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June 16, 1980
a forward market. Whereas futures
are traded on federally designated


are not. Each
exchange maintains a clearinghouse that reconciles all trades executed on
the floor of the exchange. The clearinghouse
interposes itself in the middle of each transaction, becoming the buyer to every seller,
and the seller to every buyer. The contractual
obligation of each market participant,
therefore, is to the clearinghouse,
eliminating the
need for market
to concern
themselves with the identity or credit standing of the other party to the transaction.
Members of the clearinghouse
post margins
on their contracts,
similar to performance
bonds, to ensure the financial integrity of
the market.
Each day the accounts of the
clearing members are adjusted as to gain or
loss. Losses posted to an account must be
by the deposit of cash prior to
the opening of trading the following day. In
forward markets generally do not
require margin deposits or daily settlement
of accounts.
Parties to a forward contract
must, therefore,
assess the credit worthiness
of the other party to the transaction.
this reason, forward contracts
may entail a
greater risk of default.

Primary Uses of Interest-Rate Futures
financial institutions
and other institutional
money managers the opportunity
to manage
risk at relatively low cost. By
hedging in the futures market, money managers can achieve any of three basic objectives:
(1) protect
the val ue of a currently
portfolio of fixed-income
securities that
will be liquidated,
or protect the value
of a portfol io of fixed-income
against a rise in interest rates; or
(2) lock in the interest cost of debt to be
issued at a future time; or
(3) fix the return on an investment
in a
security before funds are
available, or lock in the yield on a reinvestment or rollover of a portfolio.
If a holder of a financial asset expects
interest rates to rise before he can sell the
he can lock in the current higher
price by using a short hedge. A short hedge

is the sale of a futures contract
today as a
for the sale of the
actual instrument
in the future. By using a
short hedge, the loss on the actual instrument would be offset by a gain in the futures
market when the holder buys back (offsets
his short position)
at an anticipated
price. Financial institutions
that own fixedincome securities or create them for sale to
investors could use a short hedge to protect
themselves against a rise in interest rates. For
example, mortgage bankers holding a pool of
for later resale to permanent
investors would be vulnerable to losses on
their holdings during periods of rising interest
rates. By initiating a short hedge, a mortgage
banker could protect himself against the price
of rising interest rates.
The second objective-to
lock in the
interest cost of debt to be issued at a future
would entail the initiation
of a
short hedge in the futures market. A short
hedge thus could be used by a bank in its
Banks especially
are vulnerable
to changes in the level of
interest rates, as they often fund long-term
assets (for example, mortgages and consumer
loans) with short-term
liabilities (for example, six-month
and other short-term
This "mismatch"
of maturities
banks to
loss if interest rates rise; rollover
costs can increase, while the return on the
remains constant.
To mitigate the
adverse effects of mismatched
a bank can hedge in the futures
market. To ensure its profit margin against
rising interest rates, a bank can sell Treasurybill futures contracts roughly corresponding
to the terms of its short-term
interest rates rise, a bank's increased rollover
costs would be offset by a gain on its futuresmarket position, thereby locking in a specified level of profits on its lending activities.
The cost of this profit margin "insurance"
the forfeited profit that would have resulted
from a decl ine in interest rates.
The final objective-to
fix the return on
a fixed-income
security to be purchased
the future-would
entail the initiation
of a
long hedge. A long hedge is the purchase of a
futures contract today as a temporary

tute for the purchase of the actual financial
instrument in the future. The primary reason
for executing
a long hedge is to lock in a
high yield on a future
interest rates are expected to decline. As in
the previous example, a long hedge could be
used by a bank in its asset/liability
management. If a bank's assets (loans or investment
before its liabilities are
due and interest rates are expected to decline
(deposit inflows can thus be expected to increase), a bank may want to lock in the
current high rate by going long, that is, buying, a corresponding
futures contract.
If, as
yields decline in the interim, the
price of the futures contract would rise. The
banker would sell the previously purchased
futures contract
at a profit, offsetting
higher price of the actual security (or lower
interest rate on the loan). By hedging in the
futures market, the banker has protected the
return on his anticipated
investment or loan,
since his increased cost of buying the actual
(or lower loan rate) is offset by
the profit made on his futures position. If
rates had increased rather than declined, the
banker would have experienced
a loss on his
position, but this would have
been offset by the lower cost of purchasing
the actual financial
(or higher
loan rate). Thus, the banker would have
the additional
profit that would
have resulted from an accurate interest-rate
in exchange
for minimizing
potential increase in his purchase cost.
can be
used to minimize
risk, some
caveats are in order. If there is no futures
to an institution's
hedging could increase risk. Cross-hedging-the
buying or seiling of an interest-rate
futures contract
protect the value of a cash-market
of a similar, but not identical instrumentdepends on the degree of price correlation
between the two instruments.
If a change in
market conditions
affects the instruments
the hedger could suffer losses on
both his cash and futures position. Thus, an
may not be able to hedge a cashmarket
that has no comparable
futures contract.

