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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
ation, the net change in total employment
because of domestic-content
would be a negligible reduction of the
U.S. unemployment rate (0.2 percent)
three years after enactment. If the Japanese retaliate and restrict U.S. exports to
Japan, the net result would be an equally
moderate increase in the U.S. unemployment rate of 0.1 percent over the same
period. On the basis of these estimates
and of economic theory, it would be difficult to justify the domestic-content
bill as
a means for increasing U.S. employment
or reducing our unemployment rate.
In this global setting, the domesticcontent bill is a modest effort in the direction of seeing to it that the most vulnera, ble people in the world should not be
forced to pay the costs of the most wrenching economic transition in a centuryfrom smokestack capitalism to computerized capitalism.

The equity question of an industrial
transition is in many ways a more complex, and less economic, issue. American
capitalism has indeed been in transition
from an industrial base to a service and
high-technology base. Manufacturing
employment as a percent of total nonagricultural employment has been declining since the early 1950s, but the decline
accelerated between 1970 and 1980. As
such, the burdens of this transition would
fall disproportionately
on laborers in the
traditional manufacturing fields, with auto
making representing an important component. It is clear that protectionist measures can no more prevent these structural changes from occurring than they
could have prevented our industrial
economy from emerging out of an agrarian economy. Nor should we want them
to. If our intention is to cushion the transition for American labor and its resulting
structural unemployment, there are
transfer strategies that are more effective
than slowing economic progress.
As an example, the Trade Act 'of 1974
provides for federal trade-adjustment

assistance when industries are adversely
influenced by international competition.
The act provides funds for trade readjustment compensation, job retraining,
relocation, and other transition expenses
when necessary and aids in job search for
the unemployed. In addition to typical sixmonth state unemployment benefits, the
unemployment insurance system often
allows an additional 26 weeks of benefits
in states particularly hard hit with unemployment. Auto workers are further aided
with supplemental unemployment compensation from their employers. Redistributing the costs of labor transition from
traditional manufacturing such as auto
production is one problem that can be
dealt with short of attempts to "protect"
the U.S. auto worker from the efficient
operation of the marketplace.
Free trade is what all nations must practice if we are all to prosper. Unfortunately, many of our trading partners do not
play fair. Many complex import regulations
limit our sales to Japan and elsewhere.

Another popular fallacy is that the
wealth that accrues from trade requires
all trading partners to participate freely.
Yet, this is simply not the case. Although
unrestricted markets for both trading
partners improve the welfare of each, the
benefits we enjoy from trade do not
require mutual participation. For an
extreme example, suppose the Japanese
were successful in preventing U.S. exports from entering their country, while at
the same time the United States allowed
unrestrained entry of Japanese subcompacts into this country. It is inevitable that
U.S. consumers would enjoy the benefits
of economical transportation,
while the
Japanese would accumulate an increasing
flow of U.S. dollars. To the extent that
the Japanese would restrict imports,
there would be no outlet for U.S. dollars.
Essentially, we would be purchasing Japanese imports with nothing more than
paper. The dollars that the Japanese
would accumulate eventually would be

used. Dollar spending by foreigners takes
the form of U.S. exports as dollars return
to the U.S. goods-producing sector.6 If
foreigners decide not to spend but
instead save, the flow of dollars would
return to U.S. financial markets as
investments in U.S. industrial or government debt. In short, exports should be
thought of as a cost of international trade,
while imports simply represent the
revenues to be earned from trade.

International markets are often viewed
in a static, or unprogressive,
in practice, international markets are dynamic. The comparative advantage now
enjoyed by the Japanese in the production of new cars need not be permanent,
as demonstrated
by the ability of the
Japanese to succeed in a market that
was once almost exclusively American.
The two major hurdles now confronting
U.S. auto producers-labor
costs and
productivity weaknesses-can
be over6. The return of dollars via international exchange
markets need not be direct and can occur after
trades between foreign nations.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

come in time. A protectionist solution
merely provides a further disincentive for
making the adjustments necessary to
rebuild domestic auto manufacturing into
an efficient industry.
Beyond our industrial dilemma, there
are compelling reasons, from a national
perspective, to endorse international
trade. Open trade allows the U.S. economy to achieve consumption and investment levels that would be unattainable in
less efficient, closed-door economies.
While there may be noneconomic arguments for protectionism, e.g., equity of
industrial transition, we should examine
the strength of such arguments. We
must ask whether protectionist policies
justify the economic losses they would
inflict and whether our national objectives can be accomplished through less
expensive, nonprotectionist
Too often, protectionist advocates
merely secure the interests of vocal
special-interest groups at the expense of
voiceless American consumers. Whether
the market is shoes in Adam Smith's day
or automobiles today, the principles of
free trade are the same.

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Address Correction
Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

June 20, 1983

Economic Commentary

ISSN 0428-1276

The Mythology of Domestic Content
by Michael F. Bryan
It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at home
what it will cost him more to make than to buy. The taylor does not attempt to make
his own shoes, but buys them of the shoemaker ....
What is prudence in the conduct
of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. If a foreign
country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a
way in which we have some advantage.

The virtue of free trade is one concept
that nearly every economist advocates.
With free trade, a nation can produce the
goods and services for which it has a
comparative advantage and trade for the
goods and services that it is less suited to
manufacture domestically. Via profits,
specialization channels limited economic
resources into industries that use those
resources most efficiently. Prices of
domestic and imported goods and services will consequently fall, while total
consumption and investment will
increase. In essence, free trade raises the
wealth of all nations that embrace it.
Yet, as Thomas Babington wrote over
a century ago, "Free trade, one of the
greatest blessings which a government
can bestow on the country, is in almost
every country unpopular." Since 1979,
Congress has heard pleas for protectionist legislation from producers of ammonia,
shoes, textiles, copper, stainless and specialty steels, sugar, televisions, and

Economic analyst Michael F. Bryan tracks the auto
industry for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

machine-tool makers. A protectionist sentiment has become widespread in the
automotive industry-an
industry that
traditionally has favored open trade and
railed repeatedly against foreign protectionist efforts. As foreign participation in a
domestic industry intensifies, so will the
suspicion that competition is destructive
to the national economy, particularly
among the laborers who are directly
threatened. When the Japanese were
making early inroads into the U.S. newcar market, the protectionist drive was
limited to "buy-American" campaigns. As
Japanese proliferation continued, the
protectionist effort escalated to "voluntary" Japanese import restrictions.
The more Japanese auto manufacturers demonstrate their ability in the auto
manufacturing field, the more we can
expect protectionist solutions to evolve.
Pending before Congress is a domesticcontent bill that would require major
foreign-car makers to establish production facilities in the United States. Effectively, the public is being asked again to
aid U.S. automotive workers who in 1982
earned 45 percent more hourly than the
average manufacturing worker and 67
percent more than the average private
nonfarm worker. This Economic Com-

mentary examines

the issue of free trade
in the market for new automobiles, arguing that what is good for the U.S. auto
worker is not necessarily good for the
United States.

