusion hinges on a particular counterfactual tax experiment that
compares marginal with average tax rates.
When Rubio-Ramírez, Waggoner, and
I used an alternative and more flexible
approach to compare the two, we found
that changes in average tax rates do also
affect personal income, real GDP, and the
unemployment rate (Figure 4).12, 13
We estimated the changes in personal
income, real GDP, and the unemployment
rate one year after an increase of 1 percent
in the net-of-tax average marginal rate,
and one year after a decline of about 1
percent in the average tax rate.14 Based on
our estimates, when we increase the netof-tax marginal tax rate by 1 percent, real
personal income increases by 1.5 percent,
real GDP increases by 0.8 percent, and
the unemployment rate declines by about


What Happens If We Cut the Marginal Tax Rate?

Change in real GDP and income (percent) and the unemployment rate
(percentage points) in the five years after a hypothetical increase of about
1 percent in the net-of-tax average marginal tax rate (AMTR).
1−AMTR (All Tax Units)
68% probability bands



Real GDP


0 yr

5 yr


0 yr

Income (All Tax Units)

Unemployment Rate


0.5 pp

5 yr

0.0 pp

0 yr

5 yr

Source: Author’s calculations based on
Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner

−0.5 pp

0 yr

5 yr

Note: A tax filing unit is typically
defined as any married person or any
single person aged 20 or older.

Substitution and Wealth Effects
When analyzing the economic consequences of a tax cut, it helps
to think in terms of wealth effects and substitution effects.
Wealth effects are directly related to the level of consumption and
leisure that households can achieve during their lifetimes. For
example, consider the single individual in the sidebar Marginal vs.
Average Personal Income Tax Rates who pays $8,990 in taxes on
$72,400 of adjusted gross income. If this individual’s standard
deduction permanently increases by about $4,000, they pay
$880 less in taxes. Thus, their wealth increases, and hence their
consumption and leisure increase, too. Importantly, wealth effects
depend on the permanence of the cut. If the individual perceives
the increase in the standard deduction as a transitory change
financed by future higher taxes, then they will most likely save the
additional income from today’s lower taxes to pay for tomorrow’s
higher taxes. In such a case, the wealth effect would be nil.
Substitution effects result from changes in the relative cost of leisure
and consumption (that is, the marginal cost of leisure in terms of
consumption). For example, if, instead of an increase in the standard
deduction, this individual faces a lower marginal tax rate, then an
extra hour of their leisure time (which equals an extra hour of forgone
paid labor) becomes more costly, and they will probably choose
to work additional hours instead. Again, it matters whether the
change is transitory or permanent. In canonical macroeconomic
models, a permanent reduction in the marginal tax rate that leaves
the present value of government revenues unchanged causes
a permanent increase in labor and consumption, whereas a transitory reduction causes a short-lived increase in labor and a somewhat
longer but transient increase in consumption.16

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department



Changes in Average Tax Rates, Like
Changes in Net-of-Tax Average
Marginal Tax Rates, Affect Macroeconomic Indicators
Percent change in key macroeconomic variables
Increase in the Net-of-Tax (amtr)
Decrease in the Average Tax Rate



Real GDP


68% probability bands

Source: Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner (forthcoming).

0.5 percentage point. Similarly, when we
reduce the average tax rate by 1 percent,
real personal income increases by 0.5
percent, real GDP increases by 0.4 percent,
and the unemployment rate decreases by
0.1 percentage point. In other words,
when evaluating how changes in tax policy
affect the economy, substitution effects
related to changes in marginal tax rates
are important, but wealth effects related to changes in average tax rates also
play a role.15

The Effects of Personal
Income Taxation Across
Income Groups

So far I’ve focused on the effects of changes
in tax rates that apply to all individuals,
as summarized by the average marginal
tax rate and the average tax rate. But this
does not reflect differences in tax rates
levied on people in different income brackets. Does the economy respond differently
to tax cuts for specific income brackets?
This is a strongly debated question
inside and outside academia. The logic of
trickle-down economics suggests that
reducing the tax rate for high earners


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

stimulates the economy because workers
with the most valued skills increase their
labor supply and their investment in
entrepreneurial activities in response
to lower taxes. According to this view,
these effects eventually raise income and
increase employment opportunities for
all households. The logic of bottom-up
economics suggests that reducing the tax
rate for low earners enables low-income
households to break away from work disincentives such as means-tested benefits,
and that it stimulates consumption
because households with low earnings
have a higher marginal propensity to
consume. (That is, they are more likely
to spend a higher share of an additional
dollar of income.) According to this
view, these effects lead to broad gains in
economic activity.
Which view is supported by the data?
The estimates based on my work with
Rubio-Ramírez and Waggoner indicate
that both forces are at play, but with
different timing.
Inspired by the work of Mertens and
Montiel Olea and using their measures of
exogenous variation in marginal tax rates
(that is, changes in marginal tax rates
unrelated to contemporaneous macroeconomic conditions and government
spending at the time of the change), we
studied the effects of changes in these tax
rates at the top and bottom of the income
distribution.17 We found that exogenous
changes in the marginal tax rate for the
top 1 percent of the income distribution
have large short-run effects (Figure 5). One
year after a 1 percent increase in the net-oftax marginal rate (that is, a tax cut for the
top 1 percent), personal income for the top
1 percent increases by about 1.5 percent,
real GDP expands, and the unemployment
rate declines. We also find evidence of
trickle-down effects: The income of the
bottom 99 percent also increases, albeit
by less than for the top 1 percent. Consequently, income inequality increases when
we reduce the tax rate for the rich, but the
effects are largely transitory.
Turning to the exogenous changes in
the marginal tax rate for the bottom
99 percent of the income distribution, we
found that these tax changes have large
medium- to long-run effects (Figure 6).
Three years after a roughly 1 percent
increase in the net-of-tax marginal rate

(that is, a tax cut for the bottom 99 percent),
income for the bottom 99 percent rises by
about 2 percent. In addition, this tax
change is associated with a large increase
in real GDP and a decline in the unemployment rate. Three years after the
reduction in tax rates for the bottom 99
percent, real GDP is 1.5 percent higher
and the unemployment rate is about 0.4
percentage point lower. Interestingly,
income for the top 1 percent also increases
significantly after three years, suggesting
the presence of bottom-up effects.
When we compared the effects of tax
cuts for the top 1 and bottom 99 percent,
we found support for both the trickledown and bottom-up arguments. There
are, however, some differences. According
to our estimates, cutting taxes for the
top 1 percent causes short-run gains but
negligible medium- to long-run gains,
whereas cutting taxes for the bottom
99 percent causes larger medium- to longrun gains but smaller short-run gains.
The timing of these gains may influence
the popularity of different tax reforms.
Our findings are not definitive. Although
Mertens and Montiel Olea, using a different counterfactual tax experiment, came
to a remarkably similar conclusion, we
might not be fully isolating the effects of
each type of tax change.18 In addition,
our findings on the trickle-down effects are
at odds with a recent paper by Princeton
economist Owen Zidar, who finds that
exogenous changes in personal income tax
rates for people in the bottom 90 percent
affect the economy, but changes for
people in the top 10 percent do not. Our
findings may differ from Zidar’s because
we measured the economic effects with
respect to changes in the marginal tax rate,
whereas Zidar’s study focuses on total
tax liability changes. As shown above, the
responses to changes in average and marginal tax rates can differ, so more research
is needed to reconcile these findings.


