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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
being diverted from agriculture to
other uses. Fewer than one-half as
many U.S. farms exist today (2.3 million in 1980) as in 1950 (5.6 million).l1 The USDA estimates that
875,000 acres of cropland per year will
be diverted from cropland to other
uses over the next 50 years. 12And
thousands of farmers have tried to
reduce their dependence on farm
income, either by leaving their farms
entirely or by farming part-time. It is
not surprising, then, that many farmers
find it unprofitable to make investments in maintaining soil quality. One
USDA study found the costs of implementing soil conservation techniques in
Iowa to be three times as great as the
benefits to farmers. 13
It follows that real progress in maintaining soil productivity will be difficult
until such time as the returns to agriculture are at least equal to the returns
in nonagricultural industries. Over the
long term, agricultural economists
forecast that reductions in the number
of farms, increases in the average size
of these farms, and expansion of the
agricultural export market should
steadily increase the returns to farming. Over the short run, however, the
picture is much more gloomy. Three
successive years of bumper crops and
a worldwide recession have steadily
driven down farm prices and incomes.
Also, this increasingly capital-intensive industry has been hurt by high
interest rates. In 1982 the real income
of farm families (measured by average personal disposable income
11. USDA,Agricultural Statistics, 1980, p. 417.
12. USDA,Soil and Water Resources Conservetion Act Appraisal,
Related Resources
Resource Trends,

Part II. Soil, Water, and

per farm, adjusted for inflation) reached
its lowest level since 1968.14
A Case of Government Failure?
The analysis presented here supports
conclusions of two different kinds. First,
with regard to the specifics of the soil
conservation problem in the United
States, the data make the argument for
spending resources on soil conservation
programs more difficult to establish. If
the programs are intended to redress
intergenerational inequities, it must be
argued that merely maintaining current
agricultural capacity is not enoughthat future generations are entitled to
greater agricultural resources than currently exist. If the programs are aimed
at combating pollution, the magnitude of
the benefits conferred by the programs
and the inadequacy of other available
alternatives need to be more clearly
established. Most importantly, if the
programs are to be more than just
income transfers to farmers, it must be
demonstrated that Congress and the
USDA possess (or can find) sufficient
knowledge, power, and determination to
make the programs work.
Second, with respect to the operation
of government programs in general, the
case of soil conservation illustrates a
recurring theme in the literature of economics and politics that both markets
and governments sometimes fail to allocate resources equitably and efficiently.
In particular, the analysis presented
here implies that these two decisionmaking mechanisms often fail for much
the same reasons. To maintain intergenerational equity, for example, a soil
conservation program might be necessary because a system of private
markets might not provide sufficiently
for the needs of future generations. But
the actions of Congress with respect to
the ACP bear out the fears of many

in the U.S.: Analysis of
1980,p. 49.A 1.2:So3/7/980.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation;
Rosenberry,RussellKnutson,and LacyHarmon,
"Predictingthe EffectsofSoilDepletionfromErosion,"Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 14.USDA,EconomicResearchService,Agricultural
35,no.3 (May-June1980),pp. 131-4.
Outlook, November
1982,p. 14.

natural resource economists that public
decision-making mechanisms might not
be any more cognizant of the needs and
rights of future generations than are private markets. The 1975 decision of
which conservation projects to fund,
although seemingly based on technical
issues in farm management, represents
a victory of current farming interests
over the interests of farmers and consumers in the future.
Similarly, in dealing with soil-erosionrelated water pollution, the same factors
that cause private markets to fail also
hinder government programs directed
at the problem. If the extent of soil pollution of rivers and lakes caused by
individual farms could be monitored
cheaply, a system of taxes could be
devised to deal with this problem, while
leaving soil management policy in private hands. In fact, if the number of
affected individuals were small and
property rights were clearly established
and enforced, the market itself might be
able to solve this problem efficiently

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland,OH 44101

through a system of payments between
farmers and those hurt by soil-erosioncaused pollution. Since it is difficult and
expensive to monitor water-pollution
rates in this way, however, the government might have to encourage specific
farming practices to deal with this situation. The trouble is that government in
this instance has no guidelines by which
to target its resources on the problem
or gauge success in achieving its goals.
Under these circumstances, legislators
and agencies tend to measure program
performance in terms of numbers of participating farms, types of conservation
practices performed, and total dollars
spent, rather than in terms of soil saved
from erosion or waterways cleaned of
pollution. If public authorities are at all
inefficient in executing these programs,
this situation tends to exacerbate that
inefficiency by frustrating program evaluation and control. It is not at all surprising, therefore, that analysts have
found soil conservation resources poorly
focused in terms of soil erosion needs.

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~lgnomic Commentary
Soil Conservation: Market Failure
and Program Performance
by Paul Gary Wyckoff
Since the days of the Dust Bowl, policy
analysts and policymakers have worried
that uninformed and/or indifferent
farmers might wear out the very
resource most crucial to their
livelihood-the soil. In the 1970s and
1980s, this concern has intensified as
part of a growing awareness of natural
resource scarcity and environmental
quality issues. This Economic Commentary examines the economic rationale
behind soil conservation programs,
assesses the magnitude of the soil erosion problem, and evaluates the effectiveness of current U.S. soil conservation policies. In addition, this article
analyzes the reasons why these programs have failed to meet all of their
objectives, and it illustrates some common problems in making and carrying
out public policy.
Economic Basis
for Soil Conservation

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

January 24, 1983

Soil conservation programs have two
principal economic objectives. First,
from the standpoint of efficiency, it can
be argued that soil erosion should be
prevented because it contributes to the
pollution of rivers and streams. The
eroding soil hinders the navigation of
these waters, and it also can change
their ecological character (e.g., by filling
up ponds and changing them to marshes),
thus destroying the habitat of indigenous
wildlife. In addition, the soil can act as a
carrier of pesticides, fertilizers, and
other agricultural chemicals that can
damage the aquatic environment.

