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The con tri bu tions to total US. manufacturing in the Fourth Federal Reserve District states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia declined
from 1963 to 1982, although less dramatically than in particular urban
areas (like Cleveland, Ohio), where primary and fabricated metals are most
heavily concentrated.
Between 1963 and 1982 (the latest data available), the share of total
US. manufacturing
output fell about
2.04 percent in Ohio and l.86 percent in
Pennsylvania (chart 7). Only Michigan (-2.05 percent) and New York
(-2.53 percent) showed worse manufacturing output shifts at the state
level during that 20-year interval. Contrast these regional trends with the
states of California (2.52 percent),
Florida (0.98 percent), North Carolina
(l.09 percent), and Texas (2.77 percent), where the share of manufacturing output exploded during that
Between 1963 and 1982, Texas
jumped from its position as the ninthlargest manufacturing
state to the
third largest, surpassing the states
of Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio,
and Pennsylvania in manufacturing
prominence. Only New York and California generated more manufacturing output in 1982 than the state
of Texas.

Is Manufacturing Disappearing?
Uneasiness about the state of US.
invites a number of
policy prescriptions. One obvious
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

Address Correction Requested: Please send
corrected mailing label to the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,
P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Chart 7 Shifts in Manufacturing
Shares: 1963-1982
Nominal dollars

Heavy gainers
(0.75 percent and greater)


Moderate gainers
(0.25 percent to 0.74 percent)


No change
(-0.24 percent to 0.24 percent)



Moderate losers
(-0.25 percent to -0.74 percent)


Heavy losers
(-0.75 percent and less)


ISSN 0428-1276


SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce,
Bureau of Census (1982 Census of Manufacturers by State).

"remedy" is to protect US. manufacturers from foreign competition. Such
a strategy would have a number of
impacts, but improving the condition
of US. manufacturing
might not be
one of them. It is possible that reducing the amount of low-cost imports
would simply shift US. demand back
into service markets, or even savings
markets. Further, it would discourage the growth in manufacturing
productivity and distort the appropriate allocation of US. resources.
Others have suggested that a more
stimulative stance by US. economic
policymakers might cure the manufacturing sector. This approach may
only serve to encourage US. demand
for foreign production and to further
erode the US. manufacturing
of the world manufacturing
Moreover, excessively stimulative domestic policies could lay the foundation for US. inflationary pressures in
the future.

July 15, 1985

Bemoaning the demise of American manufacturing
might simply be
From an employment
perspective, manufacturing
is declining-it has done so virtually non-stop
since 1953. Similar downward trends
in manufacturing
employment and
output are clearly evident in certain
industries (such as primary and fabricated metals) and in some regions
(such as Ohio and Pennsylvania).
Other industries and regions, however,
have had relatively strong growth
over the past 20 years. On the whole,
US. manufacturing
output has demonstrated remarkable long-term stability. From a demand perspective, the
US. economy has been drifting from a
services base to a man ufacturing base.
Before we put the US. manufacturing sector on the endangered species list, we need to evaluate it from
more than one perspective. And, in the
words of a popular cliche, "If it ain't
broke, don't fix it:'

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Some policymakers continue to favor
the idea of using trade barriers to protect US. manufacturing
In some measure, this view is based on
a perception of underlying weakness
in the US. manufacturing
There is a fear that the manufacturing sector is dying-or
at the very
least, that its importance to the economy is shrinking. This Economic
Commentary offers some alternative
perspectives on the trends in manufacturing.
On balance, the manufacturing
sector is alive and well. Indeed, the
prospects for manufacturing
been strengthening
over an extended
period. However, the distribution of
output growth across manufacturing
industries is uneven, with a few traditional industries at the bottom of
the growth standings. But other, less
traditional, manufacturing
are leading US. industrial growth.
Consequently, it is necessary to qualify any analysis of the manufacturing
sector by examining it from several

imately 35 percent of total employment in 1953 to only about 20 percent
of total employment during the first
half of 1985. The decline in durable
goods manufacturing
has been equally steep, falling from
a share of about 20 percent of total
employment in the early 1950s to
near 12 percent today.

