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February 15, 2001

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Perils of Price Deflations: An Analysis
of the Great Depression
by Charles T. Carlstrom and Timothy S. Fuerst


n the last two decades, central banks
within the industrialized world have
been remarkably successful at lowering
inflation rates. For example, in 1980 the
U.S. rate of inflation was 9.3 percent,
while in 2000 it was 2.3 percent.1 This
success has led to a new concern—could
deflation be a problem?
A deflation is a decline in the level of
prices, that is, a negative inflation rate.
Two decades ago, worrying about deflation was like worrying about a shortage
of pigeons in Trafalgar Square. But now
that inflation rates are near zero, periodic
deflations are much more plausible.
Some think that a policy of price stability
requires that the monetary authority walk
a tight rope between the danger of letting
inflation reignite and the threat of allowing possible deflation. In this Economic
Commentary, we review some of the
potential perils of price deflations. We do
this by examining how price deflation
contributed to the worst economic
calamity of the twentieth century—the
Great Depression.
Deflations make central bankers nervous,
and history tells us why. In their monumental A Monetary History of the U.S.,
1867–1960, Milton Friedman and Anna
Schwartz note that every example of significant real output decline in the United
States was associated with a decline in
nominal prices.2 The most famous
episode is the Great Depression. Nominal
prices fell 24 percent while real GDP fell
nearly 40 percent during 1929–33 (see

ISSN 0428-1276

table 1 for the figures used throughout).
Furthermore, both output and prices
stayed below their 1929 levels for the rest
of the decade. Did the deflation contribute
to the decline in output?
Economic theory suggests that deflations potentially pose three main dangers. First, because nominal interest
rates cannot fall below zero percent,
deflations can increase real interest rates.
High real rates tend to discourage investment spending and decrease real economic activity. Second, if employers are
unable to reduce nominal wages, price
deflations will increase the real wage,
which tends to discourage employment
growth. Finally, price deflations can lead
to large redistributions of wealth from
borrowers to lenders. To the extent that
firms are net borrowers, this reallocation
of wealth will have additional indirect
effects. As their balance sheets deteriorate, firms have more trouble acquiring
external financing.
Would periodic deflations that may be
experienced by a central bank pursuing a
zero inflation target likely wreak such
economic havoc? To what extent? To
answer these questions, we consider how
significant a factor massive price declines
were in contributing to the severity of the
Great Depression. We find that deflations
do indeed cause problems for the reasons
outlined above, but they must be quite
large to do so. We find no evidence to
suggest that small periodic deflations
associated with zero inflation targeting
are likely to be a serious problem.

If a central bank adopts a zero inflation target, it would, in practice,
occasionally deviate from that rate up
and down, and the economy would
experience episodes of mild inflation
and deflation. Is deflation—a decrease
in the level of prices—a cause for
concern? Deflation can cause output
to decline, but to what extent? This
Economic Commentary explores how
much of a problem deflation might be
for modern economies by estimating
the effect that massive price declines
had on output during the Great
Depression. We find that while deflation can cause output to decline, mild
episodes of deflation are unlikely to be
a problem.


Deflation and Zero Nominal
Interest Rates

The first of the three principal dangers
posed by price deflations is that they can
increase the cost of capital, thereby discouraging investment and causing output to fall. Sustained anticipated inflation does not affect real interest rates
(that is, the cost of capital) because the
nominal interest rate rises one-for-one
with inflation. Yet things don’t necessarily work in reverse. Large deflations
must increase real interest rates simply
because the nominal interest rate cannot
fall below zero. If it did, no one would
save money in a bank, preferring instead

the zero nominal return one could get by
simply saving money under the mattress.
Capital accumulation must offer at least
a real return that is higher than that
earned by hoarding currency.
Consider the price declines during the
Great Depression. The average rate of
price deflation between 1929 and 1933
was 6.4 percent. Suppose the average
real interest rate before the onset of the
deflation was 3 percent. If prices fell
6.4 percent per year and if the decline
had been anticipated, then the average
real interest rate between 1929 and 1933
must have increased to at least 6.4 percent. This is simply the annual real
return on currency between 1929 and
1933 since one dollar in 1933 purchased
23.5 percent more goods (or 6.4 percent
more per year) than it did in 1929.
These high real rates of interest discouraged investment, ultimately decreasing
the stock of capital. The resulting lower
capital stock in turn reduced employment
because capital and labor complement
each other—less capital makes labor less
productive. Lower employment and
capital combine to cause output to fall.
Back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that a perfectly anticipated annual
rate of deflation of 6.4 percent may have
caused output to fall on average 2.6 percent per year during the Depression.3
While that is a significant decline, it is
nothing like the 12.4 percent average
annual decline in real output that was
actually experienced during this period.


