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July 2001*

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Money, Manufacturing, and the
Strong Dollar
Owen F. Humpage


n inflow of foreign savings helped
finance an investment boom in the
United States between 1995 and 2000.
Despite a slowdown in U.S. economic
activity over the past three quarters, international investors still view the United
States as a relatively safe, promising
place for their savings. They continue to
purchase U.S. financial instruments. The
substantial dollar appreciation that has
accompanied this financial inflow, however, has put domestic firms that export
or that compete directly with imports at a
competitive disadvantage. Recently, some
observers, including the National Association of Manufacturers, have suggested
that the dollar is “overvalued” and Federal Reserve should ease monetary policy
further to correct the situation.
This Economic Commentary argues that
monetary policy cannot alter the international competitiveness of U.S. firms by
manipulating exchange rates. Whatever
we might gain in terms of an initial nominal depreciation, higher inflation would
eventually erode, and any temporary
advantage to trade would come at the
expense of investment. Moreover, official currency transactions that do not
affect the money supply—the so-called
sterilized interventions that were prevalent in the late 1980s and early 1990s—
have little effect on exchange rates. At
best, the central bank can influence
firms’ competitiveness only by keeping
inflation stable and low.

ISSN 0428-1276
*Printed August 2001


Exchange Rates, Real
or Nominal?

To understand these arguments, one must
first recognize the difference between
nominal exchange rates—those published
in the Wall Street Journal—and real
exchange rates, a concept that economists
construct. The overall international competitiveness of U.S. manufactured goods
depends not on the behavior of nominal
exchange rates, but on movements in
nominal exchange rates relative to prices.
Real exchange rates offer such a comparison and, therefore, provide a better gauge
of international competitiveness.
The Board of Governors realizes the
importance of this distinction and constructs both a Nominal Dollar Exchange
Rate Index and a Real Dollar Exchange
Rate Index for a broad sample of U.S.
trading partners.1 Although both indexes
make comparisons with the same set of
countries, their movements differ substantially. Since the breakdown of the
Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system in 1973, the Nominal Dollar Index
has steadily appreciated about 400 percent, but the Real Dollar Index has
demonstrated sustained appreciations
and depreciations with no obvious overall trend (see figures 1 and 2).
The real exchange rate offers more information about the relative performance of
U.S. exports and imports than the nominal exchange rate. The nominal index
tracks changes in the dollar’s average
exchange value relative to our 26 most
important trading partners, including the
euro area. The real index adjusts the
nominal index for inflation at home and

U.S. firms are facing tough international
competition, and the U.S. trade deficit
has grown to a level that some find
alarming. Why doesn’t the United
States respond by easing monetary
policy to lower the dollar’s exchange
rate and reduce the price of U.S. goods
in foreign markets? This Commentary
argues that monetary policy is incapable
of improving the competitive position of
U.S. manufacturing through exchange
rate manipulation. The temporary gains
monetary easing might achieve through
a nominal dollar depreciation would be
offset by higher inflation and decreased
foreign investment.

abroad. Basically, it constructs a ratio
with the U.S. Consumer Price Index in
the numerator and a trade-weighted
average of foreign consumer price
indexes in the denominator, and multiplies this ratio by the nominal index. The
Real Dollar Index will appreciate if the
nominal exchange rate appreciates and
U.S. and foreign prices stay constant; if
inflation in the United States exceeds
inflation abroad and the nominal
exchange rate stays constant; or if some
combination of these two events occurs.
Even if the United States returned to a
system of fixed nominal exchange rates,
the real exchange rate would continue to
fluctuate, and U.S. producers of traded
goods would still experience intensified
competition whenever inflation here
exceeded inflation abroad.



