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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Monetary Policy in the Cold War Era
by Mark S. Sniderman

The Soviet Union officially disbanded
on December 26, 1991, one day after
the resignation of Mikhail Gorbachev.
Ever since, the countries that made up
the former USSR have been struggling
both to govern themselves and to find
their places in the world. The cold war
against communism was over.
The palpable threat of nuclear attack by
the Soviet Union brought a high degree
of cohesion to U.S. foreign and defense
policies. Now, the vacuum created by
the "evil empire's" collapse is prompting
questions that remain largely unanswered. Do we still have adversaries,
and, if so, what harms can they inflict?
How can we best achieve our objectives,
and to what.lengths are we willing to go
to fulfill them? How much will these
efforts cost? In a dangerous world, how
much risk should we bear? Answering
these questions requires making choices,
and each choice comes with its own
price tag. Like the former Soviet republics, we too are struggling to define our
relationships with the rest of the world.

ISSN 0428-1 276

Complicating the reconstruction of a
new foreign-policy framework is the
fact that, seven years after the fall of the
Berlin Wall, the United States faces
fewer evident threats to its national
security than at any time since World
War II. Some argue that our defense
establishment is paranoid when it seeks
public support for more resources. It's
not that Americans no longer care about
national security. Rather, the public
expects the Defense and State Departments to justify their policy stances in
terms of a new world order- one that
no one yet fully grasps.

I suggest that there is an analogy between the search for this new world
order in foreign policy and recent attitudes about monetary policy. The cold
war against communism is indisputably
over; however, can the same be said
about the war against inflation? The U.S.
economy has been expanding almost
continuously for 15 years, the unemployment rate lies near 5 percent, and
inflation pressures appear scant. Yet, to
take a hard line against inflation today is,
like being opposed to communism,
passe. Are people who advocate a pricestability objective for monetary policy
indeed fighting the last war?

• The War against Inflation
In 1979, in the midst of the cold war, the
United States initiated a "hot war"
against another seemingly implacable
foe - inflation. President Carter appointed Paul Volcker to head the Federal
Reserve, giving him a mandate to eliminate double-digit inflation. In conducting
that war, the Fed relied on demonstrably
tight monetary policy and the public's
willingness to suffer temporarily higher
unemployment rates if warranted. Inflation was so intolerable that having a numerical goal was unimportant; all that
mattered was bringing it down. With the
support of President Reagan, the Volckerled Fed continued its use of heavy artillery to end the inflationary spiral, reducing the core inflation rate from 11 percent
to 5 percent by 1983.


When the inflation rate hit the double
digits in the late 1970s, the Federal
Reserve was given a mandate to push
it back down, and quickly. Inflation
had become so intolerable that few
questioned the government's decision
to wage a "hot war" against it. Now,
with the economy booming and inflationary pressures scant, there is less
public support for such a hard-line
approach. Is it indeed time for the
Fed to relax its stance and make
peace with our current low and stable
inflation rate? This article explains
why the battle against inflation-a
cold war instead of a conventional
war this time-is continuing, and
why peace requires a broad public
understanding that monetary policy
best contributes to national prosperity by eliminating both inflation and
the expectation that it will reemerge.

Under the leadership of Alan Greenspan,
who took the helm in 1987, the Federal
Reserve continued its battle against inflation, which it described as a campaign
to achieve price stability. With inflation
now a lower-level threat to economic
progress, the Fed could squeeze it down
more gradually. Initially, the Greenspan
Fed followed a course of limited aggression and persistently combative rhetoric.
This strategy finally paid off in 1991 .
As Boris Yeltsin faced down a tank in
Red Square, the U.S. inflation trend collapsed from 5 percent to 3 percent, capitulating to a seven-year siege. The Federal Reserve reduced inflation to levels
not seen since Sputnik. The monetary
policy hot war was over, and the United
States could feel proud of its victory.

• The Monetary Cold War Era
The surprisingly swift transition to lower
and more stable inflation rates caused
some to declare that inflation was dead.
The economy's pace faltered after the
Gulf War, and the nation's attention was
focused on expansion and employment,
not inflation.
The inflation rate has not varied much
during the last six years, despite predictions that it would advance when unemployment dropped below 6 percent in
mid-1994. In early 1995, it was not uncommon to hear forecasters state that a
7 percent or greater federal funds rate
would be required to repel the coming
inflationary invasion. The Federal Reserve never raised the funds rate to these
heights, but even as the rate crested at 6
percent and monetary policymakers
spoke about their commitment to stable
prices, critics said the Fed was fighting
the last war. The public, it seemed, was
tired of combat.
Yet, Federal Reserve officials still talk
publicly about the importance of achieving price stability, a condition that some
have described as inflation so low that it
doesn 't affect people's economic decisions. However, for inflation not to
enter into economic decisions, the Federal Reserve must succeed at informing
the public about the value of price stability in a market economy, and at convincing them that its policies will be set
to achieve that goal. This is a tall order
at a time when many Americans are rel-

