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Third Quarter 2019
Volume 4, Issue 3

Banking Trends
Collateral Damage:
House Prices and Consumption
During the Great Recession
Where Is the Phillips Curve?

Third Quarter 2019


Volume 4, Issue 3

Banking Trends: How
Foreign Banks Changed
After Dodd–Frank


One big legacy of the Great
Recession was the Wall Street
Reform Act, but this act affected
not only domestic banks. James
DiSalvo examines how Dodd–
Frank also changed the way
foreign banks operate in the U.S.

A publication of the Research
Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Where Is The Phillips
Shigeru Fujita explores what’s
happening to the Phillips curve
in our low-unemployment, lowinflation economy. Is the curve
dead? Or just harder to discern?

Collateral Damage:
House Prices and
Consumption During
the Great Recession
In 2007–2008, house prices and
household consumption both
cratered simultaneously. A coincidence? Likely not. Ronel Elul
explores the connection between
house prices and economic


Research Update
Abstracts of the latest
working papers produced
by the Philadelphia Fed.

The views expressed by the authors are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
helps formulate and implement monetary
policy, supervises banks and bank and
savings and loan holding companies, and
provides financial services to depository
institutions and the federal government. It
is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that,
together with the U.S. Federal Reserve
Board of Governors, make up the Federal
Reserve System. The Philadelphia Fed
serves eastern and central Pennsylvania,
southern New Jersey, and Delaware.

Patrick T. Harker
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Michael Dotsey
Executive Vice President and
Director of Research
Adam Steinberg
Managing Editor, Research Publications
Brendan Barry
Data Visualization Manager
Morgan Leary
Data Visualization Intern

ISSN 0007–7011

About the Cover
Philadelphia's most famous citizen, Benjamin Franklin, has graced the $100 bill
since the newly created Federal Reserve began issuing “Federal Reserve Notes” in
1914. This particular image is taken from H.B. Hall's engraving of Joseph-Siffred
Duplessis's 1785 portrait of Franklin, which is currently on view at the National
Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. In the background are details from the 2009
redesign of the $100 bill, including a reproduction of the Declaration of Independence. Franklin served on the “Committee of Five” that drafted the Declaration
and presented it to the Second Continental Congress, then meeting at the Pennsylvania State House, on July 4, 1776. The State House still stands today, just
two blocks from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, and is now known as
Independence Hall.
Photo by Rich Wood.

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Banking Trends

How Foreign Banks Changed
After Dodd–Frank
The Great Recession and the Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act of 2010 both affected how
foreign banks operate in the U.S.

James DiSalvo is a banking
structure specialist in the
Research Department of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The views expressed in
this article are not necessarily
those of the Federal Reserve.



he Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act of 2010 substantially changed how foreign
banking organizations (FBOs) operating in the United
States are regulated. Previously, most of the regulation of an FBO
fell on its primary regulator in its home country, and there were
few restrictions on either the capital or organizational structure
of its U.S. operations.1
Dodd–Frank’s new regulations changed that. Foreign banks
above a certain size now have to organize their U.S. subsidiaries
under a holding company subject to the same regulations as
domestic bank holding companies (BHCs) and financial holding
companies (FHCs). The new regulations also attempt to ensure
that only banks that are regulated up to certain standards in
their home countries can open or operate branches or agencies
in the U.S. The higher regulatory costs and the differential
regulation of subsidiaries and foreign branches could encourage
FBOs to withdraw from U.S. markets or change the structure of
their U.S. operations.
This paper examines how FBOs operate in the U.S., describes
the regulatory changes due to Dodd–Frank, and provides some
preliminary evidence about how FBOs have changed their operations following passage of the law. I find evidence that FBOs have
shifted activities away from the U.S. market. But the changes
have not been dramatic, and other factors like the European
financial crisis probably played a significant role.

any other domestic bank, although a foreign-owned U.S. bank
with domestic assets exceeding $50 billion must be organized as
a BHC and is therefore subject to regulation by the Federal
Reserve. As of year-end 2018 there were 37 domestic banks
owned by FBOs.
There’s an important difference between FBO-owned domestic
banks and other domestic banks: Even though an FBO’s U.S. bank
subsidiary may be relatively small, the FBO is almost always
quite large and therefore might be considered important to the
stability of either the global or the domestic financial system.
Regulators might thus designate these FBOs as global systemically
important financial institutions (G-SIFIs) or domestic systemically
important financial institutions (D-SIFIs).2 Of the 37 foreign-owned

Foreign Banks Operating in the U.S.

FBOs have been slowly closing U.S. branches for years.
Foreign banks


Banks operating:
Branches only


How Do FBOs Operate in the United States?

As of year-end 2018, 130 FBOs engaged in banking operations in
the U.S., either by direct ownership of a state-chartered or
federally chartered bank, or by establishing a branch or agency
(Figure 1).
A directly owned chartered bank can be either acquired or
formed de novo (i.e., as a startup operation), and it can engage
in the same activities as other domestic banks. This directly
owned chartered bank is run and regulated pretty much like

Both branches and


Subsidiaries only


Source: National Information Center.

Banking Trends: How Foreign Banks Changed After Dodd–Frank
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


U.S. banks mentioned above, 21 are owned
by G-SIFIs or are themselves D-SIFIs.
The other way to operate in the U.S. is
through a branch or agency (Figure 2).
Both branches and agencies are offices of
the FBO that conduct business on behalf
of the FBO outside its home country. One
important part of their business is to provide banking services for client companies
located in their home country but doing
substantial business here. In addition,
branches compete with U.S. banks to provide a wide range of banking services for
companies not from their home country.

There are currently 197 branches/agencies
of FBOs in the U.S., mainly in New York,
Los Angeles, and Miami.3
There are some important differences
between branches and agencies. Neither
can accept retail deposits, but, while
a branch can accept wholesale deposits
from anybody, an agency can’t accept
deposits from U.S. citizens.4 It is illegal for
either a branch or an agency to have
FDIC insurance, but some branches offer
insured deposits because their deposits
were insured before, and are thus grandfathered by, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation Improvement Act of 1991.


Two Models for FBOs in the U.S.
FBOs can operate subsidiaries or

Bank Subsidiary Model
fbos can create
new chartered
banks in the
U.S. or…
chartered banks.


Domestic banks owned
by fbos in 2018

Branch/Agency Model

Branches provide
banking services both
to companies from
their home country
that do substantial
business in the
U.S. and to U.S.


of fbos in 2018

Differences Between Branches
and Agencies


deposits from

No retail

branches still
offer insured

No fdic

No deposits
from U.S.

Source: National Information Center.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

New Incentives Under Dodd–

When Congress enacted the Dodd–Frank
Act of 2010, it brought the regulation of
FBOs more in line with the way domestic
banks are regulated. One major change
was that an FBO with
a large presence in
See How Dodd–
the U.S. must put all
Frank Changed
of its U.S. subsidiarthe Regulation of
ies under a BHC or
Foreign Banks.
then regulated as if it were a domestically
owned institution. An FBO is not required
to house its branches or agencies in the
holding company, although the law does
impose some new requirements on the
foreign regulators of FBOs that operate
branches in the U.S.
As a consequence of these and other
changes, Dodd–Frank may have created
incentives for FBOs to change how they
operate in the U.S. First, Dodd–Frank imposed more stringent regulations, capital
standards, and other regulatory costs on
large banks, likely raising the cost of
operating in the U.S. The higher costs may
have induced FBOs to cut back on their
overall U.S. operations. Furthermore, the
lower regulatory costs for branches may
have created incentives for FBOs to shift
operations from subsidiaries to branches.

FBOs Since Dodd–Frank

Because of branch closings and consolidations, the number of FBOs operating
in the U.S. has been declining for a while.
However, this trend quickened after
the financial crisis of 2007–2008, and

Dodd–Frank may have accelerated this
trend. Since passage of Dodd–Frank in
2010, 26 firms have exited the U.S. entirely,
and three more have converted their
branches into representative offices.5
A plurality of these firms is from the euro
zone.6 In addition, 18 firms cut back their
U.S. operations, mainly by closing some
but not all of their U.S. branches (Figure 3).
This is consistent with the view that
FBOs cut their U.S. operations due to
regulatory costs, but confounding factors
make it very difficult to disentangle the
influence of Dodd–Frank. A closer examination of exiting FBOs suggests that the
European financial crisis was an important
cause of exits. Seven (mostly European)
banks failed and were either nationalized
or closed, with the resultant closing of
their foreign branches. Three other banks
merged with or were acquired by banks
that also have a presence in the U.S.7
Furthermore, the postcrisis period is not
uniformly a story of FBOs leaving the U.S.:
Twelve banks entered the U.S. market,
and eight more expanded their presence.
The postcrisis period also witnessed
slowing growth of FBO holdings in the
U.S. From 1999 to 2008, real assets (of
branches/agencies and bank subsidiaries)
increased from $1.8 trillion to $3.4 trillion
(in 2016 dollars), an annual growth rate
of 7.33 percent (Figure 4). From 2008
to 2009 these assets shrank substantially.
Thereafter, real assets grew from $3.2
trillion to $3.5 trillion, an annual growth
rate of only 1.66 percent. FBO assets also
declined as a percentage of total U.S.
banking assets, from 22.4 percent to 19.4
percent (Figure 5). Most of this decline
was due to a decrease in the assets of FBO
branches/agencies. The slower growth
of FBOs provides some evidence that they
have responded to higher regulatory costs,
but we do not find evidence that FBOs
evaded the more stringent regulation of
their U.S. subsidiaries by shifting activities
to their branches.
In a more limited sample of large
foreign banks, FBOs’ U.S. holdings also
decreased as a share of their worldwide
operations (Figure 6). In aggregate,
the share of FBOs’ total assets that are
in the U.S. declined modestly between
2011 and 2017, from 2.3 percent to 1.6
percent. Again, this was driven mostly
by a decrease in branch/agency assets.

