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Fourth Quarter 2021
Volume 6, Issue 4

Helping Struggling Homeowners
During Two Crises


Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy


Regional Spotlight

Data in Focus

Fourth Quarter 2021

A publication of the Research
Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Economic Insights features
nontechnical articles on monetary
policy, banking, and national,
regional, and international
economics, all written for a wide

Volume 6, Issue 4




Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises

with Ronel Elul.

Homeowners strained to make mortgage payments in the Great Recession and the
COVID pandemic, but policy responses to these two crises were very different. Ronel
Elul and Natalie Newton explore why.

The views expressed by the authors are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
helps formulate and implement monetary
policy, supervises banks and bank and
savings and loan holding companies, and
provides financial services to depository
institutions and the federal government. It
is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks that,
together with the U.S. Federal Reserve
Board of Governors, make up the Federal
Reserve System. The Philadelphia Fed
serves eastern and central Pennsylvania,
southern New Jersey, and Delaware.



Patrick T. Harker
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Michael Dotsey
Executive Vice President and
Director of Research
Adam Steinberg
Managing Editor, Research Publications
Brendan Barry
Data Visualization Manager

ISSN 0007–7011

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Previous articles:


Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
Thorsten Drautzburg takes a closer look at the Federal Reserve's new strategy to
stabilize output and inflation in the face of lower neutral interest rates.

Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond
Although the poverty rate in Philadelphia is high, the bigger picture, as Paul R. Flora
explains, must consider the region’s economy and the state’s policies.

Research Update
Abstracts of the latest working papers produced by the Philadelphia Fed.

Data in Focus
Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey.

About the Cover
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The U.S. was racked by depressions in the decades after the dissolution of the Second Bank of the United States, prompting Congress to create the Federal Reserve
in 1913. To address the debate over federal influence of the economy, Congress
created a hybrid central bank: a Board of Governors in Washington plus 12 district
banks. From 1935 to 1977, the Third District's headquarters was in the stone-clad
building at Chestnut and 10th streets. Like other Classical Revival buildings of the
New Deal era, this building features a streamlined classicism with minimal ornamentation—though the front entrance is flanked by bas relief sculptures conveying
the Fed's role as advisor to the banking system. As construction of this building
neared completion, Congress strengthened the Fed’s ability to fight economic
downturns. Despite some close calls, we have not experienced a depression since
then—a testament to the Fed’s successful guidance these past 90 years.
Illustration by Antonia Milas.


with Ronel Elul, a senior
economic advisor and
economist here at the
Philadelphia Fed.

Ronel Elul
Senior economic advisor and economist
Ronel Elul joined the Philadelphia Fed
in 2003 after teaching at Brown, New
York University, and the University
of Pennsylvania. He has also been
a member of the Federal Reserve System’s
Model Oversight Group, which oversees
the development and applications of the
models used for stress tests required
under the 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street
Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
As a researcher, he’s long been particularly interested in household finance,
especially mortgages.

When did you first become interested
in mortgage markets?
Not until grad school. I was studying math
in college, but I felt that economics was
more practical and helpful for society, so
I went to graduate school to study economics. At Yale, I took a class with John
Geanakoplos on incomplete markets,
which has to do with how we can’t insure
ourselves against all risks, like the risk
that we’ll lose our job. When he became
head of fixed income research at a Wall
Street investment bank, I went there part
time for a summer. That’s when I really
became interested in mortgages. It was
the early 1990s, and there was a boom in
mortgage-backed securities.

After your stint on Wall Street, you
wrote an article for the Journal of
Economic Theory where you argued
that new financial products have
the potential in certain cases to make
everyone worse off. Were you thinking about mortgage-backed securities
when you wrote that article?
I wish I had. What I did notice while
writing that paper was that these markets
are volatile. That was intriguing but scary.
Mortgage-backed securities, because
they allow banks or the GSEs [governmentsponsored enterprises] to easily sell the
mortgages that they make, allow for scaling
up of the mortgage market very quickly,
and they make the markets less subject to
the constraints that banks face. But they
also make the mortgage market subject
to the whims of the financial market.
And that’s something we saw in both the
housing bubble and the subsequent
financial crisis.
That 1995 paper was fairly technical.
It wasn’t until later that I got interested in
real-life aspects like defaults. If we didn’t
have the protection of bankruptcy, people
might be too frightened to take out
a mortgage. Bankruptcy gives you an ad
hoc way to tailor financial markets, to make
them more complete. Then I started to
wonder, what information is conveyed
to markets when someone defaults? When
the financial crisis hit, we were just starting
to get the data to help us understand
why people were defaulting on their mortgages, and what policies might help us


2021 Q4

address defaults. But that wasn’t the kind
of research I could have done in 1995. The
data wasn’t available yet.

It sounds like your experiences with
Wall Street made you wary of what
was going on there but also more interested in the real-world effects of
financial markets.
Yes. Now I do a lot of regulatory work,
helping oversee the models for the Dodd–
Frank bank stress tests. Models are
important, as they help us use historical
experience to inform our assessment
of future risk. But COVID was so different,
we had to adjust how we use some of
those models. To give one example, there
were disparities in how various lenders
reported the status of loans in forbearance
for borrowers who were not making
payments. And of course, we know that
in times like this there are inevitably
questions about how risky such borrowers
really are.
Some people would say, well, given
such uncertainty, why use models at all?
But with a financial system as complex
as the one in the U.S., the alternative
would be to just make things up. We need
to understand the assumptions and limitations of the models, and then think about
how to deal with them. Seeing this in practice really does help inform your research.

What are some of the things you hope
to learn from your research?
How to make certain that models continue
to capture the risks in the financial system
as it evolves. During COVID, Congress said,
let’s not report people in forbearance
as being delinquent, because we don’t
want to discourage them from taking
forbearance, and perhaps also because we
don’t want their decisions constraining
the recovery. But the people who receive
forbearance are probably riskier than
people who continue to pay, and we don’t
learn that if we suppress that information.
So, we’re throwing away information when
we do this. We’ve never done that, so we
don’t know who’s going to be helped or
hurt by it. And we also don’t know how
the market is going to react. That’s something I’ve begun studying.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Helping Struggling
During Two Crises

What the Great Recession Can Teach Us About
Mortgage Troubles in the Wake of COVID-19.
Ronel Elul
Senior Economic Advisor and Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Natalie Newton
Senior Research Assistant
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The views expressed in this article are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


arly in the COVID-19 pandemic, the
share of mortgage borrowers
who had not paid for two or more
months rose, exceeding 6 percent in June
2020, the highest level since the aftermath
of the Great Recession (Figure 1).1 Despite
the high rates of nonpayment in these
two crises, the outcomes for homeowners
have thus far been very different. In 2011,
roughly 2 percent of all mortgages terminated through a foreclosure or other
distressed property sale.2 By contrast,
virtually no foreclosures were initiated in
2020. Instead, up to 9 percent of all loans
were in some sort of forbearance program

in which the lender agreed to temporarily
defer payments.3 Understanding how and
why these two crises—and the policy responses—differ will help us design the best
policies to deal with future crises. And
to understand these differences and design
better policies, we must first understand
why borrowers might become delinquent
on their mortgage obligations.
Economists have identified two key
reasons why homeowners might fail to
make their monthly mortgage payments.
One is negative equity—that is, the house
is worth less than the mortgage. This
reduces the incentive for the homeowner

Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises
2021 Q4

Photo: makasana/iStock

to keep making their monthly payments. It
also makes it harder for the homeowner to
sell their house to pay off their mortgage.
The other is a liquidity shock—that is, the
homeowner is unable to make a payment
on their mortgage because of a drop in
income (say, due to unemployment) or an
unexpected expense.
Which is more responsible for the rise
in nonpayment during these two episodes:
negative equity or liquidity shocks?

Mortgage Delinquency in
the Great Recession

Given its high rates of mortgage default,
the experience of the Great Recession has
gone a long way in helping us understand
why borrowers fail to make their mortgage


Until COVID, Missed Payments and Bad Mortgage
Terminations Usually Rose and Fell Together

Share of mortgages that didn’t make their last two mortgage payments; share of mortgages that
terminated due to a foreclosure or distressed sale; annualized, March 2006 to September 2021

2 But last year, even though
missed payments spiked,
bad terminations fell to
historically low rates


1 During the Great Recession,
many borrowers stopped
paying, and ended up losing
their homes

Missed two or
more payments

Bad terminations

Mar 2006

Sep 2021

Source: Black Knight McDash data.

Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises
2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


payments. In previous coauthored work, one of this article’s
coauthors showed that negative equity and liquidity shocks both
matter, and that they interact—when the equity is very low (or
has just turned negative), liquidity shocks become more critical
in determining mortgage outcomes (Figure 2).4 The importance
of these two channels has also been confirmed by other authors.5
Because researchers can’t observe everything that affects a household, however, identifying liquidity shocks is not always easy.
Subsequent work has used different approaches and data that
can better identify when homeowners have experienced liquidity
shocks, and much of this work finds that liquidity shocks are
the more important cause of a rise in delinquencies. For example,
in their Becker Friedman Institute working paper, University
of Chicago professors Peter Ganong and Pascal J. Noel argue that
nearly all borrowers who defaulted experienced some sort of
liquidity shock. Their evidence suggests that negative equity, on
its own, does not lead many homeowners to default. Although
they find that most defaults are indeed associated with both
negative equity and liquidity shocks, which is consistent with the
conclusions of the previous literature, they also identify some
borrowers who default even in the absence of negative equity.
These insights into the determinants of default were uncovered
by researchers who retrospectively examined the behavior of
borrowers during the Great Recession. But how did lenders and
policymakers respond at the time of the crisis, when homeowners
started to show signs of distress? Do these efforts teach us anything about why homeowners defaulted, or which policies could
best address borrower distress?
There were indeed efforts to try to modify mortgage terms to
stave off foreclosures. However, mortgage modification programs
in the Great Recession were not comprehensive and varied
widely in their approach. In the initial stages of the crisis, there
was a patchwork of programs by industry groups, individual
lenders, and the government.
When New York Fed economists Andrew Haughwout, Ebiere
Okah, and Joseph Tracy studied subprime mortgages that became
delinquent early in the crisis and were subsequently modified
under one of these programs, they found that lowering the
monthly payment made it more likely that a modified loan
would avoid falling back into default.6 This is consistent with the
idea that liquidity shocks are a more important cause of a rise
in delinquencies. However, they also found that modifications
that achieved this reduction by lowering the principal balance
of the mortgage7 were more effective than those that solely
lowered interest rates, which also confirms the important role
of negative equity.
The patchwork of programs was superseded in 2009 with the
introduction of the federally sponsored Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). Under this program, servicers modified
slightly less than 2 million mortgages, about half of which
were backed by a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) or
government agency. HAMP provided financial incentives for
servicers that successfully modified mortgages,8 but it also set
standards for what modifications were considered sustainable
(and thus what modifications qualified for financial incentives).
In particular, documentation of income was required, and
unemployed homeowners were not eligible for this program.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

As its name suggests, HAMP focused on making payments
affordable, relative to the borrower’s monthly income. In order to
do so, it promoted a somewhat complicated mix of modifications: (i) a reduction in the interest rate, (ii) an extension of the
mortgage term (because stretching payments over a longer
period will lower the monthly payment), and, in some cases, (iii)
a write-down of the mortgage principal. When Board of Governors economist Therese Scharlemann and Georgia State University
economist Stephen Shore studied the effect of HAMP in 2016,
they found that the impact of principal write-downs on reducing
subsequent mortgage defaults was very modest. And another
study looking at HAMP—the 2020 American Economic Review
article by Ganong and Noel—found that principal reductions
provided no benefit beyond the impact that they had on the
size of mortgage payments.
This work confirms the relative importance of liquidity shocks.
Why do they arrive at a different conclusion than that of earlier
work, such as by Elul and his coauthors and Haughwout and
his? One reason may be the design of the HAMP program. On the
one hand, HAMP was limited: It did not generally consider
reductions in principal balances that would have taken borrowers
out of negative equity. And these reductions are the ones that
would be expected to have the greatest benefit. On the other
hand, as the authors of these papers point out, the precise formulas used to determine the hierarchy of HAMP modifications
allows for a more carefully crafted experiment that limits potentially confounding factors.
By studying mortgage modification plans in the Great Recession,
researchers have learned which types of intervention were most
successful. Their research also helps them better understand the
determinants of default. However, even when taken together,
the modification programs reached only a small fraction of the
mortgages that became delinquent during the Great Recession.
Why such a small fraction? Duke University professor Manuel
Adelino and Fed economists Kristopher Gerardi and Paul Willen

Negative Equity Makes It Harder to Keep Troubled
Borrowers in Their Homes

Borrowers and lenders had less incentive to modify mortgage
terms in the Great Recession.
Share of mortgages with negative equity







Source: Black Knight McDash data and CoreLogic Solutions Home Price Index.

Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises
2021 Q4


attribute this small fraction to the lenders’ reluctance to modify
loans that they believed would either restart payment without
a modification or end up in default irrespective of lender action.
Other authors argue that it was financial market frictions that
reduced the number of modified mortgages. For example, in
their 2011 article, National University of Singapore economist
Sumit Agarwal and his coauthors show that many mortgages
were securitized in private mortgage-securitization pools that had
unclear restrictions on modifying loans. Many borrowers also
had a second mortgage, which made modifying or refinancing
the first mortgage more difficult.9 And finally, in a separate 2017
article, Agarwal and his coauthors demonstrate that a few large
servicers had much lower HAMP modification rates than others.
They suggest that these servicers had a preexisting organizational
design that was less conducive to renegotiating loans.10

Mortgage Nonpayment in the COVID Crisis

The policy response to mortgage risk during the COVID-19 crisis
was very different. Soon after the start of the COVID crisis, as
unemployment rates rose dramatically, the Coronavirus Aid,
Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act mandated that servicers
of government-backed mortgages offer forbearance.11 (When
a mortgage is under forbearance, the borrower can delay or
reduce payments for a limited period of time. If borrowers use
this time to get their finances back in order, forbearance protects
both borrower and lender from a default on the mortgage.)12
No documentation of hardship was required, and, unlike HAMP
in the Great Recession, eligibility did not depend on the homeowner’s employment status.
Many lenders who held mortgages in their portfolios followed
suit, so that even those homeowners who had not taken out
government-backed mortgages benefitted from similar forbearance programs. This was encouraged by regulatory policies
that gave lenders “broad discretion to implement prudent modification programs.”13 Policymakers also underscored that modified
loans would not necessarily be treated as delinquent for the
purposes of regulatory reporting or risk-based capital rules.
The net result of these broad and rapid policy responses was
that although nonpayment rates rose, most of these borrowers
were in forbearance. The delinquency rate for borrowers outside
of forbearance fell dramatically, as did foreclosures.
Stanford economist Susan F. Cherry and her coauthors document several features of mortgage forbearance and its impact
in the COVID-19 crisis. First, the policy response was rapid and
widespread, in sharp contrast to the experience in the Great
Recession. Up to 9 percent of all mortgage borrowers were in
forbearance at some point from March to October 2020. About
one-third of borrowers who entered into forbearance continued
to make payments. They likely viewed forbearance as an option
they could use if their finances worsened. However, at least 2
million borrowers chose to take advantage of the opportunity to
defer their payments. And while forbearance rates were highest
for government-backed mortgages, private lenders also provided
substantial relief (both to mortgage borrowers whose “jumbo”
loans were too large to qualify for government insurance, and
to those with auto and credit-card loans). Their evidence also

suggests that forbearance seems to have helped those who needed
it most. For instance, counties with high rates of COVID cases and
unemployment had more homeowners enter into forbearance.
And although homeowners in forbearance were generally
wealthier than the average consumer (since by definition they
were homeowners), they were more financially constrained
than homeowners not in forbearance.
Other research also supports the conclusion that although
forbearance was offered broadly and with few conditions, it was
primarily used by those who needed it most. Using data from JP
Morgan Chase on customers with both a mortgage and a deposit
account, JP Morgan’s Diana Farrell, Fiona Greig, and Chen
Zhao show that borrowers who used forbearance tended to have
lower prepandemic income than other homeowners. They were
also more likely to have lost income at the start at the pandemic
and be collecting unemployment benefits. This was particularly
true for borrowers who skipped payments in forbearance. Their
liquid asset holdings (in particular, bank deposits) increased,
suggesting that they used at least some of the savings from forbearance to build a buffer rather than spending all of it right away.
Also, the Philadelphia Fed’s Lauren Lambie-Hanson, James
Vickery, and Tom Akana find that three-quarters of those using
forbearances reported experiencing a job disruption or income
loss. In addition, the Philadelphia Fed’s Xudong An, Larry Cordell,
Liang Geng, and Keyoung Lee show that forbearances provided
substantial relief to lower-income and minority borrowers. And
finally, the Fed’s You Suk Kim, Donghoon Lee, Tess Scharlemann,
and James Vickery demonstrate that consumers who skipped
payments in forbearance paid down high-rate credit card debt.
(Borrowers with this high-rate debt tend to have fewer resources
and thus need more assistance.)

Did the COVID Response Reflect
Lessons Learned?

Having seen that the policy response in the COVID crisis was much
more robust than during the Great Recession, can we conclude,
as do Cherry and her coauthors, that the response reflected
lessons learned from the Great Recession regarding the significant
social costs of widespread defaults and foreclosures? They note
that the response during the COVID crisis was much quicker,
more coordinated, and more effective in preventing mortgage
defaults. The response may also have reflected lessons learned
regarding the importance of reducing mortgage payments to
stave off defaults, as it focused on the deferral of payments
through forbearance.
However, several key differences between the Great Recession
and the COVID crisis likely made it easier to address the problems
during the latter crisis. Most importantly, the Great Recession
originated in the housing sector, and at its peak nearly onequarter of all mortgages had negative equity. By contrast, a virus,
not the housing sector, caused the COVID crisis. Fewer than 3 percent of mortgages at the start of 2020 had negative equity, and
house prices continued to rise throughout 2020 and early 2021.
The continued strength of the housing sector during the COVID
crisis had four consequences. First, it increased the incentive for
borrowers to remain in their homes and thus made forbearance

Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises
2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


less risky for the lender. Second, even if the
borrower did not resume making payments in the future, a foreclosure would
likely lead to little or no loss for the lender.
Third, robust housing values also made
it feasible for borrowers to refinance at
a lower interest rate (thus obviating the
need for measures such as the Home
Affordable Refinancing Program that were
undertaken during the Great Recession).
The availability of this refinancing option
also likely encouraged borrowers to continue making payments even while in
forbearance, so as to qualify for a new
mortgage. And fourth, the fact that most
borrowers had positive equity made it
clearer to policymakers that their response
should simply focus on mortgage payments, unlike the wide-ranging and
sometimes complex approaches taken
during the Great Recession.
Other differences also made the policy
response easier during the COVID crisis.
The fact that the disruption caused by the
virus was expected to be temporary
meant that the focus could be on the
temporary postponement of these payments, without anyone having to worry
about the sustainability of the modifications. In addition, at the start of 2020,
nearly two-thirds of all mortgages were
government backed (Figure 3), either
by the GSEs or by the Federal Housing
and Veterans AdminSee The Role of
istration.14 This
Credit History.
made a coordinated
policy response much easier, as it meant
that, from the start of the crisis, uniform

policies applied to the preponderance of
outstanding mortgages. Furthermore,
since the government, as the insurer
of these mortgages, bore the credit risk,
servicers did not have much to lose by
going along with the government guidance.15 (By contrast, at the end of 2006, just
before the start of the Great Recession,
only about 40 percent of mortgages were
government backed.) A final reason is
that lenders tightened underwriting standards after 2009, so most mortgages were
more sustainable during the COVID crisis
than in the Great Recession.


Large Share of Government-Backed
Mortgages Eased Policymaking

It was easier to coordinate a policy response
in 2020 than during the housing bust.
Percent of all mortgages insured by the Federal
Housing Administration, Veterans Administration,
Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac, 2006–2021



The policy efforts devoted to stabilizing the
mortgage market in the COVID crisis were
much more robust and effective than
those undertaken in the Great Recession.
This improved response reflects important
lessons learned from the previous episode, but the unique features of the
COVID crisis may have also played a role.
Given that any future crisis will almost
certainly be unique, what broader lessons
can we apply going forward? And while
the robust policy responses were effective
in staving off foreclosures, are there any
hidden costs? Will borrowers be less
prudent in their borrowing or less diligent
in repaying, anticipating that they will
receive assistance? And will suppressing
from their credit records the payment
record of those in forbearance allow
well-meaning borrowers to get back on
their feet, or will it make lenders more
cautious about lending in the face of this
murkier information? These questions
are important topics for future research.









Source: Financial Accounts of the United States.

The Role of Credit History
Another important difference between the Great Recession and the
COVID crisis is the way in which borrowers who missed payments
were reported to credit bureaus. The CARES Act prohibits servicers
from reporting to credit bureaus those payments skipped through
a forbearance plan. This prohibition likely encourages borrowers to
take up forbearance. Almost no borrowers reported that concern
over damaging their credit history influenced their decision to seek
a forbearance.16 One result was that credit bureau scores rose during
this period, even for those in forbearance.17 This stands in sharp
contrast to the Great Recession, when borrowers who defaulted on


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

their mortgage saw their scores drop and also experienced difficulty
in using credit to finance consumption.18 The longer-term impact of
this policy is uncertain, however, as lenders may respond to the COVID
crisis by tightening lending standards or by using other information
(such as employment records and information on bank deposits) to
identify risky borrowers.19 This may have unexpected effects on future
access to credit, and economist Allen N. Berger and his coauthors
show that this may have already begun: Safer borrowers received
relatively less-favorable terms on credit cards during the COVID crisis.

Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises
2021 Q4

1 A borrower who misses a mortgage payment may do so
in violation of their mortgage contract, in which case the
borrower is delinquent. A borrower who misses a set number
of payments is in default. Usually, when a borrower misses
four or more payments, the servicer may initiate a legal
proceeding known as foreclosure to take possession of the
property. (A servicer collects payments and communicates
with the borrower on behalf of the lender. In some cases,
the lender is also the servicer of the loan.) By contrast, if the
borrower is in forbearance, these missed payments are contractually permitted and do not result in a delinquency per se.
2 Typically, a “distressed sale” means foreclosure, although it
can also manifest as a short sale, in which the borrower
sold the property and the lender agreed to take the proceeds
and forego any outstanding additional liability. Short sales
were also common in this period.
3 Calculations by the Risk Assessment, Data Analysis, and
Research (RADAR) group at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, using data from Black Knight Data & Analytics LLC.

12 Forbearance was also used for other types of consumer
debt. Government-backed student loans were automatically
placed into forbearance. Forbearance for other types of
consumer debt varied. A large fraction of auto loans was also
placed in forbearance, albeit for much shorter periods
(typically just three months), whereas the forbearance rate
for credit cards was very low, perhaps because borrowers
already had the option to make only the minimum payment.
13 See Board of Governors (2020).
14 These figures are from the Financial Accounts of the United
States and include single-family mortgages guaranteed by
these agencies and enterprises, either in mortgage-backed
securities or held directly in their portfolios.
15 Although in some cases the servicers were required to
temporarily advance payments for securitized mortgages.
See Kim et al. (2021).
16 See Lambie-Hanson et al. (2021).
17 See, for example, Cherry et al. (2021).