In this article I use an empirical perspective
to revisit important questions about
personal income taxation. Based on my
research, tax cuts—in the form of reductions either in the marginal tax rates
or on the overall tax burden—are associated with increases in economic activity.

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates
2021 Q3

Furthermore, reducing tax rates on the top 1 percent as well as
on the bottom 99 percent leads to higher economic activity.
Nevertheless, these results do not imply that lower taxes
benefit society. Such a normative statement requires economic
modeling that, among other things, considers the medium- to
long-run economic consequences for income inequality and
welfare. The latest theoretical models incorporating those effects

typically feature an explicit role for income risk, Social Security
benefits, and government budget constraints. These theoretical
models, which dominate the literature on optimal personal
income taxation, commonly find that increasing the current
marginal tax rate for the top 1 percent would lessen income
inequality and improve social welfare.19



What Happens If We Cut Taxes for the Wealthy?

What Happens If We Cut Taxes for Everyone Else?

Income inequality increases when we reduce the marginal
tax rate for the rich, but the effects are largely transitory.

Change in real GDP and income (percent) and the unemployment rate
(percentage points) in the five years after a hypothetical increase of about
1 percent in the net-of-tax average marginal tax rate (AMTR) for the top
1 percent of the income distribution.
1−AMTR (Top 1% Tax Units)

68% probability



−1 %

1−AMTR (Bottom 99% Tax Units)

5 yr


−1 %

0 yr



5 yr


0 yr

5 yr

−1 %

Real GDP

0 yr

5 yr


0.5 pp

1−AMTR (Bottom 99% Tax Units)

0 yr

5 yr


0 yr

5 yr

Income (Top 1%)

Income (Bottom 99%)








0 yr

5 yr

Real GDP

Unemployment Rate


68% probability


Income (Bottom 99%)

−1 %

1−AMTR (Top 1% Tax Units)


Income (Top 1%)


Change in real GDP and income (percent) and the unemployment rate
(percentage points) in the five years after a hypothetical increase of about
1 percent in the net-of-tax average marginal tax rate (AMTR) for the bottom
99 percent of the income distribution.



0 yr

Cutting taxes for the bottom 99 percent causes larger mediumto long-run gains but smaller short-run gains than cutting taxes
for the top 1 percent.


0 yr

5 yr

Unemployment Rate
1 pp



0.0 pp


−1 %

0 pp

0 yr

5 yr

−0.5 pp

Source: Author’s calculations based on
Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner

0 yr

5 yr

Note: A tax filing unit is typically
defined as any married person or any
single person aged 20 or older.

0 yr

5 yr

−1 pp

Source: Author’s calculations based on
Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates

2021 Q3

0 yr

5 yr

Note: A tax filing unit is typically
defined as any married person or any
single person aged 20 or older.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


1 The first federal personal income tax was imposed in August 1861 as an
emergency measure to fight the Civil War and was allowed to expire in
1872. See Brownlee (2016).
2 Wisconsin and Mississippi imposed personal income taxes in 1911 and
1912, respectively, just before the federal income tax. “Social Security
payroll tax” refers to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax
on income to fund Social Security and Medicare.
3 Barro and Redlick’s (2011) and Mertens and Montiel Olea’s (2018)
findings suggest that the economy responds to changes in the average
marginal rates but not to changes in average tax rates. In contrast,
Romer and Romer (2010), Mertens and Ravn (2013), Zidar (2019), and
Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner (forthcoming) find that changes
in average tax rates can affect the economy. Zidar (2019) finds that
the effects of tax cuts on employment are driven mainly by tax cuts for
low-income groups rather than by tax cuts for high-income groups.
His results are in line with Parker, Souleles, Johnson, and McClelland
(2013). In contrast, Mertens and Montiel Olea and Arias, Rubio-Ramírez,
and Waggoner find evidence that tax cuts for both low-income and
top-income groups affect the economy.
4 The marginal tax rate for Social Security, not Medicare, is zero above
an income ceiling, which currently stands at $142,800.
5 More generally, Figure 1 shows the average tax rate corresponding to
different levels of adjusted gross income.
6 More specifically, I use the overall average marginal tax rate built by
Barro and Redlick, which I henceforward refer to as the average marginal
tax rate. Barro and Redlick’s average marginal tax rate works as follows:
Imagine an economy comprising only two taxpayers who pay taxes
under the current federal income tax code. (For now, ignore state and
payroll taxes.) If one taxpayer has an annual adjusted gross income of
$72,400 and therefore (after taking the standard deduction) pays
a marginal tax rate of 22 percent, and the other taxpayer has an annual
adjusted gross income of $342,000 and therefore (after taking
the standard deduction) pays a marginal tax rate of 35 percent, then the
average marginal tax rate of this hypothetical economy is 33 percent, i.e.,
33 = 22 (60,000/(60,000+330,000)) + 35 (330,000/(60,000+330,000)).
Even though Barro and Redlick’s average marginal tax rate takes into
account a significant part of the complexity of the tax code, such as
the earned-income tax credit (EITC) and phase-outs of exemptions, it
does not consider other programs such as Medicaid and food stamps.
7 I use the term “individual” as interchangeable with the term “tax filing
unit,” which is typically defined as any married person or any single
person aged 20 or older.
8 In particular, our work made a methodological contribution that allowed
us to replicate Mertens and Montiel Olea’s 2018 findings regarding
the economic effects of an average marginal rate tax cut and to expand the
type of tax cut counterfactuals that they considered.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