The Employment Perspective

Certain manufacturing
such as primary and fabricated metals
industries, have had greater relative
employment declines than other manufacturing industries. In 1984, primary
and fabricated metals manufacturing represented 2.5 percent of total
US. employment-less
than half the
employment share it had in 1953. Virtually all major manufacturing

It has become commonplace for business analysts to refer to the "alarming
shift toward a service economy." It
would seem that this view is taken primarily from the perspective of employment. Manufacturing
has been generating proportionately
fewer jobs, on average, since the early
1950s (chart 1). As a share of total
US. employment, manufacturing
employment has fallen from approx-

Michael F Bryan is an economist at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The author would like
to thank John M. Davis, who provided the inspiration for this Economic Commentary.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

Chart 1

Shares of Total U.S. Employment

Is Manufacturing
by Michael F. Bryan

dustries, however, have demonstrated
lower shares of total US. employment in the 32-year period since 1953.
Even electrical machinery manufacturing, an impressive growth industry
during the 1960s and 1970s in terms
of output, had a smaller share of total
US. employment in 1984 (2.4 percent)
than it did during 1953 (2.7 percent).
In short, the importance of manufacturing employment to total US. employment has been declining at a rather
constant pace over an extended period.
This pattern has been followed by
most major manufacturing

The Output Perspective

1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor

Trends in US. employment data and
output data are not necessarily identical. If we examine the share of America's manufacturing
output in relation
to our total output (measured by gross
domestic product), a strikingly different picture of the long-term trends
in manufacturing
emerges (chart 2).
Compared with the employment data,
it becomes much more difficult to find
convincing evidence that manufacturing output is significantly declining in importance to the economy.
Since 1950, manufacturing
as a share of total output has fluctuated around a mean of 24.7 percent
(14.8 percent for durable manufacturing). In 1984, US. manufacturing
represented only 0.5 percent less than
its 35-year average (following a rather
severe trough in 1982), and durable
output was virtually
identical with its 35-year average last
year (14.5 percent),'

1. Data from the first two quarters of 1985 allow
us to infer that the share of manufacturing output to total output might have inched downward
in 1985 due to deterioration in nondurable manufacturing output. However, durable manufacturing production has continued to build momentum in 1985 and may exceed its trend value for
the year.

In terms of employment, it can be
argued that the U.S. economy has
been shifting toward a service-based
economy. But, in the context of relative output, no comparable shifts
have thus far occurred.
Chart 2 Manufacturing,
of Domestic Output
Real dollars

Durables Share

The U.S. manufacturing
has a popular image as an inefficient,
resource-obese industry that is incapable of rigorous competition. The
labor productivity improvement made
in U. S. manufacturing,
since 1975, is a strong piece of evidence to the contrary.

Chart 4 Manufacturing Trade Balance
As a percent of U.S. manufacturing

Chart 3 Average Annual Rate of Labor
Productivity Growth
26.5 ~-:-=~..".",~::-=~...,...",:::------..,
Durables manufacturing



Chart 5 Shares of Total Sales
Real dollars



Nonfarm business





Durables manufacturing
NOTE: Dashed lines represent one and two standard
deviations from the sample mean. calculated over the
1950-1984 period.
SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce. Gross
Domestic Product Accounts.

share of output
has fluctuated around its mean value,
yet the proportion of labor resources
consumed by manufacturing
has been
dropping. This suggests that the manufacturing sector is building strength,
rather than deteriorating, as labor
productivity in U.S. manufacturing
must have demonstrated above-average
gains (chart 3).
Since 1960, manufacturing
industries have exceeded the average rate
of labor productivity growth in the
United States. Moreover, the pace of
productivity in manufacturing relative
to the average U. S. industry actually
accelerated over the past 10 years.
The rate of growth in durable manufacturing productivity has also been
more than twice that of the average
U.S. industry over the past decade.

goods to total final sales may be explained by the emergence of the "babyboom" generation and by a proportionately greater share of single-person
households. An increase in household
formations produces a strong appetite
for durable commodities, such as
household furnishings, appliances, and
automobiles. Buying habits affected
by uncertainty about future inflation,
a 1970s phenomenon, would also tend
to favor goods markets, particularly
durable goods markets, because of
their inflation-hedging characteristics.

Nonfarm business
SOURCE: US. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (Output per hour of all persons).