4 See Elul et al. (2010).
18 See Aruoba et al. (2019).
5 See, for example, Gerardi et al. (2018).
19 See Andriotis (2020).
6 A loan is subprime when it is made to a less creditworthy
7 Writing down the principal balance of a mortgage can
reduce the monthly payments by lowering the amount
to which interest payments are applied.
8 Borrowers received additional financial incentives (on
top of their loan modification) for consistently making
the required payments under their modification plan.
9 See, for example, Bond et al. (2017).
10 Mortgage modifications were not the only policy effort
undertaken to reduce defaults by homeowners and support
their consumption during the Great Recession. The federal
government also devoted considerable effort to facilitating
the refinancing of underwater mortgages through the
Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). As we discuss
below, the government did not make similar efforts during
the COVID crisis.
11 We use “government-backed mortgages” to refer to loans
that are guaranteed directly by the U.S. government (most
notably those insured by the Federal Housing Administration
and Veterans Administration) as well as those backed by
the GSEs (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac), which are currently
under government administration.

Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises
2021 Q4

Adelino, Manuel, Kristopher Gerardi, Paul S. Willen. “Why
Don’t Lenders Renegotiate More Home Mortgages?
Redefaults, Self-cures and Securitization,” Journal of
Monetary Economics, 60:7 (2013), pp. 835–853, https://doi.
Agarwal, Sumit, Gene Amromin, Itzhak Ben-David, et al.
“Policy Intervention in Debt Renegotiation: Evidence from
the Home Affordable Modification Program,” Journal of
Political Economy, 125:3 (2017), pp. 654–712, https://doi.
Agarwal, Sumit, Gene Amromin, Itzhak Ben-David, et al.
“The Role of Securitization in Mortgage Renegotiation,”
Journal of Financial Economics, 102:3 (2011), pp. 559–578,
An, Xudong, Larry Cordell, Liang Geng, and Keyoung Lee.
“Inequality in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from Mortgage
Delinquency and Forbearance,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Working Paper 21-09 (2021),
Andriotis, AnnaMaria. “’Flying Blind Into a Credit Storm’:
Widespread Deferrals Mean Banks Can’t Tell Who’s Creditworthy,” Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2020.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Aruoba, S. Borağan, Ronel Elul, and Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan.
“How Big Is the Wealth Effect? Decomposing the Response
of Consumption to House Prices,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Working Paper 19-06 (2019),
Berger, Allen N., Christa H.S. Bouwman, Lars Norden, et al.
“Piercing Through Opacity: Relationships and Credit Card
Lending to Consumers and Small Businesses During Normal
Times and the COVID-19 Crisis,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Working Paper 21-19 (2021),
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “Interagency Statement on Loan Modifications and Reporting
for Financial Institutions Working with Customers Affected
by the Coronavirus (Revised),” April 7, 2020, https://www.
Bond, Philip, Ronel Elul, Sharon Garyn-Tal, and David K.
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Power of Second Mortgages,” Review of Financial Studies,
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Haughwout, Andrew, Ebiere Okah, and Joseph Tracy. “Second
Chances: Subprime Mortgage Modification and Redefault,”
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Kim, You Suk, Donghoon Lee, Therese C. Scharlemann, and
James Vickery. “Intermediation Frictions in Debt Relief:
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“Recent Data on Mortgage Forbearance: Borrower Uptake and
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Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute Research
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Studies, 29:10 (2016), pp. 2850–2883,

Cherry, Susan F., Erica Xuewei Jiang, Gregor Matvos, et al.
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Elul, Ronel, Nicholas S. Souleles, Souphala Chomsisengphet,
et al. “What ‘Triggers’ Mortgage Default?” American
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Farrell, Diana, Fiona Greig, and Chen Zhao. “Did Mortgage
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Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Helping Struggling Homeowners During Two Crises
2021 Q4

Photo: Willard/iStock

Make-up Strategies
for Monetary Policy

How the Federal Reserve is addressing the challenge
of the long-term decline in interest rates.
Thorsten Drautzburg
Economic Advisor and Economist
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The views expressed in this article are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.


he Federal Reserve has long fought
recessions by wielding one of the
most powerful tools in monetary
policy: cuts to short-term interest rates.
These aggressive interest rate cuts have
stabilized output during recessions and
inflation after recessions, so that inflation
has averaged around 2 percent. This is
why Board of Governors Vice Chair Richard
Clarida argued earlier this year that the
Federal Reserve has successfully pursued
its dual mandate of price stability and
maximum employment.1

Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
2021 Q4

But because interest rates have trended
down over the past few recessions, policy
has less scope to fight future recessions by
cutting interest rates.
Within three years of the onset of the
1990 recession, the Federal Reserve
cut the short-term interest rate (what it
calls the federal funds rate target) from
8.25 to 3.0 percent. Within three years of
the onset of the 2001 recession, it cut its
target rate from 5.5 to 1.0 percent. And
within three years of the onset of the 2007
recession, it cut it again from 4.25 to 0.25
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department



The Federal Funds Effective Rate Has Trended Lower
When the rate is low, the Fed finds it harder to fight recessions.
Federal Funds Effective Rate, percent, not seasonally adjusted, 1990–2020

In this article, I discuss how these make-up strategies differ
from the Fed’s previous monetary strategy, I describe different
possible make-up strategies, I use a simple New Keynesian model
to identify the advantages of make-up strategies, and I discuss possible disadvantages of these strategies. I conclude by discussing
how the make-up strategies may guide the FOMC’s decisions.5


What’s New About Make-up Strategies







Source: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), Federal Funds
Effective Rate [FEDFUNDS], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis;
Note: Shaded bands represent recessions as defined by National Bureau of
Economic Research.

percent—hitting the effective lower bound (ELB) on interest rates,
or the point at which legal and practical considerations rule out
further interest rate cuts (Figure 1).
Since the last crisis, the long-term decline in interest rates has
continued, posing a challenge for policymakers: Among members
of the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC),
which sets these rates, the median expectation is that the
Federal Funds Rate will average 2.5 percent over the long term,
compared with 4.2 percent in early 2012, leaving the FOMC even
less room to cut interest rates when the next recession hits.2
Indeed, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the target rate was
a mere 1.75 percent, allowing for only a small cut in short-term
rates before hitting the ELB. Because the ELB and the long-run
decline in interest rates have left little room to cut short-term
interest rates, the FOMC might no longer be able to effectively
cushion drops in inflation and output during downturns.3
The problem of the inability to lower interest rates is compounded by what Federal Reserve economists Thomas M. Mertens
and John C. Williams have dubbed the deflationary bias: When
average interest rates were high enough, policymakers could raise
inflation toward its 2 percent target through rate cuts in downturns and dampen inflation through rate hikes in expansions.
Because of the ELB and the long-run decline in interest rates,
the FOMC cannot stimulate inflation in downturns as much as before. If policymakers do not change how they set interest rates
during expansions, inflation should thus decline in the long
run because inflation would hold steady during upswings but
decline during downturns, pulling down the overall average. This
deflationary bias would go against the stated 2 percent inflation
target. What’s more, the deflationary bias would also exacerbate the challenges posed by the ELB. Rather than let that happen,
the FOMC has decided to adopt policies that make up for past
inflation shortfalls during expansions.4


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Congress has assigned three specific goals to the Federal Reserve:
maximum employment, price stability, and moderate long-term
interest rates. But Congress left open which strategy the Federal
Reserve should use to accomplish these goals.
Until recently, outside observers have characterized U.S.
monetary policy as reacting to two current economic conditions:6
economic activity’s deviations from its potential, and year-overyear inflation’s deviations from its 2 percent target.7
But the FOMC now also monitors a third economic condition:
deviations of past inflation from 2 percent. As the FOMC wrote in
its August 2020 statement on long-run goals: “… following
periods when inflation has been running persistently below
2 percent, appropriate monetary policy will likely aim to achieve
inflation moderately above 2 percent for some time.” In other
words, if inflation has been too low, the FOMC will now aim to
make up for this shortfall.

Types of Make-up Strategies

Different make-up strategies are distinguished by what they’re
making up for. Since the Federal Reserve has the target of price
stability and maximum employment, making up for misses of
one or both objectives is a natural approach. Indeed, Federal
Reserve economists David Reifschneider and John C. Williams
proposed a make-up strategy that would, indirectly, respond to
a summary measure of misses on both targets.8 But because
the FOMC decided to make up for past inflation only, I focus on
inflation-based make-up strategies.
Make-up strategies differ not only in their target measure, but
also along two other dimensions.
First, is the strategy symmetric or asymmetric? Under
a symmetric strategy, monetary policy responds equally to past
excesses and past shortfalls of inflation. However, downturns
tend to be abrupt whereas upswings tend
to be gradual, so policymakers usually
See Missing the
face asymmetric challenges that require an
Goal of Stable
asymmetric strategy. This is especially
true when interest rates are low (as they
are now) because interest rates have a lower bound but no upper
bound. Consequently, it is more important for the FOMC to
respond to inflation shortfalls rather than misses of inflation in
both directions.9
Second, is the strategy permanent or temporary? Under
a permanent make-up strategy, policymakers always correct for
past misses (regardless of whether the strategy is symmetric or
asymmetric). Make-up strategies are only successful if firms
and households adjust their decisions in accordance with them.
Because they would be observing a permanent policy regime

Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
2021 Q4

at all times, households and firms would
likely understand the consequences of
inflation misses for monetary policy and
act accordingly.
Under a temporary make-up strategy,
in contrast, policymakers only correct for
past misses in special circumstances—
for example, when the ELB constrains
monetary policy. It may take households
and firms some time to understand this
policy and behave accordingly. But a temporary make-up strategy gives policymakers
flexibility when the ELB does not constrain
policy. And such a strategy may be easier
to communicate to the public because
it allows policymakers to focus only on
current conditions in normal times.