It is generally conceded
that futures
trading tends to encourage
because of the low transaction
costs of being a
market participant.f
Similarly, futures markets enable commercial
users to hedge more
easily and cheaply. However, it is sometimes
difficult to determine whether the activities
of a financial institution
in the futures market constitute
hedging or speculating. Under
a bona fide hedging strategy, a market participant should be indifferent
to the course
of interest
rates; he would fare as well
whether interest rates rose or fell. In practice,
most financial institutions
probably engage
in speculation to some extent insofar as they
seek to profit from a change in interest rates.
In the strictest sense, a, futures-market
hedging position that is unequal to an institution's
exposure involves an element of
In fact, most institutions
do not
equal to their cash-market positions, thereby
retaining some interest-rate
risk. The magnitude of interest-rate
risk is probably reduced

by a selective or partial hedge.

In this issue:

Interest-Rate Futures

have the potential
the way in which
business is conducted
in the capital markets.
Although still in their infancy, interest-rate
futures have proven to be a valuable tool for
money managers seeking to avoid or minimize their exposure to interest-rate
To date, much of the participation
these markets has been speculative in nature.
As interest-rate futures contracts continue to
prol iferate,
can be expected to become more frequent
users of these markets. Ultimately,
the success of these markets will depend on the
willinqnsss of those who manage moneybanks, securities dealers, savings and loans,
mortgage bankers-to
take advantage of the
market's hedging opportunities.
5. Transaction costs are the costs of participation
in the market and include
costs, and margin deposits.



The views stated herein are those of the author and
not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Chart 1 Growth of Interest-Rate Futures
Number of contracts traded

Interest - Rate Futures
by Judy Z. Menich


___ GNMAs (CBT)
Treasury Bonds (CBT)
--- Treasury Bills (CME)

The rapid growth of the interest-rate futures
market has attracted widespread attention in
the financial industry. Increasingly, banks,
thrift institutions,
government securities
dealers, and other .institutional money managers are utiliz1ng interest-rate futures to
hedge against interest-rate risk.
Futures trading in interest rates was introduced in 1975 by the Chicago Board of
Trade. Trading was initiated in a contract
calling for future delivery of $100,000 principal balance Government National Mortgage
Association (GNMA) pass-through certificates (that is, mortgage-backed certificates
guaranteed by GNMA on which monthly
payments of principal and interest are guaranteed to certificate holders). Since 1975,
futures contracts have been added for 90day and l-year Treasury bills, 15-year and
20-year Treasury bonds, 4-year and 4-year
to 6-year Treasury notes, and 3~-day and
90-day commercial paper. Currently pending
are proposals to establish futures contracts
on additional intermediate-term
notes and on private financial instruments.
The proliferation of interest-rate futures
contracts has aroused concern among various
financial regulators.
In particular,
Federal Reserve System and U.S. Department of the Treasury have expressed concern about the impact of futures trading on
the government's ability to market its debt.I
Regulators also are concerned about possible
misuses of the futures markets by financial
1. For further discussion of public-interest
of financial futures, see Treasury Futures Markets: A Study by the Staffs of the U.S. Treasury
and Federal Reserve System, May 1979.

Judy Menich is an economic analyst at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

institutions, which could threaten the soundness of individual banks.
Given the greater volatility of today's
interest rates, the use of interest-rate futures
contracts probably will continue to expand
rapidly (see chart 1). There are both pitfalls
and benefits in the use of these markets.
This Economic Commentary examines some
of the ways in which financial institutions
can use futures markets to minimize interestrate risk and focuses on some of the problems confronting potential hedgers.




