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September 15, 2000

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Understanding the Wash Cycle
by Paul W. Bauer and Rhoda Ullmann

“Follow the money.”
—“Deep Throat,” Bob Woodward’s
informant, in All the President’s Men


lthough the phrase “money laundering” did not even appear in print until the
Watergate scandal,1 criminal investigators have long adhered to Deep Throat’s
sound advice. While not officially outlawed until 1986, money laundering—or
failure to do it well—has figured in many
prominent cases. Two of the century’s
most notorious criminals were undone by
failure to cover their financial tracks. Al
Capone was finally convicted of tax evasion, not racketeering, and Bruno
Richard Hauptmann, who kidnapped
Charles Lindbergh’s son in 1932, was
caught because he failed to launder the
ransom money successfully.2 And, as we
saw last year, when concerns arose about
funds that may have been obtained illegally in Russia possibly entering the U.S.
banking system, the problem of dirty
money has not gone away.
Because criminals have a strong incentive to disguise their activities, the
amount laundered is not known precisely, but the International Monetary
Fund has estimated that the annual total
is equivalent to around 3 to 5 percent of
the world’s output. Alternatively, the
Group of Seven (G7) nations’ Financial
Action Task Force puts the figure at
$300 billion to $500 billion worldwide.
More than $2 trillion courses daily
through the U.S. economy alone, so law
enforcement is necessarily a needle-in-ahaystack effort.3 This Economic Commentary describes the money laundering
process, examines the motivation behind
the evolving statutes, and explains the
Federal Reserve System’s supporting
role in enforcing them.
ISSN 0428-1276

■ Wash-Cycle Basics
Money laundering involves three steps,
which sometimes overlap: placement,
layering, and integration. During the
placement stage, the form of the funds
must be converted to hide their illicit origins. For example, the proceeds of the
illegal drug trade are mostly smalldenomination bills, bulkier and heavier
than the drugs themselves. Converting
these bills to larger denominations,
cashier’s checks, or other negotiable
monetary instruments is often accomplished using cash-intensive businesses
(like restaurants, hotels, vendingmachine companies, casinos, and car
washes) as fronts.
In the layering stage, the launderer tries
to obscure further the trail linking the
funds with the criminal activity by conducting layers of complex financial
transactions. For example, sophisticated
criminals with large sums to launder set
up shell companies in countries known
either for strong bank-secrecy laws or
for lax enforcement of money laundering statutes. The tainted funds are then
transferred among these shells until they
appear clean.
These transactions must be disguised to
blend in with the trillions of dollars of
legitimate transactions that occur every
day. Variations of “loan-backs” and
“double invoicing” are common techniques. With a loan-back, the criminal
puts the funds in an offshore entity
which he secretly controls and then
“loans” them back to himself. This technique works because it is hard to determine who actually controls offshore
accounts in some nations. In double
invoicing—a scam for moving funds
into or out of a country—an offshore
entity keeps the proverbial two sets of
books. To move “clean” funds into the

Money laundering has gone on since
the first crime was committed for
profit, but it has been explicitly illegal
only since 1986. Interest in this topic
soars whenever a major “laundromat” is uncovered. This Economic
Commentary describes the money
laundering process, summarizes the
evolving statutes, and describes the
Federal Reserve’s role in assisting in
their enforcement.

United States, a U.S. entity overcharges
for some good or service. To move
funds out (say to avoid taxes), the U.S.
entity is overcharged.
Other layering techniques involve buying big-ticket items—securities, cars,
planes, travel tickets—which are often
registered in a friend’s name to further
distance the criminal from the funds.
Casinos are sometimes used because
they readily take cash. Once converted
into chips, the funds appear to be winnings, redeemable by a check drawn on
the casino’s bank.
The integration stage is the big payoff for
the criminal. At this stage, he moves the
funds into mainstream economic activities—typically business investments, real
estate, or luxury goods purchases.

■ Key U.S. Legislation
Law enforcement agencies are fond of
money laundering legislation because it
may be more effective than a direct
attack on criminal activity. In the illicit
drug trade, for example, profit rates can
reach 1,000 percent—tempting enough
to ensure that a steady supply of criminals will replace those carted off to jail.

