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August 1, 2000

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Price Stability: Is a Tough Central
Bank Enough?
by Lawrence J. Christiano and Terry J. Fitzgerald


he objective of monetary policy, laid
out in the Federal Reserve Act, is to
“promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and
moderate long-term interest rates.”
Many believe the Federal Reserve’s primary focus should be achieving stable
prices, arguing that price stability is
essential to attaining the companion
goals of maximum employment and
moderate interest rates.

The fiscal theory view implies that central bankers must do more than just make
sure their own house is in order: They
must also ensure the fiscal authority
adopts an appropriate policy. If this view
is correct, then governments that seek to
achieve price stability by focusing exclusively on establishing tough central
banks may find price stability impossible
to achieve—unless an appropriate fiscal
policy is, fortuitously, in place.

How can price stability be achieved?
Conventional wisdom offers a simple
and straightforward answer: Make sure
there is a tough, independent central bank
with an unwavering commitment to price
stability. According to this view, a tough
central bank is all that is required.

This Economic Commentary describes
the conventional and the fiscal theory
views of price stability, discusses why
their conclusions are so different, and
examines U.S. inflation behavior in light
of the two views.2

Recently, however, an alternative view
has challenged the conventional wisdom. In this new view, a tough, independent central bank is not enough to ensure
price stability; an appropriate fiscal policy is also required, no matter how tough
the central bank. Because fiscal policy
plays such a prominent role in the theory
underlying this view, it has been called
the fiscal theory of the price level. Thus,
we refer to it throughout this Commentary as the fiscal theory view.1

The conventional wisdom asserts that
the price level is determined by the
quantity of money supplied relative to
the quantity of money demanded. If supply grows faster than demand, the price
level must rise—that is, inflation results.
Furthermore, inflation can occur only
when the monetary authority expands
the money supply too rapidly. But there
is more to the story.

■ The Conventional Wisdom 3

Whether one accepts the conventional
or the fiscal theory view has significant
implications for the way central banks
should conduct business. The traditional
view has fostered the notion that central
banks with a mandate to foster price stability should stay away from the fiscal
authorities, to reduce their likelihood
of being pressured into making poor

ISSN 0428-1276

The Role of Fiscal Policy
At the heart of both the conventional and
the fiscal theory views lies the simple
observation that today’s government
debt must be paid off with future government surpluses. Specifically, the current value of the government debt must
equal the expected present value of
future government surpluses. As we will
discuss, the views differ as to how this
condition gets satisfied.

How can price stability be achieved?
Conventional wisdom says that a
tough, independent central bank is all
that is necessary. However, a new
view—known as the fiscal theory of
the price level—argues that an appropriate fiscal policy is also required, no
matter how tough the central bank
may be. Whether one accepts the conventional or the fiscal theory view has
significant implications for the way
central banks should do business.

Under the conventional view, the current
real (that is, inflation-adjusted) value of
the government debt—the nominal
value divided by the price level—is a
fixed quantity, because the nominal debt
is given and the price level is determined
in the money market. The government
has two ways of generating surpluses to
pay off the debt. It can collect more tax
revenues than it spends—referred to as
fiscal surpluses—or it can print more
money, referred to as seignorage.
Increases in seignorage are accompanied
by increases in inflation.4
A Game of Chicken
The key observation of the conventional
wisdom is that the fiscal authority controls one source of surplus, while the
monetary authority controls the other.
Therefore, a tension exists between the
authorities over the amount each will
contribute toward paying off the debt. If
one authority announces it will collect
very low surpluses, then the other has no
choice but to collect large surpluses to

