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April 15, 1999

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Money Growth and Inflation:
Does Fiscal Policy Matter?
by Charles T. Carlstrom and Timothy S. Fuerst


he determinants of inflation have
long interested both economists and central bankers. This interest has taken on
renewed importance in light of a growing consensus that central banks should
—first and foremost—pursue price stability. The roots of this argument date
back to Milton Friedman’s famous dictum that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” Yet
recently this view has come under
attack. As figure 1 illustrates, there has
been virtually no correlation between
money growth and inflation since at
least the early 1980s.
Is inflation “always and everywhere a
monetary phenomenon,” as postulated
by Friedman? Many doubt this premise,
arguing instead that inflation is not the
sole province of the central bank, but is
also controlled by the fiscal authority.
This argument has become known as the
fiscal theory of the price level (FT ). If
fiscal policy drives the inflation rate,
inflation targeting becomes problematic.
This Economic Commentary examines
two versions of the FT—weak-form FT
and strong-form FT. Weak-form FT
posits that inflation is indeed a monetary
phenomenon, but that money growth is
dictated by the fiscal authority. Strongform FT, on the other hand, argues that
even if money growth is unchanged, fiscal policy independently affects the price
level and inflation rate. Both versions
imply that the central bank may be
unable to commit to an inflation target,
either because the central bank does not
control the money supply (weak form),
or because inflation is not necessarily a
monetary phenomenon (strong form).
ISSN 0428-1276

■ Weak-Form Fiscal Theory:
Fiscal Dominance
On a basic level, the FT argues that the
price level is determined by the budgetary policies of the fiscal authority.
The interrelationship of fiscal and monetary policy is, in one sense, obvious.
Governments have two possible revenue
sources at their disposal: taxes and fees
of all forms, and seignorage. Seignorage
is defined as the revenues obtained from
money creation.
The central bank creates money by
exchanging dollar bills for government
bonds. Money creation increases revenues by decreasing the liabilities of the
fiscal authority, and also decreases the
liabilities of the Treasury by increasing
prices, thus lowering the real value of
government debt. Both enable the fiscal
authority to tax less or to increase government spending.
Long-run monetary and fiscal policy are
jointly determined by the fiscal budget
constraint. The FT involves an assumption about which policymaker moves
first, the central bank or the fiscal authority. In other words, who is responsible for
seeing that the government’s long-term
budget constraint is satisfied? This relationship between the monetary and fiscal
authority (that is, Congress) has been
described as a “game of chicken.”
Traditional versions of the FT (which we
call weak-form FT) assume fiscal dominance. That is, the fiscal authority moves
first by committing to a path for primary
budget surpluses, forcing the monetary
authority to generate the seignorage necessary to maintain solvency. Using the

Is inflation “always and everywhere a
monetary phenomenon,” as Milton
Friedman postulates in his famous
dictum? Some say no, arguing instead
that inflation is not the sole province
of the central bank, but is also controlled by the fiscal authority. This
Economic Commentary explores this
argument, known as the fiscal theory
of the price level.

game-of-chicken analogy, the FT
assumes that the monetary authority
loses and is forced to “blink.”
The central bank thus reacts to changes
in fiscal policy by changing either current money or future money growth
(inflation). Holding future inflation constant, an increase in current and future
budget deficits necessitates increasing
current (nominal) money. If current
money, however, is held constant, then
the monetary authority must increase
future inflation. Thus, an increase in
future deficits must result in either a
one-time increase in money (a one-time
jump in the price level) or an increase in
future money growth (future inflation).
Monetary revenues to finance deficits
can be raised by increasing the tax on
money today or tomorrow.


SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; and Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.

The implication of fiscal dominance, or
the weak-form FT, is not that monetary
movements do not determine the price
level. Instead it’s a theory about the
determinants of these monetary movements; weak-form FT argues that monetary policy is dictated by fiscal policy.

expedient route of money creation. This
resulted in a hyperinflation where the
inflation rate in 1923 exceeded
1,000,000 percent!

One of the most surprising implications
of this theory is the possibility that tight
money today could increase today’s price
level! That is, a low money supply today
necessitates increased inflation tomorrow,
implying—if money demand is sufficiently elastic—a high price level today.
The intuition is as follows: Low money
today directly lowers current prices. But
there is an additional, indirect effect—the
higher future inflation necessary for budget balance increases the nominal interest
rate, lowering real money demand today.
The latter effect drives up today’s prices
and overwhelms the former if money
demand is sufficiently interest-elastic
(greater than one).