Advantages of Make-up

According to standard analyses, monetary
policy reacts only to current economic conditions.10 But policy can actually improve
current outcomes by looking backward—
as long as households or firms understand
how policy works. Consequently, by
promising to make up for past misses, policymakers can improve current outcomes
and limit the size of these misses.11 A standard model of business cycle fluctuations
explains why.
The simplest (yet widely used) model
for understanding monetary policy is
the workhorse New Keynesian model.12
The model describes the interaction of
households, firms, and the policymakers
setting interest rates. Household and firm
behavior gives rise to the model’s two
key relationships. Both relationships
describe the interplay between current

and future economic activity and inflation
in the model.
The so-called Phillips curve relates
current inflation to current economic
activity and expected future inflation.
It summarizes firm behavior and household labor supply. Firms in the model
hire workers from households to produce
consumption goods and have market
power to set prices for these goods. Since
large price changes are costly for these
firms, they prefer to adjust prices gradually
in every period, partly in anticipation
of future inflation. And because firms
require more workers when they expand
production, they need to bid up wages
when economic activity rises relative to
its potential level.13 Consequently, current
inflation rises with current economic
activity and expected inflation.14
The second relationship between
economic activity and inflation reflects
households’ consumption–savings
decisions. Households demand more
consumption goods today when the
return on savings is lower—that is, when
the real interest rate is lower. The real
interest rate is the difference between
the nominal interest rate set by policymakers and expected inflation—because
future inflation erodes the value of
nominal (current dollar denominated)
savings. Households also demand
more consumption today if they feel
wealthier, that is, when they expect
to consume more in the future.
To see the advantages of make-up
strategies in this model, it is useful to first
analyze the challenges that the lower
bound on nominal interest rates poses for
monetary policy. In this model, the ELB

clearly worsens severe downturns. Interest
rates may hit the ELB, for example, if
a persistent downward shock to demand
causes a severe downturn. The drop in
demand persistently lowers employment.
Via the Phillips curve, this persistently
pulls inflation down as wages drop and
firms lower prices. The persistent drop
in inflation in turn lowers demand even
further by raising real interest rates15—
unless the central bank offsets the drop
in inflation by reducing nominal interest
rates even more to stimulate households’
demand. But the central bank’s ability
to do so is limited by the ELB. The ELB
may thus prevent the central bank from

A Recession’s Vicious Cycle
The Effective Lower Bound Can Amplify a Recession
Because the ELB may limit the size of interest rate
cuts, households and firms face higher real interest
rates, both because nominal rates are higher and
future inflation is lower. This lowers demand and employment, reinforcing the initial recession.
Because the fall in inflation and the rise in the unemployment rate are bigger, the federal funds rate
remains low longer than it does in the absence of the
lower bound.
Recession with binding lower bound
Unemployment Rate

Core PCE Inflation

Federal Funds Rate

Real Long-term
Interest Rate

Missing the Goal of Stable Prices
There is an additional, technical question: How do we measure misses
on the goal of stable prices? Should we measure past misses as
the difference between the change in the price level relative to some
benchmark, also known as price-level targeting (PLT)? Or as the
average inflation rate over a number of years? And if it’s the latter,
how many years? Mechanically, the change in the price level over
several years is just the sum of the annual inflation rates. It thus makes
intuitive sense that, as Sveriges Riksbank economists Marianne
Nessén and David Vestin showed in a 2005 article, the economic
effect of PLT is very similar to the effect of average inflation targeting
over a sufficiently long horizon. There may thus be little difference

between the two strategies over the long term. Regardless, both are
temporary, asymmetric make-up strategies when applied after recessions with a binding ELB on interest rates.23
In measuring average inflation, policymakers may also want to look
ahead. One example of such a forward-looking measure of inflation
was given by Vice Chair Clarida last year. Clarida said that he,
personally, would opt for lower interest rates not only if past inflation
averaged less than the 2 percent target, but also if expectations of
future inflation were below the target.

Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


effectively fighting a recession with its
tool of short-term interest rate cuts.
The result is a vicious cycle of low
demand pulling inflation down, which
further lowers demand (Figure 2).16
In this vicious cycle, the negative demand shock, made worse by the ELB,
keeps inflation and employment below
policymakers’ targets. What’s more,
if policymakers do not offset during expansions the extra drop in inflation
caused by the ELB, the deflationary bias
described by Mertens and Williams
arises. Once firms and households update
their inflation expectations in light of
this bias, their changed behavior will
keep the economy closer to the ELB as
the lower inflation expectations force
policymakers to raise interest rates
by less during expansions or to accept
demand shortfalls.
In contrast, make-up strategies induce
a virtuous cycle. When policymakers
say that, once a recession ends, they will
make up for misses by keeping interest
rates lower than they otherwise would,
thus letting inflation rise above their
target, they can reduce the size of those
misses in the first place. Here’s why:
If households expect lower interest rates
in the future, they will expect to consume
more in the future, too. And because
households prefer to smooth their
consumption over time, that leads them
to consume more today. What’s more,
the promise of higher future inflation
leads firms to limit their price cuts today,
since they want to reduce the need for
future price changes. Thus, households
and firms act to reduce the initial shock
to the economy during a recession, and
the drop in demand and the resulting
drop in inflation are both mitigated. The
smaller inflation shortfall in turn boosts
demand even further. It’s a virtuous
cycle, triggered by the central bank’s
promise to let future inflation overshoot
its target so it can make up for current
shortfalls (Figure 3).
This is admittedly a simple model of
how households act. Perhaps households
aren’t so sophisticated in the complex
real world. But even in a more detailed
and realistic model of the U.S. economy,
Federal Reserve economists James Hebden
and his colleagues found that households acted in much the same way. They


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


A Make-up Strategy’s
Virtuous Cycle
1 At the beginning of
the downturn, the Fed
announces it intends
to “make up” for any
inflation shortfall by
keeping interest rates
lower for longer.
2 As the recession ends,
the Fed keeps interest
rates low and allows
inflation to overshoot its
target, making up the
gap during the downturn.

Nominal interest rate
Inflation rate
Target inflation rate

A The persistent downturn causes inflation
to run persistently below
the Fed’s target rate…


B …but low interest rates after
help inflation exceed its target
rate, making up the gap.
Mild Recession Scenario
Without make-up strategy
With make-up strategy
Unemployment Rate

Core PCE Inflation

Federal Funds Rate

Real 10-yr Treasury Yield

Source: Figure 1 in Arias et al. (2020).

analyzed make-up strategies in the FRB-US
model, a large-scale model employed by
the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
When they ran the model, they made
a more realistic assumption: that only financial markets trust policymakers to make
up for inflation shortfalls. They found
that financial markets passed on those
expected lower short-term interest rates
by cutting long-term interest rates, such
as mortgage rates and rates on car loans,
right away. This fall in long-term interest
rates again stimulates demand, just like in
the simpler model discussed above.
So even when policymakers are only
making up for inflation shortfalls, their
credible and well-understood promise to
make up for current inflation shortfalls
can lead to a virtuous cycle that reduces
current shortfalls in other economic
activity, such as employment.

Disadvantages of Make-up

However, economic models suggest that
there are challenges for policymakers
who wish to pursue makeup strategies.
Within the simple New Keynesian
model we’ve been discussing, a rapid
drop in demand after a prolonged boom
with above-average inflation can pose
a problem. If the make-up strategy is
symmetric, the promise to make up for
past excess inflation would constrain
monetary policy when policymakers
need to act quickly. To make up for
excessively high past inflation, policymakers would have implicitly promised
higher interest rates than warranted
by current conditions. Policymakers
would then have to either break their
promise to make up for past excesses
or delay their response to the unfolding
downturn. However, an asymmetric
make-up strategy that only makes up
for inflation shortfalls would prevent
this problem.
But even an asymmetric make-up
strategy can cause problems. Sometimes,
the economy faces a cost-pull shock,
which may lower inflation while raising
demand above potential output, yielding
a positive output gap. During a cost-pull
shock, blindly following an inflationbased make-up strategy would lead the
central bank to commit to making up for

Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
2021 Q4

the inflation shortfall, stimulating demand further and possibly
overheating the economy.17 In this example, the makeup strategy
still prompts mistakes by policymakers—even though the
asymmetry of the strategy would still allow it to effectively
address the opposite problem of a cost-push shock that raises
inflation and lowers demand.18
What’s more, the virtuous cycle induced by make-up strategies
may not be very strong in reality. Federal Reserve economists
Marco Del Negro, Marc Giannoni, and Christina Patterson show
that when some consumers are able to trade in financial markets
only with a delay, it diminishes the effect of news about future
inflation. This weakens the virtuous cycle induced by adopting
make-up strategies.19
The same problem may arise from realistic models of how
households form expectations. For example, it has been argued
by Columbia University economist Michael Woodford that
agents have limited planning horizons. Even sophisticated
computer programs designed to play games such as chess only
plan a certain number of steps ahead, and individuals and
firms may be expected to suffer from a similar limitation. This
limits the current economic effects of expectations about the
distant future. Similarly, Harvard University economist Xavier
Gabaix has argued that households’ rationality is bounded
(that is, they choose adequate rather than optimal solutions to
their problems), so they discount—that is, downplay—news
about future inflation.
Even within the model we’ve been discussing, the virtuous
cycle is weakened when inflation is unresponsive to current
output or employment—what economists call a flat Phillips curve.
When inflation barely responds to economic activity, policy is
less potent. Policymakers can do little to stimulate inflation by
stimulating current demand, but must instead patiently wait for
policy changes to work their way through inflation expectations.20
Make-up strategies may pose additional challenges. Policymakers may find it difficult to explain to the public why they
are tolerating inflation in excess of their stated target.21 Also,
persistently low interest rates may cause financial instability
by encouraging excessive risk taking and debt accumulation
in the economy.22

Practical Implications

The FOMC has not adopted make-up strategies unconditionally.
Rather, as its statement on longer-run objectives implies, it
has adopted an asymmetric make-up strategy only for inflation
In November 2020, Vice Chair Clarida summarized the new
strategy as “temporary price-level targeting (TPLT, at the ELB)
that reverts to flexible inflation targeting.” Since the strategy
is triggered only by a severe downturn, the asymmetry avoids
the disadvantages of a symmetric rule. And triggering the makeup strategy only at the ELB safeguards against the challenges
of the cost-pull scenario discussed above: Interest rates are
unlikely to be constrained by the ELB when cost-pull shocks
cause employment to overshoot and inflation to undershoot the
Fed’s targets.
Although policymakers can avoid some of these disadvantages,
the fact that a make-up strategy is temporary might make it
less effective. Households, firms, and financial markets may not
have enough time to understand the implication of this new
strategy. This drawback may, however, appear less of a concern
now that the FOMC has been forced to use the make-up strategy
right away. But in the (fortunate) case that the economy could
escape the ELB soon and stay away from it for some time, it
may diminish the make-up strategy’s effectiveness during the
next crisis.
What does this strategy mean for the practice of monetary
policy? Although policymakers do not strictly follow any one
monetary policy rule—allowing them to use their judgment when
addressing specific economic challenges—rules can provide useful benchmarks. As Vice Chair Clarida explained in his speeches,
he personally feels that a rule that characterizes monetary
policy as a function of only current economic conditions, and
that allows for gradual adjustment in interest rates, is a useful
benchmark, even when the Federal Reserve is pursuing a makeup strategy. The make-up strategy injects more inertia, or
persistence, into the currently low interest rates, with rates rising
more slowly than otherwise, and this allows inflation to average
2 percent during a certain window of time. Vice Chair Clarida’s
interpretation thus suggests that the adoption of this temporary
and asymmetric make-up strategy represents an evolution of
policymaking, not a revolution overturning past practices.

1 See Clarida (2021).
2 See
monetarypolicy/fomc_historical_year.htm for
links to historical FOMC materials, including the
December 2020 and January 2021 Summaries
of Economic Projections (SEPs). In addition to
the decline in the SEP interest rate forecast, Del

Negro et al. (2017) provide detailed evidence of
the decline in interest rates. They attribute the
decline to lower risk and liquidity premiums and
slower economic growth.
3 This is overly simplistic in that it focuses only
on so-called “conventional” monetary policy. See
Caldara et al. (2020) for a discussion of

Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
2021 Q4

“unconventional” monetary policy, such as asset
purchases and guidance about future interest
rates (“forward guidance”). Although unconventional policies mitigate the challenge posed
by the secular (that is, long term and persistent)
decline in interest rates, they are unlikely to fully
offset them.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


4 Although several measures of inflation have risen to around 4 percent
in 2021, as Governor Randall Quarles summarized in his 2021 speech,
forecasts see inflation falling back near 2 percent within a year.

14 Cost-push shocks are the exception to this rule. A negative cost-push
shock, perhaps better called a cost-pull shock, pulls costs down, lowering
inflation even as output rises.

5 This article builds on my work with Jonas Arias and three economists
at the Board of Governors (Arias et al., 2020), which in turn summarizes
a large academic literature.

