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January 15, 2000

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Waiting for Policy Rules
by Joseph G. Haubrich
Don’t just do something, stand there!
—Daniel Berrigan, S.J.


s the U.S. economy continues in the
midst of a record expansion, with low
inflation and low unemployment, it is
hard to find fault with the policies of
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Yet the very success of the past
decade points out by contrast the problem of sustainability. Without the technology to clone Greenspan or download
the collective wisdom of the current Federal Open Market Committee into a computer, is there any way to preserve the
current good times?
One approach, used at several central
banks around the world, institutes a specific policy rule, such as a target for the
inflation rate or for the money supply.
The advantages—and disadvantages—
of removing discretion from the central
bank and instituting a rule have long
been a topic of discussion in both government and financial circles. Proponents of rules can cite fairly compelling
instances in which policy has failed and
strong theoretical arguments against discretion.1 Indeed, to proponents, the
manifest reluctance of many central
banks to adopt rules appears puzzling.
But most discussions ignore the central
problem of when to adopt rules. Even if a
rule is preferred to discretion, there are
several reasons why policymakers
might—and should—delay committing
to a rule. Most discussions also ignore
the related problem of when to drop the
rules. Once the importance of timing is
recognized, the value of delaying the
commitment to rules can be appreciated.
Policymakers’ recalcitrance to change,
ISSN 0428-1276

far from indicating the triumph of politics over good sense, represents an appropriate response to an uncertain future.

■ The Case for Rules
People easily recognize the need for
commitment in the face of temptation,
whether it takes the heroic form of
Ulysses lashing himself to the mast or
one more mundane, such as removing
Solitaire from the computer or throwing
out the chocolate cake. The need for
commitment also applies to governments and central banks; as both face
temptations to act at a given moment
in ways that run counter to their longrange goals, commitments or rules provide a means of resisting temptation
and staying the course.
Economists refer to the tendency to yield
to temptations that undermine a desired
goal as the dynamic inconsistency problem. Simply put, the long-range plans
people (and governments) make often
fall apart because people are free to
reassess the situation at any given
moment and choose a new course of
action that seems preferable at the time.
One small piece of cake won’t ruin the
diet, and so, reassessing the situation at
each meal, the dieter eats the cake, ruining the diet. The long-term plan (that’s
the dynamic part) is inconsistent because
what looks best in the short run, when
the choice is made, does not add up to
what is best in the long run.
For example, central banks are sometimes tempted to exploit the so-called
inflation–output trade-off. Because unexpected inflation has been noted to boost
output, even a central bank with a desire
to keep inflation low may attempt to
cause a bit of it to help bring down a high

Should central bankers be free to
decide what policy actions they will
take and when they will take them, or
should they agree to an explicit policy
rule and stick to it? The discretionversus-rules debate is an old one, but
unfortunately, it has rarely addressed
the fact that the benefits of moving
from one regime to the other depend
on the timing of the move. This Economic Commentary explores the value
of waiting to adopt rules and the way
it is affected by uncertainty.

unemployment rate. So it increases the
money supply. The public, however,
almost always anticipates this tendency,
so far from being unexpected, the inflation caused by the central bank is quite
expected, and unemployment doesn’t
fall. The end result is higher inflation and
no change in the unemployment rate.
Why would conscientious policymakers
attempt such a futile exercise, one that
typically provides, no less, the opposite
result from the one they wish to
achieve? The temptation arises because
the benefits from the long-run policy
come from changing peoples’ expectations (here, getting them to expect low
inflation). At any given moment, however, people’s expectations are fixed,
and the policymaker hopes to use that to
his or her advantage. An explicit commitment to an inflation target—a
rule—would prevent the central bank
from succumbing to the temptation of
higher inflation.2

Likewise, bank regulators face temptations to act in ways that work against the
long-range goals of the overall regulation
effort. For example, a commercial bank
on the verge of failure presents a regulator with a difficult dilemma. Bailing the
bank out is undesirable lest other banks,
expecting a rescue, become sloppy in
their risk management. But the possibility of a financial panic and damage to the
payments system might lead the regulator to make the rescue. So long as the
decision to bail out failing banks rests
with the regulators, dynamic inconsistency will be a factor; temptations will be
succumbed to. Because banks understand
this, they know the possibility of a rescue
exists, and they feel free to take riskier
positions than they would otherwise.
A commitment on the part of the regulatory authority to let banks suffer the consequences of their own business decisions would take the rescue decision out
of the hands of regulators and make
banks less willing to take on riskier positions than they would accept on their
own. With banks taking on only the risk
they can afford to accommodate, it might
even lead to a safer banking system.
Thus, a statute or constitutional amendment requiring zero inflation or preventing bank bailouts provides a commitment in the same way that a distraught
father, tired of his daughters neglecting
their homework to watch Pokemon,
makes a commitment by moving the
television into the garage.