atively satisfied with the inflation rate
and worry that efforts to contain or
reduce it may entail slower economic
growth. In their view, "close enough" is
"good enough."
Others are pushing for even greater
accountability. Price stability as a goal
does not lend itself as readily to accountability and oversight as a numerical
inflation objective. Some observers
decry this imprecision as a shortcoming
of the current monetary policy regime,
and, believing that it lessens the Fed's
credibility, have proposed revising the
legislative framework within which policy decisions are made. Advocates of
stricter accountability attribute a fair
portion of the nation's favorable economic performance over the last decade
to monetary policy. Hence, they are
looking for ways to institutionalize the
goal of price stability in the policysetting process.
These contrasting views about the nature
and desirability of an inflation objective
illustrate an often underappreciated aspect of policymaking, namely, that policies must be understood and supported
by the public. Americans eventually
accepted the Federal Reserve 's hot war
against inflation, but only after they
became convinced that an accelerating
price level would not be accompanied by
more output and employment growth. I
think it is reasonable to characterize the
post- 1991 policy regime as a monetary
cold war- a strategy designed to attain
policy objectives through less forceful
means than strenuously and persistently
tightening money and credit conditions.
Public acceptance of this war bas been
easier to achieve and maintain, I believe,
because inflation has continued to drift
down throughout the course of a lengthy
economic expansion. But the conflict
will not be complete until inflation psychology itself is undermined, so that the
public sees no reason to legitimize it or
embrace its cause.

• The Importance
of Price Stab~ity
Most economists agree that once inflation is fully anticipated, employers, employees, savers, and borrowers simply
adjust the prices at which they are willing to transact with one another to reflect

their expectations about the currency's
declining purchasing power. If this is
true, inflation imposes no real effects on
economic activity.
But the premise is not true, for several
important reasons. When a monetary
authority debases the purchasing power
of its currency, it drives a wedge between what people will realize from a
monetary transaction and what that
transaction is actually worth to the economy. For example, the U.S. tax code
contains an indexing provision for labor
income (personal exemptions, income
brackets, and so on), but levies tax obligations for capital income in nominal
dollars. As a result, inflation- even if
fully anticipated-increases the effective tax rate on capital income, which
discourages capital formation and longterm economic growth. The potential
impact is huge.
Another distortion to economic decisions comes in the form of an inflationuncertainty premium. Even though two
parties may have the same expectation
regarding inflation's average rate over
time, they may have different degrees of
confidence about their estimate, or different tolerances for being wrong. Periods of high inflation tend to be periods
in which the price changes of individual
goods and services vary considerably.
As inflation accelerates, one party in a
transaction may demand a premium
from his counterparty for bearing the
risks of error. People devote time and
real resources to avoiding the costs of
uncertain inflation, and these costslike a rising flood plain- can accumulate and become large.
Accelerating inflation is like the game
of musical chairs: Everyone knows that
when the music stops, someone will
come up short. For an individual, it is
rational not to want the music to stop,
but collectively, society is wasting its
resources. Once inflation reaches high
levels, its distortions are so substantial
that everyone is dizzy and wants the
game to end.

Ending inflation can be costly, however,
because doing so disrupts plans and
decisions that have already been made.
An excellent example can be found in
the housing markets of the 1970s, when
many people thought that home ownership would be an effective hedge against
inflation. These buyers sought houses not
because they wanted the shelter or amenities that a home offers, but because they
assumed that the property could be readily sold at a profit. The boom brought
land, labor, and financing into housing
markets from other uses merely to satisfy the demand for an inflation hedge.
When the boom ended, many people
suffered a sudden reversal of fortune,
including those who entered at the tail
end and never benefited at all.
But when the musical chairs game is
played at a slow pace, few seem to mind.
And, to be honest, economists have had
difficulty quantifying large social losses
in low-inflation circumstances. The tax
and uncertainty distortions I've mentioned are proportional to the amount
of inflation. So, what's wrong with a
little inflation?
I will cite two reasons for opposing
this attitude. The first bas to do with unbounded expectations. What is a "low"
inflation rate? If 3 percent inflation is
thought to cause little harm, then neither
will 4 percent; after a while, 5 percent
becomes only a small differential from ·
4 percent, and so on. Regarding our current 3 percent inflation rate as just the
happenstance of where we are economically imparts an ephemeral quality to it.
Although very low inflation, per se, may
cause few distortions, this "here today,
gone tomorrow" mind-set would likely
inject an inflation risk premium into
interest rates and economic decisions.
Zero inflation need not be the only
acceptable rate: The criterion should be
rates so low that they do not alter economic decisions.
The second reason for resisting inflation
tolerance has to do with the false notion
that inflation can be traded off permanently for something of value, such as
faster economic growth or lower unemployment rates. Is it really likely that
debasing the purchasing power of money
will lead to more wealth creation?