Hedging and Speculating
Participants in futures markets generally can
be classified as either hedgers or speculators-at least in theory. Each futures transaction has two sides-one party to the
transaction seeks to avoid the risk of future
price fluctuation (hedger), while the other
party is willing, for a price, to assume the
risk (speculator).2 Although this dichotomy
obviously fails to capture all of the distinctions among market participants and their
activities, it does provide a useful framework
with which to explain the risk-shifting function of the market.
The primary economic justification of a
futures market is its role as a mechanism for
transferring the risk of price fluctuations to
persons more tolerant of such risk. Hedging
is the assumption of a futures-market position (equal and opposite to an existing or
cash-market position) as a
temporary substitute for the intended future
2. The opposite side to a hedger's futures transaction also could be another hedger who is offsetting his risk or liquidating a hedge. Similarly,
a futures transaction
could involve two speculators.



Data cover period from October



1975 through

Board of Trade and Chicago


sale or purchase of the actual commodity.
Hedgers are willing to forego the potential
profits of a favorable price move in return
for protection against the potential losses
that would result from an unfavorable price
move. By assuming offsetting positions in
the cash and futures markets (that is, long
the cash, short the futures, and vice versa),
the hedger expects to gain in one market
what he loses in the other.J In essence,
hedging eliminates the effects of a major
change in the price of a commodity and
substitutes the more manageable risk of a
change in the relationship between cash (or
spot) and futures prices.
The effectiveness of the futures market
as a hedging vehicle can be attributed to the
fact that cash and. futures prices tend to
move in tandem. Not only do the supply and


In a cash market, transactions
for purchase or
sale of the physical commodity
are made under
terms agreeable to the parties to the transaction.



April 1980.

demand factors that affect prices operate in
both markets, but cash and futures prices
also are linked by the ability to store the
commodity and deliver it in settlement of
the futures contract. In practice, however,
less than 3 percent of all transactions initiated in the futures market culminates in deIivery of the actual commodity, the rest
having been liquidated by offsetting trades.4
This is because futures markets are primarily
risk-transfer markets. The existence of a
futures market presumes the existence of a
4. The percentage
of contracts on which delivery
is taken tends to be somewhat higher with respect to financial
futures than nonfinancial
futures. In the GNMA futures market, for example, the ratio of deliveries to maximum open
interest (total number of futures contracts that
have not been offset by opposite futures transactions or by delivery) has been roughly 15 percent.
For further
see Treasury
Futures Markets: A Study by the Staffs of the
U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve System.

viable cash market. Nevertheless, the ability
to deliver the cash commodity against a
futures contract ensures a close economic
relationship between cash and futures prices.
Cash and futures prices tend to converge
as the futures contract approaches its del ivery date, both because risk decreases and
carrying costs-insurance,
storage, financing
costs-decline. Actually, the price of the cash
commodity may be higher than the futures
contract during the del ivery month, reflecting a premium for the uncertainty as to the
actual delivery date. Cash and futures are not
perfect substitutes for each other until the
last day of the month, which occurs after
trading in a particular futures contract has
ceased. At that time, the economic factors
determining price behavior in the cash commodity and futures contract are virtually
identical. If satisfied by del ivery, the futures
contract becomes a cash transaction.
The key to hedging is understanding the
basis-the arithmetic difference between the
immediate cash price of a security (or any
other commodity) and the price of a specific
futures contract. Hedgers focus on the relationship between cash and futures prices
rather than on the absolute level of commodity prices. Because changes may occur in
the cash-futures basis, some element of risk
is interjected into hedging. Changes in the
basis occur because futures prices often behave independently of cash prices. The independent behavior of futures prices (prior to
the delivery month) is largely due to speculative activity, although differences in delivery
time and delivery grade also impart an element of variability. A change in the basis between the time a futures contract is initiated
and the time it is lifted would yield a profit
or a loss. If the basis remains constant over
the life of a hedge, the hedge is referred to as
a "perfect hedge." In reality, the basis rarely
remains constant, so that most hedges result
in either a profit or a loss. The risk involved
in basis change is much smaller, however,
than the risk of price change in the entire
cost of a commodity. Thus, the major benefit of hedging in a futures market is that a
commercial user can replace the risk of
commodity price change with the much
smaller risk of basis change.

