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January 15, 1990

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Can R&D be the Rx
for the Midwest?
by Julia Melkers and
Randall Eberts


Lidwest manufacturing has enjoyed
a significant rebound in recent years.
Lower production costs, and particularly
lower labor costs, have been an essential ingredient of the restoration of competitiveness by Midwest firms.
Nevertheless, the success of the 1980s
is no guarantee that the region will be
able to maintain a long-term competitive position. Long-run revival also
would appear to require the ability to
innovate, either through quality improvements or through the introduction
of new, more technologically advanced
The reasoning is simple. A region that
increases its comparative advantage by
cutting wages also reduces its standard
of living. Lower wages mean reduced
purchasing power of workers and, consequently, lower income for regions,
which in turn stifles economic development. On the other hand, a region that
can gain a competitive edge through
producing superior products can do so
without lowering wages and sacrificing
its standard of living.
Key to developing superior products
is research and development (R&D).
The question is whether the Midwest
has the R&D facilities and funding to
foster technological advances that can
be transformed into commercial successes. Is this region at a disadvantage

ISSN 0428-1276

in its R&D resources compared with
other regions of the country, primarily
the East and West coasts with their
famed Route 128 and Silicon Valley
This Economic Commentary explores
this issue by assessing three aspects of
the Midwest's R&D capabilities. First,
we consider differences in the level and
source of funding among industrial
R&D labs in the Midwest compared
with those on the East and West coasts.
Second, using a recently completed survey of private R&D labs, we consider
the internal operation of labs and the
perceived barriers that stand between
them and their primary research focus.
Third, to examine regional differences
in the effectiveness of R&D efforts, we
relate a firm's R&D expenditures to its
• Technology and Economic
Research and development provides the
seed for technological innovations and
new product development. The Committee for Economic Development views
technological change as the primary
source of economic growth in the United States. Expenditures on private research and development vary considerably across regions. For example, firms
headquartered in the Midwest spent an
average of $4,088 per employee on
R&D in 1988 (see table 1). Although

Vital to a region's long-run economic
growth is the ability of its manufacturing sector to improve product quality
and to introduce more technologically
advanced products. For the Midwest,
research and development spending
has been low compared with spending
by firms on the East and West coasts.
The authors examine whether this
shortfall has been significant in the
relationship between Midwest firms'
R&D expenditures and their sales.

Midwest firms have increased R&D expenditures by 21 percent between 1987
and 1988, the amount spent per
employee still falls below the amounts
spent by firms headquartered on the
East and West coasts. West Coast firms
spent $11,363 per employee in 1988,
while East Coast firms spent considerably less, $6,010, but still almost half
again as much as Midwest firms."
Some of this regional variation in R&D
expenditures results from the geographical distribution of industries. The East
and West coasts have large concentrations of electronics and pharmaceutical
industries, both of which typically
spend a larger-than-average amount per
employee on R&D. Midwest firms, on
the other hand, concentrate more on

the manufacture of automotive products, consumer products, food, and general manufacturing. These industries
spend only one-third the amount per
employee on R&D that the electronics
and pharmaceutical industries spend.
Comparing R&D expenditures within
various industries does not improve the
picture for Midwest firms, however.
Firms on the East and West coasts outspent Midwest firms in 14 of the 19 industries considered. Midwest firms
excelled in only five industries: automotive, chemicals, food, metals and mining, and telecommunications.
One of the most influential factors affecting the amount of R&D expenditures and the nature of research is the
federal government, which is the source
of nearly half of the nation's R&D
funds. Although a large portion of the
funds go to universities and government
labs, private-industry R&D labs receive
one-third of their overall funding from
the federal government. Moreover,
federal funds make up 70 percent of
private industry's funding of basic research. Consequently, allocation of
federal R&D funds is an important factor in how much private industry spends
on research and development. In fact,
some studies have attributed the success
of the coastal economies relative to the
Midwest to the concentration of federal
dollars allocated to those regions.
The uneven distribution of federal R&D
funding among regions is quite significant. Midwest states receive $85 per
capita in federal R&D funds, while
states along the East and West coasts
receive $225 and $376 per capita,
respectively. Much of this disparity
results from the federal government's
emphasis on funding R&D related to national defense. In fact, the Department
of Defense allocates two-thirds of the
federal R&D funds, and three of the top
four industries with the highest R&D
expenses per employee are defenserelated: computers, electronics, and
telecommunications. Only the healthcare sector, primarily the drug industry,
spends more on R&D than these three








Consumer goods
Health care
Metals and mining
Nonbank financial

$ 3,546

$ 2,372

$ 4,364

$ 3,349

NOTE: Regions are defined as 1) Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin), 2) East (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania), and 3)
West (California, Oregon, Washington, and Utah). Firms are placed in one of these regions according to the
location of their headquarters.
SOURCE: Standard & Poor's COMPUSTAT Services, Inc., as reported in BusinessWeek, July 1989, and
authors' calculations.

