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February 1, 1996

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Mortgage Interest Deductibility and
Housing Prices
by Stephen G. Cecchetti and Peter Rupert

Over the past few years, there have
been several proposals for replacing
the income tax system with a system
based on taxing consumption. Many
of the proposed reforms include eliminating the deductibility of home-mortgage interest, but this provision raises
a question: Since the deduction subsidizes home ownership, will eliminating it substantially reduce the value of
owner-occupied housing?1
If Congress planned to end the homemortgage interest deduction, leaving
the rest of the tax code untouched,
this concern would be well founded.
To see why, consider that the decision to buy a house is based on the
monthly cost of ownership. Individuals calculate an implicit rental equivalence that combines after-tax mortgage
payments, property taxes, insurance,
maintenance, and the opportunity cost
of their down payment.2 For a given
mortgage interest rate, eliminating
the tax deductibility of the payments
increases the after-tax cost, leading to a
decline in demand for owner-occupied
housing and ultimately reducing housing prices. In other words, the simple
experiment of removing the mortgage
interest deduction, without changing
anything else, has the result people
seem to think it will. Moreover, the
effect on housing prices differs across
income levels. As we discuss below,
most of the benefits of the homemortgage interest deduction accrue
to higher-income households, mainly
because lower-income households do
not itemize their tax returns.
The proposed tax changes, however,
are not this simple. Most are modeled
on the Hall-Rabushka proposal for taxing consumption at a flat rate.3 One
ISSN 0428-1276

claim made by the authors of these
proposals is that the tax code changes
will increase aggregate saving. As the
subsidy for purchased housing ends,
the demand for other investments (like
more productive business capital) will
rise, increasing investment and saving. With such a major overhaul of the
tax system, it is difficult to predict how
much housing prices would change, or
to anticipate the direction of interest
rate changes, let alone their magnitude.
In this Economic Commentary, we
analyze how implementing a flat tax
on income and ending the deductibility of mortgage interest payments
would affect housing prices. We argue
that, to the extent that housing prices
decline, more of the impact will be
borne by those at higher income levels. However, since these households
put a smaller fraction of their wealth
in housing than do lower-income families, changes in the value of their other
assets may mitigate the decline in the
price of their homes.

An analysis of how implementing a
flat tax on income and ending the
deductibility of mortgage interest payments would affect housing
prices. The authors show that, to
the extent prices decline, higherincome households would bear most
of the impact, but increases in the
value of their other assets might
mitigate the drop in the price of
their homes.

 Flat Taxes, Interest Rates,
and Housing Prices

In comparison, a value-added tax
(VAT) taxes businesses on their profits, net interest paid, and wages. In the
end, the two systems end up taxing
exactly the same thing—consumption.
This is most easily seen by considering the VAT. When a consumer buys a
product from a retailer, he pays taxes
on the difference between the purchase
price and the inputs bought from other
firms, that is, on the value added. Note
that the difference between the purchase price and the inputs includes
profits and wages paid.

In its extreme form, the flat tax acts as
a pure consumption tax, and, in nearly
all of the proposed plans, replaces the
current system with one that has a single standard deduction. Each individual’s wage income, less that deduction,
is taxed at a flat rate. In addition, firms
pay a tax at the same rate on fringe
benefits and other nonwage compensation. There are several ways to implement such a consumption tax, but the
bottom line is that under a flat tax system, businesses are taxed on their profits and net interest paid, while individuals pay a flat wage tax.

We have said that removal of the mortgage interest rate deduction alone will
lead to a decline in housing prices.
The size of this decline depends on the
homeowner’s marginal tax bracket. It
is easy to estimate the loss to homeowners that would result from a partial equilibrium change in the tax code.
Suppose we look at an individual who
has a 28 percent marginal income
tax rate, a $100,000 house, and an
$80,000 outstanding mortgage at 8
percent interest with 15 years remaining to be paid. Assuming that he item-




Thousands of 1982 dollars,
seasonally adjusted annual rate



Percent, not seasonally adjusted






1980 1982 1984 1986 1998 1990 1992 1994 1996

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

izes, the $6,400 interest deduction is
worth $1,792. The sum of the savings
over the remaining years of the loan,
discounted to its present value, is about
$12,000, or 12 percent of the house’s
value. That is, the immediate elimination
of the tax preference for owner-occupied
housing would create a 12 percent capital loss for such a person. A recent report
by Data Resources International conjectures that housing prices would decline
by roughly 10 to 15 percent of the current value of the housing stock, or as
much as $1.7 trillion.4

1980 1982 1984 1986 1998 1990 1992 1994 1996

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.

