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October 15, 1997

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

On the Origin and Evolution
of the Word Inflation
by Michael F. Bryan
Inflation is the process of making
addition to currencies not based on a
commensurate increase in the production
of goods.
—Federal Reserve Bulletin (1919)

Most prominent among these inflationary
forces were a drop in the exchange rate
of the dollar, a considerable increase in
labor costs, and severe weather.
—Federal Reserve Bulletin (1978)


or many years, the word inflation was
not a statement about prices but a condition of paper money—a specific description of a monetary policy. Today,
inflation is synonymous with a rise in
prices, and its connection to money is
often overlooked.

ISSN 0428-1276

central bank—and one solution—a less
expansive money growth rate. But as a
condition of the price level, which may
have originated from a variety of things
(including a depreciating dollar, rising
labor costs, bad weather, or a number of
factors other than “too much money”),
the solution to—and the prudence of—
eliminating inflation is much less clear.

■ Value, Money, and Currency
I smiled at myself at the sight of all this
money. “Oh, drug,” said I, aloud, “What
art thou good for? Thou art not worth to
me, no not the taking off the ground. One
of these knives is worth all this heap.”
—Daniel Defoe (1719)
Robinson Crusoe

Consider the opening quotations, taken
from Federal Reserve Bulletins spanning
a period of almost 60 years. The first defines inflation as a condition of the currency, while the latter makes no reference
to money. Indeed, it would seem that in
1978, inflation was about many things
other than excessive money growth.

The classical economists, by which I
refer to the generation writing around the
time that Adam Smith’s The Wealth of
Nations was published in 1776, were
very exact in defining economic terms,
because they were constructing a language on which an emerging science was
being built. Among their first contributions was to make explicit the distinction
between “real” and “nominal” prices.

This Economic Commentary considers
the origin and uses of the word inflation
and argues that its definition was a casualty in the theoretical battle over the connection between money growth and the
general price level. What was once a
word that described a monetary cause
now describes a price outcome. This
shift in meaning has complicated the
position of anti-inflation advocates. As a
condition of the money stock, an inflating currency has but one origin—the

A good’s real price, or value, was defined
as the effort required to produce it, while
its nominal, or money, price was said to
be its cost in money alone (fixed in terms
of gold or some other precious metal).
According to this view, the value of
goods is anchored by the laws of nature
—the effort of labor—but their nominal
price fluctuates with the availability of
the precious metal, and the laws of the
sovereign, that define a nation’s money.

Today, we commonly hear about different kinds of inflation. Indeed, the
word inflation is often used synonymously with “price increase.” But
there is also a different, more specific, definition of inflation —a rise
in the general price level caused by
an imbalance between the quantity
of money and trade needs. This
“inflation” has but one origin —the
central bank. It is the latter definition that drives many of those advocating an anti-inflation policy for the
Federal Reserve, and that more
closely conforms with the word’s
original meaning.

The real price of everything…is the
toil and trouble of acquiring it. The
same real price is always of the same
value; but on account of the variations
in the value of gold and silver, the same
nominal price is sometimes of very
different values.

expanded the number of continental
bills of credit more than 40-fold, and,
to make matters worse, the states had
issued their own paper monies in a similar magnitude.5 In 1781, a dollar in
paper was worth less than two cents in
gold coin.6

—Adam Smith (1776)1

Although the classical economists supposed that fluctuations in the money
price of goods can have temporarily disruptive influences on the economy (such
as producing capricious redistributions
of wealth between parties bound by contracts with fixed money prices), in the
end, these changes merely serve to alter
the scale by which value is measured.
They do not alter values or have any
long-term consequences. The idea that
changes in the quantity of money affect
only the money price of goods, not their
value, was championed by many of the
early classical economists, most notably
David Hume. The theory was more rigorously developed in the early twentieth
century by American economist Irving
Fisher, and has come to be known as the
“quantity theory of money.”
If the history of commercial banking
belongs to the Italians and of central
banking to the British, that of paper
money issued by a government belongs
indubitably to the Americans.
—John Kenneth Galbraith (1975)

