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January 1, 2001

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Riding the S-Curve: Thriving in a
Technological Revolution
by Jerry L. Jordan


ike most economists, I initially
questioned how long the dramatic U.S.
capital expansion of the 1990s would
endure. What was driving this unprecedented growth? It seemed too strong to
be accounted for by favorable tax policies, or the lower interest rates that come
from breaking the inflation psychosis, or
the life-cycle change that turned babyboom spenders into baby-boom
investors. I suppose that all of these
events have played a role. But I think
that something more important, more
permanent is motivating such a strong
and persistent expansion of physical
capital. Like others, I believe we are in
the midst of a great revolution in technology, one that we can see only in the
wake of the new capital it has fostered.
When we reflect back on this period of
history, I am convinced we will say it
was an economic revolution on an order
of magnitude rarely seen in a lifetime.
And it is transforming the way all of
us—business, labor, and government—
must act.
This technological revolution offers a
great opportunity to leap forward in our
collective prosperity. All of us stand to
benefit. But some will take to the revolution more easily than others. Because of
this, we can expect to see widening gaps
in the growth of prosperity across the
gamut of economic agents. Not all of us
have the same capacity or incentive to
take advantage of emerging technologies. Some of us have invested heavily
in capital and technology that will,
inevitably, become obsolete.

ISSN 0428-1276

New technology is a challenge to business as some rise to the challenge of new
opportunities and stake out competitive
advantages, while others cling to existing methods and see their usefulness
ebb. So too for labor, where the educated
will have an advantage over the uneducated. But new technologies are also a
challenge to public policy.
The public sector is not usually celebrated for its flexibility, and when motivated to move, it is often tempted to
slow the engines of change and smooth
out the unevenness at which our citizens
are prospering. But if policymakers act
on this temptation, they will only exacerbate the costs of this great and inevitable
transformation. The lesson from past
revolutions is clear on this point. If
economic policymakers are to play a
constructive role in this environment,
they must endeavor to become the
agents of change, not impediments to it.
Moreover, we must recognize that those
among us who are least capable of reaping the benefits from new technology
stand to benefit most. It is as much for
them as it is for any of us that policymakers must endeavor to help us make
our transition to the “new economy.”

n Lessons from Revolutions
Past—Riding the S-Curve
Revolutions as great as the one we’re a
part of today have occurred only once in
a very great while. The Industrial Revolution and the introduction of electricity
are two examples. In each of those revolutions, the economy behaved in remarkably similar ways, and people greeted
change with a characteristic mixture of

The information technology revolution offers a great opportunity to leap
forward in our collective prosperity.
All of us stand to benefit. But some
will take to the revolution more easily
than others—policymakers have
learned this lesson from previous economic revolutions. This Economic
Commentary is adapted from a speech
given by Jerry L. Jordan, president
and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, to the Ohio Aerospace
Institute on October 12, 2000.

acceptance and resistance. These patterns are emerging again in our current
economy, suggesting that we might learn
how to maximize the benefits of recent
technological innovations by studying
these earlier events.
The Industrial Revolution was a confluence of technological breakthroughs that
began roughly with the invention of
steam-powered equipment in the eighteenth century. Steam power amplified
the horsepower being applied in the
world’s production processes. And that
was exactly how it was used initially,
merely as a substitute for the hydro-,
wind-, and animal-powered systems
already in place.
But this new technology offered something more than greater dependability and
power. It was transportable, and that
spawned new and exciting capital.
Previous constraints that limited the dis-

tance between the power source and the
production activity were lifted, and the
modern factory was born. So were new
forms of transportation. Steamships and
railroads dramatically reduced the limits
imposed by vast geographic distances. In
short, the motion of the world accelerated.

But this is the effect of innovation, what
economist Joseph Schumpeter called
“creative destruction.” No new technology is possible that does not make obsolete an existing technology. And for a
time, there will be some who will not
welcome the new.

But this great step forward in economic
prosperity was hardly smooth, and social
opposition was often fierce. Much was
invested in the old capital, and the pressure to maintain it was immense. Large
amounts of labor were employed in
operating and maintaining the old tools
and methods, and there was great appeal
in protecting old technology in the name
of preserving jobs. Consider this letter,
written in 1829 by Martin Van Buren,
then governor of New York, to President
Andrew Jackson.1

Perhaps we will be better able to facilitate this great transformation in the
economy if we know what to expect.
Indeed, there are many lessons to be
learned from earlier revolutions.

