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January 1, 1988

In 1987, the same dollar increase in
manufacturing output would have produced an additional $62,685 spent on
labor services (again measured in 1982
dollars). The increase comes from
two sources. The first is an increase in
the purchase of services by manufacturers. The second source is an
increase in the compensation per servo
ice worker over this time period.
These estimates of the effect of an
increase in manufacturing output
represent only "first-round" effects in
the service sector. Manufacturing
increases raise demand for output
from other' sectors. This, in turn,
further increases demand for
employment and output in the service sector and in other sectors.
The total effect of an increase in
manufacturing output on the other
sectors remains about the same today
as it did in 1947. For every dollar
generated in the manufacturing sector
in 1947,2.5 dollars were generated in
the economy. Today, that ratio has
fallen only slightly to 2.3. Consequently, the ability of manufacturing'S
linkages to generate additional
income within the economy has
remained roughly the same over the
last 40 years.

• Conclusion
Despite the well-publlcized drop in
manufacturing'S total employment
share, the importance and impact of
manufacturing on the economy has
remained relatively constant. Production of manufactured goods has maintained a constant percent of GNP for
the last 40 years.
Manufacturing wages and fringe
benefits have also claimed roughly
the same proportion of value added
over this period, and the purchase of
intermediate goods and services from
other sectors has maintained about
the same percentage of sales output.
In addition, sustained increases in
manufacturing's labor productivity
has benefited the nation by providing
goods to the rest of the economy
more efflciently,
In short, all the evidence indicates
that manufacturing will continue to
be a vital and viable sector of our
economy for a long time to come.



Randall W. Eberts is an assistant vice president and economist at the Federal Reserue
Bank of Cleveland; John R. Swinton is a
research assistant at the bank.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reseroe Bank of Cleveland or of
the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reseroe System.


Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Has Manufacturing's Presence
in the Economy Diminished?


Cohen, Stephen S. and John Zysman,
Matters: The Myth of the
Post-Industrial Economy. (New York: Basic
Books), 1987.
Robert Z. Lawrence, Can America Compete? (Washington, nc.: The Brookings
Institution), 1984.


by Randall W. Eberts and John R. Swinton

Through most of this century,
manufacturing has been the keystone
of the American economy. The production of durable and nondurable
goods has ranked first in employment, in capital investment, and in
contribution to gross national product
(GNP) for at least the last 40 years.


1. We define the services sector to include
all activities under Standard Industrial
Code (SIC) categories 70·89, which
includes among other sectors personal servo
ices, health services, and business services.
This definition includes neither wholesale
and retail trade nor financial and comrnunication services.
2. Stated simply, value added is the value
of output shipped from the firm minus the
cost of intermediate inputs.

Although manufacturing currently
accounts for about 20 to 22 percent of
GNP-or roughly $814 billion annually, there has been much debate
about whether or not it is on the
decline, and whether or not its prominence has been overshadowed by
the service industries.

3. The value of output found in the inputoutput tables is defined as value-added
plus the value of intermediate inputs.

Pessimists, who fear decline, say that
manufacturing'S total employment
share has dropped steadily since
World War II; optimists, who reject
decline, claim that manufacturing'S
total GNP output share has remained
constant during the same period.

U.S.Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

Cleveland, OH 44101

Both views are correct. A debate,
however, centered only on this simplistic view of manufacturing'S role as
a creator of jobs and supplier of finished goods overlooks other important interactions with the economy. In
addition to creating jobs and supplying consumer goods, for example,
manufacturing also buys goods and
services from other sectors and provides them with goods used for

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
Address Correction Requested:
Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,

P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101
ISSN 0428·1276

Through these linkages, one sector's
performance affects growth in other
sectors and, relatively, affects the
entire economy.
Consequently, the importance of
manufacturing depends upon the
degree of its interaction, or linkages,
with other economic sectors.
• linkages and Economic Growth
Linkages run in two directions, backward and forward. Backward linkages
are purchases by one sector of goods
and services from other sectors. Forward linkages are the sales of goods
and services for use in producing
another sector's goods and services.
An industry can stimulate national
economic growth both by buying from
and selling to other sectors. In terms
of backward linkages, the potential for
an industry to stimulate economic
growth is directly related to the
amount of raw materials, intermediate
goods, and labor services it purchases
from within the domestic economy in
order to manufacture its own products.
For instance, if the steel industry purchases more intermediate goods and
labor services per dollar of output
than the paperboard container industry, an increase in steel output will
generate more activity throughout the
economy than an equal increase in
the production of paper products.
In terms of forward linkages, however, an industry stimulates the econ-