The magnitude of this environmental
problem has not been clearly established. However, soil conservation programs can be especially important here
because soil-erosion-related pollution is
of a "non-point" nature-it cannot be
easily traced to particular farms or
farmers. Thus, the usual environmental
regulations or fees cannot be used to
combat soil-erosion-related water
Second, it has been argued that even
if agricultural markets operate efficiently, resources might not be distributed equitably across generations by a
system of private markets. Once farmland is badly eroded, it is technically
possible to restore its productivity
through the heavy use of crop residues
and fertilizers; yet, the costs are such
that it is quite often economically inefficient to do so. Practically speaking,
then, land that is destroyed by current
generations will be permanently lost to
society (or lost for the 100 years to 250
years that it takes for land to rejuvenate
naturally). Since succeeding generations
are not direct participants in the
markets for agricultural land and other
factors of production, their well-being
depends entirely on the benevolence of
the current generation in preserving
resources for future use. Many censerPaul Gary Wyckoff isan economist with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The viewsstated hereinare those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors
the Federal Reserve System.

vationists argue that a system of unfettered private-resource markets would
discount the future too heavily-not
enough attention would be given to the
needs of future generations. Depending
on the importance of intergenerational
equity to society and our expectations
about the needs of future generations, it
might make sense for the government
to redistribute resources from current
to future generations. This would be
similar to the redistribution of income
from rich to poor members of the current generation. Ideally, a government
responding to this argument would try
to lower the rate of discount (or interest) on all productive resources, manmade as well as natural. If this is not
possible because of other considerations (for example, macroeconomic policy needs), a second-best solution might
be to preserve at least those nonrenewable resources that are crucial to some
minimum standard of well-being for
future generations. Undoubtedly, productive agricultural land can be considered a crucial resource of this kind.
Intergenerational considerations are
further complicated by the rapidly
expanding world population and the
severe erosion problems being experienced in many underdeveloped
nations. Not only do these factors put
additional pressure on the resources
available in the future, but they also give
these intergenerational issues an international dimension as well. Increasingly,
policymakers will be asked to decide
whether members of future generations
who are not Americans, but instead citizens of some underdeveloped nation,
ought to be considered in questions of
intergenerational equity.

5 tons of topsoil per acre per year without
loss of productivity. Cropland covered
with a thin layer of topsoil can withstand
the loss of 1 ton of topsoil per acre per
year. (These are the approximate rates
at which nature rebuilds the soil.) Based
on these standards, the USDA estimates that about one-third of the cropland in the United States is eroding too
fast to rebuild all of its productivity. If
the cropland used for specialized crops
(such as perennial flowers, orchards,
and vineyards) is not considered, the
national average erosion rate for cropland is 5.1 tons per acre per year. 1
This soil erosion problem is distributed quite unevenly across the United
States. Three areas-the Midwest, the
Great Plains, and the Pacific Northwest-are particularly hard hit by soil
erosion. The General Accounting Office
(GAO) studied a random sample of 283
farms in these regions in 1977 and found
that 80 percent of the farms had erosion
rates of over 5 tons per acre per year. 2
The Corn Belt states, while encompassing some of the most fertile cropland in the nation, also have some of the
highest soil erosion rates. In 1977, for
example, Illinois cropland lost an average of 6.7 tons of soil per acre; Iowa
cropland lost 9.9 tons of soil per acre;
and Missouri cropland lost 10.9 tons per
Despite these seemingly alarming statistics, soil erosion does not present
American agriculture with a crisis situation. Although the rate of erosion is high

Extent of the Problem

2. U.S. Congress, General Accounting Office, To
Protect Tomorrow's Food Supply, Soil Conservation
Needs Priority Attention, 1977, p. 5. GA 1.13:

In absolute terms, our stock of soil
"capital" is slowly wearing out. The U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
estimates that cropland with a deep
topsoil layer can withstand the loss of

1. See USDA, Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act Appraisal, Part 1. Soil, Water, and
Related Resources in the U.S.: Status, Condition,
and Trends, 1980, pp. 97·196. Supt. Doc. No. A
1.2:So 3/7/980.

3. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, America's Soil
and Water: Condition and Trends, December
1980, p. 9. A 57.2:Am 3.

in many areas, implying a decline in
farmland productivity, the stock of U.S.
farmland is enormous. When these erosion trends are converted to an acreequivalent basis and compared with our
vast stock of farm capital, a picture
emerges of only very gradual decline in
soil quality. The executive vice president
of the National Association of Conservation Districts, R. Neil Sampson, has
estimated that farmland typically can
withstand the loss of 650 tons of topsoil
per acre before becoming uneconomic
to farm. By these estimates, soil erosion
reduces the stock of available farmland
by only 0.75 percent per year. Even
when the diversion of cropland to other
uses is included in considerations of
cropland loss, Sampson estimates that
the stock of available farmland is declining by only 1.5 percent per year. 4 Similarly, Secretary of Agriculture John
Block has estimated that erosion will
destroy the equivalent of 25 million
acres to 62 million acres of cropland
over the next 50 years. This translates
into an annual reduction of just 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent of the cropland from
erosion alone, and a total loss of farmland (from both causes) of 0.85 percent
to 1.05 percent per year. 5
When these very slow rates of soil
loss are compared with the slow but
steady increases in land productivity
from other sources over the past 50
years, it becomes clear that the productive capacity of U.S. agricultural
4. See R. Neil Sampson, "The Ethical Dimension of
Farmland Protection," in Max Schnepf, Ed., Formland, Food, and the 'Future (Ankeny, Iowa: Soil Conservation Society of America, 1979), pp. 91·4.
5. See Secretary Block's remarks in a hearing before
the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Administration's Recommenda·
tions f~r a Comprehensive Soil and Water Conservation Program: Hearings before the Committee
on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, October 28,
1981, p. 20. Y 4.Ag 8/3:So 3/5. The figures for rates
of change are from the author's calculations, using
figures from Secretary Block's remarks and from
Sampson, "The Ethical Dimension."

land is not declining over time: future
generations will receive an endowment
of agricultural capital that can feed
approximately as many people as it
does at present. Output per acre
increased an average of 1.82 percent
per year from 1970 to 1978 and 1.73
percent over the 48-year period from
1930 to 1978.6 Since additional fertilizer
use has caused much of the current
productivity increase, future rates of
productivity increase will probably be
lower than 1.82 percent because of
higher energy costs and tighter environmental restrictions. Even at its lowest
post-Depression point in the 1940s,
however, output per acre grew at an
average of 1.29 percent per year. This
increase would approximately offset the
current loss of soil from erosion and
diversion to other uses. Thus, it seems
doubtful that the current generation is
passing on agricultural resources that
are less productive than it received.
Program Performance

