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1, 1988

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

to Ohio's
Manufacturing Jobs?
by Randall W. Eberts

manufacturing sector has
experienced a healthy expansion duro
ing the last five years. According to
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland's Ohio Manufacturing Index, output has increased at an average annual
rate of 7.7 percent.' This pace is
even faster than the national annual
rate of 5.6 percent, which in recent
years has grown at a faster pace than
it has averaged over the last rwo
Despite this surge in Ohio production, manufacturing employment has
remained relatively flat (see figure 1).
Since the lowest point of the] 982
recession, the gain in factory jobs has
averaged only 0.3 percent annually.
Most of this gain occurred within the
first six quarters of the current expansion. Since peaking in ]984 third
quarter, manufacturing employment
has been slowly falling, registering a
total net loss of 3.0 percent (as of
June ]988).
Employment gains in the current
expansion pale in comparison to the
number of factory jobs added during
the previous expansion. Berween 1975

ISSN 0428-1276

second quarter and 1979 fourth quarter, Ohio's manufacturing sector
created 107,500 jobs-35,300
than were created berween 1983 first
quarter and June 1988. Furthermore,
employment increased throughout
most of the previous expansion, swelling by 142,000, or ] 1.3 percent,
before it began trending downward
during the last three quarters of that
What has happened to all the manufacturing jobs during a period that has
been heralded as the "return of
manufacturing" by recent newspaper
and journal articles? Obviously, significant labor productivity gains are part
of the answer.
One article attributes the resurrection
of Midwest manufacturing to an
ardent pursuit of the fundamentals:
closing older, less efficient plants,
trimming the work force, improving
management and labor relations, capitalizing on neglected product niches,
and improving product quality> What·
ever the reasons for productivity
gains, the fact remains that fewer factory jobs are being created during this
expansion than in the previous one.


Although the current


expansion has spawned a resurgence
in Ohio manufacturing, fewer factory
jobs are being created than in previous growth periods. In examining
components of Ohio's net rnanufacturing employment change through
three recent periods, the author
finds that while job losses from plant
closings have remained constant, a
lower percentage of jobs have been
created from business openings. The
slowdown in new job creation has
come primarily from large firms.


The opening of manufacturing firms
is the primary source of net employment change over the business cycle
for Ohio: of the four components,
openings exhibit the largest fluctuation
over the business cycle. As illustrated
in figure 2, the percentage of jobs
gained as a result of firm openings
dropped 5.8 percentage points from
the recovery of 1976-78 to the recession of 1980-82. Job increases from
openings then bounced back by 4.4
percentage points between 1984 and
1986, which helped to pull net employment up from a 10.2 percent decline
to a slight 0.2 percent increase.



1,000 •••••_

of workers

i....-_ .•...._ ..••...
_ •....•..
__ •...•_ ...••.•

_ ••• ~ ••...••




NOTE: Shaded areas indicate 1976-7R expansion, 19OO-HZ recession, and 19H4-H6 expansion.
SOURCE: Employment and Earnings, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This Economic Commentary explores the sources of Ohio's slow
manufacturing employment growth
by examining the differences, if any,
between the dynamics of employment
change during the current expansion,
during the 1980-82 recession, and
during the 1975-79 expansion. Have
new jobs come primarily from small
businesses or large? Have they come
more from the opening of new establishments or from the expansion of
existing ones? Has the closing of
existing plants been inordinately high
during the last recession? These questions are important not only for
understanding where jobs will come
from in the future, but also for understanding how this region may be
positioned for future economic
• Employment Dynamics
Manufacturing employment dynamics
can be examined by dividing net
employment change into four components: job gains from the openings
of new businesses, gains from the
expansion of existing businesses, job
losses from the closing of existing
businesses, and losses from the contraction of existing businesses.

