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December I996

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Monetary Policy and Real
Econo01ic Growth
by Owen F. Humpage

h e media frequently take central
banks to task for encourage
real economic growth. Usually, such
criticisms center on the business cycle,
with analysts calling for monetary ease
when growth falls below its recent trend
and, somewhat ironically, chiding policymakers for responding too quickly when
growth rises above trend.
Recently, with long-term U.S. economic
growth apparently slowing, the focus of
these criticisms bas shifted somewhat.
News reports are now increasingly asking whether an easier monetary policy
stance might not boost investment and
the nation's economic potential.
Most economists will concede that monetary policy can affect real economic
growth, at least in the short term, but caution that it may do so only when the public fails to anticipate the policy change
and then misinterprets the accompanying
price adjustments. Frequent attempts to
exploit such connections will eventually
be noticed. Then, an expansionary monetary policy could actually backfrre.
This Economic Commentary traces the
connections between policy changes,
shifts in aggregate spending, and adjustments to production. In response to those
who advocate monetary ease as a stimulant for growth and employment, I
emphasize the precarious nature of the
assumptions about price expectations
that typically underlie their beliefs.

ISSN 0428-1276

• Monetary Policy Transmission
· According to the standard view, monetary policy affects total spending primarily by altering interest rates. 1 The Federal Reserve System's main instrument
for conducting monetary policy is the
purchase arid sale of government bonds
in the secondary market (open-market
operations).2 When the Fed buys government bonds, it pays for them by crediting the reserve accounts of the appropriate commercial banks. These banks
then have additional (excess) reserves,
which they will lend or invest in other
securities. To expand their lending (and
through the act of purchasing other securities), commercial banks reduce interest
rates. This in tum encourages an expansion of such interest-sensitive spending
as business fixed investment and residential construction, according to the
conventional view.
Under our present system of floating
exchange rates, an exchange-rate ·
change can augment the traditional
interest-rate channel of monetary policy.
As U.S. interest rates fall, international
investors may shift their portfolios from
dollar-denominated assets to foreigncurrency-denominated assets, which
now have higher yields. As they do, dollar exchange rates will fall, making U.S.
exports more attractive than foreign
goods and services. World demand will
shift toward the U.S. market.


T he ability of monetary policy to influence real economic growth and
employment depends on whether the
public correctly anticipates the policy
change and the resulting price pressures. In the long run, individuals
have complete access to policy and
price information, so central ban_!<.s
determine only the inflation rate.

Many economists believe that connections between aggregate spending and
monetary policy are substantially
broader and more complicated than
those described by the conventional
interest-rate view, even as modified with
an exchange-rate effect. Following an
expansionary open-market operation, for
example, individuals may find themselves with too much liquidity and may
attempt to acquire additional assets, both
financial (stocks and bonds) and real
(houses and durable goods). This reshuffling of portfolios can also raise stock
prices. A rise in the market value of
firms (as reflected in equity prices) relative to the replacement costs of capital
offers businesses another incentive to
undertake new investments. In addition,
the higher stock prices also increase
household financial wealth, which could

further stimulate consumption spending.
Likewise, ifland and housing prices rise,
household wealth and consumption may
get an additional boost.
An expansionary open-market operation
may have an independent effect on
financial institutions' willingness to
make loans, quite apart from their gain
of additional excess reserves. By raising
equity prices and lowering interest rates,
a policy change can increase the net
worth and cash flow of businesses and
households. As net worth and cash flow
improve, these borrowers become better
credit risks, so banks are more likely to
lend to them. Investment (business and
residential) and durable-goods spending
will rise.

