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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland


Good Times and Bad
Contributions to regional industrial
growth are not constant over time.
Changing economic conditions
(recession, inflation, exogenous
shocks) are likely to affect industry
growth within the national and
regional economies and thus alter
structural and competitive contributions. Consider two subperiods of similar length but dissimilar
economic condi tions-1961-70
and 1970-82-again measuring
from trough to trough on the business cycle. The first subperiod was
characterized by relatively low and
stable inflation and only minor
recessions. The second subperiod
was a time of high and accelerating
inflation, very severe recessions,
and energy price shocks. For the
period 1961-70, there is a clear and
perhaps surprising story to tell
(see chart 2). The more stable economic conditions of the 1960s were
accompanied by a strong tendency
among employment-growth rates in
all of Ohio's industries and industry aggregates to approach the
national standard. Although the
structural shift toward non manufacturing and the competitive lag of
most of Ohio's industries still were
apparent, the differentials were
much less pronounced.
Ohio's manufacturing indus3. Some linkage probably exists between manufacturing and many non manufacturing industries. The production of goods has become increasingly complex. Firms have become larger,
with greater diversity of product lines. Firms
also have become more highly regulated. These
factors have promoted employment growth
in accounting, finance, law, public relations, and
other areas in the non manufacturing sector.
More generally, the output of nonmanufacturing
industries often is not traded in national markets. Although this is not uniformly true
(finance, for example, tends to be national in
scope), major segments of non manufacturing
may be locally dependent, relying on manufacturing for growth prospects.

tries performed very poorly in the
second subperiod-1970-82-which
encompassed the most unstable
and uncertain economic condi tions
since the end of World War II (see
chart 3). Most manufacturing industries experienced large declines
(negative growth) in employment,
as structural and competitive differentials widened. Only chemicals
and petroleum escaped this cluster,
again because of a moderate competitive advantage over the national industry.
Business-cycle dynamics are part
of the totally different experience of
Ohio's industries in the 1960s and
the 1970s. The demand for manufactured goods is highly sensitive
to overall economic growth. Recessions are concentrated in manufacturing industries and regions
with the most marginal facilities.
If recessionary pressures are minimized, structural and competitive growth differentials dissipate.
Moreover, long periods of relatively
stable prices and high capacity
utilization, as in the 1960s, may
lengthen planning horizons and
reduce growth limitations commonly associated with short-term
profit maximization. This also may
be especially significant in manufacturing, where long lead times in
product and process development
are important, and payback periods
on investment may be lengthy as
well. A stronger manufacturing
climate improves competitive prospects in nonmanufacturing industries, presumably because of
linkages between manufacturing
and non manufacturing activities.
Admittedly, the elements in this
transmission from national to
regional economies are far from
clear. Nevertheless, there is a
strong presumption that general
economic conditions (inflation and
unemployment) are transmitted to

regions through both structural
and competitive mechanisms, and
that a healthy national economic
environment would ease the stress
on regional economies in structural
and competitive transition.
Concluding Observations
Comparisons of employment
growth in Ohio presented here
probably pose more questions than
provide answers to the regional
industrial growth puzzle. No
attempt was made to explain specific industrial situations, and
general explanations were more
hypothesis than test of hypothesis.
Still, four conclusions, or observations that might guide further
research, seem warranted.
• Slow economic growth over the
long term in Ohio is associated
with structural and competitive
elements. In terms of the multiproduct firm analogy, we are unfavorably represented in slow-growth
markets and are losing market share.
• Neither structural nor competitive differentials are constant
over time. A healthy national economic climate significantly reduces
regional problems of both types.
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

While the transmission mechanism
here is far from clear, it may be
that industry-specific and regionspecific factors account for a
smaller proportion of growth differentials than we might think.
• On balance, competitive effects
outweigh structural effects because
of their pervasiveness. We especially need to determine why the
industries where Ohio has long
held scale, agglomeration, transportation, and other advantages are
underperforming their national
counterparts, even under the most
stable economic conditions. Resource
costs and productivity are possible
explanations, but more evidence
needs to be examined.
• Nonmanufacturing jobs are not
replacing manufacturing jobs. Nonmanufacturing jobs in Ohio are
expanding faster than manufacturing jobs in the state, but not as
fast as nonmanufacturing jobs nationally. This suggests linkages
between industries that "tie" the
nonmanufacturing sector to the
manufacturing base. If so, the
nature of these ties needs to be
examined more fully.
U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Economic Commentary
ISSN 0428-1276

Sources of Regional Growth Disparity:
The Case of Ohio's Industr'ies'
by Roger H. Hinderliter
serious problem in the
U.S. economy is slow
growth or outright
decline in employment
in many manufacturing
industries. This problem is not
dispersed uniformly among regional or state economies in the
United States. It is most acute in
those states, including Ohio, that
have been leading centers of industrial production for many years.
In these states manufacturing jobs
have declined sharply. Ohio, for
example, lost over 300,000 manufacturing jobs between 1970 and
1982, more than 20 percent of its
manufacturing work force in 1970.
There are several possible explanations for slow employment
growth being concentrated in
states such as Ohio. Business
cycles provide one explanation. Recessions typically are centered in
manufacturing, and the two most
severe recessions in the post-World
War II period occurred in the past
12 years. Recoveries also develop
slowly where, as in Ohio, manufacturing activity is concentrated in
capital-goods production.
Roger H. Hinderliter is an economic advisor with
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O.Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101

December 19, 1983

1. This article is a revised, shortened version of
a paper presented at a recent conference, "Regional
Growth and Industrial Change;' Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, November 18, 1983. The complete paper is available from the author.