Many of those who presently feel the
competitive pinch assert that the dollar
has appreciated too much; it is overvalued. This claim requires some standard.
Generally, those who contend the dollar
is overvalued believe that nominal dollar
exchange rates naturally move up and
down to offset differences between U.S.
and foreign inflation rates. Such nominal
exchange rate movements would also
result in a constant real exchange rate, an
index value of 100 in figure 2. By this
metric, the dollar is currently about 10
percent overvalued. The implication of
this claim seems straightforward: The
market has failed to keep the dollar at its
correct exchange value, warranting a
policy response.
Whether or not nominal exchange rates
eventually move in response to international inflation differentials is a topic of
continued economic research and disagreement, but two aspects of the controversy seem to be settled: Deviations
from this metric can persist for many
years, if not decades, and such deviations are fully consistent with a well
functioning foreign-exchange market.
They do not call for a corrective policy
response. The United States has recently
offered a more attractive investment
climate than many other countries and
has attracted a net inflow of foreign
savings. Under these circumstances,
the dollar should appreciate on both
a nominal and real basis.


Savings, Investment,
and the Dollar

Overvalued or not, the dollar has appreciated 33 percent in real terms since
1995, putting domestic manufacturers at
a competitive disadvantage. The inflow
of foreign savings that contributed to the
dollar’s appreciation, however, has
helped to finance an investment boom in
the United States.2 In light of this correspondence, attempts to benefit trade
must hurt investment.
In the absence of an inflow of foreign
saving, gross domestic investment in the
United States must necessarily equal
gross domestic savings, which currently
amount to 18.3 percent of GDP (see figure 3). Because of substantial inflows of
foreign savings, however, gross domestic investment has exceeded gross
domestic savings since 1991 and currently stands at 22 percent of GDP. Since
1995, this inflow has financed purchases
of new capital, much of it equipment and

software.3 The acquisition of capital has
improved our nation’s capacity for longterm growth and our prospects for a
higher standard of living.
The inflow of foreign savings causes a
dollar appreciation because foreigners
must first obtain dollars before they can
acquire financial securities in the United
States. As the demand for dollars
increases relative to the supply, the dollar appreciates. Because the inflow of
foreign savings has no direct offsetting
effects on domestic or foreign inflation
rates, the dollar appreciates on both a
nominal and real basis.
A real dollar appreciation raises the
foreign-currency price of our exports and
lowers the dollar price of imports, causing
a deterioration in our trade balance. The
trade deficit will expand until it exactly
equals the net inflow of foreign savings.
In the absence of any measurement errors,
the distance between gross domestic
investment and savings in figure 3 will
exactly match the trade deficit in figure 4.4
The savings inflow and the trade deficit
are mirror images of each other.
Those who want the Fed to depreciate
the dollar by pumping more money into
the economy ignore the beneficial
effects of the financial inflows associated with our trade deficit. These
inflows allow more investment than
would otherwise occur. Any policy that
succeeds in making U.S. manufacturing
more competitive and reducing the trade
deficit must also trim the inflow of
foreign savings and lower the level of
gross domestic investment.


Monetary Policy

A more basic problem confronts monetary
policy than the zero-sum nature of any policy response: At best, monetary easing
offers manufacturers only a short-term palliative against a real dollar appreciation.
If the Federal Reserve undertook a permanent monetary easing, the dollar would
immediately depreciate in foreign
exchange markets. Foreign exchange
traders would quickly incorporate the
monetary policy change into their
exchange rate quotations. More dollars
trading against a fixed amount of foreign
currency must lower the dollar’s price.
After some time, however, the monetary
easing would translate into higher prices
in the United States. This would not occur
immediately, because contracts and the
potential ire of customers prevent U.S.
producers from quickly raising prices.

Ultimately, however, the domestic prices
of goods and services will adjust. If, in
the long run, nominal exchange rates
adjust to offset differences between U.S.
and foreign inflation rates, as many interventionists imply, the overall rise in
domestic prices will fully equal the dollar’s nominal exchange rate depreciation.
The immediate nominal dollar depreciation and the eventual price increase
would result in only a temporary
improvement in the competitive positions of U.S. manufacturers. The dollar’s
real exchange value will initially depreciate as the nominal exchange rate
responds to the monetary easing, but the
ensuing inflation will eventually reverse
this depreciation and return the real
exchange rate to its initial level. The cost
of the temporary gain in our competitive
position would be a permanent hike in
the inflation rate.


