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August 1, 1999

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Money Growth and Inflation:
How Long is the Long-Run?
by Terry J. Fitzgerald
“Inflation is always and everywhere a
monetary phenomenon.”
— Milton Friedman, Wincott Memorial
Lecture, London, September 16, 1970
"Given continued uncertainty … , the
[Federal Reserve Open Market] Committee would have little confidence that
money growth within any particular
range selected for the year would be
associated with the economic performance it expected or desired."
—Humphrey–Hawkins Report
presented February 23, 1999


he growth rate of the money supply
currently receives little attention in
the conduct of monetary policy. While
guarding against rising inflation is one
of the Federal Reserve’s primary objectives, the Fed has found the short-run
relationship between money growth
and inflation too unreliable for money
growth to merit much attention.
At the same time, many studies have
found a strong relationship between
long-run averages of money growth and
inflation.1 This relationship seems to
provide a straightforward strategy for
maintaining low inflation—choose the
growth rate of money that corresponds to
the desired long-run rate of inflation. In
fact, some economists have concluded
from this evidence that the problem of
controlling inflation has been successfully solved.2

ISSN 0428-1276

There are two keys to reconciling findings of a close long-run relationship
between money growth and inflation and
policymakers’ relative lack of interest in
money growth rates. First, most studies
that report a close connection in the long
run use data for many countries, and it is
sometimes noted that the finding appears
to rely heavily on the presence of countries with high rates of money growth
and inflation. It is much less clear that a
close relationship exists within countries
with relatively small changes in money
growth such as the United States.
The second key is the time period associated with each observation. Even if a
close relationship between money
growth and inflation exists over the long
run, that relationship largely disappears
when one considers relatively short time
horizons such as a year or a quarter.
Figure 1 illustrates the lack of a relationship in quarterly U.S. data. In conducting
monetary policy, the Federal Reserve
monitors and seeks to influence inflation
and other economic variables over
annual and quarterly intervals. A close
relationship between money growth and
inflation that exists only over very long
time horizons is of little use to policymakers trying to control inflation over
the next quarter or year.
Because there is the possibility of a
close relationship between money
growth and inflation in the long run, the
lack of a clear relationship in the short
run raises an obvious question—How
long is the long run? That is, over what
time horizon, if any, does a direct link
between money growth and inflation

In their efforts to maintain low inflation, policymakers currently pay
relatively little attention to the
growth rate of the money supply.
Yet many studies have found a close
relationship between money growth
and inflation, at least in the long run.
But how long must money growth be
strong before it should be of concern
to policymakers? That is, what is the
shortest period of time over which
money growth seems to be reliably
associated with inflation?

emerge? This Economic Commentary
seeks to address that question for the
United States.
Knowing the length of the long run is
important for current policymaking. If
there is a close relationship between
money growth and inflation in the long
run, then ignoring money growth in
short-run policymaking poses a risk. The
long run is, after all, a series of short
runs. If rapid money growth is ignored
for too many short runs, or too long a
short run, then the long-run relationship
could begin to take hold. That would
force inflation-fighting policymakers to
respond by reducing money growth rates,
possibly creating an economic slowdown
or a recession. This scenario is especially
relevant in today’s economic environment, where money growth as measured
by some monetary aggregates has been
relatively strong over the past couple of
years. The shorter the long run is, the
more troublesome ignoring high money
growth over this period becomes.
On the other hand, if no close relationship emerges for the United States even
over fairly long time periods, then that
evidence would support ignoring money
growth as an inflationary factor, at least
within the ranges of money growth experienced over the past 40 years. This
finding would not necessarily be inconsistent with studies that have found a
close long-run relationship because
many of those studies include data from
countries with high and volatile money
growth rates. It may be the case that
while a close relationship is apparent in
the data when large changes in money
growth are observed, no clear relationship emerges when the changes are relatively modest, such as in the United
States. In those cases, other inflationary
factors may dominate the effect of relatively small changes in money growth.
To investigate the length of the long run,
an analysis was conducted that compares
the relationship between money growth
and inflation over eight-, four-, and twoyear periods in the United States since
1959. The findings depend greatly on the
monetary aggregate used to measure
money growth. Broader definitions of
money, namely the M2 and M3 monetary
aggregates, provide results that suggest a
relatively close relationship between


SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System; and DRI/McGraw–Hill.