Banking Trends: How Foreign Banks Changed After Dodd–Frank
2019 Q3


FBOs Exiting and Entering the U.S. Since Dodd–Frank

Many euro zone banks have left, while more Asian banks have moved in.
Branches and subsidiaries, 2010–2018

How Dodd–Frank Changed the
Regulation of Foreign Banks

Foreign banks that exited the U.S.

Dodd–Frank didn’t change the operations or activities
of branches, but it did force federal regulators to look
closer at how their home countries regulate them.
If an FBO is found to present a risk to the financial
stability of the U.S.—i.e., is designated a global
systemically important financial institution (G-SIFI)
or a domestic systemically important financial
institution (D-SIFI)—the Federal Reserve Board must
take into account whether the FBO’s home country
has installed or made “demonstrable progress” toward
installing a system of financial regulations to
mitigate such risk when it reviews applications to
open branches/agencies.13 Such a system is consistent with the Basel Accords and includes periodic
examinations, standardized financial statements, and
guidelines for capital adequacy and risk exposure.


Foreign banks that entered the U.S.


The Federal Reserve can close a branch or agency of
an FBO if its home country fails to adopt or make
“demonstrable progress” toward adopting regulations
that mitigate systemic risk.
Bank Subsidiaries

Source: National Information Center.

Home country regulators must meet the same guidelines that apply to branches. Additionally, there is
a sliding scale based on an FBO’s financial assets in the
U.S. and worldwide. Banks with U.S. assets between
$10 billion and $50 billion must pass home country
stress tests on capital, form a risk committee for their
U.S. operations, certify that they meet their home
country’s capital standards and that those are consistent with Basel, and run their own stress tests.

Note: All National Information Center data tables of FBOs operating in the U.S. are
available for download from


Total FBO Assets in the U.S.

Growth slows during and after the Great Recession.
Real (2016) U.S. dollars, in billions

Additionally, if the bank has assets greater than $50
billion worldwide, it has to run separate stress tests
on U.S. operations.14

All operations


As of year-end 2018 this requirement for bank subsidiaries affected four banks. In addition to the above
requirements, banks with greater than $50 billion in
U.S. assets must form a bank or financial holding
company (BHC or FHC) and place all their U.S. holdings
(not necessarily including branches/agencies) under
it. The BHC/FHC must meet the same regulatory
requirements as domestic BHCs and FHCs, including
capital guidelines, leverage limits, liquidity requirements, and living wills. As of year-end 2018 these
requirements affected 12 banks.






Source: FFIEC Call Reports, forms FFIEC002 (for branches), FFIEC031, FFIEC041,
and FFIEC051 (for bank subsidiaries).

Banking Trends: How Foreign Banks Changed After Dodd–Frank
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department



Share of U.S. Banking Assets Held by FBOs

FBO assets decline as a percentage of total U.S. banking assets.
Percent of total U.S. banking assets, 1999–2018


Total share






Source: FFIEC Call Reports, forms FFIEC002 (for branches), FFIEC031, FFIEC041,
and FFIEC051 (for bank subsidiaries).

Share of FBO Assets in the U.S.

Aggregate FBO assets in U.S., as share of worldwide assets, have
declined modestly.
Percent of total worldwide assets, 2005–2017


Total share


Further Regulations Proposed








Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence (formerly SNL Securities) and FFIEC Call
Reports, forms FFIEC002 (for branches), FFIEC031, FFIEC041, and FFIEC051 (for
bank subsidiaries).
Note: Data on foreign banks’ total assets were only available for some banks, and
most of them from 2011 and after. The data presented here represent an average
of about 90 banks per year. Data for previous years are for a substantially smaller
number of institutions.


In addition to slowing the growth of their U.S.
operations, the composition of FBO assets changed,
particularly at branches. FBOs increased their cash
holdings dramatically following the financial crisis
(Figure 7), due mainly to a combination of regulations
imposed under Dodd–Frank and changes in the Fed’s
conduct of monetary policy.8
During the crisis, the Fed began paying interest on
funds placed in reserve accounts with Federal Reserve
Banks to both domestic banks and foreign banks.
Because most U.S. branches of FBOs are not allowed to
take insured deposits, they get their funding by taking
uninsured wholesale deposits and, thus, do not pay
FDIC insurance. Furthermore, foreign branches are
not covered by the capital requirements or liquidity
requirements imposed on U.S. banks.9 This gave
foreign banks an advantage in facilitating a regulatory
arbitrage in which institutions not eligible for interest
on reserves can effectively receive that interest, albeit
at a cost. Since foreign branches can deposit funds
in a reserve account with the Fed, it became profitable
to borrow from institutions that could not receive
interest on reserves—primarily federal home loan
banks and other government sponsored enterprises—
and to deposit these funds with the Fed. Indeed,
foreign branches could do this more profitably than
could U.S. banks because foreign branches face
lower regulatory costs of borrowing to fund deposits
at the Fed.
After the striking rise during the financial crisis and
continuing through the European crisis, there is
a modest reversal in cash holdings and an increase in
commercial lending. With the recovery in Europe
and the U.S., business loans have become relatively
more attractive investments. Nonetheless, foreign
branches continue to profit from regulatory arbitrage.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

The Federal Reserve and other regulators recently
proposed additional regulations for large and complex
U.S. intermediate subsidiaries of FBOs. In 2013 the
regulators adopted liquidity coverage standards for
the largest banks and BHCs, and in 2016 they adopted
standards on stable sources of funding for the same
organizations.10 The new proposal tightens those standards for some FBOs’ U.S. subsidiaries that have
over $100 billion in assets, depending on their size
and complexity.11 It also adds additional capital
requirements for the largest and/or most complex U.S.
subsidiaries of FBOs.

Banking Trends: How Foreign Banks Changed After Dodd–Frank
2019 Q3


Distribution of Assets in Branches

FBOs increased cash holdings dramatically following financial crisis.
Percent of total assets, 1999–2018



Other assets















Source: FFIEC Call Reports, Form FFIEC002.
Note: “Other Assets” includes trading assets, Fed funds sold and repos, transactions with related parties, and all other assets.


The net effect of these new rules will likely be to raise the
regulatory costs of the largest and most complex FBO operations
in the U.S., but it will also lower such costs for other FBOs. As
it’s now written, these new rules would apply only to FBOs’ holding companies and bank subsidiaries, not their branches and
agencies. However, the regulators did ask for comments as to
if and how the rule should be applied to branches and agencies
of FBOs.12

1 See Berlin (2015).
2 Systemically important financial institutions
(SIFIs) are those of sufficient size, importance,
and interconnectedness that their failure might
cause another financial crisis. Domestic SIFIs
are designated by the Federal Reserve Board
and the Financial Stability Oversight Council
(FSOC), which was established by Dodd–Frank.
Further information on the FSOC and its
activities can be found at https://home.treasury.
gov/policy-issues/financial-markets-financialinstitutions-and-fiscal-service/fsoc. There’s no
set definition, but global SIFIs are designated
by the Financial Stability Board, which is hosted
and funded by the Bank for International
Settlements. Further information on the
Financial Stability Board can be found at http://


Overall, although tighter postcrisis regulation of FBOs in the U.S.
may have increased the cost of operating here, we have not
observed dramatic changes in their operations. Consistent with
predictions that the Dodd–Frank regulations would lead FBOs
to reduce their presence in the U.S., FBOs have either exited or
contracted their U.S. operations, mainly by closing branches.
However, it appears that factors other than regulatory changes in
the U.S. played a major role in those closures, and the evidence
doesn’t support predictions that foreign banks would shift
operations from their subsidiaries to their branches. The branch
closures have slowed the growth of FBO operations somewhat,
and foreign banks’ share of U.S. assets has declined. Foreign banks
are also holding more cash postcrisis due to regulatory changes
and changes in the way the Fed conducts monetary policy.
Of course, this evidence is purely descriptive, and preliminary
to a formal attempt to disentangle the precise role of Dodd–Frank
from a host of factors that may have affected FBOs’ U.S. operations
since the financial crisis.