The percentage of jobs gained or lost
from these four components are displayed in table 1 for Ohio's 17 metropolitan statistical areas and are shown
in figure 2 for three separate periods,
coinciding with expansions and recessions during the last business cycle.
The 1976-78 period marks the middle
years of the previous recovery (not
counting the brief recovery in 1981);
the 1980-82 period spans two recessions; and the 1984-86 period falls in
the middle of the present expansion.
The components are also broken down
by firm size and affiliation, as shown
in table 1. The percentages of manufacturing employment change are based
on total employment at the beginning
of each period. The percentages
related to firm size are also based on
total employment, so that the percentages by subgroup add up to the total.
How does the economy move from
net employment increases during an
expansion to net employment
decreases during a recession and
then back again? The four components of net employment change
present numerous possibilities. However, it turns out that the mechanism
is quite simple.

In terms of employment levels, openings accounted for an average
increase or decrease over the business cycle of roughly 66,000 jobs,
assuming an average manufacturing
base of 1.3 million jobs.
Openings are also the largest source
of new jobs during each period, and
the importance of this source is
greater in the current expansion than
in the previous one. Between 1976
and 1978, the heart of the first expansion, job gains from openings were
40 percent higher than gains from
expansions. After falling during the
recession, the ratio has risen to 56
percent in the current expansion.
Contractions of existing establishments exhibit the second-largest
degree of fluctuation over the business cycle. The percentage of jobs
lost due to contractions increased by
2.1 percentage points between 197678 and 1980-82 and then fell by 3.5
percentage points between 1980-82
and 1984-86.
A surprising finding is that the proportion of jobs lost from firm closings
is virtually the same during recessions
as it is during expansions. Over the
business cycle, the percentage of jobs
lost due to closings deviated by less
than two percentage points.


Percentage changes over two-year period


of Total

























Large- headq uartered
in the state






Large-headq uartered
outside the state







All establishments








of Total





















Large- headquartered
in the state







Large- headquartered
outside the state


All establishments












of Total





















Large- headq uartered
in the state







Large- headq uartered
outside the state


All establishments






NOTE: Small businesses arc defined as affiliated with firms with less than 100 employees; medium businesses arc affiliated with firms with 100 to ':;00 employees; and large businesses are affiliated with firms
with more than '::;00employees.
SOURCE, t I.S. Establishment Longitudinal Microdata (lISEIJ\1), Small Business Administration.

The finding that closings do not vary
appreciably over the business cycle
runs counter to the general perception that recessions help to restructure the economy by purging it of
inefficient firms. Rather, these results
suggest that restructuring from closings occurs continuously, in expansions as well as in recessions. The
question is whether enough startups
will occur to replace the jobs that are
lost due to closings.
For Ohio, jobs lost from closings have
outnumbered jobs gained from openings in all periods except 1976-78,
when the two components were virtually the same. Expansions of existing establishments account for the
rest of the job gains, but these
increases barely cover the jobs lost
due to contractions of firms in either
expansionary period.
What, then, has happened to manufacturing jobs in Ohio? The answer is
simply that fewer jobs are being
created from openings and expansions
in this economic expansion than in
the earlier one. The smaller net job
gain is not due to more jobs being
lost from closings or layoffs. In fact,
the percentage of jobs lost as a result
of closings and contractions is lower
now than in the 1976-78 period.
• Who Is Falling Behind?
Jobs gained from the opening of
establishments affiliated with large
firms (500 or more employees) are
lower in this period than in the earlier expansion, and their share of total
job creation is also lower. The openings of establishments affiliated with
large corporations currently add 9
percent to the employment base,
whereas in the earlier expansion
these establishments added 11.4 percent to the employment


Consequently, the contribution of
large corporations to employment has
fallen from 86 percent of all new jobs
resulting from firm openings to 76
percent. Expansions of large firms
have also dropped off, from generating 5.8 percent additional jobs


The opening of manufacturing firms
is the primary source of net employment change over the business cycle
for Ohio: of the four components,
openings exhibit the largest fluctuation
over the business cycle. As illustrated
in figure 2, the percentage of jobs
gained as a result of firm openings
dropped 5.8 percentage points from
the recovery of 1976-78 to the recession of 1980-82. Job increases from
openings then bounced back by 4.4
percentage points between 1984 and
1986, which helped to pull net employment up from a 10.2 percent decline
to a slight 0.2 percent increase.