In addition to providing a hedging
mechanism, the futures market offers a vehicle for speculation. Speculators assess the
probable direction of future price movements and risk their capital to profit from an
accurate forecast. Speculators are assumed
to be taking the opposite side of a hedger's
futures contract by accepting the risk of
price fluctuation. In addition, they provide
the market with the liquidity necessary for
hedgers to buy and sell large quantities of a
commodity contract with ease. The liquidity
provided by speculators tends to reduce
overall price volatility. Futures markets require an abundance of speculators to perform their economic function of providing a
risk-transfer mechanism.

How Futures Markets Operate
The interest-rate futures market operates
essentially the same as the long-established
futures markets for agricultural goods and
other commodities.
Market participants
enter into contracts calling for the delivery
of a standardized quantity of a commodity
at a specified time in the future at a price
determined at the time the contract is made.
Futures contracts evolved from forward
contracts-cash market transactions in which
two parties agree to the purchase and sale of
a commodity at a specified date in the future.
Although similar in principle, there are significant differences between the two contractual instruments. In particular, the terms
of each forward contract are tailored to the
needs of the parties to the transaction, while
futures contracts are standardized with respect to contract terms. Commodities exchanges specify the terms of a futures contract, such as quantity, del iverable grade,
method of delivery, and maximum allowable
daily price fluctuation. The exchanges limit
the delivery date of futures contracts to designated months. Because each futures contract is identical and interchangeable with all
other contracts of the same delivery month,
a seller (or buyer) can easily offset his contractual obligation to deliver (or take delivery of) a commodity at any time simply by
buying (or selling) an identical contract.
The formal structure of a futures market contrasts with the informal structure of

Chart 1 Growth of Interest-Rate Futures
Number of contracts traded

Interest - Rate Futures
by Judy Z. Menich


___ GNMAs (CBT)
Treasury Bonds (CBT)
--- Treasury Bills (CME)

The rapid growth of the interest-rate futures
market has attracted widespread attention in
the financial industry. Increasingly, banks,
thrift institutions,
government securities
dealers, and other .institutional money managers are utiliz1ng interest-rate futures to
hedge against interest-rate risk.
Futures trading in interest rates was introduced in 1975 by the Chicago Board of
Trade. Trading was initiated in a contract
calling for future delivery of $100,000 principal balance Government National Mortgage
Association (GNMA) pass-through certificates (that is, mortgage-backed certificates
guaranteed by GNMA on which monthly
payments of principal and interest are guaranteed to certificate holders). Since 1975,
futures contracts have been added for 90day and l-year Treasury bills, 15-year and
20-year Treasury bonds, 4-year and 4-year
to 6-year Treasury notes, and 3~-day and
90-day commercial paper. Currently pending
are proposals to establish futures contracts
on additional intermediate-term
notes and on private financial instruments.
The proliferation of interest-rate futures
contracts has aroused concern among various
financial regulators.
In particular,
Federal Reserve System and U.S. Department of the Treasury have expressed concern about the impact of futures trading on
the government's ability to market its debt.I
Regulators also are concerned about possible
misuses of the futures markets by financial
1. For further discussion of public-interest
of financial futures, see Treasury Futures Markets: A Study by the Staffs of the U.S. Treasury
and Federal Reserve System, May 1979.

Judy Menich is an economic analyst at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

institutions, which could threaten the soundness of individual banks.
Given the greater volatility of today's
interest rates, the use of interest-rate futures
contracts probably will continue to expand
rapidly (see chart 1). There are both pitfalls
and benefits in the use of these markets.
This Economic Commentary examines some
of the ways in which financial institutions
can use futures markets to minimize interestrate risk and focuses on some of the problems confronting potential hedgers.