The Demand Perspective

Another popular, but possibly mistaken, notion is that foreign competition is responsible for the disappearance of the manufacturing
sector. It
is true that the United States is currently at a disadvantage in international markets. Chart 4 illustrates
the extent of the decline of our manufactured goods in international markets relative to the total value of
domestic manufacturing.
Whereas the United States had
typically been a net exporter of manufactured goods, the trade balance
of manufactured goods has favored
foreign producers since 1982. Undoubtedly, the 34 percent appreciation of the
dollar has been a major cause of this
reversal. Foreign consumers found
U.S.-made products considerably
more expensive, while U.S. consumers found foreign-manufactured
increasingly less expensive.

SOURCE: US. Department

services prices. In addition, a liberalization of taxation credits on capital
equipment as a result of the Economic
Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERT A)
further encouraged the demand for
durable goods through what was in
essence a relative price adjustment.
Regardless of source, which admittedly is only speculation, the impression of long-term trends in the U. S.
sector viewed from the
perspective of demand is different
from employment data. From a consumption point of view, the United
States has actually been moving from
a service-based economy to a goodsbased economy.

of Commerce.

The Industry Perspective
But the damaging influence of an
increased foreign presence in manufacturing markets is inconsistent with
the long-term stability in U.S. manufacturing output noted earlier. Consequently, the growth in foreign-manufactured goods in America could be
a result of growth in the total demand
for manufactured goods by U.S. consumers and industries.
If we track the share of real goods
sales relative to total U.S. sales, a
surprising growth pattern is evident
(chart 5). Since 1977, the United States
has been consuming above-average
levels of goods. In fact, the share of
goods in final sales reached a postWorld War II high last year and will
probably remain near this relatively
high level in 1985.
Stronger growth patterns are evident in the durable goods sector/ Between 1960 and 1963, durable goods
sales represented 15.75 percent of
total U.S. sales. The durable goods
share of total sales topped 20 percent
during the late 1970s and, in 1984,
matched a post-World War II high of
20.3 percent.
A number of factors probably have
encouraged the long-term growth in
goods demand. For example, the upward trend in the share of durable

2. The Bureau of Economic Analysis defines durable goods as goods with a useful life in excess
of three years.


SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce.

The relative price effects from
the high value of the U.S. dollar and
investment tax credits for capital goods
are more recent influences on manufactured goods sales. The strength of
the dollar depresses the cost of imports. Imports naturally favor goods
rather than services (insofar as goods
are more easily storable and transportable). Consequently, the strong
dollar favors goods consumption over
the consumption of services. The increased demand for foreign goods
would in some measure spill over into
domestic markets and put further
downward pressure on U.S. manufactured-goods prices relative to U. S.

It should be emphasized that this
appraisal of the manufacturing
sector is a broad, overall view. There are
certain industries within the manufacturing sector that obviously are
not enjoying output stability. In the
1960s, the growth of manufacturing
output equaled the U.S. industry
average; it exceeded the U.S. industry average in the 1970s and has continued to do so in the 1980s. But this
aggregate view obscures the dispersion of growth within individual
industries. For example, since 1975 electrical machinery,
chemicals, and printing and publishing industries have led U.S. industrial growth (chart 6A); two manufacturing industries, however-primary and fabricated metals-have
seriously fallen behind. In fact, primary metals producers are now generating one-fifth less output than
they did in 1975.
Since 1979, the dispersion of manufacturing growth has been somewhat
greater (chart 6B). Again, primary
and fabricated metals industries registered sizable production declines
compared to impressive gains in the
electric machinery and printing and
publishing industries. In short, primary and fabricated metals industries

which, combined, represented less
than 10 percent of American manufacturing output and only 12 percent
of American manufacturing
employment in 1979, are not characteristic
of the manufacturing
Chart 6 Production Growth
in Manufacturing
A. SINCE 1975
Electrical machines
Nonelectrical machines
All manufacturing
All industries
Fabricated metals


-6 -4 -2
Average annual percent change









Percent change



SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System. Industrial Production Indexes by Industry.

The Regional Perspective

The distributional inequities that may
have contributed to the view that the
sector is shrinking
are compounded by the uneven regional distributions of the manufacturing sector. States in the East North
Central region of the United States,
the so-called rust belt, are more heavily occupied by manufacturing
industries at the low end of the industrial
growth scale. Consequently, despite a
relatively stable share of manufacturing output in the United States, the
share of manufacturing
output among
geographic regions has been shifting.

