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June 1999

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Measuring Total Employment:
Are a Few Million Workers Important?
by Mark Schweitzer and Jennifer Ransom


ach month employment reports are
eagerly awaited by economic analysts
and small and large investors alike. The
Employment Situation Report provided
by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
reports both the unemployment rate and
the total number of jobs in the economy;
both statistics indicate the overall health
of the economy.
The significance of the numbers
released in the Employment Situation
Report is evident by the immediate
reaction generated in the media by its
release. Here is an example of a news
report reacting to an Employment Situation Report release in which the unemployment rate fell and jobs grew at a
strong rate.
“Stocks rebounded today after a steep
decline on Thursday as a strong employment report provided fresh evidence of
the nation’s economic resiliency.”
— Chicago Sun-Times,
December 4, 1998

Interpreting and reacting to the releases
is not always clear cut. For example,
consider the following news bulletin that
appeared after the release of the June
1999 Employment Situation Report.

“The economy is still roaring ahead,
creating more than a quarter-million
new jobs in June everywhere from
amusement parks to banks.
Though the overall unemployment rate
crept up to 4.3 percent, all industries
except manufacturing and mining
posted solid gains.”
— Cincinnati Post,
June 5, 1999

At first glance, this report seems to contradict itself: It appears that more people
who want to work were unable to find
jobs, but the number of people on payrolls in the economy actually rose. Has
there been some mistake?
No—seemingly contradictory differences are possible. For example, both employment and the unemployment rate can
fall at the same time. One source of the
discrepancies is that the BLS publishes
two distinct measures of employment.1
To compute the unemployment rate, the
BLS surveys households to determine
how many people are working and how
many are looking for work, but unable to
find jobs. Then, to calculate the total
number of jobs in the economy, the BLS
surveys establishments to determine
how many workers are on their payrolls.
Employment as reported by establishments and employment as reported by
households are slightly different measures by design, but the two measures typically move together. Over the last few
years, however, these two series have

How can we measure total employment in the economy? The Bureau of
Labor Statistics provides two different—and sometimes contradictory—
measures of this key indicator. During
the 1990s, the gap between the two
measures has widened to more than
five million workers. This Economic
Commentary examines the current
discrepancy between the two measures of employment and explores its
significance in interpreting our economy’s health.

shown considerable differences (see figure 1). In 1998, employment as measured
by establishments rose 2,923,000, but
increased only 1,888,000 as measured by
households. Although particularly large
differences became obvious in 1998, the
phenomenon has been substantial since
1993. During the 1990s, the difference
between the two employment series has
accumulated to 5,869,000 workers.
This Economic Commentary examines
the current discrepancy between the two
measures of employment, discusses the
reasons for its existence, and explores its
significance in interpreting the health of
the economy. Certainly, a discrepancy of
more than five million workers is important to our interpretation the economy’s
health. Unfortunately, though, there is no
easy way to determine which measure is
more accurate; therefore, we must consider the implications of each measure

■ Differences in Survey Design
Current Employment Statistics
(Establishment) Survey
The two employment measures reported
by the BLS are computed from different
surveys, resulting in some inevitable differences due to survey design. The employment report that is often referred to
as “nonfarm payrolls,” or establishment
survey employment, is compiled from
the Current Employment Statistics Survey (CES). This survey collects payroll
data from a sample of nearly 400,000
businesses each month. In addition to
employment, the CES also measures
hours and earnings for the nation, states,
and major metropolitan areas. CES employment measures all persons on (nonfarm) establishment payrolls who have
received wages for the pay period that
includes the twelfth day of the month.
Because the CES focuses on the number
of jobs, the survey counts full- and parttime workers equally. Temporary employees, workers on paid sick leave or
paid vacation, and workers receiving severance payments are included. Employees who are on strike, whose jobs have
been terminated, or who worked only
part of the pay period are also included.
Workers on multiple establishments’
payrolls, whether they have switched
jobs or are working more than one job,
are counted once for each establishment.
In sum, each worker who was paid by a
surveyed establishment for full- or parttime work during any part of the survey
period is counted as employed.2