To these early economists, the word
money almost always referred to a metallic coin.2 But the first generation of
economists following Adam Smith in the
nineteenth century was very interested in
paper money, since this form of payment
had become popular in the burgeoning
American colonies.3 The colonies offered a large variety of paper currencies,
virtually all of which were conspicuous
by their “overproduction” and their subsequent rapid loss of purchasing power.
The Continental Congress issued a paper
note to help finance the American Revolution, and these “bills of credit” became
a circulating medium.4 In 1775, Congress issued $6 million of the new currency and urged the states to impose
taxes for its ultimate redemption. The
taxes were never raised, however, and
larger continental issues were authorized. By the end of 1779, Congress had

By the early nineteenth century, economists were careful to distinguish among
three sources of a change in the “cost” of
goods—changes in value, referring to
the real resource cost of a good, changes
in money prices, caused largely by fluctuations in the metallic content of money,
and depreciation of the currency, caused
by a change in the quantity of currency
relative to the metal that constitutes a
nation’s money. The latter distinction
would become a focal point in American
political economy.

■ Inflation of the Currency
The era between the mid-1830s and the
Civil War—a period economists refer to
as the “free banking era”—saw a proliferation of banks. Along with these institutions came “bank notes,” a private
paper currency redeemable for a specific
amount of metal. That is, if the issuing
bank had it. At times, banks did not have
enough gold or silver to satisfy all of
their claims. Bank notes, like the public
notes that preceded them, also tended to
depreciate. It is during this period that
the word inflation begins to emerge
in the literature, not in reference to
something that happens to prices, but
as something that happens to a paper
The astonishing proportion between the
amount of paper circulation representing money, and the amount of specie
actually in the Banks, during the past
few years, has been a matter of serious
concern … [This] inflation of the currency makes prices rise.8
—From the Bee (1855) 9

During the Civil War, both the federal
and the confederate governments issued
paper currency to help finance expenditures. The federal government authorized the issue of $450 million of a paper
money called “Greenbacks,” and at
war’s end, President Johnson authorized
the Treasury to repay these notes with
gold. This reduced the outstanding
Greenbacks by about 20 percent and had

the predictable effect of propping up the
“value” of Greenback dollars, or driving
down the Greenback price of goods.
Restoring the purchasing power of
Greenbacks worked in favor of creditors,
since it meant they would be repaid in a
currency that had greater purchasing
power than would otherwise have been
the case. But of course, what worked to
the advantage of creditors worked to the
disadvantage of debtors, who found their
dollar liabilities rising in value. Debtor
groups, predominantly farmers, advocated “inflating the Greenback” as a
means of easing the debt burdens of borrowers and perhaps helping to redistribute income from the eastern to the western constituencies. In the election of
1868, the Democratic party endorsed the
“Ohio Idea,” which proposed that war
debts be repaid with Greenbacks unless
otherwise stipulated.10 These predominantly western Democrats became
known as “Inflationists.”
Despite the election of Republican candidate Ulysses S. Grant to the presidency, Inflationist sentiment carried considerable influence in Congress. The
movement was given further support by
the Supreme Court decision of 1870,
which reversed an earlier ruling and
declared that the issuance of paper
money as “legal tender” was constitutional. In 1874, Congress passed the
“Inflation Bill,” which provided for the
additional issuance of $14 million in
Greenbacks. President Grant vetoed the
measure and resumed bond redemption
in terms of coin.
The idea that the government can “create value” by issuing a paper money
and merely stating that it is of value is
in direct conflict with the quantity theory of money— and it was a subject of
considerable scorn (as the Thomas Nast
cartoon reprinted on page 3 so perfectly

■ Price Inflation
The term inflation was initially used to
describe a change in the proportion of
currency in circulation relative to the
amount of precious metal that constituted a nation’s money. By the late nineteenth century, however, the distinction
between “currency” and “money” was
becoming blurred.