In terms of employment, it can be
argued that the U.S. economy has
been shifting toward a service-based
economy. But, in the context of relative output, no comparable shifts
have thus far occurred.
Chart 2 Manufacturing,
of Domestic Output
Real dollars

Durables Share

The U.S. manufacturing
has a popular image as an inefficient,
resource-obese industry that is incapable of rigorous competition. The
labor productivity improvement made
in U. S. manufacturing,
since 1975, is a strong piece of evidence to the contrary.

Chart 4 Manufacturing Trade Balance
As a percent of U.S. manufacturing

Chart 3 Average Annual Rate of Labor
Productivity Growth
26.5 ~-:-=~..".",~::-=~...,...",:::------..,
Durables manufacturing



Chart 5 Shares of Total Sales
Real dollars



Nonfarm business





Durables manufacturing
NOTE: Dashed lines represent one and two standard
deviations from the sample mean. calculated over the
1950-1984 period.
SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce. Gross
Domestic Product Accounts.

share of output
has fluctuated around its mean value,
yet the proportion of labor resources
consumed by manufacturing
has been
dropping. This suggests that the manufacturing sector is building strength,
rather than deteriorating, as labor
productivity in U.S. manufacturing
must have demonstrated above-average
gains (chart 3).
Since 1960, manufacturing
industries have exceeded the average rate
of labor productivity growth in the
United States. Moreover, the pace of
productivity in manufacturing relative
to the average U. S. industry actually
accelerated over the past 10 years.
The rate of growth in durable manufacturing productivity has also been
more than twice that of the average
U.S. industry over the past decade.

goods to total final sales may be explained by the emergence of the "babyboom" generation and by a proportionately greater share of single-person
households. An increase in household
formations produces a strong appetite
for durable commodities, such as
household furnishings, appliances, and
automobiles. Buying habits affected
by uncertainty about future inflation,
a 1970s phenomenon, would also tend
to favor goods markets, particularly
durable goods markets, because of
their inflation-hedging characteristics.

Nonfarm business
SOURCE: US. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor
Statistics (Output per hour of all persons).

The Demand Perspective

Another popular, but possibly mistaken, notion is that foreign competition is responsible for the disappearance of the manufacturing
sector. It
is true that the United States is currently at a disadvantage in international markets. Chart 4 illustrates
the extent of the decline of our manufactured goods in international markets relative to the total value of
domestic manufacturing.
Whereas the United States had
typically been a net exporter of manufactured goods, the trade balance
of manufactured goods has favored
foreign producers since 1982. Undoubtedly, the 34 percent appreciation of the
dollar has been a major cause of this
reversal. Foreign consumers found
U.S.-made products considerably
more expensive, while U.S. consumers found foreign-manufactured
increasingly less expensive.

SOURCE: US. Department

services prices. In addition, a liberalization of taxation credits on capital
equipment as a result of the Economic
Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERT A)
further encouraged the demand for
durable goods through what was in
essence a relative price adjustment.
Regardless of source, which admittedly is only speculation, the impression of long-term trends in the U. S.
sector viewed from the
perspective of demand is different
from employment data. From a consumption point of view, the United
States has actually been moving from
a service-based economy to a goodsbased economy.

of Commerce.

The Industry Perspective
But the damaging influence of an
increased foreign presence in manufacturing markets is inconsistent with
the long-term stability in U.S. manufacturing output noted earlier. Consequently, the growth in foreign-manufactured goods in America could be
a result of growth in the total demand
for manufactured goods by U.S. consumers and industries.
If we track the share of real goods
sales relative to total U.S. sales, a
surprising growth pattern is evident
(chart 5). Since 1977, the United States
has been consuming above-average
levels of goods. In fact, the share of
goods in final sales reached a postWorld War II high last year and will
probably remain near this relatively
high level in 1985.
Stronger growth patterns are evident in the durable goods sector/ Between 1960 and 1963, durable goods
sales represented 15.75 percent of
total U.S. sales. The durable goods
share of total sales topped 20 percent
during the late 1970s and, in 1984,
matched a post-World War II high of
20.3 percent.
A number of factors probably have
encouraged the long-term growth in
goods demand. For example, the upward trend in the share of durable

2. The Bureau of Economic Analysis defines durable goods as goods with a useful life in excess
of three years.


SOURCE: US. Department of Commerce.