• The Short Run:
Spending to Production
That monetary policy can affect the
overall level of spending through these
myriad connections does not necessarily
imply that it can increase real output and
employment. A shift in spending may
simply lead to higher prices rather than
to additional output. The upshot depends
on whether individuals correctly anticipate the monetary change and the resulting price pressures.
Most economists believe that a nation's
long-term economic growth depends on
its ability to accumulate capital, the expansion of its workforce, and improvements in its productivity. They also contend that ultimately, money determines
only the price level. Nevertheless, the
majority of economists concede a shortterm connection between money and
output. Indeed, in most of the largest
industrialized countries, faster money
growth seems to precede faster economic growth by one year (see table 1).
The causal connection, however, requires
that information about policy-induced
price changes be imperfect. This may
happen if some sectors of the economy
have embedded outdated price expectations in contracts that cannot be broken,
if certain segments of the economy have
better access to current price information
than others, or if people generally have
complete knowledge about the wages
they earn and the prices they charge, but



(Correlation, year-over-year percent change)
M2 lagged
one year

United Kingdom
United States

- 0.17

M2 lagged
two years

- 0.13

a. Indicates that the correlation coefficient is more than two standard deviations away
from zero. For the Uruted States, the correlation coefficient falls within the twostandard-deviation band by 0.004.
SOURCE: International Monetary Fund, international Finan cial Statistics.

not about other prices. When this information is neither perfect nor equally
shared, a monetary expansion will initially create profit opportunities (or the
perception of such) for some individuals,
inducing them to work more and to
expand production.

short-run production, even though their
profits, which exceed competitive levels
to begin with, may suffer. Such firms
will eventually adjust their prices when
they can do so advantageously. In this
scenario, output expands temporari ly at
the expense of profits.

Essentially, two versions of this story
exist. 3 The first interpretation, which
relies on contracts and assumes that
prices and wages are set in noncompetitive markets, seems to be a plausible
description of the behavior of big labor
unions and large producers.4 According
to this model, workers set a wage rate
based on the inflation rate they expect
over the duration of the contract. If the
actual rate of inflation turns out to be
higher, the cost of labor falls relative to
the prices received for their output. This
increased profitapility causes firms to
lengthen work hours, hire more crews,
and expand production. Only when
workers renegotiate their contracts will
wages rise as high as goods prices and
dissipate profit opportunities. In this
scenario, when monetary policy expands, firms benefit temporarily relative
to workers.

·Another explanation relies on asY=etric information about price changes aii.d
applies to more competitive labor and
goods markets. As applied to labor, this
explanation assumes that workers have
less reliable information about prices
than producers do. Firms initially perceive price increases and raise wages,
but by less than the increase in prices.
Workers, uncertain about the overall rise
in prices and believing that their wages
have outpaced prices, agree to work
longer hours. Employment and output
expand, but only until workers learn that
prices in general have actually risen by
more than their wages; then labor supply declines.

Similarly, faced with an increase in
demand, firms with noncompetitive market power may delay raising their prices
simply because small, frequent price
changes are costly to institute. They may
instead acco=odate an increase in
aggregate spending through additional

To apply the same argument more generally, assume that all individuals have
good information about the prices of
things in which they specialize (that is,
their wages and the goods they produce), but that they have rather imprecise information about other goods and
services. Therefore, they quickly perceive a change in their special prices,
and believe that it represents a relative
gain to them. They produce rriore until
they discover their mistake.

Real GDP growth, percent



• •
Correlation: -0.29






- 10

-1 5'---'-~'---'-~'---'-~'---'-~J..........L.__J





40 50 60 70
M2 growth, percent


90 100

Inflation, percent

Correlation: 0.99






·- •







40 50 60 70
M2 growth, percent


90 100

Real GDP growth, percent

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Inflation, percent

-15 '----'-~



In economics, the long run is not a specific period of time, but an interval over
which all economic adjustments are feasible. In our case, it implies a period in
which all individuals have complete
access to information and can adjust
contracts for changes in their expecta- tions. This may be many years. Nevertheless, in the long run, after expectations adjust, an increase in the money
supply will raise neither output nor
employment. Across the sample of 45
countries portrayed in figure 1, faster
rates of money growth are not correlated
with higher rates of long-term real economic growth.5
In the long run, a monetary-policyinduced increase in aggregate demand
seems only to raise prices. Figure 2 illustrates a tight, proportional relationship
between money growth and inflation
across these same 45 nations .




