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January 15, 1994

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Report of the Fourth District
Economists' Roundtable
by Michael F. Bryan and John B. Martin


' ncertainties always cloud the economic horizon, and current conditions
are no exception to that rule. The surge
in business activity during the final quarter of 1993 raises the immediate question
of whether the economy can maintain
some of this momentum during the coming year, or whether the rapid year-end
growth rate borrowed some strength
from early 1994. One of the longer-term
uncertainties is how forecasters judge
the economy's inflationary potential. To
help sort through these and other issues,
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
hosted its most recent gathering of the
Fourth District Econemists' Roundtable
on January 21.
• Overview of the Outlook
The economy accelerated consistently
throughout 1993, culminating in a
sharp 5.9 percent annualized hike in
real gross domestic product (GDP) during the final quarter of the year. Overall, output advanced 2.9 percent in
1993, moderating from the 3.9 percent
pace in 1992, but not far from the 3.1
percent average growth rate of the entire post-World War II period.
Although monthly data generally foretold the economy's strong year-end
growth, the quarterly expansion was
more than a percentage point greater
than most forecasters had expected.
While the majority of economic sectors
posted gains, the rise was not especially broad-based—roughly threefourths of the real GDP increase in
1993:IVQ was centered in about onefourth of the economy—capital goods,

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residential construction, and consumer
durables. In fact, nonresidential fixed
investment, which accounts for only
about 12 percent of total output, provided more than half of the rise in real
GDP last year. Unlike 1992, however, a
significant portion of last quarter's
growth is generally expected to spill
into the early stages of this year before
moderating to a rate somewhat under 3
percent for the remainder of 1994, according to the median view of the
Roundtable experts (see figure 1).
Of the 15 forecasts presented at the
January meeting, four projected GDP
growth this year above 3 percent, five
ranged from 23/4 percent to 3 percent,
five fell within 2'/S percent and 2V4 percent, and only one projected the economy to grow by less than Vh percent.
The engine of growth in 1994 is thought
to be the same one that sparked most of
the economy's strength in 1993—business spending on capital goods (table 1).
The Roundtable projects that growth rate
to moderate somewhat this year, but still
to provide roughly a third of the economy's thrust.
Also expected to carry into 1994 are increases in residential construction and
consumer spending on durable goods.
Residential structures, a sector that represents only about 4 percent of real
GDP, added significantly to last year's
expansion, particularly in the second
half, when it fueled about 20 percent of
the economy's growth. Although the
Roundtable forecasters expect the

Economic forecasting is a useful tool
for defining the underlying trends in
business activity—outlining the
broad patterns that shape the economy, if not its twists and turns. The
Fourth District Economists' Roundtable assembled recently to give its
spin on current conditions and its predictions for the coming year.

growth rate of total consumer spending
to remain below that of GDP over the
six-quarter forecast horizon, the group
suggested that spending on durable
goods—particularly automobiles—
would continue to pace the recovery.
Personal durable-goods expenditures,
which normally account for about 10
percent of GDP, provided more than 25
percent of overall growth in 1993.
While the Roundtable economists generally view business conditions this
year with some optimism, continued
weakness in a few key sectors is expected to restrain the expansion. For example, government purchases, which
represent about 18 percent of GDP, are
expected to add only about 1 percent of
the economy's growth in 1994. Net exports are another potential drag, as foreign economies, particularly in western
Europe, continue to languish.

The Roundtable panelists observed that
last year's growth favored economic sectors that are heavily influenced by capital
market interest rates. Furthermore, the
100-basis-point decline in long-term
rates in early 1993 was an important
source of the economy's year-end
strength. The Roundtable's outlook for interest rates in 1994 shows a further flattening in the yield curve, mostly from a
rise in money market interest rates rather
than from a significant decline in capital
market rates. Indeed, the Roundtable projects the corporate bond rate to hold at 7
percent in 1994, presumably reflecting
the group's steady inflation projection
over the period.
The Roundtable forecasters expect inflation to follow the same course as in
1993, or perhaps to edge up slightly.
Measured by changes in the Consumer
Price Index (CPI), the median projection calls for inflation, which ended
1993 at about a 2.8 percent annual rate,
to rise gradually to 3.2 percent by the
end of this year (figure 2). Although
there was considerable disparity on this
issue, the participants agreed that disinflation has run its course. Of the 13
Roundtable panelists presenting inflation forecasts, five expected the 1994
inflation rate to be greater than 3 percent, three fell within 23A percent and
3 percent, four were between 2'/2 percent and 23/4 percent, and only one expected a rate less than 2 '/2 percent.
Among the more important issues in
business analysis is the measurement
of services output. Difficulties in measuring the production of services affect
our interpretation of growth, productivity, and inflation. The Federal Reserve,
with a stated objective of price stability, considers this a particularly cogent
issue. Does price stability actually mean
no underlying trend in the CPI, or do
biases in the price indexes, such as
from the mismeasurement of services,
suggest that some rate of inflation
greater than zero would be appropriate?
The Roundtable invited Dennis Fixler,
an economist at the Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS), to discuss recent research on the measurement of services.