Another explanation rests on
long-term structural and competitive changes in economic activity.
As national output evolves structurally and becomes more heavily
weighted toward services or other
nonmanufacturing activities, manufacturing industries and manufacturing regions naturally grow
more slowly. Increasingly, it
appears that much of the problem
is associated with a loss of competitiveness. While competitive advantages or disadvantages often are
illustrated in terms of international
comparisons (such as the United
States vs. Japan), they are no less
important among regions within
the national economy. In the
simplest sense, Ohio no longer
attracts new firms or expansions of
existing firms at the same rate as
other states in the United States.
A Regional Industrial
The major source of regional
growth is the national economy,
and the rate of employment growth
in the national economy is a useful
standard against which regions
and regional industries can be
evaluated. Any region is part of a
larger system, the national economy. A region shares a common
currency and legal system, as well
as financial, educational, and other
institutions with other regions in
the national economy. Because
the absence of tariff barriers and
migration restrictions permits a
free interregional flow of products

and resources, a region is influenced by national trends in labor
markets, investment patterns,
and technological advances. A
region also participates with others
in evolutionary changes in economic activity. If, for example, as
per-capita income rises, economic
activity evolves through primary,
secondary, and tertiary stagesfrom agriculture to manufacturing
to services-all regions would
reflect this pattern.
Despite the common factors, no
region is simply a miniature version of the national economy. Natural resources differ across regions,
as do the size and composition of
the industrial base inherited from
the past. These features impart
a lumpiness, or inertia, to regional
economies that can be prolonged
over a long period of time. As a
result, evolutionary changes in
economic activity need not be
transmitted to regions equally or
proportionately to existing size.
Neither are national market
trends reproduced precisely at the
regional level; rather, sharing national trends is accomplished by
smoothing regional differences
through market linkages among
regions. For example, if labor-force
growth in region A exceeds that
of region B, adjustments in relative
labor costs can be expected to
create incentives for labor to
migrate to B, equalizing (or tending
to equalize) labor costs and underlying labor-force growth rates. Both
A and B converge toward the national average. The tendency for
regional differences to converge is a
natural presumption, but convergence may be slow and some differences could be cumulative. Thus,
while migration flows are encouraged by labor-cost differentials,
there also are costs, pecuniary and

nonpecuniary (social reluctance, for
example), that discourage moving.
Income transfers (unemployment
compensation and welfare) may reinforce a reluctance to move. Even
if workers are willing to migrate,
other arrangements (for example,
differences in unionization of
the work forces) may make it difficult to exploit and equalize laborcost differentials. These kinds of
rigidities also may be prolonged;
hence, market differentials among
regions can remain over long
periods, supporting unequal rates
of employment growth.
This discussion suggests two
channels of regional growth disparity-a region's industrial structure and a region's competitive
position vis-a-vis the national economy. A region may grow relatively
fast (or slowly) because it holds a
relatively large concentration of
industries that are growing rapidly
(or slowly) throughout the nation.
Thus, the region has a favorable (or
unfavorable) industrial structure.
A region also may grow relatively
fast (or slowly) because its own
industries outperform (or underperform) their counterparts in the
national economy. Thus, the region
has a favorable (or unfavorable)
competitive position. Perhaps this
can be clarified by an analogy with
a multiproduct firm. That firm
would grow rapidly or slowly, relative to some standard or average rate of growth, depending on
the composition of its product lines
in fast- or slow-growing end markets (the structural component),
and whether it is increasing or
decreasing market share in each
of its product lines (the competitive component).

1949-82 (measured from trough to
trough on the business cycle) is
shown in chart 1.2 The axes are
labeled in terms of the structural
and competitive contributions to
industry growth rates in Ohio. Diagonal lines represent equal growth
curves, which are alternative structural and competitive contributions
that yield the same industry-growth
rate. Three of these curves are
labeled in reference to the national
growth rate. The top right quadrant in the chart represents the
"best of worlds;' where both structural and competitive components
are sources of industry growth
above the national average. The
bottom left quadrant is the "worst
of worlds;' where both the structural and competitive components
depress industry growth.
An examination of Ohio's
industry-growth rates suggests
two general characteristics of the
state's industrial sector in the
postwar period. First, a large concentration of zero-growth or nearzero-growth industries exists in the
state, including total manufacturing and its durable goods and nondurable goods divisions and all
selected manufacturing industries
except transportation equipment
and chemicals and petroleum.
Second, the structural contribution
to growth is generally positive for
nonmanufacturing industries and
negative for manufacturing indus-

Employment Growth in Ohio
Employment growth in selected
Ohio industries for the period

The mechanics behind this expression are more
fully developed in the longer paper mentioned in
ftn 1.

