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May 1,1988

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland


Stable Inflation
Fosters Sound
Economic Decisions
by James G. Hoehn

policy has traditionally
sought the attainment of several economic conditions, including high
employment, steady capacity growth,
a stable dollar, and low inflation. The
ultimate goal is enhancement of the
general welfare.
The question is, how can monetary
policy successfully meet concerns
about output, employment, and inflation Simultaneously? This Economic
Commentary argues that monetary
policy can serve the general welfare
by keeping inflation stable. Under
such a policy, people can make
sound economic decisions about
work, production, and consumption
free of unnecessary distortions caused
by variable inflation.

U.S.Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

Considerable reliance should be
placed on inflation and inflationary
pressures as indicators of the success
of policy rather than on the outlook
for output and employment. Output
and employment concerns will be
largely met if the Federal Reserve
pursues its commitment to keep inflation stable.

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
Address Correction Requested:
Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,

P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101
ISSN 0428·1276

• The Inability of Monetary Policy
to Control Output
The all-embracing public policy
objective of enhanced general welfare
does not directly translate into a particular policy objective for the Federal
Reserve System. The design of monetary policy therefore is thought to
reflect the judicious weighing of several criteria, including levels of inflation, output, and employment.
This notion, however, must take into
account that the Federal Reserve can
ultimately control only current-dollar
economic variables such as the money
stock, the general level of prices, or
the rates of change in prices. The
Federal Reserve regulates these
current-dollar, or nominal, quantities
by changing the amount of securities
it holds in its portfolio.
The problem is that the public welfare depends not on these nominal
variables under the control of the
Federal Reserve, but on physical quantities of consumption goods available,


How should monetary policy use its
control over money and prices to
influence employment and output?
Under a policy to stabilize inflation,
people can more easily make sound
production and consumption decisions, and economic activity will
tend to vary appropriately with
changes in productive opportunities.

or output, which the Federal Reserve
cannot control. Although policy can
influence output in the short run,
achievement of an arbitrary target for
output is not possible because output
depends largely on factors over which
monetary policy has very little influence, such as technology and the
availability of productive resources
such as land, labor, and machines.

The challenge for monetary policy is
how to use control over money and
prices to keep output close to an
appropriate level. The problem is
complicated by the lack of adequate
knowledge about the factors that
determine appropriate output at any
given time: available resources, technology, and personal preferences for
consumption versus leisure.
• Variable Inflation Can Distort
Production and Consumption
If people are fully informed about
prices, and if prices are free to adjust
to pressures emanating from the
decisions of buyers and sellers, then
people are able to make sound
resource decisions. As a result, the
output level will be ideal in a textbook sense. If the world were so
ideal, monetary policy would not
have the important influence that it
has on output.
Consider first that people do not have
all the information they might like to
have when making buying and selling
decisions. In order to know how
much of his income to spend on
beef, for example, a person would
ideally want to know the value of his
dollars in all kinds of alternative purchases, from pork to sports cars.
A person also would like to know the
purchasing power of his dollar this
year, next year, and even further into
the future in order to make prudent
choices. (Generally, a dollar has a
value inversely proportional to the
overall price index, such as the Consumer Price Index.) To the extent
that a person is uncertain about the
value of a dollar, he cannot make
sound economic decisions. Some
uncertainty is inherent in a market
system in which changing prices
reflect changing conditions.