■ Now or Never?
The perspective of dynamic inconsistency produces an important insight:
rules are often better than discretion for
achieving goals requiring a lot of discipline. Too often though, the decision to
adopt rules is cast as a once and for all,
now or never decision. This is almost
never the decision actually facing policymakers. Rules might be adopted
today, but they might be adopted tomorrow. (Actually, that is good news for
advocates of rules, since otherwise the
problem would be moot, having been
decided at the founding of the Federal
Reserve in 1914, if not at the Constitutional Convention of 1789.)
What difference does this timing question make? It may make sense to commit
to rules right away in some cases, but
not always. It may not be best to adopt a
rule for zero inflation at the trough of a

serious recession. It may not be best to
move the television to the garage just
before the big special on the History
Channel. Timing matters if there is some
possibility of regret that adopting rules
was a bad idea, at least in the short run.
If there is a possibility of regret, then, for
the time being, discretion looks better
relative to rules, and we wait to commit.
Because a commitment to zero inflation
would prevent us from using monetary
policy to get out of a possible recession
next year, we delay the commitment.
When the television is in the garage, we
can’t tune into the last quarter of Monday Night Football if it turns out to be an
exciting game, so we wait to decide.
Discretion today gives us an option, and
that option has value. If next year is not
a recession, or if the football game is
boring, we can adopt the rule and commit then. The possibility of regret is
essential to this argument, though,
because if there is no chance we will
regret the commitment—if it is not possible for monetary policy to get us out of
a recession, or if we never want to watch
TV—then adopting a rule right away is
the right thing to do.3 Whenever there is
the possibility of regret, however, the
option of discretion has value.
Nonetheless, the possibility of regret
does not mean that discretion is always
better than rules. In the long run, the
commitment to zero inflation is better. If
we had to choose once and for all, now
or never, we’d choose rules. On balance,
rules are better—just not right now. This
creates the option to wait if the decision
is not now or never.
This option to wait, the timing option,
gives policymakers a legitimate reason
for not adopting rules right away. Looking at the rules-versus-discretion question from the perspective of options can
tell us a lot more than this, because we
know what the important influences of
an option’s value are—what makes it
more or less valuable.
Being an option, the value to waiting is
very sensitive to uncertainty. It is worth
taking a little time to see why this is so.
An option gives the right but not the
obligation to do something. Perhaps best
known in the financial world are stock
options such as puts and calls, which
give you the option to sell or buy the
stock at a predetermined price. But
options are much more pervasive than

that. An empty car factory gives a firm
the option to start producing more cars
(they can, but don’t have to). A marriage
proposal gives one person the option to
get engaged. The ability to commit to a
rule gives the central bank the option to
adopt a zero-inflation rule.4
The effect of uncertainty on option values is best illustrated by considering the
case of stock options. For example, consider a call option that gives the holder
the right to one share of at
$10., being a risky sort of
Internet startup, has a 50 percent chance
of being worth $15 tomorrow and a 50
percent chance of being worth $5. The
expected value of the stock is $10, and a
rational investor would pay $2.50 for the
option, since there is a 50 percent chance
of a $5 profit ($15 less the “strike price”
of $10).5 Let’s suppose the stock got
riskier, so it now has a 50 percent chance
of being worth $20, and a 50 percent
chance of being worth $0. (Note that its
expected value is still $10.) The option is
now worth $5, from a 50 percent chance
of a $10 dollar profit. The option allows
the investor to profit from the upside of
the risk, but avoid the downside. That is
the particular value of options. If it’s not
worth buying the stock, don’t exercise
the option. If it’s not yet worth starting up
the plant, don’t exercise the option. If it’s
not worth committing to the rule, don’t
exercise the option.
A nonfinancial example of how uncertainty affects the value of an option is the
familiar “two-minute drill” in football.
Often when a team is behind with only a
few minutes left to play, its offensive
strategy changes markedly, and the team
passes more, sends the receivers on
longer routes, and tries trickier plays
such as the double-reverse. If this style of
play gives a better chance of scoring,
why don’t teams use it during the entire
game? The reason is that it is a high-risk
strategy, and a team behind near the end
of the game has a sort of option. If they
score, they will win—if they don’t score,
they lose. Just like an option, if things
go well, the team benefits, while if things
go badly, it is no worse off than before.
As a consequence, all the bad things that
might happen with the two-minute drill
—fumbles, interceptions, botched plays
—though more likely, don’t really matter, since the team is already behind. Just
like the option holder, the team only
cares about the upside, and so a high-risk
strategy is good.6

