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September 1, 1996

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Reducing Working Hours:
Anterican Workers' Salvation?
by Terry J. Fitzgerald
There '.I' no question that the long-term
salvation of work lies in reducing working hours.
-Thomas R. Donahue
Former Secretary-Treasurer
of the AFL-CI0 1

In March 1991-the trough of the
most recent recession-the civilian
unemployment rate stood at 6.8 percent.
Fifteen months into the recovery, that
rate had increased to 7.8 percent, leading
many in the media to decry the recovery
as "jobless."
Over this same period, many observers
noted that as the unemployment rate was
rising, so too was Americans' average
workweek. Average weekly hours in the
manufacturing sector rose by almost one
hour, while average overtime increased
by more than 30 minutes.
These facts suggest that rather than hiring additional workers, firms were
choosing to have their current employees work longer hours. The Full Employment Act of Fiscal Year 1994, introduced in the House of Representatives
but never passed into law, sought to
counter this trend by modifying the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act
of 1938 (FLSA). In particular, it would
have reduced the standard workweek
from 40 hours to 30 hours and raised the
overtime premium from one and a half
to two times the standard wage.
Proposals intended to cut working hours
and thereby boost employment, sometimes referred to as work-sharing or
work-spreading, are not uncommon.
Work-sharing legislation was introduced
in the U.S. Congress in 1978 and 1985,
and similar proposals have been hotly
ISS N 0428-1276

debated over the last two decades in
many European countries.
While none of these proposals has become law in the United States, the worksharing movement is likely to gain momentum if (or more realistically, when)
the jobless rate begins to rise again. This
Economic Commentary describes the
basic rationale behind policies intended
to "spread the work," and looks at some
of the reasons why they are likely to be
less effective at boosting employment
than proponents claim.


I n March 1992, 9.7 million Americans
were unemployed. That same month,
33.6 million other Americans worked
more than 40 hours per week. One
often-heard solution to this seemingly
paradoxical situation is to encourage
firms to hire additional workers by
reducing the standard workweek.
This, however, could bring its own set
of problems, including reduced output, lower productivity, and even a
decrease in employment.

• The Argument
for Reducing Hours
Proposals to cut working hours are
largely motivated by two observations.
First, during any given week millions of
people are unable to find work. Second,
during the same week millions of others
work more than the standard 40 hours.
For example, while 9.7 million Americans were unemployed in March 1992,
33.6 million others reported working
more than 40 hours per week. 2 Why,
then, don't we change our labor market
policies to discourage firms from relying
on long working hours and thereby encourage them to hire additional workers?
Adding further momentum to the push
for shorter hours is the fac t that working
hours in the United States have remained
largely unchanged over the past 35 years,
while many industrialized countries have
experienced a substantial decline. Figure
1 shows that between 1960 and 1994,
U.S. manufacturing workers went from
putting in the fewest number of hours per
year to the most hours relative to their
counterparts in Japan, Germany, France,
and the United Kingdom. This fact is
sometimes interpreted as a "failure" of
U.S. labor markets-that somehow

America has fallen behind in the race for
shorter hours. Proponents of cutting
hours argue that such a policy would not
only increase employment, but would
also help us catch up with the trend in the
rest of the industrialized world.
While specific proposals to reduce working hours vary, the basic intuition behind
them is fairly simple: There is some total
number of hours to be worked, and society would benefit by spreading these
hours across more people. The resulting
drop in the jobless rate would reduce
government spending on unemployment
insurance and on a variety of welfare
programs that provide assistance to poor
people unable to find work.
To illustrate this view more concretely,
consider a policy that restricts the workweek to 40 hours. If we assume that the
number of hours worked in the economy
remains unchanged, then the hours left
unworked by the 33.6 million Americans
who put in more than 40 hours per week
in March 1992 would have created
enough new 40-hour jobs to put all of the
9.7 million unemployed to work.