Most observers agree that the current soil conservation programs are not
working; indeed, there is little evidence
to show that these programs have any
impact on the rate of soil erosion. The
consensus among soil experts is that
the resources devoted to soil conservation are not very well focused on the
problem. One USDA study concludes
that "effectively targeting erosion control funds according to the potential for
erosion could more than triple the
amount of soil saved through the
Current soil conservation policy has
two principal components. The Conser6. See J.B. Penn, "Economic Developments in U.S.
Agriculture during the 1970s," in D. Gale Johnson,
Ed., Food and Agriculture Policy for the 1980s
(Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute,
1981), pp. 15·7.
7. USDA, Soil and Water Resources Conservation
Act Appraisal, Part I, p. 51.

vation Operations Program (COP), with
a fiscal 1982 budget of $311 million, provides technical assistance and advice to
farmers about how to reduce soil erosion, mostly in the form of detailed soil
conservation plans for individual farms.
The Agricultural Conservation Program
(ACP), with a fiscal 1982 budget of $190
million, provides cost-sharing funds to
farmers who undertake approved soil
conservation projects.
An often-heard criticism of COP is
that resources are not always concentrated on those farms experiencing the
worst soil erosion problems, since
assistance is provided only to farmers
who request help. Also, because little
effort is devoted to follow-up visits to
farmers who have been given conservation plans, these plans quickly become
outdated and are discarded by the
farmer. As a result, the 1977 GAO
study cited earlier found that there was
no significant difference in soil erosion
rates for farmers assisted by COP and
farmers without such assistance-a
negative finding independently confirmed by two other studies.f
The major criticism of the Agricultural
Conservation Program is that its costsharing funds are not well targeted to
projects that reduce soil erosion. A
great variety of projects (about 60) are
funded, most of which improve the general productivity of farms but have little
to do with conserving soil. For example,
10 percent of ACP funds are distributed
for the installation of drainage systems
(either open-ditch or underground) to
remove excess water from flat or
slightly depressed farmland. Yet, precisely because of its lack of gradient,
8. See To Protect Tomorrow's Food Supply, p. 16;
Christine A Ervin and David E. Ervin, "Factors
Affecting the Use of Soil Conservation Practices:
Hypothesis, Evidence, and Policy Implications,"
Land Economics, vol. 58, no. 3 (August 1982), pp.
277·93; and Herbert Hoover and Mark Wiitala,
Operator and Landlord Participation in Soil Erosion
Control in the Maple Creek Watershed in Northeast
Nebraska, USDA, 1980.

this sort of farmland is unlikely to experience much soil erosion.
Because of these targeting problems,
less than one-half of ACP funds go to
farms with erosion rates of more than 5
tons per acre per year-the farms that
really need help." The diversion of
funds is so great that the state of Iowa,
which started its own program of costsharing for conservation projects on a
cooperative basis with ACP, decided in
1975 to separate its program completely
from ACP. GAO reported that "state
officials said that this action had been
taken because the ACP authorized too
many production-oriented practices that
would not achieve enduring conservation benefits.,,10
Why does the USDA continue to
fund projects that save negligible
amounts of soil? The legislative history
of ACP indicates that the general
improvement of farm income is an
important, although unstated, goal of
the program. In 1970, farmers had proposed, and the USDA had approved, 60
different projects related to soil conservation to be funded under ACP. Saying
that it wanted to limit funding to projects providing lasting conservation
benefits, the USDA had pared this list
to a handful of projects by 1975. In that
year, however, Congress specifically
directed (in the appropriations bill for
the program) that all of the projects
allowed in 1970 should be funded-a
clear repudiation of the USDA's efforts
to target ACP funds more carefully.
In addition to targeting problems, current U.S. policy conflicts with some
powerful economic forces. Because of
the nature of consumers' need for food,
the demand for farm products rises
much more slowly than the demand for
nonfarm products as an economy
grows. As a result of this imbalance,
productive resources of all kinds are

9. To Protect Tomorrow's Food, p. 16.
10. To Protect Tomorrow's Food, p. 16.

vationists argue that a system of unfettered private-resource markets would
discount the future too heavily-not
enough attention would be given to the
needs of future generations. Depending
on the importance of intergenerational
equity to society and our expectations
about the needs of future generations, it
might make sense for the government
to redistribute resources from current
to future generations. This would be
similar to the redistribution of income
from rich to poor members of the current generation. Ideally, a government
responding to this argument would try
to lower the rate of discount (or interest) on all productive resources, manmade as well as natural. If this is not
possible because of other considerations (for example, macroeconomic policy needs), a second-best solution might
be to preserve at least those nonrenewable resources that are crucial to some
minimum standard of well-being for
future generations. Undoubtedly, productive agricultural land can be considered a crucial resource of this kind.
Intergenerational considerations are
further complicated by the rapidly
expanding world population and the
severe erosion problems being experienced in many underdeveloped
nations. Not only do these factors put
additional pressure on the resources
available in the future, but they also give
these intergenerational issues an international dimension as well. Increasingly,
policymakers will be asked to decide
whether members of future generations
who are not Americans, but instead citizens of some underdeveloped nation,
ought to be considered in questions of
intergenerational equity.