3 There is no limit on the number of branches/
agencies an FBO can have, so several have
multiple branches.
4 Retail deposits are deposits less than
$250,000, while wholesale deposits are equal
to or greater than $250,000 and therefore
5 Representative offices are back-office facilities
that can neither make loans nor accept deposits.
These are counted as exits because the FBO no
longer conducts banking in the U.S.

Banking Trends: How Foreign Banks Changed After Dodd–Frank
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


6 The breakdown is 12 European banks, eight Asian banks, four from
South and Central America, two from Mexico, and three from Turkey and
the Middle East.
7 Two of these mergers were of Spanish banks that merged with other
banks as part of government rescues.
8 See Lester (2019).
9 A U.S. bank funded by insured deposits would have to pay fees for FDIC
insurance as a percentage of the bank’s assets. In addition, a U.S. bank
would have to hold capital against the money deposited in the reserve
account. Neither of these requirements applies to branches of FBOs.
10 See Regulation WW.
11 The Liquidity Coverage Ratio is the ratio of high-quality liquid assets
(cash and assets that are easily convertible to cash) to projected net
cash outflows for each 30-day period. The Net Stable Funding Ratio is
calculated by weighting various liabilities for the numerator and various
assets for the denominator.
12 For the full proposal, see the Board’s website; for a summary, see
Quarles (2019).
13 See Regulation K.
14 See Regulations K and YY.

Berlin, Mitchell. “New Rules for Foreign Banks,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Business Review (First Quarter 2015), pp. 1-10.
Lester, Benjamin. “Implementing Monetary Policy in a Changing Federal
Funds Market,” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Economic Insights
(Second Quarter 2019), pp. 15-20.
Quarles, Randal. Board Memo from Vice Chairman Quarles to the Board
of Governors, Federal Reserve Board (April 1, 2019), https://www.
Regulation K, 12 CFR part 211.21(b), and (e), Federal Reserve Board.
Regulation WW, 12 CFR part 249, Federal Reserve Board.
Regulation YY, 12 CFR part 252, Federal Reserve Board.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Banking Trends: How Foreign Banks Changed After Dodd–Frank
2019 Q3

Collateral Damage:
House Prices and Consumption
During the Great Recession
Did a decline in house prices cause the Great
Recession? And if so, how? Credit constraints
may be the key to answering those questions.

Ronel Elul is a senior economic advisor and
economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The views expressed in this article are
not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.



he U.S. economy experienced a severe financial crisis
together with a housing bust in 2007–2008. The subsequent
recession significantly affected the economy, which saw
the deepest declines in consumption, investment, and employment since the Great Depression.
Can we pin the blame for this recession, and in particular the
decline in household consumption, on the collapse in house
prices? If we can understand whether—and how—a collapse in
house prices triggers a decline in consumption, thus precipitating
a recession, we can better formulate policies to prevent and
mitigate future crises.
We focus on this link between housing and consumption
because of housing’s prominent role in the run-up to the Great
Recession; because consumption represents by far the largest
component of GDP, and the one that impacts the well-being of
U.S. households most directly; and because housing itself makes
up a large share of U.S. households’ net worth.
In contrast to influential studies suggesting that a decline in
house prices leads households to reduce their consumption
because they feel poorer, we find that these wealth effects are
modest. Instead, we identify an important role for the effect that
house price declines have on making credit constraints more
severe. In particular, we identify a novel channel of influence:
Financially vulnerable households reduce their consumption
because the decline in house prices leads to missed payments—
which, in turn, reduce their access to credit. We call this the
credit score channel.

Precrisis Studies

There appears to be a strong empirical link between house prices
and consumption, particularly in the period following the Great
Recession (Figure 1).
However, it is not obvious that changes in house prices should
have a large effect on consumption. According to Milton
Friedman’s permanent-income hypothesis (1957), only changes

in wealth that households perceive as permanent should lead to
large changes in household consumption. If households perceive
a drop in house prices as temporary, it should not affect consumption. In addition, while housing—as an asset—is an important
source of wealth, it is also consumed. That is, while a decrease
in house prices may make some households poorer, it may also
make housing more affordable (directly for home purchases but
also indirectly through its effect on rents). More than one-third
of U.S. households are renters, and renters are often financially
vulnerable, young, or credit constrained. Any benefit they receive
from declining house prices may be significant.

House Prices and Consumption

During the Great Recession, there appears to be a strong empirical
link between house prices and consumption.
House prices: 2000–2010, January 2000=100, not seasonally adjusted;
Consumption: 2000–2010, personal consumption expenditures, Hamilton filter

House Prices






















2000 Q1

2010 Q4


Source: Case-Shiller National Home Price Index and U.S. Bureau of Economic

Collateral Damage: House Prices and Consumption During the Great Recession
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Although the housing bust and Great Recession inspired
economists to better understand the channels linking house
prices and consumption, economists have actually been studying
these channels for many years. In one of the first papers to
identify a quantitative impact of changes in housing wealth on
consumption, Bhatia (1987) used a time series of changes in
housing wealth at the national level to explain changes in aggregate consumption. There are some limitations, however, to using
aggregate data: Changes in housing wealth are correlated with
other macroeconomic factors that might affect consumption; it is
difficult to identify the channels through which such a link might
occur; and different groups of consumers (for example, renters
versus homeowners) might be impacted differently.
Later studies used disaggregated data and found differing
effects. In one interesting study using microlevel data from the UK,
Campbell and Cocco (2007) found substantial heterogeneity—
for example, house price changes had a big effect on consumption
among older homeowners, while those same changes had
essentially no impact on young renters. They also showed that
some of the measured impact of house prices on consumption
may be due to the correlation between the health of the aggregate economy and house prices, rather than through the house
prices themselves.
During the Great Recession, house prices experienced a large
sustained drop, something that until then had been rare in
most countries. In addition, the coincidence of the housing
market collapse and the onset of the recession suggested an important connection between the two. Finally, the severity of
the recession itself highlighted the importance of understanding
its determinants.

Consumption During the Great Recession

In an influential study, Mian et al. (2013) articulate the connection
between a drop in house prices and a decline in consumption in
the context of the Great Recession. They show that zip codes
in which the value of housing dropped the most between 2006
and 2009 are also those in which consumption fell the most.
Actually, they use a proxy for consumption,
auto sales. They also show that the impact
See Auto Sales
of falling house prices was stronger when
as a Proxy for
households in the zip code had higher
loan-to-value ratios, i.e., when households
borrowed a greater share of their housing value.
Mian et al. suggest several channels through which this link
might operate. First, there’s a wealth effect, in which declines in
house prices make households poorer. If households are able
to borrow freely, however, they should be better able to weather
such wealth shocks, particularly if the shocks are temporary. But
housing has also traditionally served as collateral for borrowing (for example, via home equity loans). For households that
had already borrowed more against their house, this decline
may aggravate credit constraints, making it more difficult or
expensive for a household to borrow. In addition, the reduction
in household consumption may also affect the local economy:
If employers hire fewer workers, this aggravates the drop in
consumption.1 Finally, the health of the financial sector may also


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

drive consumption: If banks suffer losses on their residential
loans, they may cut back on making auto loans or on other types
of consumer lending.2
Mian et al.’s analysis hasn’t gone unchallenged. Dupor et al.
(2018) use county-level data to challenge their claim that declines
in house prices were responsible for the dramatic decline in auto
sales during the Great Recession. Dupor et al. argue that most of
the decline in auto sales occurred at the national level and was
relatively unaffected by local changes in house prices. They show
that the decline in auto purchases can instead be explained in
large part by households becoming more pessimistic about their
future income prospects. They support this conclusion with
a calibrated theoretical model. Individual-level data, as discussed
below, can help clarify the extent to which house prices affect
consumption, as well as identify those households that are most
impacted, and the channels through which this occurs.
A reader of Mian et al.’s analysis might ask several questions.
How important are these various channels? Can we quantify
their contributions to the severity of the Great Recession? How
exactly do they work? And who is most affected by them?
One way to answer these questions is by building a theoretical
model that incorporates one or more of these channels and use
available data to fit the parameters of the model. Berger et al.
(2018) develop a model in which house price declines impact
consumption by tightening credit constraints. In contrast, Kaplan
et al. (forthcoming) construct a model that incorporates both
wealth effects and credit constraints. They show that a decline
in house prices does indeed contribute to a large decline in
consumption, with the wealth effect playing the largest role
(particularly for older households that expect to downsize in the
near future). According to their model, credit constraints are
relatively unimportant.

Measuring the Links: Individual-Level Data

Without individual-level data or a model, it’s difficult to disentangle these different channels. For example, credit-constrained
households might be hard hit by declining house prices, but they

Auto Sales as a Proxy for Consumption
Although auto sales make up only about 10 percent of consumption, they have been widely studied because they account for
a large share of the decline in consumption during recessions (and,
conversely, the increase in recoveries). In addition, Aruoba, KalemliÖzcan, and I use auto loan originations as a proxy for auto sales in
our paper. Doing so allows us to use our credit bureau data to
estimate the change in consumption for every consumer in our data
set and relate that data to other information we have about them.
It is true that some auto purchases are purely cash-financed, which
our measure of auto loans would miss. But Johnson et al. (2014)
have shown that the share of auto purchases purely financed with
cash varies little over a business cycle, and so this does not have
a significant impact on our analysis.