money and inflation over a “long run” as
short as four years. However, results
using narrower definitions of money,
namely M1 and the monetary base, show
no clear relationship over any of these
time horizons.
■ Too Many Dollars:
A Simple Theory of Inflation
Before discussing the results of the
analysis, it will be helpful to have in
mind a simple textbook theory that is
widely thought to explain the basic relationship between the money supply and
prices. Inflation occurs when the average
level of prices increases. Individual price
increases in and of themselves do not
equal inflation, but an overall pattern of
price increases does.
The price level observed in the economy
is that which leads the quantity of money
supplied to equal the quantity of money
demanded. The quantity of money supplied is largely controlled by the Federal
Reserve.3 When the supply of money
increases or decreases, the price level
must adjust to equate the quantity of
money demanded throughout the economy with the quantity of money supplied.
The quantity of money demanded depends not only on the price level but also
on the level of real income, as measured
by real gross domestic product (GDP),
and a variety of other factors including
the level of interest rates and technological advances such as the invention of
automated teller machines. Money

demand is widely thought to increase
roughly proportionally with the price
level and with real income. That is, if
prices go up by 10 percent, or if real
income increases by 10 percent, empirical evidence suggests people want to hold
10 percent more money.
When the money supply grows faster
than the money demand associated with
rising real incomes and other factors,
the price level must rise to equate supply
and demand. That is, inflation occurs.
This situation is often referred to as too
many dollars chasing too few goods.
Note that this theory does not predict
that any money-supply growth will lead
to inflation—only that part of moneysupply growth that exceeds the increase
in money demand associated with rising
real GDP (holding the other factors constant). This observation is used in the
following section.
■ Evidence on the Long Run
To answer the question of how long the
long run is, the relationship between
money growth and inflation is examined across three time periods —two,
four, and eight years. The question is
whether the relationship between
money growth and inflation is notably
close over any of these time horizons,
and, if it is, how clearly that relationship holds up over shorter time horizons.







NOTE: Money is defined as M2. Inflation is defined using the implicit GDP price deflator (chained). Adjusted money growth is defined as money growth minus real
GDP growth.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and DRI/McGraw–Hill.

The strategy used to analyze the relationship is graphical. The analysis is conducted through a series of figures, each
of which has the same basic form. The
figures in the first set (2a, 2b, 2c) display
averages of the inflation rate and money
growth over time. What differs across the
figures is the period over which the data
are averaged. Each data point shows the
average annual growth rate in inflation or
money growth over the previous two,
four, or eight years.
The figures in the second set (3a, 3b, 3c)
are identical in form except that money
growth minus real output growth is plotted instead of money growth alone.

Recall that the simple theory of inflation
held that money growth in excess of real
output growth should be more closely
connected with inflation. It is of interest,
then, to see whether adjusting for differences in real output growth across periods leads to a closer relationship.
The statistic labeled R2 contained in
each figure measures the fraction of the
variation in inflation that can be accounted for by variations in money
growth.4 An R2 of 0 means that money
growth accounts for none of the variation in inflation, while an R2 of 1 says
that money growth accounts for all of
the variation in inflation.

Data since 1959 are used for the analysis. While data are available much farther back in time, the relationship between money growth and inflation was
quite different in earlier years.5 Data
from the most recent 40 years are likely
to be more relevant to the current economic environment.
The simple theory of inflation outlined
above provides no guidance as to the
definition of money to be used. The M2
monetary aggregate, a fairly broad definition of money, is used in the graphical
analysis. The results for other monetary
aggregates are briefly discussed later.

Figure 2a shows two-year averages and
illustrates again why policymakers are
leery of relying on money growth to
control inflation. It shows that even large
movements in money growth have no
clear relationship with movements in the
inflation rate over two-year periods.
The relationship becomes somewhat
closer for longer time averages, particularly the eight-year averages shown
in figure 2c. There, the tent-shaped pattern of inflation, rising until the early
1980s and falling steadily since, is generally matched by the pattern of money
growth. Slightly more than half of the
eight-year movements in inflation are
accounted for by changes in money
growth (R2 equals 0.57).
Figures 3a, 3b, and 3c display a parallel
set of figures but with real output
growth subtracted from money growth.
These figures show that adjusting for
differences in real output growth across
periods provides a substantial tightening
in the relationship between money
growth and inflation. Figure 3c illustrates a strikingly close relationship
between eight-year averages, with
money growth accounting for more than
80 percent of the movements in inflation. Even using four-year averages,
money growth accounts for two-thirds
of the variation in inflation, and almost
half using two-year averages.6
■ A Few Words of Caution
These results suggest that there is a close
relationship between money growth and
inflation in the long run. Furthermore,
they suggest that the long run may not
be long at all, perhaps as short as four
years, once differences in real output
growth across periods are taken into
account. But before getting carried away
with this apparently strong finding, it is
important to note some qualifications.
First, to make use of the long-run relationship between inflation and money
growth less real output growth, policymakers need accurate forecasts of real
GDP growth over a relatively long horizon. Economic forecasters have had
very limited success in providing them.
Using the historical average of GDP
growth as a forecast produces the same
relationship displayed in figures 2a
through 2c, a relationship that is substantially less clear.