2. The expression graphed in chart 1 is
(g/g) - 1 = (gI- gig) +

gi =
g =


ts, - gIl/g.

employment growth in industry iin Ohio.
employment growth in the national
employment growth in industry i in
the nation.

tries, but the competitive contribution is nearly always negative.
The exceptions again are transportation equipment and chemicals
and petroleum. Indeed, these two
industries escape the zero-growth
cluster because the competitive
contribution, although moderate,
is positive.
The positive structural contribution is especially strong in services and finance, two industries
that have become prototypical
examples of rapid-growth possibilities. In Ohio, however, the services
and finance industries expanded
employment less rapidly than their
national counterparts. Nonmanufacturing jobs are not replacing
manufacturing jobs. Though benefiting from strong growth from
the national economy, Ohio's nonmanufacturing industries lag the
national industries as much as
many manufacturing industries.
The pervasiveness of underperformance by Ohio's industries is
disturbing and, on balance, outweighs the cumulative effects of an
unfavorable industrial structure.
Between 1949 and 1982, total
employment in Ohio increased at
1.7 percent a year, on average, a
shortfall of 1.5 percentage points
from the national average of
3.2 percent. Nearly 0.4 percentage
point of the shortfall is associated
with Ohio's industrial structure.
The shortfall resulting from the
underperformance of Ohio's industries is about 1.1 percentage points.
This strongly suggests industry
supply and demand factors, including the cost and productivity of
resources, transportation, and
inter-industry linkages, have more
to do with the observed employment growth patterns than do evolutionary changes in economic
activity and rigidities of regional














I dus
G ow

om one nts If
ry mpl oym nt
h R tes lin 0 io:

1. l ero
II. Indus
II. Indus
the n









row h
ry g owt at the
al r te (3.17%
ry g owt at t Ivice
tion Irat


atio al r te (0.-4"/%;
II. Ihdus ry g owt at t vice
the n tion al rat








Competitive contribution


b~£~~~13- . ~

1. l ero
II. Indus
II. Indus
the n






Chart 3
om one nts f
I dus ry mp oyment
G ow ~hRates 10 Ohio:
1~70 82.


row [n
ry g owt at he
al r te (2:~O%)
ry g owt at t Ivice
tion Irat

g. 12-

Aggr gate s 0
1 Tot I m nufa turing
2 Du able good
rna ufa turi g
3 No dur ble g oods
rna ufa turi g
4 Tot ~I no nma utac unr g
5 Go ernr ent
6 No gove rnm nt
nor man ufacturin

Ind rstr es e
7. ~rim ry r etal
!:S. abr cate me als
9. 110m ectr cal n achinery
10. !!:lec ical mac mer
11. !fran por atio equipment
12. ~ubt er

1 . C
1 . Fi
1 . Se
1 . W

ernidals and petrol urn
anc . msuran e.
olesale, etail rad

and resources, a region is influenced by national trends in labor
markets, investment patterns,
and technological advances. A
region also participates with others
in evolutionary changes in economic activity. If, for example, as
per-capita income rises, economic
activity evolves through primary,
secondary, and tertiary stagesfrom agriculture to manufacturing
to services-all regions would
reflect this pattern.
Despite the common factors, no
region is simply a miniature version of the national economy. Natural resources differ across regions,
as do the size and composition of
the industrial base inherited from
the past. These features impart
a lumpiness, or inertia, to regional
economies that can be prolonged
over a long period of time. As a
result, evolutionary changes in
economic activity need not be
transmitted to regions equally or
proportionately to existing size.
Neither are national market
trends reproduced precisely at the
regional level; rather, sharing national trends is accomplished by
smoothing regional differences
through market linkages among
regions. For example, if labor-force
growth in region A exceeds that
of region B, adjustments in relative
labor costs can be expected to
create incentives for labor to
migrate to B, equalizing (or tending
to equalize) labor costs and underlying labor-force growth rates. Both
A and B converge toward the national average. The tendency for
regional differences to converge is a
natural presumption, but convergence may be slow and some differences could be cumulative. Thus,
while migration flows are encouraged by labor-cost differentials,
there also are costs, pecuniary and