As a result, the U.S. and other governments around the world have attempted
to insulate central bankers from such
political pressures. The independence of
the U.S. central bank exists in order to
reduce the bank’s incentives to bow to
political pressures and use money creation to pay for government spending
programs. The fact that seignorage
accounts for only 2 percent of annual
budgetary revenues is evidence of its (at
least partial) success, leading many economists to conclude that fiscal dominance
is highly unlikely. Instead, they maintain
that the monetary authority is dominant
and the fiscal authority is responsible for
maintaining budgetary solvency.

■ Monetary or Fiscal

Yet, as any student of politics knows,
raising taxes is extremely difficult. Fiscal authorities try to postpone the day of
reckoning by borrowing. This leads one
to ask whether it is possible for both the
fiscal and monetary authorities to be
dominant. Can both monetary and fiscal
policies be chosen irrespective of budgetary considerations (that is, can both
be exogenous)? To continue with the
game-of-chicken analogy, what happens
if neither player blinks?

The assumption behind the weak-form
FT is that fiscal theory is dominant. But
is it likely that the central bank bases its
decisions on the actions of the fiscal
authority? Throughout history there
have been some clear examples of fiscal
dominance. For instance, Germany’s
hyperinflation from 1921 to 1923 was
set in motion by the country’s need to
make reparations and reconstruct its
economy following World War I. Instead
of paying for this by increasing taxes,
Germany chose the more politically

The game-of-chicken analogy is predicated on the assumption that if neither
player blinks some calamity will occur.
This calamity would be a sharp increase
in interest rates as the public realized
that the government would eventually be
unable to pay its bills, and perhaps
would even lead to a complete collapse
of government borrowing (government
debt is not accepted and becomes worthless). Is this necessarily the case?
The question behind the strong-form FT
is this: Under what conditions, if any,
can both monetary and fiscal policy be
dominant? If dual dominance is possible,
then movements in fiscal policy must
independently affect the price level. For
example, for a fixed money stock, an
increase in the deficit might cause prices
to rise, deflating the real value of government debt outstanding, thus maintaining budgetary solvency.

■ Sunspots: Price-Level
In most monetary models, a fixed money
stock implies that prices are uniquely
determined by the public’s willingness
to hold cash—that is, their real demand
for cash balances. The strong-form FT,
however, argues that (without the fiscal
budget constraint) real cash balances—
and hence prices—are not uniquely
determined. The strong-form FT eliminates this multiplicity and pins down
prices by assuming that, over the longterm, the government’s budget must balance. As a corollary, changes in fiscal


sibility of sunspot equilibria. But the
implication is that changes in the fiscal
position can change prices and the path
of future inflation—even if monetary
policy is unchanged.

■ Empirical Evidence

NOTE: Forecasts are based on a regression that includes the monetary base, the constant-maturity
10-year Treasury rate, and real GDP.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

policy alter the price level even though
current and future money growth remain
unchanged. This is a sharp contrast with
the weak-form FT, where fiscal policy
changes prices only because of its effect
on current or future money growth.

assets that cannot be easily liquidated,
so a bank run—or even a rumor that a
bank was in trouble—would be a selffulfilling prophecy. Deposit insurance
was instituted to eliminate this kind of

How can the public be equally content
with different levels of real money holdings? Real cash balances, and hence
prices, are not uniquely determined in
the presence of what economists refer to
as “sunspot” behavior. Sunspots are
purely extraneous information that leads
to self-fulfilling changes in public
beliefs. The hallmark of sunspot equilibria is the presence of this self-fulfilling
behavior. If the public believes that
prices should be higher today, it sets in
motion a series of forces that actually
cause prices to become higher. If such a
circle is possible, then sunspot events, or
anything that changes households’
beliefs about the price level, would be

Are there similar monetary examples?
Consider the following: Suppose the
public anticipates an increase in the
nominal interest rate (between today and
tomorrow) and thus lowers its demand
for real cash balances today. This would
raise prices today and lower inflation
between today and tomorrow. Since
money facilitates economic activity, this
reduction in real cash balances would
lower current consumption. In order to
smooth their consumption stream over
time, households would react to this
temporary decline by decreasing savings
and, therefore, increasing real interest
rates. If this effect is strong enough,
nominal interest rates will increase
despite the decline in inflation. This
completes the circle that began with an
assumed increase in the nominal interest
rate. Hence, the nominal interest rate and
real money balances (that is, prices) may
not be uniquely determined.