The relative price effects from
the high value of the U.S. dollar and
investment tax credits for capital goods
are more recent influences on manufactured goods sales. The strength of
the dollar depresses the cost of imports. Imports naturally favor goods
rather than services (insofar as goods
are more easily storable and transportable). Consequently, the strong
dollar favors goods consumption over
the consumption of services. The increased demand for foreign goods
would in some measure spill over into
domestic markets and put further
downward pressure on U.S. manufactured-goods prices relative to U. S.

It should be emphasized that this
appraisal of the manufacturing
sector is a broad, overall view. There are
certain industries within the manufacturing sector that obviously are
not enjoying output stability. In the
1960s, the growth of manufacturing
output equaled the U.S. industry
average; it exceeded the U.S. industry average in the 1970s and has continued to do so in the 1980s. But this
aggregate view obscures the dispersion of growth within individual
industries. For example, since 1975 electrical machinery,
chemicals, and printing and publishing industries have led U.S. industrial growth (chart 6A); two manufacturing industries, however-primary and fabricated metals-have
seriously fallen behind. In fact, primary metals producers are now generating one-fifth less output than
they did in 1975.
Since 1979, the dispersion of manufacturing growth has been somewhat
greater (chart 6B). Again, primary
and fabricated metals industries registered sizable production declines
compared to impressive gains in the
electric machinery and printing and
publishing industries. In short, primary and fabricated metals industries

which, combined, represented less
than 10 percent of American manufacturing output and only 12 percent
of American manufacturing
employment in 1979, are not characteristic
of the manufacturing
Chart 6 Production Growth
in Manufacturing
A. SINCE 1975
Electrical machines
Nonelectrical machines
All manufacturing
All industries
Fabricated metals


-6 -4 -2
Average annual percent change









Percent change



SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System. Industrial Production Indexes by Industry.

The Regional Perspective

The distributional inequities that may
have contributed to the view that the
sector is shrinking
are compounded by the uneven regional distributions of the manufacturing sector. States in the East North
Central region of the United States,
the so-called rust belt, are more heavily occupied by manufacturing
industries at the low end of the industrial
growth scale. Consequently, despite a
relatively stable share of manufacturing output in the United States, the
share of manufacturing
output among
geographic regions has been shifting.

The con tri bu tions to total US. manufacturing in the Fourth Federal Reserve District states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia declined
from 1963 to 1982, although less dramatically than in particular urban
areas (like Cleveland, Ohio), where primary and fabricated metals are most
heavily concentrated.
Between 1963 and 1982 (the latest data available), the share of total
US. manufacturing
output fell about
2.04 percent in Ohio and l.86 percent in
Pennsylvania (chart 7). Only Michigan (-2.05 percent) and New York
(-2.53 percent) showed worse manufacturing output shifts at the state
level during that 20-year interval. Contrast these regional trends with the
states of California (2.52 percent),
Florida (0.98 percent), North Carolina
(l.09 percent), and Texas (2.77 percent), where the share of manufacturing output exploded during that
Between 1963 and 1982, Texas
jumped from its position as the ninthlargest manufacturing
state to the
third largest, surpassing the states
of Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio,
and Pennsylvania in manufacturing
prominence. Only New York and California generated more manufacturing output in 1982 than the state
of Texas.

Is Manufacturing Disappearing?
Uneasiness about the state of US.
invites a number of
policy prescriptions. One obvious
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

Address Correction Requested: Please send
corrected mailing label to the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Research Department,
P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Chart 7 Shifts in Manufacturing
Shares: 1963-1982
Nominal dollars

Heavy gainers
(0.75 percent and greater)


Moderate gainers
(0.25 percent to 0.74 percent)


No change
(-0.24 percent to 0.24 percent)



Moderate losers
(-0.25 percent to -0.74 percent)


Heavy losers
(-0.75 percent and less)


ISSN 0428-1276


SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce,
Bureau of Census (1982 Census of Manufacturers by State).

"remedy" is to protect US. manufacturers from foreign competition. Such
a strategy would have a number of
impacts, but improving the condition
of US. manufacturing
might not be
one of them. It is possible that reducing the amount of low-cost imports
would simply shift US. demand back
into service markets, or even savings
markets. Further, it would discourage the growth in manufacturing
productivity and distort the appropriate allocation of US. resources.
Others have suggested that a more
stimulative stance by US. economic
policymakers might cure the manufacturing sector. This approach may
only serve to encourage US. demand
for foreign production and to further
erode the US. manufacturing
of the world manufacturing
Moreover, excessively stimulative domestic policies could lay the foundation for US. inflationary pressures in
the future.