nonpecuniary (social reluctance, for
example), that discourage moving.
Income transfers (unemployment
compensation and welfare) may reinforce a reluctance to move. Even
if workers are willing to migrate,
other arrangements (for example,
differences in unionization of
the work forces) may make it difficult to exploit and equalize laborcost differentials. These kinds of
rigidities also may be prolonged;
hence, market differentials among
regions can remain over long
periods, supporting unequal rates
of employment growth.
This discussion suggests two
channels of regional growth disparity-a region's industrial structure and a region's competitive
position vis-a-vis the national economy. A region may grow relatively
fast (or slowly) because it holds a
relatively large concentration of
industries that are growing rapidly
(or slowly) throughout the nation.
Thus, the region has a favorable (or
unfavorable) industrial structure.
A region also may grow relatively
fast (or slowly) because its own
industries outperform (or underperform) their counterparts in the
national economy. Thus, the region
has a favorable (or unfavorable)
competitive position. Perhaps this
can be clarified by an analogy with
a multiproduct firm. That firm
would grow rapidly or slowly, relative to some standard or average rate of growth, depending on
the composition of its product lines
in fast- or slow-growing end markets (the structural component),
and whether it is increasing or
decreasing market share in each
of its product lines (the competitive component).

1949-82 (measured from trough to
trough on the business cycle) is
shown in chart 1.2 The axes are
labeled in terms of the structural
and competitive contributions to
industry growth rates in Ohio. Diagonal lines represent equal growth
curves, which are alternative structural and competitive contributions
that yield the same industry-growth
rate. Three of these curves are
labeled in reference to the national
growth rate. The top right quadrant in the chart represents the
"best of worlds;' where both structural and competitive components
are sources of industry growth
above the national average. The
bottom left quadrant is the "worst
of worlds;' where both the structural and competitive components
depress industry growth.
An examination of Ohio's
industry-growth rates suggests
two general characteristics of the
state's industrial sector in the
postwar period. First, a large concentration of zero-growth or nearzero-growth industries exists in the
state, including total manufacturing and its durable goods and nondurable goods divisions and all
selected manufacturing industries
except transportation equipment
and chemicals and petroleum.
Second, the structural contribution
to growth is generally positive for
nonmanufacturing industries and
negative for manufacturing indus-

Employment Growth in Ohio
Employment growth in selected
Ohio industries for the period

The mechanics behind this expression are more
fully developed in the longer paper mentioned in
ftn 1.

2. The expression graphed in chart 1 is
(g/g) - 1 = (gI- gig) +

gi =
g =


ts, - gIl/g.

employment growth in industry iin Ohio.
employment growth in the national
employment growth in industry i in
the nation.

tries, but the competitive contribution is nearly always negative.
The exceptions again are transportation equipment and chemicals
and petroleum. Indeed, these two
industries escape the zero-growth
cluster because the competitive
contribution, although moderate,
is positive.
The positive structural contribution is especially strong in services and finance, two industries
that have become prototypical
examples of rapid-growth possibilities. In Ohio, however, the services
and finance industries expanded
employment less rapidly than their
national counterparts. Nonmanufacturing jobs are not replacing
manufacturing jobs. Though benefiting from strong growth from
the national economy, Ohio's nonmanufacturing industries lag the
national industries as much as
many manufacturing industries.
The pervasiveness of underperformance by Ohio's industries is
disturbing and, on balance, outweighs the cumulative effects of an
unfavorable industrial structure.
Between 1949 and 1982, total
employment in Ohio increased at
1.7 percent a year, on average, a
shortfall of 1.5 percentage points
from the national average of
3.2 percent. Nearly 0.4 percentage
point of the shortfall is associated
with Ohio's industrial structure.
The shortfall resulting from the
underperformance of Ohio's industries is about 1.1 percentage points.
This strongly suggests industry
supply and demand factors, including the cost and productivity of
resources, transportation, and
inter-industry linkages, have more
to do with the observed employment growth patterns than do evolutionary changes in economic
activity and rigidities of regional














I dus
G ow

om one nts If
ry mpl oym nt
h R tes lin 0 io:

1. l ero
II. Indus
II. Indus
the n









row h
ry g owt at the
al r te (3.17%
ry g owt at t Ivice
tion Irat


atio al r te (0.-4"/%;
II. Ihdus ry g owt at t vice
the n tion al rat








Competitive contribution


b~£~~~13- . ~

1. l ero
II. Indus
II. Indus
the n






Chart 3
om one nts f
I dus ry mp oyment
G ow ~hRates 10 Ohio:
1~70 82.


row [n
ry g owt at he
al r te (2:~O%)
ry g owt at t Ivice
tion Irat

g. 12-

Aggr gate s 0
1 Tot I m nufa turing
2 Du able good
rna ufa turi g
3 No dur ble g oods
rna ufa turi g
4 Tot ~I no nma utac unr g
5 Go ernr ent
6 No gove rnm nt
nor man ufacturin

Ind rstr es e
7. ~rim ry r etal
!:S. abr cate me als
9. 110m ectr cal n achinery
10. !!:lec ical mac mer
11. !fran por atio equipment
12. ~ubt er