9 Romer and Romer (2014) find smaller effects from changes in marginal
tax rates using data from the interwar era.
10 See Barro (1997) for a textbook treatment.
11 The average marginal tax rate and the average tax rate are included
simultaneously in the SVAR. This is important because these tax rates are
highly correlated. By including the two rates simultaneously, research
studies aim to use the average tax rate to isolate wealth effects and the
average marginal tax rate to isolate substitution effects. See Barro and
Redlick (2011). Nonetheless, such an approach might not fully isolate the
wealth and substitution effects. Hence, we need more research before we
can reach definite conclusions based on the results reported in this article.
12 See Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner (forthcoming) for additional
13 As in the case of marginal tax rates, to assess the macroeconomic
effects of changes in the average tax rate we need a summary measure
of the average tax rate faced by each individual. As a consequence, the
average tax rate is defined as the sum of federal personal current taxes
and contributions for social insurance divided by total income. See
Mertens and Montiel Olea (2018).
14 Although Figure 4 reports the median and the 68 percent probability
intervals, in this article I focus on the median estimates.
15 We also need more research to determine which approach—Mertens
and Montiel Olea’s or Arias, Rubio-Ramírez, and Waggoner’s—more
strongly isolates exogenous changes in average marginal tax rates from
exogenous changes in average tax rates.
16 These insights are based on the nonstochastic version of the standard
growth model with a government described in Ljungqvist and Sargent
(2004). If the permanent reduction in the marginal tax rate is accompanied
by a permanent reduction in government expenditures, then there is
a positive wealth effect that offsets the incentives of individuals to work
additional hours. Consequently, in such a case labor may increase or
decrease depending on the relative strength of the wealth and substitution channels.
17 We used the top 1 percent and bottom 99 percent average marginal
rates constructed by Mertens and Montiel Olea. These measures correspond to the sum of federal income tax rates and payroll tax rates across
taxpayers in a given bracket of the income distribution, weighted by their
income relative to the total income of these taxpayers’ income bracket.
Notice that in contrast to the average marginal tax rate for all individuals,
the average marginal tax rates for the income brackets in question do
not include state income taxes. But as highlighted by Mertens and Montiel
Olea, the variation in state income taxes is small and unlikely to affect
the main conclusions of the analysis.
18 This is because following a tax cut for the bottom 99 percent, the
decline in the average marginal tax rate for the bottom 99 percent is

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates
2021 Q3

accompanied by an even larger decline in the average marginal tax rate for the top 1 percent. One possible explanation
for this is that the reduction in average marginal tax rates for
the top 1 percent is induced by a change in the income
composition driven by a decline in top incomes. In other
words, some of the wealthy see their income decline (or
report lower income as a result of tax avoidance) and fall
into a lower tax bracket with a lower tax rate.
19 See, for example, Diamond and Saez (2011), Kindermann
and Krueger (forthcoming), and Piketty, Saez, and Stantcheva
(2014). An exception to the finding that the optimal personal
income tax rate for high-income individuals is higher than
the current one is Jaimovich and Rebelo (2017). These authors
find that once endogenous growth is taken into account,
the tax rate that maximizes the welfare of workers and entrepreneurs is 31 percent.

Arias, Jonas E., Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez, and Daniel F.
Waggoner. “Inference in Bayesian Proxy-SVARs,” Journal
of Econometrics (forthcoming),
Barro, Robert J. Macroeconomics, 5th edition. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press, 1997.
Barro, Robert J., and Charles J. Redlick. “Macroeconomic
Effects from Government Purchases and Taxes,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 126:1 (2011), pp. 51–102, https://doi.

Mertens, Karel, and José Luis Montiel Olea. “Marginal Tax
Rates and Income: New Time Series Evidence,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 133:4 (2018), pp. 1803–1884, https://
Mertens, Karel, and Morten O. Ravn. “The Dynamic Effects
of Personal and Corporate Income Tax Changes in the
United States,” American Economic Review, 103:4 (2013), pp.
Parker, Jonathan A., Nicholas S. Souleles, David S. Johnson,
and Robert McClelland. “Consumer Spending and the Economic Stimulus Payments of 2008,” American Economic
Review, 103:6 (2013), pp. 2530–2553,
Piketty, Thomas, Emmanuel Saez, and Stefanie Stantcheva.
“Optimal Taxation of Top Labor Incomes: A Tale of Three
Elasticities,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,
6:1 (2014), pp. 230–271,
Romer, Christina D., and David H. Romer. “The Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes: Estimates Based on a New
Measure of Fiscal Shocks,” American Economic Review, 100:3
(2010), pp. 763–801,
Romer, Christina D., and David H. Romer. “The Incentive
Effects of Marginal Tax Rates: Evidence from the Interwar Era,”
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6:3 (2014), pp.

Brownlee, W. Elliot. Federal Taxation in America, 3rd edition.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

Saez, Emmanuel, Joel Slemrod, and Seth H. Giertz. “The
Elasticity of Taxable Income with Respect to Marginal Tax
Rates: A Critical Review,” Journal of Economic Literature,
50:1 (2012), pp. 3–50,

Diamond, Peter, and Emmanuel Saez. “The Case for
a Progressive Tax: From Basic Research to Policy Recommendations,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25:4 (2011),
pp. 165–190,

Zidar, Owen. “Tax Cuts for Whom? Heterogenous Effects of
Income Tax Changes on Growth and Employment,” Journal
of Political Economy, 127:3 (2019), pp. 1437–1472, https://

Jaimovich, Nir, and Sergio Rebelo. “Nonlinear Effects of Taxation on Growth,” Journal of Political Economy, 125:1 (2017),
pp. 265–291,
Kindermann, Fabian, and Dirk, Krueger. “High Marginal Tax
Rates on the Top 1%? Lessons from a Life Cycle Model with
Idiosyncratic Income Risk,” American Economic Journal:
Macroeconomics (forthcoming).
Ljungqvist, Lars, and Thomas J. Sargent. Recursive Macroeconomic Theory, 2nd edition. Cambridge, MA: The MIT
Press, 2004.

The Economic Effects of Changes in Personal Income Tax Rates

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Photo: aimintang/iStock

Banking Trends

Is Small-Business
Lending Local?

Although large banks dominate the market for
small-business loans, a local presence still matters.

Jim DiSalvo
Banking Structure Specialist
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The views expressed in this article are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


mall banks have traditionally been
a primary source of funding for small
businesses. According to banking
scholars and analysts, small businesses benefit from close lending relationships with
their banker, and these relationships are
more feasible with a locally based, typically
small bank. However, as the banking
industry has become more consolidated
and as lending technologies have evolved,
small banks’ role in the industry has
declined in relation to large megabanks
such as Chase and Wells Fargo, lending
credence to the idea that relationship
lending is a thing of the past. But is it? To
find out, I analyzed a data set comprising
loans made to small businesses. I analyzed
the data along four dimensions: the
location of the lender (local or nonlocal),
whether the nonlocal bank has a local

branch (yes or no), the size of the lender (large or small), and the size of the loan
(larger or smaller).1 By analyzing the data
along these four dimensions, I am able to
identify what kinds of banks lend to small
businesses, and whether certain kinds of
banks specialize in certain kinds of loans.
I find that local banks make only a small
share of small-business loans in most
metro areas and that large nonlocal banks
dominate the market for small-business
loans.2 Surprisingly, large nonlocal banks
are most dominant in the market for
smaller loans—which make up a large
share of total small-business loans—most
likely because large banks are major players in the market for business credit
cards, an important source of financing
for small businesses. However, local
banks remain competitive for larger

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?
2021 Q3

small-business loans such as commercial mortgages, most likely
because of their local relationships.3 Bank branches provide still
more evidence for the continued role of lending relationships.
Nonlocal banks that retain a local presence through a local branch
network are significantly more likely than other nonlocal banks
to make larger small-business loans.