Invasion of the Japanese Imports
In the early 1970s, U.S. auto factories
produced primarily large cars, which
made up the bulk of the U.S. new-car
market. Confronted with rapidly rising
gasoline prices (beginning in 1973), American consumers altered their traditional
preference for six- and eight-cylinder
cars to more economical, fuel-efficient
models. In 1982 subcompact cars
represented the largest component of
the new-car market with a 45 percent
share, compared with 20 percent in 1975
and 12 percent in 1965. Unable to retool
existing production facilities quickly,
domestic auto manufacturers
experienced a serious decline in market
share. In less than ten years, new-car
imports from Japan increased by over
400 percent. To some extent, the growth
of small-car sales was cyclically induced,
as consumers temporarily adjusted newcar buying patterns to slower income
growth. Some of the increase in demand
for small cars should slow with economic
recovery, as would the demand for Japanese subcompacts.
Yet, current consumer tastes and relatively expensive
gasoline suggest that the demand for
small cars is largely permanent
There has been precedent for the
American preference for smaller cars. In
the 1950s, two faltering domestic car
Motors (Rambler)
and Studebaker-Packard
a segment from the new-car market with
the "compact." Between 1956 and 1959,
the Rambler and the Lark increased
market share from l.2 percent to 8.2 percent. Market penetration by the original
compacts eventually stimulated a competitive interest from other U.S. car manufacturers. In 1960 compact models were introduced by each of the "Big Three" auto
(Valiant), Ford (Fal-

con), and General Motors (Corvair). Because of its early success in compact
cars, American Motors survived the retaliatory competition of the other major domestic compacts; Studebaker-Packard
did not.

fewer labor hours worked per subcompact (80 hours per subcompact in Japan
vs. 144 in the United States).2

Import-Restriction Costs
In an environment where U.S. auto
makers find it difficult to compete with
foreign rivals in the subcompact market,
U.S. auto workers and manufacturers
pleading for protection. Pushed by the
United Auto Workers (UAW) and the
Ford Motor Company, a "voluntary"
annual limit of 1.68 million units on new
passenger-car imports was secured from
the Japanese for 1981 through 1983.3
This quota allows domestic auto makers
partial relief from Japanese competition
and so protects the interest of U.S. auto
workers. Like all protectionist strategies,
or mandatory-raise
the prices of imported goods. As consumer demand is forced toward domestically produced substitutes, the prices of
protected goods will also rise. These price
increases are analogous to a consumption tax, transferring income away from
consumers to protected domestic producers. Like most taxes, this transfer
reflects a political rather than an economic decision, inducing production inefficiencies and real economic loss. Over
time, national resources are artificially
allocated to less efficient producers from
more efficient industries. Protectionist
barriers further embody a perverse incentive system, allowing an industry to postpone making the production improvements that would be necessary in a more
competitive environment. In effect, protectionism partially ensures that inefficient producers remain inefficient by
reducing their incentives to do otherwise.
The ultimate costs of these protectionist-

The recent gains by the Japanese into
the new-car market, particularly with
have fostered a counterattack from domestic car makers. Unlike
the 1950s experience, efforts to ward off
the small-car competition have been far
less successful. General Motors (Chevette, Cavalier), Chrysler (Omni, Horizon),
Ford (Escort, Lynx), and American
Motors (Spirit, Alliance) have produced
cars to challenge the Japanese subcompact stronghold. The American entries
either have focused on the "luxury" end
of the market or have been unable to
unseat Japanese economy-class subcompacts. In January 1982, GM discontinued
U.S. production plans for the S-car, a
major small-car line; soon after, GM
announced plans to import up to 200,000
subcompact cars from the Japanese.
Why are the U.S. auto makers losing
ground in subcompact-car
To begin with, Japanese auto-production
standards are viewed by many as qualitatively superior to U.S. auto-production
standards. In addition, Japanese auto
manufacturing costs are as much as 33
percent ($2,050) lower than comparable
U.S. costs.! After adjusting for transportation and tariff expenses, Japan has a
26.8 percent ($1,650) landed cost advantage over similar U.S. competition. Nearly
all of the production-cost
differentials can
be linked to lower unit-labor costs in
Japan (about $1,975 per subcompact).
Roughly one-half of the labor-cost differential is attributed to lower hourly compensation of Japanese auto workers
($10.86 in Japan vs. $19.30 in the United
States). The remainder results from
greater Japanese labor productivity, or

2. Such estimates are subject to uncertainty, and
the cost advantage may be overstated. Some analysts argue that the Japanese production-cost
advantage is $800 to $1,000 per subcompact.

1. See "Domestic Content Legislation and the U.S.
Automobile Industry," Subcommittee
on Trade of
the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of
August 16, 1982, p. 30, table 5.