The bank runs of the Great Depression
are perhaps the most obvious example
of sunspot behavior. Because of the
first-come, first-served rule for bank deposits (and no deposit insurance), it was
in depositors’ best interest to run on a
bank and withdraw their money whenever they thought the bank might be in
financial jeopardy. But here’s the rub: If
everyone thought the bank was in financial trouble, then the bank run, in and of
itself, would cause the bank’s trouble.
Banks’ portfolios are largely tied up in

The strong-form FT assumes that in order to uniquely determine prices, the
additional restriction of government
budget constraint is needed. Prices adjust so that the real value of government
debt can adjust to a level consistent with
the fiscal budget constraint. Pinning
down the price level eliminates the pos-

Strong-form FT presents serious empirical problems. In order for this self-fulfilling circle to occur, unrealistically large
elasticities are required. Sunspots occur
because a decline in current real balances—that is, an increase in current
prices—will, other things constant,
lower expected inflation between this
period and next period. For the nominal
interest rate to rise (and complete the
self-fulfilling circle), this decline in
expected inflation must be offset by an
even larger increase in the real rate. But
a large real rate increase requires three
large elasticities: (1) a large interestelasticity of money demand; (2) a large
response of output to a decline in real
balances; and (3) a large response of the
real rate to a decline in current output.
Empirical evidence on these elasticities
suggests that this self-fulfilling behavior
is highly unlikely.
Can either version of the FT explain the
lack of correlation between money and
prices since the early 1980s? Analysis of
the disinflationary episode of the early
1980s reveals that inflation began its
descent before the monetary aggregates
started to decline. The weak-form FT
predicts that prices will begin falling in
anticipation of lower future money
growth and inflation. The strong-form
FT, on the other hand, predicts that prices
will begin falling in anticipation of lower
future inflation, independent of present
or future money growth. But are changes
in fiscal policy during this period consistent with either form of the FT?
The answer appears to be no. The FT
would have predicted a sharp increase in
inflation during the 1980s, given the
huge increases that occurred in both current and future budget deficits. Yet inflation fell sharply. Furthermore, the reduction of money growth after the huge
increases in budget deficits casts doubt
on the assumption that the fiscal authority is dominant, and thus casts doubt on
the weak-form FT.
The breakdown between money and
inflation is also not likely to be due to
either form of the FT because both theories are predicated on the assumption
that the usual real money demand

relationship continues to hold. Real
money demand is a function of nominal
interest rates and output, not fiscal policy. Yet as figure 2 illustrates, there
seems to have been a fundamental
breakdown in real money demand during this period—which is likely responsible for the breakdown in the correlation between money and inflation, not
the FT.

■ Conclusion
The FT argues that the price level is
largely determined by fiscal considerations. This Commentary has noted that
this theory comes in two forms, weakform FT, in which the central bank is
driven by the fiscal authority, and
strong-form FT, in which prices are
affected directly by fiscal policy (independent of any monetary response).
Both versions suggest that a central
bank cannot target the inflation rate, as
it would be targeting something that,
ultimately, it does not control.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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The evidence for the FT appears quite
weak in the United States. The Federal
Reserve appears to maintain an enormous degree of independence from the
fiscal authority, implying that weakform FT is not a plausible assumption.
As for strong-form FT, the large elasticities it would require suggest it is little
more than an intellectual curiosity.
However, the FT does provide an
important cautionary tale: Weak-form
FT is predicated on the assumption of
fiscal dominance. To the extent that this
is true, it occurs because the central
bank has no clear objectives. By definition, with clear objectives that are independent of fiscal policy, monetary policy cannot be passive. Thus, if the FT
belies the central bank’s ability to
achieve inflation targeting, then it is
only because the mandate is not clear
enough and because the central bank
may not have the credibility to follow
through on such an objective.

Charles T. Carlstrom is an economist at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland;
Timothy S. Fuerst is an associate professor of
economics at Bowling Green State University.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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