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May 15, 1997

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Okun's Law Revisited: Should We
Worry about Low Unemployment?
by David Altig, Terry Fitzgerald, and Peter Rupert

The Commerce Department yesterday
raised its estimate offirst-quarter growth
to a 5.8 percent annual rate-the highest
in more than a decade ... Coming at a
time of/ow unemployment, the unusually
rapid growth sparked concerns that it
could cause an increase in inflation.
-John M. Beny,
Washington Post Online, May 31 , 1997


quotation above expresses a common, if not dominant, view of the genesis
of inflationary pressure in an economy.
The story goes something like this: High
GDP growth eventually places excessive
strain on a nation's resources. This strain
can become particularly acute in labor
markets, where it is manifested as low
unemployment. The labor market tightness associated with this low unemployment ultimately leads to higher prices. ·
The connection between unemployment
and GDP growth is often formally summarized by the statistical relationship
known as "Okun's law." As developed
by the late economist Arthur Okun in
1962, the "law" related decreases in the
unemployment rate to increases in output growth. Over time, the exact quantitative form of this relationship has
changed somewhat (a point we will return to below). However, the negative
correlation between changes in the unemployment rate and changes in GDP
growth is viewed as one of the most consistent relationships in macroeconomics.
The widely accepted connection of
Okun's law to inflation can be better
understood by noting that the unemployment/output relationship was more precisely considered by Okun as relating
percentage deviations of output from its
potential level to deviations of the unemISSN 0428-1 276

ployment rate from its "natural" level.
Potential output was-and is-understood to answer the question, in Professor Okun's words, "How much output
can the economy produce under conditions of full employment?" 1 Because
"full employment'' is defined as the state
in which labor markets are neither tight
nor slack, inflationary pressures are presumed to arise when output growth
pushes beyond its normal levels, which
in tum is related to declines in the unemployment rate below its normal levels.
A key aspect of this perspective is the
implicit, but critical, role of the potentialoutput and full-employment concepts in
determining whether a particular growth
rate or unemployment rate is inherently
"inflationary." 2 The meanings and
implications of these concepts are the
subject of considerable debate among
economists. We are ourselves skeptical
that there exists a definitive notion of
labor market tightness associated with
above-trend (or above-potential) real
GDP growth that is reliably related to
price pressures. Nonetheless, since the
conventional wisdom holds that "appropriate" monetary policy should consider
this relations~p, we will address it on its
own terms.
This Economic Commentary reviews the
connection between labor resource utilization and the growth/unemployment
correlation summarized by Okun's law.
In general, we emphasize the same caveats offered in Okun's original presentation of the statistical relationship that
came to bear his name. The essence of
our argument is that recognizing the
instability in the relationship between
GDP growth and changes in the unemployment rate can help us understand
how we have found ourselves in the


Economists have long viewed the negative connection between unemployment and output growth-known as
"Okun's law"-as one of the most
consistent relationships in macroeconomics. When the economy is strong,
unemployment falls, and this labor
market tightness eventually leads to
inflationary pressures. But how reliable is Okun's law, particularly over
short time horizons? The answer has
important implications for the proper
conduct of monetary policy.

happy circumstance of an economy operating with low (and falling) unemployment, robust growth, and stable inflation.


Okun's Law Updated

In his original research, Okun found that
a I-percentage-point decline in the unemployment rate was, on average, associated with additional output growth of
about 3 percentage points. Okun's law is
now widely accepted as stating that a
I -percentage-point decrease in the unemployment rate is associated with additional output growth of about 2 percent.
Figure 1, which plots annual changes in
real GDP against annual changes in the
unemployment rate, illustrates the basis
for the current version ofOkun's law. 3
The line drawn through the scatter of
points indicates that the percentage
change in output is roughly 3.2 minus
two times the change in the unemployment rate. 4

This relationship says that every percentage point of output growth in excess of
3.2 percent per year is associated with a
drop in the unemployment rate of half a
percentage point. For example, output
growth of 4.2 percent would coincide
with a 0.5-percentage-point decline in
the jobless rate. 5
The 3.2 percent value in this discussion
has a natural interpretation as "potential
GDP growth" in the Okun 's law formu lation. Seen in this light, the numbers
reported above may seem startling. It has
been a while since most Americans believed that the long-run growth rate of
the economy is as high as 3.2 percent. In
fact, as shown in figure 2, the Okun
equation predicts output growth very
well over most of the 1970s, but less
well from about the mid- l 980s on (or
in the 1960s, for that matter).

