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May 22, 2020

Economic Impact of COVID-19
The Long-Term Effects of Educational Disruptions
By Santiago Pinto and John Bailey Jones

The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken
to contain the virus have consequences that
will likely extend beyond the short term. State
and local governments will be forced to sharply
reduce their expenditures, which will affect their
ability to perform critical functions, such as the
provision of education. Fewer resources devoted
to formal education, combined with school
closures, may have irreversible effects on some
school-age students.
In this report, we review the economic literature
on how disruptions to schooling affect educational and economic outcomes.1 Our principal
findings are:
1. Lower educational attainment is associated
with lower earnings, higher crime rates, poorer
health and mortality outcomes, and reduced
participation in political and social institutions.
2. Childhood and adolescent development
are characterized by what is known as “dynamic
complementarity.” Investments in children made
at younger ages increase the efficiency of investments made at older ages. One consequence
of dynamic complementarity is that investment
shortfalls at younger ages are difficult to reverse.
3. The evidence suggests that classroom
instruction time is positively associated with
cognitive development. The ability to substitute
parental inputs or online learning for face-to-face
classroom instruction is often limited, especially
May 2020 – Richmond Fed

among the most disadvantaged households.
4. The COVID-19 pandemic will likely interrupt the administration of several assessment
measures. The evidence suggests that replacing formal metrics with subjective assessments
increases the scope for misallocation and bias.
5. Consistent with the preceding evidence, a
recent study shows that the cohorts exposed
to educational spending cuts during the Great
Recession had worse educational outcomes. The
effects were largest for children in poorer neighborhoods. We likewise expect that in the current
crisis, the reduction in public resources devoted
to education, along with the strict lockdown of
educational institutions, will widen the educational attainment gap. How jurisdictions manage
their budget in response to the shock will matter.
The Importance of (Early) Education
The positive relationship between educational
attainment and earnings is widely recognized.
While the literature on the mechanisms that link
education to earnings is too broad to review
here, one likely channel is that education and
cognitive skills are positively associated, and
cognitive skills, typically measured using standard intelligence tests, have large returns in the
labor market. Recent work finds that an increase
in cognitive test scores of one standard deviation
is associated on average with a 10 percent to 20
percent increase in wages.2

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Conversely, lower educational attainment is associated not only with lower earnings, but also with higher
crime rates, worse health, higher mortality rates, and
lower participation in political and social institutions.
Work by Cunha, Heckman, and co-authors emphasizes the role of “dynamic complementarities” in skill
formation: Early investment in skill formation increases the returns from skill investments later in life.3
Conversely, a developmental shortfall at early ages
inhibits human capital accumulation at later ages.
A large body of research also has shown that early
childhood education is critical to future economic
outcomes. This is especially true for children in disadvantageous environments.4 However, the earliest
educational investments are determined mostly by
parental resources, which suggests that the children
who could benefit the most from early childhood
investments are less likely to receive them.
The research on childhood education is not very
optimistic about the ability of policy interventions
implemented later in life to offset deficits accumulated at earlier stages. Larger early childhood deficits
increase the challenges for and reduce the effectiveness of formal education for years to come.
Learning in the Classroom and at Home
A number of studies find that instruction time affects performance in cognitive tests. Carlsson, Dahl,
Öckert, and Rooth examined this relationship using
data collected from a random experiment in Sweden.5 They found that 10 days of extra schooling
raises test scores by 1 percent of a standard deviation, concluding that education can also have an
important positive impact on cognitive skills in late
adolescence. To the extent that these results can be
used to draw conclusions for the current COVID-19
episode in the United States, a 12-week (or 60-day)
loss of schooling due to the lockdown implies a test
score decline of 6 percent of a standard deviation.
Several studies have focused on the relationship
between schooling and test scores. Pischke exploited variations in schooling time in Germany