Still, monetary policy influences this
uncertainty by its impact on the variability of the price level. If the overall
price level is relatively stable, as it has
been in the United States in recent
years, then people will be able to
attribute changes in the dollar price
of beef to a real increase in the cost
of beef relative to other alternatives.
But if the purchasing power of money
is unstable, as it is in some latin
American nations, then people cannot
be sure to what extent a rise in the
dollar price of beef is an increase in
the relative costliness of beef as
opposed to a general inflation.
This confusion between the overall
price level and changes in relative
prices will arise unless people
observe all of the prices in their
potential shopping basket. Collecting
all of that information is too costly.
People do shop to determine alternative spending opportunities, but this
search is limited by the time and
effort it costs.
According to one theory of how
unexpected inflation can influence
output, a general increase in prices
can temporarily deceive suppliers
into thinking that the reward for producing their product has increased.
Suppliers initially think that the relative price of their product has risen,
and respond to the apparent improvement in incentives by increasing
employment and production. This
decision to expand is a mistake,
albeit a reasonable one. Unexpected
inflation, by fooling suppliers into
increasing production, may even
result in the building of plants and
acquisition of equipment that later
are discovered to be unneeded.

A related explanation of how inflation
can distort private choices involves
stickyprices and wages-those that are
not bid up or down instantaneously by
buying and selling pressures. For
example, labor contracts give employers considerable discretion over employment at a fixed-dollar wage rate
(or, at least, at a wage rate that is not
fully and continuously adjusted for inflation). If the general level of prices
rises, employers find their profit margins increased and find it advantageous to expand production and
employment. The expansion of activity is inappropriate, however, because
it arises from decisions that have
been distorted by inflation, rather
than representing an appropriate
response to economic fundamentals.
The importance of fluctuations in
inflation in accounting for fluctuations in U.S.output is in dispute. But
the effects are potentially important
enough for people to try to protect
themselves against them. In order to
reduce such mistakes, people entering into agreements to buy and sell
labor or goods try to guess the rate of
inflation. If they think prices generally
will rise, they tend to inflate dollar
payments by the same proportion.
However, it is not always a simple
matter for people to fully adjust their
business dealings to expected inflation. Changes in prices and wages are
infrequent and limited in many
industries. Pricing conventions are
not easy to rationalize, but probably
reduce decision-making and bargaining costs and foster good relations
between buyers and sellers. In any
case, contracts already signed cannot
ordinarily be altered to reflect a
revised inflation forecast.

Considering the difficulties people
have in dealing with a variable rate of
inflation-the costs of forecasting and
adapting business dealings plus the
errors in decisions that inevitably
occur despite the best of efforts-the
public welfare tends to be enhanced
by policies that promote easily predictable levels of inflation. Easiest of
all for people to adapt to is a constant
price level, which removes inflation
from economic decisions altogether.
• Price Stability and Output
The Federal Reserve System has
placed great importance on obtaining
price stability. In the early 1980s, a
money-targeting policy was successfully used to reduce high and accelerating inflation. In more recent
years, the money stock has been
allowed to vary considerably, but this
policy has been justified as necessary
to stabilize inflation in the face of historically large changes in the relation
between money and prices. Inflation
has been moderate and stable relative
to that of the 1970s and early 1980s.
Concern with stabilizing inflation has
not, however, meant that the Federal
Reserve has abandoned concern
about output. By stabilizing inflation,
monetary policy provides an environment in which people can make
sound output decisions, undistorted
by inflation. Output will then tend to
vary more or less appropriately in
response to changes in economic
Consider how a policy of price-level
stabilization works when the demand
for goods and services increases.
Initially, prices will tend to rise and
suppliers will tend to respond by
increasing output. This increased
production is inappropriate because
it arises from the distortions of inflation. Under a policy of stabilizing the
price level, the Federal Reserve

would contract the money supply
until the inflationary pressure was
removed. Then, the inappropriate
stimulation of output would also be
removed. So far as fluctuations in the
economy arise from changes in the
demand for goods and services, stabilizing inflation would at the same
time stabilize output.
A policy of stabilizing prices would
also promote desirable results if the
supply of goods expands because of
improved technology or increased
productive resources. Better productive opportunities, such as discovery
of new oil fields or new techniques
of recovering oil from old fields, lead
people to increase output, in this
case, output of oil and of things made
using oil. The increased supplies
would tend initially to create deflationary or disinflationary pressures.
This deflation is unwanted because it
restrains the economy from taking
full advantage of the greater productive opportunities.
If technology or available resources
change, then stabilizing output is not
the best policy. In this case, price and
output stability could appear to be in
conflict, but this is mostly because
the ideal output level has changed.
Hence, the conflict between price
and output objectives is less serious
than it first appears.
Monetary policy can do little about
another kind of event: improved
technology and other fundamental
changes can create abrupt and
uneven growth rates among various
industries. The growth of new industries and the decline of mature ones
require that capital and labor be reassigned, a process that takes time and
that typically involves unemployment
in the disfavored industries. For
example, increasingly sophisticated
machinery in farms and factories has
displaced much of the labor force to
the growing service and hightechnology industries.