• BLS Measurement of
Service Sector Prices
Dennis Fixler, Economist, BLS, Division
of Price and Index Number Research
It is well known that the share of national
output provided by services in the U.S. economy has steadily increased. The development of price indexes to measure the service
sector, however, has not kept pace. One reason for this lag is the complexity and intangibility of service activities: Unlike the output
of mining and manufacturing firms, service
firms' output tends to be difficult to define
and to count.
In recent years, the BLS has attempted to
expand the services coverage of the CPI. the
Producer Price Index (PPI), and the U.S.
Import and Export Price Indexes. Services
now account for approximately 58 percent
of GDP, and current coverage in the PPI is
about 18.2 percent of GDP, or about 33 percent of services output.
To illustrate some of the measurement issues
encountered in formulating service-sector
output price indexes (which would be appropriate for the PPI program), consider the financial services provided by commercial
banks and hospitals. In both cases, questions regarding the definition and measurement of output must first he addressed. For
commercial banks, an additional question is
how to value the financial services that are
commonly provided free of charge. An output price index that resolves these issues
can be formulated using the "user cost of
money" concept developed by Barnett and
In measuring the real output of industries, the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) prefers
to deflate nominal output with an output price
index. But because there is no output price index for commercial banks, the BEA measures
real output in the banking industry by first defining output in a given year (the benchmark
value) and then estimating output in subsequent years by changing this value according to "the number of persons employed."
Thus, there is an implicit assumption of no labor productivity growth in the commercial
banking industry.
Further consequences of the absence of an
output price index can be seen through a comparison of the BEA's measure and the output
growth corresponding to the movement of the
implicit quantity index obtained by deflating
with the user-cost-based output index. From
1982 to 1988, the BEA method shows that the
constant dollar (1982) real output of banks

Percent change, s.a.a.r.a





Percent change, s.a.a.r.a




a. Seasonally adjusted annual rate.
NOTE: High and low are the average of the three highest and lowest
forecasts, respectively.
SOURCES: Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland. January 21. 1994: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics; and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

rose 5 percent, while prices climbed 89 percent. Calculating the output price index for
a sample of 480 large banks (assets more
than $300 million) and using it to deflate
revenues reveals an output growth of 58 percent from 1984 to 1988, with prices falling 8
percent over the period.' The implication is
that there may be substantial measurement
error in the output of commercial banking, but
the magnitude differences are merely suggestive because of the variance in coverages. The
BEA figure encompasses the entire industry.
The movement of prices in the hospital service industry has become especially important
in recent years. Although many researchers
use the hospital component of the CPI medical care component (itself a subindex of the
overall CPI) to compute the real output of
hospitals, this is inappropriate because the


(Percent change from previous quarter, s.a.a.r.d)

Real GDP
Personal consumption
Nonresidential fixed
Residential construction
Government purchases
Industrial production
Consumer Price Index





















a. Seasonally adjusted annual rate.
b. Actual data, fourth quarter over fourth quarter.
SOURCE: Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, January 21, 1994.

CPI does not include business and government purchase of hospital services. In February 1993, the BLS introduced a hospital
service price index that will be part of the
PPI. This index tracks the price movement
of an entire treatment path received during a
single hospital stay. In contrast, the CPI
measures the price change for individual
hospital services. By definition, the PPI
weights will reflect total hospital revenue
from all sources.
One of the most difficult tasks for the BLS in
producing price indexes is separating price
change into two components: pure price
change and price change induced by changes
in product quality. Such a distinction is often
difficult to make for services, and especially
in the case of hospital services. One current
avenue of research is testing whether outcome measures, such as mortality rates, can
be used as quality measures to adjust hospital prices.
The effort to extend the Bureau's coverage
of the service sector is continuing, but the
strength of that effort depends on the availability of funds. The current plan, given
funding, will extend coverage of the PPI to
approximately 45 percent of the services industry, including physician services, real
estate services, legal services, banking, insurance carriers, and insurance agents.
An often-discussed issue in recent
months has been the slow rate at which
the expansion has generated new jobs.
Some have called for greater government inducements to small businesses,
where it is commonly believed that the
majority of new jobs originate. Recent

research by three economists has cast
some doubt on that perception. The
Roundtable asked Steven Davis from
the University of Chicago to share these
findings at the January meeting.

