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December I, 1989

4 percent. Barring a shift in the relation-


ship between M2 and nominal GNP
growth, a period of disinflation may lie

1. See the Federal Reserve Bulletin, any

and a Test of the Quantity Theory of

The current target range permits ample
opportunity for the inflation rate to
decline during the next few years. M2
growth would have to be maintained at
7 percent in the future, the upper limit
of the range, just to maintain the current inflation trend. The pause in the
gradual reduction of the target ranges
for 1990 does not imply less commitment to price stability; rather, growth
near the midpoint of the current 3 to 7
percent target range would be consistent with further declines in the rate of
inflation to about 2 percent, or half of
its recent trend.


recent issue, for definitions of the monetary

Money," Working Paper 89-2, Federal

aggregates. Generally, M I includes balances

Reserve Bank of Richmond, April 1989; and

used in making transactions, while M2 in-

Robert H. Rasche, "P-Star Type Models:

cludes M I plus household savings assets.

Evaluation and Forecasts," manuscript,

M3, the broadest measure, adds to M2 other

Michigan State University, September 1989.

liquid assets that are held mostly by large

For a less technical description of this work,

asset holders.

see John B. Carlson, "The Indicator P-Star:

2. The federal funds rate is indirectly, but

Just What Does It Indicate?" Economic Com-

closely, controlled by the Federal Reserve
over periods as short as a month or even a
week. The discount rate is set directly by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

S. Congressional testimony of Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the


Federal Reserve System, July 20, 1989,1989

3. Congressional testimony of Alan Green-

Monetary Policy and the M2 Target

Monetary Policy Objectives,



p. I.

by Susan A. Black and
William T. Gavin


span, Chairman, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, July 20, 1989, 1989

the monetary targets
have been used both as a way to signal
intentions about long-term policy goals
and as a guide for short-term policy actions. I The Federal Reserve has never

Monetary Policy Objectives, p. 4.
4. See Robert F. Engle and C.W.J. Granger,

and Error Correction: Repre-

Susan A. Black is an economic analyst and

sentation, Estimation. and Testing," Econo-

William T. Gavin is an assistant vice presi-

metrica, March 1987.55.

dent and economist at the Federal Reserve

pp. 251-76. They

show that. of all the official monetary aggre-

1990 target ranges at its February 1990
meeting. M2 growth has been averaging nearly 7 percent for the past few
months and is expected to continue
growing that rapidly. For the FOMC to

gates, only M2 shares a common trend with

factors become relevant and compel
the FOMC to override the signal from
M2 remains to be seen.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

mentary, Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, September IS, 1989.

The FOMC will reconsider its tentative

maintain M2 growth along a disinflationary track, a tightening of monetary
policy would be necessary to constrain
M2 to its midpoint. Whether additional


April 1989; Yash P. Mehra, "Cointegration

nominal GNP. Recent studies that investigate
this result include Jeffrey J. Hallman,
Richard D. Porter, and David H. Small, "M2
Per Unit of Potential GNP as an Anchor for
the Price Level," Staff Study No. 157, Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,

Bank of Cleveland.

relied solely on the monetary targets to
guide policy in the near term, however.
The amount of emphasis has varied, first
rising as pol icymakers became more
concemed about inflation and later fall-

The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

ing as evidence mounted that money
demand was becoming unpredictable.

April 1989; Dennis Hoffman and Robert H.
Rasche, "Long-Run Income and Interest Elas-

From late 1984 until the summer of

ticities of Money Demand in the United
States," NBER Working Paper No. 2949,

1989, M2 was the Federal Reserve's
primary monetary target, but apparently Iittle attention was paid to it as a
near-term guide for policy. M2 targets
may still be important, however, as a
signal of long-term policy intentions.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

Address Correction

In 1985 and 1986, the Federal Reserve
set a target range for M2 of 6 to 9 percent. The target range was lowered

U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 385

each succeeding year until July 1989,
when the preliminary targets were
chosen for 1990 (see table 1). Members
of the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC), the central bank's policymaking arm, have often referred to this
deliberate lowering of the monetary tar-


get ranges as a signal of the Federal
Reserve's long-term policy objective to
gradually lower inflation.