The History of Local Lending to Small Businesses

Historically, local banks have played a substantial role in smallbusiness lending. When small businesses needed financing,
they usually first turned to the local bank where they did their
other business. This is called relationship lending, and there
is much theoretical and empirical banking literature outlining
the benefits of this type of lending for small firms.4 Local
banks, banking analysts have long argued, have several advantages over nonlocal banks in building and maintaining lending
relationships. First, they have specialized knowledge of local
market conditions because their management and lending
staff live and work in the same area and under the same conditions as their business customers.
In addition, locally based loan officers can visit a business and
see for themselves how it’s run. These repeated, personal interactions supplement the “hard” information contained in the
business’s accounting statements. Thus, a local bank can gather,
through a direct contact, “soft” information that a more distant
bank would find difficult to access.5 What’s more, in addition to
being able to just drop in on the client’s shop, these loan officers
can also see their clients socially, giving them additional opportunities to acquire soft information about the client’s business.
Not so long ago, local banks also benefited from state-level legal
and regulatory restrictions. Many states limited or prohibited
banks from branching or merging across state lines. Some states
even restricted instate branching and merging. But beginning in
the 1980s, local banks lost this regulatory advantage. Many states
allowed at least regional interstate mergers beginning in the
early 1980s, and many local banks were merged out of existence.
Then, in 1997, the federal Interstate Banking and Branching Act
became effective, allowing for full nationwide interstate mergers.
Mergers replaced locally headquartered banks with branches
of large banks. In a previous Economic Insights article on the
Philadelphia banking market, I showed that large banks with
local branches compete very successfully with local banks for
commercial real estate (CRE) loans.6
Meanwhile, changes in technology have made it easier and
cheaper for remote banks to screen and monitor small businesses
using hard information such as credit scores.7 Automated underwriting methods, which use credit scores similar to those used
for consumer credit cards, have substantially reduced the cost
of screening. Whereas business loans were once difficult to score
because businesses differ substantially, enhanced computer
power, larger databases, and more sophisticated modeling techniques now allow many banks, especially larger ones, to treat
loans to small-business owners much like personal loans when
assessing creditworthiness.8
Automated underwriting methods have significant advantages
for small businesses that may offset some of the advantages of

close relationships for some borrowers. Perhaps most important,
firms can access funds within days of applying for a loan. Furthermore, loans made through automated underwriting—for
example, business credit cards—are generally unsecured. By
contrast, the typical relationship loan requires the business owner
to post their house as collateral or maintain detailed records
about accounts receivable posted as collateral.

Who Lends to Small Businesses Now

I analyzed all banks9 operating in any of the 30 metropolitan
statistical areas (MSAs) with a population greater than 2 million,
according to the 2010 census.10 The population of these MSAs
varies from 18.9 million (New York–Newark–Jersey City) to a little
over 2 million (Kansas City). The number of banks in each MSA
varies from 538 (New York) to 207 (Sacramento–Roseville–Folsom).
I use the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small Business
Loan data set to see which types of banks make small-business
loans. This data set defines a small-business loan as any commercial and industrial (C&I) or CRE loan smaller than $1 million. The
data do not have any information about the size of the borrower.
The assumption is that small businesses are the predominant
recipients of such small loans. Throughout, whenever I use the
term “loans,” I am referring to the small-business loans covered
by the CRA data set.
I found that the vast majority of lending in these MSAs is done
by nonlocal banks.11 Among the
30 MSAs, the unweighted mean
See Description of Data
share of the number of loans
made by local lenders is just
8.7 percent (Figure 1). For the
value of loans, the mean is
In Most MSAs, the Vast
20.2 percent.12 This result is far
Majority of Lending Is
from uniform—there is quite
Done by Nonlocal Banks
a bit of variance. Local lenders’
Local Share of Loans.
share of the number of loans
Metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs)
ranges from a low of 0.13
with a population greater than 2 million,
percent (Orlando) to a high of
63.3 percent (New York). Local
PHL Philadelphia
lenders’ share of the value
Mean Number
of loans ranges from a low of
of Loans of Loans
0.34 percent (San Diego) to a
high of 50.7 percent (Chicago).
Many of the MSAs with the
highest local share are home to
at least one headquarters of
a large bank. For instance, nine
large banks are headquartered
in New York, and not coinciPHL
dentally, New York has the
highest local-market share by
number and the second high0%
est by value. But having a large
local bank does not guarantee
Source: Federal Financial Instituthat an MSA will have a large lo- tions Examination Council (FFIEC)
cal presence. Atlanta and
Community Reinvestment Act
Cleveland both have low local
(CRA) Small Business Loan data.

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


lending despite being the former headquarters of
SunTrust and the current headquarters of Keycorp,
respectively.13 Regardless of whether the MSA is home
to a large-bank headquarters,
small local banks make fewer
See How
loans. Nonetheless, as will be
shown below, these small local
banks serve an important role
in some types of loans.

“Nonlocal” Doesn’t Necessarily Mean

Many nonlocal banks have a local branch, which
likely helps them operate in those markets. A branch
could serve as a substitute for being locally based.
Perhaps a branch enables these banks to form close
lending relationships just like local banks. Even
without close lending relationships, a local branch
might attract local business owners by advertising
the nonlocal bank’s prioritization of the local market.
Among the 30 MSAs, an average of 52.6 percent of
the number of loans and 77.6 percent of the value
of loans made by nonlocal banks are made by banks
that have at least one branch in the MSA (Figure 2).
The higher share by value suggests that having a local
branch presence may be more important for banks
competing for larger small-business loans and less
important for smaller small-business loans.
Many nonlocal lenders have a local branch in part
because they have acquired a large local bank through
a merger. The successor bank then continues to
operate in the legacy bank’s market.14 Although we
don’t know the market shares of the legacy banks,
it’s likely that if the successor has a high market

share, the legacy did as well. And, indeed,
many successor banks have a high market
share, in large part because they continue to operate many of the legacy bank’s
branch networks.
Regardless of whether the bank has
a local branch, large banks dominate the
market for nonlocal loans. Among the 30
MSAs, large banks account for a mean
share of 90.1 percent of the number and
72 percent of the value of nonlocal loans
(Figure 3). It is somewhat surprising that
large banks dominate nonlocal lending
in terms of number of loans but less so in
terms of dollar volume. In general, we
expect large banks’ competitive advantage
to increase with loan size, which should
drive up their share of the dollar volume
of loans. Later in this article I discuss why
large banks might have a competitive advantage in making smaller small-business
loans—an advantage that may explain
why their share of the dollar value of nonlocal loans is so much lower than their
share of the number of nonlocal loans.
A recent study found that large banks
retreated from small-business lending
after the financial crisis of 2007–2009, but
that isn’t evident in my study. In their
2018 National Bureau of Economic Research working paper, economists Vitaly
M. Bord, Victoria Ivashina, and Ryan
D. Taliaferro looked at lending from
2005 to 2015 using the same data I use.
They found that some large banks had


Having a Local Branch
Helps Nonlocal Banks
Compete for Nonlocal

Nonlocal Banks with a Local
Branch, Share of Nonlocal

Metropolitan statistical areas
(MSAs) with a population greater than
2 million, 2011–2018
PHL Philadelphia
Mean Number
of Loans of Loans


Sources: Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council (FFIEC) Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small Business
Loan data and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Summary of
Deposits (SOD) data.