The low level of federal R&D funding
in the Midwest is partly a result of the
small percentage of defense-related
firms headquartered in the region.
While Midwest aerospace and telecommunication firms spend at or above the
national average on R&D, they account
for only a small portion of the Midwest's industrial base. Consequently,
even if these industries received the
same number of federal R&D dollars
per employee as similar firms on the
East and West coasts, federal R&D
funding per capita in the region would
still be below the national average.
The federal government also plays a
major role in determining the type of
research that industrial labs undertake.
Responses by R&D lab directors to a
recent survey, funded by the National
Science Foundation, revealed that
government financing strongly influences the focus of their labs' research.
Not surprisingly, the federal govern-

ment's presence was felt more by West
Coast labs than by Midwest labs,
presumably because of their greater dependence on federal funding. On the
West Coast, 63 percent of industrial
labs receive some federal funding, compared with 34 percent of industrial labs
in the Midwest, according to the survey.
• Barriers to R&D Productivity
While expenditures per employee is a
useful measure of R&D efforts, it may
not necessarily reflect the effectiveness
with which these dollars are used. The
purpose of devoting resources to R&D
activities is to develop new techniques
and products, which subsequently
leads to an increase in company sales
and profits. The previously mentioned
survey asked several questions of lab
directors about their perception of barriers to the lab's productivity. Few differences emerged among R&D labs
across the various regions, with a few
notable exceptions.











products. We estimated this relationship for firms headquartered in each of
the three regions, controlling for the
employment level of each firm and the
industry mix of each region.

Sample averages:

R&D expenditures per employee
(1984-88 average)
Sales per employee (1988)

Percentage effect of 10% increase in R&D expenditures per employee on
(evaluated at sample means for each region):
Sales per employee
NOTE: The estimates are obtained by regressing the logs of sales per employee on R&D expenditures per
employee, industry dummy variables, firm employment, and the dependent variable lagged one year.
SOURCE: Business Week, July 1989, and authors' calculations.

Two types of barriers were identified
more often by labs in the Midwest than
by labs in the two coastal regions. The
first barrier was related to the lab's
knowledge base as revealed by the
question: "Does staying current with
rapidly growing scientific and technical knowledge act as a barrier at all to
R&D productivity?" A greater percentage of Midwest lab directors responded
affirmatively to this question than did
their counterparts on the two coasts.
Perhaps industrial R&D labs in the
Midwest feel more removed from the
mainstream networking system. Certainly, the two coasts have the advantage of a high concentration of technical labs and manufacturing facilities,
such as the Silicon Valley and Route
128, and the major universities in close
proximity to these complexes.
The second potential barrier was related
to commercial applications of the lab's
research: "Is concern with short-run
commercial benefits of R&D a barrier
at all to R&D productivity?" Again, a
greater percentage of Midwest lab directors responded affirmatively to this
question. Identifying commercial pressure as a barrier may reflect the Midwest's lack of federal funding, which
leads to increased reliance on corporate
The survey also revealed that Midwest
R&D lab directors, unlike their East and
West coast counterparts, had little problem with finding adequate personnel.
Usually the coasts are thought to have

more, sometimes better-qualified, or the
"right kind" of professionals and technical personnel. Interestingly, a smaller
percentage of labs in the Midwest than
on either coast reported that a shortage
of adequately trained scientific and technical personnel was a barrier to productivity. One reason for this response may
be that professional and technical personnel make up a lower percentage of
total personnel in Midwest labs than in
East and West Coast labs. Consequently, the need for highly trained scientists
may not be as great in the Midwest.
Nevertheless, the Midwest is still on par
with the rest of the country in terms of
the concentration of scientists and engineers employed at doctorate-granting
universities and colleges, relative to the
population. In comparison, the concentration of scientists and engineers
employed at West Coast universities
and colleges was only 85 percent of the
national average, which may explain
the personnel problems there.
• The Relationship Between R&D
Expenditures and Sales
How does the Midwest's shortfall in
R&D expenditures affect the ability of
its firms to transform R&D efforts into
new products and, subsequently, into
increased sales and profits? The
process from R&D to innovation to
new products is very complex, but if
one could show a strong relationship
between company R&D expenditures
and company sales, it would suggest
that R&D efforts do lead to successful