Please send corrected mai Iing label to
the above address.

This Economic Commentary


the use of the M2 target in recent years
and discusses the long-term stance of
monetary policy in 1989. We also explain why leaving the target for M2

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
ISSN 0428- t 276

unchanged for the coming year may
still be consistent with continued disinflation.
• The M2 Target as
a Short-Term Guide
The short-term effect of monetary policy depends importantly on economic
conditions. Because information about
economic conditions, including the
status of policy goal variables, typically arrives with a lag, policymakers use
targets and indicators to help them adjust policy in the near term. In the early
1980s, the Federal Reserve relied heavily on monetary targets to guide policy.
Since 1984, the FOMC has not placed
strong reliance on monetary targets as
early warning signals about when to
change its policy stance. In fact, the
deviation of M2 from the midpoint of
its target range has been a contrary indicator of policy actions for most of the


As 1989 comes to an end, the levels of
nominal GNP and the M2 aggregate
seem to be in balance, as M2 growth
has slowed to a 4 to 5 percent range
in the past three years. The Federal
Reserve's tentative target range for
M2 growth in 1990 permits ample op-

portunity for the inflation rate to
decline in the next few years.

cent in 1987 and grew 5.2 percent in
1988. M2 was below the midpoint of
its target range in these years, yet the
federal funds rate and the discount rate
rose steadily.
Since 1982, the official target for open
market operations has been the level of
seasonal plus adjustment borrowing by
banks at the discount window. At a

range, plotted with the monthly changes
in the federal funds rate and the discount rate? M2 grew very rapidly: 8.9
percent in 1985 and 9.4 percent in

given discount rate, the lower the borrowing target, the easier the monetary
policy. Again, except for some technical adjustments in 1985, the relationship between changes in the borrowing
target and deviations of M2 from its
midpoint shows that the Federal
Reserve did not base its policy actions

1986. The aggregate was well above the
midpoint of its target range throughout
1985 and 1986, yet the federal funds
rate and the discount rate declined

solely on the M2 target. The borrowing
target was generally lowered when M2
was indicating rapid monetary expansion, and it was raised when M2 was

throughout the period.

growing below the midpoint of its target range.

last five years.
Figure I shows the monthly deviations
of M2 from the midpoint of its target

In 1987 and 1988, the patterns were
reversed. M2 growth slowed to 4.0 per-


In every instance between December
1984 and June 1989, the M2 aggregate
was above the midpoint of its target
range when the FOMC decided to ease
policy and was below the midpoint


Percent of M2




when it decided to tighten the money
supply. Clearly, M2 did not play an important role as a short-term guide for

In a break with this pattern, the
FOMC's easing in the summer of 1989
was attributed partly to the slow growth
in the monetary aggregates. Federal


Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
stated, "While the monetary aggregates
may not be preeminent on this list [of
economic and financial indicators], they

Average monthly change in basis points


Average monthly change in basis points




Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.





6 to 9
6 to 9
5.5 to 8.5





a. Target ranges are specified for growth from the fourth-quarter
quarter average in the target year.
b. Growth through September

4 to 8
3 to 7
3 to 7



average in the previous year to the fourth-


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Monetary Policy Objectives,

various years.






base. _•••-.••










The objective of monetary policy is to
" ...maximize sustainable economic

This statement suggests that money
growth must show extreme behavior
for an extended period before it be-

The quantity theory of money states
that, over the long run, prices will rise
in proportion with the rise in the
money supply. According to this

comes an overriding consideration for
policy. However, the extremely high
money growth rates in 1985 and 1986
did not induce the FOMC to tighten

theory, the government's supply of
money is the most important determinant of the price level. The theory
does not deny that many other factors

policy. Rather, as long as current data
showed moderate inflation and spending, the FOMC allowed money growth

may shift the price level. It does say,
however, that a doubling of the money
stock should eventually lead to a doubling of the price level.







Board of Govemors of the Federal Reserve System.