Collateral Damage: House Prices and Consumption During the Great Recession
2019 Q3

may just as well be less likely to own their
homes. We have already discussed several
papers that develop models to distinguish
these; the approach that I take in my paper
with Aruoba and Kalemli-Özcan is to use
individual-level data.
In our paper we use anonymized credit
bureau data linked with more detailed
information on mortgages.3 Credit bureau
data typically do not contain very detailed
information on loan terms or consumer
assets, but our data set links detailed information on the consumer’s mortgages to
their credit bureau record. This allows us,
for example, to link the homeowner’s loanto-value ratio to the homeowner’s other
obligations. Our data set also contains
a credit risk score, a summary measure of
the consumer’s risk of default similar to
those used by many lenders when considering whether to extend credit, and the
terms at which to do so.
To quantify the contribution of each
channel, we compute the change in the
relationship between house prices and our
measure of consumption each time we
add an explanatory variable associated
with each channel. We begin by showing
that, on average, a homeowner who
experienced the average decline in house
prices over the housing bust (roughly 20
percent) would have seen their likelihood
of taking out an auto loan decline by
roughly 10 percent.
We then add county unemployment
rates, which are a measure of the impact
of the recession on the local economy.
We find that a homeowner whose county
experienced the average increase in unemployment over this period would have
seen their likelihood of taking out an auto
loan decline by roughly 5 percent.4 In
addition, adding unemployment reduces
the direct impact of house prices by approximately one-sixth, demonstrating that
some of the effect of house price declines
occurs through local labor markets.
Next, we add a measure of the health of
the banking system in the county in which
the homeowner is located. This also has
significant explanatory power for declines
in auto loan originations, and, furthermore, adding this variable reduces the
direct effect of house prices by another
sixth, to approximately two-thirds of the
effect’s original value.
To what can we attribute the remaining

impact of house prices on auto loan
originations? The two channels that remain
are wealth effects and household credit
constraints. But it is tricky to distinguish
why a household whose house has
declined in value has reduced its consumption. Is it because the household feels
less wealthy, or because it can’t borrow
as much?
To disentangle these two effects, we use
what we know about the characteristics
of individuals in our data set. Individuals
with good credit scores and plenty of home
equity are unlikely to be constrained,
even when house prices drop. Thus, the
channel through which house prices
affect them is a wealth effect. We find that
these individuals are essentially unaffected
by house price declines: Although they
may become poorer, they can still borrow,
so their consumption doesn’t change
much. We can conclude that the pure
wealth effect is likely relatively modest.
In contrast, we show that for individuals
with poor credit or large mortgages relative to the value of their house, the effect of
house price declines is large. This reflects
credit constraints: They are unable to

borrow as readily or as cheaply as they
would have been able to, had the value of
their house not dropped.
What is it about house prices that affects
the ability of households to borrow? One
possibility is that individuals borrow
against their house in order to finance
vehicle purchases, either directly or
indirectly. For example, they may undertake a cash-out refinancing of their home
or take out a home equity loan, to either
buy a car outright or make a down
payment on a new car. But others, such
as McCully et al. (2019), have argued that
this is not a large effect (and our analysis
generally confirms this). We show that
a new—hitherto unexplored—mechanism
may be at work: a “credit score channel”
(Figure 2).
We show that house price declines lead
households—particularly less creditworthy
ones and those with high loan-to-value
ratios—to fall behind in their mortgage
payments. One reason for this is that
homeowners with little—or, even more so,
negative—equity have less incentive to continue making their mortgage payments.5
This in turn hurts their creditworthiness


The Credit Score Channel

Thanks to its effect on credit scores, a decline in home values can lead to a decline in
auto sales.

High loan-to-value homes can lead to…
90% loan to
home value


…the loan is
worth more
than the
home itself.

Falling credit scores if homeowners default and…
Now underwater, the
homeowner may find
it advantageous to
default, thereby
lowering their credit
score (though they
may also need to
eventually leave their
home and move into a
rental property).


A decline in
home prices
can leave
homes underwater where…



in t



This side



Credit score rating


That can make auto loans harder to obtain.

Minimum score to
qualify for an auto loan

Collateral Damage: House Prices and Consumption During the Great Recession
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


and makes it difficult to qualify for auto
loans. Adding this new channel helps
reduce the direct effect of house prices by
one-quarter, to less than half its original
value (Figure 3).
We also explore the link between house
price declines, refinancing, and consumption. We do find that house prices affect
refinancing options: Homeowners with
high loan-to-value ratios are especially
hard hit when house prices fall. They are
much less likely to refinance if house
prices fall, and particularly less likely to
undertake a cash-out refinancing. This is
most likely because they now find it
difficult to qualify for a refinancing and
certainly do not have enough equity for
a cash-out refinancing. However, we find
that the effect of house prices, through
refinancing, and then onto auto purchases,
is relatively modest, reducing the remaining effect of house prices by 6 percent.6
Other recent work also takes a more
micro perspective to examine the connection between house prices and consumption. Aladangady (2017) uses data from
1986–2008 (prior to the financial crisis)
and finds that consumption responds
strongly to house prices.7 He also finds
substantial heterogeneity, much as we do.
Three groups respond more than others:
homeowners overall, who respond more
than renters; homeowners with higher
loan-to-value ratios; and households that
are likely to be credit constrained along
a number of dimensions. However (and
unlike us) he finds an important role for
cash-out refinancing. There are several
important differences between his work
and ours. First, he does not decompose
the relative weight of each channel
toward the total effect of house prices.
In addition, he has much less detailed


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Falling Credit Scores Can Affect Consumption

The credit score channel is one of the biggest contributors to the 10 percent drop in
consumption that results from house price declines.
We found that the drop in house prices in the
Great Recession led to a 10 percent decline in
auto loan originations.
But what accounts for that decline?




10 percent




Source: Aruoba et al. (2019); some details from unpublished revision.

information on household creditworthiness, which does not allow him to break
down the overall effect of credit constraints
as richly as we do. Finally, given the
span of his data, he is not able to weigh
in directly on how house price declines
affected the decline in consumption
during the Great Recession. (This may
also explain why he finds a significant
effect for refinancing, as the period he
considers was one of rising house prices.)


The decline in house prices made a substantial contribution to the severity of the
Great Recession. The literature has
outlined several channels through which
this may have occurred. Our own work
confirms this contribution and also allows
us to quantify the importance of these
channels. The most important channels
are through household credit constraints,

banks’ supply of credit to households,
and the impact (direct or indirect) of house
prices on the local economy. In contrast,
there is little direct wealth effect. We also
shed light on which individuals see their
creditworthiness most severely impacted.
There are at least two policy implications of this work. First, consumers are
particularly vulnerable when house prices
decline. And second, two important channels through which this effect occurs may
be mitigated through public policy: the
health of the banking sector (which lends
to consumers to allow them to weather
these shocks) and mortgage defaults
(which reduce future creditworthiness).
By ensuring that the banking sector is
appropriately capitalized, and through
policies to mitigate the risk of mortgage
default, we can help protect consumers
and the economy as a whole.

Collateral Damage: House Prices and Consumption During the Great Recession
2019 Q3

1 The decline in house prices may also affect the local economy by making
it harder for small entrepreneurs to start new businesses. This link has
been explored by Adelino et al. (2015), who show that an increase in
house prices during the boom helped small businesses start up (for
example, through their owners borrowing against the rise in the value of
their own home).
2 Gilchrist et al. (2018) write that the causation may run in the other
direction. They argue that a shock to the health of banks that operate in
a particular area may have a negative impact on mortgage credit in that
region. A decline in available mortgage credit may then affect the local
economy in many different ways, including declines in house prices,
retail sales, and employment.
3 Credit bureaus are private-sector firms that collect data on individuals’
credit obligations and provide that information to current and prospective
lenders. Recently, researchers have also used this data, in anonymized
form. In our paper we use a match between Equifax Credit Risk Insight
Servicing (credit bureau) and Black Knight McDash (mortgage) data. The
credit score we use is the Equifax Risk Score. Please see our paper for
further details.
4 A high local unemployment rate could reduce the likelihood of taking
out an auto loan for two reasons: The high rate implies that the particular
homeowners we consider in our sample are more likely to themselves be
unemployed (and thus unable to purchase a car), and they may perceive
that they are at a higher risk of being laid off in the future and thus scale
back their consumption.
5 See Elul et al. (2010) for a study of the interaction between the influence
of negative equity and liquidity constraints on mortgage default.
6 The effect is concentrated in those homeowners with high LTV, whose
ability to refinance might indeed be expected to be the most affected by
house price declines.
7 One attractive feature of his paper is that Aladangady uses census data,
which has a much broader measure of consumption. His approach
also allows him to better separate the direct effect of housing from the
effects observed in the data simply because economic declines cause
house price declines.