3. Not all imported cars are included in the voluntary import restrictions. Excluded are station waqons, vans, and miscellaneous
vehicles eventually destined for Puerto Rico.

induced inefficiencies are borne by U.S.
consumers who must pay higher prices
for protected products, laborers who lose
employment opportunities in non-protected industries, and foreign producers
who experience a profit loss.
Even with the declining demand for
cars since 1979, the voluntary autoimport quotas appear to have been effective. These restrictions have prompted an
increase in Japanese car prices. During
the first year of voluntary quotas, the
retail price of Japanese cars rose 25 percent above pre-quota levels.4 Some of
the price advance is in direct response to
market shortages, as consumers bid up
the price of available models. Volume limitations on imports of Japanese cars also
prodded a shift toward imports of larger,
more expensive Japanese cars. During
the first six months of 1982, for example,
the number of cars priced at $6,500 or
less sold by the two largest Japanese
auto manufacturers
(Toyota and Nissan)
declined 30 percent from the same period
in 1981. The sales of Toyotas and Nissans
priced between $6,500 and $11,000
increased 15 percent, while sales of Toyotas and Nissans priced higher than
$11,000 rose 60 percent. '
In addition to model shifts, recent
increases in Japanese car prices have
resulted from "optional" equipment on
Japanese imports. In the new-car market,
optional equipment typically has higher
markups (or margins) and is an important
source of profit from new-car sales.
Roughly 42 percent of all imported cars
had factory-installed air conditioning in
1982, compared with only 28 percent in
1981. Imported cars with factory-installed
cruise control increased from 9 percent
to 31 percent over the same period.
Essentially, these quota-induced protection costs have been passed directly
4. See Kathleen Hamilton, "Quotas Take Toll on
Japanese Importers, Dealers," Automotiue
July 5, 1982, p. 34. This price statistic includes
favorable exchange- rate variations over the year.
5. See International Letter, Federal Reserve
of Chicago, No. 494, February 25, 1983.


to U.S. consumers. Regardless, the Japanese have announced they no longer
intend to honor voluntary restrictions
beyond March 1984, demanding greater
access to the U.S. car market.

Domestic-Content Myths
H.R. 1234, called the domestic-content
bill, is the latest effort to protect the
interests of the U.S. auto workers. The
bill has cleared the House Commerce
Committee and will soon be presented to
Congress. The bill requires that a specific
percentage of the wholesale value of each
auto manufacturer's
output be produced
in the United States. This requirement
would be applicable to any seller of
automobiles with a U.S. sales volume of
100,000 units (or more) annually. The
requirements would be graduated according to each foreign manufacturer's
volume; when fully implemented, major
new-car sellers would be required to produce 90 percent of a car's wholesale
value in the United States. If enacted on
schedule, only two importers, Toyota and
Nissan, probably would be required to
produce a full 90 percent of their cars'
value in the United States by 1987.
Honda, Mazda, and Subaru would also
be subject to restrictive U.S. content
obligations. Effectively, the bill would prevent large Japanese auto manufacturers
from taking advantage of their lower production costs and would necessitate that
the importers either relocate in the
United States or radically limit their participation in the U.S. new-car market. In
either case, altering the competitive
structure of the car industry would generate price increases for new cars. The
Japanese would lose the cost advantages
from superior production efficiency, and
greater demands would be placed on less
efficient U.S. auto manufacturers.
U.S. legislators are far from unanimous
in their support for the domestic-content
bill, which originally sported 224
to its political
appeal. Arguments regularly cited in
defense of the bill often show misconcep-

tions of international
shown below.

trade theory, as

We need legislation that would have the
effect of requiring the Japanese to build
plants and create jobs here where their
major market is. A local content requirement is needed to preserve employment ....


Will domestic-content
legislation, or
any similar protectionist law, create jobs
in the United States? Probably not; or, if
so, not very many. Inasmuch as foreign
producers would be forced to relocate
production facilities to this country, or
allow domestic auto makers a larger
share of the U.S. market, the demand for
auto workers would increase. So, too,
would employment opportunities in
industries closely related to auto manufacturing, such as rubber and electrical
equipment industries. Unfortunately, this
simple analysis fails to consider the consequences on employment in alternative,
non-protected industries. Over time,
employment gains
in the auto industry must come at the
expense of job losses in non-au to-related
industries as consumers devote a larger
share of their limited incomes to auto
expenditures and less to other goods and
services. Job losses could be especially
severe in export-related industries, such
as computer manufacturing and farming.
Attempts to turn the trade balance temporarily toward the United States risk a
retaliation by a foreign government, in
this case additional Japanese import restrictions on U.S. goods and services.
In theory, only the distribution of
employment can be influenced by U.S.
trade policies, leaving absolute employment levels unchanged, or trade neutral
(allowing, of course, for the temporary
reallocation of labor when trade patterns
change.) A Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) appraisal of the employment
repercussions of the domestic-content
bears this out. In a study prepared for the
Subcommittee on Trade, the CBO estimates that, without Japanese trade retali-

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
ation, the net change in total employment
because of domestic-content
would be a negligible reduction of the
U.S. unemployment rate (0.2 percent)
three years after enactment. If the Japanese retaliate and restrict U.S. exports to
Japan, the net result would be an equally
moderate increase in the U.S. unemployment rate of 0.1 percent over the same
period. On the basis of these estimates
and of economic theory, it would be difficult to justify the domestic-content
bill as
a means for increasing U.S. employment
or reducing our unemployment rate.
In this global setting, the domesticcontent bill is a modest effort in the direction of seeing to it that the most vulnera, ble people in the world should not be
forced to pay the costs of the most wrenching economic transition in a centuryfrom smokestack capitalism to computerized capitalism.

The equity question of an industrial
transition is in many ways a more complex, and less economic, issue. American
capitalism has indeed been in transition
from an industrial base to a service and
high-technology base. Manufacturing
employment as a percent of total nonagricultural employment has been declining since the early 1950s, but the decline
accelerated between 1970 and 1980. As
such, the burdens of this transition would
fall disproportionately
on laborers in the
traditional manufacturing fields, with auto
making representing an important component. It is clear that protectionist measures can no more prevent these structural changes from occurring than they
could have prevented our industrial
economy from emerging out of an agrarian economy. Nor should we want them
to. If our intention is to cushion the transition for American labor and its resulting
structural unemployment, there are
transfer strategies that are more effective
than slowing economic progress.
As an example, the Trade Act 'of 1974
provides for federal trade-adjustment

assistance when industries are adversely
influenced by international competition.
The act provides funds for trade readjustment compensation, job retraining,
relocation, and other transition expenses
when necessary and aids in job search for
the unemployed. In addition to typical sixmonth state unemployment benefits, the
unemployment insurance system often
allows an additional 26 weeks of benefits
in states particularly hard hit with unemployment. Auto workers are further aided
with supplemental unemployment compensation from their employers. Redistributing the costs of labor transition from
traditional manufacturing such as auto
production is one problem that can be
dealt with short of attempts to "protect"
the U.S. auto worker from the efficient
operation of the marketplace.
Free trade is what all nations must practice if we are all to prosper. Unfortunately, many of our trading partners do not
play fair. Many complex import regulations
limit our sales to Japan and elsewhere.