est rate. Second, altering the tax code
almost certainly will bring with it a
shift in the type of investments—from
the housing sector to the business sector. To the extent that this stimulates
growth in the economy, interest rates
would rise.5

These calculations, however, are based
on a constant interest rate. Under the
various flat tax plans, many forces
might act to change the new equilibrium interest rate. Although there
will be no mortgage interest deduction, neither will there be taxes on
interest or capital income. There is a
direct effect that would push the interest rate down toward that of tax-free
investments, which is roughly one to
two percentage points lower than the
return from taxable investments. Interest rate changes of this magnitude are
not uncommon, as figure 1 shows. The
impact of the change on after-tax mortgage rates is roughly comparable to
the increase we saw between the low
in 1993 and the peak in 1994.

There are additional forces at work,
however, that suggest interest rates
may fall—an intertemporal price effect
and a wealth effect. Changing to a flat
tax system would mean taxing future
consumption only once (compared to
income taxes, which tax it more than
once), leading to a decline in the price
of future consumption and a consequent increase in aggregate saving.6
However, this effect would be somewhat mitigated, since much saving
(for example, pensions, IRAs, 401(k)
s, and unrealized capital gains) are currently not taxed. In addition, to the
extent that housing prices do decline, a
wealth effect would transfer resources
from older to younger generations
— because the young could now purchase housing at a lower price. This
effect would also lead to an increase in
aggregate saving, since younger people save more than older ones. Both
of these forces act to decrease interest
rates, when all other things are held

Again, however, the world is not so
simple, and other effects must be considered. Insofar as capital is mobile
worldwide, the interest rate will not
fall (or not nearly as much as the two
percentage points implied here), since
a small change in the tax structure may
not change the prevailing world inter-

If interest rates did fall on net, individuals could refinance their current homes,
which would help offset the loss in
value caused by the decline in housing prices. Also, as the return to other
investments falls, housing becomes a
more attractive investment, further mitigating the drop in housing prices.

As a point of comparison, figure 2
indicates that 15 percent changes in
housing prices, both up and down, are
not so uncommon.7 Although such a
decline in the value of the housing asset
reduces wealth, that is not the end of
the story; other asset prices will rise, at
least partially offsetting this effect.
Moreover, normal swings in the housing market are likely to swamp the
effects of tax code changes. As figures 1 and 2 show, when marginal tax
rates were decreased in the early and
mid-1980s, reducing the benefit of the
mortgage interest deduction, housing prices actually rose. The opposite
occurred in the early 1990s. Therefore, to the extent that housing prices
declined due to the removal of the
mortgage interest deduction alone,
these effects could be partially offset
(if not outweighed) for the reasons we
have listed.

 Who Benefits from the
Mortgage Interest
Suppose that, despite these mitigating factors, housing prices still drop
when the mortgage interest deduction
is removed. In that case, the decline in
prices, as well as its effect on household wealth, is likely to vary among
families at different income and
wealth levels.
The first column of table 1 shows that
the percent of U.S. families owning a
primary residence rises sharply with
income: Roughly 85 percent of families making more than $50,000 a year
own their homes, while far less than


prices adjust, the more expensive ones
would change more.


Annual family

Percent owning family
Percent of wealth
attributable to housing

Less than $10,000



$10,000 to $24,999



$25,000 to $49,999



$50,000 to $99,999



$100,000 and over



SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1992 Survey of Consumer


Tax returns

Annual family


Percent with Tax savings Percent of total
tax savings

Less than $10,000





$10,000 to $19,999





$20,000 to $29,999





$30,000 to $39,999





$40,000 to $49,999





$50,000 to $74,999





$75,000 to $99,999





$100,000 to $199,999





$200,000 and over





SOURCE: Estimates of Federal Tax Expenditures for Fiscal Years 1996–2000, U.S. Congress,
Joint Committee on Taxation, 1995.

50 percent of families earning under
$25,000 do. However, as column 2
shows, homes represent a much larger
fraction of family wealth at low income
levels, reaching 90 percent at very low
incomes. At the other end of the spectrum, families whose incomes exceed
$100,000 have less than 20 percent of
their wealth in their primary residence.
Obviously, to benefit from the mortgage interest deduction, a family must
itemize its tax returns. The first column of table 2 shows the fraction of
returns itemized, arranged according
to income group. At low income levels, very few returns itemize deductions, while at very high income levels, nearly all do. The second column,
which shows the fraction of households that take advantage of the mortgage interest deduction, looks similar
to the first. So, even though most of the
wealth at low income levels is in the

form of housing, the mortgage interest
deduction is scarcely used.
The third column shows taxpayers’
savings due to the mortgage interest
rate deduction, by income group. This
number represents the amount of tax
revenue lost because of the deduction.
The last column reports what percentage of the taxpayers’ total savings can
be attributed to each group, and demonstrates that most of the gains accrue
to those in higher income brackets.
One conclusion that can be drawn from
tables 1 and 2 is that the mortgage
interest deduction is regressive, that
is, more of the benefits are derived by
higher income groups. As a result, ending the deductibility of mortgage interest would have different impacts on
different segments of the population.
Wealthier people tend to own larger
homes and, to the extent that home