ensure fiscal solvency (that is, to pay off
the debt). This situation is sometimes
compared to the game of “chicken.” If
one authority can convince the other that
it will collect little surplus no matter
what (it will not swerve), then the other
authority is forced to relent and collect
high surpluses (it must swerve).
Suppose the fiscal authority adopts a
“loose” fiscal policy, reflecting a tax cut
or an increase in expenditures, so that
fiscal surpluses are reduced. Because
today’s real government debt is fixed,
simple arithmetic dictates the monetary
authority must, sooner or later, increase
seignorage to counteract the decline in
fiscal surpluses. This increase in seignorage is accomplished by increasing
the growth rate of the money supply,
and thus it is accompanied by an increase in inflation.
Although the monetary authority may
wish to maintain low money growth and
low inflation, it has no choice but to
increase money growth. It does have
some discretion over the timing of the
increase, so that inflation might rise
sooner or later, or it may be spread out
over time. But whatever the timing, if
the fiscal authority reduces its surpluses,
money growth—and thus inflation—
must go up at some point.
The Conventional Answer—Yes
(A Tough Central Bank Is Enough)
The same arithmetic suggests a solution
to the inflation problem: Design central
banks so they can credibly commit to not
“swerving” when an irresponsible fiscal
authority threatens to reduce future surpluses. Governments around the world
have sought to implement this solution
by making central banks independent
and directing them to assign a high priority to inflation. With the monetary
authority completely committed to a
fixed value for seignorage (it will not
swerve), the arithmetic forces the fiscal
authority to adopt a consistent fiscal policy (it must swerve). This is the basis of
the conventional view.

■ The Fiscal Theory View
According to the fiscal theory view, the
conventional framework just described
is not always appropriate. In particular,
the price level is not always determined
in the money market. Instead, the fiscal
theory view asserts that the price level is
sometimes determined in much the same

way as the price of Microsoft stock.5
This alternative view has dramatic
implications for achieving price stability.
An Analogy to Microsoft
How is the price of Microsoft stock
determined? According to standard theory, Microsoft behaves in a way that will
maximize its profits, and the stock price
reflects how much profit Microsoft is
expected to generate for its stockholders.
The key point is that the price of the
stock responds so that it always equals
the expected present value of future
profits per share of outstanding stock.
According to the fiscal theory, the aggregate price level is determined similarly. Government policies imply a
stream of future surpluses, and the price
level reflects the expected value of this
stream to bondholders. In particular, the
price level is the level at which the current real value of the government debt
equals the expected present value of
future real surpluses.
Recall that under the conventional view,
it is also true that the real government
debt must equal the expected present
value of future surpluses. The key distinction is that under that view, the price
level (and thus the value of real debt) is
determined elsewhere, so future surpluses
must be adjusted with changes in the
price level to ensure fiscal solvency.
Under the fiscal theory view, the causation between the price level and surpluses
runs in the opposite direction. Future surpluses are not calibrated to ensure fiscal
solvency, just as Microsoft does not
adjust its profits to justify changes in its
stock price. Instead, the price level
adjusts so that the real debt (stock price)
is equal to whatever expected future surpluses (profits) are implied by the current
policies (firm decisions).
Suppose the expected present value of
real future government surpluses is represented as 10 billion apples. Further
suppose the total nominal value of current government debt equals $1 billion.
According to the fiscal theory, the price
level today must be 10 cents per apple,
so that the real value of current government debt is 10 billion apples (1 billion
divided by 0.1).

If the price level were not 0.1, but were
0.05 instead (5 cents per apple), then
the current value of the government
debt, in terms of apples, would be 20
billion. However, the government
would generate surpluses of only 10
billion. People could get more apples
by selling government debt and buying
apples today (they could buy 20 apples
for $1) than they could by holding the
government debt and waiting to collect
the government surpluses ($1 of debt
would entitle them to 10 apples). People would choose the former, thereby
driving up the price of apples.
Game Over
Consider again the game of chicken. Suppose that of the 10 billion apples owed
by the government, the fiscal authority
initially agrees to raise 9 billion in future
fiscal surpluses, while the monetary
authority agrees to raise 1 billion. Now
suppose the fiscal authority adopts a
loose fiscal policy that reduces future fiscal surpluses to 4 billion apples. According to conventional wisdom, this policy
change, combined with the requirement
of fiscal solvency, leaves the central bank
with no choice but to swerve and increase seignorage to 6 billion apples,
thereby increasing inflation.
But the situation is quite different under
the fiscal theory. Now there is a third
option for achieving fiscal solvency that
is not envisioned in the game of
chicken—the value of outstanding government debt can be reduced. This is
accomplished through a jump in the price
level. Rather than increasing seignorage
to 6 billion apples, suppose the monetary
authority hangs tough and refuses to
increase seignorage. What would happen? Total expected future surpluses
would fall from 10 billion apples to 5 billion. Nominal government debt would
remain $1 billion. But, unlike under the
conventional view, the price level is free
to adjust to equate the real value of the
debt with expected future surpluses. In
particular, this would occur if the price
level jumped to 20 cents per apple, so
that the current real debt would be 5 billion apples. Fiscal solvency does not
require either authority to change its policy (that is, to swerve).