Important technological changes in
the economy are widespread at times,
and help account for periods of high
general unemployment. But to use
monetary policy to attempt to solve
structural imbalances is ill-advised.
Workers need to be moved from the
sectors with high unemployment into
the growing industries; inflation cannot help get the needed movement
or ease its costs.
Stabilizing inflation would not stabilize output in the highest possible
degree, but it would not necessarily
lead to larger fluctuations in output.
Indeed, closer control of inflation
would reduce the historical tendency
of inflation to accelerate during
expansions and decelerate during
contractions-a tendency that inappropriately magnifies the expansion
and contraction of output growth.
• Conclusion
Monetary policy can largely meet legitimate concerns about output and
employment in an indirect way by
paying greatest attention to inflation
and inflationary pressures. At any
given moment, output and inflation
concerns may appear inconsistent,
because output can be increased by
raising inflation. Higher inflation does
not permanently raise output, however; nor is higher output necessarily
desirable if purchased with harder
work. Furthermore, consideration of
how people's economic decisions are
distorted by variable inflation argues
for a policy that tends to target a stable rate of inflation.


james G. Hoehn is an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland The author
acknowledges helpful comments from
Susan Black, Charles Carlstrom, William
Gavin, Owen Humpage, Mark Sniderman,
and Walker Todd on drafts.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of
the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserue System.

The challenge for monetary policy is
how to use control over money and
prices to keep output close to an
appropriate level. The problem is
complicated by the lack of adequate
knowledge about the factors that
determine appropriate output at any
given time: available resources, technology, and personal preferences for
consumption versus leisure.
• Variable Inflation Can Distort
Production and Consumption
If people are fully informed about
prices, and if prices are free to adjust
to pressures emanating from the
decisions of buyers and sellers, then
people are able to make sound
resource decisions. As a result, the
output level will be ideal in a textbook sense. If the world were so
ideal, monetary policy would not
have the important influence that it
has on output.
Consider first that people do not have
all the information they might like to
have when making buying and selling
decisions. In order to know how
much of his income to spend on
beef, for example, a person would
ideally want to know the value of his
dollars in all kinds of alternative purchases, from pork to sports cars.
A person also would like to know the
purchasing power of his dollar this
year, next year, and even further into
the future in order to make prudent
choices. (Generally, a dollar has a
value inversely proportional to the
overall price index, such as the Consumer Price Index.) To the extent
that a person is uncertain about the
value of a dollar, he cannot make
sound economic decisions. Some
uncertainty is inherent in a market
system in which changing prices
reflect changing conditions.

Still, monetary policy influences this
uncertainty by its impact on the variability of the price level. If the overall
price level is relatively stable, as it has
been in the United States in recent
years, then people will be able to
attribute changes in the dollar price
of beef to a real increase in the cost
of beef relative to other alternatives.
But if the purchasing power of money
is unstable, as it is in some latin
American nations, then people cannot
be sure to what extent a rise in the
dollar price of beef is an increase in
the relative costliness of beef as
opposed to a general inflation.
This confusion between the overall
price level and changes in relative
prices will arise unless people
observe all of the prices in their
potential shopping basket. Collecting
all of that information is too costly.
People do shop to determine alternative spending opportunities, but this
search is limited by the time and
effort it costs.
According to one theory of how
unexpected inflation can influence
output, a general increase in prices
can temporarily deceive suppliers
into thinking that the reward for producing their product has increased.
Suppliers initially think that the relative price of their product has risen,
and respond to the apparent improvement in incentives by increasing
employment and production. This
decision to expand is a mistake,
albeit a reasonable one. Unexpected
inflation, by fooling suppliers into
increasing production, may even
result in the building of plants and
acquisition of equipment that later
are discovered to be unneeded.