during 1966-1967 and found a positive association between instructional time and test scores.6
Moreover, a shorter school year led to more
grade repetition in primary school and fewer
students going into secondary school. Using
data from New York charter schools, Dobbie and
Fryer found that instructional time is an important determinant of school effectiveness and
student achievement.7 Specifically, an increase
of 25 percent or more in instructional time led
to a 0.08 standard deviation increase in math
scores and a 0.048 standard deviation increase
in English Language Arts scores.
A study by Lavy examined how the amount of
instructional time affects students’ test performances. The analysis exploited differences in
instructional time across countries, including
both developed and developing economies.
Lavy found that one more hour per week of
instruction in mathematics, science, or language
over the school year increases test scores (on
average) by around 6 percent of a standard
deviation (of the distribution of test scores).
Furthermore, the paper found that the impact
of instructional time is larger for immigrants
and students from disadvantaged family backgrounds.8
What does this imply for the United States
in light of the current school lockdown? The
school year in the United States is approximately 30 weeks. Assuming that math instruction takes about four hours per week, a 12-week
school closure would be equivalent to 1.6 fewer
hours of instruction per week for 30 weeks.
Lavy’s results would then suggest a loss of
around 9 percent of a standard deviation. The
impact could potentially be worse for students
from low-income families.
With schools closed, many families are teaching their children at home. Families are central
to their children’s education, but their role is
generally understood more as a complement
to, rather than a substitute for, the instruc-

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tion obtained at school. Research suggests that
homeschooling is often an imperfect substitute for
classroom instruction, particularly for inexperienced
parents. It is not easy to be the main driver of the
learning process, and not all parents are capable of
performing this activity successfully.9 In addition,
there are substantial differences in the resources
parents can offer in support of their children’s education. Such differences almost surely create additional disparities in outcomes.10
Factors driving these discrepancies include the
amount of time parents can dedicate to teaching,
parents’ skills, and the financial resources households can allocate to support the learning process.
In general, higher levels of family income are associated with higher educational attainment. However,
family income may proxy for several other relevant
inputs in the education production function, such
as parental ability, education, and altruism.11 Dahl
and Lochner exploited plausibly exogenous variation in household income generated by the Earned
Income Tax Credit.12 They showed that an additional
$1,000 of income increases test scores (combined
math and reading) by 6 percent of a standard deviation. The impact is even larger for students from
disadvantaged families.
Another discrepancy is broadband access: Many
schools are offering online instruction and resources, but these require reliable internet access.
Nationwide, 14.3 percent of children between 3 and
18 years old lacked internet access in 2017, according to the National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES). Access varies with family income, parents’
educational attainment, race, and where the children reside, that is, in a metro area versus a nonmetro area. (See Figures 1 through 4 for a summary
of the data.) Data collected by the NCES also show
that students with internet access at home tend to
perform better on reading, math, and science tests.
Differential access to digital learning will likely increase the achievement gaps among children from
different family backgrounds even further.

The Importance of Formal Assessments
Along with school closures, the pandemic also
has led to the postponement or cancellation
of many exams and other critical educational
assessments. Formal assessments are useful
in several ways. First, they can provide timely
information to teachers and families about the
students’ comprehension of the subject material.
When such information is not readily available,
learning difficulties will be identified only with
delays, which may have harmful long-term consequences for the child. Assessments also certify
students as they move through different levels
of the education system and into the workforce.
This may be particularly important to students
from disadvantaged backgrounds, who might
otherwise not be able to establish their credentials.
Because of the school lockdown and lack of
formal assessments, teachers will use the information they currently have on students’ performance to predict their final grades. Research
has found that decisions based on teacher
assessments, as opposed to blind examinations,
introduce additional distortions to an already
imperfect system.
Murphy and Wyness evaluated the effect on
students’ university choices in the U.K. when the
choices are made using “predicted grades.” (In the
U.K., students decide which institution to attend
based on the final examination grades predicted
by their high school teachers rather than the
actual grades.)13 The paper finds that not only
are “predicted grades” often inaccurate, they are
also biased. Among high-achieving students, the
predicted grades for those from disadvantaged
backgrounds are lower than those from more
advantaged backgrounds.
A study by Burgess and Greaves examined the
differences between objective (“blind”) and
subjective (“non-blind”) measures of student assessments.14 The authors found that when these