• Is an Hour Worked
an Hour Worked?
While there are many reasons to be
skeptical about the huge employment
effects in the example cited above, I will
highlight just a few of them. To begin
with, an implicit assumption made by
advocates of work-sharing is that an
hour worked is an hour worked, regardless of who does the work. That is, the
work currently being done by those
putting in long hours could be performed
just as well by the unemployed.
This hours substitution would require the
skills of the unemployed to be similar to
the skills of those who work Jong hours.
For example, if those putting in long
hours are plumbers and electricians, then
reducing hours would create jobs for
unemployed plumbers and electricians,
but not for unemployed accountants.
Table l uses three broad measureseducation, age (which is strongly correlated with work experience), and occupation-to illustrate how the skills of
the unemployed compare with the skills
of those working long hours (hereafter
referred to as long-hour workers). The
characteristics of the 9.7 million Americans who were jobless in March 1992
are compared with the roughly 34 million who put in more than 40 hours per
week that same month.
Although these categories are quite
broad, it is apparent that the pool of
unemployed have very different characteristics than the population of long-hour
workers. For example, almost 70 percent
of the unemployed bad only a high
school education or less, while for longhour workers that figure was below 40
percent. In contrast, only about 9 percent
of the unemployed had earned a a bachelor's degree or done postgraduate work,
versus 35 percent for long-hour workers.
Looking at age distributions, those
under 25 made up 28 .5 percent of the
unemployed, but only 7.8 percent of the
long-hour group. People in the prime of
their working lives, ages 35 to 54, accounted for more than 50 percent of
long-hour workers, but only 34 percent
of the unemployed.
There are also notable differences in the
occupational breakdown of the two
groups. Most striking is that executives,
administrators/managers, and professionals made up about 37 percent of long-




Hours per year





SOURCE: U.S . Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, International Comparisons of Manufacturing
Productivity and Unit Labor Cost Trends, 1994.

hour workers, but only 9.7 percent of the
unemployed. Alternatively, out-of-work
handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers,
and laborers accounted for 9.4 percent of
the total unemployed, but only 2.6 percent of the long-hour workers.

rnium) from 40 hours to 30 hours. The
intent of this provision, in conjunction
with other provisions of the bill, was to
encourage firms to hire additional workers and decrease the number of hours
per worker.

Thus, when it comes to work-sharing
policies, an hour worked by long-hour
workers is not the same as an hour
worked by the unemployed, who as a
group possess notably different skills.
Looking at more specific measures of
skills would almost certainly magnify
these differences. This mismatch is not
only likely to limit the employment
effects of reducing hours, but could also
lead to reduced productivity and output.

Let's examine the possible effects of reducing standard hours using a simple
example. Suppose a firm can hire workers for $10 an hour up to 40 hours, then
must pay $15 an hour for any additional
time on the job. Furthermore, assume
that the firm must pay $190 in fixed costs
per worker (these costs may include
fringe benefits, and hiring and training
expenses). For simplicity, the firm can
choose among three options, each of
which leads to the same total employee
hours (400) and the same output:

• Policies Can Have
Surprising Effects
A second reason to be skeptical about
work-sharing policies is that it is very
difficult to predict how policy changes
will affect the employment decisions of
firms and workers. If, for example, abiding by a new policy is costly to firms or
their employees, we would expect them
to devise ways of evading that policy. 3
Even if a policy results in a shorter
workweek, this may simply lead to an
increase in moonlighting as those workers whose hours have been cut find second jobs to maintain their income.
As an example of the potential difficulty
in predicting a policy 's effects, consider
one of the provisions of the Full Employment Act: amending the FLSA by
decreasing the standard workweek (after
which firms must pay an overtime pre-

l ) Employ 12 workers for 33 1/] hr.
2) Employ 10 workers for 40 hr.
3) Employ 8 workers for 50 hr.
The cost of each of these options (cost
per worker x number of workers) is

2) $590.00 x 10

= $6,279.96
= $5,900

3) $740.00 x 8

= $5,920. 4

1) $523.33 x 12

Clearly the firm will choose option 2 and
employ 10 workers.
Now consider lowering standard hours
from 40 to 30 and assume that the base
wage rate and fixed costs remain unchanged. The cost of the three options




Worked more
than 40 hours



28 .5




No high school diploma
High school diploma
Some college
Bachelor's degree
Postgraduate degree
24 or younger
35 - 44
55 or older

Executive, administrative, managerial
Professional specialty
Service, except protective
Precision, production, craft, repair
Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, laborers

SOURCES: Author's calculations; and U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current
Population Survey, March 1992.


(Percent change, 1960-1993)
Average annual hours
in manufacturing

United States
United Kingdom



population ratio


SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Momhly Labor Review (various issues), and
International Com!'arisons of Manufacturing Productivity and Unit Labor Cost Trends, 1994.