Description of Data Sources
This article primarily uses Federal Financial
Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small
Business Loan data and Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Summary of
Deposits (SOD) data. The CRA data consist
of loans to small businesses and farms.
These data are collected annually from
all banks and thrifts with assets exceeding
$250 million. The data consist of any
origination, purchase, or refinancing of
C&I loans, commercial mortgages, agricultural loans, or loans secured by farmland in the
amount of $1 million or less. I included only
originations, and only those of C&I loans and
commercial mortgages. Unfortunately, the
data do not distinguish between C&I loans and


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

CRE loans. These are lumped together and
reported at the county level. Each lender
reports the number and dollar amount of
loans in each county in which they lent, in
amounts of less than $100,000, $100,000–
$250,000, and $250,000–$1 million. C&I
loans include lines of credit and company
credit cards, but loan commitments and
letters of credit don’t have to be reported
until the loan is actually executed.
For lines of credit, the entire amount of the
credit line is reported as a single loan at
the time it’s extended. If the credit line is increased, the amount of the increase is
reported as a separate loan. Company credit
cards are reported as a single loan equal to

the amount of the credit limit on all cards,
provided they are issued on the same day.
Any subsequently issued cards are reported
as separate loans in the same way. If the
credit limit is increased, the amount of
the increase is reported as a separate loan.
For further information, see A Guide to CRA
Data Collection and Reporting (2001).
The SOD data are the amount of deposits in
each branch of a bank. They are reported
annually as of June 30. Although there are
many well-known problems with measuring
a bank’s deposits in any MSA, I use the data
only to determine whether a bank has
a branch in any MSA. The data set is appropriate for this purpose.

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?
2021 Q3

decreased their small-business lending by over 25 percent as
a result of the financial crisis. However, they found that the
drop was at large banks heavily exposed to the real estate crisis
(that is, unhealthy banks). Banks that were less exposed (that is,
healthy banks) actually increased their lending.
The data in my sample are drawn from the postcrisis period.
The unhealthy banks in Bord, Ivashina, and Taliaferro’s sample
had either already pulled back their lending, been merged into
healthy banks, or been bailed out and were in a better condition
during the period my study covers. From 2011 to 2018, large
banks’ share of loans nationwide increased from 79.3 to 84.6
percent, while their share of the value of loans decreased only
slightly, from 58.2 to 54.3 percent.

Local Banks Still Have a Role to Play

As shown above, large nonlocal banks dominate lending in the
top 30 MSAs in terms of number of loans, but less so in terms of
dollar volume. As I discovered when I analyzed these loans, this
is probably because business credit cards give large banks a significant advantage in the market for smaller small-business loans.
I began my analysis by splitting small-business loans into two
categories: what I call smaller loans, or loans for amounts less
than $100,000, and what I call larger loans, or loans for at least
$100,000. The vast majority of loans are smaller (Figure 4).
Among the 30 MSAs, smaller loans represent a mean of over 90
percent of the number of all small-business loans. In terms of

value of loans, however, the story is different. On average among
the 30 MSAs, smaller loans represent about 36 percent of the value
of all small-business loans.
When I looked closer at who was making these loans, I discovered that large banks dominate smaller loans, but they control
only a little more than half the market for larger loans (Figure 5).
This is somewhat surprising, since we typically expect large
banks to have an advantage in making larger loans. The disparity
between number and amount is likely due to business credit cards.
The banks making smaller loans are overwhelming large:
Large banks have a mean share of 89.5 percent of the number and
84.7 percent of the value of smaller loans. These lenders also tend
to be nonlocal, with nonlocal lenders accounting for the vast
majority of smaller loans by both number and value (Figure 6).
The average small-business credit card account has an outstanding balance of about $32,000, making it an example of a smaller
loan.15 Although the data do not explicitly say whether a loan is
a business card or some other type of loan, the evidence suggests
that business-card lending is a key to the dominant role played by
large, nonlocal banks. But why do large banks have an advantage
over small banks in making credit card loans?
All banks, both large and small, have
See A Few
a minimum loan size below which credit
Facts About
evaluation is completely automated—that
is, the bank relies on the business owner’s
Credit Cards.
personal score and other hard information
that can be quickly processed without a careful examination of





Large Banks Dominate
the Market for Nonlocal Loans

The Vast Majority of
Small-Business Loans
Are Smaller

Large Banks Make
a Large Number of the
Smaller Loans

Nonlocal Banks Dominate Market for Smaller
Small-Business Loans

Metropolitan statistical areas
(MSAs) with a population greater than
2 million, 2011–2018

Metropolitan statistical areas
(MSAs) with a population greater than
2 million, 2011–2018

Metropolitan statistical areas
(MSAs) with a population greater than
2 million, 2011–2018

Metropolitan statistical areas
(MSAs) with a population greater than
2 million, 2011–2018

Large Banks, Share of Nonlocal Loans.

PHL Philadelphia
Mean Number
of Loans of Loans

Percent of Loans by Loan Size,
Number of Loans.

PHL Philadelphia


Large Banks’ Market Share by
Loan Size, Number of Loans.

PHL Philadelphia







Share of All Loans <$100k
Made by Nonlocal Banks.

PHL Philadelphia
Mean Number
of Loans of Loans



















Sources: Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council (FFIEC) Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small Business
Loan data and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Summary of
Deposits (SOD) data.


Source: Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council (FFIEC) Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small Business
Loan data.


Source: Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council (FFIEC) Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small Business
Loan data.

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?

2021 Q3



Source: Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council (FFIEC) Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small Business
Loan data.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


the business’s books and a personal meeting with the borrower.
This cutoff can be as low as $10,000 for a small bank but perhaps
as high as $60,000 or more for a large bank, giving large banks
a competitive advantage because they can quickly approve more
of these smaller loans for (presumably) larger small businesses.
Additionally, automated underwriting has the advantage of speed
and convenience for the small-business owner seeking financing.
Furthermore, the bulk of business cards are packaged into
asset-backed securities, which are then sold to a wide range of
financial institutions. Large banks have a significant comparative
advantage over small banks in securitizing assets. Their larger
scale permits them to maintain staff specialized in assembling
and marketing securities backed by credit card receivables,
whether these receivables are loans to consumers or loans to
businesses.16 And because the consumer credit card market is
dominated by large banks, large banks may have an edge in the
market for business cards, too.17
But when we analyze larger loans, we see that local banks are
still serious competitors for larger loans such as commercial
mortgages. It also appears that a local presence through a branch
network is necessary for nonlocal banks with the means to
compete effectively in the market for larger loans. Local banks
account for a mean of 23.9 percent of the number and 25.2
percent of the value of these loans (Figure 7). And an overwhelming share of the nonlocal larger loans are made by banks
with a local branch; nonlocal banks with a branch make 70
percent of the number and 72 percent of the value of nonlocal
loans.18 Thus, while the business card market is dominated by

large, primarily nonlocal banks, local banks and banks with
a local presence are still serious competitors for larger loans. Here
their superior knowledge of local conditions and established
relationships may help them better compete with large nonlocal
banks with no local presence.