5 tons of topsoil per acre per year without
loss of productivity. Cropland covered
with a thin layer of topsoil can withstand
the loss of 1 ton of topsoil per acre per
year. (These are the approximate rates
at which nature rebuilds the soil.) Based
on these standards, the USDA estimates that about one-third of the cropland in the United States is eroding too
fast to rebuild all of its productivity. If
the cropland used for specialized crops
(such as perennial flowers, orchards,
and vineyards) is not considered, the
national average erosion rate for cropland is 5.1 tons per acre per year. 1
This soil erosion problem is distributed quite unevenly across the United
States. Three areas-the Midwest, the
Great Plains, and the Pacific Northwest-are particularly hard hit by soil
erosion. The General Accounting Office
(GAO) studied a random sample of 283
farms in these regions in 1977 and found
that 80 percent of the farms had erosion
rates of over 5 tons per acre per year. 2
The Corn Belt states, while encompassing some of the most fertile cropland in the nation, also have some of the
highest soil erosion rates. In 1977, for
example, Illinois cropland lost an average of 6.7 tons of soil per acre; Iowa
cropland lost 9.9 tons of soil per acre;
and Missouri cropland lost 10.9 tons per
Despite these seemingly alarming statistics, soil erosion does not present
American agriculture with a crisis situation. Although the rate of erosion is high

Extent of the Problem

2. U.S. Congress, General Accounting Office, To
Protect Tomorrow's Food Supply, Soil Conservation
Needs Priority Attention, 1977, p. 5. GA 1.13:

In absolute terms, our stock of soil
"capital" is slowly wearing out. The U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
estimates that cropland with a deep
topsoil layer can withstand the loss of

1. See USDA, Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act Appraisal, Part 1. Soil, Water, and
Related Resources in the U.S.: Status, Condition,
and Trends, 1980, pp. 97·196. Supt. Doc. No. A
1.2:So 3/7/980.

3. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, America's Soil
and Water: Condition and Trends, December
1980, p. 9. A 57.2:Am 3.

in many areas, implying a decline in
farmland productivity, the stock of U.S.
farmland is enormous. When these erosion trends are converted to an acreequivalent basis and compared with our
vast stock of farm capital, a picture
emerges of only very gradual decline in
soil quality. The executive vice president
of the National Association of Conservation Districts, R. Neil Sampson, has
estimated that farmland typically can
withstand the loss of 650 tons of topsoil
per acre before becoming uneconomic
to farm. By these estimates, soil erosion
reduces the stock of available farmland
by only 0.75 percent per year. Even
when the diversion of cropland to other
uses is included in considerations of
cropland loss, Sampson estimates that
the stock of available farmland is declining by only 1.5 percent per year. 4 Similarly, Secretary of Agriculture John
Block has estimated that erosion will
destroy the equivalent of 25 million
acres to 62 million acres of cropland
over the next 50 years. This translates
into an annual reduction of just 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent of the cropland from
erosion alone, and a total loss of farmland (from both causes) of 0.85 percent
to 1.05 percent per year. 5
When these very slow rates of soil
loss are compared with the slow but
steady increases in land productivity
from other sources over the past 50
years, it becomes clear that the productive capacity of U.S. agricultural
4. See R. Neil Sampson, "The Ethical Dimension of
Farmland Protection," in Max Schnepf, Ed., Formland, Food, and the 'Future (Ankeny, Iowa: Soil Conservation Society of America, 1979), pp. 91·4.
5. See Secretary Block's remarks in a hearing before
the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Administration's Recommenda·
tions f~r a Comprehensive Soil and Water Conservation Program: Hearings before the Committee
on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, October 28,
1981, p. 20. Y 4.Ag 8/3:So 3/5. The figures for rates
of change are from the author's calculations, using
figures from Secretary Block's remarks and from
Sampson, "The Ethical Dimension."

land is not declining over time: future
generations will receive an endowment
of agricultural capital that can feed
approximately as many people as it
does at present. Output per acre
increased an average of 1.82 percent
per year from 1970 to 1978 and 1.73
percent over the 48-year period from
1930 to 1978.6 Since additional fertilizer
use has caused much of the current
productivity increase, future rates of
productivity increase will probably be
lower than 1.82 percent because of
higher energy costs and tighter environmental restrictions. Even at its lowest
post-Depression point in the 1940s,
however, output per acre grew at an
average of 1.29 percent per year. This
increase would approximately offset the
current loss of soil from erosion and
diversion to other uses. Thus, it seems
doubtful that the current generation is
passing on agricultural resources that
are less productive than it received.
Program Performance

Most observers agree that the current soil conservation programs are not
working; indeed, there is little evidence
to show that these programs have any
impact on the rate of soil erosion. The
consensus among soil experts is that
the resources devoted to soil conservation are not very well focused on the
problem. One USDA study concludes
that "effectively targeting erosion control funds according to the potential for
erosion could more than triple the
amount of soil saved through the
Current soil conservation policy has
two principal components. The Conser6. See J.B. Penn, "Economic Developments in U.S.
Agriculture during the 1970s," in D. Gale Johnson,
Ed., Food and Agriculture Policy for the 1980s
(Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute,
1981), pp. 15·7.
7. USDA, Soil and Water Resources Conservation
Act Appraisal, Part I, p. 51.

vation Operations Program (COP), with
a fiscal 1982 budget of $311 million, provides technical assistance and advice to
farmers about how to reduce soil erosion, mostly in the form of detailed soil
conservation plans for individual farms.
The Agricultural Conservation Program
(ACP), with a fiscal 1982 budget of $190
million, provides cost-sharing funds to
farmers who undertake approved soil
conservation projects.
An often-heard criticism of COP is
that resources are not always concentrated on those farms experiencing the
worst soil erosion problems, since
assistance is provided only to farmers
who request help. Also, because little
effort is devoted to follow-up visits to
farmers who have been given conservation plans, these plans quickly become
outdated and are discarded by the
farmer. As a result, the 1977 GAO
study cited earlier found that there was
no significant difference in soil erosion
rates for farmers assisted by COP and
farmers without such assistance-a
negative finding independently confirmed by two other studies.f
The major criticism of the Agricultural
Conservation Program is that its costsharing funds are not well targeted to
projects that reduce soil erosion. A
great variety of projects (about 60) are
funded, most of which improve the general productivity of farms but have little
to do with conserving soil. For example,
10 percent of ACP funds are distributed
for the installation of drainage systems
(either open-ditch or underground) to
remove excess water from flat or
slightly depressed farmland. Yet, precisely because of its lack of gradient,
8. See To Protect Tomorrow's Food Supply, p. 16;
Christine A Ervin and David E. Ervin, "Factors
Affecting the Use of Soil Conservation Practices:
Hypothesis, Evidence, and Policy Implications,"
Land Economics, vol. 58, no. 3 (August 1982), pp.
277·93; and Herbert Hoover and Mark Wiitala,
Operator and Landlord Participation in Soil Erosion
Control in the Maple Creek Watershed in Northeast
Nebraska, USDA, 1980.