1) $540.00 x 12


2) $640.00 x 10


3) $790.00 x 8


The firm will now choose to employ
eight workers for 50 hours rather than
10 workers for 40 hours. Thus, reducing
standard hours leads to an increase in
hours per worker and a decrease in
employment, exactly the opposite effect
of what was intended.
Obviously, forecasting the impact of reducing standard hours is much more complicated than this simple example suggests. Wages, output, and productivity are
likely to change when a new policy is
implemented. Furthermore, increases in
the overtime premium, another provision
of the Full Employment Act, could lead
to shorter hours and higher employment.
However, these calculations do show that

well-intended policies can have surprising and undesirable results.

• Shorter Hours and
Employment Growth
So far, I have simply argued that worksharing policies are unlikely to boost
employment as much as some proponents suggest. But one might reasonably
ask, have the countries that experienced
sharp declines in annual hours since
1960 also experienced large increases
in employment?
Table 2 shows the changes in the
employment/population ratios that
accompanied the changes in average
hours worked shown in figure 1.6 Of the
five countries listed, the United States is
the only one whose hours increased between 1960 and 1993. We are also the
only nation whose employment/popula-

tion ratio rose over this period. While
these data do not necessarily reflect the
employment effect of any work-sharingtype policies, they do show that declining
hours do not necessarily lead to increased

• Working Hours: Are We
''Falling Behind"?
One of the motivations for reducing
American workers ' hours is to catch up
with the rest of the industrialized world.
But in what sense has a country with
longer work hours fallen behind?
In every country, workers face a tradeoff between how many hours they spend
earning income, working at home (for
example, cleaning and doing yard work),
and pursuing leisure activities. Labor
market regulations, tax rates, relative
wage rates, along with many other factors, influence how workers decide to
allocate their time.

If after-tax wage rates in one country are
high relative to the cost of buying household services, workers may decide to
spend a few additional hours on the job
and hire someone to clean their house
and cut their lawn. Does that make these
people worse off?7
In another country, the marginal tax rate
on labor income may be very high, discouraging workers from spending many
hours earning income. Are these people
necessarily better off than workers in a
low-tax-rate country where people
choose to work longer hours and consume more goods?

If people in two different countries were
consuming the same amounts of all
goods and services, the country whose
workers put in fewer hours would obviously be the better off of the two. However, if people in one of the countries
consume larger amounts of goods and
services but work more hours, it is not
obvious which nation 's people are better
off. What is clear is that judging whether
people in one country are better off than
those in another based solely on their
working hours is silly.

• Conclusion
Although the impetus for work-sharing
policies lost steam when employment
levels began to pick up in 1993, one can
expect the issue to rise again when the
economy next begins to slow and the
unemployment rate begins to climb.
Furthermore, given the trends in working hours both in the United States and
abroad, the motivation for policies that
would shorten working hours is likely
to persist.
While cutting hours to boost employment may have some intuitive appeal,
work-sharing policies are unlikely to
provide the large employment gains that
their advocates promise, and may result
in lower output and productivity. Rather
than being the "long-term salvation" of
work, shorter working hours may have
an effect more closely captured by
another union official:
[Shorter workweeks]just spread the level
of misery.
- Vernon Watkins
Official of the American Federation
of State, County, and Municipal Ernployees 8

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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• Footnotes
1. See "Labor Wants Shorter Hours to Make
Up for Job Losses," The New York Times,
October 11, 1993.
2. Data are from the April 1992 issue of
Employment and Earnings, U.S. Department
of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and
apply to a particular week during that month.
3. For example, noncompliance with FLSA
has been estimated to be around 10 percent.
See Stephen J. Trejo, ''The Effects of Overtime Pay Regulation on Worker Compensation," American Economic Review, vol. 81,
no. 4 (September 1991), pp. 719-40.
4. $523.33 = ($10 x 33 1'3 + $190);
$590.00 = ($10 x 40 + $190);
$740.00 =($10 x 40 + $15 x 10 + $190).
5. $540.00 = ($10 x 30 + $15 x 3 1/3 + $190);
$640.00 =($10 x 30 + $15 x 10 + $190);
$790.00 = ($10 x 30 + $15 x 20 + $190).

7. See Kristin Roberts and Peter Rupert,
"The Myth of the Overworked American,"
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Commentary, January 15, 1995.
8. See ''Labor Wants Shorter Hours to Make
Up for Job Losses" (footnote 1).


Ten y J. Fitzgerald is an economist at the
Federal Rese1ve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Boa!d of Governors of the Federal Rese1ve

Economic Commentary is now available
electronically through the Cleveland Fed 's
home page on the World Wide Web:

6. While table 2 contains hours data only for
manufacturing workers, data on hours
worked by all workers also show a much
smaller decline in the United States than in
the other countries listed.

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