However, if its rewards can be reduced
through legislation and enforcement,
then so can its appeal.
The foundation of U.S. money laundering laws is the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)
of 1970, which does not criminalize the
activity but does require financial institutions to create and preserve a “paper
trail” for various types of transactions.
The BSA has been challenged repeatedly.
Some criticize the compliance costs it
imposes. Others claim it infringes on
Fourth Amendment protection against
unreasonable search and seizure and
Fifth Amendment guarantees against
self-incrimination. Although it has been
upheld repeatedly, the BSA remains controversial in some quarters. In one case
that went all the way to the Supreme
Court, the forceful dissenting opinion
written by Justice Douglas said, “I am
not yet ready to agree that America is so
possessed with evil that we must level all
constitutional barriers to give our civil
authorities the tools to catch criminals.”4
As the drug trade grew, Congress
became increasingly concerned with
money laundering and moved to outlaw
it in 1984 by making BSA violations
predicate acts under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
Finally, the Money Laundering Act
(1986) made money laundering a federal
crime. It added three new offenses to the
criminal code: knowingly helping to
launder money from criminal activity,
knowingly engaging in a transaction of
more than $10,000 involving property
from criminal activity, and structuring
transactions to avoid BSA reporting
requirements.5 This last element targeted
“smurfs,” people hired by launderers to
make multiple deposits or purchases of
cashiers’ checks in amounts just under
the $10,000 threshold.
This legislation has been amended several
times. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act (1988)
significantly increased the penalties,
required strict identification and recordkeeping for cash purchases of certain
monetary instruments.6 In addition, the
legislation permitted the Treasury to force
financial institutions to file additional
geographically targeted currency transaction reports. The Secretary of the Treasury can issue an order requiring financial
institutions in a specific geographic area
to file currency transaction reports for less
than the $10,000 threshold. The act also
directed the Treasury to negotiate bilateral
international agreements for recording

large transactions of U.S. currency and
sharing this information.
The Annunzio–Wylie Anti–Money
Laundering Act (1992) enlarged the
BSA’s definition of “financial transactions,” added a conspiracy provision,
and outlawed the operation of “illegal
money transmitting businesses.”
Annunzio–Wylie is best known for
establishing of the “death penalty,”
which provides that if a bank is convicted of money laundering, the appropriate federal bank supervisor must
begin a proceeding to either terminate
its charter or revoke its insurance,
depending on the bank’s primary supervisor. Annunzio–Wylie also created the
BSA Advisory Group (of which the
Federal Reserve is a founding member)
to suggest methods for increasing the
effectiveness and efficiency of the
Treasury’s antilaundering programs.
The Money Laundering Suppression Act
(1994) tinkered with the law’s conspiracy
and structuring provisions, while the
Terrorism Prevention Act (1996) added
terrorist crimes as predicate acts to money
laundering violations, and the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (1996) made “federal health care
offenses” predicate acts as well.
Criminal penalties include prison terms
as long as 20 years and fines up to
$500,000 or twice the value of the monetary instruments involved, whichever is
greater. On top of the criminal penalties,
violators may face civil penalties up to
the value of the property, funds, or monetary interests involved in a transaction.
Congress intended these punishments to
be harsh. Before the Money Laundering
Act (1986), defendants had to be prosecuted under other statutes related to the
underlying unlawful activities that had
induced the money laundering (such as
tax evasion, conspiracy, BSA, bribery,
and fraud). Generally, these statutes have
far less severe penalties.
But from a monetary perspective, life for
accused violators gets really nasty when
the forfeiture laws kick in. Forfeiture is
intended to prevent criminals from keeping either the fruits of their crimes or the
tools used to commit them. Under the
Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of
2000, the government must now clear a
slightly higher hurdle to seize and forfeit
assets. To seize assets, it must show
probable cause that the property is from
criminal activity. To win civil forfeiture,

it must prove its case by a preponderance of the evidence, and to win criminal forfeiture, it must prove its case
beyond a reasonable doubt. Forfeited
assets may be shared with all law
enforcement agencies involved in
obtaining a conviction, a policy that has
been particularly effective in obtaining
cooperation from some foreign lawenforcement agencies.
Legally, money laundering is defined as
any attempt to engage in a monetary
transaction that involves criminally
derived property. To convict, prosecutors
must show that the defendant engaged in
financial transactions or international
transportation that involved funds from a
“specified unlawful activity.” The list of
such activities is extremely long and
includes bribery, counterfeiting, drug
trafficking, espionage, extortion, fraud,
murder, kidnapping, racketeering, and
certain banking practices.