Large nonlocal banks are the major small-business lenders in most
large MSAs. Surprisingly, these banks dominate the market for
smaller loans to small businesses, while local banks remain competitive in the market for larger small-business loans. In addition,
large nonlocal banks with a local branch network act more like
locally headquartered banks because they concentrate on larger
small-business loans. The predominant role of large banks without any local presence in the small-dollar end of the market is likely
due to their provision of business cards, which are an important
source of small-business financing. However, local banks and
nonlocal banks with a local presence through a branch network
still play a role in making larger small-business loans, for which
local knowledge and soft information may still be important.


Nonlocal Banks Are
Far Less Dominant
in Market for Larger
Small-Business Loans
Local Bank’ Share of Loans

Metropolitan statistical areas
(MSAs) with a population greater than
2 million, 2011–2018
PHL Philadelphia
Mean Number
of Loans of Loans



Source: Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council (FFIEC) Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) Small Business
Loan data.


How Philadelphia Compares
The Philadelphia–Camden–Wilmington MSA is the nation’s
fifth-largest metropolitan area, with a population of 5.96
million. It’s made up of New Castle County, DE; Cecil County,
MD; Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Salem counties,
NJ; and Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, PA. There were 397 lenders active in the
MSA between 2011 and 2018, including 33 that were based
in the MSA. Among MSAs in the sample, these figures are
the fifth and third highest, respectively.
In terms of lending patterns, Philadelphia is not unique. (The
figures in this article show the numbers for the Philadelphia
MSA, not just Philadelphia.) The one area in which Philadelphia is consistently different from most areas is lending
by local banks, and then only in terms of dollar volume.
Among the 30 MSAs, Philadelphia banks had a substantially higher share of the volume of small loans but only
a slightly higher share of the number of small loans. The
same is true for Philadelphia banks’ share of large loans.
Two large banks are headquartered in the MSA, TD Bank USA
and Sovereign Bank, but these are both subsidiaries of foreign
banks, so they don’t behave like local banks, and neither has
a large share of either the number or the amount of loans.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

A Few Facts About
Credit Cards
As of 2015, there were approximately 13.4 million small-business
credit card accounts in the U.S.19
These accounted for over $430
billion in spending, and that
amount has been increasing. Thus,
in 2015 the average small-business
account had a balance of about
$32,000. Based on data from Experian, the average small-business
credit card limit in 2020 was
$56,100.20 Large banks such as
JPMorgan Chase, Capital One,
Citigroup, American Express,
and Bank of America accounted
for the vast majority of these
accounts. Some small banks do
offer them, but they are at best
fringe competitors.

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?
2021 Q3

1 My data set comprises loans of no more than $1 million.
In practice, these small loans typically go to small businesses.
Because all of the loans in the data set can be described
as “small,” my further division is into “smaller” and “larger”
(small) loans.
2 For the purposes of this article, a local bank is headquartered in the MSA, and a large bank has total assets in excess
of $50 billion in 2018 dollars.
3 In contemporaneous research using CRA small-business
loan data, Adams et al. (2020) report results consistent with
my findings. They find that the average distance between
a small-business borrower and its lender has increased significantly in the last 20 years, but this is driven by the increase
in small-dollar lending by 18 large banks.
4 See Berlin (1996) for an accessible account of the benefits
(and costs) of lending relationships.
5 See Petersen and Rajan (2002).
6 See DiSalvo (2020). In that article, I examined the relative
roles of local and nonlocal banks in the provision of CRE
loans with a face value greater than $1 million. This article
focuses on smaller business loans.
7 See Petersen and Rajan (2002).
8 For more information on credit-scoring models, see
Mester (1997).
9 I use the term “banks” as shorthand for the banks and
thrifts covered by the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).
“Banks” does not include credit unions or other nonbank
lenders such as finance companies and fintechs. Thus,
a company like American Express, which lends through both
a banking subsidiary and nonbank subsidiaries, would only
report loans made by the bank. In addition, the CRA does
not collect information on banks and thrifts with assets less
than $250 million.
10 For the definition of each of these MSAs, refer to Metropolitan Statistical Area Definitions (2018).
11 Since banks with assets less than $250 million are not
covered by the CRA data, and these very small banks surely
make the vast majority of their loans in their local market,
my numbers somewhat understate small-business loans
by local banks. However, the Report of Condition shows that
banks that do not report to the CRA Small Business Loan

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?

2021 Q3

data set only made about 7 percent of all loans less than
$1 million and about 2 percent of all loans less than $100,000
in 2018. This suggests that nonreporting banks should not
appreciably affect estimates of local banks’ share of smaller
small-business loans.
12 I report unweighted means. The medians are all similar to
the means.
13 SunTrust merged into BB&T Corporation (Charlotte, NC)
in December 2019 and became Truist Financial. For the
period covered in this paper, SunTrust was an independent
14 Although I define large banks as having at least $50 billion
in assets in 2018 dollars, I define legacy banks as having
had at least $30 billion in assets in 2018 dollars at the time
they were acquired.
15 See Steele (2016). Since the CRA data refer to the size of
the loan rather than the size of the borrower, the reader may
be concerned that many of these small loans are actually
corporate credit cards for large firms. However, this is unlikely
because CRA reporting requirements direct the bank to aggregate all of the individual card accounts for a single borrower.
So, for example, if each individual account has a $20,000
credit limit, a large firm would have to have no more than
five individuals with corporate card accounts to have a loan
smaller than $100,000. In addition, corporate cards have
much higher credit limits than small-business cards, and
there are usually minimum usage requirements and a minimum number of cards issued. For further information, see
Dieker (2021). Thus, even though the CRA data do not
distinguish between business and corporate cards, I believe
that, given the small value of most of these loans, they are
business cards.
16 Unlike in the residential mortgage market, no government-sponsored-enterprises securitize credit card loans
originated by small banks.
17 See Board of Governors (2010), which argues that business cards and consumer credit cards may be complementary
goods in production.
18 In contrast, as a share of total nonlocal loans, nonlocal
banks with local branches make 20 percent of the number of
smaller loans and 49 percent of the value of smaller loans.
19 Steele (2016).
20 Porter (2021).