Much has been written and said
about the "decline" of manufacturing in America. The arguments pro
and con, however, have centered on
a simplistic view of manufacturing's
role in the economy. Even though its
share of employment has fallen, for
example, manufacturing still maintains its strength through its linkages
with the rest of the economy.

omy by making and selling production materials more efficiently and
thus at a lower price. Providing other
sectors of the economy with relatively
low-cost production materials allows
these sectors to expand because of a
cost advantage. In turn, these sectors
can pass on the benefits of lower
production costs to other sectors that
purchase from them. The cumulative
effects eventually permeate throughout those economic sectors that are
linked directly and indirectly.
However, to improve production,
products must be produced with less
material and effort. It is especially
important to reduce labor costs because they are a large part of the cost

of production. This is where manufacturing faces an internal conflict. To
effectively stimulate the nation's economic growth through backward linkages, manufacturing should spend a
large percentage of its sales income
on goods and services from other sectors, including hiring workers. To
affect growth through forward linkages, however, the cost of these
goods and services should claim very
little of manufacturing's income.
• Forward Linkages
Traditionally, manufacturing has been
the primary supplier of production
goods to other economic sectors. The
only sector that begins to approach
manufacturing in the size and extent
of its forward linkages is services. 1 In
recent years, services have matched
about 80 percent of manufacturing's
forward linkages, as opposed to 45
percent in 1947.
Since manufacturing is linked to
more sectors of the economy than
any other industry, its ability to provide goods efficiently is vital for the
health and growth of our economy.
Over the last 40 years, manufacturing's labor productivity (measured as
output per hours worked) has
increased faster than productivity of
the economy as a whole, and has
increased significantly faster than
service-sector productivity. Berween
1948and 1986,manufacturing productivity increased at an average
annual rate of 2.8 percent, while service productivity increased at only a
0.9 percent rate (figure 1).
Higher productivity increases in manufacturing than in services should result
in services prices increasing more
rapidly than goods prices. This appears
to be the case. For example, from
1959to present, prices of manufactured goods as measured by the GNP
fixed-weight deflator, rose at average
annual rate of 3.4 percent, versus 5.3
percent for services (figure 2).
The benefits of efficient production
go beyond low-cost output. Productivity increases result from a skilled

labor force and technological innovations. While workers hone their skills,
techniques are perfected within the
manufacturing process. Thus, a viable
manufacturing sector fosters greater
technological innovation and a more
highly skilled labor force.
• Backward Linkages
Significant productivity increases in
manufacturing have come at the cost
of backward linkages. Labor has been
particularly affected; manufacturing
employs fewer workers now than it did
in the past and many jobs have been
lost. However, other aspects of backward linkages from manufacturing to
the rest of the economy have not
changed significantly over the years.
Although fewer workers are employed in manufacturing, for example, they still earn more money and
claim a greater share of total sector
revenue than in services. Furthermore, roughly the same share of
manufacturing output goes toward
purchasing intermediate goods today
as it did 40 years ago.


As mentioned above, manufacturing's share of total employment has
declined over the last 40 years from
35.4 percent in 1947to 23.9 percent

in 1987.In contrast, services' employment share increased from 11.5
percent to 18.6percent. Manufacturing's employment share declined
again last year-during
a year that
many people considered good for
Even though manufacturing employment increased by more than 400,000
workers in 1987,this 2.4 percent
growth rate fell short of the 2.9 percent increase in the nation's total
employment. As a result, manufacturing's share of total employment
slipped again, from 18.9percent in
January 1987to 18.8percent in January 1988.In contrast, the service sector, with 23.6 percent of the economy's jobs, generated 33.8 percent of
total new jobs, or more than twice as
many jobs as the manufacturing sec-

tor created. As a result, manufacturing
continues to lose employment
ground to the service sector.
Productivity is the basic reason



behind the opposite employment
trends shown by manufacturing and
services. Manufacturing firms are
more efficient. They employ half as


Purchases of services have taken the
opposite trend. In 1947,services
comprised 7 percent of manufacturing's intermediate inputs, 30 years
later they comprise 12 percent. The
amount of intermediate goods and
services purchased by manufacturers
from other manufacturers has
remained relatively constant.

(Full Time and Part Time)

many workers today per unit of output than they did in 1947.With

Secondary Backward Linkages: Al-

widespread cost-cutting measures and
extensive capital improvements, this
trend of increasing productivity
should continue.
However, the number of workers is
only part of the equation describing
the effect on the economy of manufacturing'S use of labor services. The
other part is labor compensation. Even
though it takes far fewer manufacturing workers to produce goods today
than in the past, the compensation of
these workers has remained constant
at about 60 percent of value added
(figure 3).2 Furthermore, manufacturing workers are paid much more than
service workers. As a result, labor
costs per unit of output have
remained relatively constant over the
past few decades.


SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

For instance, consider the link
between manufacturing and the service sector. As we have noted, the service sector now plays a more important role as a supplier to
manufacturing than it did in the past.
Furthermore, as the service sector
expands it will, through its backward
linkages, buy more labor and intermediate goods from other sectors.

GNP FIXED WEIGHT SERIES (Goods and Services)
Index, 1982 = 100

With manufacturing buying more services, and services buying more labor,
we would expect manufacturing to
indirectly generate employment.

Intermediate Inputs: Manufacturing
also spends roughly the same percentage of income on goods purchased
from other sectors. Judging from U.S.
input-output tables for selected years,
there is no material difference in the
use of intermediate inputs in recent
years as compared to their use 40
years ago. For instance, in 1977 (the
most recently available bench marked
input-output table) the manufacturing
sector purchased 64 cents of intermediate inputs for every one dollar of
output produced. In 1947,one dollar
of output required 62 cents of intermediate inputs.'

though an increase in manufacturing
has a Significantly smaller direct effect
on employment today than 40 years
ago, the manufacturing sector is still
an integral part of the economy
through its purchases of goods and
services from other sectors.


NOTE: Fixed-weight deflators represent the price change of a fixed basket of goods over time.
SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.


and Services)


We estimate that a million dollar
increase in manufacturing output in
1947would have increased service
employment by 2.01workers. The
same rise in output in 1987would
increase service employment by 2.81
workers, a 40 percent rise. Thus, even
though the amount of manufacturing
employment has declined over the
last eight years, manufacturing still
has a strong effect on employment
growth in other sectors.
Change in manufacturing output also
affects the total compensation of service employees. A million dollar increase in manufacturing output in 1947
would have resulted in an additional
$17,221expenditure on labor services
(measured in 1982dollars using the
Consumer Price Index as a deflator).

The composition of goods and services purchased from other sectors,
however, has shifted. In 1947,manufacturing purchased 20 percent of its
intermediate inputs from the agricultural sector. More recently, this percentage has fallen to 6 percent.


Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

of production. This is where manufacturing faces an internal conflict. To
effectively stimulate the nation's economic growth through backward linkages, manufacturing should spend a
large percentage of its sales income
on goods and services from other sectors, including hiring workers. To
affect growth through forward linkages, however, the cost of these
goods and services should claim very
little of manufacturing's income.
• Forward Linkages
Traditionally, manufacturing has been
the primary supplier of production
goods to other economic sectors. The
only sector that begins to approach
manufacturing in the size and extent
of its forward linkages is services. 1 In
recent years, services have matched
about 80 percent of manufacturing's
forward linkages, as opposed to 45
percent in 1947.
Since manufacturing is linked to
more sectors of the economy than
any other industry, its ability to provide goods efficiently is vital for the
health and growth of our economy.
Over the last 40 years, manufacturing's labor productivity (measured as
output per hours worked) has
increased faster than productivity of
the economy as a whole, and has
increased significantly faster than
service-sector productivity. Berween
1948and 1986,manufacturing productivity increased at an average
annual rate of 2.8 percent, while service productivity increased at only a
0.9 percent rate (figure 1).
Higher productivity increases in manufacturing than in services should result
in services prices increasing more
rapidly than goods prices. This appears
to be the case. For example, from
1959to present, prices of manufactured goods as measured by the GNP
fixed-weight deflator, rose at average
annual rate of 3.4 percent, versus 5.3
percent for services (figure 2).
The benefits of efficient production
go beyond low-cost output. Productivity increases result from a skilled

labor force and technological innovations. While workers hone their skills,
techniques are perfected within the
manufacturing process. Thus, a viable
manufacturing sector fosters greater
technological innovation and a more
highly skilled labor force.
• Backward Linkages
Significant productivity increases in
manufacturing have come at the cost
of backward linkages. Labor has been
particularly affected; manufacturing
employs fewer workers now than it did
in the past and many jobs have been
lost. However, other aspects of backward linkages from manufacturing to
the rest of the economy have not
changed significantly over the years.
Although fewer workers are employed in manufacturing, for example, they still earn more money and
claim a greater share of total sector
revenue than in services. Furthermore, roughly the same share of
manufacturing output goes toward
purchasing intermediate goods today
as it did 40 years ago.