Many current controversies about inflation are due not to conflicting ideas but
to conflicting uses of the same word.
When a nation has too much money, it is
said to have inflation: that is about as
near as we can come to an accepted definition of the term. As to what constitutes
having too much money, there is not
agreement … If we use the term inflation
to denote any increase in the volume of
money that is accompanied by a rise in
the general price-level, we confine ourselves to a definite and logical use of the
term, and one that directs attention at
once to the practical monetary problem
with which business is to-day chiefly
—William Trufant Foster and
Waddill Catchings (1923)

Economists appear to have reached a
definitional crossroads during the first
several decades of the twentieth century.
Presumably, because they could be certain of the “excessiveness” of the circulating medium only by its effect on the
price level, the notions of an inflated
currency and prices became inextricably
Consider the following quotations, from
works published by the same economist
at two different times during this period:
Milk tickets for babies, in place of milk
Illustration by Thomas Nast for David A. Wells, Robinson Crusoe’s Money; or the Remarkable
Financial Fortunes and Misfortunes of a Remote Island Community, New York: Harper and
Brothers, 1876, p. 97.

…inflation occurs when, at a given price
level, a country’s circulating media —
cash and deposit currency — increase
relatively to trade needs. (Emphasis in
—Edwin Walter Kemmerer (1918)

It has been rather the fashion with political economists to refuse the name Money
to any medium of exchange which is not
“a material recompense or equivalent.”
…For myself, I can see no valid objection to the scientific acceptance of the
popular term, Paper Money. The presence of the word paper so far qualifies
and explains the word money, as to show
that a material recompense or equivalent
is not meant.
—Francis A. Walker (1883)

At the turn of the century, economists
tended to refer to any circulating medium
as money, and any change in the circulating medium relative to trade needs as an
inflation of money. But this shift in
meaning introduced another problem.
Although it is easy to determine the
amount of currency relative to the stock
of a precious metal, how does one know
when the amount of the circulating
medium exceeds “trade needs”?

Inflation exists in a country whenever
the supply of money and of [circulating]
bank deposits…increases, relatively
to the demand for media of exchange,
in such a way as to bring about a rise
in the general price level. (Emphasis
—Edwin Walter Kemmerer (1934)

In the earlier definition, inflation is
something that happens to the circulating media at a given price level; in the
later definition, an inflating currency is
defined to exist when it produces a rise
in the general price level, as suggested
by the quantity theory. What originally
described a monetary cause came to describe a price effect.
To the quantity theorists, this shift in
emphasis may have had little direct consequence, since it is unlikely they could
have seen an important distinction
between these two ideas. Of course,
increasing the quantity of currency relative to “trade needs” could have but one
effect—to make prices rise. And a rising price level could have but one origin—an increase in the quantity of
money relative to its demand!
Still, some economists attempted to
maintain the distinction between a rise
in the price level that originated from
the “creation” of additional currency
relative to trade, and one that resulted
from a decrease in trade for a given supply of money. It was the former, not the
latter, that caused problems for economies whose trade was conducted via
paper money.
Just as we can increase the size of a
balloon either by pumping in more air,
or by decreasing the outside pressures,
…we can increase prices either by
pumping more dollars into the monetary
circulation, or by decreasing the pressure of the work that money has to perform. It seems best, however, not to
extend the term inflation to cover failures to reduce the money in circulation
when prices begin to rise. Such an
extension of the use of the term would
be at variance with its derivation, and
would, moreover, leave the term less
definitely applicable to the actual, current monetary problems of the world.
—William Trufant Foster and
Waddill Catchings (1923)11

Linking inflation to the price level
proved to be another important turning
point for the word. With the publication
of John Maynard Keynes’ General
Theory in 1936, an assault on the quantity theory of money commenced, and it
dominated macroeconomic thought for
the next 40 years. By appealing to the
belief that resources could be regularly
and persistently underemployed—an
idea given support by the worldwide
depression of the time—Keynesian
theory challenged the necessary connection between the quantity of money
and the general price level. Moreover,
it suggested that aggregate price increases could originate from factors
other than money.
In addition to separating the price level
from the money stock, the Keynesian
revolution in economics appears to have
separated the word inflation from a condition of money and redefined it as a
description of prices. In this way, inflation became synonymous with any price
increase. Indeed, Keynes spoke about
different “types” of inflation, including
income, profit, commodity, and capital
inflation. Today, little distinction is made
between a price increase and inflation,
and we commonly hear reports of energy inflation, medical care inflation, and
even wage inflation. Some go so far as
to argue that the monetary definition
forces the word to take on too specific
a meaning:
Even if we agree that an inflationary situation is to be taken to imply something
about prices, precise definitions vary …
Part of the difficulty here is that definitions of the more popular variety such
as “too much money chasing too few
goods,” not only purport to define inflation, but also imply something more
about particular inflationary processes.
—R. J. Ball (1964)