This one-for-one ratio assumes that output and technology in the payments
system remain unchanged. If output is
growing, then some monetary growth

people have developed ways to
economize on cash balances, from
credit cards for households to sophisticated cash managers for corporate treas-

growth, which in tum requires the
achievement of price stabi lity over
time."s Economists do not have good
models to predict how changes in
monetary policy will affect real growth
in the short run, but many think that the
optimal level of growth is attained with
price stability and that any long-term
deviation from price stability will tend
to depress output below its potential
level. As a first approximation, we treat
the output growth trend as if it is inde-

To achieve price stability, the Federal

Overall, changi ng monetary institutions have had more effects on some
monetary aggregates than on others. A

Reserve must reduce the trend in M2
so that it matches the trend growth in
the real economy. By examining trends
in M2 and nominal GNP, we can form

growing body of research suggests that
M2, among the official monetary aggregates, is the measure of the money
supply that most closely conforms to

spending had begun to slow. Even now,
we do not know how important slow
M2 growth per se was in the decision to

is needed just to keep the price level
from falling. One way to take account
of this real output growth is to examine
the relationship between money and

various monetary aggregates are
plotted with nominal GNP for the

ease policy at midyear. Was M2 used as
an explanation for policy actions because it happened to move in tandem
with the reports of weakening economic

nominal GNP. In an economy such as
ours, with growing output and a longrun income-elasticity of money equal
to unity, the quantity theory predicts

period 1959:Q I to 1989:Q2. The series
were normalized to 100 in 1959:Q I.

activity and peaking inflation, or as a

that nominal GNP will rise in proportion with the rise in the money supply.
Changes in monetary institutions can
also affect this one-for-one ratio. As

Policy Implications

uries, the ratio of transaction balances
to nominal GNP has fallen. This falling
trend was halted when banks and
savings and loan associations began to
pay interest on checking accounts.

the predictions of the quantity theory."
Figure 2 illustrates that M2, alone
among the aggregates, shares a common trend with nominal GNP. The

long-term empirical links with inflation
and income growth?

can be followed by periods of very
slow M2 growth without appearing to
have much effect on nominal GNP
growth. The quantity theory of money
explains this common trend. It also implies that the Federal Reserve can control the trend in nominal GNP by controlling the trend in M2.


• The M2 Target as a Long-Term

basis for policy actions because of its

1989 over 1988:Q4.

c. Tentative range specified in the July 1989 Humphrey-Hawkins



Natural log
7.5 ~--------------------------------------~


By the summer of 1989, monetary
growth had been nearly flat for six

RATES (Percent)


and relative to our announced ranges.
Thus, the very sluggish growth in M2
for the year to date was an important influence in the decision to ease policy in
June and July.',3

months. Both inflation and aggregate



always receive careful consideration in
our policy decisions. This is especially
true when they exhibit unusual strength
or weakness relative' to past patterns

to accelerate. When inflation began to
rise in 1987, the rapid money growth
was brought to an abrupt halt.



Although M2 and nominal GNP trends
can diverge for a number of years, we
expect the series to come together
again eventually. Periods of very rapid
M2 growth, such as in 1985 and 1986,

The figure shows that both M I and the
monetary base grew well below the
trend in GNP. M2 grew at the same
average rate, crossing the GNP series
several times. M3 grew above the trend
in nominal GNP.

pendent of policy and somewhere in
the neighborhood of 2 V2 to 3 percent
per year.

an estimate of the current long-run policy stance or the implied inflation trend.
M2 grew by 4 percent in 1987 and by
5.2 percent in 1988. This year, growth
will most likely be between 4 and 5 percent. This three-year growth pattern
was needed to prevent an acceleration
of inflation following the extremely
rapid monetary growth in 1985 and
1986. The levels of nominal GNP and
M2 seem to be in a kind of balance as
1989 comes to an end (see figure 2).
Historical relationships would suggest
that continued M2 growth in the 4 to 5
percent range (the midpoint of the target range for 1990) implies an inflation
trend of about I to 2 percent. Actual
inflation has been averaging about


In every instance between December
1984 and June 1989, the M2 aggregate
was above the midpoint of its target
range when the FOMC decided to ease
policy and was below the midpoint


Percent of M2




when it decided to tighten the money
supply. Clearly, M2 did not play an important role as a short-term guide for

In a break with this pattern, the
FOMC's easing in the summer of 1989
was attributed partly to the slow growth
in the monetary aggregates. Federal


Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
stated, "While the monetary aggregates
may not be preeminent on this list [of
economic and financial indicators], they

Average monthly change in basis points


Average monthly change in basis points




Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.