1,000 •••••_

of workers

i....-_ .•...._ ..••...
_ •....•..
__ •...•_ ...••.•

_ ••• ~ ••...••




NOTE: Shaded areas indicate 1976-7R expansion, 19OO-HZ recession, and 19H4-H6 expansion.
SOURCE: Employment and Earnings, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

This Economic Commentary explores the sources of Ohio's slow
manufacturing employment growth
by examining the differences, if any,
between the dynamics of employment
change during the current expansion,
during the 1980-82 recession, and
during the 1975-79 expansion. Have
new jobs come primarily from small
businesses or large? Have they come
more from the opening of new establishments or from the expansion of
existing ones? Has the closing of
existing plants been inordinately high
during the last recession? These questions are important not only for
understanding where jobs will come
from in the future, but also for understanding how this region may be
positioned for future economic
• Employment Dynamics
Manufacturing employment dynamics
can be examined by dividing net
employment change into four components: job gains from the openings
of new businesses, gains from the
expansion of existing businesses, job
losses from the closing of existing
businesses, and losses from the contraction of existing businesses.

The percentage of jobs gained or lost
from these four components are displayed in table 1 for Ohio's 17 metropolitan statistical areas and are shown
in figure 2 for three separate periods,
coinciding with expansions and recessions during the last business cycle.
The 1976-78 period marks the middle
years of the previous recovery (not
counting the brief recovery in 1981);
the 1980-82 period spans two recessions; and the 1984-86 period falls in
the middle of the present expansion.
The components are also broken down
by firm size and affiliation, as shown
in table 1. The percentages of manufacturing employment change are based
on total employment at the beginning
of each period. The percentages
related to firm size are also based on
total employment, so that the percentages by subgroup add up to the total.
How does the economy move from
net employment increases during an
expansion to net employment
decreases during a recession and
then back again? The four components of net employment change
present numerous possibilities. However, it turns out that the mechanism
is quite simple.

In terms of employment levels, openings accounted for an average
increase or decrease over the business cycle of roughly 66,000 jobs,
assuming an average manufacturing
base of 1.3 million jobs.
Openings are also the largest source
of new jobs during each period, and
the importance of this source is
greater in the current expansion than
in the previous one. Between 1976
and 1978, the heart of the first expansion, job gains from openings were
40 percent higher than gains from
expansions. After falling during the
recession, the ratio has risen to 56
percent in the current expansion.
Contractions of existing establishments exhibit the second-largest
degree of fluctuation over the business cycle. The percentage of jobs
lost due to contractions increased by
2.1 percentage points between 197678 and 1980-82 and then fell by 3.5
percentage points between 1980-82
and 1984-86.
A surprising finding is that the proportion of jobs lost from firm closings
is virtually the same during recessions
as it is during expansions. Over the
business cycle, the percentage of jobs
lost due to closings deviated by less
than two percentage points.


Percentage changes over two-year period


of Total

























Large- headq uartered
in the state






Large-headq uartered
outside the state







All establishments








of Total





















Large- headquartered
in the state







Large- headquartered
outside the state


All establishments












of Total





















Large- headq uartered
in the state







Large- headq uartered
outside the state


All establishments






NOTE: Small businesses arc defined as affiliated with firms with less than 100 employees; medium businesses arc affiliated with firms with 100 to ':;00 employees; and large businesses are affiliated with firms
with more than '::;00employees.
SOURCE, t I.S. Establishment Longitudinal Microdata (lISEIJ\1), Small Business Administration.