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two methods are used to compare the performance
of students from different ethnic backgrounds, they
provide systematically different measures of students’ ability levels. The resulting pattern is consistent with a “stereotype model,” according to which
a student who belongs to a group that previously
performed well in a specific subject will tend to be
overassessed in the present, and vice versa.
Another concern about the lack of formal assessment
is that interruptions in testing may hinder students’
educational development. When designed and
administered correctly, testing can serve as a useful
diagnostic tool, which provides immediate feedback
and helps improve student learning. Using data
collected from a testing program implemented in
California that allowed teachers to obtain timely information about students’ performance, Betts found
that providing feedback to students increased their
math test scores by about 0.1 of a standard deviation.15 Dizon-Ross shows that parents may also react
to the information conveyed by tests. When teachers
share students’ test results with their parents, parents
adjust their beliefs about their children’s academic
ability and invest more in their education.16
The lack of formal assessments may particularly
affect recent graduates. When prospective employers do not have access to the information conveyed
by formal assessments, they are forced to use other
mechanisms and signals to screen and assess the
skills of prospective employees. These alternative
instruments may create worse matching between
employees and firms, resulting in higher job separation rates and lower overall productivity.

tion than what they might have received otherwise.
The authors found that this decision had positive
long-term labor market consequences (higher wages
and occupational levels) for the affected cohort. They
also found that the positive effects are transmitted
across generations.
The Impact of Recessions
During the Great Recession, national public school
per-pupil spending fell about 7 percent. It took several years to recover to pre-recession levels. Jackson,
Wigger, and Xiong showed that cohorts exposed to
these spending cuts had lower test scores and attended college at lower rates.18 Moreover, the results
indicated that children in poor neighborhoods experienced a larger reduction in test scores and the test
score gap between black and white students within
individual states increased.
Events outside of the school environment that take
place during recessions also have an adverse effect
on educational outcomes. These include reduced
access to health services, canceled after-school and
summer educational activities, and dislocated housing, such as home foreclosures or evictions. Childhood nutrition tends to suffer during recessions as
well, negatively affecting cognitive development.
Lower educational attainment due to economic
disruptions — particularly those affecting younger
children — will likely have long-lasting effects for
years, and maybe generations, down the road.

Massive and generalized interruptions may also
have beneficial effects on some students (or specific
cohorts of students). For example, due to COVID-19,
Norway has decided that all 10th grade students will
receive a high school degree. Maurin and McNally
looked at the long-run outcomes of students involved in the 1968 student riots in France.17 After the
riots, France stopped using normal examination procedures. In particular, standards were lowered, allowing some students to receive more years of educa-

Page 4

Figure 1: No Broadband Access, by Metropolitan Status

Figure 1: No Broadband Access, by Metropolitan Status















Source: Na�onal Center for Educa�on Sta�s�cs

Figure 2: No Broadband Access, by Race/Ethnicity
Figure 2: No Broadband Access, by Race/Ethnicity

Two or more races
American Indian/Alaska
Pacific Islander





Source: Na�onal Center for Educa�on Sta�s�cs
Page 5

Figure 3: No Broadband
by Family Income
Figure 3:Access,
No Broadband

Income (current $)

$100,000 or more
$75,000 to $99,999
$50,000 to $74,999
$40,000 to $49,999
$30,000 to $39,999
$20,000 to $29,999
$10,000 to $19,999
Less than $10,000







Source: Na�onal Center for Educa�on Sta�s�cs

Figure 4: No Broadband
Parents’ Education
4: No

by Parents' Educa�on

Master's or higher
Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's or higher
Associate's degree
Some college
High school diploma or
Less than high school








Note: Educa�on level is the highest level a�ained by either parent.
Source: Na�onal Center for Educa�on Sta�s�cs
Page 6

Santiago Pinto is a senior policy economist and
John Bailey Jones is a senior economist and research
advisor in the Research Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond.


 ichard Murphy and Gill Wyness, “Minority Report: the impact
of predicted grades on university admissions of disadvantaged groups,” CEPEO Working Paper Series No. 20-07, Centre
for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, UCL Institute of Education, March 2020.