15 Saving in dollar-denominated bonds is less worthwhile when inflation
is expected to erode the value of these dollar savings.

6 See Taylor (1993) and Clarida et al. (2000) for studies that characterize
monetary policy as reacting to current inflation and output gaps. These
characterizations of policy sometimes include past interest rates but not
past shortfalls. Past interest rates reflect the desire of policymakers
to avoid wild swings in inflation. Besides reacting to these gaps, interest
rates are typically also thought of as centered around the so-called
natural rate of interest that ensures that actual economic activity equals,
on average, its potential, which is defined by technology and labor
supply. See Williams (2003).
7 There are multiple inflation rates and measures of economic activity. In
its “Statement on Longer Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy,”
the FOMC stated that its measure of inflation is the annual change in the
price index for personal consumption expenditures. Although there is no
single measure for maximum employment, observers often use gross
domestic product (GDP). This is because GDP growth is closely associated
with falling unemployment, a statistical relationship known as Okun’s Law.
8 See Reifschneider and Williams (2000).
9 A study I co-wrote described a concrete example of the benefits of an
asymmetric make-up strategy. We considered what might happen
following a period of above-average inflation. A rule based on symmetric
average inflation targeting would call for inertia in short-term interest
rates. This inertia would delay interest rate cuts that would combat
a recession. See Arias et al. (2020).

16 The vicious cycle has an extra feedback loop: If firms expect low
inflation to persist, they are motivated to lower prices today so as to
avoid needing to lower prices in the near future.
17 In the simple New Keynesian model, overheating the economy means
that the economy is producing more than it can produce efficiently,
and employment thus becomes too high. In reality, an overly high level of
employment may not be a direct source of concern to policymakers, but
it can be seen as a stand-in for concerns about financial stability stemming
from keeping interest rates too low.
18 The global supply chain problems encountered in the economic
recovery from COVID-19 are an example of such a cost-push shock.
19 In standard macroeconomic models, households are modeled as family
dynasties that live forever. These family dynasties then react immediately
even to future real interest rates by adjusting their consumption and
savings decisions. In such a model economy, a rise in expected inflation
pushes all households toward more present-day consumption in anticipation of the diminished compound real return on their savings. In the
model that Del Negro et al. (2012) use, however, households are expected
to live finite lives—and households do not take the decisions of the
cohorts that come after them into account. The inability of these
still unborn cohorts to adjust their decisions weakens the effect of
expectations—and more so the further in the future, because yet-to-beborn cohorts become more important farther in the future.

10 See Taylor (1993) and Clarida et al. (2000) for early references and
Galí, chapter 3 (2015) for a textbook treatment.

20 Hebden and his coauthors review these challenges and conclude that,
in practice, they are likely to weaken but not overturn the argument in
favor of make-up strategies.

11 More radically, policymakers could commit to history-dependent policy
paths. In models of the economy, this commitment can be very powerful—
see Galí, chapter 5 (2015). Although useful, it may be impractical because
it requires current policymakers to commit not just themselves but also
future policymakers to future actions.

21 In fall of 2021, policymakers faced this situation. Governor Randal
Quarles’s 2021 speech addressed the fact that the observed inflation
of more than 4 percent could not be considered a moderate overshoot of
the target, but it could be tolerated because it was not expected to last
and employment was still lagging.

12 The workhorse New Keynesian model can be summarized by two
equations describing the behavior of firms and households, and
one equation describing monetary policy. See Galí, chapter 3 (2015).

22 See, for example, Becker and Ivashina (2013) and Haltom (2013) and
the references therein.

13 That is, when the so-called output gap rises. The output gap is the
difference between the actual and the potential levels of economic activity.
The potential level of economic activity reflects production technology and
how readily households supply labor.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

23 PLT is temporary because it is triggered only while interest rates are
at the ELB. It is asymmetric because it only makes up for the pricelevel shortfall. Bernanke et al. (2019) refer to this as temporary price-level
targeting (TPLT).

Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
2021 Q4

Arias, Jonas, Martin Bodenstein, Hess Chung, Thorsten Drautzburg, and
Andrea Raffo. “Alternative Strategies: How Do They Work? How Might
They Help?” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Finance
and Economics Discussion Series 2020-068 (2020),
Becker, Bo, and Victoria Ivashina. “Reaching for Yield in Hot Credit Markets,” (2013).
Bernanke, Ben S., Michael T. Kiley, and John M. Roberts. “Monetary Policy
Strategies for a Low-Rate Environment,” AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109
(2019), pp. 421–426,
Caldara, Dario, Etienne Gagnon, Enrique Martínez-García, and Christopher
J. Neely. “Monetary Policy and Economic Performance Since the Financial
Crisis,” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Finance
and Economics Discussion Series 2020-065 (2020),
Clarida, Richard H. “The Federal Reserve’s New Framework: Context
and Consequences,” speech given at the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and
Monetary Policy at the Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., November 16, 2020.
Clarida, Richard H. “The Federal Reserve’s New Framework: Context
and Consequences,” speech given at the Road Ahead for Central Banks,
a seminar sponsored by the Hoover Economic Policy Working Group,
Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, January 13, 2021.
Clarida, Richard, Jordi Galí, and Mark Gertler. “Monetary Policy Rules
and Macroeconomic Stability: Evidence and Some Theory,” Quarterly
Journal of Economics, 115:1 (2000), pp. 147–180,

Hebden, James, Edward P. Herbst, Jenny Tang, et al. “How Robust Are
Makeup Strategies to Key Alternative Assumptions?” Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System Finance and Economics Discussion Series
2020-069 (2020),
Mertens, Thomas M., and John C. Williams. “Monetary Policy Frameworks
and the Effective Lower Bound on Interest Rates,” AEA Papers and Proceedings, 109 (2019), pp. 427–432,
Nessén, Marianne, and David Vestin. “Average Inflation Targeting,” Journal
of Money, Credit and Banking, 37:5 (2005), pp. 837-863.
Quarles, Randal K. “How Long Is Too Long? How High Is Too High?:
Managing Recent Inflation Developments within the FOMC’s Monetary
Policy Framework,” speech given at the 2021 Milken Institute Global
Conference Charting a New Course, Beverly Hills, CA, October 20, 2021.
Reifschneider, David, and John C. Williams. “Three Lessons for Monetary
Policy in a Low-Inflation Era,” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 32:4,
part 2 (2000), pp. 936–966,
Taylor, John B. “Discretion Versus Policy Rules in Practice,” CarnegieRochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 39 (1993), pp. 195–214,
Woodford, Michael. “Monetary Policy Analysis When Planning Horizons
Are Finite,” NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 33:1 (2018), pp. 1–50, https://
Williams, John C. “The Natural Rate of Interest,” Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco Economic Letter Number 2003-32 (2003).

Del Negro, Marco, Domenico Giannone, Marc P. Giannoni, and Andrea
Tambalotti. “Safety, Liquidity, and the Natural Rate of Interest,” Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity (2017), pp. 235-316,
Del Negro, Marco, Marc P. Giannoni, and Christina Patterson. “The
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Gabaix, Xavier. “A Behavioral New Keynesian Model,” American Economic Review, 110:8 (2020), pp. 2271–2327,
Galí, Jordi. An Introduction to the New Keynesian Framework and Its
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Haltom, Renee. “Reaching for Yield,” Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Econ Focus (Third Quarter 2013), pp. 5–8.

Make-up Strategies for Monetary Policy
2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Poverty rate

United States


Philadelphia region

Poverty in the
Philadelphia region
is consistently lower
than in the nation…


Source: Census Bureau, Small Area Income and
Poverty Estimates (saipe) program, 1989–2019.

Regional Spotlight

in Philadelphia, and Beyond


The focus on poverty within the city
of Philadelphia misses the bigger
picture—and the state’s role.

ost stories on Philadelphia’s poverty rate bury the lede,
if they report it at all: Poverty in the Philadelphia region
is consistently lower than in the nation and lower than
in most other metropolitan areas.1 Moreover, the state shares
responsibility for the city’s poverty problem.
It is true that the city of Philadelphia has a greater concentration of the region’s poor than other comparable cities. However,
this is true for all Pennsylvania cities. An analysis of the relative
poverty rates for city-suburb pairs across all metro areas in the U.S.
shows that Pennsylvania cities are disadvantaged relative to
cities in nearly all other states even though regional poverty rates
in Pennsylvania are lower.
The oft-repeated factoid that Philadelphia is the nation’s poorest large city is also true (as narrowly defined).2 This is important,
as poverty creates fiscal stress for the city, negative neighborhood
effects for its residents, and upward tax pressure on residents
and local businesses.
However, this factoid unnecessarily draws attention away from
the important relationship between the region’s economy and
its poverty rate and from the crucial role that state government
plays in local governance and intermunicipal relations.3

Paul R. Flora
Manager of Regional Economic Analysis
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The author thanks Annette Gailliot and
Peter Psathas, who computed the city/
suburb poverty ratios for all 384 MSAs.
The views expressed in this article are not
necessarily those of the Federal Reserve.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond
2021 Q4

Most people likely support a more
inclusive economy that will lower unemployment, raise income, and thereby
reduce poverty. However, to reduce and
alleviate poverty in the city of Philadelphia,
we need to reframe our understanding
of poverty by taking a regional perspective.
At a minimum, Pennsylvania could incentivize regional cooperation so that local
governments would work together more
effectively to improve a region’s economy.

Philadelphia’s Regional
Poverty Rate

Over the past 30 years, the poverty rate
in the Philadelphia region has fluctuated
between 9.4 percent and 13.5 percent,
in rhythm with the business cycle (Figure
1). This is about 2 percentage points
lower than the national poverty rate,
which has swung between 11.3 percent
and 15.9 percent.4
In 2019, the Philadelphia region had
more than 730,000 people in poverty—12.4
percent of the region’s nearly 6 million
residents.5 Still, Philadelphia’s regional
poverty rate was lower than the nation’s
rate of 13.4 percent and lower than the
median rate among other regions.6 In fact,
the Philadelphia region’s 2019 poverty
rate was lower than in two-thirds of all
metro areas (Figure 2). The McAllen, TX,
region (2019 population: 844,950) had the
highest rate, at 29.7 percent.7

Philly Region Outperforms the U.S.
Local and national poverty rates both
respond to the business cycle, but
national poverty is consistently higher.

Poverty rates, 1989–2019, U.S. and Philadelphia MSA

United States
Philadelphia MSA





Source: Census Bureau, Small Area Income and
Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) program,1989–2019.
Note: Data for Philadelphia MSA missing for years
1990–1992, 1994, and 1996.

However, several peer regions had
much lower poverty rates. How many
people would be lifted from poverty if
regional policymakers could strengthen
the region’s economy and attain the
lowest poverty rate evident among other
major metro areas?
To answer this question, I analyzed
poverty in the 15 most populous U.S. metro
areas. Seven of these metro areas had
larger populations than Philadelphia’s;
seven were smaller. Similarly, seven had
higher poverty rates and seven had lower
rates. Riverside, CA (14.8 percent), and
Miami (14.6 percent) had substantially
higher regional poverty rates. If the Philadelphia region’s economy generated
poverty rates as high as Miami’s or Riverside’s, then our region would be home
to an additional 120,000 to 140,000 people
living in poverty.
Conversely, four of the 15 largest metro
areas—Washington, D.C., San Francisco,
Seattle, and Boston (which I call the
Fab Four)—had substantially lower poverty
rates.8 With a 7.8 percent regional
poverty rate, Washington, D.C., represents
a potential lower bound (as of 2019)
for large metro areas. If the Philadelphia
region’s economy improved enough
to reduce poverty to 8.0 percent, we would
reduce the number of poor people by
over a quarter million, to near 450,000.