Another popular fallacy is that the
wealth that accrues from trade requires
all trading partners to participate freely.
Yet, this is simply not the case. Although
unrestricted markets for both trading
partners improve the welfare of each, the
benefits we enjoy from trade do not
require mutual participation. For an
extreme example, suppose the Japanese
were successful in preventing U.S. exports from entering their country, while at
the same time the United States allowed
unrestrained entry of Japanese subcompacts into this country. It is inevitable that
U.S. consumers would enjoy the benefits
of economical transportation,
while the
Japanese would accumulate an increasing
flow of U.S. dollars. To the extent that
the Japanese would restrict imports,
there would be no outlet for U.S. dollars.
Essentially, we would be purchasing Japanese imports with nothing more than
paper. The dollars that the Japanese
would accumulate eventually would be

used. Dollar spending by foreigners takes
the form of U.S. exports as dollars return
to the U.S. goods-producing sector.6 If
foreigners decide not to spend but
instead save, the flow of dollars would
return to U.S. financial markets as
investments in U.S. industrial or government debt. In short, exports should be
thought of as a cost of international trade,
while imports simply represent the
revenues to be earned from trade.

International markets are often viewed
in a static, or unprogressive,
in practice, international markets are dynamic. The comparative advantage now
enjoyed by the Japanese in the production of new cars need not be permanent,
as demonstrated
by the ability of the
Japanese to succeed in a market that
was once almost exclusively American.
The two major hurdles now confronting
U.S. auto producers-labor
costs and
productivity weaknesses-can
be over6. The return of dollars via international exchange
markets need not be direct and can occur after
trades between foreign nations.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

come in time. A protectionist solution
merely provides a further disincentive for
making the adjustments necessary to
rebuild domestic auto manufacturing into
an efficient industry.
Beyond our industrial dilemma, there
are compelling reasons, from a national
perspective, to endorse international
trade. Open trade allows the U.S. economy to achieve consumption and investment levels that would be unattainable in
less efficient, closed-door economies.
While there may be noneconomic arguments for protectionism, e.g., equity of
industrial transition, we should examine
the strength of such arguments. We
must ask whether protectionist policies
justify the economic losses they would
inflict and whether our national objectives can be accomplished through less
expensive, nonprotectionist
Too often, protectionist advocates
merely secure the interests of vocal
special-interest groups at the expense of
voiceless American consumers. Whether
the market is shoes in Adam Smith's day
or automobiles today, the principles of
free trade are the same.

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Address Correction
Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

June 20, 1983

Economic Commentary

ISSN 0428-1276

The Mythology of Domestic Content
by Michael F. Bryan
It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at home
what it will cost him more to make than to buy. The taylor does not attempt to make
his own shoes, but buys them of the shoemaker ....
What is prudence in the conduct
of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. If a foreign
country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a
way in which we have some advantage.

The virtue of free trade is one concept
that nearly every economist advocates.
With free trade, a nation can produce the
goods and services for which it has a
comparative advantage and trade for the
goods and services that it is less suited to
manufacture domestically. Via profits,
specialization channels limited economic
resources into industries that use those
resources most efficiently. Prices of
domestic and imported goods and services will consequently fall, while total
consumption and investment will
increase. In essence, free trade raises the
wealth of all nations that embrace it.
Yet, as Thomas Babington wrote over
a century ago, "Free trade, one of the
greatest blessings which a government
can bestow on the country, is in almost
every country unpopular." Since 1979,
Congress has heard pleas for protectionist legislation from producers of ammonia,
shoes, textiles, copper, stainless and specialty steels, sugar, televisions, and

Economic analyst Michael F. Bryan tracks the auto
industry for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

machine-tool makers. A protectionist sentiment has become widespread in the
automotive industry-an
industry that
traditionally has favored open trade and
railed repeatedly against foreign protectionist efforts. As foreign participation in a
domestic industry intensifies, so will the
suspicion that competition is destructive
to the national economy, particularly
among the laborers who are directly
threatened. When the Japanese were
making early inroads into the U.S. newcar market, the protectionist drive was
limited to "buy-American" campaigns. As
Japanese proliferation continued, the
protectionist effort escalated to "voluntary" Japanese import restrictions.
The more Japanese auto manufacturers demonstrate their ability in the auto
manufacturing field, the more we can
expect protectionist solutions to evolve.
Pending before Congress is a domesticcontent bill that would require major
foreign-car makers to establish production facilities in the United States. Effectively, the public is being asked again to
aid U.S. automotive workers who in 1982
earned 45 percent more hourly than the
average manufacturing worker and 67
percent more than the average private
nonfarm worker. This Economic Com-

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
ation, the net change in total employment
because of domestic-content
would be a negligible reduction of the
U.S. unemployment rate (0.2 percent)
three years after enactment. If the Japanese retaliate and restrict U.S. exports to
Japan, the net result would be an equally
moderate increase in the U.S. unemployment rate of 0.1 percent over the same
period. On the basis of these estimates
and of economic theory, it would be difficult to justify the domestic-content
bill as
a means for increasing U.S. employment
or reducing our unemployment rate.
In this global setting, the domesticcontent bill is a modest effort in the direction of seeing to it that the most vulnera, ble people in the world should not be
forced to pay the costs of the most wrenching economic transition in a centuryfrom smokestack capitalism to computerized capitalism.

The equity question of an industrial
transition is in many ways a more complex, and less economic, issue. American
capitalism has indeed been in transition
from an industrial base to a service and
high-technology base. Manufacturing
employment as a percent of total nonagricultural employment has been declining since the early 1950s, but the decline
accelerated between 1970 and 1980. As
such, the burdens of this transition would
fall disproportionately
on laborers in the
traditional manufacturing fields, with auto
making representing an important component. It is clear that protectionist measures can no more prevent these structural changes from occurring than they
could have prevented our industrial
economy from emerging out of an agrarian economy. Nor should we want them
to. If our intention is to cushion the transition for American labor and its resulting
structural unemployment, there are
transfer strategies that are more effective
than slowing economic progress.
As an example, the Trade Act 'of 1974
provides for federal trade-adjustment

assistance when industries are adversely
influenced by international competition.
The act provides funds for trade readjustment compensation, job retraining,
relocation, and other transition expenses
when necessary and aids in job search for
the unemployed. In addition to typical sixmonth state unemployment benefits, the
unemployment insurance system often
allows an additional 26 weeks of benefits
in states particularly hard hit with unemployment. Auto workers are further aided
with supplemental unemployment compensation from their employers. Redistributing the costs of labor transition from
traditional manufacturing such as auto
production is one problem that can be
dealt with short of attempts to "protect"
the U.S. auto worker from the efficient
operation of the marketplace.
Free trade is what all nations must practice if we are all to prosper. Unfortunately, many of our trading partners do not
play fair. Many complex import regulations
limit our sales to Japan and elsewhere.