this sort of farmland is unlikely to experience much soil erosion.
Because of these targeting problems,
less than one-half of ACP funds go to
farms with erosion rates of more than 5
tons per acre per year-the farms that
really need help." The diversion of
funds is so great that the state of Iowa,
which started its own program of costsharing for conservation projects on a
cooperative basis with ACP, decided in
1975 to separate its program completely
from ACP. GAO reported that "state
officials said that this action had been
taken because the ACP authorized too
many production-oriented practices that
would not achieve enduring conservation benefits.,,10
Why does the USDA continue to
fund projects that save negligible
amounts of soil? The legislative history
of ACP indicates that the general
improvement of farm income is an
important, although unstated, goal of
the program. In 1970, farmers had proposed, and the USDA had approved, 60
different projects related to soil conservation to be funded under ACP. Saying
that it wanted to limit funding to projects providing lasting conservation
benefits, the USDA had pared this list
to a handful of projects by 1975. In that
year, however, Congress specifically
directed (in the appropriations bill for
the program) that all of the projects
allowed in 1970 should be funded-a
clear repudiation of the USDA's efforts
to target ACP funds more carefully.
In addition to targeting problems, current U.S. policy conflicts with some
powerful economic forces. Because of
the nature of consumers' need for food,
the demand for farm products rises
much more slowly than the demand for
nonfarm products as an economy
grows. As a result of this imbalance,
productive resources of all kinds are

9. To Protect Tomorrow's Food, p. 16.
10. To Protect Tomorrow's Food, p. 16.

vationists argue that a system of unfettered private-resource markets would
discount the future too heavily-not
enough attention would be given to the
needs of future generations. Depending
on the importance of intergenerational
equity to society and our expectations
about the needs of future generations, it
might make sense for the government
to redistribute resources from current
to future generations. This would be
similar to the redistribution of income
from rich to poor members of the current generation. Ideally, a government
responding to this argument would try
to lower the rate of discount (or interest) on all productive resources, manmade as well as natural. If this is not
possible because of other considerations (for example, macroeconomic policy needs), a second-best solution might
be to preserve at least those nonrenewable resources that are crucial to some
minimum standard of well-being for
future generations. Undoubtedly, productive agricultural land can be considered a crucial resource of this kind.
Intergenerational considerations are
further complicated by the rapidly
expanding world population and the
severe erosion problems being experienced in many underdeveloped
nations. Not only do these factors put
additional pressure on the resources
available in the future, but they also give
these intergenerational issues an international dimension as well. Increasingly,
policymakers will be asked to decide
whether members of future generations
who are not Americans, but instead citizens of some underdeveloped nation,
ought to be considered in questions of
intergenerational equity.

5 tons of topsoil per acre per year without
loss of productivity. Cropland covered
with a thin layer of topsoil can withstand
the loss of 1 ton of topsoil per acre per
year. (These are the approximate rates
at which nature rebuilds the soil.) Based
on these standards, the USDA estimates that about one-third of the cropland in the United States is eroding too
fast to rebuild all of its productivity. If
the cropland used for specialized crops
(such as perennial flowers, orchards,
and vineyards) is not considered, the
national average erosion rate for cropland is 5.1 tons per acre per year. 1
This soil erosion problem is distributed quite unevenly across the United
States. Three areas-the Midwest, the
Great Plains, and the Pacific Northwest-are particularly hard hit by soil
erosion. The General Accounting Office
(GAO) studied a random sample of 283
farms in these regions in 1977 and found
that 80 percent of the farms had erosion
rates of over 5 tons per acre per year. 2
The Corn Belt states, while encompassing some of the most fertile cropland in the nation, also have some of the
highest soil erosion rates. In 1977, for
example, Illinois cropland lost an average of 6.7 tons of soil per acre; Iowa
cropland lost 9.9 tons of soil per acre;
and Missouri cropland lost 10.9 tons per
Despite these seemingly alarming statistics, soil erosion does not present
American agriculture with a crisis situation. Although the rate of erosion is high

Extent of the Problem

2. U.S. Congress, General Accounting Office, To
Protect Tomorrow's Food Supply, Soil Conservation
Needs Priority Attention, 1977, p. 5. GA 1.13:

In absolute terms, our stock of soil
"capital" is slowly wearing out. The U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
estimates that cropland with a deep
topsoil layer can withstand the loss of

1. See USDA, Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act Appraisal, Part 1. Soil, Water, and
Related Resources in the U.S.: Status, Condition,
and Trends, 1980, pp. 97·196. Supt. Doc. No. A
1.2:So 3/7/980.

3. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, America's Soil
and Water: Condition and Trends, December
1980, p. 9. A 57.2:Am 3.

in many areas, implying a decline in
farmland productivity, the stock of U.S.
farmland is enormous. When these erosion trends are converted to an acreequivalent basis and compared with our
vast stock of farm capital, a picture
emerges of only very gradual decline in
soil quality. The executive vice president
of the National Association of Conservation Districts, R. Neil Sampson, has
estimated that farmland typically can
withstand the loss of 650 tons of topsoil
per acre before becoming uneconomic
to farm. By these estimates, soil erosion
reduces the stock of available farmland
by only 0.75 percent per year. Even
when the diversion of cropland to other
uses is included in considerations of
cropland loss, Sampson estimates that
the stock of available farmland is declining by only 1.5 percent per year. 4 Similarly, Secretary of Agriculture John
Block has estimated that erosion will
destroy the equivalent of 25 million
acres to 62 million acres of cropland
over the next 50 years. This translates
into an annual reduction of just 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent of the cropland from
erosion alone, and a total loss of farmland (from both causes) of 0.85 percent
to 1.05 percent per year. 5
When these very slow rates of soil
loss are compared with the slow but
steady increases in land productivity
from other sources over the past 50
years, it becomes clear that the productive capacity of U.S. agricultural
4. See R. Neil Sampson, "The Ethical Dimension of
Farmland Protection," in Max Schnepf, Ed., Formland, Food, and the 'Future (Ankeny, Iowa: Soil Conservation Society of America, 1979), pp. 91·4.
5. See Secretary Block's remarks in a hearing before
the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Administration's Recommenda·
tions f~r a Comprehensive Soil and Water Conservation Program: Hearings before the Committee
on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, October 28,
1981, p. 20. Y 4.Ag 8/3:So 3/5. The figures for rates
of change are from the author's calculations, using
figures from Secretary Block's remarks and from
Sampson, "The Ethical Dimension."