Among U.S. Metro Areas, Philly’s
Poverty Rate Is Below the Median
Poverty rate, 384 MSAs, 2019

Range of all
384 MSAs
Median of all 384 MSAs


Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond

2021 Q4

If Philadelphia’s economy
generated poverty at…
Miami or
in poverty



Los Angeles
Phoenix, Houston
New York

Concentration of Poverty
by Neighborhood

Economic and sociologic research on the
plight of poor populations shows that
poverty’s problems are exacerbated when
concentrated. In their recent synthesis of
this research, Wayne State University
economist George Galster and Princeton
sociologist Patrick Sharkey note that
economic segregation has joined racial and
ethnic segregation as a critical dimension
of one’s neighborhood environment
(home and school) and is associated with
negative economic outcomes because
of increased exposure to crime, violence,
and environmental hazards.
Reviewing work by Galster and other
researchers, Elizabeth Kneebone and
Natalie Holmes of the Brookings Institution
assert that “residents of poor neighborhoods face higher crime rates, and exhibit
poorer physical and mental health



San Francisco, Seattle
The Fab Four


If Philadelphia’s economy
generated poverty at…
in poverty


Source: Census Bureau, American Community
Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates, 2019.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


outcomes. They tend to go to poor-performing neighborhood
despite a better-than-average regional
See Impact of
schools with higher dropout rates. Their job-seeking networks tend poverty rate. What prevents the city
the Pandemic.
to be weaker and they face higher levels of financial insecurity.”
of Philadelphia from sharing its region’s
To assess the extent of concentrated poverty among the
lower poverty rate?
100 most populous U.S. metro areas, Kneebone and Holmes
computed the share of the poor population in census tracts with
a poverty rate of 40 percent or higher using five-year estimates
A Pennsylvania Problem
for 2010–2014. This provides a comprehensive and comparable
Although the poverty rate in the Philadelphia region is lower
measure of the degree to which concentrated poverty is a problem
than in other regions, Philadelphia is frequently described as
for an entire region, thereby avoiding the problem of comparing “America’s poorest big city.”9 However, all Pennsylvania cities are
poverty rates and concentration of poverty based solely on
disadvantaged compared to cities in other states, even though
jurisdictional boundaries, which can obscure substantial pockets their respective metro area poverty rates are lower.
of poverty in suburban areas beyond the city limits.
At 11.9 percent, Pennsylvania’s poverty rate across all of its
In the Philadelphia region, Kneebone and Holmes found, 21
metro areas is lower than the mean of 12.5 percent (across all
percent of the poor population lived in tracts with a poverty
50 states plus Washington, D.C.). It is considerably lower than
rate of at least 40 percent—above the mean (15 percent) and
in New Mexico, which had an average poverty rate of 17.9 permedian (13 percent) of all 100 metros. Among those 100 metros,
cent. New Mexico is the only state whose MSAs exhibited higher
the concentration of poverty ranged from 52 percent in the
poverty rates in its suburbs than in its cities.
McAllen region to zero percent in the California regions of
It is true that the city of Philadelphia’s poverty rate was 24.3
Oxnard and San Jose.
percent in 2019, higher than in the other nine largest U.S. cities.
Of the 15 largest metros, only the Phoenix region (26 percent)
Rarely noted is that the poverty rates were higher still in the reand the Detroit region (32 percent) had higher concentrations
gion’s other two principal cities: Wilmington (26.0 percent) and
than the Philadelphia region, while the Fab Four ranged from
Camden (36.4 percent).10
3 percent to 6 percent.
With less than 30 percent of the region’s population, these
In 2016, Harvard economist Raj Chetty and his coauthors
three cities are home to nearly 60 percent of the region’s poor
demonstrated that upward mobility is significantly enhanced for
individuals when they spend more time in a low-poverty community. The younger they are when they spend time in that
Impact of the Pandemic and
community, and the longer they spend there, the better. However,
Stimulus Programs on Poverty
these gains take a generation or more to be fully realized.
Moreover, their analysis focuses on the individual, not the
The pandemic has wreaked havoc on many lives—disrupting
region. It is unclear whether the region also makes long-term
households with job losses, illness, and death. No amount of money
progress toward a lower poverty rate when individuals spend
will compensate for some of these losses. However, the stimulus
more time in a low-poverty community.
programs have measurably helped with household budgets.

Concentration of Poverty in Core Cities

Whether these tracts with concentrated poverty are themselves
concentrated in a region’s core cities or are spread about the
region affects the fiscal stability of municipalities. Kneebone and
Holmes’ analysis also examined concentrations of poverty for the
principal central (core) city and the remaining area of each region (including other central cities). They found that regions with
a low overall poverty rate tend to exhibit a lower concentration
of poverty, and the poverty rate is lower in all parts of the region.
Among the 15 most populous metro areas, the Fab Four had the
lowest percentages of concentrated poverty at the regional level,
within their core cities, and in their respective outlying areas.
In contrast, Philadelphia is grouped tightly with Atlanta, Dallas,
Houston, Miami, and Riverside, with poverty concentrations
that ranged from 78 percent to 82 percent in their core cities. But
beyond their core cities, only the Fab Four have lower concentrations of poverty than in Philadelphia’s outlying areas, at 30
percent. Poverty is more concentrated in the outlying areas of
the other 10 regions.
Thus, a relatively high concentration of poverty emerges in
the city of Philadelphia and a low concentration in its suburbs,


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Local poverty estimates are not yet available for 2020 and 2021.
However, estimates for the nation indicate that although the poverty
rate rose during the pandemic, the federal stimulus packages
lifted people out of poverty when measured by the supplemental
poverty rate.
The Census Bureau’s official poverty rate for the nation rose to 11.4
percent in 2020 from 10.5 percent in 2019, with 3.3 million more
people in poverty.18 However, the Census Bureau’s Supplemental
Poverty Measure (SPM), which accounts for assistance—such as
Social Security, unemployment insurance, and the stimulus payments from the COVID-19 relief packages—fell to 9.1 percent in 2020
from 11.8 percent in 2019.19
One measure of the success of the stimulus packages for pandemic
relief is that this is the first year in which the SPM rate of poverty
was lower than the official rate. Still, the burden grows on those who
remain in poverty and on those who have lost jobs as living costs
rise. As the Washington Post has reported, one measure of the gap
in aid and of the financial toll of job loss is the recent sales growth
at dollar stores around the country.

Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond
2021 Q4


Pennsylvania Cities
Experience More
Concentrated Poverty

In large MSAs outside of
Pennsylvania, there’s less
of a gap between suburban
and urban poverty.

Poverty rate in an MSA’s principal city/
cities divided by poverty rate in the rest
of the MSA, all Pennsylvania MSAs
and 15 largest U.S. MSAs, 2019
City/Suburb Poverty Ratios
Pennsylvania MSAs
Median of all 384 MSAs


Range of all
384 MSAs


State College




East Stroudsburg



changed its antiannexation policy stance in the 55
years since Harrison’s article—despite increasing
urban problems and deepening fiscal distress in
most of the state’s cities. While Columbus, OH,
was annexing significant territory and Indianapolis was
consolidating with Marion County, many residents
of Reading, PA, were moving to one of the other 63
municipalities in Berks County, and many residents of
Pittsburgh were moving to one of Allegheny County’s
other 129 municipalities.

What Local Government
Can and Can’t Do

Top-15 largest MSAs

More poverty in…
← the suburbs the city →

(417,509 people). The combined poverty
rate for the three cities was 24.9 percent.
When compared to the 7.4 percent poverty
rate in the remaining, mostly suburban
portion of the region, one can derive
a city/suburb poverty ratio of 3.4 for the
Philadelphia region.
My analysis of all U.S. MSAs shows that
a 3.4 ratio is very high, but in Pennsylvania,
the Philadelphia region is not unusual
in this regard (Figure 3). At 5.1, the Reading
region has the highest ratio in the country.
The York, State College, and Johnstown
regions have ratios ranging from 3.4 to 4.1.
The lowest city/suburb poverty ratio for
any Pennsylvania metro area is 1.6 in the
East Stroudsburg region, which is just
below the mean and median ratios across
all MSAs.11
Combining the city/suburb poverty ratio
for all Pennsylvania metro areas produces
a ratio of 3.0.12 Wisconsin has the same
ratio. New Hampshire’s is slightly higher,
but New Hampshire has only one metro
area. New Mexico has the lowest ratio at
0.9. The mean and median for all states is
1.8 and 1.7, respectively.
States with city/suburb poverty ratios
above the mean are primarily rust-belt
states with an older governance structure
and a more mature economy. However,
Pennsylvania’s ratios are highest even
among the rust-belt states, which share
a similar economic history and industrial
structure. This is likely because the state’s
de facto barriers against annexation, or
consolidation of a city and its suburbs,
have been in place for nearly one hundred
years.13 Therefore, Pennsylvania cities
find it difficult to unilaterally maintain
a sound, self-reliant fiscal footprint.
In a 1966 law review article, Boston city
planner David Harrison summarized
Pennsylvania’s “annexation problem”:
“… for reasons which should be clear by
now, municipalities of any size or importance are in scant danger of losing their
political integrity by way of annexation.
The courts evidently are most anxious
to follow the legislature in such matters
and the legislature, bound as it is by public
opinion, is faced with the public’s efforts
to make the law of annexation in Pennsylvania the law against annexation.”14
Pennsylvania state government holds
absolute authority to change municipal
boundaries, and it has not significantly

The Villages is
dominated by
a master-planned,
community; thus
most of its residents are wealthy

Although poverty has a local face, it
See Transit
is primarily a national and state
Access for
issue to resolve. Local poverty rates
the Poor.
tend to move in unison in response
to the national business cycle. Moreover, local governments have limited influence over
the market economy’s distributive characteristics
and state and federal governments’ redistributive
characteristics, including school funding formulas.
Moreover, since state governments determine how
local governments are delineated and organized,
a state’s choices can affect local economic health and
help or hinder the success of local-government poverty programs. Cities may pursue efforts to expand
access to affordable housing, child care, transit,
and health care for the poor; and to improve schools,
reduce crime, and attract suburbanites back to the
city. However, a city has limited options when it
can’t capture sufficient fiscal resources from the regional economy it helped spawn, as is the case in
Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania’s other cities. Local
efforts alone may drive more high-income residents
away—creating greater concentrations of poverty in
the housing stock that is left behind.
Even if it lacks the political will to legislate positive
change, the state government can still create incentives
for local governments to increase intergovernmental
cooperation, if not consolidate. Just as the federal government requires metropolitan planning organizations
to develop regional transportation infrastructure
plans, Pennsylvania could require metropolitan
governance to manage economic development, labor
market initiatives, education, courts, prisons, and
social services. All of these local functions address
issues with spillover benefits among localities
throughout a region. The benefits of this functional
consolidation would be better aligned with the
reality of poverty throughout the entire region than
is the current status quo.

Source: Census Bureau, ACS 5-Year
estimates, 2019.

Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond

2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Transit Access for the Poor
Prior to the pandemic, a New York Times
Neediest Cases Fund article profiled a young
man who had struggled with problems stemming from rising debt. Part of the assistance
that put him back on his feet was a monthly
MetroCard paid for by the fund. He described
the card as “a golden ticket in the city.”

poverty in the cities), many poor residents in
outlying counties lack easy access, and some
far-flung job centers may be inaccessible
from the city. Still, Philadelphia’s robust transit
system offers an advantage that could be
leveraged to further benefit poor residents
throughout the region.