Hedging and Speculating
Participants in futures markets generally can
be classified as either hedgers or speculators-at least in theory. Each futures transaction has two sides-one party to the
transaction seeks to avoid the risk of future
price fluctuation (hedger), while the other
party is willing, for a price, to assume the
risk (speculator).2 Although this dichotomy
obviously fails to capture all of the distinctions among market participants and their
activities, it does provide a useful framework
with which to explain the risk-shifting function of the market.
The primary economic justification of a
futures market is its role as a mechanism for
transferring the risk of price fluctuations to
persons more tolerant of such risk. Hedging
is the assumption of a futures-market position (equal and opposite to an existing or
cash-market position) as a
temporary substitute for the intended future
2. The opposite side to a hedger's futures transaction also could be another hedger who is offsetting his risk or liquidating a hedge. Similarly,
a futures transaction
could involve two speculators.



Data cover period from October



1975 through

Board of Trade and Chicago


sale or purchase of the actual commodity.
Hedgers are willing to forego the potential
profits of a favorable price move in return
for protection against the potential losses
that would result from an unfavorable price
move. By assuming offsetting positions in
the cash and futures markets (that is, long
the cash, short the futures, and vice versa),
the hedger expects to gain in one market
what he loses in the other.J In essence,
hedging eliminates the effects of a major
change in the price of a commodity and
substitutes the more manageable risk of a
change in the relationship between cash (or
spot) and futures prices.
The effectiveness of the futures market
as a hedging vehicle can be attributed to the
fact that cash and. futures prices tend to
move in tandem. Not only do the supply and


In a cash market, transactions
for purchase or
sale of the physical commodity
are made under
terms agreeable to the parties to the transaction.



April 1980.

demand factors that affect prices operate in
both markets, but cash and futures prices
also are linked by the ability to store the
commodity and deliver it in settlement of
the futures contract. In practice, however,
less than 3 percent of all transactions initiated in the futures market culminates in deIivery of the actual commodity, the rest
having been liquidated by offsetting trades.4
This is because futures markets are primarily
risk-transfer markets. The existence of a
futures market presumes the existence of a
4. The percentage
of contracts on which delivery
is taken tends to be somewhat higher with respect to financial
futures than nonfinancial
futures. In the GNMA futures market, for example, the ratio of deliveries to maximum open
interest (total number of futures contracts that
have not been offset by opposite futures transactions or by delivery) has been roughly 15 percent.
For further
see Treasury
Futures Markets: A Study by the Staffs of the
U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve System.

viable cash market. Nevertheless, the ability
to deliver the cash commodity against a
futures contract ensures a close economic
relationship between cash and futures prices.
Cash and futures prices tend to converge
as the futures contract approaches its del ivery date, both because risk decreases and
carrying costs-insurance,
storage, financing
costs-decline. Actually, the price of the cash
commodity may be higher than the futures
contract during the del ivery month, reflecting a premium for the uncertainty as to the
actual delivery date. Cash and futures are not
perfect substitutes for each other until the
last day of the month, which occurs after
trading in a particular futures contract has
ceased. At that time, the economic factors
determining price behavior in the cash commodity and futures contract are virtually
identical. If satisfied by del ivery, the futures
contract becomes a cash transaction.
The key to hedging is understanding the
basis-the arithmetic difference between the
immediate cash price of a security (or any
other commodity) and the price of a specific
futures contract. Hedgers focus on the relationship between cash and futures prices
rather than on the absolute level of commodity prices. Because changes may occur in
the cash-futures basis, some element of risk
is interjected into hedging. Changes in the
basis occur because futures prices often behave independently of cash prices. The independent behavior of futures prices (prior to
the delivery month) is largely due to speculative activity, although differences in delivery
time and delivery grade also impart an element of variability. A change in the basis between the time a futures contract is initiated
and the time it is lifted would yield a profit
or a loss. If the basis remains constant over
the life of a hedge, the hedge is referred to as
a "perfect hedge." In reality, the basis rarely
remains constant, so that most hedges result
in either a profit or a loss. The risk involved
in basis change is much smaller, however,
than the risk of price change in the entire
cost of a commodity. Thus, the major benefit of hedging in a futures market is that a
commercial user can replace the risk of
commodity price change with the much
smaller risk of basis change.