1 . C
1 . Fi
1 . Se
1 . W

ernidals and petrol urn
anc . msuran e.
olesale, etail rad

and resources, a region is influenced by national trends in labor
markets, investment patterns,
and technological advances. A
region also participates with others
in evolutionary changes in economic activity. If, for example, as
per-capita income rises, economic
activity evolves through primary,
secondary, and tertiary stagesfrom agriculture to manufacturing
to services-all regions would
reflect this pattern.
Despite the common factors, no
region is simply a miniature version of the national economy. Natural resources differ across regions,
as do the size and composition of
the industrial base inherited from
the past. These features impart
a lumpiness, or inertia, to regional
economies that can be prolonged
over a long period of time. As a
result, evolutionary changes in
economic activity need not be
transmitted to regions equally or
proportionately to existing size.
Neither are national market
trends reproduced precisely at the
regional level; rather, sharing national trends is accomplished by
smoothing regional differences
through market linkages among
regions. For example, if labor-force
growth in region A exceeds that
of region B, adjustments in relative
labor costs can be expected to
create incentives for labor to
migrate to B, equalizing (or tending
to equalize) labor costs and underlying labor-force growth rates. Both
A and B converge toward the national average. The tendency for
regional differences to converge is a
natural presumption, but convergence may be slow and some differences could be cumulative. Thus,
while migration flows are encouraged by labor-cost differentials,
there also are costs, pecuniary and

nonpecuniary (social reluctance, for
example), that discourage moving.
Income transfers (unemployment
compensation and welfare) may reinforce a reluctance to move. Even
if workers are willing to migrate,
other arrangements (for example,
differences in unionization of
the work forces) may make it difficult to exploit and equalize laborcost differentials. These kinds of
rigidities also may be prolonged;
hence, market differentials among
regions can remain over long
periods, supporting unequal rates
of employment growth.
This discussion suggests two
channels of regional growth disparity-a region's industrial structure and a region's competitive
position vis-a-vis the national economy. A region may grow relatively
fast (or slowly) because it holds a
relatively large concentration of
industries that are growing rapidly
(or slowly) throughout the nation.
Thus, the region has a favorable (or
unfavorable) industrial structure.
A region also may grow relatively
fast (or slowly) because its own
industries outperform (or underperform) their counterparts in the
national economy. Thus, the region
has a favorable (or unfavorable)
competitive position. Perhaps this
can be clarified by an analogy with
a multiproduct firm. That firm
would grow rapidly or slowly, relative to some standard or average rate of growth, depending on
the composition of its product lines
in fast- or slow-growing end markets (the structural component),
and whether it is increasing or
decreasing market share in each
of its product lines (the competitive component).

1949-82 (measured from trough to
trough on the business cycle) is
shown in chart 1.2 The axes are
labeled in terms of the structural
and competitive contributions to
industry growth rates in Ohio. Diagonal lines represent equal growth
curves, which are alternative structural and competitive contributions
that yield the same industry-growth
rate. Three of these curves are
labeled in reference to the national
growth rate. The top right quadrant in the chart represents the
"best of worlds;' where both structural and competitive components
are sources of industry growth
above the national average. The
bottom left quadrant is the "worst
of worlds;' where both the structural and competitive components
depress industry growth.
An examination of Ohio's
industry-growth rates suggests
two general characteristics of the
state's industrial sector in the
postwar period. First, a large concentration of zero-growth or nearzero-growth industries exists in the
state, including total manufacturing and its durable goods and nondurable goods divisions and all
selected manufacturing industries
except transportation equipment
and chemicals and petroleum.
Second, the structural contribution
to growth is generally positive for
nonmanufacturing industries and
negative for manufacturing indus-

Employment Growth in Ohio
Employment growth in selected
Ohio industries for the period

The mechanics behind this expression are more
fully developed in the longer paper mentioned in
ftn 1.

2. The expression graphed in chart 1 is
(g/g) - 1 = (gI- gig) +

gi =
g =


ts, - gIl/g.

employment growth in industry iin Ohio.
employment growth in the national
employment growth in industry i in
the nation.

tries, but the competitive contribution is nearly always negative.
The exceptions again are transportation equipment and chemicals
and petroleum. Indeed, these two
industries escape the zero-growth
cluster because the competitive
contribution, although moderate,
is positive.
The positive structural contribution is especially strong in services and finance, two industries
that have become prototypical
examples of rapid-growth possibilities. In Ohio, however, the services
and finance industries expanded
employment less rapidly than their
national counterparts. Nonmanufacturing jobs are not replacing
manufacturing jobs. Though benefiting from strong growth from
the national economy, Ohio's nonmanufacturing industries lag the
national industries as much as
many manufacturing industries.
The pervasiveness of underperformance by Ohio's industries is
disturbing and, on balance, outweighs the cumulative effects of an
unfavorable industrial structure.
Between 1949 and 1982, total
employment in Ohio increased at
1.7 percent a year, on average, a
shortfall of 1.5 percentage points
from the national average of
3.2 percent. Nearly 0.4 percentage
point of the shortfall is associated
with Ohio's industrial structure.
The shortfall resulting from the
underperformance of Ohio's industries is about 1.1 percentage points.
This strongly suggests industry
supply and demand factors, including the cost and productivity of
resources, transportation, and
inter-industry linkages, have more
to do with the observed employment growth patterns than do evolutionary changes in economic
activity and rigidities of regional














