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February 15, 1997

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Structural Reform of the Social
Security System: The Time Has Come
by Jagadeesh Gokhale

After months of wrangling, Congress
and the administration recently reached
an agreement on bow to balance the federal budget by the year 2002. 1 Although
the compromise bill contains a $115 billion reduction in projected Medicare
spending, it includes no initiatives
regarding Social Security.
Why the apparent oversight? Do lawmakers believe that the need for Social
Security reform is much less urgent than
for Medicare, or is it simply expedient to
defer changing such a politically sensitive program until change becomes
This Economic Commentary argues that
reforming Social Security is one of the
most pressing tasks facing the United
States. Although the Social Security
trust fund's accounting conventions suggest that the program will remain solvent
until 2.029, this projection is misleading
at best. Changes in the nation's tax policy will be required much earlier to
maintain benefits at mandated levels.
Furthermore, the current system contains
structural features that result in economic inefficiencies, the costs of which
will compound over time. 2 Any successful reform effort will have to include
a number of specific elements aimed at
eliminating these structural problems.

• Basics of the U.S.
Social Security Program
Social Security began in 1935 as a small
pension program, but has expanded over

lSSN 0428-1276

time along several dimensions, including
1) the share of the workforce that is covered, 2) the size of payroll tax rates, and
3) the generosity and variety ofbenefits
provided. Today, recipients are insured
against old age, dependency, disability,
and death. This wide variety of benefits
is one of the features that has introduced
inequities into the system and caused an
inefficient allocation of resources.
Another important feature of Social
Security is its pay-as-you-go structure,
whereby current workers' contributions
are immediately and directly handed over
as retirement and other benefits. This feature alters the allocation of resources in a
way that impedes future productivity.


Current Status

In fiscal year 1996, Social Security's
reported income was $416 billion and its
outgo was $350 billion, of which $343
billion was devoted to benefit payments.3 This $66 billion surplus pushed
the system's year-end assets to $550 billion. Assets of the Social Security trust
fund consist exclusively offederal IOUs,
because the government borrows the
surplus each year and spends it on current operations.
This implies that all current contributions
are consumed - either by beneficiaries
or by the government -rather than
invested in productive capital assets. If
and when the IOUs have to be drawn
down to finance future benefit payments,
Congress will be forced to increase nonpayroll taxes in order to redeem them.


A conservative look at Social Security's financial projections suggests
that the system may become insolvent
much earlier than is officially recognized. Moreover, the program contains structural shortcomings that
distort the use of resources, both
human and physical. An early, structural reform of Social Security is
imperative to place the retirement of
baby boomers and future generations
on a sound financial footing and to
promote faster economic growth. To
be effective, these structural changes
must boost saving and investment
and improve work incentives.

• Long-Range Projections
The Demographic Side
Before examining Social Security's
long-range financial projections, it's
instructive to look at the demographic
trends that are driving them. Figure 1
shows population- age distributions for
1995 and 2025 . The hump in the middle
of the 1995 curve represents the baby
boom generation, whose members are in
their prime working years and are contributing substantial amounts of money
to the system. As the boomers age, the
population- age distribution will change
dramatically. Over the next three decades, the increase in the number of
young persons will be far outstripped by
the skyrocketing number ofretirees.

when estimating the date of insolvency,
one should compare it with income net
of interest income-payroll contributions plus taxes on Social Security benefits. The latter comparison places the
date of insolvency at 2012.


These projected trends imply that the
ratio of young contributors to old beneficiaries will plummet. Today, there are
3.3 workers per beneficiary. By 2025,
that figure will fall to only 2.2-a potentially devastating development for
any intergenerational pay-as-you-go program.4 Preserving current benefit levels
will require sharp increases in payroll
tax rates or major cuts in future benefits.

The Financial Side


Figure 2 shows that because of the
growing number of elderly Americans,
Social Security outlays are expected to
rise rapidly during the first two decades
of the next century. Reported income
will fail to keep pace, however, and
annual surpluses will turn into deficits
starting in 2020. At this point, the trust
fund will be drawn down to finance the
shortfall. Basing their judgments on the
year the trust fund 's assets will be
exhausted, many analysts and policymakers place the program's date of
insolvency at 2029. However, the major
policy change- increasing taxes or
cutting benefits- will be forced on the
government in 2019. This should be
considered the true date of insolvency.

Because of the wide variety of benefits
offered, the link between households'
Social Security contributions and the
benefits they receive is weak. Under current rules, individuals in some types of
households receive benefits whether or
not they worked and contributed to the
system in the past. 7

Millions of people














Millions of dollars

3,500 . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

Structural Deficiencies

Married single-earner households, for
instance, receive more benefits than
married dual-earner couples (for a given
level of contributions), since the nonearning spouses in the former qualify for
dependent and survivor benefits based
on the breadwinner's earnings record.
Such a benefit structure involves a work
disincentive for secondary earners in
every household.


5r - - - ' - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

Even this may turn out to be too optimistic, however. The above projections
are based on the Social Security Administration's (SSA) intermediate assumptions about future productivity and
demographic trends. However, the SSA
makes two other projections of income
and outlays based on optimistic and pessimistic assumptions about these trends. 5
Historically, Social Security's realized
income and outgo have fallen between
the intermediate and pessimistic projections. Based on the latter assumptions,
insolvency could come as early as 2000
(see figure 3). 6 A conservative estimate
would be 2006 - midway between the
intermediate and pessimistic predictions.
Given that the oldest baby boomers will
begin retiring after 2006, one must conclude that their retirement security is
in jeopardy.