In effect, the relationship between the
jobless rate and a given amount of economic growth has shifted over time (and
with it, the implied value of potential
output). This can be clearly seen in figure 3, which shows the rates of output
growth obtained from Okun 's law models estimated for three distinct subsamples over the past three decades:
1961-70, 1971-80, and 1981-90. Although the predicted pattern of GDP
growth is similar across all three variants, the projected levels are quite different, with the "fit" of the model improving when more recent data are used
in the estimation.
Note that although Okun's law does generally capture the shape of the time series
of output, there are several instances in
which the direction of GDP growth is
inconsistent with the model's predictions.
In 1993, for instance, Okun's law would
have had GDP growth increasing substantially, whereas it in fact fell relative
to 1992. The reverse occurred in 1996:
GDP growth was higher than in the prior
year, despite the decline predicted by the
Okun equation.
These short-run "mistakes" in the model
occur for precisely the same reasons that
the relationship between growth and
unemployment does not remain constant
over long periods. GDP growth depends
in a fundamental way on the level and
rate of change oflabor resource utilization. This is the case in both the short
and the long run, and such changes are
only imperfectly captured by changes in
the unemployment rate.

• Labor Resource
Utilization and GDP


Although Okun 's law expresses a relationship between changes in the unemployment rate and output growth, it is
more appropriate to think of it as a "rule
of thumb," as it was intended, rather
than as an immutable law derived from
theory. To understand why the rule of
thumb holds, it is necessary to understand the relationship between a nation's
output and its inputs to production.
Basic economic theory tells us that output depends on both the amount of
inputs used and the level of technology.
In a very general categorization, the
inputs to production are the labor services provided by a nation's citizens and
the services provided by the current capital stock. It follows, then, that changes
in output can result from changes in
overall productivity, in the flow of capital services, and/or in the quantity of
labor services. When observed over a
relatively short horizon, such as a quarter or a year, shifts in the aggregate capital stock are likely to be limited because
of the difficulty of quickly adjusting the
size of this stock. Therefore, changes in
output will largely reflect changes in
productivity (output per hour) and in
the level of labor services. 6

GROWTH, 1960- 1996
Annual change in real GDP, percent












Annual change in unemployment rate, percentage points

Annual change in real GDP, percent



The output of an economy does not
depend directly on the unemployment
rate. However, the labor services provided are related to the unemployment
rate, and it is through this channel that
unemployment is related to GDP growth.
As shown in the box on page 3, a simple
accounting exercise suggests that in the
short'run (holding capital services fixed),
the percentage change in output can be
written as the sum of the percentage
change in productivity plus a constant
times the percentage change in labor
services. The percentage change in labor
services, in turn, can be written as the
sum of the percentage change in hours
per worker, population growth, labor
force participation, and other relevant
factors (such as worker efficiency levels), minus the absolute change in the
unemployment rate.
From this perspective, it may seem
surprising that there is much association at all between changes in the unemployment rate and changes in output.
After all, a change in the jobless rate is
but one of several factors that contribute to a change in GDP. Also surprising
is the fact that a I-percentage-point decrease in unemployment would, on
average, be connected with such a large


Annual change in real GDP, percent




NOTE: Subsamples in figure 3 are estimates.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of
Economic Analysis; U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics; and authors' calculations.


change in


change in
labor services


change in
change in
hours per





change in


change in
labor services
change in
labor force


change in
other factors

change in the

NOTE: Given typical assumptions about the teclmology that describes the macroeconomy, the parameter A in the first expression can be interpreted as
the share of total national income earned by labor. This, of course, would imply that 0 < A < 1.

(2-percentage-point) increase in output
growth. The simple accounting intuition
above suggests that a I-percentage-point
drop in the unemployment rate would
translate into roughly a 1-percentagepoint rise in employment, which itself
translates into an increase in GDP
growth of something less than 1 percentage point.
The reason that the association between
the unemployment rate and output is relatively strong is that changes in the unemployment rate are related to changes
in the other factors that affect output
growth. For example, using average
annual data, a rising unemployment rate
is strongly associated with decreases in
both hours per worker and labor force
participation. Since each of these factors
contributes to falling output, it is clear
how small upticks in the unemployment
rate could be associated with larger
declines in GDP.