A related explanation of how inflation
can distort private choices involves
stickyprices and wages-those that are
not bid up or down instantaneously by
buying and selling pressures. For
example, labor contracts give employers considerable discretion over employment at a fixed-dollar wage rate
(or, at least, at a wage rate that is not
fully and continuously adjusted for inflation). If the general level of prices
rises, employers find their profit margins increased and find it advantageous to expand production and
employment. The expansion of activity is inappropriate, however, because
it arises from decisions that have
been distorted by inflation, rather
than representing an appropriate
response to economic fundamentals.
The importance of fluctuations in
inflation in accounting for fluctuations in U.S.output is in dispute. But
the effects are potentially important
enough for people to try to protect
themselves against them. In order to
reduce such mistakes, people entering into agreements to buy and sell
labor or goods try to guess the rate of
inflation. If they think prices generally
will rise, they tend to inflate dollar
payments by the same proportion.
However, it is not always a simple
matter for people to fully adjust their
business dealings to expected inflation. Changes in prices and wages are
infrequent and limited in many
industries. Pricing conventions are
not easy to rationalize, but probably
reduce decision-making and bargaining costs and foster good relations
between buyers and sellers. In any
case, contracts already signed cannot
ordinarily be altered to reflect a
revised inflation forecast.

Considering the difficulties people
have in dealing with a variable rate of
inflation-the costs of forecasting and
adapting business dealings plus the
errors in decisions that inevitably
occur despite the best of efforts-the
public welfare tends to be enhanced
by policies that promote easily predictable levels of inflation. Easiest of
all for people to adapt to is a constant
price level, which removes inflation
from economic decisions altogether.
• Price Stability and Output
The Federal Reserve System has
placed great importance on obtaining
price stability. In the early 1980s, a
money-targeting policy was successfully used to reduce high and accelerating inflation. In more recent
years, the money stock has been
allowed to vary considerably, but this
policy has been justified as necessary
to stabilize inflation in the face of historically large changes in the relation
between money and prices. Inflation
has been moderate and stable relative
to that of the 1970s and early 1980s.
Concern with stabilizing inflation has
not, however, meant that the Federal
Reserve has abandoned concern
about output. By stabilizing inflation,
monetary policy provides an environment in which people can make
sound output decisions, undistorted
by inflation. Output will then tend to
vary more or less appropriately in
response to changes in economic
Consider how a policy of price-level
stabilization works when the demand
for goods and services increases.
Initially, prices will tend to rise and
suppliers will tend to respond by
increasing output. This increased
production is inappropriate because
it arises from the distortions of inflation. Under a policy of stabilizing the
price level, the Federal Reserve

would contract the money supply
until the inflationary pressure was
removed. Then, the inappropriate
stimulation of output would also be
removed. So far as fluctuations in the
economy arise from changes in the
demand for goods and services, stabilizing inflation would at the same
time stabilize output.
A policy of stabilizing prices would
also promote desirable results if the
supply of goods expands because of
improved technology or increased
productive resources. Better productive opportunities, such as discovery
of new oil fields or new techniques
of recovering oil from old fields, lead
people to increase output, in this
case, output of oil and of things made
using oil. The increased supplies
would tend initially to create deflationary or disinflationary pressures.
This deflation is unwanted because it
restrains the economy from taking
full advantage of the greater productive opportunities.
If technology or available resources
change, then stabilizing output is not
the best policy. In this case, price and
output stability could appear to be in
conflict, but this is mostly because
the ideal output level has changed.
Hence, the conflict between price
and output objectives is less serious
than it first appears.
Monetary policy can do little about
another kind of event: improved
technology and other fundamental
changes can create abrupt and
uneven growth rates among various
industries. The growth of new industries and the decline of mature ones
require that capital and labor be reassigned, a process that takes time and
that typically involves unemployment
in the disfavored industries. For
example, increasingly sophisticated
machinery in farms and factories has
displaced much of the labor force to
the growing service and hightechnology industries.