Another popular fallacy is that the
wealth that accrues from trade requires
all trading partners to participate freely.
Yet, this is simply not the case. Although
unrestricted markets for both trading
partners improve the welfare of each, the
benefits we enjoy from trade do not
require mutual participation. For an
extreme example, suppose the Japanese
were successful in preventing U.S. exports from entering their country, while at
the same time the United States allowed
unrestrained entry of Japanese subcompacts into this country. It is inevitable that
U.S. consumers would enjoy the benefits
of economical transportation,
while the
Japanese would accumulate an increasing
flow of U.S. dollars. To the extent that
the Japanese would restrict imports,
there would be no outlet for U.S. dollars.
Essentially, we would be purchasing Japanese imports with nothing more than
paper. The dollars that the Japanese
would accumulate eventually would be

used. Dollar spending by foreigners takes
the form of U.S. exports as dollars return
to the U.S. goods-producing sector.6 If
foreigners decide not to spend but
instead save, the flow of dollars would
return to U.S. financial markets as
investments in U.S. industrial or government debt. In short, exports should be
thought of as a cost of international trade,
while imports simply represent the
revenues to be earned from trade.

International markets are often viewed
in a static, or unprogressive,
in practice, international markets are dynamic. The comparative advantage now
enjoyed by the Japanese in the production of new cars need not be permanent,
as demonstrated
by the ability of the
Japanese to succeed in a market that
was once almost exclusively American.
The two major hurdles now confronting
U.S. auto producers-labor
costs and
productivity weaknesses-can
be over6. The return of dollars via international exchange
markets need not be direct and can occur after
trades between foreign nations.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

come in time. A protectionist solution
merely provides a further disincentive for
making the adjustments necessary to
rebuild domestic auto manufacturing into
an efficient industry.
Beyond our industrial dilemma, there
are compelling reasons, from a national
perspective, to endorse international
trade. Open trade allows the U.S. economy to achieve consumption and investment levels that would be unattainable in
less efficient, closed-door economies.
While there may be noneconomic arguments for protectionism, e.g., equity of
industrial transition, we should examine
the strength of such arguments. We
must ask whether protectionist policies
justify the economic losses they would
inflict and whether our national objectives can be accomplished through less
expensive, nonprotectionist
Too often, protectionist advocates
merely secure the interests of vocal
special-interest groups at the expense of
voiceless American consumers. Whether
the market is shoes in Adam Smith's day
or automobiles today, the principles of
free trade are the same.

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June 20, 1983

Economic Commentary

ISSN 0428-1276

The Mythology of Domestic Content
by Michael F. Bryan
It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at home
what it will cost him more to make than to buy. The taylor does not attempt to make
his own shoes, but buys them of the shoemaker ....
What is prudence in the conduct
of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom. If a foreign
country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a
way in which we have some advantage.

The virtue of free trade is one concept
that nearly every economist advocates.
With free trade, a nation can produce the
goods and services for which it has a
comparative advantage and trade for the
goods and services that it is less suited to
manufacture domestically. Via profits,
specialization channels limited economic
resources into industries that use those
resources most efficiently. Prices of
domestic and imported goods and services will consequently fall, while total
consumption and investment will
increase. In essence, free trade raises the
wealth of all nations that embrace it.
Yet, as Thomas Babington wrote over
a century ago, "Free trade, one of the
greatest blessings which a government
can bestow on the country, is in almost
every country unpopular." Since 1979,
Congress has heard pleas for protectionist legislation from producers of ammonia,
shoes, textiles, copper, stainless and specialty steels, sugar, televisions, and

Economic analyst Michael F. Bryan tracks the auto
industry for the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

machine-tool makers. A protectionist sentiment has become widespread in the
automotive industry-an
industry that
traditionally has favored open trade and
railed repeatedly against foreign protectionist efforts. As foreign participation in a
domestic industry intensifies, so will the
suspicion that competition is destructive
to the national economy, particularly
among the laborers who are directly
threatened. When the Japanese were
making early inroads into the U.S. newcar market, the protectionist drive was
limited to "buy-American" campaigns. As
Japanese proliferation continued, the
protectionist effort escalated to "voluntary" Japanese import restrictions.
The more Japanese auto manufacturers demonstrate their ability in the auto
manufacturing field, the more we can
expect protectionist solutions to evolve.
Pending before Congress is a domesticcontent bill that would require major
foreign-car makers to establish production facilities in the United States. Effectively, the public is being asked again to
aid U.S. automotive workers who in 1982
earned 45 percent more hourly than the
average manufacturing worker and 67
percent more than the average private
nonfarm worker. This Economic Com-

mentary examines

the issue of free trade
in the market for new automobiles, arguing that what is good for the U.S. auto
worker is not necessarily good for the
United States.