6 to 9
6 to 9
5.5 to 8.5





a. Target ranges are specified for growth from the fourth-quarter
quarter average in the target year.
b. Growth through September

4 to 8
3 to 7
3 to 7



average in the previous year to the fourth-


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Monetary Policy Objectives,

various years.






base. _•••-.••










The objective of monetary policy is to
" ...maximize sustainable economic

This statement suggests that money
growth must show extreme behavior
for an extended period before it be-

The quantity theory of money states
that, over the long run, prices will rise
in proportion with the rise in the
money supply. According to this

comes an overriding consideration for
policy. However, the extremely high
money growth rates in 1985 and 1986
did not induce the FOMC to tighten

theory, the government's supply of
money is the most important determinant of the price level. The theory
does not deny that many other factors

policy. Rather, as long as current data
showed moderate inflation and spending, the FOMC allowed money growth

may shift the price level. It does say,
however, that a doubling of the money
stock should eventually lead to a doubling of the price level.







Board of Govemors of the Federal Reserve System.

This one-for-one ratio assumes that output and technology in the payments
system remain unchanged. If output is
growing, then some monetary growth

people have developed ways to
economize on cash balances, from
credit cards for households to sophisticated cash managers for corporate treas-

growth, which in tum requires the
achievement of price stabi lity over
time."s Economists do not have good
models to predict how changes in
monetary policy will affect real growth
in the short run, but many think that the
optimal level of growth is attained with
price stability and that any long-term
deviation from price stability will tend
to depress output below its potential
level. As a first approximation, we treat
the output growth trend as if it is inde-

To achieve price stability, the Federal

Overall, changi ng monetary institutions have had more effects on some
monetary aggregates than on others. A

Reserve must reduce the trend in M2
so that it matches the trend growth in
the real economy. By examining trends
in M2 and nominal GNP, we can form

growing body of research suggests that
M2, among the official monetary aggregates, is the measure of the money
supply that most closely conforms to

spending had begun to slow. Even now,
we do not know how important slow
M2 growth per se was in the decision to

is needed just to keep the price level
from falling. One way to take account
of this real output growth is to examine
the relationship between money and

various monetary aggregates are
plotted with nominal GNP for the

ease policy at midyear. Was M2 used as
an explanation for policy actions because it happened to move in tandem
with the reports of weakening economic

nominal GNP. In an economy such as
ours, with growing output and a longrun income-elasticity of money equal
to unity, the quantity theory predicts

period 1959:Q I to 1989:Q2. The series
were normalized to 100 in 1959:Q I.

activity and peaking inflation, or as a

that nominal GNP will rise in proportion with the rise in the money supply.
Changes in monetary institutions can
also affect this one-for-one ratio. As

Policy Implications

uries, the ratio of transaction balances
to nominal GNP has fallen. This falling
trend was halted when banks and
savings and loan associations began to
pay interest on checking accounts.

the predictions of the quantity theory."
Figure 2 illustrates that M2, alone
among the aggregates, shares a common trend with nominal GNP. The

long-term empirical links with inflation
and income growth?

can be followed by periods of very
slow M2 growth without appearing to
have much effect on nominal GNP
growth. The quantity theory of money
explains this common trend. It also implies that the Federal Reserve can control the trend in nominal GNP by controlling the trend in M2.