■ Conclusion
“That’s a great deal to make one word
mean,” Alice said in a thoughtful tone.
“When I make a word do a lot of work
like that,” said Humpty Dumpty, “I
always pay it extra.”
—Lewis Carroll (1872)
Through the Looking Glass

Inflation, a term that first referred to
a condition of the currency and later
to a condition of money, is now commonly used to describe prices. This shift
in meaning seems to have originated in
an unfortunate—but perhaps inevitable
—sequence of events. By referring to
inflation as a condition of “too much
money,” economists were forced to
struggle with the operational issue of
“how much is too much?” The quantity
theory offered a clear answer to that
question: Too much money is an increase in the money stock that is accompanied by a rise in the general price
level. In other words, an inflated money
supply will reveal itself through its
effect on the price level. When Keynesian economic theory challenged the
direct link between money and the price
level, inflation lost its association with
money and came to be chiefly understood as a condition of prices.
Without being tied to the money supply,
any price increase seems to have an
equal claim to the word inflation. Indeed, today we regularly read reports of
a seemingly endless variety of “inflations.” When the word is used as a
description of the price level, an antiinflation policy can easily be characterized as being against any price increase,
including higher wages! This is simply
not the case. An anti-inflation strategy is
concerned with a particular type of price
increase—a rise in the general price
level stemming from excessive money
creation. When viewed in this light—
the light provided by the word’s original
meaning—a zero-inflation objective for
the central bank becomes a much more
sensible goal.

■ Footnotes
1. The idea that value is fixed by labor
effort, called the “labor theory of value,” is
now generally discredited by economists.
Still, we make clear distinctions between a
good’s real cost and its money cost.

8. This is the earliest reference to inflation
in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland’s
library. The Oxford English Dictionary
shows the earliest reference to be from D.D.
Barnard (1838): “The property pledge can
have no tendency whatever to prevent an
inflation of the currency.”

2. Western economists of the time were certainly aware of paper money. Chinese notes
called “chao” were known to have been used
as early as the ninth century (they were also
said to have depreciated rapidly in value).

9. Gold and the Currency: Specie Better
than Small Bills, Boston: Evans and
Plumber, 1855.

3. A common lament in the New World was
that paper money was necessary because of a
lack of metallic coins.

10. However, “sound money man” Horatio
Seymour, the reluctant Democratic candidate for the presidency in 1868, is said to
have indicated that if elected, he would not
support the plan.

4. Some historians note that the decision to
issue continental currency was made in the
conventions that occurred prior to the establishment of the Continental Congress.
5. See Charles J. Bullock, Essays on the
Monetary History of the United States, New
York: Macmillan, 1990, pp. 64–5.
6. The French also issued a paper money—
“assignats”—around the time of their Revolution, with a similar result: They, too,
rapidly lost their purchasing power. The
French experience with paper money gave
rise to the saying, “After the paper money
machine comes the guillotine.”
7. Bank notes were taxed out of existence
by an act of Congress in 1865.

Michael F. Bryan is an assistant vice president and economist at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland. The author would like to
acknowledge Jim Damask and J. Huston
McCulloch for providing some early references. He also thanks David Altig, Joseph
Haubrich, and Peter Rupert for helpful comments and suggestions.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

11. Similar in spirit are the following:
… we must distinguish between inflation and
the rise in prices. The one is not necessarily
synonymous with the other … An alteration
in the general price level accordingly means
a change in the relation between goods on
the one hand and money on the other. Obviously, however, such a change in the relation
may be ascribable, in its origin, to either of
the two elements, the goods or the money.
—Edwin R.A. Seligman (1921)
Either the rise in prices might be due to the
scarcity of goods or it might be due to the
superabundance of money, but as a matter of
actual historical fact it is, so far as I know,
universally true … that it is the change in the
money that makes the changes in the value of
the money, and not changes in the goods.
—Irving Fisher (1923)

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