Invasion of the Japanese Imports
In the early 1970s, U.S. auto factories
produced primarily large cars, which
made up the bulk of the U.S. new-car
market. Confronted with rapidly rising
gasoline prices (beginning in 1973), American consumers altered their traditional
preference for six- and eight-cylinder
cars to more economical, fuel-efficient
models. In 1982 subcompact cars
represented the largest component of
the new-car market with a 45 percent
share, compared with 20 percent in 1975
and 12 percent in 1965. Unable to retool
existing production facilities quickly,
domestic auto manufacturers
experienced a serious decline in market
share. In less than ten years, new-car
imports from Japan increased by over
400 percent. To some extent, the growth
of small-car sales was cyclically induced,
as consumers temporarily adjusted newcar buying patterns to slower income
growth. Some of the increase in demand
for small cars should slow with economic
recovery, as would the demand for Japanese subcompacts.
Yet, current consumer tastes and relatively expensive
gasoline suggest that the demand for
small cars is largely permanent
There has been precedent for the
American preference for smaller cars. In
the 1950s, two faltering domestic car
Motors (Rambler)
and Studebaker-Packard
a segment from the new-car market with
the "compact." Between 1956 and 1959,
the Rambler and the Lark increased
market share from l.2 percent to 8.2 percent. Market penetration by the original
compacts eventually stimulated a competitive interest from other U.S. car manufacturers. In 1960 compact models were introduced by each of the "Big Three" auto
(Valiant), Ford (Fal-

con), and General Motors (Corvair). Because of its early success in compact
cars, American Motors survived the retaliatory competition of the other major domestic compacts; Studebaker-Packard
did not.

fewer labor hours worked per subcompact (80 hours per subcompact in Japan
vs. 144 in the United States).2

Import-Restriction Costs
In an environment where U.S. auto
makers find it difficult to compete with
foreign rivals in the subcompact market,
U.S. auto workers and manufacturers
pleading for protection. Pushed by the
United Auto Workers (UAW) and the
Ford Motor Company, a "voluntary"
annual limit of 1.68 million units on new
passenger-car imports was secured from
the Japanese for 1981 through 1983.3
This quota allows domestic auto makers
partial relief from Japanese competition
and so protects the interest of U.S. auto
workers. Like all protectionist strategies,
or mandatory-raise
the prices of imported goods. As consumer demand is forced toward domestically produced substitutes, the prices of
protected goods will also rise. These price
increases are analogous to a consumption tax, transferring income away from
consumers to protected domestic producers. Like most taxes, this transfer
reflects a political rather than an economic decision, inducing production inefficiencies and real economic loss. Over
time, national resources are artificially
allocated to less efficient producers from
more efficient industries. Protectionist
barriers further embody a perverse incentive system, allowing an industry to postpone making the production improvements that would be necessary in a more
competitive environment. In effect, protectionism partially ensures that inefficient producers remain inefficient by
reducing their incentives to do otherwise.
The ultimate costs of these protectionist-

The recent gains by the Japanese into
the new-car market, particularly with
have fostered a counterattack from domestic car makers. Unlike
the 1950s experience, efforts to ward off
the small-car competition have been far
less successful. General Motors (Chevette, Cavalier), Chrysler (Omni, Horizon),
Ford (Escort, Lynx), and American
Motors (Spirit, Alliance) have produced
cars to challenge the Japanese subcompact stronghold. The American entries
either have focused on the "luxury" end
of the market or have been unable to
unseat Japanese economy-class subcompacts. In January 1982, GM discontinued
U.S. production plans for the S-car, a
major small-car line; soon after, GM
announced plans to import up to 200,000
subcompact cars from the Japanese.
Why are the U.S. auto makers losing
ground in subcompact-car
To begin with, Japanese auto-production
standards are viewed by many as qualitatively superior to U.S. auto-production
standards. In addition, Japanese auto
manufacturing costs are as much as 33
percent ($2,050) lower than comparable
U.S. costs.! After adjusting for transportation and tariff expenses, Japan has a
26.8 percent ($1,650) landed cost advantage over similar U.S. competition. Nearly
all of the production-cost
differentials can
be linked to lower unit-labor costs in
Japan (about $1,975 per subcompact).
Roughly one-half of the labor-cost differential is attributed to lower hourly compensation of Japanese auto workers
($10.86 in Japan vs. $19.30 in the United
States). The remainder results from
greater Japanese labor productivity, or

2. Such estimates are subject to uncertainty, and
the cost advantage may be overstated. Some analysts argue that the Japanese production-cost
advantage is $800 to $1,000 per subcompact.

1. See "Domestic Content Legislation and the U.S.
Automobile Industry," Subcommittee
on Trade of
the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of
August 16, 1982, p. 30, table 5.

3. Not all imported cars are included in the voluntary import restrictions. Excluded are station waqons, vans, and miscellaneous
vehicles eventually destined for Puerto Rico.

induced inefficiencies are borne by U.S.
consumers who must pay higher prices
for protected products, laborers who lose
employment opportunities in non-protected industries, and foreign producers
who experience a profit loss.
Even with the declining demand for
cars since 1979, the voluntary autoimport quotas appear to have been effective. These restrictions have prompted an
increase in Japanese car prices. During
the first year of voluntary quotas, the
retail price of Japanese cars rose 25 percent above pre-quota levels.4 Some of
the price advance is in direct response to
market shortages, as consumers bid up
the price of available models. Volume limitations on imports of Japanese cars also
prodded a shift toward imports of larger,
more expensive Japanese cars. During
the first six months of 1982, for example,
the number of cars priced at $6,500 or
less sold by the two largest Japanese
auto manufacturers
(Toyota and Nissan)
declined 30 percent from the same period
in 1981. The sales of Toyotas and Nissans
priced between $6,500 and $11,000
increased 15 percent, while sales of Toyotas and Nissans priced higher than
$11,000 rose 60 percent. '
In addition to model shifts, recent
increases in Japanese car prices have
resulted from "optional" equipment on
Japanese imports. In the new-car market,
optional equipment typically has higher
markups (or margins) and is an important
source of profit from new-car sales.
Roughly 42 percent of all imported cars
had factory-installed air conditioning in
1982, compared with only 28 percent in
1981. Imported cars with factory-installed
cruise control increased from 9 percent
to 31 percent over the same period.
Essentially, these quota-induced protection costs have been passed directly
4. See Kathleen Hamilton, "Quotas Take Toll on
Japanese Importers, Dealers," Automotiue
July 5, 1982, p. 34. This price statistic includes
favorable exchange- rate variations over the year.
5. See International Letter, Federal Reserve
of Chicago, No. 494, February 25, 1983.


to U.S. consumers. Regardless, the Japanese have announced they no longer
intend to honor voluntary restrictions
beyond March 1984, demanding greater
access to the U.S. car market.