Yes, easy money can temporarily stimulate economic activity, just as tight money can temporarily.retard growth. And a
sequence of stop/go monetary actions
can be very destabilizing to economic
activity. But over time, wealth creation
depends on the availability of skilled
labor, productive capital, and a legal
infrastructure that facilitates economic
exchange. Stable expectations about
money's purchasing power- especially
over long horizons -enable people to
make decisions that better reflect the
value of the resources called into play.
Recall the previous example of housing
markets in the I 970s. With hindsight, it
should be obvious tbat our country
would have been better off had more
savings been channeled into the creation
of productive business capital, instead of
being poured into housing markets as an
inflation hedge. Unfortunately, rationally
formed expectations about future inflation meant that the proper incentives
were not in place.
When the inflation rate hit double digits
and the pace was accelerating, the Federal Reserve simply aimed to get the rate
down, and down fast. No one asked
where inflation would settle out, and no
one bothered to set a target. At the time,
policymakers realized that a gradual
approach would not work, since that
strategy had been tried unsuccessfully
during the 1970s. The failures of that era
ste=ed not from the absence of a strategy, but rather from a two-pronged strategy of first, thinking that more economic
growth could be purchased with a little
more inflation, and second, demonstrating an unwillingness to risk disrupting
the pace of economic activity in order to
reduce inflation.
The irony is that economic activity was
being disrupted in a very serious way,
but not an obvious one. The disruption
came in the form of escalating prices for
homes, art objects, and farmland. The
psychology of the times was to become
a debtor and to use someone else's savings to acquire hard assets. Business
plans were premised on rising prices.
The game was to raise your prices faster
than your suppliers could raise theirs.
Accelerating inflation also transferred
resources from the private sector to the

government through the unindexed tax
code. Output and real incomes were
lower than they otherwise would have
been because resources were diverted
from wealth-creating activities to
wealth-protecting ones. By the end of
the 1970s, it bad become painfully clear
tbat our political leaders' unwillingness
to risk any slowdown in output was
shortsighted. Moreover, the public's
change of heart illustrates that what is
regarded as politically expedient at one
moment may become political poison
the next.


A Just Peace

I am certainly not dismissing the
prospect that inflation might accelerate
again, perhaps even imminently. I am
trying to point out why a relaxed view
about inflation is misguided. In my opinion, the Federal Reserve is not engaged
in a conventional war against inflation,
but rather in a cold war. One difference
is the seriousness of the threat we' re facing. The Fed's conventional war was
launched only after inflation spiraled
seemingly out of control, while today 's
cold-war policy is directed against a
lower-grade enemy. A related difference
can be seen in public attitudes: The Federal Reserve's 1979-90 anti-inflationary
policy enjoyed strong popular support,
whereas today 's climate is not so universally accepting.
How does an honorable monetary
authority achieve a responsible peace
with inflation? A workable compromise
requires that the public and its central
bank understand one another's aspirations and limitations. After all, nations
create independent central banks to prevent the popular wish for easy money
from running amok. An unduly restrictive monetary policy will eventually lose
popular support, but so will policies of
appeasement, as the choices of the 1970s
illustrate. Although there is more than a
little room for misunderstanding and
mischief in the goal-setting process, an
honorable monetary authority attempts
to be as transparent as possible about
both its intentions and its operations.
Transparency, unfortunately, does not
always equal precision. The Federal
Reserve has not declared a numerical
objective for inflation or a timetable for

reaching its goal of price stability.
Although I believe that a more clearly
articulated framework would enhance
its actions, the Fed's monetary policy is
realpolitik-rooted in what can work
rather than relying on ideals alone.
I might say that the Fed has achieved
detente with inflation, but I would also
remind you that detente does not equal
peace. In my opinion, peace will be attained when the public supports the
principle that monetary policy best contributes to national prosperity by eliminating inflation and the expectation that
it will reemerge.

It was man who ended the Cold War in
case you didn t notice. It wasn t weaponry, or technology, or armies or campaigns. It was just man. Not even Western man either, as it happened, but our
sworn enemy in the East, who went into
the streets.faced the bullets and the
batons and said: we've had enough. It
was their emperor, not ours, who had the
nerve to mount the rostrum and declare
he had no clothes. And the ideologies
trailed after these impossible events like
condemned prisoners, as ideologies do
when they've had their day. 1

• Footnote
1. John le Carre, The Secret Pilgrim, New

Perhaps the current expansion, whose
features include low and stable inflation,
a capital spending boom, and strong employment growth, will instill confidence
in the merits of such an approach. And
perhaps it will not be long before we can
welcome, to paraphrase the title of a famous novel, the Fed that Came in from
the Cold:

York: Knopf, 1991 , p. 321.


M ark S. Sniderman is a senior vice president
and director of research at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. This article is
based on a sp eech he presented to the Financial Executives Institute in Cleveland, Ohio,
on Februmy fl, 1997.
Th e views stated herein are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

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