Fortunately, the city of Philadelphia has one
of the most robust transit systems in the nation as measured by connectivity, frequency
of service, access to households and jobs,
and percentage of commuters using transit
(Figure 4).

Transit-oriented development at stations in
outlying counties would help. Apartments
near these stations would ease access to city
jobs for county residents, and the stations
themselves could attract businesses from
more far-flung suburban locations, thus
increasing job access for city residents.
Increasing affordability of transit fares for
low-income workers and students would
also increase access.

Philadelphia is one of just eight cities (among
301 places with a population greater than
100,000) that scored a 9.0 or better on a 2019
AllTransit performance score—a comprehensive measure of job accessibility via
transit.15 Among other statistics, Philadelphia’s
AllTransit fact sheet notes: 667,440 jobs
(98.4 percent) are located within a half-mile
of transit, 378,628 jobs are accessible within
a 30-minute transit ride (a weighted average
across all households), 342,478 low-income
households (99.9 percent) are within a halfmile of transit, and 295,876 low-income
households (86.3 percent) are within a halfmile of high-frequency, full-day transit.16
The cities of Camden and Wilmington also
had relatively high scores of 8.0 and 7.7,
respectively.17 Thus, more than 60 percent of
the region’s poor have good access to many
of the region’s jobs.
However, scores for the suburban counties in
our region were much lower: Bucks (2.6),
Chester (2.3), Delaware (6.7), and Montgomery (4.5) in Pennsylvania; Burlington (2.7),
Camden (5.2), Gloucester (2.8), and Salem (1.8)
in New Jersey; New Castle (4.4) in Delaware;
and Cecil (1.0) in Maryland.
So, while the region’s transit systems provide
robust access for city residents and to city
jobs (and may be a factor that concentrates


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Past fare-free experiments, including in Austin,
TX, and Denver, were deemed a failure
because they did not tempt enough drivers
from their cars (and thus enough cars from
the highways). However, the idea is getting
a second look because, during these
experiments, transit ridership dramatically
increased among poor people who did not
own a car.20 Prior to the pandemic, several
U.S. cities, including Kansas City, MO,
Lawrence, MA, and Olympia, WA, were
preparing to launch free public transit. Since
the pandemic, other cities have begun to
offer free fares as an inducement to attract
riders back to their transit systems.


Compared With Other Large Cities,
Philadelphia Provides Robust Transit Access
However, the region’s suburban counties score lower.

AllTransit Performance Score and share of low-income households within a half-mile of high-frequency,
full-day transit, 15 largest cities, principal cities and all counties in Philadelphia MSA
The Philadelphia
San Francisco
AllTransit Score
AllTransit Scores
New York
Camden (city)
Wilmington (city)
Los Angeles
Dallas Phoenix
Camden (co.)
New Castle

80% 100%
Share of Low-Income Residents with Robust Transit Access

Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology 2019, AllTransit™,
Note: AllTransit bases its scores on connectivity, access to land area and jobs, frequency of service,
and the percent of commuters who use transit to commute to work.

Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond
2021 Q4

1 Unless otherwise noted, “region” and “metro area” refer
to official metropolitan statistical area (MSA). Analysis in this
article is based on data for each MSA as delineated in the
Office of Management and Budget Bulletin 18-04, issued
September 14, 2018. This article truncates each official
name to the name of its largest principal city.
2 The city of Philadelphia does have the highest rate of deep
poverty among the 10 largest U.S. cities. But if you include all
cities, regardless of size, many sizeable ones, including
Cleveland, Detroit, Fresno, CA, Memphis, TN, and New
Orleans, have higher rates. Also, the rates of deep poverty
within the municipal boundaries of Camden, NJ, Chester,
PA, and Wilmington, DE, are higher than in Philadelphia.
3 It is long established by law that local governments are
creatures of the state. Thus, states bear significant responsibility for the outcomes of local governance.
4 To capture the cyclical patterns of poverty over three
decades, data from the Census Bureau’s Small Area Income
and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) program were used. The
SAIPE model uses the American Community Survey (ACS)
1-year estimates of poverty as its primary input.
5 The poverty statistics in this section are drawn from the
ACS 5-year estimates.
6 This fact is reported in an excellent 2017 article by the
Pew Charitable Trusts, but that article focuses on residents
of the city.
7 If the Philadelphia region’s poverty rate were as high as
McAllen’s, our region’s population below the poverty
threshold would rise by more than 1 million persons.
8 Regional differences in the cost of living can add to or
detract from the general well-being of people whether
they are above or below the poverty line. The next Regional
Spotlight article will explore these relationships and the
implications for local poverty programs.

10 Another municipal pocket of high poverty is the city of
Chester, at 31.4 percent. Chester is not officially a principal
city of the Philadelphia MSA.
11 Liberally scattered among the MSAs with high city/suburb
ratios are smallish towns with large universities, such as
Ithaca, NY, Ames, IA, Lawrence, KS, Lincoln, NE, Corvallis,
OR, and State College, PA. Poverty rates are significantly
higher in these towns because graduate and undergraduate
students living off campus (typically on limited incomes)
can be counted among the poor. Students living in dorms
are excluded.
12 To compare states, I constructed a weighted average
city/suburb poverty ratio by assigning each MSA to a state
on the basis of its largest principal city. For example, the
Philadelphia–Wilmington–Camden MSA is assigned to
13 State legislation in 1854 extended the boundaries of the
city of Philadelphia to include all of Philadelphia County.
Final functional consolidation would not occur until passage
of a state constitutional amendment in 1951. Since the 1854
consolidation in Philadelphia, the only significant municipal
merger in Pennsylvania was the 1907 annexation of the City
of Allegheny into the City of Pittsburgh.
14 Harrison (1966).
15 The AllTransit Performance Score is a comprehensive
score that looks at connectivity, access to land area and jobs,
frequency of service, and the percentage of commuters who
use transit to travel to work.
16 These statistics are not based on an official poverty
measure. Rather, they are based on a definition of poverty
as simply any and all households earning under $50,000.
17 The AllTransit score for the City of Chester was 7.8.
18 Shrider et al. (2021).
19 Fox and Burns (2021).

9 Using annual Census Bureau estimates, the Philadelphia
Inquirer’s Alfred Lubrano has reported over many years on
Philadelphia’s “distinction of having the highest poverty rate
among the 10 largest U.S. cities” and on the hardships faced
by local families living in poverty.

Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond

2021 Q4

20 Bergal (2021).

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Aridi, Sara. “Like a Golden Ticket: A MetroCard Helped Him Get Back on
Track,” New York Times, October 30, 2019.
Bergal, Jenni. “Tackling Social Inequity, Some Cities May Ditch Bus,
Subway Fares,” Stateline, Pew Charitable Trusts, June 10, 2021.
Bhattari, Abha. “Booming Business at Dollar Stores Shows the Widening
Gulf Between Haves and Have-nots During Pandemic,” Washington Post,
August 20, 2021.
Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNET), AllTransit Fact Sheets,
Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNET), AllTransit Methods, https://
Chetty, Raj, Nathaniel Hendren, and Lawrence F. Katz. “The Effects of
Exposure to Better Neighborhoods on Children: New Evidence from the
Moving to Opportunity Experiment,” American Economic Review, 106:4
(2016), pp. 855–902,
Fox, Liana, and Kalee Burns. “The Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2020,”
U.S. Census Bureau Report No. P60-275, September 14, 2021.
Galster, George, and Patrick Sharkey. “Spatial Foundations of Inequality:
A Conceptual Model and Empirical Overview,” RSF: The Russell Sage
Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 3:2 (2017), pp. 1–33, https://
Harrison, David C. “The Law of Annexation and Metropolitan Government
in Pittsburgh,” Duquesne Law Review, 5:3 (1966).
Howell, Octavia, and Susan Warner. “Philadelphia’s Poor: Who They Are,
Where They Live, and How That Has Changed,” Pew Charitable Trusts,
November 2017.
Kneebone, Elizabeth, and Natalie Holmes. “U.S. Concentrated Poverty in the
Wake of the Great Recession,” The Brookings Institution, March 31, 2016.
Lubrano, Alfred. “Among the 10 Largest Cities, Philly Has Highest
Deep-Poverty Rate,” Philadelphia Inquirer, September 30, 2015.
Office of Management and Budget. “Revised Delineations of Metropolitan
Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and Combined Statistical
Areas, and Guidance on Uses of the Delineations of These Areas,” OMB
Bulletin No. 18-04, September 14, 2018.
Shrider, Emily A., Melissa Kollar, Frances Chen, and Jessica Semega.
“Income and Poverty in the United States: 2020,” U.S. Census Bureau
Report No. P60-273, September 14, 2021.
U.S. Census Bureau. “Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE)


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Regional Spotlight: Poverty in Philadelphia, and Beyond
2021 Q4

Research Update

These papers by Philadelphia Fed economists,
analysts, and visiting scholars represent
preliminary research that is being circulated
for discussion purposes.

The views expressed in these papers are
solely those of the authors and should not
be interpreted as reflecting the views of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
or Federal Reserve System.

Rational Inattention via Ignorance Equivalence

Geometric Methods for Finite Rational Inattention

We introduce the concept of the ignorance equivalent to effectively
summarize the payoff possibilities in a finite Rational Inattention
problem. The ignorance equivalent is a unique fictitious action that is
weakly preferable to all existing learning strategies and yet generates
no new profitable learning opportunities when added to the menu
of choices. We fully characterize the relationship between the ignorance
equivalent and the optimal learning strategies. Agents with heterogeneous priors self-select their own ignorance equivalent, which
gives rise to an expected-utility analogue of the Rational Inattention
problem. The approach provides new insights for menu expansion,
the formation of consideration sets, the value of information, and
belief elicitation. In a strategic game of contract choice, the ignorance
equivalent emerges naturally in equilibrium.

We present a geometric approach to the finite Rational Inattention
(RI) model, recasting it as a convex optimization problem with
reduced dimensionality that is well-suited to numerical methods. We
provide an algorithm that outperforms existing RI computation
techniques in terms of both speed and accuracy. We also introduce
methods to quantify the impact of numerical inaccuracy on the
behavioral predictions and to produce robust predictions regarding
the most frequently implemented actions.
WP 21-30. Roc Armenter, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department; Michèle Müller-Itten, University of Notre
Dame; Zachary R. Stangebye; University of Notre Dame.

WP 21-29. Michèle Müller-Itten, University of Notre Dame; Roc
Armenter, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research Department;
Zachary R. Stangebye, University of Notre Dame.

Research Update

2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Commuting, Labor, and Housing Market Effects of
Mass Transportation: Welfare and Identification

Refining Set-Identification in VARs Through
Identification in VARs has traditionally mainly relied on second
moments. Some researchers have considered using higher moments
as well, but there are concerns about the strength of the identification
obtained in this way. In this paper, we propose refining existing
identification schemes by augmenting sign restrictions with
a requirement that rules out shocks whose higher moments significantly depart from independence. This approach does not assume
that higher moments help with identification; it is robust to weak
identification. In simulations we show that it controls coverage well, in
contrast to approaches that assume that the higher moments deliver
point-identification. However, it requires large sample sizes and/or
considerable non-normality to reduce the width of confidence intervals
by much. We consider some empirical applications. We find that it
can reject many possible rotations. The resulting confidence sets for
impulse responses may be non-convex, corresponding to disjoint
parts of the space of rotation matrices. We show that in this case,
augmenting sign and magnitude restrictions with an independence
requirement can yield bigger gains.
WP 21-31. Thorsten Drautzburg, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department; Jonathan H. Wright, Johns Hopkins University.