• The Long Run:
Spending to Inflation

a. Average annual percent change.
SOURCE: International Monetary Fund,
International Financial Statistics.

If anything, attempting to promote economic prosperity through expansionary
monetary policies could have a detrimental effect on long-term economic
growth. Money contributes to economic
efficiency by reducing the transaction
costs associated with economic exchange. In so doing, money plays its
familiar textbook roles as a medium of
exchange, a unit of account, and a temporary store of value.
The ability of money to reduce transaction costs ultimately depends on its general acceptance. If people question the
stability of a monetary asset's purchasing power, they wi ll reduce their holdings of it, look for substitute monetary
assets, and devise alternative, less efficient, methods of exchange. When the
efficiency of money is compromised,
transaction costs rise. Moreover, as inflation accelerates, households and businesses will spend more time, energy,
and resources protecting their financial
wealth from inflation. Fewer resources
will go into capital accumulation or
productivity-enhancing innovations.
To the extent that the government bases
taxes on nominal values, inflation
levies an unlegislated tax, further
crimping the resources available for
private investment.

How extei:isive these costs are for society
is not clear. Although the correlation
between inflation and real output growth
in figure 3 is negative, as the discussion
above predicts, it is not significantly different from zero. Other studies have
found that a 10-percentage-point increase
in the long-run average inflation rate is
associated with declines of0.2 to 0.7 percentage point in long-term economic
growth. While seemingly small, the
implied output loss cumulates through
the years. 6



The short-term connection between
monetary expansions and real economic
growth capitalizes on imperfections in
the public's information about prices.
People respond inefficiently in the sense
that under perfect information, they
would not have altered their behavior.
At best, one party gains at another's
A central bank may periodically exploit
this connection, but frequent attempts as some seem to advocate-may ultimately distort the allocation ofresources
from productive uses to protective enterprises. Countries with high inflation
rates tend to have larger financial sectors
relative to GDP, not faster rates of economic growth. 7 In the long run, money
growth seems to translate only into proportionally higher inflation; it does not
foster real economic growth or employment. Ultimately, a central bank can best
contribute to a nation's economic health
by eliminating the price uncertainties
associated with inflation.



1. See Frederic S. Mishkin, "Symposium on

the Monetary Transmission Mechanism,"
Journal ofEconomic Perspectives, vol. 9,
no. 4 (Fall 1995), pp. 3-10. See also the associated articles printed in this volume.

2. The Federal Reserve can also conduct
monetary policy by changing either its discount rate (the rate at which it makes temporary loans to financial institutions) or its
reserve requirements.

5. Detailed cross-country evidence on the

relationships between money, prices, and output is found in George T. McCandless, Jr. and
Warren E. Weber, "Some Monetary Facts,"
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Quarterly Review, vol. 19, no. 3 (Summer 1995),
pp. 2- 11.

4. These models assume that wages or prices
exceed their competitive market level. This
results in an excess supply of workers at current wage levels in the labor-market model
and a cushion of profits in the goods-market

Owen F Humpage is an economic advisor at

the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the

author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the

6. See V.V. Chari, Larry E. Jones, and

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

Rodolfo E. Manuelli , "The Growth Effects of
Monetary Policy," Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis, Quarterly Review, vol. 19,
no. 4 (Fall 1995), pp. 18 - 32.

Economic Commentary is also available

electronically through the Cleveland Fed's

3. This exposition generally follows N.

Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics, New
York: Worth Publishers, 1992. His work contains references to many original contributions in this area.


7. Moreover, the effect of inflation on the
size of the financial sector is bigger in highincome countries. See William B. English,
"Inflation and Financial Sector Size," Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
No . 96-19, April 1996.

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