Sterilized Intervention

Since the breakdown of the Bretton
Woods fixed-exchange-rate system, the
United States has occasionally undertaken sterilized interventions.5 These are
purchases or sales of foreign exchange
that do not affect the U.S. money supply
and, therefore, do not interfere with the
Federal Reserve’s domestic policy
objectives. To promote a dollar depreciation through a sterilized intervention, the
United States would buy euros and
Japanese yen for dollars, but then sell
Treasury securities through open-market
operations to reacquire the dollars. The
net effect would be a decrease in the
amount of euros and yen in the market
and an increase in the amount of publicly held Treasury securities. Although
such a transaction leaves the U.S. money
stock unaltered, economists initially
offered some reasons to believe that this
type of intervention might be successful.
Subsequent empirical studies failed to
find much of an effect. My own work,
for example, found that less than half the
interventions between 1985 and 1997
were successful by any reasonable criterion.6 At best, the successful ones were
only able to slow an appreciation or
depreciation of the dollar; they did not
reverse the direction of the dollar’s
movement. This suggests that sterilized
interventions cannot improve manufacturers’ competitive positions. I also found
that successful interventions were concentrated in periods of extreme market
uncertainty about monetary policy, such
as after the 1987 stock market crash.


Index, January 1997 = 100

Index, January 1997 = 100















SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Percent of GDP









SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Percent of GDP

Gross domestic investment






Foreign savings

Gross domestic saving









SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Consequently, such interventions are not
likely to be effective under less extreme
market circumstances.


Price Stability

Monetary policy is incapable of improving the competitive position of U.S.
manufacturing through exchange rate
manipulation. Whatever temporary
gains a monetary easing might achieve
through a nominal dollar depreciation,
higher inflation would eventually erode.
Moreover, any temporary reduction in
the trade deficit that might ensue from







SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

the monetary easing would also result
|in a smaller net inflow of foreign savings. Some sectors might temporarily
gain a trading advantage, but others
would find it more difficult or expensive to finance investments.
At best, monetary policy can contribute
to the competitive position of U.S. manufacturing firms by maintaining price
stability. Inflation—even at fairly low
levels—imposes real economic costs on
society. It acts like a tax, distorts relative
price signals, and causes people to use

scarce resources to protect wealth
rather than expand output. Inflation
creates uncertainties that cloud the
investment horizon, and it adds to
volatility in foreign exchange markets.
Inflation dulls firms’ competitive edge.



1. The Board constructs three multilateral exchange rate indexes, each on a
nominal and real basis. The indexes differ with respect to the countries they
include. We use their nominal and real
Broad Dollar Indexes, the most comprehensive that they offer. For a detailed
description of the Board’s exchange rate
indexes, see Michael P. Leahy, “New
Summary Measures of the Foreign
Exchange Value of the Dollar,” Federal
Reserve Bulletin (October 1998),
pp. 811–18.
2. See Owen F. Humpage, “International Financial Flows and the Current
Business Expansion,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Policy Discussion
Paper no. 2, April 2001.
3. See Owen F. Humpage (footnote 2)
and Michael R. Pakko, “The U.S. Trade
Deficit and the ‘New Economy,’” Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Economic
Review, vol. 81, no. 5 (September/
December 1999), pp. 11–20.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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4. For an explanation of why the trade
deficit and the net inflow of foreign savings must equal, see Owen F. Humpage
(footnote 2). The data in figures 3 and 4
contain measurement errors. Figure 4
proxies the trade balance with the somewhat broader current account balance.
5. The U.S. Treasury has primary
responsibility for intervention in the
United States. The Federal Reserve acts
as the Treasury’s agent and trades for its
own account.
6. See Owen F. Humpage, “The United
States as an Informed Foreign-Exchange
Speculator,” Journal of International
Financial Markets, Institutions, and
Money, vol. 10, no. 3–4, (September/
December 2000), pp. 287–302.

Owen F. Humpage is an economic advisor
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views expressed here are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, or its staff.
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