The finding that closings do not vary
appreciably over the business cycle
runs counter to the general perception that recessions help to restructure the economy by purging it of
inefficient firms. Rather, these results
suggest that restructuring from closings occurs continuously, in expansions as well as in recessions. The
question is whether enough startups
will occur to replace the jobs that are
lost due to closings.
For Ohio, jobs lost from closings have
outnumbered jobs gained from openings in all periods except 1976-78,
when the two components were virtually the same. Expansions of existing establishments account for the
rest of the job gains, but these
increases barely cover the jobs lost
due to contractions of firms in either
expansionary period.
What, then, has happened to manufacturing jobs in Ohio? The answer is
simply that fewer jobs are being
created from openings and expansions
in this economic expansion than in
the earlier one. The smaller net job
gain is not due to more jobs being
lost from closings or layoffs. In fact,
the percentage of jobs lost as a result
of closings and contractions is lower
now than in the 1976-78 period.
• Who Is Falling Behind?
Jobs gained from the opening of
establishments affiliated with large
firms (500 or more employees) are
lower in this period than in the earlier expansion, and their share of total
job creation is also lower. The openings of establishments affiliated with
large corporations currently add 9
percent to the employment base,
whereas in the earlier expansion
these establishments added 11.4 percent to the employment


Consequently, the contribution of
large corporations to employment has
fallen from 86 percent of all new jobs
resulting from firm openings to 76
percent. Expansions of large firms
have also dropped off, from generating 5.8 percent additional jobs





Percent change





1980·82 -Recession


1984·86 ---.,





SOURCE: U.S. Establishment Longitudinal

Microdata (USELM). Small Business






Percent change
1976·78 --T"""Expansion

1980·82 --.,...Recession

SOURCE: U.S. Establishment Longitudinal



Microdata (USELM). Small Business

between 1976·78 to adding 4.2 percent between 1984·86. Furthermore,
much of this reduction has come
from establishments affiliated with
firms headquartered outside the state.
The slack in job creation has been
picked up by small businesses (less
than 100 employees). During the
1976· 78 expansion, 14 percent of the
new jobs (from both openings and ex·
pansions) came from small businesses.
During the 1984·86 expansion, their
share climbed to 21 percent.
This small contribution, although on
the rise, runs counter to the popular
belief that small firms are the primary
creators of new jobs in the United
States.' Of course, small businesses'
contribution is much higher when all
sectors are considered, since small
businesses account for more than 50
percent of job creation in wholesale
and retail trade. In manufacturing,
however, the national average is
roughly 20 percent, and Ohio manufacturing is not much different.
Small businesses' net contribution to
a region's employment growth
requires more than simply creating
jobs. They must also retain jobs and
expand employment by staying in
business. Since the average life of
small businesses is quite short, they
also have a high closing rate. As
shown in table 1, jobs lost by smallbusiness failures outnumber jobs
gained from small-business formation
in every period. However, expansions
of small businesses have exceeded
contractions in every period. During
the current expansion, three jobs are
created from expansions for every job
lost from contractions. Consequently,
the success of small businesses
comes more from the rate of expansions than from openings.

Considering both openings and
expansions, the small-business sector
made a larger contribution to Ohio's
manufacturing employment in the
1984-86 period than in the other two
periods. Fifty-seven percent more
jobs were created by small businesses
during this period than were lost. In
contrast, 39 percent more jobs were
gained than lost by small businesses
in the 1976-78 expansion.
The current ratio of job gains to job
losses for small businesses is certainly
better than for large businesses. During every period but the first, large
businesses have lost more jobs from
closings and contractions than they
have created from openings and
expansions. Much of this loss is
attributed to closings: an average of
40 percent more jobs are lost from
this source than from contractions.
More than half of these losses result
from the closing of establishments
affiliated with large firms with over
500 employees that are headquartered outside the state in which the
branch plant is located.
Even though the role of small businesses appears to be increasing in
Ohio's economy, large businesses
still dominate, especially establishments affiliated with firms headquartered outside the state. Currently,
large establishments affiliated with
out-of-state corporations, which comprise 9.9 percent of Ohio's metropolitan manufacturing establishments,
account for 48.4 percent of the state's
metropolitan manufacturing jobs.
Firms affiliated with large corporations headquartered within Ohio
employ 23.2 percent of the factory
workers in 5.6 percent of the establishments. Small businesses, on the
other hand, account for 75.2 percent
of establishments but only 16.4 percent of the manufacturing