In addition to providing a hedging
mechanism, the futures market offers a vehicle for speculation. Speculators assess the
probable direction of future price movements and risk their capital to profit from an
accurate forecast. Speculators are assumed
to be taking the opposite side of a hedger's
futures contract by accepting the risk of
price fluctuation. In addition, they provide
the market with the liquidity necessary for
hedgers to buy and sell large quantities of a
commodity contract with ease. The liquidity
provided by speculators tends to reduce
overall price volatility. Futures markets require an abundance of speculators to perform their economic function of providing a
risk-transfer mechanism.

How Futures Markets Operate
The interest-rate futures market operates
essentially the same as the long-established
futures markets for agricultural goods and
other commodities.
Market participants
enter into contracts calling for the delivery
of a standardized quantity of a commodity
at a specified time in the future at a price
determined at the time the contract is made.
Futures contracts evolved from forward
contracts-cash market transactions in which
two parties agree to the purchase and sale of
a commodity at a specified date in the future.
Although similar in principle, there are significant differences between the two contractual instruments. In particular, the terms
of each forward contract are tailored to the
needs of the parties to the transaction, while
futures contracts are standardized with respect to contract terms. Commodities exchanges specify the terms of a futures contract, such as quantity, del iverable grade,
method of delivery, and maximum allowable
daily price fluctuation. The exchanges limit
the delivery date of futures contracts to designated months. Because each futures contract is identical and interchangeable with all
other contracts of the same delivery month,
a seller (or buyer) can easily offset his contractual obligation to deliver (or take delivery of) a commodity at any time simply by
buying (or selling) an identical contract.
The formal structure of a futures market contrasts with the informal structure of

Chart 1 Growth of Interest-Rate Futures
Number of contracts traded

Interest - Rate Futures
by Judy Z. Menich


___ GNMAs (CBT)
Treasury Bonds (CBT)
--- Treasury Bills (CME)

The rapid growth of the interest-rate futures
market has attracted widespread attention in
the financial industry. Increasingly, banks,
thrift institutions,
government securities
dealers, and other .institutional money managers are utiliz1ng interest-rate futures to
hedge against interest-rate risk.
Futures trading in interest rates was introduced in 1975 by the Chicago Board of
Trade. Trading was initiated in a contract
calling for future delivery of $100,000 principal balance Government National Mortgage
Association (GNMA) pass-through certificates (that is, mortgage-backed certificates
guaranteed by GNMA on which monthly
payments of principal and interest are guaranteed to certificate holders). Since 1975,
futures contracts have been added for 90day and l-year Treasury bills, 15-year and
20-year Treasury bonds, 4-year and 4-year
to 6-year Treasury notes, and 3~-day and
90-day commercial paper. Currently pending
are proposals to establish futures contracts
on additional intermediate-term
notes and on private financial instruments.
The proliferation of interest-rate futures
contracts has aroused concern among various
financial regulators.
In particular,
Federal Reserve System and U.S. Department of the Treasury have expressed concern about the impact of futures trading on
the government's ability to market its debt.I
Regulators also are concerned about possible
misuses of the futures markets by financial
1. For further discussion of public-interest
of financial futures, see Treasury Futures Markets: A Study by the Staffs of the U.S. Treasury
and Federal Reserve System, May 1979.

Judy Menich is an economic analyst at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

institutions, which could threaten the soundness of individual banks.
Given the greater volatility of today's
interest rates, the use of interest-rate futures
contracts probably will continue to expand
rapidly (see chart 1). There are both pitfalls
and benefits in the use of these markets.
This Economic Commentary examines some
of the ways in which financial institutions
can use futures markets to minimize interestrate risk and focuses on some of the problems confronting potential hedgers.




Hedging and Speculating
Participants in futures markets generally can
be classified as either hedgers or speculators-at least in theory. Each futures transaction has two sides-one party to the
transaction seeks to avoid the risk of future
price fluctuation (hedger), while the other
party is willing, for a price, to assume the
risk (speculator).2 Although this dichotomy
obviously fails to capture all of the distinctions among market participants and their
activities, it does provide a useful framework
with which to explain the risk-shifting function of the market.
The primary economic justification of a
futures market is its role as a mechanism for
transferring the risk of price fluctuations to
persons more tolerant of such risk. Hedging
is the assumption of a futures-market position (equal and opposite to an existing or
cash-market position) as a
temporary substitute for the intended future
2. The opposite side to a hedger's futures transaction also could be another hedger who is offsetting his risk or liquidating a hedge. Similarly,
a futures transaction
could involve two speculators.