16 +

No limit

Agricultural workers



Self-employed workers



Unpaid family workers



Private household workers



Counted once

Counted multiple




Multiple job holders
Workers on unpaid leave

NOTE: Figures in parentheses indicate monthly average percent of total CPS employment for 1998.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In addition to the survey design, some of
the differences between the two measures may be attributable to the sampling
systems used by the surveys. Over the
course of the year, the BLS does not
adjust its sample size to account for
newly opened or closed establishments,
which may lead to a mismeasurement of
total payrolls. However, the BLS takes
care to compensate for this variable:
Although the CES surveys only a portion of all establishments, the BLS
benchmarks the survey results annually,
based on unemployment insurance (UI)
tax records collected by state employment security agencies for more than
seven million establishments (approximately the full population count).
Employees reported in UI records
account for approximately 98 percent
of total nonfarm employment.
Annual benchmarking allows the BLS to
ensure the sample accurately reflects the
total number of jobs in the economy.
Benchmarking for 1998 took place in
June 1999. For March 1998, for example,
payroll employment was revised upward
by 47,000 jobs (less than 0.1 percent).
The BLS reports that over the last
decade, revisions resulting from benchmarking have averaged just 0.3 percent.
Due to the small size of the revisions,
benchmarking the 1998 data did not
affect the comparability in the growth
rates of the two employment series.3

Current Population
(Household) Survey
The second measure of employment,
referred to as “household employment,”
is derived from the Current Population
Survey (CPS). Household employment
numbers are used to calculate the unemployment rate (unemployed / employed
+ unemployed). CPS data are collected
from a sample of approximately 50,000
households selected as representative of
the U.S. population. These households’
responses are weighted by the Census
Bureau according to population estimates and noninterview rates to represent the nation.
The CPS is designed to obtain labor
force information for the week that
includes the twelfth day of the month for
persons in the surveyed household who
are at least 16 years old. This survey
counts as employed each person who
worked for pay or profit or who worked
at least 15 hours at a family-operated
enterprise during the survey week.
But a closer inspection of the definition
of “employed” in the household and
establishment surveys reveals that the
CPS considers some workers to be
employed that are not counted in the
CES. For instance, the CPS includes
individuals who have jobs but were not
at work (whether absent with or without
pay) as employed. In addition to those
absent from work without pay, the CPS


SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; and authors’ calculations.

Furthermore, accounting for the measured differences in the two employment
statistics does not readily correct the
recent differences in their growth rates.
Since 1990, employment growth as
shown by the CPS has slowed rapidly
from 2.8 percent per year (year-overyear) to just above 1 percent in July
1998; according to the CES, however,
employment growth remained above
2 percent (year-over-year).
Even when CPS employment is adjusted
to approximate the CES definition of
employment, the differences in the
series remain substantial. Because the
BLS carefully constructs both series
and revises the data often, the source
of the discrepancy is not readily apparent. However, the difference between
the two numbers is significant because
it alters our perception of the health of
the U.S. economy.

■ Implications
includes agricultural workers, selfemployed workers, unpaid family workers, and private household workers as
employed. These people are not on establishment payrolls, and therefore are
not counted as employed by the CES.
Due to distinctions in defining “employed” in each survey, the reported
monthly employment from the two
sources may be different.
The primary statistic of interest from
the CPS is the unemployment rate, although a measure of employment is also
reported. The BLS and the media tend to
focus on nonfarm payrolls, or employment reported by the CES, because CPS
employment fluctuates widely from
month to month (a consequence of the
sample size). The CPS sample of 50,000
households is not large enough to produce
employment figures without substantial
statistical sampling errors; indeed, the
BLS estimates that sampling errors
amount to 312,000 workers monthly.
However, an average of three months of
CPS employment estimates will typically
yield a reasonably accurate employment
number. Similarly, errors should not
linger more than a few months. Regardless, the current divergence in the growth
rates of the two employment series has
persisted for too long to be attributed to
CPS sampling errors.

