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August 1, 1994

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Midyear Report of the Fourth
District Economists' Roundtable
by Michael F. Bryan and John B. Martin

A-iooking into the future is a perilous
duty, and it is wise to be humble about our
abilities lest we give the impression we
know more than we do. The difficulties in
accurately assessing the economy's future,
if not its current state, stem from our inability to grasp the broad scope of business
activity and to anticipate the seemingly
random patterns that aggregate measures
of the economy frequently follow.
At the midyear meeting of the Fourth
District Economists' Roundtable, held
May 20 at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, we considered our limitations in describing the U.S. business cycle and looked at the capacity of forecasters to predict future economic
events. We also asked participants to
summarize the current and prospective
state of the economy.
• "If you give them a number, don't
give them a date. If you give them a
date, don't give them a number."
— Anonymous forecaster
The panelists were generally not surprised by the slower economic growth
indicated in the first-quarter GDP report, following the sharp upturn in activity during the final three months of
1993. The first-quarter performance is
viewed as a return to the growth pattern established last fall — a pattern
that is expected to continue over the
seven-quarter forecast period. The
three-year-old boom in capital spending should continue fueling growth, as
should consumer spending on durable

goods and housing. Spending spurred
by low interest rates, however, will likely
be replaced by the income effects of increased employment. Meanwhile, the
foreign sector is projected to improve
only marginally as the economies of
our major trading partners begin their
slow recoveries.
Major constraints on growth are foreseen coming from the public sector. In
addition to addressing continuing declines in government spending, the
Roundtable also raised concerns about
further federal tax increases.
Given these factors, the group's median forecast sees real GDP expanding
roughly 3x/j percent in the second quarter, moderating to approximately 3 percent in 1994:IIIQ, and then settling to a
growth trajectory of around 2V4 percent
over the remainder of the forecast horizon (figure 1).
Roundtable participants expressed considerable confidence in the outlook, and
risks to the forecast are comparatively
low (figure 2). For this year, the group
assigns a 48 percent probability to real
GDP rising between 3.0 and 3.9 percent
and a 33 percent chance to growth in
the 2.0 to 2.9 percent range. For 1995,
that pattern reverses, with nearly a 40
percent probability of growth in the 2.0
to 2.9 percent range and a 32 percent
likelihood of reaching the faster 3.0 to
3.9 percent pace. In neither year is the
probability of a recession thought to be
very high — less than 2 percent.

The Fourth District Economists'
Roundtable brings together the
unique perspectives of analysts from
many sectors of the economy, particularly finance and manufacturing. The
thrice-annual meetings also provide a
forum for business economists, academics, and policymakers to exchange ideas, make predictions, and
enhance their respective efforts. This
Economic Commentary is a summary
of the May 20 meeting.

On the inflation front, the Roundtable
foresees little tendency for any deviation from the 3 percent trend posted
over the past few years (figure 3). By
the end of 1995, the median forecast
shows the Consumer Price Index (CPI)
rising at a rate of about 3'/» percent,
just marginally above the pace projected for the latter half of this year.
In evaluating their call on the inflation
outlook, however, the Roundtable participants see the risks favoring a
slightly lower-than-expected rate in
1994, but higher-than-expected inflation in 1995 (figure 4). Specifically, the
group sets the probability that this year's
inflation rate will remain under 3 percent
at 63 percent — against only a 37 percent
likelihood of it rising at a faster pace. For
1995, the comparable probabilities are 45
percent that the inflation rate will hold
under 3 percent and 55 percent that it will
exceed that pace.

Percent change, seasonally adjusted annual rate











a. Actual data.
NOTE: High and low are the average of the three highest and lowest forecasts, respectively.
SOURCES: Fourth District Economists' Roundtable. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 20, 1994; and
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Probability (percent)

• "Jupiter's moons are invisible to
the naked eye and therefore can
have no influence on the earth, and
therefore would be useless, and
therefore do not exist."
—Francisco Sizzi,
Professor of astronomy, 1610'

One perspective used by analysts in developing an economic outlook and
evaluating incoming economic data is
to compare current developments
against historical trends. The episodic
ebb and flow of the overall economy is
usually characterized in terms of business cycles, or broadly defined states
of aggregate economic performance.
The Roundtable economists see some
difficulty in comparing the current expansion with other post-WWII episodes, largely because of recent structural changes in the economy. These
changes inhibited growth early in the
expansion, but more recently have engendered a stronger cyclical momentum. "In character, we are in the initial
part of expansion and should make
comparisons on that basis," suggested
one observer.