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Adams, Robert M., Kenneth P. Brevoort, and
John C. Driscoll. “Is Lending Distance Really
Changing? Distance Dynamics and Loan Composition in Small Business Lending,” Finance
and Economics Discussion Series Working
Paper 2021-011 (December 2020), https://doi.
Berlin, Mitchell. “For Better and for Worse:
Three Lending Relationships,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia Business Review
(November/December 1996), https://www.
Berger, Allen N., Adrian M. Cowan, and W.
Scott Frame. “The Surprising Use of Credit
Scoring in Small Business Lending and the
Attendant Effects on Credit Availability and
Risk,” Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working
Paper 2009-9 (2009),
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System. “Report to the Congress on the Use of
Credit Cards by Small Businesses and the Credit
Card Market for Small Businesses” (May 2010).
Bord, Vitaly F., Victoria Ivashina, and Ryan D.
Taliaferro. “Large Banks and Small Firms,”
National Bureau of Economic Research Working
Paper 25184 (2018),

Reinvestment Act,” Federal Reserve Board of
Governors FEDS Notes, February 2018.
Greenwald, Daniel, Johan Krainer, and Pascal
Paul. “The Credit Line Channel,” working paper
A Guide to CRA Data Collection and Reporting,
Federal Financial Institutions Examination
Council, January 2001,
Mester, Loretta J. “What’s the Point of Credit
Scoring?” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Business Review (September/October 1997),
Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Area
Population Totals and Components of Change:
2010–2019, U.S. Census Bureau, June 2020,
Metropolitan Statistical Area Definitions,
Bureau of Labor Statistics, April 2018, https://

Petersen, Mitchell, and Raghuram G. Rajan.
“Does Distance Still Matter? The Information
Revolution in Small Business Lending,” Journal
of Finance, 57:6 (2002), pp. 2533–2570,
Dieker, Nicole. “What Are Corporate Credit Cards,
and How Do They Work?” (2021).
Porter, Thomas. “What Is the Average
DiSalvo, James. “Banking Trends: Why Don’t
Credit Limit for Business Credit Cards?”
Philly Banks Make More Local CRE Loans?” (2021).
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Economic
Insights (Third Quarter 2020), https://www.
“Predicting Risk: The Relationship Between and Consumer Scores,” Experian
and-financial-markets/banking-trends-why(June 2008),
DiSalvo, James, and Ryan Johnston. “Banking
Trends: How Our Region Differs,” Federal
Steele, Jason. “Business Credit Card Statistics,”
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Economic Insights, (2016).
(Third Quarter 2015), https://philadelphiafed.
Summary of Deposits Reporting Instructions.
business-review/2015/q3/bt-how_our_region_ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, June
Dore, Tim, and Traci Mach. “Recent Trends in
Small Business Lending and the Community


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Banking Trends: Is Small-Business Lending Local?
2021 Q3

Research Update

These papers by Philadelphia Fed economists,
analysts, and visiting scholars represent
preliminary research that is being circulated
for discussion purposes.

Defragmenting Markets: Evidence from
Agency MBS

The views expressed in these papers are
solely those of the authors and should not
be interpreted as reflecting the views of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
or Federal Reserve System.

Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the Poor?
Distributional Consequences of Systematic
Monetary Policy

Agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) issued by Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac have historically traded in separate forward markets. We
study the consequences of this fragmentation, showing that market
liquidity endogenously concentrated in Fannie Mae MBS, leading to
higher issuance and trading volume, lower transaction costs, higher
security prices, and a higher rate of return on securitization for Fannie
Mae. We then analyze a change in market design—the Single Security
Initiative—which consolidated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac MBS
trading into a single market in June 2019. We find that consolidation
increased the liquidity and prices of Freddie Mac MBS without measurably reducing liquidity for Fannie Mae; this was in part achieved by
aligning characteristics of the underlying MBS pools issued by the two
agencies. Prices partially converged prior to the consolidation event,
in anticipation of future liquidity. Consolidation increased Freddie Mac’s
fee income by enabling it to remove discounts that previously compensated loan sellers for lower liquidity.
WP 21-25. Haoyang Liu, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Zhaogang
Song, Johns Hopkins University and Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research Department Visiting Scholar; James Vickery, Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research Department.

We build a New Keynesian business-cycle model with rich household
heterogeneity. In the model, systematic monetary stabilization policy
affects the distribution of income, income risks, and the demand for
funds and supply of assets: the demand, because matching frictions
render idiosyncratic labor-market risk endogenous; the supply, because
markups, adjustment costs, and the tax system mean that the
average profitability of firms is endogenous. Disagreement about
systematic monetary stabilization policy is pronounced. The wealthrich or retired tend to favor inflation targeting. The wealth-poor
working class, instead, favors unemployment-centric policy. One- and
two-agent alternatives can show unanimous disapproval of inflationcentric policy, instead. We highlight how the political support for
inflation-centric policy depends on wage setting, the tax system, and
the portfolio that households have.
WP 12-21 Revised. Nils Gornemann, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System; Keith Kuester, University of Bonn; Makoto Nakajima,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research Department.

Research Update

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Do Noncompete Covenants Influence State
Startup Activity? Evidence from the Michigan

The Geography of Job Tasks

This paper examines how the enforceability of employee noncompete
agreements affects the entry of new establishments and jobs created
by these new firms. We use a panel of startup activity for the U.S.
states for the period 1977 to 2013. We exploit Michigan’s inadvertent
policy reversal in 1985 that transformed the state from a nonenforcing
to an enforcing state as a quasi-natural experiment to estimate the
causal effect of enforcement on startup activity. In a difference-indifference framework, we find little support for the widely held view
that enforcement of noncompete agreements negatively affects
the entry rate of new firms or the rate of jobs created by new firms.
We find that increased enforcement had no effect on the entry rate
of startups but a positive effect on jobs created by these startups in
Michigan relative to a counterfactual of states that did not enforce
such covenants pre- and posttreatment. Specifically, we find that
a doubling of enforcement led to an increase of about 8 percent in
the startup job creation rate in Michigan. We also find evidence that
enforcing noncompetes positively affected the number of high-tech
establishments and the level of high-tech employment in Michigan.
Extending our analysis to consider the effect of increased enforcement on patent activity, we find that enforcement had differential
effects across technological classifications. Importantly, increased
enforcement had a positive and significant effect on the number of
Mechanical patents in Michigan, the most important patenting
classification in that state.