Small Business and Job

Creation: Dissecting the Myth
Steven J. Davis, University of Chicago
and National Bureau of Economic
Few ideas about the U.S. economy reap
greater homage in public discourse than the
belief that small businesses are the fountainhead of job creation. This conventional wisdom is frequently presented as justification
for tax incentives, regulatory policies, and
other government programs that favor the
small business sector.
In a recent study, John Haltiwanger, Scott
Schuh, and I evaluated the statistical methodology that underlies widespread claims
about small business job creation4 In the
process, we identified several statistical fallacies and misleading data interpretations.
One common error entails the use of
changes in the size distribution of employment to draw inferences about the relationship between job creation and employer
size. A second problem—the regression fallacy—leads to overly favorable assessments
of small business job creation whenever
measurement error or transitory employment movements appear in the data. Finally,
a common confusion betH'een net and gross
job creation distorts the overall picture and
hides the enormous number of new jobs created by large employers.

Our study also examines how job creation
and destruction behavior varied with employer size in the U.S. manufacturing sector
from 1972 to 1988. Our empirical analysis
yields the following results:
(1) Large plants and firms accounted for
most newly created (and newly lost) manufacturing jobs. For example, firms with at
least 500 employees were responsible for
more than half of all gross jobs created during this period.
(2) Smaller manufacturing plants and firms
exhibited sharplx higher gross job creation
rates, but not higher net creation rates. In
fact, the net rate revealed no simple or strong
relationship with either firm or plant size.
(3) Sun'ival rates for manufacturing jobs increased sharply with employer size. For example, the one-year survival rate of jobs at the
largest manufacturing firms was twice as
large as the same rate at the smallest firms.
(4) When we replicate the procedures of previous studies with data for the manufacturing sector, we find that their statistical shortcomings sharply overstate the relative
employment growth performance of smaller
These findings undermine the conventional
view about small business job creation. Although one might argue that the contrast between our results and the conventional view
arises from our focus on the manufacturing
sector, we believe that the conventional view
does not rest upon a careful and balanced
analysis of the data.

• Concluding Remarks
A frequent player in stories about the
economic outlook is the Federal Reserve, which is alternately cast either as
the villainous spoiler of aggregate demand or as the virtuous defender of the
purchasing power of money. In either
role, however, the Federal Reserve's
goal of price stability is becoming ever
clearer. Yet the means of achieving
price stability are less definite. Relationships between nominal GDP, the
monetary aggregates, and interest rates,
which once allowed the central bank to
set policy based on the behavior of a
few simple measures, have more recently proven unreliable. An important
question in the conduct of monetary
policy in 1994 concerns the policy

indicators to which the Federal Reserve
should be responding.

respond to a host of indicators when
evaluating its policy options.

Several Roundtable participants urged
the Fed to return to some form of
monetary targeting, whether it be M2
or a new variation of that measure.
These monetary aggregates have, over
time, shown a stable relationship with
nominal spending and inflation, and
there was a common presumption that
they would do so again someday. A policy of real interest-rate targeting was
generally thought to be useful in theory,
but difficult to implement practically.
Among other things, how do we measure the rather abstract concept of a
"real" interest rate? And while an objective for the inflation rate was favorably
considered, a presumed long and variable lag between policy actions and
their eventual effect on prices also argued against such an objective as a singular policy guide. Instead, the Roundtable participants generally assume that
the Federal Reserve will continue to

The next meeting of the Fourth District
Economists' Roundtable is scheduled
for May 20.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

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4. See Steven J. Davis, John Haltiwanger,
and Scott Schuh, "Small Business and Job
Creation: Dissecting the Myth and Reassessing the Facts," forthcoming in L. Solmon and
A. Levenson, eds.. Labor Markets, Employment Policy, and Job Creation, Westview

• Footnotes
1. Upon revision, that estimate has subsequently been raised to 7.5 percent.
2. Dennis Fixler developed such a price
index in "Measuring Financial Service Output and Prices in Commercial Banking," Applied Economics, vol. 25 (1993), pp. 983-93.
The user cost of money was previously developed in W. Barnett, "Economic Monetary Aggregates," Journal of Econometrics, vol. 14
(1980), pp. 11^8; and in D. Donovan, "Modeling the Demand for Liquid Assets: An Application to Canada," International Monetary
Fund Staff Papers, no. 25 (1978), pp. 676-704.

Michael F. Bryan is an economic advisor
and John B. Martin is a senior research
assistant at the Federal Reserve Bank of
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

3. See Dennis Fixler and K. Zieschang,
"Output and Price Measurement in Commercial Banks: Evidence from FDIC Data," Bureau of Labor Statistics, manuscript. 1993.

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