S imon Burgess and Ellen Greaves, “Test Scores, Subjective
Assessment, and Stereotyping of Ethnic Minorities,” Journal of
Labor Economics, July 2013, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 535-576.


J ulian R. Betts, Youjin Hahn, and Andrew C. Zau, “Can testing
improve student learning? An evaluation of the mathematics
diagnostic testing project,” Journal of Urban Economics, 2017,
vol. 100, pp. 54-64.


 ebecca Dizon-Ross, “Parents’ Beliefs about Their Children’s
Academic Ability: Implications for Educational Investments,”
American Economic Review, August 2019, vol. 109, no. 8, pp.


E ric Maurin and Sandra McNally, “Vive la Révolution! LongTerm Educational Returns of 1968 to the Angry Students,”
Journal of Labor Economics, January 2008, vol. 26, no. 1, pp.


 . Kirabo Jackson, Cora Wigger, and Heyu Xiong, “Do School
Spending Cuts Matter? Evidence from the Great Recession,”
National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No.
24203, January 2018.


 few recent articles review additional effects that COVID-19
may have on education and economic outcomes. See, for
example, Psacharopoulos et al., 2020, and Burgess and
Sievertsen, 2020.


 anushek and Rivkin, 2012; Hanushek et al., 2013.


F lavio Cunha and James Heckman, “The Technology of Skill
Formation,” American Economic Review, May 2007, vol. 97, no.
2, pp. 31-47.


S neha Elango, Jorge Luis García, James J. Heckman, and
Andrés Hojman, “Early Childhood Education,” in Economics of
Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the United States, Robert A.
Moffitt (ed.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.


 agnus Carlsson, Gordon B. Dahl, Björn Öckert, and Dan-Olof
Rooth, “The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills,” Review of
Economics and Statistics, July 2015, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 533-547.


J örn-Steffen Pischke, “The Impact of Length of the School Year
on Student Performance and Earnings: Evidence from the German Short School Years,” Economic Journal, September 2007,
vol. 117, no. 523, pp. 1216-1242.


 ill Dobbie and Roland G. Fryer, Jr., “Getting beneath the Veil
of Effective Schools: Evidence from New York City,” American
Economic Journal: Applied Economics, October 2013, vol. 5, no.
4, pp. 28-60.


 ictor Lavy, “Do Differences in Schools’ Instruction Time Explain International Achievement Gaps? Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries,” Economic Journal, November
2015, vol. 125, no. 588, pp. F397-F424.


 nders Bjorklund and Kjell G. Salvanes, “Education and Family
Background: Mechanisms and Policies,” in Eric Hanushek, Stephen Machin, and Ludger Woessmann (eds), Handbook of the
Economics of Education, 2011, Vol. 3, pp. 201-247. Bjorklund,
A. and K. Salvanes (2011), “Education and Family Background:
Mechanisms and Policies,” in E Hanushek, S Machin and L
Woessmann (eds), Handbook of the Economics of Education,
Vol. 3.


 hilip Oreopoulos, Marianne E. Page, and Ann Huff Stevens,
“Does Human Capital Transfer from Parent to Child? The
Intergenerational Effects of Compulsory Schooling,” Journal of
Labor Economics, October 2006, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 729-760.


J ames J. Heckman and Stefano Mosso, “The Economics of
Human Development and Social Mobility,” Annual Review
of Economics, Annual Reviews, August 2014, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.


 ordon B. Dahl and Lance Lochner, “The Impact of Family
Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned
Income Tax Credit,” American Economic Review, August 2012,
vol. 102, no 5, pp. 1927-1956.

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