What this means for the world of monetary policy is that uncertainty about the
economic environment makes the option
to wait more valuable and makes the policymaker want to wait even longer to
adopt rules. If booms and recessions
become more severe, then we are more
likely to wait and commit later. The reason is that there is now more of a chance
of a deep recession. The fact that there is
also more of a chance of a spectacular
boom doesn’t matter—we’d commit to
rules whether the boom was big or small.

■ Backing out, Reneging,
Weaseling, etc.
An astute reader will by now be objecting that fathers and governments can
rarely, if ever, make fully irrevocable
commitments. This ability to move from
rules back to discretion raises questions
about the timing of the move back and
about how the possibility of the move
back affects the desirability of rules in
the first place. With regard to timing,
when regret becomes salient enough,
that is, when the rule is really hurting us,
it is time to move back. Thus, the television in the garage comes back when the
Browns make the Super Bowl. Governments or central banks abandon rules to
gain greater flexibility when they face
difficult economic times. For example,
in 1899 Argentina established a currency
board, adopting a rule-based approach to
monetary policy. In the wake of the
Great Depression, the finance minister,
Raul Prebish, convinced the government
to switch to the more discretionary
regime of a central bank in 1935. This
arrangement lasted until 1991, when
seeking a way to curb hyperinflation,
Argentina returned to rules and reestablished a currency board.
The ability to back out makes people
more willing to commit—it’s not like
you have joined a Trappist monastery
and given up TV forever, it’s in the
garage. If you need to, like Argentina in
the Great Depression, you can back out
of the monetary policy rule. In effect, it
adds an option value to the rules side of
the question—an option to renege on the
rule. But there are further considerations.
It is costly to make a commitment,
whether that be passing a constitutional
amendment or lugging the television out
to the garage, and it is also costly to back
out of the commitment, either by overturning the amendment or lugging the
television back.

Considering costs adds some nuances to
the question of when to commit to rules.
Naturally, a cost to committing makes us
less willing to commit. Any cost of
backing out also makes us less willing to
commit because it won’t be so easy to
get out of the rules if we later regret our
commitment. Reneging costs have two
effects: a direct effect that delays the
switch from discretion to rules (since it’s
costly to back out), and an indirect effect
that delays the switch from discretion to
rules (since it will be harder to back out
when we regret the rule).
Overall, commitment and reneging costs
combine to create a sort of inertia in the
policymaker—a tendency to continue
with the current policy, whether that be
rules or discretion. If the central bank
has adopted rules, it won’t abandon
those rules, be they zero inflation, fixed
exchange rates, or what have you, to
fight a minor shock or an unemployment
rate 0.1 percent above the average. It
would cost too much to do so. But it is
also likely that the central bank may let
inflation get a bit out of hand before it
commits to a rule, since commitment is
costly. Inertia does not mean that the
central bank never commits to rules, but
that it will move more slowly and commit less frequently.7
Inertia means that a given constellation
of inflation and unemployment rates
may call forth very different policies
depending on whether the central bank
started in rules or discretion. The distraught father may not bring the television in from the garage to watch a rerun
of ER, but it might induce him to delay
moving it out until the morning.
Even with inertia, though, the central
bank’s ability to switch in and out of
rules can play havoc with the public’s
expectations. A small change in inflation
or unemployment may mean little—or it
may mean the central bank is nearing or
crossing a boundary that will usher in a
radically different regime. Part of the
difficulties in assessing the public’s
mood may result from “inflation scares”
when people begin to worry that a
change from the low-inflation rules
regime is imminent.

