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March 1, 2001

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Life-Cycle Income and Consumption
by Peter Rupert and Chris Telmer


conomic inequality is a major concern in policy circles, and it occupies a
large field in the economics profession.
Much of the literature has focused on
income and wealth inequality; its main
finding is that inequality has risen over
time. Edward Wolff, for example, reports
that in 1974 the richest 5 percent of
American families earned 14.8 percent
of total U.S. income, whereas by 1998,
their share had risen to 20.7 percent.1
When both income and wealth are taken
into account, the growth in inequality
becomes worse.
Only recently have researchers taken the
logical next step, looking at the behavior
of consumption inequality. Presumably,
income and wealth inequality are so
interesting because they affect consumption inequality and, as a result, inequality
in economic welfare. It is important for
policymakers to understand how and
why income inequality affects consumption—there is little cause for action if
income inequality does not manifest
itself in consumption. If, on the other
hand, it does, knowing how it operates
may enable us to better compare the relative benefits of policies such as unemployment insurance and educational subsidies, which are designed to mitigate
consumption inequality, but through
completely different channels. Unemployment insurance reduces the effect of
a loss in income, due to unemployment,
on consumption (a process economists
call risk-sharing). Educational policy
might reduce the income inequality itself.
So where do income and consumption
inequality come from? Are the determiISSN 0428-1276

nants fixed early in life through occupational choices or education? Or do they
arise throughout life, in the form of
unpredictable shocks to income, like
layoffs, as individuals work their way
through the labor market?
This Economic Commentary explores
inequality in income and consumption
over the life cycle, focusing on the
importance of idiosyncratic shocks to
labor market earnings to understand the
determinants of consumption inequality.
We begin with a striking empirical fact:
Inequality in both income and consumption increases substantially with age.
This evidence, in conjunction with a
standard economic model of life-cycle
savings, suggests that an important part
of the uncertainty involved in knowing
the level of income individuals will
obtain throughout their lifetimes is realized during the working years and not
before they enter the labor market.
The implications for economic theory and
policymaking are important. For example,
a popular theory of savings behavior—the
“precautionary model”—suggests that
individuals save not only for retirement,
anticipated expenditures, and so on, but
also to build up a “buffer stock” of wealth
to help insure themselves against adverse
shocks. The theory’s usefulness depends
heavily on the extent to which individuals
face such shocks in the first place. From a
policy perspective, it is important to distinguish between the insurance role and the
redistributive role of programs such as
Social Security, unemployment insurance,
and welfare. The magnitude and distribution of idiosyncratic labor-market risk are
critical in making this distinction.

By all accounts, economic inequality
is growing—the rich are getting
richer, and the poor are getting
poorer. This Economic Commentary
explores inequality in income and
consumption and asks whether
inequality is determined early in life,
before individuals enter the labor
market, or whether it manifests itself
during the working years.


Risk and Risk Sharing

Many models used by economists share a
common feature derived from observing
individual behavior: they assume individuals want to smooth consumption over
time.2 That desire may not be fulfilled,
however, because of the uncertain path of
future income, health, or other factors that
can alter a person’s financial resources.
Some types of uncertainty involve idiosyncratic risk, meaning that the events
hit only an individual or some subset of
the population, rather than everyone at
the same time.3 The term risk means that
individuals are aware that there is some
probability of the event occurring.
For example, a fire might destroy one’s
home. Replacing it would require a huge
spike in expenditure on durable goods
such as house and furnishings, and,
absent sufficient savings, a substantial
reduction in the consumption of other

To minimize the effects of idiosyncratic
risk on consumption, financial markets
make it possible to pool people
together, through homeowners insurance, for example. Each individual
pays a little every month to insure
against the bad state of the world where
the house burns down. Should this
occur, funds are taken from the pooled
resources and used to rebuild the
house, and the consumption of other
goods remains relatively constant.4
Another familiar example is unemployment insurance. Economic conditions
might force a plant closure, leaving
many workers out of a job. This can
obviously have a severe impact on current earnings, and lifetime earnings
would also be lower, the magnitude
depending on the extent of the unemployment spell. Here again, individuals
can join together and pay a little each
month to insure that their consumption
profile is not greatly affected by the
unemployment shock.5 Because it is
desirable to smooth consumption over
time, individuals can be made better
off, in the unlikely event that they
experience a bad outcome, if they pool
risks together.