Ohio Compared

with the Nation

The process of net employment
change over a business cycle described above is not unique to Ohio.
National estimates show the same
general pattern, but with a slight
twist. As displayed in figure 3, the
percentage of jobs gained nationally
due to openings fell from 11.5 percent in 1976-78 to 7.4 percent in
1980-82 and then sprang back to 13.6
percent in 1984-86.
The percentage of jobs lost due to
closings, on the other hand, increased
by only 1.9 percentage points
between the earlier expansion and
the recession. However, the difference between the nation's closing
rate and Ohio's is that the national
rate has continued to climb an additional 1.8 percentage points during
the current expansion, whereas
Ohio's closing rate has settled back to
12.1 percent-1.6
percentage points
lower than the recessionary


Why does the national closing rate continue to increase? Part of the answer
may be related to a flurry of mergers
and acquisitions during this expansion. This phenomenon
may account
for the equal percentage of jobs
gained and lost due to openings and
closings of large firms (9.7 percent
for each), since mergers and acquisitions in many cases merely represent
a change of ownership. The earlier
two periods do not show this balance
between openings and closings.
Another piece of the puzzle may
simply be related to the higher
number of openings in this economic
expansion than in the previous one.
Since new firms, especially small
ones, have a high probability of closing, the increase in closings in 198486 may simply reflect the fallout from
the increase in small-firm openings.
Another difference is that the role of
openings in manufacturing employment is greater in Ohio than in the
nation. Nationally, expansions generated more jobs than openings in both

1976-78 and 1980-82, and only recently
have openings contributed more than
expansions. In Ohio, the percentage
of jobs created from openings consistently exceeds the number generated
from expansions for those two periods
as well as for the current expansion.


The current expansion has yielded sizable productivity gains in Ohio's manufacturing sector, but at the expense of
employment growth. The primary reason for this relatively slow employment growth compared with the previous expansion is that openings and,
to a lesser extent, expansions have
not created enough new jobs to replace the normal rate of job loss that
typically takes place in the economy.
During the 1984-86 period, Ohio's
manufacturing sector created jobs at
an 11 percent slower rate than the
nation and at a 16 percent slower rate
than during the previous expansion.
Although the rate of job growth is
important to a region's economy, it is
also important to consider the composition of this job growth. In Ohio,
job growth has shifted away from
large corporations to small firms. This
trend may bring some long-run
benefits to the state.
For instance, the small-business sector is thought to be a powerful force
for technological innovation and
ingenuity that can
stimulate an industry and a local
economy. Small businesses have been
shown to generate more innovations
per employee than larger firms and to
spend twice as much of their research
and development dollar on fundamental research.' In addition, small
businesses are believed to be more
responsiveto structural changes than
large firms through quicker entry and
exit into markets, enhancing a
region's ability to adjust more rapidly
to changing economic conditions.

Furthermore, the slight trend away
from the dominance of large corporate affiliates in Ohio may decrease
the relatively wide fluctuations in
employment observed across business cycles and reduce the state's
vulnerability to decisions made by
parties outside the region.
However, neither trend promises to
bring back the tens of thousands of
manufacturing jobs to Ohio's economy that have been lost over the last
decade. In order to maintain a leaner,
more efficient posture, manufacturing
enterprises must continue to rely on
proportionately smaller work forces
per unit of output. The only hope for
increasing the manufacturing employment base in Ohio is for this increase
in productivity and entrepreneurship
to spawn and attract greater industrial
activity within the state.