Percent, IVQ to IVQ


NOTE: Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
SOURCE: Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 20, 1994.

Macroeconometric forecasts exploit
regularities observed in the data. Despite the unique aspects of individual
business cycles, the forecasting process
seeks to discern the common factors
across cycles and, assuming that structural relationships among variables continue to hold, to project the future.
Stephen McNees of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has published extensively on the accuracy and limitations of economic forecasting. Dr.
McNees offered the following thoughts
at the May Roundtable meeting.

• The Accuracy and Usefulness
of Economic Forecasts
Stephen K. McNees,
Federal Resent Bank of Boston
Forecasts can be evaluated along numerous dimensions. The results depend on,
among other factors, the economic variable of interest, the stage of the business
cycle, the forecast horizon, the choice of
actual data, and, most important, the
forecast period under examination. For
example, my research supports the following seven observations.


sode. Ironically, because the official
turning point (designated by the National Bureau of Economic Research)
did not occur until well after several recession calls had been made, forecasters' respectability reached a trough at
about the same time the successful pronouncement was issued.


Percent change, seasonally adjusted annual rate












a. Actual data.
NOTE: High and low are the average of the three highest and lowest forecasts, respectively.
SOURCES: Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 20, 1994; and
U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Probability (percent)

(3) Forecasts of current-quarter GDP
are much more accurate when measured
against preliminary data than relative to
subsequent revisions. Incoming, highfi-equency data produce clear improvements in the accuracy of current-quarter
GDP forecasts as the quarter progresses.
These same high-fi'equency data lead to
only modest improvements in the forecasts of revised data.
(4) The large one-year-ahead forecast
errors for real GNP cluster around the
1972-74 and 1981-82 recessions and, to
a lesser extent, the early recovery periods
from the 1980 and 1981-82 recessions.
At other times, these errors have been
fairly small.
(5) After a poor performance in the
1970s, CPI forecasts have become
much more accurate. They now show
no signs of bias and convincingly dominate the predictions of naive models.



Percent, IVQ to IVQ



a. Measured by the Consumer Price Index.
SOURCE: Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 20, 1994,

(I) Asset prices are hard to predict reliably. The Efficient Markets hypothesis explains why this is so by implying that
asset prices follow a random walk. Evidence supports the hypothesis for many
financial market variables (stock prices,
exchange rates, and interest rates), but
the theory does not extend to major
macroeconomic variables (real growth,
inflation, and unemployment rates).

(2) Cyclical turning points, especially
the onset of recessions, are also hard to
predict. This should come as no surprise, since most macroeconomic modeling uses quarterly data and focuses
on the magnitude of change rather
than on the direction of change. Business cycle turning points are measured
with monthly, not quarterly, data, and
their essence is timing; magnitude is
clearly a secondary concern. Of the
last four recessions, the only one that
was widely expected was the 1980 epi-

(6) From 1953 through the 1980s, the
real GNP forecasts issued by the University of Michigan showed steady improvement when compared with either
naive models or the variability of actual GNP growth. This improvement
has not been sustained in the 1990s.
(7) Based on data from 1962 to 1987,
the Council of Economic Advisers' forecasts of real growth and inflation, as
measured by the GNP implicit price deflator, have been more accurate (either absolutely or relative to the forecasts of naive
models) in the second half of the sample
period than in the first. This result does
not holdfor nominal GNP forecasts.
Economic forecasts are most helpful
when used along with some information on their probable accuracy. Accuracy is a multifaceted concept that can
best be defined for a specific application. For retrospective comparisons,
identical forecast periods are crucial.