I dus
G ow

om one nts If
ry mpl oym nt
h R tes lin 0 io:

1. l ero
II. Indus
II. Indus
the n









row h
ry g owt at the
al r te (3.17%
ry g owt at t Ivice
tion Irat


atio al r te (0.-4"/%;
II. Ihdus ry g owt at t vice
the n tion al rat








Competitive contribution


b~£~~~13- . ~

1. l ero
II. Indus
II. Indus
the n






Chart 3
om one nts f
I dus ry mp oyment
G ow ~hRates 10 Ohio:
1~70 82.


row [n
ry g owt at he
al r te (2:~O%)
ry g owt at t Ivice
tion Irat

g. 12-

Aggr gate s 0
1 Tot I m nufa turing
2 Du able good
rna ufa turi g
3 No dur ble g oods
rna ufa turi g
4 Tot ~I no nma utac unr g
5 Go ernr ent
6 No gove rnm nt
nor man ufacturin

Ind rstr es e
7. ~rim ry r etal
!:S. abr cate me als
9. 110m ectr cal n achinery
10. !!:lec ical mac mer
11. !fran por atio equipment
12. ~ubt er

1 . C
1 . Fi
1 . Se
1 . W

ernidals and petrol urn
anc . msuran e.
olesale, etail rad

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland


Good Times and Bad
Contributions to regional industrial
growth are not constant over time.
Changing economic conditions
(recession, inflation, exogenous
shocks) are likely to affect industry
growth within the national and
regional economies and thus alter
structural and competitive contributions. Consider two subperiods of similar length but dissimilar
economic condi tions-1961-70
and 1970-82-again measuring
from trough to trough on the business cycle. The first subperiod was
characterized by relatively low and
stable inflation and only minor
recessions. The second subperiod
was a time of high and accelerating
inflation, very severe recessions,
and energy price shocks. For the
period 1961-70, there is a clear and
perhaps surprising story to tell
(see chart 2). The more stable economic conditions of the 1960s were
accompanied by a strong tendency
among employment-growth rates in
all of Ohio's industries and industry aggregates to approach the
national standard. Although the
structural shift toward non manufacturing and the competitive lag of
most of Ohio's industries still were
apparent, the differentials were
much less pronounced.
Ohio's manufacturing indus3. Some linkage probably exists between manufacturing and many non manufacturing industries. The production of goods has become increasingly complex. Firms have become larger,
with greater diversity of product lines. Firms
also have become more highly regulated. These
factors have promoted employment growth
in accounting, finance, law, public relations, and
other areas in the non manufacturing sector.
More generally, the output of nonmanufacturing
industries often is not traded in national markets. Although this is not uniformly true
(finance, for example, tends to be national in
scope), major segments of non manufacturing
may be locally dependent, relying on manufacturing for growth prospects.

tries performed very poorly in the
second subperiod-1970-82-which
encompassed the most unstable
and uncertain economic condi tions
since the end of World War II (see
chart 3). Most manufacturing industries experienced large declines
(negative growth) in employment,
as structural and competitive differentials widened. Only chemicals
and petroleum escaped this cluster,
again because of a moderate competitive advantage over the national industry.
Business-cycle dynamics are part
of the totally different experience of
Ohio's industries in the 1960s and
the 1970s. The demand for manufactured goods is highly sensitive
to overall economic growth. Recessions are concentrated in manufacturing industries and regions
with the most marginal facilities.
If recessionary pressures are minimized, structural and competitive growth differentials dissipate.
Moreover, long periods of relatively
stable prices and high capacity
utilization, as in the 1960s, may
lengthen planning horizons and
reduce growth limitations commonly associated with short-term
profit maximization. This also may
be especially significant in manufacturing, where long lead times in
product and process development
are important, and payback periods
on investment may be lengthy as
well. A stronger manufacturing
climate improves competitive prospects in nonmanufacturing industries, presumably because of
linkages between manufacturing
and non manufacturing activities.
Admittedly, the elements in this
transmission from national to
regional economies are far from
clear. Nevertheless, there is a
strong presumption that general
economic conditions (inflation and
unemployment) are transmitted to

regions through both structural
and competitive mechanisms, and
that a healthy national economic
environment would ease the stress
on regional economies in structural
and competitive transition.
Concluding Observations
Comparisons of employment
growth in Ohio presented here
probably pose more questions than
provide answers to the regional
industrial growth puzzle. No
attempt was made to explain specific industrial situations, and
general explanations were more
hypothesis than test of hypothesis.
Still, four conclusions, or observations that might guide further
research, seem warranted.
• Slow economic growth over the
long term in Ohio is associated
with structural and competitive
elements. In terms of the multiproduct firm analogy, we are unfavorably represented in slow-growth
markets and are losing market share.
• Neither structural nor competitive differentials are constant
over time. A healthy national economic climate significantly reduces
regional problems of both types.
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