Under the conventional view, the change
to a loose fiscal policy means the monetary authority has no choice but to
increase money supply growth and, thus,
inflation. This game of chicken is not
played out in the fiscal theory—the
monetary authority is not forced by fiscal solvency to adjust its policy.
Despite the fact that the monetary authority refused to budge in our example, the
price of apples doubled! This increase in
the price level occurs without the complicity of the monetary authority. That is
the crucial distinction from the conventional wisdom—a tough central bank
does not prevent the price increase.6
The Fiscal Theory Answer—No
(A Tough Central Bank Is Not Enough)
Ironically, the disappearance of the game
of chicken prevents a tough central bank
from being able to achieve price stability
on its own. Just as the monetary authority is not forced to swerve by a change in
fiscal policy, a tough central bank cannot
force the fiscal authority to swerve and
increase fiscal surpluses.
In fact, the fiscal theory produces a striking, more general, result. When fiscal
surpluses fluctuate unpredictably
through time, the theory implies that it is
impossible for the central bank to perfectly stabilize the variability of inflation, even though it can control the average rate of inflation.7 That is, the central
bank cannot insulate the price level from
unexpected movements in tax revenues
and expenditures, no matter how tough
and independent it may be.
How can price stability be achieved,
according to the fiscal theory view? One
possibility is to design fiscal policy to
minimize fluctuations in the present
value of future surpluses. Such a policy
would limit the amount the price level
must adjust from period to period.
A second way to achieve price stability,
the one we focus on, makes use of the
fact that with an appropriately chosen
fiscal policy, a tough central bank can
achieve price stability. What is an appropriate fiscal policy? It is a policy that
ensures government debt will not grow
too rapidly. The key point here is that a
tough central bank is not enough for any
fiscal policy, but it is enough for some
policies. Thus, the fiscal theory view
asserts it is crucial to be aware of the
nature of fiscal policy.

■ Which View to Believe?
The key policy assumption of the fiscal
theory is that it allows for fiscal policies
such that if the real value of the government debt were to grow explosively, no
policy adjustments would be made to
keep it in line.8 In contrast, the conventional wisdom assumes government policy will always adjust to keep the debt
in line. We can gain insight into the
plausibility of each assumption by
observing policies that have actually
been in place when government debt
has grown rapidly.
It seems clear that governments often
stand ready to adjust fiscal policy when
the debt gets large. For example, the
Maastricht Treaty records the intention
of European Union members to adjust
fiscal policy in the event their debt
grows too rapidly. Likewise, the International Monetary Fund uses an array of
sanctions and rewards to encourage its
member countries to keep their debt in
line by suitably adjusting fiscal policy.
This may seem like the end of the
story—toss out fiscal theory. But fiscal
theory advocates do not claim that fiscal
policies never respond to exploding debt.
Instead, they argue that debt limitations
such as those imposed by the Maastricht
Treaty and the IMF are precisely the
types of fiscal policies that allow the conventional wisdom to hold. The fiscal theory view provides a rationale for such
policies—because without them, countries would run the risk of substantial
price instability regardless of the central
bank’s toughness and commitment.

■ Which View Explains U.S.
Which view explains the historical and
recent behavior of inflation in the United
States? Inflation increased steadily
through the 1960s and 1970s, peaked in
the early 1980s, and has declined fairly
steadily since. In fact, it has remained
relatively low and stable since the mid1980s. Conventional wisdom argues that
the slowdown in inflation can be attributed to the policies of a tough, committed Federal Reserve—initially led by the
unquestionably tough Paul Volcker and
currently led by the equally committed
Alan Greenspan.