Discussion surrounding McNees' presentation highlighted the difficulties
business economists and policymakers
face in actually predicting turning points
in economic activity. Francis Diebold
of the University of Pennsylvania
spoke to the group about his work in
modeling turning points, which he describes as "regime switches." He emphasized that to make progress in identifying a switch point, business cycle
analysts must look beyond simple fluctuations in real GDP. Professor Diebold
defines business cycles by the comovement of a large and encompassing body
of economic data whose behavior differs depending on which of the two regimes (expansion or contraction) the
economy is in.
• Measuring Business Cycles:
A Modern Perspective
Francis X. Diebold,
University of Pennsylvania and
National Bureau of Economic Research
It is desirable to have a strong grasp of
the facts before attempting to explain
them — hence the attractiveness of organizing business cycle regularities within a
model-free framework. During the first
half of this century, much research was
devoted to obtaining just such an empirical characterization of the business cycle. The most prominent example of this
work was Burns and Mitchell's 1946
book, which contained the following empirical definition: "... expansions occurring at about the same time in many economic activities, followed by similarly
general recessions, contractions, and revivals which merge into the expansion
phase of the next cycle." 2
Burns and Mitchell's definition of the
business cycle has two key features. The
first is the comovement among individual
economic variables. Indeed, the comovement among series, taking into account
possible leads and lags in timing, was the
centerpiece of their methodology. In their
analysis, the authors considered the historical concordance of hundreds of series,
including those measuring commodity
output, income, prices, interest rates,
banking transactions, and transportation
semces. They used the clusters of turning



What federal funds rate do you prefer at the present time?
Percent of respondents

< 4.0%
> 4.50%


What federal funds rate do you judge to be consistent with maintaining inflation at
current levels?
Percent of respondents
< 4.0%
> 4.50%


NOTE: Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
SOURCE: Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 20, 1994.

points in these individual series to determine the monthly dates of the turning
points in the overall business cycle. Similarly, the early emphasis on the consistent
pattern of comovement among various
variables over the business cycle led directly to the creation of composite leading, coincident, and lagging indexes.
The second prominent element of Burns
and Mitchell's definition is their division of business cycles into separate
phases or regimes. Their analysis, as
was typical of those at the time, treats
expansions separately from contractions. For example, certain series are
classified as leading or lagging indicators of the cycle, depending on the general state of business conditions.
Both of the features highlighted by Burns
and Mitchell as key attributes of business
cycles were less emphasized in postwar
business cycle models—particularly in
empirical models that focused on the
time-series properties of the cycle. Most
subsequent econometric studies on business cycles followed Tinbergen's early
work in using the linear difference equation as the instrument of analysis. This
empirical literature has generally emphasized the time-series properties of just
one or a few macroeconomic aggregates,

ignoring the pervasive comovement
stressed by Burns and Mitchell. Likewise, the linear structure imposed
eliminated consideration of any nonlinearity of business cycles that would
require separate analyses of expansions and contractions.
In a recent study, Glenn Rudebusch and
I show how current theoretical and empirical research has revived interest in
each attribute separately? We argue
that nearly a century of literature on the
statistical measurement of business cycles, including many recent articles, may
be interpreted within a more general
conceptual framework that includes
common business cycle factors that
switch regimes. We also provide some
empirical analysis in an effort to unite
the two literatures and to assess the
likely usefulness of factor structure and
regime switching in statistical characterizations of business cycle dynamics.
In the first part of the empirical work,
we deal directly with the composite index of coincident indicators, which is
essentially an estimate of the common
factor underlying aggregate economic
activity. We ask whether its dynamics
are well approximated by a switching
model. To answer this question, we fit a

Markov switching model to the percentage change in the natural logarithm of
the index, allowing for a potentially
switching mean.
Several results emerge. First, the regime switching appears statistically
significant, with the mean in the "bad"
state significantly negative and the
mean in the "good" state significantly
positive. Second, the within-state dynamics display substantial persistence.
Third, the estimated "staying" probabilities accord with the well-known fact
that, on average, expansions last
longer than contractions.
In the second part of the empirical
work, we fit switching models to the individual indicators underlying the coincident index and examine the switch
times for commonality. In similar fashion to our analysis of the index, we fit
models to the percentage change in the
natural logarithm of each of the underlying coincident indicators, allowing
for potentially switching means. The
component-by-component results are
qualitatively similar to those for the coincident index, as would be expected in
the presence of a regime-switching
common factor. Furthermore, there is
commonality in switch times, which
again is indicative of factor structure.
The evidence of switching in the individual series, however, is generally
weaker than the evidence of switching
in the index. This is consistent with the
switching-factor argument. Individual
series are swamped by measurement error, but moving to a multivariate framework allows a more precise extraction
of the factor.
• "When you arrive at a fork in the
road, take it."
—Yogi Berra