Sticky Nominal Wages4

Nominal or money wages are simply a
wage rate expressed in today’s nominal
dollars. The real wage adjusts for inflation and measures how many goods
and services the nominal wage can buy.
With perfect labor markets, nominal
wages would adjust so that anticipated
changes in inflation would have no effect
on real wages. If prices fell 1 percent per
year, nominal wages would fall by a
similar amount, so that the real wage
remained unchanged.
But employers might be unable to reduce
the nominal wage if their employees are
loathe to accept a decrease—even though
their real wage is increasing with falling
prices. Deflation, therefore, may lead to
an increase in the real wage. The idea that
nominal wages may be downwardly rigid
has long been recognized in macroeconomic analysis. For example, Keynes
includes it in his 1936 analysis of the

business cycle.5 When real wages are
higher, the cost of labor increases, and
firms respond by reducing the number of
employees—either by hiring fewer workers or laying some off. The decline in
employment reduces output.
What does this analysis imply for the
Great Depression? If nominal wages
cannot decline, then an average annual
6.4 percent decline in prices implies that
real wages must increase by the same percentage. If nominal wages did not decline
at all during the Great Depression, then
calculations suggest that the 6.4 percent
annual rate of deflation experienced
during this period caused real output to
decline 12.8 percent per year.6
Yet some nominal wages do decline.
Wages in some sectors are much more
flexible than in others. For example,
during the Depression, the nominal
wage for farmers fell nearly 40 percent.
Although not as dramatic, declines were
reported in most nonmanufacturing, nonmining sectors. Manufacturing wages
seemed to have been more sticky,
although even here nominal wages fell
20.1 percent. A recent study suggests that
during the Depression the aggregate real
wage actually decreased 3 percent—a far
cry from the 6.4 percent increase that
would have been registered if no nominal
wages had been able to decline.7
Economic theory predicts that if wages
are sticky in one sector, like manufacturing, and flexible in the rest of the economy, a price deflation will cause
employment to drop in the inflexible
sector and rise in the flexible one. A
recent study suggests that such inefficient shifting during the Depression
caused output to drop a total of only
3 percent.8 This implies that sticky
wages themselves caused Depressionera output to decline less than 1 percent
(approximately 0.7 percent) per year.


Debt Deflations and
Wealth Redistributions

Firms typically rely on external funds
to aid in financing current operations
and investment spending. The cost of
these funds is inversely related to a
firm’s position on its balance sheet.
Firms with substantial positive net worth
can obtain financing at a low cost, while
the converse is true of firms in weak
asset positions.
Shocks that redistribute wealth away
from firms have a negative effect on

their ability to borrow and invest. The
consequent drop in investment contributes to a decline in output.
How does such wealth redistribution take
place? Suppose that a firm has borrowed
funds from a lender, and that the loans
are in nominal terms and not indexed to
the price level. An unexpected decline in
the price level increases the real debt
burden of the firm and shifts part of its
wealth to the lender. Irving Fisher
famously posited such “debt-deflation”
as the cause of the Great Depression.9
His remedy is worth quoting today: “If
the debt-deflation theory of great depressions is essentially correct, the question
of controlling the price level assumes a
new importance; and those in the drivers’
seats—the Federal Reserve Board…
will in the future be held to a new
In a series of articles, we have tried to
assess the magnitude of these debtdeflation wealth shocks.11 We estimate
that the wealth shock caused by a
1 percent price deflation leads to a
0.16 percent output decline. This is an
upper bound that assumes no contracts
are indexed to the price level. In the
case of the Great Depression, where the
price level declined 22.5 percent, our
estimates imply that output declined
3.6 percent in response. While substantial, this amounts to output falling at an
annual rate of only 0.9 percent, which
is small compared to the actual annual
decline in output of 12.4 percent during
this period.