Adelino, Manuel, Antoinette Schoar, and Felipe Severino. “House Prices,
Collateral, and Self-employment,” Journal of Financial Economics, 117:2
(2015), pp. 288–306,

Berger, David, Veronica Guerrieri, Guido Lorenzoni, Joseph Vavra. “House
Prices and Consumer Spending,” Review of Economic Studies, 85:3
(2018), pp. 1502–1542,
Bhatia, Kul B. “Real Estate Assets and Consumer Spending,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 102:2 (1987), pp. 437–444,
Campbell, John, and Joāo Cocco. “How Do House Prices Affect
Consumption? Evidence from Micro Data,” Journal of Monetary Economics,
54:3 (2007), pp. 591–621,
Christelis, Dimitris, Dimitris Georgarakos, Tullio Jappelli, et al. “Wealth
Shocks and MPC Heterogeneity,” NBER Working Paper 25999 (June
Dupor, Bill, Rong Li, M. Mehkari, and Yi-Chan Tsai. “The 2008 U.S. Auto
Market Collapse,” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 201819 (2018),
Elul, Ronel, Nicholas S. Souleles, Souphala Chomsisengphet, et al. “What
‘Triggers’ Mortgage Default?” American Economic Review, 100:2 (2010),
pp. 490–494,
Friedman, Milton. A Theory of the Consumption Function. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1957.
Gilchrist, Simon, Michael Siemer, and Egon Zakrajsek. “The Real Effects
of Credit Booms and Busts,” Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
Developments in Empirical Macroeconomics, May 10, 2018.
Johnson, Kathleen, Karen M. Pence, and Daniel J. Vine. “Auto Sales and
Credit Supply,” FEDS Working Paper 2014-82 (2014),
Kaplan, Greg, Kurt Mitman, and Gianluca Violante. “The Housing Boom
and Bust: Model Meets Evidence,” Journal of Political Economy
McCully, Brett A., Karen M. Pence, Daniel J. Vine. “How Much Are Car
Purchases Driven by Home Equity Withdrawal?” Journal of Money, Credit,
and Banking (2019),
Mian, Atif, Kamalesh Rao, Amir Sufi. “Household Balance Sheets,
Consumption, and the Economic Slump,” Quarterly Journal of Economics,
128:4 (2013), pp. 1687–1726,

Aladangady, Aditya. “Housing Wealth and Consumption: Evidence from
Geographically-Linked Microdata,” American Economic Review, 107:11
(2017), pp. 3415–3446,
Aruoba, S. Borağan, Ronel Elul, and Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan. “How Big
Is the Wealth Effect? Decomposing the Response of Consumption to
House Prices,” Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Working Paper 19-6
Collateral Damage: House Prices and Consumption During the Great Recession
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Where Is the Phillips Curve?
A closer look at the Phillips curve
helps us understand why our low
unemployment rate hasn’t led to
a bigger rise in prices or wages.

Shigeru Fujita is an economic advisor and
economist at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia. The views expressed in
this article are not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve.



he Phillips curve is an old idea made
newly urgent thanks to our long
recovery from the Great Recession.
In his 1958 study of the UK economy between 1861 and 1913, Alban William Phillips
of the London School of Economics
discovered that wages and unemployment
move in opposite directions over time.
The subsequent literature applied this
idea to prices of goods and services. In the
modern literature, the relationship between inflation and some measure of
unused resources is often called the price
Phillips curve or simply the Phillips curve;
when wage growth is considered instead of
inflation, it is called the wage Phillips curve.
The Phillips curve represents an
empirical relationship between available
but unused resources (resource slack) in
the economy and either the inflation rate
or wage growth. The best-known measure
of resource slack is the jobless (or unemployment) rate. The Phillips curve
postulates that higher unemployment is
associated with lower inflation or wage
growth, and that lower unemployment
is associated with higher inflation or
wage growth. Figure 1 plots a version of
the Phillips curve using the data over the
period 1960–2019. Each dot represents
the combination of the inflation rate
and the “unemployment gap” at each
point in time. As explained below in more
detail, the unemployment gap represents
the deviation of the unemployment
rate from its slow-moving trend. The red,
or regression, line summarizes the average
relationship between the two variables,


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Research Department


The Phillips Curve Relationship in the U.S.

As the labor market tightens, inflation typically rises—but not so much in recent years.
Change in year-over-year inflation rate by unemployment gap, 1Q1960–1Q2019
Full Sample: 1Q1960–1Q2019

Past 15 Years: 1Q2004–1Q2019

Changes in year-over-year inflation rate










Unemployment gap






Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Congressional Budget Office, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Where Is the Phillips Curve?
2019 Q3



What Is the Phillips Curve?

The Phillips curve relates price (or wage)
inflation to the resource slack of the
economy, capturing the intuitive idea that
price or wage inflation should be inversely
related to resource slack. The exact formulation of the Phillips curve, however,
depends on how we measure inflation and
resource slack.
For the purpose of estimating the Phillips curve, one well-known measure of
the general price level of the economy
is the core personal consumption expenditure (PCE) index. Many economists—
including those at the Federal Reserve—
use the rate of change in this index to
measure inflation.1


Natural Rate of Unemployment

Unemployment rate and estimate of natural rate, 1960–2019

CBO’s estimate
of natural rate
Unemployment rate

Unemployment gap









Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Congressional Budget Office.

The best-known measure of resource slack is the
unemployment rate, which the Census Bureau and
the Bureau of Labor Statistics calculate as the share
of jobless workers within the labor force. For the
purpose of the Phillips curve, the literature typically
considers the difference between the unemployment
rate and the “natural” rate of unemployment. The
literature calls this difference the unemployment gap.
The actual unemployment rate increases or decreases depending on the cyclical conditions of the
economy, and the natural rate is the hypothetical
and unobserved level of the unemployment rate
that would have prevailed in the absence of such
cyclical variations.
Note that the natural rate of unemployment is not
zero. Unemployment would not disappear even under
stable economic conditions. For example, moving
from one job to another takes time, and workers
between jobs are counted as unemployed. One can
view the natural rate as the trend unemployment
rate, which changes only slowly over time, independent of cyclical conditions of the economy (Figure 2).
How one measures the natural rate affects the gap
and thus the Phillips curve itself, so the measurement
of the natural rate is integral to the estimation of the
Phillips curve.

Is the Phillips Curve Really Flattening?

A recent paper by Stock and Watson (2019) provides
a useful summary of the Phillips curve estimation under various formulations.2 In their baseline formulation, they construct the unemployment gap by taking
the difference between the official unemployment
rate and the natural rate of unemployment estimated
by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). They then
look at the unemployment gap’s relationship with
the core PCE inflation rate. They estimate the Phillips
curve over three consecutive periods: 1960–1983,
1984–1999, and 2000–1Q2018 (Figure 3).
Where Is the Phillips Curve?
2019 Q3


The 21st Century Phillips
Curve Is Flatter

Change in year-over-year core PCE
inflation rate and unemployment gap

Slope: −0.47

Inflation →

and the slope of this line is indeed negative.
The idea behind the Phillips curve is
intuitive. A tight labor market, exemplified
by a low unemployment rate, is associated
with higher wages, and the higher labor
cost pushes up inflation.
Recent years have seen a surge in
research into the stability of the Phillips
curve. The traditional Phillips curve
assumes that the degree of the negative
relationship, or its slope, is stable over
time. For example, in Figure 1, the slope
is 0.20, which means that a decline in
the unemployment gap by 1 percentage
point is on average associated with a 0.20
percentage point increase in the inflation
rate. Although such an empirical relationship is never exact at each point in time,
recent experience suggests that the
relationship is not even close to constant.
In particular, even though the unemployment rate has fallen substantially during
the past several years, inflation has not
measurably and consistently increased.
This phenomenon represents a flattening
of the Phillips curve and is shown by the
blue line, which gives the relationship
over the last 15 years. One can see that
this line is much flatter than the red line,
the one based on the entire sample.
The flattening of the Phillips curve carries important implications for monetary
policy, but is the flattening real? And if so,
why is it flattening? In this article, I review
the recent literature on these issues and
then discuss the implications for monetary
policy, but first I define the Phillips curve
more precisely.

Unemployment gap →

Slope: −0.26

Slope: −0.07

Source: Stock and Watson (2019).