• When and Why the Okun's
Law Relationship Changes
The preceding discussion sheds light on
why and when the association between
the unemployment rate and output may
change or fail to hold altogether. As
noted, a stable and relatively predictable
relationship between these two measures
requires that the relationship between
unemployment and the full set of factors
determining labor resource utilization
itself be relatively predictable and constant over time.
The association between changes in the
unemployment rate and output growth
can become less reliable for a variety of
reasons, including breaks in the historical
magnitude (or even the direction) of the
correlation between the unemployment
rate and the population growth rate, labor

force participation rates, or average hours
per worker. However, the predominant
factor that has tended to undermine specific representations ofOkun's law (in
both the short and the long run) has been
changes in productivity.
Productivity changes are only slightly
correlated with changes in the unemployment rate, and the variability of
these changes is large-roughly twothirds of the variability of output. Since
1960, annual changes in productivity,
measured as total output per hour, have
varied from as low as -1.6 percent in
1974 to as high as 4.5 percent in 1962.
Consider the situation in 1993, when the
unemployment rate fell 0.6 percent,
compared to an increase of0.6 percent
in the previous year. Contrary to what
Okun's law would suggest, output
growth was lower in 1993 than in 1992.
Why? Using the accounting method
described above, we find that the difference is due to a relatively large, 2.7
percent increase in productivity that
occurred in 1992, versus a slight decline
of 0.4 percent in 1993.
Changes in productivity are difficult to
predict, even in richer models of the
interaction between unemployment and
output. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that the trend growth of productivity has tended to shift over time. As
the trend path of productivity changes,
so must the conventional measures of
potential GDP embedded in the standard
Okun's law model. Considering this, and
the variability of productivity changes
generally, it is no surprise that productivity changes are not reliably captured by
the simple rule-of-thumb relationship
represented by Okun 's law.

• Okun'sLaw
and Monetary Policy
Our discussion can be summarized by
the simple observation that the relationship between the unemployment rate
and GDP growth changes through time
or, in Okun 's language, that potential
GDP growth is not constant over time.
Although this is widely understood to
be true over extended periods - decade
to decade, say-it is equally true over
the much shorter horizons that characterize the business cycle. If these changes
are substantial, Okun's rule of thumb
can send very misleading signals about
the rate of economic growth associated
with any given change in the unemployment rate.
From the standpoint of conventional
wisdom, the implications of this observation should be clear. Even accepting the
proposition that higher output growth
begets lower unemployment rates, which
in turn beget inflationary pressure, this
chain of effects is useful for monetary
policy only to the extent that these crucial relationships are stable and predictable. On this score, both theory and
evidence provide ample ammunition for
the skeptic.
Perhaps the recent downticks in the unemployment rate do indeed signal strains
on labor resource utilization that threaten
the promotion of price stability, as suggested by the opening quotation. On the
other hand, we could be witnessing a
fundamental shift in the level of potential
GDP, as traditionally defined, and a transition to a new version ofOkun's law
associated with permanently higher GDP
growth. The uncertainty about which of
these alternatives is true raises serious
questions about the usefulness of
Okun's-law-type relationships when conducting monetary policy in real time.



1. See Arthur M. Okun, "Potential GNP : Its
Measurement and Significance," American
Statistical Association, Proceedings of the
Business and Economics Section, 1962, pp.
98 - 103. Gross National Product (GNP) was
the typical gauge of total output at the time
Okun was writing. It measures the total output of U.S. citizens, independent of the country in which production occurs. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the measure we use
today, represents total output produced in the
United States, independent of what country's
citizens own the resources used in production.

2. There is a sense in which the terminology
used here is misleading and unfortunate. It is
widely accepted that in the long run, inflation
is a purely monetary phenomenon. In other
words, inflation that persists when output is at
its potential and unemployment is at its natural
rate is solely attributable to monetary growth
in excess of demand. Seen in this context, the
trend inflation rate is wholly unconnected to
the level ofresource utilization in labor markets. Nonetheless, for purposes of this discussion, we will proceed using the conventional,
though imprecise, language.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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3. In his original work (footnote 1), Okun
offered changes in GDP growth and the unemployment rate as empirical proxies for deviations from potential, or "natural," levels.

4. The actual estimated linear regression
equation is 3.17 for the intercept and -1.93
for the slope.
5. This follows from a simple algebraic
rearrangement of the Okun's law equation:
Letting u be the unemployment rate and g be
the growth rate of GDP, the equation can be
expressed as

g=3.2 - 21lu
=>g - 3.2=21lu
- g-3.2
=>Ii u--2-·
For g= 4.2, this implies Liu = 1/2.


D avid Altig is a vice president and economist, and Teny Fitzgerald and Peter Rupert

are econom ists, at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Economic Commentary is available electronically through the Cleveland Fed's site on
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6. This ignores the important possibility that
capital services can adjust in the short run
via fluctuations in capital 's utilization rate.
As a measurement issue, failure to control
for variable capital utilization would lead us
to ascribe too large a fraction of total output
to factor productivity.

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