Finally, while analysts have recently
focused on the impact these changes
will have on the market for buying
homes, it is important to note that renters will also be affected. Since renting is
a substitute (though perhaps an imperfect one) for owning, market forces
drive the prices of equivalent rented
and owned units together. As a result,
ending the tax deduction for mortgage
interest would change the price of all
housing units, affecting everyone.

 Conclusion
Needless to say, predicting the outcome of such large tax changes on
interest rates and home values is difficult. To model such changes, it is necessary to capture the effects throughout
the economy, which requires an elaborate framework. It is evident, however, that the effects will not be borne
equally across households at different
income and wealth levels.
Because higher-income families now
enjoy most of the benefits of the mortgage interest deduction, they would
be expected to suffer most from its
elimination. However, it is exactly
the higher income groups who would
benefit from other aspects of the proposed flat tax systems. As we can
infer from tables 1 and 2, those most
affected by removal of the mortgage
interest deduction are those who also
have invested much less of their overall wealth in their homes. If the tax
change leads to increased economic
growth, then their income from other
sources will rise. The value of other
assets will also increase as the distorting effects of the preference for owneroccupied housing are taken away.
Although there may be deleterious
effects on housing prices, the welfare of individuals need not diminish because of such changes in the tax
code as adopting a flat tax and eliminating the mortgage interest deduction.
This Economic Commentary has
focused exclusively on mortgage
interest rates and housing prices, but
a similar calculus is also relevant to
other policies that may affect taxes
or benefits. Well-intentioned proposals directed toward specific areas may
have unanticipated, yet far-reaching,
effects. As relative prices change (for
example, as a result of making college
tuition deductible, removing farm price
supports, decreasing tariffs, or allow-

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ing a tax credit for children), there will
be changes in other markets as consumers substitute away from costlier
products to cheaper ones. To determine
the final outcome of such policies, it
is important to examine their possible
effects throughout the economy as it
settles into a new equilibrium.

 Footnotes
1. In the current tax system, the deductibility of home-mortgage interest follows logically from the fact that interest
income is taxable, while corporate tax
payments are not.
2. They might also consider the prospect for capital appreciation. During
some periods, the belief in ever-increasing housing prices seems to have led
some people to purchase more costly
homes than they otherwise would have.
3. Proposals have been made by Congressmen Richard Armey and Richard
Shelby, Sam Nunn and Peter Domenici,
Richard Gephardt, and Arlen Specter. For comprehensive descriptions
of several, see Eric Toder, “Comments on Proposals for Fundamental
Tax Reform,” Tax Notes, vol. 66, no.
14 (March 27, 1995), pp. 2003-15, and
Martin A. Sullivan, “Housing and the
Flat Tax: Visible Pain, Subtle Benefits,”
Tax Notes, vol. 70, no. 4 (January 22,
1996), pp. 340-45.

4. See Roger Brimer, Mark Lasky, and
David Wyss, “The Real Estate Market
Impacts of a Flat Tax,” Data Resources
International, May 1995.
5. One would expect that eliminating
the tax preference for housing would
shift capital toward the corporate sector.
As Martin Feldstein has shown, there
is a distinct possibility this would raise
the equilibrium interest rate. See “The
Effect of a Consumption Tax on the
Rate of Interest,” NBER Working Paper
No. 5397, December 1995.
6. With an income tax you are taxed
twice: Because most savings are after
tax, you pay on income before you save
and again on any income that those savings generate.
7. James Poterba describes the impact
of the 1984 and 1986 tax changes on
housing prices in “Taxation and Housing: Old Questions, New Answers,”
American Economic Review, vol. 82,
no. 2 (May 1992), pp. 237-42.

Stephen G. Cecchetti is a professor
of economics at The Ohio State University and a research associate of
the National Bureau of Economic
Research, and Peter Rupert is an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland. They thank Alan Viard for
helpful suggestions and Melinda Polner and Jennifer Carr for research
The views expressed here are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or
the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System or its staff.
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