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


During the first two periods, the two variables are indeed
strongly negatively related, with the slope coefficient of 0.47 and
0.28, respectively. However, for the last period, they estimate
the slope coefficient to be only 0.03, which is not significantly
different from zero. Statistically speaking, the small but negative
slope cannot be distinguished from no change in inflation at
all in response to the changes in the unemployment rate. The
fact that the slope has decreased (in absolute value) over time
represents the flattening of the Phillips curve.
But there are many different ways to specify the Phillips curve.
Maybe the flattening is simply an artifact of some mismeasurement of the data, and using the correct data can uncover a Phillips
curve relationship that is stable over time. In particular, the
unemployment gap, as described above, may not appropriately
reflect the size of labor market slack, because there is much
uncertainty surrounding the measurement of the natural rate.
Suppose that, for some reason, the natural rate is actually lower
than the one estimated by the CBO, especially in recent years. If
so, resource slack in the economy is actually larger than
implied by the gap based on the CBO’s natural rate, and therefore wage and price pressures are weaker than suggested by the
CBO’s measure.
Another possibility is that different types of jobless workers
may pose different levels of wage pressure. For example, workers
who are unemployed for a long period of time and workers who
have just entered the pool might produce different levels of wage
pressure. This is plausible if the “employability” of workers
decreases as the duration of unemployment lengthens. In this
case, longer average duration implies lower wage pressure,
independent of the overall unemployment rate. Yet another
possibility is that some workers who drop out of the labor force
(and are not counted toward official unemployment) are actually
available and willing to work. In this case, the official unemployment rate underestimates the extent of labor market slack.3
Stock and Watson estimate the Phillips curve using 10 measures
of resource slack. Importantly, all 10 measures produce the
flattening of the curve similar to the one based on the baseline
specification. Thus, the weak responsiveness of inflation appears
to be robust regardless of the measure of resource slack. Many
other studies find similar results, even though these papers use
different specifications and data.4
Stock and Watson also estimate the wage Phillips curve by
replacing the core PCE inflation rate with the growth rate of
average hourly earnings. They consider the same 10 measures
of resource slack. Relative to the price Phillips curve, the wage
Phillips curve appears to be more stable, but overall, they find
a similar flattening of the wage Phillips curve in recent years.5

Is the Phillips Curve Nonlinear?

Even though the Phillips curve does appear to have flattened
in recent years, a potential concern is that, as the labor market
tightens, wage and inflation pressures suddenly surface. This
possibility is particularly relevant in the recent situation. As
of July 2019, the unemployment rate stood at 3.7 percent, the
lowest level since the late 1960s, and even though inflationary
pressure had not measurably surfaced yet, further declines


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

in the unemployment rate may finally unleash the underlying
inflation pressure.
The standard formulation of the Phillips curve presumes that
the inflation rate and resource slack are linearly related, so
that the sensitivity of inflation is the same for any level of the unemployment gap, i.e., the slope of the Phillips curve is constant.
The linear Phillips curve thus cannot capture the concern above.
Instead, one could specify a nonlinear Phillips curve where
the responsiveness of inflation to the unemployment gap changes,
depending on the level of the unemployment rate. Suppose that
the natural rate of unemployment is currently at 4.5 percent.
Consider, hypothetically, declines of 0.5 percentage point in the
unemployment rate, one from 4.5 percent to 4 percent and
the other from 3.5 percent to 3 percent. In the linear model these
two changes are associated with the same amount of inflationary
pressure, while in the nonlinear model the responsiveness of
inflation is allowed to differ. One can then test statistically
whether the latter case results in a larger inflation response.
Many studies in the literature entertain this idea, but there is
no consensus about the presence of nonlinearity.6 The weak
evidence, however, could simply be due to the fact that there are
too few historical episodes where the unemployment rate fell
substantially below the natural rate. Without more such episodes,
we cannot test the hypothesis. Some economists get around this
problem by using regional data.

Evidence from the Regional Data

The Phillips curve can be applied to regional data. That is, one can
relate differences in resource slack to differences in inflation
rates across different regions. One can further combine the
cross-regional data with time-series changes in these variables
within the same region. One major advantage of regional analysis
over national-level time-series analysis is that it overcomes the
small-sample problem discussed above: Even though there are
only a few episodes in the national-level data in which the
unemployment rate fell significantly below the natural rate, there
are many more such episodes if one looks at historical data
across different regions, allowing researchers to more accurately
estimate the slope of the Phillips curve.
Hooper et al. (2019) present the distribution of the unemployment rate for the U.S. and for individual states between 1980 and
2017. There are very few national-level observations for an
unemployment rate below 4 percent, while at the state-year
level more than 15 percent of observations correspond to
unemployment rates below 4 percent. Figure 4 presents similar
pictures but in terms of unemployment gaps. The first panel
plots the unemployment gap based on the national data over
the period 1Q1959–1Q2019, while the second panel displays the
state-level historical data over the period 1Q1976–1Q2019. There
are only 18 observations (about 7 percent) below a −1.5 percent
unemployment gap in the national-level data, whereas there
are more than 1,100 observations (about 13 percent) below −1.5
percent in the state-level historical data.
Hooper et al. estimate the Phillips curve using the data across
metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) over the period 1990–2017.
These authors estimate the traditional linear model as well as

Where Is the Phillips Curve?
2019 Q3


Distributions of Unemployment
Gaps: National-level Data versus
State-level Data
For each percent unemployment gap, number of
national observations, 1Q1959–1Q2019, and state
observations, 1Q1976–1Q2019
The number of state-level observations
not only dwarf the number of U.S.-level
State-level observations





below −1.5%

two nonlinear models where the inflation
response depends on the level of the
unemployment rate.7 According to their
linear model, the Phillips curve slope is
0.44 and highly statistically significant.
Importantly, these authors also estimate
a similar model using the national-level
data over roughly the same sample
period and find a much smaller and
statistically insignificant slope coefficient
at 0.037. The regional analysis uncovers
the Phillips curve with a clear negative
slope even within linear models. Their
nonlinear estimations also confirm the
hypothesis: The negative slope steepens as
the unemployment rate falls. Specifically,
when the unemployment rate is between
4 and 4.5 percent the slope is estimated
to be 0.54, while the slope steepens
significantly to 0.95 when the unemployment rate falls below 4 percent. Murphy
(2018) estimates similar models and
finds similar evidence as far as the linear
Phillips curve relationship is concerned.
However, his results show that the degree
of nonlinearity, if any, is small.8
Hooper et al. also study the wage Phillips curve with the regional data, although
they use the state-level data instead of the
MSA-level data due to data unavailability.
Again, with the regional data, they find
stronger evidence for the negative
relationship between wage growth and
the unemployment rate. Their results
also support the presence of nonlinearity

in the wage Phillips curve. Leduc et al.
(2019), however, cast doubt on the presence of nonlinearity in their estimation
of the wage Phillips curve. In contrast with
other studies, Leduc et al. isolate movements of unemployment rates that are
driven only by changes in labor demand
and then examine how those demanddriven movements influence wage growth.9
Overall, although there is some
disagreement in the literature on the
presence of nonlinear effects of resource
slack on wage and inflation pressures, the
regional data generally reveal stronger
Phillips curve relationships. This general
finding suggests that, as the local labor
market tightens, the inflationary pressure
might be building up at the regional level,
even when inflation has yet to surface at
the national level. Thus, the regional-level
Phillips curve analysis can be a useful tool
to detect early signs of inflation.

Endogenous Monetary Policy

The literature points out another important
advantage of the regional-level analysis
over the aggregate time-series analysis:
The regional Phillips curve analysis
is much less susceptible to the bias in
the estimated slope that arises due to
endogeneity of monetary policy.
Monetary policy attempts to stabilize
inflation in response to various economic
forces that drive unemployment up or

...but also cover a greater distribution of outcomes.
State-level observations
U.S.-level observations


State-level observations covered a wider distribution of
observations than did U.S.-level obervations.


−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0








8 9 10 11 12

US-level observations

below −1.5%



Note: Bars represent half-percent increments.






Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Congressional Budget Office.

Where Is the Phillips Curve?
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


down. Therefore, monetary policy is also
endogenous, that is, part of the national
economy. And to the extent that the
Federal Reserve’s monetary policy has
been successful in stabilizing inflation, one
may not actually observe the Phillips
curve in the aggregate time-series data,
even when such negative relationships
actually exist. This is a logical explanation
of why the Phillips curve can disappear at
the national level even when the relationship exists at the local level. Fitzgerald
and Nicolini (2014) point out this possibility,
and McLeay and Tenreyro (2019) explore
the idea further by using a New Keynesian
dynamic stochastic general equilibrium
(DSGE) model. Using this model as
a laboratory, McLeay and Tenreyro run the
experiments on how the observed Phillips
curve relationships change under different
monetary policy rules. They show that
a disappearing Phillips curve relationship
is a natural consequence of successful
monetary policy. 10
The national-level data are likely to be
contaminated by the endogeneity of
monetary policy, but the regional data are
much less prone to this endogeneity,
because cross-regional differences in
unemployment rates and inflation are
unaffected by monetary policy. The
reemergence of the Phillips curve in the
regional data supports this argument.