A Great Depression

We now are in a position to take stock
of the net effect on output of the price
deflation that occurred during the Great
Depression. Our analysis of the real
interest rate suggests that this effect
caused output to decline 2.6 percent per
year. The real wage story implies a
decline of 0.7 percent per year. Our
calculations of the impact of debt deflation yield an annual output decline of
0.9 percent. Taken together, we have an
annual output decline of 4.2 percent.
The actual annual output decline during
the Great Depression was 12.4 percent,
so these three sources can explain at
most about a third of it.
That these effects provide limited
explanatory power is reinforced by noting that the estimates we cite above are


Manufacturing Manufacturing nonmining
nominal wage
real wage
real wage




























NOTE: Data are taken from Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian, “Re-Examining the Contributions of Money and Banking Shocks to the U.S. Great Depression,” NBER Macroeconomics
Annual 2000, edited by Ben Bernanke and Julio Rotemberg, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press: 2001.
The data are indexed to values in 1929.

all upper bounds. Both the sticky-wage
and debt-deflation stories relied on
movements in the price level that were
unanticipated when contracts were
signed, while the interest-rate story is
based on expected deflations. This
implies that simply summing the three
effects will overestimate the net effect.
There is a further difficulty with the
argument that price deflation was the
source of the economic decline. The
timing of actual output and price-level
declines is inconsistent with a story
that pins the cause of the output
decline on the fall in nominal prices.
The sharp initial decline in output
(13.1 percent) that occurred in
1929–30 was accompanied by essentially no price movement. If anything,
the output data tend to lead the price
data. In short, our brief review of
Depression-era history suggests that
the deflation may have been a contributor to the economic contraction but
was far from a leading cause of it.


Lessons for Today

Our analysis does suggest that price
deflations may cause modest output
declines. Hence, central bankers have
reason to express concern. However,
the magnitude of these effects is very
likely even smaller today than our
analysis suggests.
First, the interest-rate channel becomes
operative only with very large price
declines. Deflations in the range of
1 percent to 2 percent are more likely
today, so interest-rate concerns are
less relevant.

Second, there are reasons to think that
nominal wages are less rigid than they
have been in the past. Nominal wage
movements are increasingly indexed to
nominal price movements, so that real
wages are less affected by changes in
nominal prices.
Third, capital markets are much better
developed, so that firms’ balance-sheet
positions may be less significant than in
the past. For example, the richness of
financial derivatives suggests that firms
protect themselves better against unexpected price-level movements than they
did during the Depression.
Any attempt to move toward zero inflation necessarily implies episodes of
small deviations both positive and
negative. Although history suggests that
large deflations are a cause for concern,
this Commentary contends that occasional modest deflations (in the range
of 1 percent to 2 percent annually)
should little concern policymakers.
Hence, the fear of deflation in and of
itself does not present a serious argument against a zero inflation policy.12



1. Calculated using a fourth-quarterto-fourth-quarter GDP implicit price
2. Milton Friedman and Anna
Schwartz, A Monetary History of the
U.S., 1867–1960, Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1963.

3. We calculate the total decline in
output that would be associated
with a deflation that was expected
to last forever and then annualize
that decline over the number of
years it would take to reduce the
capital stock to its new, lower level,
assuming that net investment cannot be zero.
4. This section draws heavily from
Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian’s “Re-Examining the Contributions of Money and Banking
Shocks to the U.S. Great Depression,” NBER Macroeconomics
Annual 2000, edited by Ben
Bernanke and Julio Rotemberg,
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
5. John Maynard Keynes, The
General Theory of Employment,
Interest and Money, New York:
Harbinger, 1964, p. 232.
6. This calculation uses a production function of Y =Ka L1–a with
a = 1/3. Capital is assumed to
be unaffected.
7. See Cole and Ohanian (footnote 4).
8. See Cole and Ohanian (footnote 4).
9. Irving Fisher, “The DebtDeflation Theory of Great Depressions,” Econometrica, vol. 1, no. 4
(October 1933), pp. 337–57.
10. See Fisher (footnote 9), p. 347.
11. See, for example, Charles T.
Carlstrom and Timothy S. Fuerst,
“Monetary Shocks, Agency Costs,
and Business Cycles,” forthcoming, Carnegie–Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy,
June 2001.
12. There are other reasons why
central banks may not want to
pursue a policy of zero inflation. For
example, if the nominal rate is close
to zero, then the central bank cannot
use interest-rate cuts to stimulate the
economy. For a discussion of these
issues, see the Journal of Money,
Credit, and Banking (Proceedings
from the conference, “Monetary
Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment”), vol. 32, no. 4, (November
2000, part 2). Other reasons include
the possibility that inflation is mismeasured.

Charles T. Carlstrom is a senior economic
advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland; Timothy S. Fuerst is an associate professor at Bowling Green State
University. This Commentary was printed
on June 25, 2001.
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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the
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