I study Los Angeles Metro Rail’s effects using panel data on bilateral
commuting flows, a quantitative spatial model, and historically
motivated quasi-experimental research designs. The model separates
transit’s commuting effects from local productivity or amenity effects,
and spatial shift-share instruments identify inelastic labor and housing
supply. Metro Rail connections increase commuting by 16% but do
not have large effects on local productivity or amenities. Metro Rail
generates $94 million in annual benefits by 2000, or 12%–25% of
annualized costs. Accounting for reduced congestion and slow transit
adoption adds, at most, $200 million in annual benefits.
WP 18-14 Revised. Christopher Severen, Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Research Department.

A Tale of Two Bailouts: Effects of TARP and PPP on
Subprime Consumer Debt
High levels of subprime consumer debt can create social problems.
We test the effects of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) bailouts during the Global
Financial Crisis and COVID-19 crisis, respectively, on this debt. We
use over 11 million credit bureau observations of individual consumer
debt combined with banking, bailout, and local market data. We find
that subprime consumers with more TARP institutions in their
markets had significantly increased debt burdens following these
bailouts. In contrast, PPP bailouts were associated with reduced
subprime consumer debt. Findings are robust to addressing identification concerns, and yield policy implications regarding bailout
structures and strings attached to bailout funds.
WP 21-32. Allen N. Berger, University of South Carolina, Wharton
Financial Institutions Center, European Banking Center; Onesime
Epouhe, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Supervision, Regulation,
and Credit Department; Raluca A. Roman, Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia Supervision, Regulation, and Credit Department.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Research Update
2021 Q4

Are We Overdiagnosing Mental Illnesses?
Evidence from Randomly Assigned Doctors

Heterogeneity in Decentralized Asset Markets

Almost two in 10 adults in the U.S. and Europe are, at any moment
in time, diagnosed with a mental illness. This paper asks whether
mental illness is over- (or under-) diagnosed, by looking at its causal
effect on individuals at the margin of diagnosis. We follow all
Swedish men born between 1971 and 1983 matched to administrative
panel data on health, labor market, wealth and family outcomes to
estimate the impact of a mental illness diagnosis on subsequent outcomes. Exploiting the random assignment of 18-year-old men to
doctors during military conscription, we find that a mental illness
diagnosis for people at the margin increases the future likelihood of
death, hospital admittance, being sick from work, and unemployment,
while lowering the probability of being married. Using a separate
identification strategy, we measure the effect of military service on
the same set of outcomes to rule out that the effect of diagnosis in
our setting is primarily mediated by altering the probability of serving.
Our findings are consistent with the potential over-diagnosis of
mental illness.

We study a canonical model of decentralized exchange for a durable
good or asset, where agents are assumed to have time-varying,
heterogeneous utility types. Whereas the existing literature has
focused on the special case of two types, we allow agents’ utility to
be drawn from an arbitrary distribution. Our main contribution is
methodological: We provide a solution technique that delivers
a complete characterization of the equilibrium, in closed form, both
in and out of the steady state. This characterization offers a richer
framework for confronting data from real-world markets and reveals
a number of new economic insights. In particular, we show that
heterogeneity magnifies the impact of frictions on equilibrium outcomes and that this impact is more pronounced on price levels than
on price dispersion and welfare.
WP 19-44 Revised. Julien Hugonnier, EPFL, Swiss Finance Institute,
and CEPR; Benjamin Lester, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department; Pierre-Olivier Weill, UCLA, NBER, and CEPR,
and Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research

WP 21-33. Andrew Hertzberg, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department; Marieke Bos, The Swedish House of Finance
at the Stockholm School of Economics; Andres Lieberman, Betterfly.

Research Update

2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


The Heterogeneous Impact of Referrals
on Labor Market Outcomes

Missouri’s Medicaid Contraction and Consumer
Financial Outcomes

We document a new set of facts regarding the impact of referrals on
labor market outcomes. Our results highlight the importance of
distinguishing between different types of referrals — those from family
and friends and those from business contacts — and different occupations. Then we develop an on-the-job search model that incorporates
referrals and calibrate the model to key moments in the data. The
calibrated model yields new insights into the roles played by different
types of referrals in the match formation process and provides quantitative estimates of the effects of referrals on employment, earnings,
output, and inequality.

In July 2005, a set of cuts to Medicaid eligibility and coverage went into
effect in the state of Missouri. These cuts resulted in the elimination of
the Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities program, more
stringent eligibility requirements, and less generous Medicaid coverage for those who retained their eligibility. Overall, these cuts removed
about 100,000 Missourians from the program and reduced the
value of the insurance for the remaining enrollees. Using data from
the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, we show how these cuts
increased out-of-pocket medical spending for individuals living in
Missouri. Using data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York/
Equifax Consumer Credit Panel (CCP) and employing a border discontinuity differences-in-differences empirical strategy, we show that
the Medicaid reform led to increases in both credit card borrowing
and debt in third-party collections. When comparing our results with
the broader literature on Medicaid and consumer finance, which
has generally measured the effects of Medicaid expansions rather
than cuts, our results suggest there are important asymmetries in
the financial effects of shrinking a public health insurance program
when compared with a public health insurance expansion.

WP 21-34. Benjamin Lester, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department; David A. Rivers, University of Western Ontario;
Giorgio Topa, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and IZA.

WP 20-42 Revised. James Bailey, Providence College and Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute Visiting
Scholar; Nathan Blascak, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Consumer Finance Institute; Vyacheslav Mikhed, Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute.


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Research Update
2021 Q4

Decomposing Gender Differences in Bankcard
Credit Limits
In this paper, we examine if there are gender differences in total bankcard limits by utilizing a data set that links mortgage applicant
information with individual-level credit bureau data from 2006 to 2016.
We document that after controlling for credit score, income, and
demographic characteristics, male borrowers on average have higher
total bankcard limits than female borrowers. Using a standard
Kitagawa-Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, we find that 87 percent of
the gap is explained by differences in the effect of observed characteristics between male and female borrowers, while approximately 10
percent of the difference can be explained by differences in the levels
of observed characteristics. Using a quantile decomposition strategy
to analyze the gender gap along the entire bankcard credit limit
distribution, we show that gender differences in bankcard limits favor
female borrowers at smaller limits and favor male borrowers at larger
limits. The primary factors that drive this gap have changed over time
and vary across the distribution of credit limits.
WP 21-35. Nathan Blascak, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Consumer Finance Institute; Anna Tranfaglia, Federal Reserve Board.

Reducing Strategic Default in a Financial Crisis
We document that increasing penalties for default reduces strategic
default in financial crises by exploiting the 2009 changes to Canadian
consumer insolvency regulations. Our novelty is that the incentives
from increasing penalties for default operate in the opposite direction
from incentives in more typical financial crisis policy interventions,
which increase the liquidity of debtors. We can identify strategic
default because our policy intervention is independent of debtors’
liquidity and initial selection into long-term debt contracts. Our
results imply that even insolvent debtors can be incentivized to reduce
default during financial crises without the typical interventions, which
increase debtors’ liquidity.
WP 21-36. Vyacheslav Mikhed, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Consumer Finance Institute; Sumit Agarwal, National University of
Singapore; Barry Scholnick, University of Alberta and Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia Consumer Finance Institute Visiting Scholar;
Man Zhang, University of Sydney.

Identification Through Sparsity in Factor Models:
The ℓ1-Rotation Criterion
We show that sparsity in the loading matrix can solve the rotational
indeterminacy in factor models, allowing a researcher to recover how
individual factors relate to the observed variables. The key insight is
that any rotation of a sparse loading vector will be less sparse. While
a rotation criterion based on the ℓ0-norm of the loading matrix is
infeasible, we prove that a rotation criterion based on the ℓ1-norm
will consistently recover the individual loading vectors under sparsity
in the loading matrix. Existing rotation criteria (e.g., the Varimax
rotation, Kaiser [1958]) lack such theoretical guarantees. We further
show that the assumption of sparsity in the loading matrix is testable
and develop such a test. In our simulations, the ℓ1-rotation performs
better than existing rotation criteria, and we find strong evidence for
the presence of local factors in two economic applications.
WP 20-25 Revised. Simon Freyaldenhoven, Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia Research Department.

Research Update

2021 Q4

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department


Should Central Banks Issue Digital Currency?
We study how the introduction of central bank digital currency
affects interest rates, the level of economic activity, and welfare in
an environment where both central bank money and private bank
deposits are used in exchange. We highlight an important policy
tradeoff: While a digital currency tends to promote efficiency in
exchange, it may also crowd out bank deposits, raise banks' funding costs, and decrease investment. We derive conditions under
which targeted digital currencies, which compete only with physical
currency or only with bank deposits, raise welfare. If such targeted
currencies are infeasible, we illustrate the policy tradeoffs that arise
when issuing a single, universal digital currency.
WP 21-37. Daniel Sanches, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department; Todd Keister, Rutgers University and Visiting
Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Research Department

CLO Performance
We study the performance of collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) to
understand the market imperfections giving rise to these vehicles
and their corresponding economic costs. CLO equity tranches earn
positive abnormal returns from the risk-adjusted price differential
between leveraged loans and CLO debt tranches. Debt tranches offer
higher returns than similarly rated corporate bonds, making them attractive to banks and insurers that face risk-based capital requirements.
Temporal variation in equity performance highlights the resilience of
CLOs to market volatility due to their closed-end structure, long-term
funding, and embedded options to reinvest principal proceeds.
WP 20-48 Revised. Larry Cordell, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Supervision, Regulation, and Credit Department; Michael R. Roberts,
University of Pennsylvania and the National Bureau of Economic
Research; Michael Schwert, University of Pennsylvania


Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Research Department

Research Update
2021 Q4

Data in Focus

Business Outlook Survey
The Philadelphia Fed collects, analyzes, and shares useful data
about the Third District and beyond. Here’s one example.


n 1910, Trenton, NJ, adopted as its official motto, “Trenton Makes, the World
Takes.” This motto reflected the importance of manufacturing to Trenton. And it
wasn’t just Trenton. Back then, manufacturers dominated the Third District.
A half-century later, the district was still
known for its manufacturing, prompting
the Philadelphia Fed to launch its Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey (MBOS).1
Surveying local manufacturers was (and
still is) a good way to sense how the
economy is doing while we wait for official numbers on employment and gross
domestic product.
But the economy of the Third District
(and the rest of the country) has been
shifting to nonmanufacturing, especially
services. If we’re to keep abreast of the
latest economic developments, we need
to survey nonmanufactures as well. So,
in 2014, the Philadelphia Fed launched
its Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook
Survey (NBOS). This issue’s Data in Focus
features the NBOS’ General Activity Index.
Every month, we ask nonmanufacturers,
“What is your evaluation of the level of
general business activity,” both currently
and in six months? We then compute an
index by subtracting the percentage of
respondents who indicate a decrease from
the percentage who indicate an increase.
As Philadelphia Fed senior economic
analyst Elif Sen has written, nonmanufacturing indexes are highly correlated
with national economic data, and “since
activity can vary from region to region,
it is also important to develop a regional
nonmanufacturing survey to better
capture a significant portion of the Third
District’s economy.”2

Business Outlook Survey

Current and Future General Activity Indexes for Firms, Diffusion Index, Mar 2011–Oct 2021






Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey.

1 See Michael Trebing and Caroline Beetz Fenske,
“The Philly Fed Index Turns 50 with Steadfast
Success,” Philadelphia Fed Economic Insights,
fourth quarter 2018, available at https://www.
2 Elif Sen, “Introducing the Philadelphia Fed Nonmanufacturing Survey,” Philadelphia Fed
Business Review, third quarter 2014, available at

Learn More
For questions about the Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey, contact
Public Affairs at 215-574-6113.


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