land is not declining over time: future
generations will receive an endowment
of agricultural capital that can feed
approximately as many people as it
does at present. Output per acre
increased an average of 1.82 percent
per year from 1970 to 1978 and 1.73
percent over the 48-year period from
1930 to 1978.6 Since additional fertilizer
use has caused much of the current
productivity increase, future rates of
productivity increase will probably be
lower than 1.82 percent because of
higher energy costs and tighter environmental restrictions. Even at its lowest
post-Depression point in the 1940s,
however, output per acre grew at an
average of 1.29 percent per year. This
increase would approximately offset the
current loss of soil from erosion and
diversion to other uses. Thus, it seems
doubtful that the current generation is
passing on agricultural resources that
are less productive than it received.
Program Performance

Most observers agree that the current soil conservation programs are not
working; indeed, there is little evidence
to show that these programs have any
impact on the rate of soil erosion. The
consensus among soil experts is that
the resources devoted to soil conservation are not very well focused on the
problem. One USDA study concludes
that "effectively targeting erosion control funds according to the potential for
erosion could more than triple the
amount of soil saved through the
Current soil conservation policy has
two principal components. The Conser6. See J.B. Penn, "Economic Developments in U.S.
Agriculture during the 1970s," in D. Gale Johnson,
Ed., Food and Agriculture Policy for the 1980s
(Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute,
1981), pp. 15·7.
7. USDA, Soil and Water Resources Conservation
Act Appraisal, Part I, p. 51.

vation Operations Program (COP), with
a fiscal 1982 budget of $311 million, provides technical assistance and advice to
farmers about how to reduce soil erosion, mostly in the form of detailed soil
conservation plans for individual farms.
The Agricultural Conservation Program
(ACP), with a fiscal 1982 budget of $190
million, provides cost-sharing funds to
farmers who undertake approved soil
conservation projects.
An often-heard criticism of COP is
that resources are not always concentrated on those farms experiencing the
worst soil erosion problems, since
assistance is provided only to farmers
who request help. Also, because little
effort is devoted to follow-up visits to
farmers who have been given conservation plans, these plans quickly become
outdated and are discarded by the
farmer. As a result, the 1977 GAO
study cited earlier found that there was
no significant difference in soil erosion
rates for farmers assisted by COP and
farmers without such assistance-a
negative finding independently confirmed by two other studies.f
The major criticism of the Agricultural
Conservation Program is that its costsharing funds are not well targeted to
projects that reduce soil erosion. A
great variety of projects (about 60) are
funded, most of which improve the general productivity of farms but have little
to do with conserving soil. For example,
10 percent of ACP funds are distributed
for the installation of drainage systems
(either open-ditch or underground) to
remove excess water from flat or
slightly depressed farmland. Yet, precisely because of its lack of gradient,
8. See To Protect Tomorrow's Food Supply, p. 16;
Christine A Ervin and David E. Ervin, "Factors
Affecting the Use of Soil Conservation Practices:
Hypothesis, Evidence, and Policy Implications,"
Land Economics, vol. 58, no. 3 (August 1982), pp.
277·93; and Herbert Hoover and Mark Wiitala,
Operator and Landlord Participation in Soil Erosion
Control in the Maple Creek Watershed in Northeast
Nebraska, USDA, 1980.

this sort of farmland is unlikely to experience much soil erosion.
Because of these targeting problems,
less than one-half of ACP funds go to
farms with erosion rates of more than 5
tons per acre per year-the farms that
really need help." The diversion of
funds is so great that the state of Iowa,
which started its own program of costsharing for conservation projects on a
cooperative basis with ACP, decided in
1975 to separate its program completely
from ACP. GAO reported that "state
officials said that this action had been
taken because the ACP authorized too
many production-oriented practices that
would not achieve enduring conservation benefits.,,10
Why does the USDA continue to
fund projects that save negligible
amounts of soil? The legislative history
of ACP indicates that the general
improvement of farm income is an
important, although unstated, goal of
the program. In 1970, farmers had proposed, and the USDA had approved, 60
different projects related to soil conservation to be funded under ACP. Saying
that it wanted to limit funding to projects providing lasting conservation
benefits, the USDA had pared this list
to a handful of projects by 1975. In that
year, however, Congress specifically
directed (in the appropriations bill for
the program) that all of the projects
allowed in 1970 should be funded-a
clear repudiation of the USDA's efforts
to target ACP funds more carefully.
In addition to targeting problems, current U.S. policy conflicts with some
powerful economic forces. Because of
the nature of consumers' need for food,
the demand for farm products rises
much more slowly than the demand for
nonfarm products as an economy
grows. As a result of this imbalance,
productive resources of all kinds are

9. To Protect Tomorrow's Food, p. 16.
10. To Protect Tomorrow's Food, p. 16.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
being diverted from agriculture to
other uses. Fewer than one-half as
many U.S. farms exist today (2.3 million in 1980) as in 1950 (5.6 million).l1 The USDA estimates that
875,000 acres of cropland per year will
be diverted from cropland to other
uses over the next 50 years. 12And
thousands of farmers have tried to
reduce their dependence on farm
income, either by leaving their farms
entirely or by farming part-time. It is
not surprising, then, that many farmers
find it unprofitable to make investments in maintaining soil quality. One
USDA study found the costs of implementing soil conservation techniques in
Iowa to be three times as great as the
benefits to farmers. 13
It follows that real progress in maintaining soil productivity will be difficult
until such time as the returns to agriculture are at least equal to the returns
in nonagricultural industries. Over the
long term, agricultural economists
forecast that reductions in the number
of farms, increases in the average size
of these farms, and expansion of the
agricultural export market should
steadily increase the returns to farming. Over the short run, however, the
picture is much more gloomy. Three
successive years of bumper crops and
a worldwide recession have steadily
driven down farm prices and incomes.
Also, this increasingly capital-intensive industry has been hurt by high
interest rates. In 1982 the real income
of farm families (measured by average personal disposable income
11. USDA,Agricultural Statistics, 1980, p. 417.
12. USDA,Soil and Water Resources Conservetion Act Appraisal,
Related Resources
Resource Trends,