Second, the results presented are based
on only 40 years of data. There is a very
limited amount of information one can
extract from these data, especially regarding eight- and four-year averages.
One should not be overconfident that
the close relationship observed over
these 40 years will continue into the
future. Furthermore, the experience of
the early 1990s illustrates that there can
be notable deviations from the general
relationship. For example, figure 3b
shows that the four-year average of
money growth minus real output growth
slowed substantially from 1991 through
1995 and has increased rather sharply
since. Despite the finding of a fairly
close relationship between money
growth and inflation using four-year
averages, inflation fell steadily over
this entire period. However, even taking
into account these first two qualifications, the overall results reported in the
figures are still rather compelling.
Perhaps the most important qualification
is that the finding of a close long-run
relationship is not consistent across various definitions of money. Recall that the
monetary aggregate M2 was used in the
previous analysis. When the analysis is
repeated using M3, a broader definition
of money, the results are similar to those
reported for M2. However, when narrower definitions of money are used,
namely M1 and the monetary base, the
results are quite different. In particular,
there is no clear relationship between
money growth and inflation, even for
eight-year averages.6
These qualifications demand that a
more tempered view be taken of the
findings reported in the previous section. While some long-run relationship
appears to exist, at least for the broader
monetary aggregates, it is difficult to
state with much precision when this
relationship begins to take hold.

■ The Current Situation
But suppose these qualifications are
ignored for a moment. What would the
close relationship between M2 growth
and inflation using four- and eight-year
averages tell us about the current economic situation? At first glance, the
answer appears to be not much. The
results simply describe historical relationships in the data, with economic
forecasting playing no role. However, if
the view is taken that the long run is a
series of short runs, some insights might
be gained by examining the recent
behavior of money growth, output
growth, and inflation.
Figure 2a shows that two-year average
growth in M2 has increased substantially
in recent years, up to about 7.5 percent.
That represents the fastest two-year
growth in M2 in over 10 years. Adjusting for the strong growth in real GDP in
recent years, however, makes this rate of
money growth appear less threatening.
Figure 3a shows that money growth less
output growth is only moderately greater
than the current inflation rate and well
within the historical pattern of fluctuations above and below the inflation rate.
However, if the recent growth rate of
M2 were to continue in the next twoyear short run, so that money growth
averaged 7.5 percent over a four-year
horizon, the findings reported here suggest that there may be an impending
increase in inflation. Even if real GDP
growth is assumed to continue at 4.0
percent over the next two years—a very
optimistic assumption—the resulting
increase in money growth less real GDP
growth would average 3.5 percent over
a four-year horizon.
Figure 3b shows that money growth less
output growth of 3.5 percent over a fouryear horizon has historically corresponded to an average inflation rate of
roughly the same magnitude. A 3.5 percent inflation rate would represent a substantial increase over the 1.1 percent rate
experienced over the last two years. If
real GDP growth were to slow to less
than 4 percent in the next two years,
while M2 growth remained steady, the
outlook for inflation would be more dire.
Of course, if M2 growth slows over the
next two-year short run, the implications
for inflation are less negative, especially
if output growth remains robust.

■ Conclusion
Little attention is currently paid to the
growth rate of the money supply in formulating monetary policy—with obvious reason. The relationship between
money growth and inflation from quarter to quarter and year to year is not well
understood, and this is the time frame
within which policymakers generally
operate. In fact, it was the breakdown in
a perceived short-run relationship during
the early 1990s that led policymakers to
largely de-emphasize money growth in
formulating policy.
The graphical analysis presented here
suggests that a relatively close relationship between money growth and inflation may exist over eight-year time horizons, at least for the broader monetary
aggregates. This finding serves as a
reminder that ignoring money growth for
too long a period may be unwise. While
money growth may not provide a particularly useful guide for short-run policymaking, long-run trends in inflation may
still be largely determined by the longrun growth rate of the money supply.

■ Footnotes
1. For a recent example, see George T.
McCandless, Jr. and Warren E. Weber,
“Some Monetary Facts,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis, Quarterly Review
(Summer 1995), pp. 2–11, which also provides a summary of other studies.
2. See, for example, the article by Robert E.
Lucas, “Adaptive Behavior and Economic
Theory,” Journal of Business, vol. 59, no. 4
(October 1986), p. 402. Lucas makes it clear
that this assertion applies to long-run averages of money growth and inflation.
3. This statement abstracts from the difficulty inherent in controlling the money supply in practice. This is especially true for
broader monetary aggregates such as M2 and
M3, large parts of which respond to aggregate economic conditions.
4. For those readers familiar with regression
analysis, this statistic is the regression R2
obtained by regressing the inflation rate on
the growth rate of the money supply and a
constant. It is simply the square of the correlation between inflation and money growth.
5. See Lawrence J. Christiano and Terry
J. Fitzgerald, “The Band-Pass Filter,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Working
Paper No. 9906 (1999), for one illustration
of the changing nature of the relationship
between money growth and inflation before
and after 1960.
6. The values of the R2 statistic obtained by
regressing the inflation rate on the growth
rate of the money supply minus real output
growth and a constant using eight-year
averages of the growth rates of the monetary base, M1, and M3 are 0.20, 0.16, and
0.80, respectively.

Terry J. Fitzgerald is an economic advisor at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. He
thanks Jeffrey C. Schwartz and Eduard Pelz
for excellent research assistance.
The views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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