The returns to skills and the nature of work differ systematically
across labor markets of different sizes. Prior research has pointed to
worker interactions, technological innovation, and specialization as
key sources of urban productivity gains but has been limited by the
available data in its ability to fully characterize work across geographies.
We study the sources of geographic inequality and present new
facts about the geography of work using online job ads. We show
that the (i) intensity of interactive and analytic tasks, (ii) technological
requirements, and (iii) task specialization all increase with city size.
The gradient for tasks and technologies exists both across and within
occupations. It is also steeper for jobs requiring a college degree and
for workers employed in nontradable industries. We document that
our new measures help account for a substantial portion of the urban
wage premium, both in aggregate and across occupation groups.
WP 21-27. Enghin Atalay, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department; Sebastian Sotelo, University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor; Daniel Tannenbaum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

WP 21-26. Gerald A. Carlino, Emeritus Economist, Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia Research Department.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Research Update
2021 Q3

COVID-19 and Auto Loan Origination Trends

Health Insurance and Young Adult
Financial Distress

We study the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on auto loan origination
activity during 2020. We focus on the dynamic impact of the crisis
across lending channels, Equifax Risk Score (Risk Score) segments,
and relevant geographic characteristics such as urbanization rate. We
measure a significant drop in auto loan originations in March–April
followed by a near rebound in May–June. Originations remain slightly
depressed until October and fall again in November–December. We
document the largest drop and the smallest rebound in the subprime
segment. We do not find any suggestive evidence that used car loan
originations exhibited patterns significantly different from the rest
of the market. We also document a more pronounced impact in the
Northeast and the Pacific, seemingly influenced by the higher urbanization rate in these regions. Bank-financed originations experienced
the largest drop and the smallest rebound, thus resulting in a loss
of market share and continuing a 10-year trend of bank share loss in
auto lending. We find that the drop in auto loans originated by banks
was particularly significant among subprime borrowers. The impact
of the COVID-19 crisis across origination channels contrasts with
the experience during the Great Recession when banks contributed the
largest support to the auto loan origination segment during periods
of stress and finance company-originated auto loans were depressed.

We study how health insurance eligibility affects financial distress for
young adults using the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) dependent coverage
mandate—the part of the ACA that requires private health insurance
plans to cover individuals up to their 26th birthday. We examine the
effects of both gaining and losing eligibility by exploiting the mandate’s
implementation in 2010 and its automatic disenrollment mechanism
at age 26. Our estimates show that increasing access to health
insurance lowers young adults’ out-of-pocket medical expenditures
and debt in third-party collections. However, the reductions in financial
distress are transitory, as they diminish after an individual loses access
to parental insurance when they age out of the mandate at age 26.
WP 19-54 Revised. Nathan Blascak, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute; Vyacheslav Mikhed, Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute.

WP 21-28. José J. Canals-Cerdá, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Supervision, Regulation, and Credit Department; Brian Jonghwan Lee,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and Columbia Business School.

Research Update

2021 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Discussion Papers
The Lingering Fiscal Effects of the COVID-19
Pandemic on Higher Education

Racial Differences in Mortgage Refinancing,
Distress, and Housing Wealth Accumulation
During COVID-19

In this report, we provide guidance to institutions and policymakers
about the short- and medium-term revenue losses that are likely to
materialize as a result of the ongoing pandemic and associated
disruptions to revenue and expenses. Using historical data on states’
responses to previous economic downturns and contemporaneous
measures of the severity of the current economic predicament, we
project state and local appropriation reductions that public colleges
and universities are likely to experience. We then use these projections
in conjunction with measures of the pandemic’s severity at the local
level—mobility on campus and in local areas, consumer spending,
fall 2020 enrollment, and more—to project likely revenue losses to
institutions from appropriations and two other key revenue sources:
net tuition revenue and revenue from auxiliary enterprises. We
project that losses in state and local appropriations are likely to be
about half the magnitude of losses in the Great Recession, or on
the order of $17 billion to $30 billion over the period 2020–2025.
However, appropriations represent a relatively small fraction of the
cumulative revenue losses from the three main revenue categories,
which we estimate to be $70 billion to $115 billion over the next five
years. The extent of revenue losses depends crucially on assumptions
about the pace of economic recovery. We find that most public
colleges, private nonprofit colleges, and rural colleges will experience
moderate cumulative losses (no loss, loss <25% of 2019 revenue) over
the next five years, while cumulative revenue losses will be the most
severe (>50% of 2019 revenue) among institutions with fewer than
1,000 students, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs),
and certain for-profit colleges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Black, Hispanic, and Asian borrowers were significantly more likely
than white borrowers to miss payments due to financial distress,
and significantly less likely to refinance to take advantage of the
large decline in interest rates spurred by the Federal Reserve’s largescale mortgage-backed security (MBS) purchase program. The
wide-scale forbearance program, introduced by the 2020 Coronavirus
Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, provided approximately
equal payment relief to all distressed borrowers, as forbearance rates
conditional on nonpayment status were roughly equal across racial/
ethnic groups. However, Black and Hispanic borrowers were significantly less likely to exit forbearance and resume making payments
relative to their Asian and white counterparts. Persistent differences
in the ability to catch up on missed payments could worsen the
already large disparity in home ownership rates across racial and ethnic
groups. While the pandemic caused widespread distress in mortgage
markets, strong house price appreciation in recent years, particularly
in 2020, means that foreclosure risk is lower for past-due borrowers
now as compared with the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis
and Great Recession. Furthermore, borrowers who have missed payments have significantly higher credit scores now than those who
were distressed in the 2007–2010 period, largely due to the widespread
availability of forbearance for federally backed mortgages.
DP 21-02 Kristopher Gerardi, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Lauren
Lambie-Hanson, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute; Paul Willen, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and NBER.

DP 21-01 Robert Kelchen, Seton Hall University and Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute Visiting Scholar;
Dubravka Ritter, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute; Douglas Webber, Temple University and Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute Visiting Scholar.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Research Update
2021 Q3

Data in Focus

South Jersey Business Survey
The Philadelphia Fed collects, analyzes, and shares useful data
about the Third District and beyond. Here’s one example.


any economists like to talk about
macroeconomic indicators such
as GDP and unemployment, but
if you’re a law firm or homebuilder in
South Jersey, what you probably care about
most is economic conditions in South
Jersey today. That’s where our South Jersey
Business Survey comes in. Each quarter,
we ask the members of the Chamber of
Commerce Southern New Jersey for their
thoughts on current and future business
conditions in and near South Jersey. This
qualitative data set fills in the gaps left by
less timely (and sometimes inadequate)
quantitative data. This issue’s Data in Focus depicts the survey’s current and future
general activity diffusion indexes, which
combine the respondents’ answers to the
questions, “What is your assessment of
the level of the region’s general business
activity now and in the next six months?”
(To calculate a diffusion index, we subtract
the percentage of firms reporting a decrease from the percentage reporting an
increase.) The survey has proven itself
to be a good indicator of the economic
conditions that the National Bureau of
Economic Research (NBER) later identifies
using quantitative data.1 No policymaker
wants to wait for the NBER to tell them,
months after the fact, that a recession
has ended or begun, which is why so many
of them rely on business surveys such as
this one to find out what the economy looks
like in almost real time.

South Jersey Business Survey
Company General Activity, Diffusion Index






Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia South Jersey Business Survey.

1 See Mike Trebing’s 2017 Economic Insights
article for details: https://www.philadelphiafed.

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