Randall W Eberts is an assistant vice president and economist at the Federal Reserue
Bank oj Cleveland. The author would like
to thank Ralph Day and john Swinton [or
computer assistance.
The views stated herein are those oj the
author and not necessarily those oj the
Federal Reserve Bank oj Cleveland or oj
the Board oj Governors oj the Federal
Reserue System.



1. The Ohio Manufacturing Index is estimated using manufacturing employment
and electric power consumption data. For
more details, see Michael F. Bryan and
Ralph L Day, "Views from the Ohio Manufacturing Index," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Quarter 1
1987, pp. 20-30. The index is similar in
many respects to the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors' Industrial Production
Index for the nation.
2. Details of the restructuring taking place
within individual firms are documented in
Myron Magnet, "The Resurrection of the
Rust Belt," Fortune, vol. 118, no. 4 (August
15, 1988), pp. 40-46.
3. See David L Birch, Tbe fob Generation
Process, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Program
on Neighborhood and Regional Change,
1979. Recent estimates by Catherine
Armington and Marjorie Odie, "Small
Many jobs?" Brookings
Review, vol. 1, no. 2 (Winter 1982), pp. 1417, place small businesses' contribution to
IOtaI employment growth at around 36
4. See Morton I. Kamien and Nancy L.
Schwartz, Market Structure and Innovation, Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge Universiry Press, 1982, p. 67; and National
Science Foundation, "Trends 10 1982 in
Industrial Support of Basic Research,"
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983.

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Considering both openings and
expansions, the small-business sector
made a larger contribution to Ohio's
manufacturing employment in the
1984-86 period than in the other two
periods. Fifty-seven percent more
jobs were created by small businesses
during this period than were lost. In
contrast, 39 percent more jobs were
gained than lost by small businesses
in the 1976-78 expansion.
The current ratio of job gains to job
losses for small businesses is certainly
better than for large businesses. During every period but the first, large
businesses have lost more jobs from
closings and contractions than they
have created from openings and
expansions. Much of this loss is
attributed to closings: an average of
40 percent more jobs are lost from
this source than from contractions.
More than half of these losses result
from the closing of establishments
affiliated with large firms with over
500 employees that are headquartered outside the state in which the
branch plant is located.
Even though the role of small businesses appears to be increasing in
Ohio's economy, large businesses
still dominate, especially establishments affiliated with firms headquartered outside the state. Currently,
large establishments affiliated with
out-of-state corporations, which comprise 9.9 percent of Ohio's metropolitan manufacturing establishments,
account for 48.4 percent of the state's
metropolitan manufacturing jobs.
Firms affiliated with large corporations headquartered within Ohio
employ 23.2 percent of the factory
workers in 5.6 percent of the establishments. Small businesses, on the
other hand, account for 75.2 percent
of establishments but only 16.4 percent of the manufacturing



Ohio Compared

with the Nation

The process of net employment
change over a business cycle described above is not unique to Ohio.
National estimates show the same
general pattern, but with a slight
twist. As displayed in figure 3, the
percentage of jobs gained nationally
due to openings fell from 11.5 percent in 1976-78 to 7.4 percent in
1980-82 and then sprang back to 13.6
percent in 1984-86.
The percentage of jobs lost due to
closings, on the other hand, increased
by only 1.9 percentage points
between the earlier expansion and
the recession. However, the difference between the nation's closing
rate and Ohio's is that the national
rate has continued to climb an additional 1.8 percentage points during
the current expansion, whereas
Ohio's closing rate has settled back to
12.1 percent-1.6
percentage points
lower than the recessionary