As mentioned above, manufacturing's share of total employment has
declined over the last 40 years from
35.4 percent in 1947to 23.9 percent

in 1987.In contrast, services' employment share increased from 11.5
percent to 18.6percent. Manufacturing's employment share declined
again last year-during
a year that
many people considered good for
Even though manufacturing employment increased by more than 400,000
workers in 1987,this 2.4 percent
growth rate fell short of the 2.9 percent increase in the nation's total
employment. As a result, manufacturing's share of total employment
slipped again, from 18.9percent in
January 1987to 18.8percent in January 1988.In contrast, the service sector, with 23.6 percent of the economy's jobs, generated 33.8 percent of
total new jobs, or more than twice as
many jobs as the manufacturing sec-

tor created. As a result, manufacturing
continues to lose employment
ground to the service sector.
Productivity is the basic reason



behind the opposite employment
trends shown by manufacturing and
services. Manufacturing firms are
more efficient. They employ half as


Purchases of services have taken the
opposite trend. In 1947,services
comprised 7 percent of manufacturing's intermediate inputs, 30 years
later they comprise 12 percent. The
amount of intermediate goods and
services purchased by manufacturers
from other manufacturers has
remained relatively constant.

(Full Time and Part Time)

many workers today per unit of output than they did in 1947.With

Secondary Backward Linkages: Al-

widespread cost-cutting measures and
extensive capital improvements, this
trend of increasing productivity
should continue.
However, the number of workers is
only part of the equation describing
the effect on the economy of manufacturing'S use of labor services. The
other part is labor compensation. Even
though it takes far fewer manufacturing workers to produce goods today
than in the past, the compensation of
these workers has remained constant
at about 60 percent of value added
(figure 3).2 Furthermore, manufacturing workers are paid much more than
service workers. As a result, labor
costs per unit of output have
remained relatively constant over the
past few decades.


SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

For instance, consider the link
between manufacturing and the service sector. As we have noted, the service sector now plays a more important role as a supplier to
manufacturing than it did in the past.
Furthermore, as the service sector
expands it will, through its backward
linkages, buy more labor and intermediate goods from other sectors.

GNP FIXED WEIGHT SERIES (Goods and Services)
Index, 1982 = 100

With manufacturing buying more services, and services buying more labor,
we would expect manufacturing to
indirectly generate employment.

Intermediate Inputs: Manufacturing
also spends roughly the same percentage of income on goods purchased
from other sectors. Judging from U.S.
input-output tables for selected years,
there is no material difference in the
use of intermediate inputs in recent
years as compared to their use 40
years ago. For instance, in 1977 (the
most recently available bench marked
input-output table) the manufacturing
sector purchased 64 cents of intermediate inputs for every one dollar of
output produced. In 1947,one dollar
of output required 62 cents of intermediate inputs.'

though an increase in manufacturing
has a Significantly smaller direct effect
on employment today than 40 years
ago, the manufacturing sector is still
an integral part of the economy
through its purchases of goods and
services from other sectors.


NOTE: Fixed-weight deflators represent the price change of a fixed basket of goods over time.
SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.


and Services)


We estimate that a million dollar
increase in manufacturing output in
1947would have increased service
employment by 2.01workers. The
same rise in output in 1987would
increase service employment by 2.81
workers, a 40 percent rise. Thus, even
though the amount of manufacturing
employment has declined over the
last eight years, manufacturing still
has a strong effect on employment
growth in other sectors.
Change in manufacturing output also
affects the total compensation of service employees. A million dollar increase in manufacturing output in 1947
would have resulted in an additional
$17,221expenditure on labor services
(measured in 1982dollars using the
Consumer Price Index as a deflator).

The composition of goods and services purchased from other sectors,
however, has shifted. In 1947,manufacturing purchased 20 percent of its
intermediate inputs from the agricultural sector. More recently, this percentage has fallen to 6 percent.


Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.

January 1, 1988

In 1987, the same dollar increase in
manufacturing output would have produced an additional $62,685 spent on
labor services (again measured in 1982
dollars). The increase comes from
two sources. The first is an increase in
the purchase of services by manufacturers. The second source is an
increase in the compensation per servo
ice worker over this time period.
These estimates of the effect of an
increase in manufacturing output
represent only "first-round" effects in
the service sector. Manufacturing
increases raise demand for output
from other' sectors. This, in turn,
further increases demand for
employment and output in the service sector and in other sectors.
The total effect of an increase in
manufacturing output on the other
sectors remains about the same today
as it did in 1947. For every dollar
generated in the manufacturing sector
in 1947,2.5 dollars were generated in
the economy. Today, that ratio has
fallen only slightly to 2.3. Consequently, the ability of manufacturing'S
linkages to generate additional
income within the economy has
remained roughly the same over the
last 40 years.