• The M2 Target as a Long-Term

basis for policy actions because of its

1989 over 1988:Q4.

c. Tentative range specified in the July 1989 Humphrey-Hawkins



Natural log
7.5 ~--------------------------------------~


By the summer of 1989, monetary
growth had been nearly flat for six

RATES (Percent)


and relative to our announced ranges.
Thus, the very sluggish growth in M2
for the year to date was an important influence in the decision to ease policy in
June and July.',3

months. Both inflation and aggregate



always receive careful consideration in
our policy decisions. This is especially
true when they exhibit unusual strength
or weakness relative' to past patterns

to accelerate. When inflation began to
rise in 1987, the rapid money growth
was brought to an abrupt halt.



Although M2 and nominal GNP trends
can diverge for a number of years, we
expect the series to come together
again eventually. Periods of very rapid
M2 growth, such as in 1985 and 1986,

The figure shows that both M I and the
monetary base grew well below the
trend in GNP. M2 grew at the same
average rate, crossing the GNP series
several times. M3 grew above the trend
in nominal GNP.

pendent of policy and somewhere in
the neighborhood of 2 V2 to 3 percent
per year.

an estimate of the current long-run policy stance or the implied inflation trend.
M2 grew by 4 percent in 1987 and by
5.2 percent in 1988. This year, growth
will most likely be between 4 and 5 percent. This three-year growth pattern
was needed to prevent an acceleration
of inflation following the extremely
rapid monetary growth in 1985 and
1986. The levels of nominal GNP and
M2 seem to be in a kind of balance as
1989 comes to an end (see figure 2).
Historical relationships would suggest
that continued M2 growth in the 4 to 5
percent range (the midpoint of the target range for 1990) implies an inflation
trend of about I to 2 percent. Actual
inflation has been averaging about

December I, 1989

4 percent. Barring a shift in the relation-


ship between M2 and nominal GNP
growth, a period of disinflation may lie

1. See the Federal Reserve Bulletin, any

and a Test of the Quantity Theory of

The current target range permits ample
opportunity for the inflation rate to
decline during the next few years. M2
growth would have to be maintained at
7 percent in the future, the upper limit
of the range, just to maintain the current inflation trend. The pause in the
gradual reduction of the target ranges
for 1990 does not imply less commitment to price stability; rather, growth
near the midpoint of the current 3 to 7
percent target range would be consistent with further declines in the rate of
inflation to about 2 percent, or half of
its recent trend.


recent issue, for definitions of the monetary

Money," Working Paper 89-2, Federal

aggregates. Generally, M I includes balances

Reserve Bank of Richmond, April 1989; and

used in making transactions, while M2 in-

Robert H. Rasche, "P-Star Type Models:

cludes M I plus household savings assets.

Evaluation and Forecasts," manuscript,

M3, the broadest measure, adds to M2 other

Michigan State University, September 1989.

liquid assets that are held mostly by large

For a less technical description of this work,

asset holders.

see John B. Carlson, "The Indicator P-Star:

2. The federal funds rate is indirectly, but

Just What Does It Indicate?" Economic Com-

closely, controlled by the Federal Reserve
over periods as short as a month or even a
week. The discount rate is set directly by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

S. Congressional testimony of Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors of the


Federal Reserve System, July 20, 1989,1989

3. Congressional testimony of Alan Green-

Monetary Policy and the M2 Target

Monetary Policy Objectives,



p. I.

by Susan A. Black and
William T. Gavin


span, Chairman, Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System, July 20, 1989, 1989

the monetary targets
have been used both as a way to signal
intentions about long-term policy goals
and as a guide for short-term policy actions. I The Federal Reserve has never

Monetary Policy Objectives, p. 4.
4. See Robert F. Engle and C.W.J. Granger,

and Error Correction: Repre-

Susan A. Black is an economic analyst and

sentation, Estimation. and Testing," Econo-

William T. Gavin is an assistant vice presi-

metrica, March 1987.55.

dent and economist at the Federal Reserve

pp. 251-76. They

show that. of all the official monetary aggre-

1990 target ranges at its February 1990
meeting. M2 growth has been averaging nearly 7 percent for the past few
months and is expected to continue
growing that rapidly. For the FOMC to

gates, only M2 shares a common trend with

factors become relevant and compel
the FOMC to override the signal from
M2 remains to be seen.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

mentary, Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, September IS, 1989.