To: President Jackson,
The canal system of this country is being
threatened by the spread of a new form
of transportation known as “railroads.”
The federal government must preserve
the canals for the following reasons:
One. If canal boats are supplanted by
“railroads,” serious unemployment will
result. Captains, cooks, drivers, hostlers,
repairmen and lock tenders will be left
without means of livelihood, not to mention the numerous farmers now
employed in growing hay for horses.
Two. Boat builders would suffer and
towline, whip and harness makers would
be left destitute.
Three. Canal boats are absolutely essential to the defense of the United States.
In the event of expected trouble with
England, the Erie Canal would be the
only means by which we could ever
move the supplies so vital to waging
modern war.
As you may well know, Mr. President,
“railroad” carriages are pulled at the
enormous speed of 15 miles per hour by
“engines” which, in addition to endangering life and limb of passengers, roar
and snort their way through the countryside, setting fire to crops, scaring the
livestock and frightening women and
children. The Almighty certainly never
intended that people should travel at
such breakneck speed.
Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York

First, the new technology was adopted in
stages over an exceptionally long time, a
phenomenon that economists call the
S-curve. The new technology was
slowly diffused at first. Then, much
later, its adoption accelerated, and
finally, it leveled off. In the case of the
Industrial Revolution, the conversion
from invention to full assimilation was
drawn out over roughly half a century,
although the most rapid period of
advancement appears to have occurred
very late in that process. Likewise,
bringing electricity to U.S. households
took nearly 40 years.
Second, national productivity declined
during the initial 20 years of this assimilation. Before the Industrial Revolution,
American productivity grew at a rate of
a little more than ½ percent annually.
That fell by about half between 1835 and
1855. Similarly, in the first 20 years after
the introduction of electricity, the rate of
productivity growth also fell.
Third, the period of technological assimilation was accompanied by a sharp rise
in the inequality of income growth. In
1815, the premium paid to skilled workers was about 10 percent. By 1855, it
had risen to about 75 percent. And when
we moved from steam to electricity,
income inequality rose sharply again.
What might cause these repeating patterns? Curiously, the long diffusion
process that accompanies major technological breakthroughs lasts as long as the
working life of one generation of labor.
Indeed, it takes a new generation of
workers, underinvested in the old technology and untainted by the limitations
of that technology, to take full advantage
of the opportunity.

Some economists now believe that productivity declines during the early
assimilation period because production
processes need to be realigned and the
workforce needs to be re-educated.
These activities are not easily measured
in standard production statistics, so
investment in new technology is often
unseen in the metrics of economic
performance. And the widened gap in
the distribution of the fruits of this technology is almost certainly a reflection of
the fact that not everyone is equally
prepared or willing to assimilate the
technology. Those who assimilate most
easily make the greatest gains. The
others fall behind.
Eventually, however, the revolutionary
process runs its full course. And once
assimilated, the new technology reveals
its underlying productivity potential. In
the case of the Industrial Revolution,
productivity growth ultimately tripled
from its prerevolution level. The nation
entered an era where its citizens could
expect to see living standards double
every 60 years, instead of doubling
every 175 years, as had previously been
the case. Following the adoption of
electricity, our capacity to improve our
living standards doubled every 25 years.
Now we face another potential leap forward in our national well-being. And
this revolution appears to be following
the patterns seen a century before. The
process of putting the new communications technologies in place is well
underway. But if history repeats itself,
we now stand on the cusp of enjoying
the transformation’s most substantial
gains. Consider that it has been about
25 years since the development of the
microprocessor, halfway through the
process as indicated by historical experience, and only recently have we seen
an explosive expansion of the U.S.
capital stock.
As in past episodes, this new capital did
not initially yield the productivity
growth that it seemed to promise.
Between 1975 and 1994, annual U.S.
productivity growth fell from about
3 percent to 1½ percent. But it is
increasingly clear that productivity
growth is now rapidly gaining momentum again. In the past two and a half

years, nonfarm business productivity
has grown at a pace of approximately
3½ percent annually—its best showing
in about 30 years. And if past technological revolutions are a good indication, this may be only the beginning.
But also as in past revolutionary
episodes, the gains from this new technology are not being spread evenly
across our economy. The earnings gap
between male college graduates and
high school graduates has widened
almost 30 percent since 1979, while the
gap between college graduates and high
school dropouts has grown about
40 percent. Clearly, not everyone is
adopting the new economy with equal
enthusiasm and success.