Variance of log

26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72

Variance of log
No high school diploma
College degree

The desire to smooth consumption
over time means that deterministic
sources of income inequality over the
life cycle will result in a flat(ter) ageconsumption profile. Suppose, for
example, that an individual knows
he will take a year off from work ten
years from now. It would be possible
to save during the working years so
that when income is zero during the
nonworking year, he could consume
the same amount as during the
working years.


Life-Cycle Inequality

Figure 1 shows that both earnings
inequality and consumption inequality
increase over the working years of the life
cycle, but only earnings inequality
declines at retirement. Note that earnings
and consumption inequality are roughly
the same for young persons; however,
earnings inequality increase at a substantially higher rate as people age. (See the
sidebar for a description of the data used
in the figures.)
The positive relationship between
inequality and age indicates that households receive persistent idiosyncratic
earnings shocks throughout their working lives. In addition, the fact that con-

High school diploma

26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72

a. As measured by the cross-sectional variance of consumption and earnings.
b. As measured by the cross-sectional variance of educational attainment.
SOURCES: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey; and
University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Panel Study of Income Dynamics.

sumption inequality increases alongside
earnings inequality suggests incomplete
risk sharing, since complete risk sharing
would result in a flat consumption profile.
This is not the only interpretation of the
data. In terms of earnings inequality, for
example, heterogeneity of skills might
produce such a pattern. Suppose that
wages for highly skilled workers grew
faster than those for less skilled workers.
Also suppose (although it is contrary to

the interpretation put forward in
this Commentary) that most of the
idiosyncratic risk relates to the
acquisition of skills or to the return
to acquiring those skills, so that it
derives from decisions (or circumstances) made before individuals
begin their working careers. In
other words, if idiosyncratic risk
within a skill cohort is relatively
unimportant—one would expect to
see inequality increasing across the

Figures 1 and 2 present data drawn from two sources, the Panel Study of
Income Dynamics (PSID) and the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX). The
PSID, begun in 1968, is arguably the highest quality source of income-related
data. It is a panel study, meaning that it tracks individuals over time. However,
it is deficient in data on consumption, in that only food consumption is
recorded. The construction of the PSID data used in this analysis is well
documented in several papers by Storesletten, Telmer, and Yaron.a
The CEX, on the other hand, contains detailed information on consumption
categories, but is inferior to the PSID in terms of income measures. The necessary information on expenditures from the CEX is taken from Deaton and
Paxson and covers 1980–1990.b
Figure 1 presents the data from these two sources and represents the key motivation for the studies listed above and for this Economic Commentary. It
shows the cross-sectional variance of the logarithm of earnings and consumption. That is, it depicts the variation within an age category, and since logarithms are used, the variability is expressed in percent.
Earnings consist of labor-market earnings plus transfers; transfers consist of
such things as unemployment insurance, workers compensation, transfers
from nonhousehold family members, and so on. In addition, the measures of
dispersion are net of “cohort effects”—that is, if dispersion among young
households in the 1982 cohort were uncharacteristically high, it would be
identified and removed.c
a. See Kjetil Storesletten, Chris Telmer, and Amir Yaron, “Asset Pricing with Idiosyncratic
Risk and Overlapping Generations,” Carnegie-Mellon University, GSIA Working paper no.
1998-E226, and “The Risk-sharing Implications of Alternative Social Security Arrangements,” Carnegie-Mellon Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, vol. 50, no. 99
(June 1999), pp. 213–99.
b. Angus Deaton and Christina Paxson, “Intertemporal Choice and Inequality,” Journal of
Political Economy, vol. 102, no. 3 (June 1994), pp. 437–67.
c. The details can be found in Storesletten, Telmer, and Yaron (2000); see footnote 6.

entire population but not across households with similar skill levels.
Figure 2 plots earnings inequality by
educational attainment, which is used here
as a proxy for skills. Somewhat surprisingly, earnings inequality is roughly the
same within broad educational groups,
casting some doubt on the assumption that
the increase in inequality derives from
differences in skill acquisition.
Using the techniques of Kjetil Storesletten,
Chris Telmer, and Amir Yaron,6 it is possible to compute a simple decomposition of
how much earnings uncertainty is resolved
early in life (because of skill acquisition,
for example) and how much is distributed
throughout the life cycle. Their results
suggest that roughly 60 percent of lifetime
uncertainty is resolved before individuals
enter the labor market, while the remaining 40 percent is resolved during the
working years.