Important technological changes in
the economy are widespread at times,
and help account for periods of high
general unemployment. But to use
monetary policy to attempt to solve
structural imbalances is ill-advised.
Workers need to be moved from the
sectors with high unemployment into
the growing industries; inflation cannot help get the needed movement
or ease its costs.
Stabilizing inflation would not stabilize output in the highest possible
degree, but it would not necessarily
lead to larger fluctuations in output.
Indeed, closer control of inflation
would reduce the historical tendency
of inflation to accelerate during
expansions and decelerate during
contractions-a tendency that inappropriately magnifies the expansion
and contraction of output growth.
• Conclusion
Monetary policy can largely meet legitimate concerns about output and
employment in an indirect way by
paying greatest attention to inflation
and inflationary pressures. At any
given moment, output and inflation
concerns may appear inconsistent,
because output can be increased by
raising inflation. Higher inflation does
not permanently raise output, however; nor is higher output necessarily
desirable if purchased with harder
work. Furthermore, consideration of
how people's economic decisions are
distorted by variable inflation argues
for a policy that tends to target a stable rate of inflation.


james G. Hoehn is an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland The author
acknowledges helpful comments from
Susan Black, Charles Carlstrom, William
Gavin, Owen Humpage, Mark Sniderman,
and Walker Todd on drafts.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of
the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserue System.

May 1,1988

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland


Stable Inflation
Fosters Sound
Economic Decisions
by James G. Hoehn

policy has traditionally
sought the attainment of several economic conditions, including high
employment, steady capacity growth,
a stable dollar, and low inflation. The
ultimate goal is enhancement of the
general welfare.
The question is, how can monetary
policy successfully meet concerns
about output, employment, and inflation Simultaneously? This Economic
Commentary argues that monetary
policy can serve the general welfare
by keeping inflation stable. Under
such a policy, people can make
sound economic decisions about
work, production, and consumption
free of unnecessary distortions caused
by variable inflation.

U.S.Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

Considerable reliance should be
placed on inflation and inflationary
pressures as indicators of the success
of policy rather than on the outlook
for output and employment. Output
and employment concerns will be
largely met if the Federal Reserve
pursues its commitment to keep inflation stable.

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
Address Correction Requested:
Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,

P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101
ISSN 0428·1276

• The Inability of Monetary Policy
to Control Output
The all-embracing public policy
objective of enhanced general welfare
does not directly translate into a particular policy objective for the Federal
Reserve System. The design of monetary policy therefore is thought to
reflect the judicious weighing of several criteria, including levels of inflation, output, and employment.
This notion, however, must take into
account that the Federal Reserve can
ultimately control only current-dollar
economic variables such as the money
stock, the general level of prices, or
the rates of change in prices. The
Federal Reserve regulates these
current-dollar, or nominal, quantities
by changing the amount of securities
it holds in its portfolio.
The problem is that the public welfare depends not on these nominal
variables under the control of the
Federal Reserve, but on physical quantities of consumption goods available,


How should monetary policy use its
control over money and prices to
influence employment and output?
Under a policy to stabilize inflation,
people can more easily make sound
production and consumption decisions, and economic activity will
tend to vary appropriately with
changes in productive opportunities.

or output, which the Federal Reserve
cannot control. Although policy can
influence output in the short run,
achievement of an arbitrary target for
output is not possible because output
depends largely on factors over which
monetary policy has very little influence, such as technology and the
availability of productive resources
such as land, labor, and machines.