n Reaping the Revolution’s
Rewards: Learning How
to Learn
New technology is transforming American industry and its products, and the
speed of this transformation appears to
be still accelerating. New innovations
continuously hit the economy, forcing
changes in how and with whom we
interact. One of the most dramatic innovations we are seeing is the speed and
exceptionally low cost at which data and
ideas are transmitted around the globe;
this technological revolution is, more
precisely, a revolution in communication
technology. In a very real sense, it is
changing the world of ideas in essentially
the same way that railroads changed our
conception of physical transportation.
What we may fail to appreciate fully is
that workers are subjected to the same
market forces that are thrust upon business. The revolution is transforming
what workers do and how they do it.
A technological revolution, in fact, is as
much a transformation of labor as it is
capital. We simply cannot conceive of
changing one without also changing
the other.
We all marvel at the new products and
services that come from technological
innovations. It is less easy to adjust to the
way the technological revolution makes
old ideas and old ways of doing things
obsolete and the increasing speed at
which it is doing so. Schumpeter’s idea
of creative destruction applies to knowledge capital as forcibly as it applies to
physical capital. The labor market is
churning, simultaneously creating new

jobs and destroying existing ones. The
lesson from previous technological revolutions is that we must not only appreciate this, we must embrace it as the
necessary cost of progress.
New knowledge is being acquired and
incorporated much more quickly than
before. This means that the useful life
of certain types of knowledge is rapidly
shrinking. That is, our human capital
can, and almost certainly will, depreciate quickly. In an environment where
current knowledge rapidly depreciates
and the skills necessary to excel in the
workplace constantly change, the
state’s role in establishing policies that
help the public accommodate change
is essential.
The idea that change is an inevitable cost
of progress is the single most important
lesson for economic policymakers to
grasp. Unfortunately, our legacy is
exactly the opposite. Economic policy
since the Great Depression mostly has
been aimed at ironing out the ups and
downs of economic performance. Such
policies, in my view, are antithetical
to change.
Consider that, so far at least, the technological revolution has been largely an
American phenomenon. Since 1993,
the U.S. economy has expanded at an
inflation-adjusted rate of a little more
than 25 percent. Growth in western
Europe has been almost 10 percentage
points below that, and the growth seen
in Japan has been about one-third of
what we’ve experienced here.
One explanation for the uneven distribution of the revolution’s fruits around
the globe is that foreign labor and capital markets are less flexible than those
of the United States. The costs of a
displaced worker in Europe and Japan
are higher than in America and, consequently, the risks associated with new
hires and new business startups are
greater abroad than here. But these
impediments to change abroad are
disappearing. Some are being eliminated with the adoption of a more
enlightened social and economic
policy, and some are being forced on
policymakers as the revolution finds
ways to circumvent the obstructions in
its path. All around the world, new
technology is beginning to revolutionize labor policy, trade policy, tax

policy, and even the services
governments are asked to provide,
including educational systems.
Early in the twentieth century, a
great demand arose for workers
who could not only provide
physical strength, but could also
read and calculate. Educational
institutions responded, and high
school enrollment rose. Today,
roughly two-thirds of high school
graduates enter college. And as I
have noted, the earnings gap
between college graduates and
high school graduates continues
to widen.

n Conclusion
In the end, no one will be left
untouched by the revolution now
underway. Labor and capital are
both changing to assimilate this new
technology in order to harvest all the
fruits it has to offer. We in the public
policy arena are merely the gardeners of that process. If we are to play
a constructive role, we must nurture
the fastest and most broadly accessible assimilation of the technology.
At the Federal Reserve, we take
comfort in the fact that we have
entered this period with a stable currency, a sound banking system, and
a highly efficient payment system.
The current revolution has offered
the world new, previously unimaginable financial and monetary
competitors. As the U.S. central
bank, the Federal Reserve must
either become an important part of
the infrastructure that helps these
new technologies take hold or watch
its own usefulness ebb away. The
only thing I am absolutely confident
about is that we cannot know where
this process will end and what the
financial system will look like when
the revolution has finally run its
course. Once we understand that,
the lesson for our institution, as for
many others, is that continued success will depend upon our ability to
learn, and relearn, and learn again.

n Footnote
1. From Gary M. Walton and Hugh
Rockoff, History of the American
Economy, Fort Worth, Texas:
Dryden Press, 1998, p. 198.

Jerry L. Jordan is the president and chief
executive officer of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.
The views expressed here are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
or its staff.
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