July 15, 1985

Bemoaning the demise of American manufacturing
might simply be
From an employment
perspective, manufacturing
is declining-it has done so virtually non-stop
since 1953. Similar downward trends
in manufacturing
employment and
output are clearly evident in certain
industries (such as primary and fabricated metals) and in some regions
(such as Ohio and Pennsylvania).
Other industries and regions, however,
have had relatively strong growth
over the past 20 years. On the whole,
US. manufacturing
output has demonstrated remarkable long-term stability. From a demand perspective, the
US. economy has been drifting from a
services base to a man ufacturing base.
Before we put the US. manufacturing sector on the endangered species list, we need to evaluate it from
more than one perspective. And, in the
words of a popular cliche, "If it ain't
broke, don't fix it:'

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Some policymakers continue to favor
the idea of using trade barriers to protect US. manufacturing
In some measure, this view is based on
a perception of underlying weakness
in the US. manufacturing
There is a fear that the manufacturing sector is dying-or
at the very
least, that its importance to the economy is shrinking. This Economic
Commentary offers some alternative
perspectives on the trends in manufacturing.
On balance, the manufacturing
sector is alive and well. Indeed, the
prospects for manufacturing
been strengthening
over an extended
period. However, the distribution of
output growth across manufacturing
industries is uneven, with a few traditional industries at the bottom of
the growth standings. But other, less
traditional, manufacturing
are leading US. industrial growth.
Consequently, it is necessary to qualify any analysis of the manufacturing
sector by examining it from several

imately 35 percent of total employment in 1953 to only about 20 percent
of total employment during the first
half of 1985. The decline in durable
goods manufacturing
has been equally steep, falling from
a share of about 20 percent of total
employment in the early 1950s to
near 12 percent today.

The Employment Perspective

Certain manufacturing
such as primary and fabricated metals
industries, have had greater relative
employment declines than other manufacturing industries. In 1984, primary
and fabricated metals manufacturing represented 2.5 percent of total
US. employment-less
than half the
employment share it had in 1953. Virtually all major manufacturing

It has become commonplace for business analysts to refer to the "alarming
shift toward a service economy." It
would seem that this view is taken primarily from the perspective of employment. Manufacturing
has been generating proportionately
fewer jobs, on average, since the early
1950s (chart 1). As a share of total
US. employment, manufacturing
employment has fallen from approx-

Michael F Bryan is an economist at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The author would like
to thank John M. Davis, who provided the inspiration for this Economic Commentary.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

Chart 1

Shares of Total U.S. Employment

Is Manufacturing
by Michael F. Bryan

dustries, however, have demonstrated
lower shares of total US. employment in the 32-year period since 1953.
Even electrical machinery manufacturing, an impressive growth industry
during the 1960s and 1970s in terms
of output, had a smaller share of total
US. employment in 1984 (2.4 percent)
than it did during 1953 (2.7 percent).
In short, the importance of manufacturing employment to total US. employment has been declining at a rather
constant pace over an extended period.
This pattern has been followed by
most major manufacturing

The Output Perspective

1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor

Trends in US. employment data and
output data are not necessarily identical. If we examine the share of America's manufacturing
output in relation
to our total output (measured by gross
domestic product), a strikingly different picture of the long-term trends
in manufacturing
emerges (chart 2).
Compared with the employment data,
it becomes much more difficult to find
convincing evidence that manufacturing output is significantly declining in importance to the economy.
Since 1950, manufacturing
as a share of total output has fluctuated around a mean of 24.7 percent
(14.8 percent for durable manufacturing). In 1984, US. manufacturing
represented only 0.5 percent less than
its 35-year average (following a rather
severe trough in 1982), and durable
output was virtually
identical with its 35-year average last
year (14.5 percent),'

1. Data from the first two quarters of 1985 allow
us to infer that the share of manufacturing output to total output might have inched downward
in 1985 due to deterioration in nondurable manufacturing output. However, durable manufacturing production has continued to build momentum in 1985 and may exceed its trend value for
the year.