We find a very strong positive relationship between the average level of R&D
expenditures per employee between
1984 and 1988 and the level of sales per
employee in 1988. For all three regions
combined, a 10 percent increase in
R&D expenditures per employee raises
sales per employee by 0.67 percent.
The effect of R&D on sales was very
similar for Midwest and East Coast
firms (see table 2). West Coast firms, on
the other hand, exhibited a significantly
higher propensity to transform R&D
into sales than firms in either the East or
the Midwest. One explanation of this
difference is the higher demand for
R&D expenditures by West Coast
firms, brought about in part by greater
federal funding.
The difference in results between Midwest and West Coast firms points out
a major problem for the Midwest—
encouraging firms to devote more of
their revenues to R&D efforts. Firms
headquartered in the Midwest devote
only 2.9 percent of their sales to R&D,
compared with 7.3 percent for firms on
the West Coast. If Midwest firms would
match their West Coast counterparts,
R&D expenditures between 1984 and
1988 would have averaged $9,482 per
employee—150 percent above the actual amount. According to our simple estimates, this increase in R&D dollars
would boost sales per employee in the
Midwest by about 7.5 percent above
their actual 1988 levels. Of course, the
process is not that simple, and the estimates are offered only to dramatize
the effects of the low level of R&D
spending by Midwest firms.
• Conclusion
Can increased research and development expenditures boost economic
growth in the Midwest? The low level
of R&D spending by firms headquartered in this region compared with those
on the West Coast is dramatic. Much of

this difference appears to be explained
by the heavy concentration of government funding in coastal regions. Certainly, increased R&D expenditures could
generate additional sales.
As economies become more globalized
and information increasingly more accessible, however, less emphasis may
be placed on where basic research is
generated and more attention paid to
how quickly and effectively one can assimilate it and put it to commercial use.
While the U.S. still leads the world in
the quality and absolute quantity of
R&D, other countries, notably Japan,
have taken the lead in developing commercially competitive products. One
of the troubling findings in this study is
the perception by many Midwest R&D
lab directors that they have difficulty
staying current with scientific and technical knowledge.
If R&D is to lead to new products and
innovative manufacturing processes,
several steps are recommended. Managers and stockholders must be willing
to take a long-run view with regard to
return on assets: in particular, R&D
should be treated as an investment
rather than an expense. Management
should integrate corporate R&D with
commercial production in order to
shorten the period from the drawing
board to the production line. Workers

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must be willing to adapt to new technologies and workplace arrangements.
Without these fundamental changes,
the R&D efforts of labs in all regions
of the country will not be able to
generate the new products and processes that will allow us to maintain a
competitive edge in the world economy.
• Footnotes
1. Committee for Economic Development,
Research and Policy Committee, Stimulating
Technological Progress, New York, January
2. These figures are obtained from Standard
& Poor's COMPUSTAT Services, Inc., as
compiled by Business Week, 1989. The
companies included in the survey are limited
to those reporting sales of $35 million or
more and R&D expenses of at least $1 million or at least 1 percent of sales. Research
expenses are those dollars spent on companysponsored R&D.
3. See Ann Markusen, High Tech America,
Winchester, MA: Allen & Unwin, 1986.
4. The survey was part of the National Comparative R&D Laboratory Project, which was
funded by a grant from the National Science
Foundation to Barry Bozeman, Director,
Technology and Information Policy Program,
The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.

6. Robert B. Reich outlines several steps to
speed the commercialization of new technologies in "The Quiet Path to Technological
Preeminence," Scientific American, vol.
261, no. 4, October 1989, 41-47.
7. These suggestions have been offered in
one form or another by Reich, ibid.; Michael
L. Dertouzos, Richard K. Lester, and Robert
M. Solow, Made in America: Regaining the
Productive Edge, Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 1989; and Martin Neil Baily and Alok
K. Chakrabarti, "Innovation and U.S. Competitiveness," The Brookings Review, Fall
1985, 14-21.

Julia Melkers is a Ph.D. student in The Maxwell School at Syracuse University and was
formerly a summer research intern at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Randall
Eberts is an assistant vice president and
economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland. The authors wish to thank Kristin
Smalleyfor research assistance.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

5. Alenka Giese and William Testa,
"Measuring Regional High Tech Activity
with Occupational Data," Working Paper
Series on Regional Economic Issues, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, WP-87-1, January

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