Domestic-Content Myths
H.R. 1234, called the domestic-content
bill, is the latest effort to protect the
interests of the U.S. auto workers. The
bill has cleared the House Commerce
Committee and will soon be presented to
Congress. The bill requires that a specific
percentage of the wholesale value of each
auto manufacturer's
output be produced
in the United States. This requirement
would be applicable to any seller of
automobiles with a U.S. sales volume of
100,000 units (or more) annually. The
requirements would be graduated according to each foreign manufacturer's
volume; when fully implemented, major
new-car sellers would be required to produce 90 percent of a car's wholesale
value in the United States. If enacted on
schedule, only two importers, Toyota and
Nissan, probably would be required to
produce a full 90 percent of their cars'
value in the United States by 1987.
Honda, Mazda, and Subaru would also
be subject to restrictive U.S. content
obligations. Effectively, the bill would prevent large Japanese auto manufacturers
from taking advantage of their lower production costs and would necessitate that
the importers either relocate in the
United States or radically limit their participation in the U.S. new-car market. In
either case, altering the competitive
structure of the car industry would generate price increases for new cars. The
Japanese would lose the cost advantages
from superior production efficiency, and
greater demands would be placed on less
efficient U.S. auto manufacturers.
U.S. legislators are far from unanimous
in their support for the domestic-content
bill, which originally sported 224
to its political
appeal. Arguments regularly cited in
defense of the bill often show misconcep-

tions of international
shown below.

trade theory, as

We need legislation that would have the
effect of requiring the Japanese to build
plants and create jobs here where their
major market is. A local content requirement is needed to preserve employment ....


Will domestic-content
legislation, or
any similar protectionist law, create jobs
in the United States? Probably not; or, if
so, not very many. Inasmuch as foreign
producers would be forced to relocate
production facilities to this country, or
allow domestic auto makers a larger
share of the U.S. market, the demand for
auto workers would increase. So, too,
would employment opportunities in
industries closely related to auto manufacturing, such as rubber and electrical
equipment industries. Unfortunately, this
simple analysis fails to consider the consequences on employment in alternative,
non-protected industries. Over time,
employment gains
in the auto industry must come at the
expense of job losses in non-au to-related
industries as consumers devote a larger
share of their limited incomes to auto
expenditures and less to other goods and
services. Job losses could be especially
severe in export-related industries, such
as computer manufacturing and farming.
Attempts to turn the trade balance temporarily toward the United States risk a
retaliation by a foreign government, in
this case additional Japanese import restrictions on U.S. goods and services.
In theory, only the distribution of
employment can be influenced by U.S.
trade policies, leaving absolute employment levels unchanged, or trade neutral
(allowing, of course, for the temporary
reallocation of labor when trade patterns
change.) A Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) appraisal of the employment
repercussions of the domestic-content
bears this out. In a study prepared for the
Subcommittee on Trade, the CBO estimates that, without Japanese trade retali-

mentary examines

the issue of free trade
in the market for new automobiles, arguing that what is good for the U.S. auto
worker is not necessarily good for the
United States.

Invasion of the Japanese Imports
In the early 1970s, U.S. auto factories
produced primarily large cars, which
made up the bulk of the U.S. new-car
market. Confronted with rapidly rising
gasoline prices (beginning in 1973), American consumers altered their traditional
preference for six- and eight-cylinder
cars to more economical, fuel-efficient
models. In 1982 subcompact cars
represented the largest component of
the new-car market with a 45 percent
share, compared with 20 percent in 1975
and 12 percent in 1965. Unable to retool
existing production facilities quickly,
domestic auto manufacturers
experienced a serious decline in market
share. In less than ten years, new-car
imports from Japan increased by over
400 percent. To some extent, the growth
of small-car sales was cyclically induced,
as consumers temporarily adjusted newcar buying patterns to slower income
growth. Some of the increase in demand
for small cars should slow with economic
recovery, as would the demand for Japanese subcompacts.
Yet, current consumer tastes and relatively expensive
gasoline suggest that the demand for
small cars is largely permanent
There has been precedent for the
American preference for smaller cars. In
the 1950s, two faltering domestic car
Motors (Rambler)
and Studebaker-Packard
a segment from the new-car market with
the "compact." Between 1956 and 1959,
the Rambler and the Lark increased
market share from l.2 percent to 8.2 percent. Market penetration by the original
compacts eventually stimulated a competitive interest from other U.S. car manufacturers. In 1960 compact models were introduced by each of the "Big Three" auto
(Valiant), Ford (Fal-

con), and General Motors (Corvair). Because of its early success in compact
cars, American Motors survived the retaliatory competition of the other major domestic compacts; Studebaker-Packard
did not.

fewer labor hours worked per subcompact (80 hours per subcompact in Japan
vs. 144 in the United States).2

Import-Restriction Costs
In an environment where U.S. auto
makers find it difficult to compete with
foreign rivals in the subcompact market,
U.S. auto workers and manufacturers
pleading for protection. Pushed by the
United Auto Workers (UAW) and the
Ford Motor Company, a "voluntary"
annual limit of 1.68 million units on new
passenger-car imports was secured from
the Japanese for 1981 through 1983.3
This quota allows domestic auto makers
partial relief from Japanese competition
and so protects the interest of U.S. auto
workers. Like all protectionist strategies,
or mandatory-raise
the prices of imported goods. As consumer demand is forced toward domestically produced substitutes, the prices of
protected goods will also rise. These price
increases are analogous to a consumption tax, transferring income away from
consumers to protected domestic producers. Like most taxes, this transfer
reflects a political rather than an economic decision, inducing production inefficiencies and real economic loss. Over
time, national resources are artificially
allocated to less efficient producers from
more efficient industries. Protectionist
barriers further embody a perverse incentive system, allowing an industry to postpone making the production improvements that would be necessary in a more
competitive environment. In effect, protectionism partially ensures that inefficient producers remain inefficient by
reducing their incentives to do otherwise.
The ultimate costs of these protectionist-