Data cover period from October



1975 through

Board of Trade and Chicago


sale or purchase of the actual commodity.
Hedgers are willing to forego the potential
profits of a favorable price move in return
for protection against the potential losses
that would result from an unfavorable price
move. By assuming offsetting positions in
the cash and futures markets (that is, long
the cash, short the futures, and vice versa),
the hedger expects to gain in one market
what he loses in the other.J In essence,
hedging eliminates the effects of a major
change in the price of a commodity and
substitutes the more manageable risk of a
change in the relationship between cash (or
spot) and futures prices.
The effectiveness of the futures market
as a hedging vehicle can be attributed to the
fact that cash and. futures prices tend to
move in tandem. Not only do the supply and


In a cash market, transactions
for purchase or
sale of the physical commodity
are made under
terms agreeable to the parties to the transaction.



April 1980.

demand factors that affect prices operate in
both markets, but cash and futures prices
also are linked by the ability to store the
commodity and deliver it in settlement of
the futures contract. In practice, however,
less than 3 percent of all transactions initiated in the futures market culminates in deIivery of the actual commodity, the rest
having been liquidated by offsetting trades.4
This is because futures markets are primarily
risk-transfer markets. The existence of a
futures market presumes the existence of a
4. The percentage
of contracts on which delivery
is taken tends to be somewhat higher with respect to financial
futures than nonfinancial
futures. In the GNMA futures market, for example, the ratio of deliveries to maximum open
interest (total number of futures contracts that
have not been offset by opposite futures transactions or by delivery) has been roughly 15 percent.
For further
see Treasury
Futures Markets: A Study by the Staffs of the
U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve System.

viable cash market. Nevertheless, the ability
to deliver the cash commodity against a
futures contract ensures a close economic
relationship between cash and futures prices.
Cash and futures prices tend to converge
as the futures contract approaches its del ivery date, both because risk decreases and
carrying costs-insurance,
storage, financing
costs-decline. Actually, the price of the cash
commodity may be higher than the futures
contract during the del ivery month, reflecting a premium for the uncertainty as to the
actual delivery date. Cash and futures are not
perfect substitutes for each other until the
last day of the month, which occurs after
trading in a particular futures contract has
ceased. At that time, the economic factors
determining price behavior in the cash commodity and futures contract are virtually
identical. If satisfied by del ivery, the futures
contract becomes a cash transaction.
The key to hedging is understanding the
basis-the arithmetic difference between the
immediate cash price of a security (or any
other commodity) and the price of a specific
futures contract. Hedgers focus on the relationship between cash and futures prices
rather than on the absolute level of commodity prices. Because changes may occur in
the cash-futures basis, some element of risk
is interjected into hedging. Changes in the
basis occur because futures prices often behave independently of cash prices. The independent behavior of futures prices (prior to
the delivery month) is largely due to speculative activity, although differences in delivery
time and delivery grade also impart an element of variability. A change in the basis between the time a futures contract is initiated
and the time it is lifted would yield a profit
or a loss. If the basis remains constant over
the life of a hedge, the hedge is referred to as
a "perfect hedge." In reality, the basis rarely
remains constant, so that most hedges result
in either a profit or a loss. The risk involved
in basis change is much smaller, however,
than the risk of price change in the entire
cost of a commodity. Thus, the major benefit of hedging in a futures market is that a
commercial user can replace the risk of
commodity price change with the much
smaller risk of basis change.

In addition to providing a hedging
mechanism, the futures market offers a vehicle for speculation. Speculators assess the
probable direction of future price movements and risk their capital to profit from an
accurate forecast. Speculators are assumed
to be taking the opposite side of a hedger's
futures contract by accepting the risk of
price fluctuation. In addition, they provide
the market with the liquidity necessary for
hedgers to buy and sell large quantities of a
commodity contract with ease. The liquidity
provided by speculators tends to reduce
overall price volatility. Futures markets require an abundance of speculators to perform their economic function of providing a
risk-transfer mechanism.