■ The Paper Trail
Prosecutors consider the paper trail mandated by the BSA and its amendments to
be a crucial tool in the investigation and
prosecution of money laundering
offenses. They use five kinds of reports
to track financial transactions:
Currency transaction report. Filed
when a financial institution receives or
dispenses more than $10,000 in currency, it reports the name and address of
the person who presents the transaction
and the identity, account number, and
Social Security number of anyone for
whom a transaction is made.7
Suspicious activity report. Filed when
any bank employee has reason to suspect
a person of money laundering, regardless of the transaction size.
IRS Form 8300. Filed by any person
involved in a business that receives cash
payments in exchange for goods or services exceeding $10,000 in a single
transaction or a series of related ones.
Currency and monetary instruments
report. Filed by anyone entering or leaving the country with currency or monetary instruments in excess of $10,000.
Carrying more than this amount is perfectly legal, but failure to file the report
can lead to fines, up to five years in
prison, or forfeiture.
Foreign bank account form. Filed by
anyone controlling more than $10,000 in
a foreign account during the year.

All these reports help investigators “follow the money.” The Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN), which
was created by Treasury order in 1990
to give law enforcement agencies analytical support, is now charged with
maintaining these reports as well. On
occasion, the reporting requirements
have been adjusted so that useful information is gathered without generating a
flood of unnecessary reports.
By filing these forms, financial institutions aid law enforcement authorities in
the fight against money laundering.
The forms also impose real costs on these
institutions and on legitimate customers.
FinCEN estimated that reporting and
record-keeping costs associated with
BSA compliance in 1999 totaled
$109 million,8 which does not include the
costs of training and monitoring personnel, modifying computer programs to
enable compliance, or inconveniencing
legitimate customers. There is also concern that a disproportionate share of these
costs may fall on smaller institutions.9
In addition, the forms’ effectiveness has
been questioned. Former Federal
Reserve Governor Larry Lindsey
observed that between 1987 and 1996,
banks filed 77 million currency transaction reports; these led to only 3,000
money laundering cases, in which 7,300
defendants were charged but only 580
were convicted.10 To be fair, in addition
to 580 guilty verdicts, the Department of
Justice obtained 2,295 guilty pleas, for a
40 percent sentencing rate. Bank regulators and law enforcement representatives
defend the BSA applications, countering
that currency transaction reports were
never designed to generate prosecutions,
and the Federal Reserve Board continues
to support them.

■ The Global Spin Cycle
In the evolving global financial system,
funds can be zapped from one country to
another, making international cooperation even more important in combating
money laundering. In 1989, the G7
nations established a Financial Action
Task Force (FATF) to develop antilaundering strategies. The next year, the task
force drafted its “Forty Recommendations,” which require member countries
to assist each other in money laundering
investigations, avoid enacting secrecy
laws that hamper such investigations,
criminalize money laundering, and
report suspicious transactions.

Although the task force involves the
major financial centers in North America, Europe, and Asia, many countries
are not yet FATF participants. In June
2000, the task force released a list of 15
countries with “serious systemic problems.”11 In July, finance ministers from
the G7 nations followed up with a plan
to persuade these countries to cooperate
by threatening to cut off their access to
the international banking system—as
well as International Monetary Fund
and World Bank loans—unless they
combat money laundering more aggressively. In addition, private financial
institutions in G7 countries will be
warned that transactions with target
countries will draw intense scrutiny.

■ The Federal Reserve’s Role
Although the Federal Reserve is not a
law enforcement agency, it works
actively to deter the use of financial
institutions for laundering.12 The Fed’s
activities include conducting BSA
exams, developing antilaundering
guidelines, and providing expertise to
U.S. law enforcement officers and
various foreign central banks and
government agencies. Financial
organizations and their employees are
considered the strongest defense against
money laundering, and the Federal
Reserve emphasizes the banks’ importance in establishing controls to protect
themselves and their customers from
illicit activities. In every examination
the Fed supervises, it verifies the bank’s
BSA compliance. Any indication of
deficiencies, such as inadequate internal controls or training, results in a
second-stage examination that is even
more rigorous.
The Federal Reserve has been promoting the concept of “enhanced due diligence.”13 Under this policy, banks that
have experienced problems will be
required to enter agreements to ensure
future compliance. These agreements
are designed to reasonably ensure the
identification and timely, accurate, and
complete reporting of known or suspected criminal activity against or
involving the bank to law enforcement
and supervisory authorities.