The recent gains by the Japanese into
the new-car market, particularly with
have fostered a counterattack from domestic car makers. Unlike
the 1950s experience, efforts to ward off
the small-car competition have been far
less successful. General Motors (Chevette, Cavalier), Chrysler (Omni, Horizon),
Ford (Escort, Lynx), and American
Motors (Spirit, Alliance) have produced
cars to challenge the Japanese subcompact stronghold. The American entries
either have focused on the "luxury" end
of the market or have been unable to
unseat Japanese economy-class subcompacts. In January 1982, GM discontinued
U.S. production plans for the S-car, a
major small-car line; soon after, GM
announced plans to import up to 200,000
subcompact cars from the Japanese.
Why are the U.S. auto makers losing
ground in subcompact-car
To begin with, Japanese auto-production
standards are viewed by many as qualitatively superior to U.S. auto-production
standards. In addition, Japanese auto
manufacturing costs are as much as 33
percent ($2,050) lower than comparable
U.S. costs.! After adjusting for transportation and tariff expenses, Japan has a
26.8 percent ($1,650) landed cost advantage over similar U.S. competition. Nearly
all of the production-cost
differentials can
be linked to lower unit-labor costs in
Japan (about $1,975 per subcompact).
Roughly one-half of the labor-cost differential is attributed to lower hourly compensation of Japanese auto workers
($10.86 in Japan vs. $19.30 in the United
States). The remainder results from
greater Japanese labor productivity, or

2. Such estimates are subject to uncertainty, and
the cost advantage may be overstated. Some analysts argue that the Japanese production-cost
advantage is $800 to $1,000 per subcompact.

1. See "Domestic Content Legislation and the U.S.
Automobile Industry," Subcommittee
on Trade of
the Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of
August 16, 1982, p. 30, table 5.

3. Not all imported cars are included in the voluntary import restrictions. Excluded are station waqons, vans, and miscellaneous
vehicles eventually destined for Puerto Rico.

induced inefficiencies are borne by U.S.
consumers who must pay higher prices
for protected products, laborers who lose
employment opportunities in non-protected industries, and foreign producers
who experience a profit loss.
Even with the declining demand for
cars since 1979, the voluntary autoimport quotas appear to have been effective. These restrictions have prompted an
increase in Japanese car prices. During
the first year of voluntary quotas, the
retail price of Japanese cars rose 25 percent above pre-quota levels.4 Some of
the price advance is in direct response to
market shortages, as consumers bid up
the price of available models. Volume limitations on imports of Japanese cars also
prodded a shift toward imports of larger,
more expensive Japanese cars. During
the first six months of 1982, for example,
the number of cars priced at $6,500 or
less sold by the two largest Japanese
auto manufacturers
(Toyota and Nissan)
declined 30 percent from the same period
in 1981. The sales of Toyotas and Nissans
priced between $6,500 and $11,000
increased 15 percent, while sales of Toyotas and Nissans priced higher than
$11,000 rose 60 percent. '
In addition to model shifts, recent
increases in Japanese car prices have
resulted from "optional" equipment on
Japanese imports. In the new-car market,
optional equipment typically has higher
markups (or margins) and is an important
source of profit from new-car sales.
Roughly 42 percent of all imported cars
had factory-installed air conditioning in
1982, compared with only 28 percent in
1981. Imported cars with factory-installed
cruise control increased from 9 percent
to 31 percent over the same period.
Essentially, these quota-induced protection costs have been passed directly
4. See Kathleen Hamilton, "Quotas Take Toll on
Japanese Importers, Dealers," Automotiue
July 5, 1982, p. 34. This price statistic includes
favorable exchange- rate variations over the year.
5. See International Letter, Federal Reserve
of Chicago, No. 494, February 25, 1983.


to U.S. consumers. Regardless, the Japanese have announced they no longer
intend to honor voluntary restrictions
beyond March 1984, demanding greater
access to the U.S. car market.

Domestic-Content Myths
H.R. 1234, called the domestic-content
bill, is the latest effort to protect the
interests of the U.S. auto workers. The
bill has cleared the House Commerce
Committee and will soon be presented to
Congress. The bill requires that a specific
percentage of the wholesale value of each
auto manufacturer's
output be produced
in the United States. This requirement
would be applicable to any seller of
automobiles with a U.S. sales volume of
100,000 units (or more) annually. The
requirements would be graduated according to each foreign manufacturer's
volume; when fully implemented, major
new-car sellers would be required to produce 90 percent of a car's wholesale
value in the United States. If enacted on
schedule, only two importers, Toyota and
Nissan, probably would be required to
produce a full 90 percent of their cars'
value in the United States by 1987.
Honda, Mazda, and Subaru would also
be subject to restrictive U.S. content
obligations. Effectively, the bill would prevent large Japanese auto manufacturers
from taking advantage of their lower production costs and would necessitate that
the importers either relocate in the
United States or radically limit their participation in the U.S. new-car market. In
either case, altering the competitive
structure of the car industry would generate price increases for new cars. The
Japanese would lose the cost advantages
from superior production efficiency, and
greater demands would be placed on less
efficient U.S. auto manufacturers.
U.S. legislators are far from unanimous
in their support for the domestic-content
bill, which originally sported 224
to its political
appeal. Arguments regularly cited in
defense of the bill often show misconcep-

tions of international
shown below.

trade theory, as

We need legislation that would have the
effect of requiring the Japanese to build
plants and create jobs here where their
major market is. A local content requirement is needed to preserve employment ....


Will domestic-content
legislation, or
any similar protectionist law, create jobs
in the United States? Probably not; or, if
so, not very many. Inasmuch as foreign
producers would be forced to relocate
production facilities to this country, or
allow domestic auto makers a larger
share of the U.S. market, the demand for
auto workers would increase. So, too,
would employment opportunities in
industries closely related to auto manufacturing, such as rubber and electrical
equipment industries. Unfortunately, this
simple analysis fails to consider the consequences on employment in alternative,
non-protected industries. Over time,
employment gains
in the auto industry must come at the
expense of job losses in non-au to-related
industries as consumers devote a larger
share of their limited incomes to auto
expenditures and less to other goods and
services. Job losses could be especially
severe in export-related industries, such
as computer manufacturing and farming.
Attempts to turn the trade balance temporarily toward the United States risk a
retaliation by a foreign government, in
this case additional Japanese import restrictions on U.S. goods and services.
In theory, only the distribution of
employment can be influenced by U.S.
trade policies, leaving absolute employment levels unchanged, or trade neutral
(allowing, of course, for the temporary
reallocation of labor when trade patterns
change.) A Congressional Budget Office
(CBO) appraisal of the employment
repercussions of the domestic-content
bears this out. In a study prepared for the
Subcommittee on Trade, the CBO estimates that, without Japanese trade retali-