Mismeasurement of Inflation

As discussed above, many researchers have
considered alternative measures of
economic slack in estimating the Phillips
curve. Their results are similar even when
they use different measures. But the
weakening Phillips curve relationship
(at the national level) may stem from the
measurement of inflation. Stock and
Watson explore this idea.
Price measurement is challenging for a
number of reasons. First, the market price
of a particular good or service may be
unavailable. For example, it is not possible
to obtain the market price of a particular
health care service. A more extreme
example is services provided by churches
and, more generally, by some nonprofit
organizations, which are not even priced.
But they are part of our consumption
basket and thus should be (and indeed
are) part of the overall PCE price index.11


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

The second challenge concerns the
quality adjustment of new goods. In calculating the price index, the basket of goods
and services must be updated as new
products are introduced into the market,
replacing their older versions. New
products tend to be priced higher, but the
higher prices could be simply due to
quality improvements. The price changes
due to quality improvements should be
removed from the observed price changes.
But estimating the portion of the price
change due to quality improvement is
a daunting task. There are many other
challenges in price measurement.12
Note that these challenges have always
been present, but the problems might
have become more severe in recent years,
obscuring the aggregate-level Phillips
curve relationship. To explore this idea,
Stock and Watson divide the PCE price
index into 17 subcategories of goods and
services that differ in the degree of
difficulty in measuring their prices. They
then examine the Phillips curve relationship for each category separately. They
find that Phillips curve slopes differ
significantly between these categories. The
slopes tend to be higher in services whose
prices are determined in local markets
and are relatively well measured, such as
rent, recreational services, and food
services. By aggregating those 17 subcategories weighted based on their cyclical

sensitivities, these authors construct an
alternative to the PCE inflation rate, which
they call the cyclically sensitive inflation
(CSI) index. They show that the CSI-based
Phillips curve is alive and well, even in
recent years when the traditional Phillips
curve appears to be dormant.
A general implication of Stock and
Watson’s exercise is that there are some
categories of goods and services for which
the Phillips curve relationship is clearly
visible. They put more weight on these
cyclically sensitive goods and services
when constructing the overall price index,
which allows them to “recover” the
Phillips curve. But the authors do not get
into the details of what exactly has caused
inflation to be less sensitive to resource
slack. Moreover, given that monetary
policy is concerned with overall price
stability—not the stability of a subset of the
price index—it is not clear why and how
Stock and Watson’s findings should be
utilized in monetary policy.

Summary and Implications for
Monetary Policy

Aggregate data suggest that inflation has
become less sensitive to resource slack.
However, regional-level analysis reveals
that the two measures remain strongly
negatively related, although the evidence
on nonlinearity is mixed. So one may


Inflation Rate Stuck Below 2 Percent

Year-over-year core PCE inflation rate, January 2008 to June 2019


Target rate
Core pce
inflation rate







Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Where Is the Phillips Curve?
2019 Q3



Jun 2019


conclude that the Phillips curve relationship itself is
still alive. Moreover, endogenous monetary policy
supports the idea that successful monetary policy in
recent years is actually the reason for the flattening
of the national-level Phillips curve.
The flattening of the Phillips curve, if indeed it
resulted from successful monetary policy, is excellent
news for policymakers. There are, however, a few
reasons to be cautious about this rosy conclusion.
First, in all but a handful of months over the last 10
years, the core inflation rate has been below the Fed’s
target level of 2 percent (Figure 5). Similarly, even
though inflation expectations have been stable
overall, some measures of inflation expectations—in
particular, the one based on inflation-indexed bonds—
have been consistently below the 2 percent target
in recent years. Over the same period, the U.S. labor
market has consistently been improving. Some
policymakers have raised a concern that inflation
expectations are drifting away from the target.13 This
observation casts some doubt on the assumption
that monetary policy successfully controls inflation
expectations and actual inflation.
Second, the environment surrounding American
workers seems to be undergoing various structural
changes, including an expansion of the gig economy,
workplace automation via advances in artificial
intelligence and robotics, and increasing employer
concentration. These structural changes might be
weakening worker bargaining power, thus suppressing
wage growth.14 It is not surprising, it is even natural,
then, that the wage Phillips curve is flattening.15 The
price Phillips curve would not be immune to these
structural changes, either. The changes in the
wage-unemployment relationship would influence
the inflation-unemployment relationship. Furthermore, the structural changes (or their underlying
causes) might directly affect the pricing margin
(i.e., the difference between the product price and
the input cost) independently of the degree of labor
market slack.
Given these caveats, there is no guarantee that
monetary policy that has successfully stabilized
inflation in the past will be similarly successful in
the future. Monetary policy needs to be adjusted
to the changing environment.
In regard to the research efforts on the Phillips
curve, existing studies tend to focus on empirical
relationships without clear theoretical underpinnings.
Such theoretical frameworks would help identify the
true underlying relationship between labor market
slack and inflation (or wage growth) and thus provide
a basis for sound monetary policy.

1 The PCE price index gives the average price level of individual
goods and services, based on the representative expenditure
shares of goods and services. The core measure excludes
gasoline and food prices from the underlying basket. The
consumer price index (CPI) is an alternative measure.
2 One needs to estimate the slope of the Phillips curve via
some econometric technique, allowing for some noise affecting the observed data. If the underlying true relationship
is strong enough, one should be able to recover the true
value of the slope once enough data points are accumulated.
3 Individuals exit the labor market for many different reasons.
For example, some voluntarily retire or focus on raising their
kids. But some might be discouraged by an unsuccessful job
search. One could count this latter group as part of the labor
market slack. See, for example, Kashkari (2017) for this view.
4 See Dotsey et al. (2018) and Hooper et al. (2019).
5 Hooper et al. (2019) and Leduc and Wilson (2017) present
similar findings.
6 See, for example, Ball and Mazumder (2011), Nalewaik
(2016), Albuquerque and Baumann (2017), Murphy (2018),
and Gagnon and Collins (2019).
7 These authors use unemployment rates instead of the
unemployment gap. This specification is equivalent to
assuming that natural rates are constant over the period.
For inflation, the PCE index is not available at the MSA level
and thus these authors instead use the consumer price
index (CPI). As in the national-level analysis, they focus on
core inflation rates excluding food and energy.
8 To be more precise, Murphy focuses on testing for the
presence of a particular form of nonlinearity, and Hooper
et al.’s specification seems less restrictive in capturing the
underlying nonlinear effects. The differences in the exact
specifications might explain the differences in the results.
9 Isolating demand-driven movements in unemployment
rates is appropriate, given the policymakers’ interest in
whether stimulative monetary policy leads to a sharp and
sudden rise in wage growth.
10 In the academic literature, the behavior of the central
bank is often described by a simple mathematical formula,
the “monetary policy rule.” A typical rule assumes that the
central bank sets the interest rate to minimize variations in
inflation and output. One can also consider different rules.
What McLeay and Tenreyro show is that, under the rule that
replicates the recent actual behavior of the Federal Reserve,
the Phillips curve tends to disappear at the national level.

Where Is the Phillips Curve?
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


11 Prices of these services are estimated from the costs of providing the
services. In principle, to the extent that those costs are tied to wages
of the service providers, the same Phillips curve idea applies to these
services as well.
12 See Stock and Watson (2019) and references therein.
13 See Bullard (2017), for example.
14 See Krueger (2018) and references therein. It is also widely recognized
in the academic literature that labor’s share of national income has fallen
significantly over the last two decades. See for example Bergholt et al.
(2019). This decline is likely related to these structural changes.
15 Note that, as discussed above, Leduc et al. (2019) find a flattening
wage Phillips curve even in their regional-level analysis.


Leduc, Sylvain, and Daniel J. Wilson. “Has the Wage Phillips Curve Gone
Dormant?” FRBSF Economic Letter 2017-30 (2017).
Leduc, Sylvain, Chitra Marti, and Daniel J. Wilson. “Does Ultra-low
Unemployment Spur Rapid Wage Growth?” FRBSF Economic Letter
2019-02 (2019).
McLeay, Micheal, and Silvana Tenreyro. “Optimal Inflation and the
Identification of the Phillips Curve,” in NBER Macroeconomics Annual
2019, Volume 34 (2019).
Murphy, Anthony. “Is the U.S. Phillips Curve Convex? Some Metro Level
Evidence,” presentation slides from speech to the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas (2018).
Nalewaik, Jeremy. “Non-linear Phillips Curves with Inflation RegimeSwitching,” FEDS Working Paper 2016-078 (2016),

Albuquerque, Bruno, and Ursel Baumann. “Will U.S. Inflation Awake
From the Dead? The Role of Slack and Non-linearities in the Phillips
Curve,” European Central Bank Working Paper Series 2001 (2017).

Phillips, A.W. “The Relation Between Unemployment and the Rate
of Change of Money Wage Rates in the United Kingdom,” Economica,
26:100 (1958), pp. 283–299.

Ball, Lawrence, and Sandeep Mazumder. “Inflation Dynamics and the
Great Recession,” IMF Working Paper 11/121 (2011).