One of the aims of the Roundtable is to
provide a forum in which business
economists can critique the conduct of
monetary policy. In that sense, participants serve as adjunct advisors to the
Federal Reserve. One of the questions
put to the panel concerned the appropriateness of the latest hike in the federal
funds rate from 3.0 percent to 4.25 per-

cent. Specifically, each member was
asked what federal funds rate he or she
would prefer at the present time (table
1). The median view called for maintaining the current level, with 19 percent of the respondents favoring a
slight 0.25 percentage-point increase
and 38 percent wanting the rate lowered by an equal amount.
The second question was what funds
rate the group considers to be consistent with a "neutral" monetary policy,
that is, with maintaining inflation at its
present level. Perhaps not surprisingly,
the median response was that the current 4.25 percent rate will hold the
price level in check, with 27 percent of
the group believing that another 0.25
percentage-point increase is necessary
and 33 percent favoring an equivalent
decline. In any event, it was generally
accepted that if the Federal Reserve is
not currently in a position to maintain
the inflation rate, it is close to that goal.
This view seems broadly consistent with
the reported intent of the most recent
hikes in both the federal funds rate and
the discount rate — increases that were,
according to the Federal Open Market
Committee, "designed to maintain favorable trends in inflation and thereby
sustain the economic expansion."
A question we did not ask the Roundtable participants is what federal funds
rate they perceive to be in line with the
Fed's ultimate objective of price stability. Presumably, that would require a
more significant rate increase than has
been seen to date, as only 13 percent of
the group believes that the present 4.25
percent rate is compatible with a disinflationary process. If the Federal Reserve hopes to achieve price stability,
at what point does our policy shift
from one that attempts to maintain inflation to one that actually hopes to reduce it? Perhaps that will be a question
for the group's November 3 meeting.

• Footnotes
1. Cited in User's Reference Manual.
SHAZAM Econometrics Computer Program,
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993, p. 35.
2. See A. F. Bums and W. C. Mitchell, "Measuring Business Cycles," National Bureau of
Economic Research, Studies in Business Cycles, no. 2, 1946.
3. See Francis X. Diebold and Glenn D.
Rudebusch, "Measuring Business Cycles: A
Modem Perspective," National Bureau of
Economic Research Working Paper No.
4643, February 1994.

Michael F. Bryan is an economic advisor and
John B. Martin is a senior research assistant
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

1994:IIQ Economic Review Now Available
Economic Review is published quarterly by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Below we present a summary of
each of the three articles contained in the most recent issue. Copies are available through the Corporate Communications and Community Affairs Department. Call 1-800-543-3489, then key in 1-5-3 on your touch-tone phone to reach
the publication request option. If you prefer to fax your order, the number is 216-579-2477.
U.S. Banking Sector Trends:
Assessing Disparities in
Industry Performance
by Katherine A. Samolyk

Competition for Scarce Inputs:
The Case of Airport Takeoff
and Landing Slots
by Ian Gale

While the past decade appears to have
been a difficult time for the U.S. banking
sector, performance within the industry
varied widely. Using state-level data, the
author investigates the extent to which
variations in banking conditions were associated with differences in bank size and
holding company relationships. Controlling for local economic factors, very large
banks had more problems with loan quality and poor profitability over the period
than did smaller banks; the results, however, do not indicate an emerging relationship between bank size and bank performance. At the same time, smaller banks that
affiliate with larger organizations in the
form of holding companies appear to
benefit from the relationships.

Since 1986, airline carriers have exercised
the right to buy and sell takeoff and landing slots at airports. Questions remain,
however, about the optimal way to allocate these slots. This paper provides a
framework for analyzing competition for
such scarce inputs, describing the outcome
of an auction of slots between two carriers, who may have existing slots, and the
possible outcomes from a merger or takeover wave. The author finds that the equilibrium allocation of slots is typically
asymmetric, but not monopolistic, because
as the allocation of slots becomes more
concentrated, the price that the leader
must pay for the marginal slot rises. This
suggests that the concern over monopolization of airports may be misplaced.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

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Regional Wage Convergence and
Divergence: Adjusting Wages
for Cost-of-Living Differences
by Randall W. Eberts and
Mark E. Schweitzer
After decades of convergence, the economic fortunes of U.S. regions appeared to
diverge in the early 1980s as measured by
both per capita income and wages. This
study examines that phenomenon by looking at the effect of relative price-level controls on the convergence/divergence of regional wages. The authors find that once
prices are factored in, relative wage rates
continue to converge across regions due to
rising covariance between price and wage
levels. The results also confirm that the
trend in regional wage variation can be
traced to declining differences in labor market valuations of worker attributes rather
than to shifts in the regional composition of
the workforce.

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