These results stand in contrast with those
of Michael Keane and Kenneth Wolpin,
who argue, based on a model of occupational choice, that 90 percent of lifetime
uncertainty is resolved before individuals
enter the labor market.7
Keane and Wolpin’s model addresses
the central issue—the extent to which
inequality is driven by decisions versus
shocks—in a richer, more explicit manner than the model of Storesletten,
Telmer, and Yaron. The latter paper, however, points out that although inequality
in labor earnings may be explained by
occupational choice, educational attainment, or both, explaining inequality in
consumption is likely to present a greater
challenge, precisely because of the consumption-smoothing motive outlined
above. If an individual knows that—
because of her inherent skills or previous
decisions—she will enjoy relatively high

earnings in the future, then she will
borrow against those earnings in
the present, causing future earnings
inequality to manifest itself in current consumption inequality. Financial-market frictions, such as borrowing constraints, will mitigate
this effect.


Inequality, Risk
Sharing, and Policy

The questions asked by Keane
and Wolpin and Storesletten,
Telmer, and Yaron have important,
wide-reaching policy implications;
therefore, distinguishing between
them is crucial. (This is where the
short lesson on risk-sharing pays
off.) Recall that if the uncertainty
is resolved before a person enters
the labor market, then consumption
inequality tends to be flat across
the life cycle due to life-cycle
smoothing motives.8 Such an
environment suggests that financial
markets have a minimal insurance
role because there would be no
reason (or only a small one) for
precautionary savings to protect
consumption against shocks to
income over the life cycle. Further,
it suggests that policies to combat
inequality should focus almost
exclusively on schoolchildren.
But consumption inequality does
increase over the life cycle,
suggesting that risk sharing is
incomplete. To generate such
consumption inequality, it is
necessary to have persistent,
idiosyncratic, life-cycle shocks.
Policies aimed at combating
inequality must recognize the
importance of both sources of it.
Some inequality can be addressed
by focusing on schooling and,
thereby, on occupational choice.
Other policies, however, must
focus on understanding why the
insurance provided through financial markets and precautionary
savings by individuals seem insufficient to eliminate the increase in
consumption inequality over the
life cycle.



1. Edward N. Wolff, “The Rich Get
Richer…and Why the Poor Don’t,”
American Prospect, vol. 12, no. 3
(Spring 2001), p. 15–17.
2. The conditions usually call for
smoothing marginal utility over time,
but smoothing consumption is a good
first approximation.
3. Aggregate risk, where the entire population is affected, is not considered in
the Commentary.
4. With the existence of insurance, individuals may take fewer precautions to
prevent a bad outcome; this is known as
moral hazard, and its ramifications are
ignored here.

5. It does not matter who actually pays
the unemployment insurance, that is, the
firm or worker, the outcome will be
the same.
6. See Kjetil Storesletten, Chris Telmer,
and Amir Yaron, “Accounting for Idiosyncratic Risks over the Life Cycle:
Theory and Evidence,” Carnegie-Mellon University, unpublished manuscript,
7. See Michael P. Keane and Kenneth I.
Wolpin, “The Career Decisions of
Young Men,” Journal of Political
Economy, vol. 105, no. 3 (June 1997),
pp. 473–522.
8. Liquidity constraints have been
ignored here.

Peter Rupert is a senior economic advisor at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland; Chris
Telmer is an assistant professor of financial
economics at Carnegie-Mellon University.
This Commentary was printed on July 2, 2001.
The views expressed here are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, or its staff.
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