Why does the national closing rate continue to increase? Part of the answer
may be related to a flurry of mergers
and acquisitions during this expansion. This phenomenon
may account
for the equal percentage of jobs
gained and lost due to openings and
closings of large firms (9.7 percent
for each), since mergers and acquisitions in many cases merely represent
a change of ownership. The earlier
two periods do not show this balance
between openings and closings.
Another piece of the puzzle may
simply be related to the higher
number of openings in this economic
expansion than in the previous one.
Since new firms, especially small
ones, have a high probability of closing, the increase in closings in 198486 may simply reflect the fallout from
the increase in small-firm openings.
Another difference is that the role of
openings in manufacturing employment is greater in Ohio than in the
nation. Nationally, expansions generated more jobs than openings in both

1976-78 and 1980-82, and only recently
have openings contributed more than
expansions. In Ohio, the percentage
of jobs created from openings consistently exceeds the number generated
from expansions for those two periods
as well as for the current expansion.


The current expansion has yielded sizable productivity gains in Ohio's manufacturing sector, but at the expense of
employment growth. The primary reason for this relatively slow employment growth compared with the previous expansion is that openings and,
to a lesser extent, expansions have
not created enough new jobs to replace the normal rate of job loss that
typically takes place in the economy.
During the 1984-86 period, Ohio's
manufacturing sector created jobs at
an 11 percent slower rate than the
nation and at a 16 percent slower rate
than during the previous expansion.
Although the rate of job growth is
important to a region's economy, it is
also important to consider the composition of this job growth. In Ohio,
job growth has shifted away from
large corporations to small firms. This
trend may bring some long-run
benefits to the state.
For instance, the small-business sector is thought to be a powerful force
for technological innovation and
ingenuity that can
stimulate an industry and a local
economy. Small businesses have been
shown to generate more innovations
per employee than larger firms and to
spend twice as much of their research
and development dollar on fundamental research.' In addition, small
businesses are believed to be more
responsiveto structural changes than
large firms through quicker entry and
exit into markets, enhancing a
region's ability to adjust more rapidly
to changing economic conditions.

Furthermore, the slight trend away
from the dominance of large corporate affiliates in Ohio may decrease
the relatively wide fluctuations in
employment observed across business cycles and reduce the state's
vulnerability to decisions made by
parties outside the region.
However, neither trend promises to
bring back the tens of thousands of
manufacturing jobs to Ohio's economy that have been lost over the last
decade. In order to maintain a leaner,
more efficient posture, manufacturing
enterprises must continue to rely on
proportionately smaller work forces
per unit of output. The only hope for
increasing the manufacturing employment base in Ohio is for this increase
in productivity and entrepreneurship
to spawn and attract greater industrial
activity within the state.


Randall W Eberts is an assistant vice president and economist at the Federal Reserue
Bank oj Cleveland. The author would like
to thank Ralph Day and john Swinton [or
computer assistance.
The views stated herein are those oj the
author and not necessarily those oj the
Federal Reserve Bank oj Cleveland or oj
the Board oj Governors oj the Federal
Reserue System.



1. The Ohio Manufacturing Index is estimated using manufacturing employment
and electric power consumption data. For
more details, see Michael F. Bryan and
Ralph L Day, "Views from the Ohio Manufacturing Index," Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Quarter 1
1987, pp. 20-30. The index is similar in
many respects to the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors' Industrial Production
Index for the nation.
2. Details of the restructuring taking place
within individual firms are documented in
Myron Magnet, "The Resurrection of the
Rust Belt," Fortune, vol. 118, no. 4 (August
15, 1988), pp. 40-46.
3. See David L Birch, Tbe fob Generation
Process, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Program
on Neighborhood and Regional Change,
1979. Recent estimates by Catherine
Armington and Marjorie Odie, "Small
Many jobs?" Brookings
Review, vol. 1, no. 2 (Winter 1982), pp. 1417, place small businesses' contribution to
IOtaI employment growth at around 36
4. See Morton I. Kamien and Nancy L.
Schwartz, Market Structure and Innovation, Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge Universiry Press, 1982, p. 67; and National
Science Foundation, "Trends 10 1982 in
Industrial Support of Basic Research,"
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983.

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