While the transmission mechanism
here is far from clear, it may be
that industry-specific and regionspecific factors account for a
smaller proportion of growth differentials than we might think.
• On balance, competitive effects
outweigh structural effects because
of their pervasiveness. We especially need to determine why the
industries where Ohio has long
held scale, agglomeration, transportation, and other advantages are
underperforming their national
counterparts, even under the most
stable economic conditions. Resource
costs and productivity are possible
explanations, but more evidence
needs to be examined.
• Nonmanufacturing jobs are not
replacing manufacturing jobs. Nonmanufacturing jobs in Ohio are
expanding faster than manufacturing jobs in the state, but not as
fast as nonmanufacturing jobs nationally. This suggests linkages
between industries that "tie" the
nonmanufacturing sector to the
manufacturing base. If so, the
nature of these ties needs to be
examined more fully.
U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Economic Commentary
ISSN 0428-1276

Sources of Regional Growth Disparity:
The Case of Ohio's Industr'ies'
by Roger H. Hinderliter
serious problem in the
U.S. economy is slow
growth or outright
decline in employment
in many manufacturing
industries. This problem is not
dispersed uniformly among regional or state economies in the
United States. It is most acute in
those states, including Ohio, that
have been leading centers of industrial production for many years.
In these states manufacturing jobs
have declined sharply. Ohio, for
example, lost over 300,000 manufacturing jobs between 1970 and
1982, more than 20 percent of its
manufacturing work force in 1970.
There are several possible explanations for slow employment
growth being concentrated in
states such as Ohio. Business
cycles provide one explanation. Recessions typically are centered in
manufacturing, and the two most
severe recessions in the post-World
War II period occurred in the past
12 years. Recoveries also develop
slowly where, as in Ohio, manufacturing activity is concentrated in
capital-goods production.
Roger H. Hinderliter is an economic advisor with
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O.Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101

December 19, 1983

1. This article is a revised, shortened version of
a paper presented at a recent conference, "Regional
Growth and Industrial Change;' Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, November 18, 1983. The complete paper is available from the author.

Another explanation rests on
long-term structural and competitive changes in economic activity.
As national output evolves structurally and becomes more heavily
weighted toward services or other
nonmanufacturing activities, manufacturing industries and manufacturing regions naturally grow
more slowly. Increasingly, it
appears that much of the problem
is associated with a loss of competitiveness. While competitive advantages or disadvantages often are
illustrated in terms of international
comparisons (such as the United
States vs. Japan), they are no less
important among regions within
the national economy. In the
simplest sense, Ohio no longer
attracts new firms or expansions of
existing firms at the same rate as
other states in the United States.
A Regional Industrial
The major source of regional
growth is the national economy,
and the rate of employment growth
in the national economy is a useful
standard against which regions
and regional industries can be
evaluated. Any region is part of a
larger system, the national economy. A region shares a common
currency and legal system, as well
as financial, educational, and other
institutions with other regions in
the national economy. Because
the absence of tariff barriers and
migration restrictions permits a
free interregional flow of products

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland


Good Times and Bad
Contributions to regional industrial
growth are not constant over time.
Changing economic conditions
(recession, inflation, exogenous
shocks) are likely to affect industry
growth within the national and
regional economies and thus alter
structural and competitive contributions. Consider two subperiods of similar length but dissimilar
economic condi tions-1961-70
and 1970-82-again measuring
from trough to trough on the business cycle. The first subperiod was
characterized by relatively low and
stable inflation and only minor
recessions. The second subperiod
was a time of high and accelerating
inflation, very severe recessions,
and energy price shocks. For the
period 1961-70, there is a clear and
perhaps surprising story to tell
(see chart 2). The more stable economic conditions of the 1960s were
accompanied by a strong tendency
among employment-growth rates in
all of Ohio's industries and industry aggregates to approach the
national standard. Although the
structural shift toward non manufacturing and the competitive lag of
most of Ohio's industries still were
apparent, the differentials were
much less pronounced.
Ohio's manufacturing indus3. Some linkage probably exists between manufacturing and many non manufacturing industries. The production of goods has become increasingly complex. Firms have become larger,
with greater diversity of product lines. Firms
also have become more highly regulated. These
factors have promoted employment growth
in accounting, finance, law, public relations, and
other areas in the non manufacturing sector.
More generally, the output of nonmanufacturing
industries often is not traded in national markets. Although this is not uniformly true
(finance, for example, tends to be national in
scope), major segments of non manufacturing
may be locally dependent, relying on manufacturing for growth prospects.