Part II. Soil, Water, and

per farm, adjusted for inflation) reached
its lowest level since 1968.14
A Case of Government Failure?
The analysis presented here supports
conclusions of two different kinds. First,
with regard to the specifics of the soil
conservation problem in the United
States, the data make the argument for
spending resources on soil conservation
programs more difficult to establish. If
the programs are intended to redress
intergenerational inequities, it must be
argued that merely maintaining current
agricultural capacity is not enoughthat future generations are entitled to
greater agricultural resources than currently exist. If the programs are aimed
at combating pollution, the magnitude of
the benefits conferred by the programs
and the inadequacy of other available
alternatives need to be more clearly
established. Most importantly, if the
programs are to be more than just
income transfers to farmers, it must be
demonstrated that Congress and the
USDA possess (or can find) sufficient
knowledge, power, and determination to
make the programs work.
Second, with respect to the operation
of government programs in general, the
case of soil conservation illustrates a
recurring theme in the literature of economics and politics that both markets
and governments sometimes fail to allocate resources equitably and efficiently.
In particular, the analysis presented
here implies that these two decisionmaking mechanisms often fail for much
the same reasons. To maintain intergenerational equity, for example, a soil
conservation program might be necessary because a system of private
markets might not provide sufficiently
for the needs of future generations. But
the actions of Congress with respect to
the ACP bear out the fears of many

in the U.S.: Analysis of
1980,p. 49.A 1.2:So3/7/980.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation;
Rosenberry,RussellKnutson,and LacyHarmon,
"Predictingthe EffectsofSoilDepletionfromErosion,"Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 14.USDA,EconomicResearchService,Agricultural
35,no.3 (May-June1980),pp. 131-4.
Outlook, November
1982,p. 14.

natural resource economists that public
decision-making mechanisms might not
be any more cognizant of the needs and
rights of future generations than are private markets. The 1975 decision of
which conservation projects to fund,
although seemingly based on technical
issues in farm management, represents
a victory of current farming interests
over the interests of farmers and consumers in the future.
Similarly, in dealing with soil-erosionrelated water pollution, the same factors
that cause private markets to fail also
hinder government programs directed
at the problem. If the extent of soil pollution of rivers and lakes caused by
individual farms could be monitored
cheaply, a system of taxes could be
devised to deal with this problem, while
leaving soil management policy in private hands. In fact, if the number of
affected individuals were small and
property rights were clearly established
and enforced, the market itself might be
able to solve this problem efficiently

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland,OH 44101

through a system of payments between
farmers and those hurt by soil-erosioncaused pollution. Since it is difficult and
expensive to monitor water-pollution
rates in this way, however, the government might have to encourage specific
farming practices to deal with this situation. The trouble is that government in
this instance has no guidelines by which
to target its resources on the problem
or gauge success in achieving its goals.
Under these circumstances, legislators
and agencies tend to measure program
performance in terms of numbers of participating farms, types of conservation
practices performed, and total dollars
spent, rather than in terms of soil saved
from erosion or waterways cleaned of
pollution. If public authorities are at all
inefficient in executing these programs,
this situation tends to exacerbate that
inefficiency by frustrating program evaluation and control. It is not at all surprising, therefore, that analysts have
found soil conservation resources poorly
focused in terms of soil erosion needs.

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

~lgnomic Commentary
Soil Conservation: Market Failure
and Program Performance
by Paul Gary Wyckoff
Since the days of the Dust Bowl, policy
analysts and policymakers have worried
that uninformed and/or indifferent
farmers might wear out the very
resource most crucial to their
livelihood-the soil. In the 1970s and
1980s, this concern has intensified as
part of a growing awareness of natural
resource scarcity and environmental
quality issues. This Economic Commentary examines the economic rationale
behind soil conservation programs,
assesses the magnitude of the soil erosion problem, and evaluates the effectiveness of current U.S. soil conservation policies. In addition, this article
analyzes the reasons why these programs have failed to meet all of their
objectives, and it illustrates some common problems in making and carrying
out public policy.
Economic Basis
for Soil Conservation

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

January 24, 1983

Soil conservation programs have two
principal economic objectives. First,
from the standpoint of efficiency, it can
be argued that soil erosion should be
prevented because it contributes to the
pollution of rivers and streams. The
eroding soil hinders the navigation of
these waters, and it also can change
their ecological character (e.g., by filling
up ponds and changing them to marshes),
thus destroying the habitat of indigenous
wildlife. In addition, the soil can act as a
carrier of pesticides, fertilizers, and
other agricultural chemicals that can
damage the aquatic environment.

The magnitude of this environmental
problem has not been clearly established. However, soil conservation programs can be especially important here
because soil-erosion-related pollution is
of a "non-point" nature-it cannot be
easily traced to particular farms or
farmers. Thus, the usual environmental
regulations or fees cannot be used to
combat soil-erosion-related water
Second, it has been argued that even
if agricultural markets operate efficiently, resources might not be distributed equitably across generations by a
system of private markets. Once farmland is badly eroded, it is technically
possible to restore its productivity
through the heavy use of crop residues
and fertilizers; yet, the costs are such
that it is quite often economically inefficient to do so. Practically speaking,
then, land that is destroyed by current
generations will be permanently lost to
society (or lost for the 100 years to 250
years that it takes for land to rejuvenate
naturally). Since succeeding generations
are not direct participants in the
markets for agricultural land and other
factors of production, their well-being
depends entirely on the benevolence of
the current generation in preserving
resources for future use. Many censerPaul Gary Wyckoff isan economist with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The viewsstated hereinare those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors
the Federal Reserve System.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
being diverted from agriculture to
other uses. Fewer than one-half as
many U.S. farms exist today (2.3 million in 1980) as in 1950 (5.6 million).l1 The USDA estimates that
875,000 acres of cropland per year will
be diverted from cropland to other
uses over the next 50 years. 12And
thousands of farmers have tried to
reduce their dependence on farm
income, either by leaving their farms
entirely or by farming part-time. It is
not surprising, then, that many farmers
find it unprofitable to make investments in maintaining soil quality. One
USDA study found the costs of implementing soil conservation techniques in
Iowa to be three times as great as the
benefits to farmers. 13
It follows that real progress in maintaining soil productivity will be difficult
until such time as the returns to agriculture are at least equal to the returns
in nonagricultural industries. Over the
long term, agricultural economists
forecast that reductions in the number
of farms, increases in the average size
of these farms, and expansion of the
agricultural export market should
steadily increase the returns to farming. Over the short run, however, the
picture is much more gloomy. Three
successive years of bumper crops and
a worldwide recession have steadily
driven down farm prices and incomes.
Also, this increasingly capital-intensive industry has been hurt by high
interest rates. In 1982 the real income
of farm families (measured by average personal disposable income
11. USDA,Agricultural Statistics, 1980, p. 417.
12. USDA,Soil and Water Resources Conservetion Act Appraisal,
Related Resources
Resource Trends,