The FOMC will reconsider its tentative

maintain M2 growth along a disinflationary track, a tightening of monetary
policy would be necessary to constrain
M2 to its midpoint. Whether additional


April 1989; Yash P. Mehra, "Cointegration

nominal GNP. Recent studies that investigate
this result include Jeffrey J. Hallman,
Richard D. Porter, and David H. Small, "M2
Per Unit of Potential GNP as an Anchor for
the Price Level," Staff Study No. 157, Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,

Bank of Cleveland.

relied solely on the monetary targets to
guide policy in the near term, however.
The amount of emphasis has varied, first
rising as pol icymakers became more
concemed about inflation and later fall-

The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

ing as evidence mounted that money
demand was becoming unpredictable.

April 1989; Dennis Hoffman and Robert H.
Rasche, "Long-Run Income and Interest Elas-

From late 1984 until the summer of

ticities of Money Demand in the United
States," NBER Working Paper No. 2949,

1989, M2 was the Federal Reserve's
primary monetary target, but apparently Iittle attention was paid to it as a
near-term guide for policy. M2 targets
may still be important, however, as a
signal of long-term policy intentions.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

Address Correction

In 1985 and 1986, the Federal Reserve
set a target range for M2 of 6 to 9 percent. The target range was lowered

U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 385

each succeeding year until July 1989,
when the preliminary targets were
chosen for 1990 (see table 1). Members
of the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC), the central bank's policymaking arm, have often referred to this
deliberate lowering of the monetary tar-


get ranges as a signal of the Federal
Reserve's long-term policy objective to
gradually lower inflation.

Please send corrected mai Iing label to
the above address.

This Economic Commentary


the use of the M2 target in recent years
and discusses the long-term stance of
monetary policy in 1989. We also explain why leaving the target for M2

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
ISSN 0428- t 276

unchanged for the coming year may
still be consistent with continued disinflation.
• The M2 Target as
a Short-Term Guide
The short-term effect of monetary policy depends importantly on economic
conditions. Because information about
economic conditions, including the
status of policy goal variables, typically arrives with a lag, policymakers use
targets and indicators to help them adjust policy in the near term. In the early
1980s, the Federal Reserve relied heavily on monetary targets to guide policy.
Since 1984, the FOMC has not placed
strong reliance on monetary targets as
early warning signals about when to
change its policy stance. In fact, the
deviation of M2 from the midpoint of
its target range has been a contrary indicator of policy actions for most of the


As 1989 comes to an end, the levels of
nominal GNP and the M2 aggregate
seem to be in balance, as M2 growth
has slowed to a 4 to 5 percent range
in the past three years. The Federal
Reserve's tentative target range for
M2 growth in 1990 permits ample op-

portunity for the inflation rate to
decline in the next few years.

cent in 1987 and grew 5.2 percent in
1988. M2 was below the midpoint of
its target range in these years, yet the
federal funds rate and the discount rate
rose steadily.
Since 1982, the official target for open
market operations has been the level of
seasonal plus adjustment borrowing by
banks at the discount window. At a

range, plotted with the monthly changes
in the federal funds rate and the discount rate? M2 grew very rapidly: 8.9
percent in 1985 and 9.4 percent in

given discount rate, the lower the borrowing target, the easier the monetary
policy. Again, except for some technical adjustments in 1985, the relationship between changes in the borrowing
target and deviations of M2 from its
midpoint shows that the Federal
Reserve did not base its policy actions

1986. The aggregate was well above the
midpoint of its target range throughout
1985 and 1986, yet the federal funds
rate and the discount rate declined

solely on the M2 target. The borrowing
target was generally lowered when M2
was indicating rapid monetary expansion, and it was raised when M2 was

throughout the period.

growing below the midpoint of its target range.

last five years.
Figure I shows the monthly deviations
of M2 from the midpoint of its target

In 1987 and 1988, the patterns were
reversed. M2 growth slowed to 4.0 per-