tries performed very poorly in the
second subperiod-1970-82-which
encompassed the most unstable
and uncertain economic condi tions
since the end of World War II (see
chart 3). Most manufacturing industries experienced large declines
(negative growth) in employment,
as structural and competitive differentials widened. Only chemicals
and petroleum escaped this cluster,
again because of a moderate competitive advantage over the national industry.
Business-cycle dynamics are part
of the totally different experience of
Ohio's industries in the 1960s and
the 1970s. The demand for manufactured goods is highly sensitive
to overall economic growth. Recessions are concentrated in manufacturing industries and regions
with the most marginal facilities.
If recessionary pressures are minimized, structural and competitive growth differentials dissipate.
Moreover, long periods of relatively
stable prices and high capacity
utilization, as in the 1960s, may
lengthen planning horizons and
reduce growth limitations commonly associated with short-term
profit maximization. This also may
be especially significant in manufacturing, where long lead times in
product and process development
are important, and payback periods
on investment may be lengthy as
well. A stronger manufacturing
climate improves competitive prospects in nonmanufacturing industries, presumably because of
linkages between manufacturing
and non manufacturing activities.
Admittedly, the elements in this
transmission from national to
regional economies are far from
clear. Nevertheless, there is a
strong presumption that general
economic conditions (inflation and
unemployment) are transmitted to

regions through both structural
and competitive mechanisms, and
that a healthy national economic
environment would ease the stress
on regional economies in structural
and competitive transition.
Concluding Observations
Comparisons of employment
growth in Ohio presented here
probably pose more questions than
provide answers to the regional
industrial growth puzzle. No
attempt was made to explain specific industrial situations, and
general explanations were more
hypothesis than test of hypothesis.
Still, four conclusions, or observations that might guide further
research, seem warranted.
• Slow economic growth over the
long term in Ohio is associated
with structural and competitive
elements. In terms of the multiproduct firm analogy, we are unfavorably represented in slow-growth
markets and are losing market share.
• Neither structural nor competitive differentials are constant
over time. A healthy national economic climate significantly reduces
regional problems of both types.
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

While the transmission mechanism
here is far from clear, it may be
that industry-specific and regionspecific factors account for a
smaller proportion of growth differentials than we might think.
• On balance, competitive effects
outweigh structural effects because
of their pervasiveness. We especially need to determine why the
industries where Ohio has long
held scale, agglomeration, transportation, and other advantages are
underperforming their national
counterparts, even under the most
stable economic conditions. Resource
costs and productivity are possible
explanations, but more evidence
needs to be examined.
• Nonmanufacturing jobs are not
replacing manufacturing jobs. Nonmanufacturing jobs in Ohio are
expanding faster than manufacturing jobs in the state, but not as
fast as nonmanufacturing jobs nationally. This suggests linkages
between industries that "tie" the
nonmanufacturing sector to the
manufacturing base. If so, the
nature of these ties needs to be
examined more fully.
U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Economic Commentary
ISSN 0428-1276

Sources of Regional Growth Disparity:
The Case of Ohio's Industr'ies'
by Roger H. Hinderliter
serious problem in the
U.S. economy is slow
growth or outright
decline in employment
in many manufacturing
industries. This problem is not
dispersed uniformly among regional or state economies in the
United States. It is most acute in
those states, including Ohio, that
have been leading centers of industrial production for many years.
In these states manufacturing jobs
have declined sharply. Ohio, for
example, lost over 300,000 manufacturing jobs between 1970 and
1982, more than 20 percent of its
manufacturing work force in 1970.
There are several possible explanations for slow employment
growth being concentrated in
states such as Ohio. Business
cycles provide one explanation. Recessions typically are centered in
manufacturing, and the two most
severe recessions in the post-World
War II period occurred in the past
12 years. Recoveries also develop
slowly where, as in Ohio, manufacturing activity is concentrated in
capital-goods production.
Roger H. Hinderliter is an economic advisor with
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O.Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101

December 19, 1983

1. This article is a revised, shortened version of
a paper presented at a recent conference, "Regional
Growth and Industrial Change;' Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, November 18, 1983. The complete paper is available from the author.

Another explanation rests on
long-term structural and competitive changes in economic activity.
As national output evolves structurally and becomes more heavily
weighted toward services or other
nonmanufacturing activities, manufacturing industries and manufacturing regions naturally grow
more slowly. Increasingly, it
appears that much of the problem
is associated with a loss of competitiveness. While competitive advantages or disadvantages often are
illustrated in terms of international
comparisons (such as the United
States vs. Japan), they are no less
important among regions within
the national economy. In the
simplest sense, Ohio no longer
attracts new firms or expansions of
existing firms at the same rate as
other states in the United States.
A Regional Industrial
The major source of regional
growth is the national economy,
and the rate of employment growth
in the national economy is a useful
standard against which regions
and regional industries can be
evaluated. Any region is part of a
larger system, the national economy. A region shares a common
currency and legal system, as well
as financial, educational, and other
institutions with other regions in
the national economy. Because
the absence of tariff barriers and
migration restrictions permits a
free interregional flow of products