Part II. Soil, Water, and

per farm, adjusted for inflation) reached
its lowest level since 1968.14
A Case of Government Failure?
The analysis presented here supports
conclusions of two different kinds. First,
with regard to the specifics of the soil
conservation problem in the United
States, the data make the argument for
spending resources on soil conservation
programs more difficult to establish. If
the programs are intended to redress
intergenerational inequities, it must be
argued that merely maintaining current
agricultural capacity is not enoughthat future generations are entitled to
greater agricultural resources than currently exist. If the programs are aimed
at combating pollution, the magnitude of
the benefits conferred by the programs
and the inadequacy of other available
alternatives need to be more clearly
established. Most importantly, if the
programs are to be more than just
income transfers to farmers, it must be
demonstrated that Congress and the
USDA possess (or can find) sufficient
knowledge, power, and determination to
make the programs work.
Second, with respect to the operation
of government programs in general, the
case of soil conservation illustrates a
recurring theme in the literature of economics and politics that both markets
and governments sometimes fail to allocate resources equitably and efficiently.
In particular, the analysis presented
here implies that these two decisionmaking mechanisms often fail for much
the same reasons. To maintain intergenerational equity, for example, a soil
conservation program might be necessary because a system of private
markets might not provide sufficiently
for the needs of future generations. But
the actions of Congress with respect to
the ACP bear out the fears of many

in the U.S.: Analysis of
1980,p. 49.A 1.2:So3/7/980.
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation;
Rosenberry,RussellKnutson,and LacyHarmon,
"Predictingthe EffectsofSoilDepletionfromErosion,"Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 14.USDA,EconomicResearchService,Agricultural
35,no.3 (May-June1980),pp. 131-4.
Outlook, November
1982,p. 14.

natural resource economists that public
decision-making mechanisms might not
be any more cognizant of the needs and
rights of future generations than are private markets. The 1975 decision of
which conservation projects to fund,
although seemingly based on technical
issues in farm management, represents
a victory of current farming interests
over the interests of farmers and consumers in the future.
Similarly, in dealing with soil-erosionrelated water pollution, the same factors
that cause private markets to fail also
hinder government programs directed
at the problem. If the extent of soil pollution of rivers and lakes caused by
individual farms could be monitored
cheaply, a system of taxes could be
devised to deal with this problem, while
leaving soil management policy in private hands. In fact, if the number of
affected individuals were small and
property rights were clearly established
and enforced, the market itself might be
able to solve this problem efficiently

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland,OH 44101

through a system of payments between
farmers and those hurt by soil-erosioncaused pollution. Since it is difficult and
expensive to monitor water-pollution
rates in this way, however, the government might have to encourage specific
farming practices to deal with this situation. The trouble is that government in
this instance has no guidelines by which
to target its resources on the problem
or gauge success in achieving its goals.
Under these circumstances, legislators
and agencies tend to measure program
performance in terms of numbers of participating farms, types of conservation
practices performed, and total dollars
spent, rather than in terms of soil saved
from erosion or waterways cleaned of
pollution. If public authorities are at all
inefficient in executing these programs,
this situation tends to exacerbate that
inefficiency by frustrating program evaluation and control. It is not at all surprising, therefore, that analysts have
found soil conservation resources poorly
focused in terms of soil erosion needs.

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

~lgnomic Commentary
Soil Conservation: Market Failure
and Program Performance
by Paul Gary Wyckoff
Since the days of the Dust Bowl, policy
analysts and policymakers have worried
that uninformed and/or indifferent
farmers might wear out the very
resource most crucial to their
livelihood-the soil. In the 1970s and
1980s, this concern has intensified as
part of a growing awareness of natural
resource scarcity and environmental
quality issues. This Economic Commentary examines the economic rationale
behind soil conservation programs,
assesses the magnitude of the soil erosion problem, and evaluates the effectiveness of current U.S. soil conservation policies. In addition, this article
analyzes the reasons why these programs have failed to meet all of their
objectives, and it illustrates some common problems in making and carrying
out public policy.
Economic Basis
for Soil Conservation

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

January 24, 1983

Soil conservation programs have two
principal economic objectives. First,
from the standpoint of efficiency, it can
be argued that soil erosion should be
prevented because it contributes to the
pollution of rivers and streams. The
eroding soil hinders the navigation of
these waters, and it also can change
their ecological character (e.g., by filling
up ponds and changing them to marshes),
thus destroying the habitat of indigenous
wildlife. In addition, the soil can act as a
carrier of pesticides, fertilizers, and
other agricultural chemicals that can
damage the aquatic environment.

The magnitude of this environmental
problem has not been clearly established. However, soil conservation programs can be especially important here
because soil-erosion-related pollution is
of a "non-point" nature-it cannot be
easily traced to particular farms or
farmers. Thus, the usual environmental
regulations or fees cannot be used to
combat soil-erosion-related water
Second, it has been argued that even
if agricultural markets operate efficiently, resources might not be distributed equitably across generations by a
system of private markets. Once farmland is badly eroded, it is technically
possible to restore its productivity
through the heavy use of crop residues
and fertilizers; yet, the costs are such
that it is quite often economically inefficient to do so. Practically speaking,
then, land that is destroyed by current
generations will be permanently lost to
society (or lost for the 100 years to 250
years that it takes for land to rejuvenate
naturally). Since succeeding generations
are not direct participants in the
markets for agricultural land and other
factors of production, their well-being
depends entirely on the benevolence of
the current generation in preserving
resources for future use. Many censerPaul Gary Wyckoff isan economist with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The viewsstated hereinare those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors
the Federal Reserve System.