■ The Difference after
The CPS collects data not only on those
who are employed and unemployed, but
also on characteristics of the labor force;
this data may be utilized to eliminate
some of the conceptual differences
between the CPS and the CES.
The characteristic information in the
CPS tells us whether an employed person worked in the agricultural sector,
worked in private household production,
or was self-employed. The CPS also
delineates the number of multiple jobholders. Table 1 examines the subgroups
of employed persons that do not appear
in both surveys and the number of these
workers in the economy in 1998. Last
year, workers not counted by the CES
made up about 16 percent of total
employment as measured by the CPS.
The CPS may be made to more closely
match the CES by subtracting those
workers not count as employed in the
CES. Figure 1 shows the growth rate
for this adjusted CPS employment
measure. The adjustments, while substantial, do not eliminate the discrepancy. Over the 1990s, the adjusted figures show a difference of 4,663,000
workers compared with an unadjusted
difference of 5,869,000.4

Aside from producing confusing employment reports of simultaneous increases in jobs and in unemployment,
the large discrepancy between the employment measures may affect other key
statistics as well, notably the unemployment rate and labor productivity figures.

Unemployment Rate
The unemployment rate is defined as the
number of unemployed persons divided
by the number of workers in the labor
force (either working or unemployed).
Because the unemployment rate is calculated from household employment estimates (CPS), we can measure the discrepancy’s effect on unemployment only
by recalculating the unemployment rate
using the higher employment growth
rate shown by the establishment survey.
Higher employment lowers the unemployment rate, but to determine the precise effect of an increase in employment,
we need to know the prior status of the
additional employed workers. This information, however, cannot be determined,
so we must rely on assumptions.5 By
the simplest assumption (figure 2, scenario 1), all of the additional workers
are drawn from the ranks of the unemployed.6 In this case, though, the unemployment rate would have fallen even
further over the past few years. Indeed,
if we assume that the problem began in
1990, then the implied unemployment


SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; and authors’ calculations.


It is possible to minimize the impact of
higher CES employment gains on the
unemployment rate, if the additional
workers are drawn entirely from people
who were previously out of the labor
force. This leaves the number of unemployed workers unchanged, but still results in a slightly lower unemployment
rate (figure 2, scenario 3).8 While the
unemployment rate is little changed,
the implied labor force participation
rate rises well above its all-time high
of 67.3 percent (achieved in January
1998) to 70.2 percent. This is unlikely,
as it would have required the fastest
increase in labor force participation
ever recorded.
Finally, the population estimates that are
used to adjust the sample estimates to
represent the nation could be too low.
If the population estimates were about
5 percent too low, then employment
estimates from the household survey
would approximate the establishment
counts, with essentially no change in the
unemployment rate. There is precedent
for substantial correction following the
decennial censuses. Incorporating the
1990 census results, for instance, raised
the household employment count by
approximately one million workers.


SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; and authors’ calculations.

rate at the end of 1998 would have been
negative (–0.3 percent). This is clearly
impossible, but it does highlight the substantial implications of the discrepancy
in the employment measures.
A more reasonable assumption is that
the additional workers are drawn both
from the ranks of the unemployed and
from outside the current labor force. In
fact, one-third of net employment gains
(as measured in the CPS) in the 1990s
represent workers who were previously

counted out of the labor force—neither
unemployed (looking for work) nor
employed. Applying this proportion to
the employment discrepancy yields scenario 2 (figure 2).7 In this case, the
implied unemployment rate still falls,
but remains above zero. Although today’s unemployment rates are historically low, this scenario shows just how
low they could be if CES employment
gains are correct.