The above analysis is not complete,
however. Just as redeeming the trust
fund's IOUs will require non-payroll
taxation, so will paying interest on the
accumulated trust fund . The latter will
also transfer the cost of financing benefits to the non-Social Security side of the
government's ledger. Hence, rather than
comparing outgo with total income



- 500
- 1,000 ~-_.__ _.__ _......__.....__ _..._ _..__ _,
2025 2030
a. Includes interest on government bonds held in the trust fund.


Millions of dollars


Another example is single heads of
households, who receive relatively few
benefits despite their substantial contributions. For them, Social Security payments
seem more like a tax and add to their marginal income-tax rates-again resulting
in disincentives to work. Such a redistribution of lifetime resources across house-

300 ,____._ _.__ _.__ _.___..___,_ _..._...J....___J
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
SOURCE: Social Security Administration.




Index, resources per capita = 1.0

holds breaks the connection between contributions and benefits and, ultimately,
between work and its rewards. The lower
supply of labor services that this induces
implies an inefficient use of the nation's
human resources.



04 ,___ ___.....__ ___.....__ _....__ _,___ _,___ __,



Percent of resources consumed

25 ....----------------------.

Pay-as-you-go Social Security also alters
the allocation of resources between consumption and saving. As mentioned earlier, all current contributions are consumed rather than invested in real
productive capital. However, a growing
pay-as-you-go system brings about an
additional reallocation in favor of consumption because it redistributes resources from younger and future generations toward the elderly. That is, growth
in the size of taxes and benefits implies
that people who paid into the system
when tax rates were low will receive
windfalls after they retire. The cost of
paying these individuals a disproportionate share of benefits, of course, falls on
subsequent working generations.












Figure 4 shows that an increasingly generous pay-as-you-go Social Security system, coupled with expanding Medicare
benefits, has resulted in a transfer of
resources from younger and future generations toward older Americans.8 On
average, the elderly consume a larger
fraction of their resources than do
younger individuals, and the gap has
been widening (see figure 5).9 Thus, a
transfer of resources from the young to
the old implies greater aggregate consumption and smaller aggregate saving.
As figure 6 indicates, national saving has
declined considerably since the early
1970s, when entitlement programs such
as Social Security and Medicare began
to expand rapidly.

Undoing the
Structural Damage

1....__ ___._ _ ___.._ _ ___.._ _ __.__ __,






SOURCE: Author 's calculations. (Figure 4 calculations are
based on the Economic Report of1he President, l 995.)

The work disincentives caused by Social
Security's current benefit structure reduce output directly, while lower national saving constrains capital formation
and thus reduces labor productivity. It is
important, then, to consider the structural shortcomings of the Social Security
program when weighing the merits of
different reform plans.

From this perspective, both of the obvious options to restore trust fund solvency-increasing payroll taxes and/or
decreasing future benefits -seem inadequate. First, both would reduce the already low returns on contributions that
current and future working generations
will receive. 1O Second, neither of these
measures would alter the structural deficiencies that produce the undesirable
effects on labor supply and saving.
Future consumption-retirees' or anyone else's-must come out of future
output. Therefore, a greater number of
retirees relative to workers implies that
more output must be available for sustaining older generations ' living standards. This can occur without hurting
younger generations only if output
expands adequately- an unlikely scenario if recent productivity trends continue over the next three decades. Hence,
to secure the retirement of the baby
boomers without placing an intolerable
burden on future working generations,
any effective reform package must 1)
result in more real investment, 2) restore
individuals ' incentives to work, and 3)
reduce or eliminate the intergenerational
redistribution that leads to low national
saving. These critical elements cannot be
ignored- or delayed.



Securing the retirement of the baby
boomers and future generations of
Americans cannot be accomplished
through mere tinkering with Social
Security taxes and benefits. The many
types of benefits provided under our current system have resulted in a poor linkage between contributions and benefits
and have undermined individuals' work
incentives. Moreover, the intergenerational redistribution that has accompanied the expansion of pay-as-you-go
Social Security has contributed to low
national saving rates. Any effective
reform effort must address all of these
structural issues, and must do so quickly.



reduce the ratio of future taxpayers to future

1. This article went to press in mid-June

retirees. The optimistic (low-cost) assump-


tions assume higher productivity, birth, and
mortality rates.

2. This Economic Commentaiy does not discuss any specific reform proposals. For an

6. See 1996 Annual Report of the Board of

example of a reform plan that concentrates on

Trustees (footnote 3), table ill. 82, p. 180.

rectifying Social Security's structural problems, see David Altig and Jagadeesb Gokhale,

7. For a description of Social Security's eli-

"Social Security Privatization: A Simple Pro-

gibility and benefit rules, see Social Security

posal ," The Cato Project on Social Security

Administration, The Handbook ofSocial

Privatization, 1997 (forthcoming).

Security, Washington, D.C.: Government
Printing Office, 1996.

3. The numbers reported here are based on
the 1996 Annual Report of the Board of

8. Resources are the sum of current net

Trustees, Federal Old-Age and Survivors

worth and the present va lue of earnings and

insurance and Disability Insurance Trust

pensions, minus the present value of taxes

Funds, tab le IJ.F 11 , pp. 104-05.

net of transfers.

4. Ibid., table Il.F 19, p. 124.

9. Ibid.

5. These are also known as high- and low-

10. See Dean R. Leimer, "Cohort-Specific

cost assumptions. Essentially, the pessimistic

Measures of Lifetime Net Social Security

(high-cost) assumptions incorporate a lower

Transfers," Social Security Administration,

rate of future productivity growth, pushing

Office of Research and Statistics, Working

projected payroll tax revenues below the

Paper No. 59, February 1994.


Jagadeesh Gokhale is an economic advisor
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Economic Commentary is available

electronically through the Cleveland Fed's
home page on the World Wide Web:

inte1111ediate case. It also assumes low future
birth and mortality rates, both of which

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