■ Future Considerations
Two developments warrant close monitoring. First, Internet-based payment
systems are being developed to facilitate
electronic transactions. Some of these
systems seek to give users as much
anonymity as currency provides.

The speed of electronic transfers, combined with the anonymity of cash, would
appeal strongly to launderers. While this
is a potential law-enforcement concern,
today’s e-money lacks the large volume
of legitimate transactions essential to
provide cover for criminal ones. Moreover, launderers are not drawn to most
current electronic purse schemes, in
which balance limits are low and transactions can be audited.
Second, proposed legislation would
grant the Treasury sweeping new powers
to fight money laundering, the centerpiece being an ability to ban financial
transactions between offshore financial
centers and U.S. banks or brokerage
houses. The Treasury now has no power
to prevent U.S. financial entities from
transacting business in countries that
allegedly tolerate money laundering,
short of asking Congress to declare
emergency sanctions against nations
deemed security threats. The Treasury
issues advisories warning banks against
money from foreign institutions that
repeatedly violate accepted standards,
but these advisories lack the force of law.

■ Conclusion
Over the last 30 years, lawmakers have
enacted a broad array of domestic legislation, striving to forge the enforcement
tools they need to combat launderers’
ingenious and continuously evolving
techniques for circumventing the previous piece of legislation. As a bank
regulator, the Federal Reserve has an
important supporting role in the struggle
against money laundering. Because
launderers’ operations are global, the
recent increase in international cooperation is a promising development. Of
course, in our zeal to catch criminals,
we must weigh the benefits of legislation and regulation against the costs
they impose on financial institutions
and their customers.

■ Footnotes
1. Oxford English Dictionary.
2. For more details, see George Waller, Kidnap: The Story of the Lindbergh Case. New
York: Dial Press, 1961.
3. “Dirty Money Goes Digital,” Business
Week, September 20, 1999.
4. See Thurston Clarke and John J. Tigue, Jr.,
Dirty Money: Swiss Banks, the Mafia, Money
Laundering, and White Collar Crime. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1975, p. 79.
5. In this context, “knowingly” applies to a
person who is willfully blind to a questionable situation.

6. Most of the requirements related to keeping records of cash purchases of monetary
instruments have been repealed.
7. Currency transaction reports need not be
filed for every large cash transaction. Banks
can exempt certain customers from this obligation, thereby reducing the number of CTR
8. FinCEN response to a request from U.S.
Representative Ronald Paul’s office,
May 19, 2000.
9. Testimony of U.S. Representative Ronald
Paul before the Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, March 4, 1999.
10. “Should Money Laundering Be a Crime?”
Cato Institute Debate no. 5, December 1997.
11. The countries cited were the Bahamas,
Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Dominica,
Israel, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Marshall
Islands, Nauru, Niue, Panama, Philippines,
Russia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent
and the Grenadines.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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12. More complete details on the Federal
Reserve’s positions on these issues can be
found in the testimony of its officials before
various congressional committees. See in
particular the statements of Richard A. Small
before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee
of the Investigations Committee on Governmental Affairs, November 10, 1999, and
before the House General Oversight and
Investigations Subcommittee and the
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and
Consumer Credit of the Committee on Banking and Financial Services, April 20, 1999.
Also see statements by Edward W. Kelley, Jr.,
before the House Committee on Banking and
Financial Services, February 28, 1996, and
by Herbert A. Biern before the House Committee on Banking and Financial Services,
June 11, 1998.
13. Enhanced due diligence is illustrated in
several recent enforcement actions taken by
the Board. The enhanced due diligence agreement between the Bank of New York, the
Federal Reserve, and the New York State
Banking Department can be found at
< boarddocs/

Paul W. Bauer is an economic advisor at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and
Rhoda Ullmann is a research assistant at
the Bank.
The views stated here are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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