• Conclusion
Despite the well-publlcized drop in
manufacturing'S total employment
share, the importance and impact of
manufacturing on the economy has
remained relatively constant. Production of manufactured goods has maintained a constant percent of GNP for
the last 40 years.
Manufacturing wages and fringe
benefits have also claimed roughly
the same proportion of value added
over this period, and the purchase of
intermediate goods and services from
other sectors has maintained about
the same percentage of sales output.
In addition, sustained increases in
manufacturing's labor productivity
has benefited the nation by providing
goods to the rest of the economy
more efflciently,
In short, all the evidence indicates
that manufacturing will continue to
be a vital and viable sector of our
economy for a long time to come.



Randall W. Eberts is an assistant vice president and economist at the Federal Reserue
Bank of Cleveland; John R. Swinton is a
research assistant at the bank.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reseroe Bank of Cleveland or of
the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reseroe System.


Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Has Manufacturing's Presence
in the Economy Diminished?


Cohen, Stephen S. and John Zysman,
Matters: The Myth of the
Post-Industrial Economy. (New York: Basic
Books), 1987.
Robert Z. Lawrence, Can America Compete? (Washington, nc.: The Brookings
Institution), 1984.


by Randall W. Eberts and John R. Swinton

Through most of this century,
manufacturing has been the keystone
of the American economy. The production of durable and nondurable
goods has ranked first in employment, in capital investment, and in
contribution to gross national product
(GNP) for at least the last 40 years.


1. We define the services sector to include
all activities under Standard Industrial
Code (SIC) categories 70·89, which
includes among other sectors personal servo
ices, health services, and business services.
This definition includes neither wholesale
and retail trade nor financial and comrnunication services.
2. Stated simply, value added is the value
of output shipped from the firm minus the
cost of intermediate inputs.

Although manufacturing currently
accounts for about 20 to 22 percent of
GNP-or roughly $814 billion annually, there has been much debate
about whether or not it is on the
decline, and whether or not its prominence has been overshadowed by
the service industries.

3. The value of output found in the inputoutput tables is defined as value-added
plus the value of intermediate inputs.

Pessimists, who fear decline, say that
manufacturing'S total employment
share has dropped steadily since
World War II; optimists, who reject
decline, claim that manufacturing'S
total GNP output share has remained
constant during the same period.

U.S.Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

Cleveland, OH 44101

Both views are correct. A debate,
however, centered only on this simplistic view of manufacturing'S role as
a creator of jobs and supplier of finished goods overlooks other important interactions with the economy. In
addition to creating jobs and supplying consumer goods, for example,
manufacturing also buys goods and
services from other sectors and provides them with goods used for

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
Address Correction Requested:
Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,

P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101
ISSN 0428·1276

Through these linkages, one sector's
performance affects growth in other
sectors and, relatively, affects the
entire economy.
Consequently, the importance of
manufacturing depends upon the
degree of its interaction, or linkages,
with other economic sectors.
• linkages and Economic Growth
Linkages run in two directions, backward and forward. Backward linkages
are purchases by one sector of goods
and services from other sectors. Forward linkages are the sales of goods
and services for use in producing
another sector's goods and services.
An industry can stimulate national
economic growth both by buying from
and selling to other sectors. In terms
of backward linkages, the potential for
an industry to stimulate economic
growth is directly related to the
amount of raw materials, intermediate
goods, and labor services it purchases
from within the domestic economy in
order to manufacture its own products.
For instance, if the steel industry purchases more intermediate goods and
labor services per dollar of output
than the paperboard container industry, an increase in steel output will
generate more activity throughout the
economy than an equal increase in
the production of paper products.
In terms of forward linkages, however, an industry stimulates the econ-


Much has been written and said
about the "decline" of manufacturing in America. The arguments pro
and con, however, have centered on
a simplistic view of manufacturing's
role in the economy. Even though its
share of employment has fallen, for
example, manufacturing still maintains its strength through its linkages
with the rest of the economy.

omy by making and selling production materials more efficiently and
thus at a lower price. Providing other
sectors of the economy with relatively
low-cost production materials allows
these sectors to expand because of a
cost advantage. In turn, these sectors
can pass on the benefits of lower
production costs to other sectors that
purchase from them. The cumulative
effects eventually permeate throughout those economic sectors that are
linked directly and indirectly.
However, to improve production,
products must be produced with less
material and effort. It is especially
important to reduce labor costs because they are a large part of the cost