The fiscal theory view does not dispute
the Federal Reserve’s commitment to
price stability over this period, nor its
important contribution to achieving
price stability; rather, it asserts that
developments in fiscal policy have also
played an important role in stabilizing
prices. Some research supports the
notion that the fiscal theory characterizes the behavior of inflation in the
1960s and 1970s.9 During the 1980s,
however, fiscal policy changed dramatically as government debt increased
rapidly and pressure mounted for tax
increases or expenditure cuts to bring
the debt back in line. The fiscal theory
view can be used to argue that this
change represented a shift to an appropriate fiscal policy under which a tough
central bank could achieve price stability. Without the change in fiscal policy,
price stability may not have been possible under any monetary policy.

■ Conclusion
Is a tough central bank enough to
achieve price stability? Both the conventional wisdom and the fiscal theory view
agree that it is a necessary ingredient.
They differ in their analyses of whether a
tough central bank alone is sufficient to
achieve price stability, as in the conventional wisdom, or whether an appropriate fiscal policy is also necessary, as in
the fiscal theory view. Resolving this
disagreement will be of primary importance as nations worldwide seek to
achieve and maintain price stability.
As for the United States, the fiscal theory view provides a warning that the
current environment of low and stable
inflation may not have been achieved by
a tough central bank alone. If the fiscal
theory view has merit, a renewed
emphasis should be placed on “locking
in” an appropriate fiscal policy.

1. A more thorough discussion of the issues
presented here can be found in Lawrence J.
Christiano and Terry J. Fitzgerald, “Understanding the Fiscal Theory of the Price
Level,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
Economic Review, vol. 36, no. 2 (2000 Quarter 2), pp. 3–38.
2. In this Commentary, we assume that complete price stability is desirable. Some research suggests this may not be the case—
some price variability may be desirable. In
fact, one argument in the fiscal theory literature is that it may generate an optimal degree
of price instability. See Christiano and Fitzgerald (2000) for a discussion of this point.

3. This discussion is based on the classic
analysis in Thomas Sargent and Neil Wallace,
“Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic,”
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Quarterly Review, vol. 5, no. 3 (1981), pp. 1–17.
4. Here we assume the economy is on the
“right” side of the Laffer curve, where
seignorage is an increasing function of the
inflation rate.
5. The Microsoft example is taken from John
Cochrane, “Money as Stock: Price Level
Determination with No Money Demand,”
National Bureau of Economic Research,
Working Paper no. 7498, January 2000.
6. We follow Sargent and Wallace in thinking
of the game of chicken as reflecting that the
actions of the fiscal authority can force, as a
matter of feasibility, the monetary authority to
increase the money supply. Under the fiscal
theory, the fiscal authority’s actions may also
affect the actions of the monetary authority,
but this is a matter of the monetary authority’s
preferences and not feasibility. For example,
the monetary authority may want to swerve in
our example, even though it is feasible not to,
because it may not like the outcomes when it
does not swerve. Fleshing this out requires
specifying the preferences and objectives of
the monetary and fiscal authorities.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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7. This result is due to Michael Woodford.
8. Exploding debt is not envisioned under
the fiscal theory. The idea is that as long as
there is absolutely no doubt about the government’s commitment to not adjusting policy in the face of exploding debt, prices will
respond so that the debt does not explode in
the first place.
9. John Cochrane argues that the fiscal theory can explain the behavior of inflation over
the entire postwar period in “A Frictionless
View of U.S. Inflation,” in Ben S. Bernanke
and Julio Rotemberg, eds., NBER Macroeconomics Annual, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1998. In a comment on that article,
Michael Woodford indicates the fiscal theory
may provide a good explanation for the
1970s, but he is more skeptical that it characterizes the 1980s and 1990s, in part for the
reasons given in this Commentary.

Lawrence J. Christiano is a professor of economics at Northwestern University and a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland. Terry J. Fitzgerald is an economist at the Bank.
The views stated here are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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