■ Conclusion
Economic policy takes place in a complex, changing world of uncertainty.
Paradoxically, that may mean policymakers do best by establishing rules and
committing to them. But that is not the
end of the story. Policymakers face timing questions as well. Rules are good.
Commitment is good. But not always.
Knowing when to wait, and waiting for
the right moment to commit is important. The firmest believers in the institution of marriage, especially, understand
the need to wait for the right person, and
the right time. Such a perspective can
give a clearer light on why policymakers
may at times be reluctant to change the
course—be it rules or discretion. It may
explain why small changes in the economy may drastically alter people’s expectations. It may explain why changes
in the uncertainty about inflation and
unemployment may be more important
for policy than today’s levels.
Thus, in the current environment of
strong growth and low inflation, the
immediate need for a policy of loose
money to rescue the economy from a
recession seems remote, and this recommends a commitment to a monetary policy rule such as an inflation target.
Potential uncertainty about the sustainability of the stock market and the relevance of the “new economy” based on
the productivity gains of computers and
the Internet might raise a cautionary
flag, however. So, important as they are,
rules are not the only option.

■ Footnotes
1. For a recent example, see Ben S. Bernanke,
Frederic S. Mishkin, and Adam S. Posen,
“What Happens When Greenspan Is Gone?”
Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2000. Most
recent discussions build on work done earlier,
for example, William T. Gavin and Alan C.
Stockman, “A Price Objective for Monetary
Policy,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
Economic Commentary, April 1, 1992, and
W. Lee Hoskins, “Defending Zero Inflation:
All for Naught?” Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, Economic Commentary April 1,
2. The terminology of dynamic inconsistency
comes from Finn E. Kydland and Edward C.
Prescott, “Rules Rather than Discretion: The
Inconsistency of Optimal Plans,” Journal of
Political Economy, vol. 85, no. 3 (June 1977),
pp. 473–91. An important application to inflation and unemployment was done by Robert
J. Barro and David B. Gordon, “ A Positive
Theory of Monetary Policy in a Natural-Rate
Model,” Journal of Political Economy, vol.
91, no. 4 (August 1983), pp. 589–610. For
examples of the reasoning behind commitment (some of them rather sanguinary) to

areas such as international diplomacy and the
arms race, see chapter 5 of Thomas C.
Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict, New
York: Oxford University Press, 1960. A good
nontechnical description of dynamic inconsistency can be found in Herb Taylor, “Time
Inconsistency: A Potential Problem for Policymakers,” Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia, Business Review, March/April
1985, pp. 3–12.
3. Thus, proponents of rules generally
believe that unanticipated inflation has much
larger effects on output than does anticipated
inflation, a question that itself is the subject of
some debate.
4. The option approach to timing is from
Robert McDonald and Daniel Siegel, “The
Value of Waiting to Invest,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 101, no. 4 (November
1986), pp. 707–28. A nontechnical introduction to the issues can be found in Avinash K.
Dixit and Robert S. Pindyck, “The Options
Approach to Capital Investment,” Harvard
Business Review, May–June 1995, pp. 105–15.
Applications to monetary policy can be found
in Joseph G. Haubrich and Joseph A. Ritter,
“Dynamic Commitment and Incomplete Policy Rules,” Journal of Money, Credit, and
Banking, forthcoming. Application to broader
policy questions, such as banking regulation,

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currency boards, fiscal policy, and the gold
standard, can be found in “Committing and
Reneging: A Dynamic Model of Policy
Regimes” by the same authors, Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Working Paper
no. 99-020A, 1999.
5. For simplicity, this example assumes a
risk-neutral investor.
6. I thank Jeremy Siegel for this way of
looking at football.
7. Since this inertia is the result of the option
value, changes in uncertainty will affect it.
Generally speaking, an increase in uncertainty will make the policymaker less likely
to commit to rules, but also less likely to
back out of rules once committed. The idea is
that as uncertainty increases, the option value
of waiting to change (be it from discretion to
rules or vice versa) increases.

Joseph G. Haubrich is a consultant and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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