Stock, James H., and Mark W. Watson. “Slack and Cyclically Sensitive
Inflation,” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 25987

Bergholt, Drago, Francesco Furlanetto, and Nicolo Maffei Faccioli. “The
Decline of the Labor Share: New Empirical Evidence,” unpublished
manuscript (2019).
Bullard, James. “When Will U.S. Inflation Return to Target?” speech given
at the Economic Update Breakfast, Louisville, KY, November 14, 2017.
Dotsey, Michel, Shigeru Fujita, and Tom Stark. “Do Phillips Curves
Conditionally Help to Forecast Inflation?” International Journal of Central
Banking, 14:4 (2018), pp. 43–92.
Fitzgerald, Terry J., and Juan Pablo Nicolini. “Is There a Stable Relationship Between Unemployment and Future Inflation? Evidence from U.S.
Cities,” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Working Paper 713 (2014).
Gagnon, Joseph, and Christopher G. Collins. “Low Inflation Bends the
Phillips Curve,” Peterson Institute for International Economics Working
Paper 19-6 (2019).
Hooper, Peter, Frederick S. Mishkin, and Amir Sufi. “Prospects for Inflation
in a High Pressure Economy: Is the Phillips Curve Dead or Is It Just
Hibernating?” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper
25792 (2019),
Kashkari, Neel. “Why I Dissented a Third Time,” blog post at Medium,
December 2017.
Krueger, Alan B. “Reflections on Dwindling Worker Bargaining Power and
Monetary Policy,” speech given at the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium,
Jackson Hole, WY (2018).


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Where Is the Phillips Curve?
2019 Q3

Research Update
These papers by Philadelphia Fed economists,
analysts, and visiting scholars represent
preliminary research that is being circulated
for discussion purposes.

The views expressed in these papers are
solely those of the authors and should not
be interpreted as reflecting the views of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
or Federal Reserve System.

Financial Characteristics of Cost of Funds Indexed Loans
Two recent articles by Hancock and Passmore (2016) and Passmore and
von Hafften (2017) make several suggestions for improving the home
mortgage contract to make homeownership more achievable for creditworthy borrowers. Though the proposals in the two papers differ in
some aspects, one common feature is an adjustable rate indexed to
a cost of funds (COF) measure. Such indices are based on the interest
expense as a fraction of liability balance for one or a group of depository
institutions. One of these, the 11th District Cost of Funds (COF) Index,
was in wide use in the 1980s and 1990s, but use has fallen off since then.
COF indices have the advantage that they are less volatile than marketbased indices such as the one-year U.S. Treasury rate, so that borrowers
are not exposed to rapid increases in payments in a rising rate
environment. We analyze COF-indexed adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs)
from the point of view of the lender. First we develop a methodology
for constructing a liability portfolio that closely tracks the specific COF
index proposed by Hancock and Passmore and Passmore and von
Hafften. We then explore the financial characteristics of this liability
portfolio. We show that the liability portfolio, and by implication the

mortgages it would fund, share a characteristic of fixed-rate mortgages:
Values can vary significantly from par if rates change. This creates two
problems for lenders: Pricing of COF-indexed ARMs is difficult because it
depends not only on current interest rates but also on interest rates
when principal is repaid, either through amortization or prepayment.
Second, deviations from par make mortgage prepayment options
valuable, so that lenders offering the product must manage option risk
as well as interest rate risk. We conclude that while mortgages using
a COF index have clear benefits for borrowers, they also are more difficult
for lenders to price accurately. Further, once they are in lenders’ portfolios, they increase the complexity of interest rate risk management.
While these issues do not imply that COF indices cannot be part of
innovative new mortgage designs, understanding their financial characteristics may contribute to the search for a better mortgage
Working Paper 19-25. Patrick Greenfield, Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco; Arden Hall, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Supervision,
Regulation, and Credit Department.

Should Central Banks Issue Digital Currency?

Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design

We study how the introduction of a central bank-issued digital currency
affects interest rates, the level of economic activity, and welfare in
an environment where both central bank money and private bank
deposits are used in exchange. Banks in our model are financially constrained, and the liquidity premium on bank deposits affects the
level of aggregate investment. We study the optimal design of a digital
currency in this setting, including whether it should pay interest and
how widely it should circulate. We highlight an important policy
tradeoff: While a digital currency tends to promote efficiency in
exchange, it can also crowd out bank deposits, raise banks’ funding
costs, and decrease investment. Despite these effects, introducing
a central bank digital currency often raises welfare.

We consider a linear panel event-study design in which unobserved
confounds may be related both to the outcome and to the policy
variable of interest. We provide sufficient conditions to identify the
causal effect of the policy by exploiting covariates related to the policy
only through the confounds. Our model implies a set of moment
equations that are linear in parameters. The effect of the policy can
be estimated by 2SLS, and causal inference is valid even when
endogeneity leads to pre-event trends (“pre-trends”) in the outcome.
Alternative approaches perform poorly in our simulations.
Working Paper 19-27. Simon Freyaldenhoven, Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia; Christian Hansen, University of Chicago; Jesse M.
Shapiro, Brown University and NBER.

Working Paper 19-26. Todd Keister, Rutgers University and Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Visiting Scholar; Daniel Sanches,
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research Department.

Research Update
2019 Q3

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Do Minimum Wage Increases Benefit Intended
Households? Evidence from the Performance of
Residential Leases
Prior studies debating the effects of changes to the minimum wage
concentrate on impacts on household income and spending or employment. We extend this debate by examining the impact of changes to
the minimum wage on expenses associated with shelter, a previously
unexplored area. Increases in state minimum wages significantly
reduce the incidence of renters defaulting on their lease contracts by
1.29 percentage points over three months, relative to similar renters
who did not experience an increase in the minimum wage. This represents 25.7 percent fewer defaults posttreatment in treated states.
To put this into perspective, a 1 percent increase in minimum wage
translates into a 2.6 percent decrease in rental default. This evidence
is consistent with wage increases having an immediate impact on
relaxing renter budget constraints. However, this effect slowly
decreases over time as landlords react to wage increases by increasing
rents. Our analysis is based on a unique data set that tracks household rental payments.
Working Paper 19-28. Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore;
Brent W. Ambrose, The Pennsylvania State University and Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute Visiting
Scholar; Moussa Diop, University of Wisconsin–Madison and Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute Visiting

The Effects of Gentrification on the Well-Being
and Opportunity of Original Resident Adults and
We use new longitudinal census microdata to provide the first causal
evidence of how gentrification affects a broad set of outcomes for
original resident adults and children. Gentrification modestly increases
out-migration, though movers are not made observably worse off and
neighborhood change is driven primarily by changes to in-migration.
At the same time, many original resident adults stay and benefit from
declining poverty exposure and rising house values. Children benefit
from increased exposure to higher-opportunity neighborhoods,
and some are more likely to attend and complete college. Our results
suggest that accommodative policies, such as increasing the supply
of housing in high-demand urban areas, could increase the opportunity
benefits we find, reduce out-migration pressure, and promote longterm affordability.

Freeway Revolts!
Freeway revolts were widespread protests across the U.S. following
early urban interstate construction in the mid-1950s. We present
theory and evidence from panel data on neighborhoods and travel
behavior to show that diminished quality of life from freeway disamenities inspired the revolts, affected the allocation of freeways within
cities, and changed city structure. First, actual freeway construction
diverged from initial plans in the wake of the growing freeway revolts
and subsequent policy responses, especially in central neighborhoods.
Second, freeways caused slower growth in population, income, and
land values in central areas but faster growth in outlying areas. These
patterns suggest that in central areas, freeway disamenity effects
exceeded small access benefits. Third, in a quantitative general
equilibrium spatial model, the aggregate benefits from burying or
capping freeways are large and concentrated downtown. This result
suggests that targeted mitigation policies could improve welfare
and helps explain why opposition to freeways is often observed in
central neighborhoods. Disamenities from freeways, versus their
commuting benefits, likely played a significant role in the decentralization of U.S. cities.
Working Paper 19-29. Jeffrey Brinkman, Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Research Department; Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia Research Department.

History Remembered: Optimal Sovereign Default
on Domestic and External Debt
Infrequent but turbulent overt sovereign defaults on domestic
creditors are a “forgotten history” in macroeconomics. We propose
a heterogeneous-agents model in which the government chooses
optimal debt and default on domestic and foreign creditors by balancing
distributional incentives versus the social value of debt for selfinsurance, liquidity, and risk-sharing. A rich feedback mechanism links
debt issuance, the distribution of debt holdings, the default decision,
and risk premia. Calibrated to euro zone data, the model is consistent
with key long-run and debt-crisis statistics. Defaults are rare (1.2
percent frequency) and preceded by surging debt and spreads. Debt
sells at the risk-free price most of the time, but the government’s lack
of commitment reduces sustainable debt sharply.
Working Paper 19-31. Pablo D’Erasmo, Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Research Department; Enrique G. Mendoza, University
of Pennsylvania, NBER, PIER Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Visiting Scholar.

Working Paper 19-30. Quentin Brummet, NORC at the University of
Chicago; Davin Reed, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Community
Development and Regional Outreach.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Research Update
2019 Q3


How Low (or High) Can
They Go? Evaluating Metro
Unemployment Rates
over the Business Cycle
Kitchen Conversations:
How Households Make
Economic Choices
The Survey of Professional
Forecasters at 50
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