The most commonly reported productivity measure, nonfarm business output
per hour, is constructed from CES
employment figures. The formula
divides a real output index by employment, multiplied by average hours
worked. Productivity is a crucial indicator because, in the long run, productivity growth provides real wage gains for
workers.9 What would this measure of
productivity gains look like if the workforce had been expanding at the slower
rate indicated by the CPS?
Figure 3 shows estimated productivity
growth in the 1990s if nonfarm business
employment had grown at the slower
rate shown in the CPS survey. We have
assumed for this calculation that the
data on average hours are correct for the

now-smaller employed population and
that output measurements are also unaffected.10 On average, productivity
growth has been understated if the CPS
employment figures are correct—2.0
percent gains versus reported gains of
1.3 percent since 1990. Interestingly,
though, the pattern is not uniform. During the recession early in this decade,
the CPS showed slightly larger employment gains and thus smaller productivity gains. Over 1998, the far slower
gains in employment shown by the CPS
would translate into continued strong
productivity—on average, an extra percentage point for the year. Of course, if
the discrepancy is due entirely to an
error in the household data (for example, if the population counts are too
low), then our current productivity estimates would remain unchanged when
the difference is eliminated.
The other series in the productivity
report would be similarly altered. For
example, the unit labor cost index (the
average expense necessary to produce a
unit of real output) would rise less over
the late 1990s. The overall implication
of overestimating employment is that
firms are getting more production from
their workforce, potentially contributing
to either faster wage growth or higher
corporate profits.

If the CPS is correct, the economy still
looks healthy, but there was a substantial slowdown in employment growth in
1998. The CPS account is more reassuring for those who fear a reignition of
inflation by excessively tight labor markets. This slowing was not seen in the
gross domestic product account, so productivity gains would have been even
more pronounced. Higher productivity
figures would also have allowed firms
to maintain or expand their profit margins while offering real wage increases.
Simple accounting solutions for these
differences leave a substantial discrepancy, both in the absolute numbers and
in the timing of employment growth.
Ultimately, the BLS will have to resolve
the differences with further study; until
the issue is resolved, however, it represents an important source of uncertainty
for the status of the U.S. economy.

■ Footnotes
1. Both employment and the unemployment
rate may move in the same direction at times
due to the changing size of the labor force.
2. Bureau of Labor Statistics, CES Scope,
available at
3. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Preliminary
1998 Benchmark Revision, available at

■ Conclusion
Discrepancies in the two measures of
employment must be resolved if employment is to paint an accurate picture
of the U.S. economy’s health. Currently,
the measures present very different pictures of the economy. The CES suggests
little slowdown in employment growth
in 1998 and generally reveals more employment growth. Should this growth
have led to an even lower unemployment rate? That depends on the source
of the discrepancy. A growing population underestimation would allow for
higher employment growth without
tightening. If, on the other hand, these
workers were drawn from an accurately
measured population, then strong U.S.
labor markets are employing even an
greater fraction of the labor force.

4. The adjustment accounts for known differences in the procedures where published
data is available. Further estimates could be
made to reduce the gap, based on unreleased
data collected by the Census Bureau or
assumptions about the nature of the shortcomings of either of the surveys. To our
knowledge, no source has eliminated the
puzzling discrepancy.
5. Calculations for these scenarios were
made using CPS and CES unemployment as
reported by the BLS without adjustment.
6. To calculate the unemployment rate in
scenario 1, the number of unemployed persons was reduced by the employment discrepancy, while the size of the labor force
was left at its reported level.
7. In scenario 2, the level of unemployment
was calculated by subtracting two-thirds of
the employment discrepancy from household
unemployment and increasing the labor force
by the total employment discrepancy.

8. In scenario 3, the standard household
unemployment level is divided by the sum of
household unemployment and the implied
establishment employment.
9. See Mark Schweitzer, “Wage Inflation
and Worker Uncertainty,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Economic Commentary,
August 15, 1997, for a breakdown of the factors contributing to wage growth.
10. Both of these assumptions could be
incorrect. The additional workers measured
in the CES could have, on average, higher or
lower hours of work. Certain preliminary
estimates of output in difficult-to-measure
service industries are derived from employment estimates. Nonetheless, these seem to
be appropriate baseline estimates.

Mark Schweitzer is an economist at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and
Jennifer Ransom is a senior research assistant at the Bank.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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