How Futures Markets Operate
The interest-rate futures market operates
essentially the same as the long-established
futures markets for agricultural goods and
other commodities.
Market participants
enter into contracts calling for the delivery
of a standardized quantity of a commodity
at a specified time in the future at a price
determined at the time the contract is made.
Futures contracts evolved from forward
contracts-cash market transactions in which
two parties agree to the purchase and sale of
a commodity at a specified date in the future.
Although similar in principle, there are significant differences between the two contractual instruments. In particular, the terms
of each forward contract are tailored to the
needs of the parties to the transaction, while
futures contracts are standardized with respect to contract terms. Commodities exchanges specify the terms of a futures contract, such as quantity, del iverable grade,
method of delivery, and maximum allowable
daily price fluctuation. The exchanges limit
the delivery date of futures contracts to designated months. Because each futures contract is identical and interchangeable with all
other contracts of the same delivery month,
a seller (or buyer) can easily offset his contractual obligation to deliver (or take delivery of) a commodity at any time simply by
buying (or selling) an identical contract.
The formal structure of a futures market contrasts with the informal structure of

June 16, 1980
a forward market. Whereas futures
are traded on federally designated


are not. Each
exchange maintains a clearinghouse that reconciles all trades executed on
the floor of the exchange. The clearinghouse
interposes itself in the middle of each transaction, becoming the buyer to every seller,
and the seller to every buyer. The contractual
obligation of each market participant,
therefore, is to the clearinghouse,
eliminating the
need for market
to concern
themselves with the identity or credit standing of the other party to the transaction.
Members of the clearinghouse
post margins
on their contracts,
similar to performance
bonds, to ensure the financial integrity of
the market.
Each day the accounts of the
clearing members are adjusted as to gain or
loss. Losses posted to an account must be
by the deposit of cash prior to
the opening of trading the following day. In
forward markets generally do not
require margin deposits or daily settlement
of accounts.
Parties to a forward contract
must, therefore,
assess the credit worthiness
of the other party to the transaction.
this reason, forward contracts
may entail a
greater risk of default.

Primary Uses of Interest-Rate Futures
financial institutions
and other institutional
money managers the opportunity
to manage
risk at relatively low cost. By
hedging in the futures market, money managers can achieve any of three basic objectives:
(1) protect
the val ue of a currently
portfolio of fixed-income
securities that
will be liquidated,
or protect the value
of a portfol io of fixed-income
against a rise in interest rates; or
(2) lock in the interest cost of debt to be
issued at a future time; or
(3) fix the return on an investment
in a
security before funds are
available, or lock in the yield on a reinvestment or rollover of a portfolio.
If a holder of a financial asset expects
interest rates to rise before he can sell the
he can lock in the current higher
price by using a short hedge. A short hedge

is the sale of a futures contract
today as a
for the sale of the
actual instrument
in the future. By using a
short hedge, the loss on the actual instrument would be offset by a gain in the futures
market when the holder buys back (offsets
his short position)
at an anticipated
price. Financial institutions
that own fixedincome securities or create them for sale to
investors could use a short hedge to protect
themselves against a rise in interest rates. For
example, mortgage bankers holding a pool of
for later resale to permanent
investors would be vulnerable to losses on
their holdings during periods of rising interest
rates. By initiating a short hedge, a mortgage
banker could protect himself against the price
of rising interest rates.
The second objective-to
lock in the
interest cost of debt to be issued at a future
would entail the initiation
of a
short hedge in the futures market. A short
hedge thus could be used by a bank in its
Banks especially
are vulnerable
to changes in the level of
interest rates, as they often fund long-term
assets (for example, mortgages and consumer
loans) with short-term
liabilities (for example, six-month
and other short-term
This "mismatch"
of maturities
banks to
loss if interest rates rise; rollover
costs can increase, while the return on the
remains constant.
To mitigate the
adverse effects of mismatched
a bank can hedge in the futures
market. To ensure its profit margin against
rising interest rates, a bank can sell Treasurybill futures contracts roughly corresponding
to the terms of its short-term
interest rates rise, a bank's increased rollover
costs would be offset by a gain on its futuresmarket position, thereby locking in a specified level of profits on its lending activities.
The cost of this profit margin "insurance"
the forfeited profit that would have resulted
from a decl ine in interest rates.
The final objective-to
fix the return on
a fixed-income
security to be purchased
the future-would
entail the initiation
of a
long hedge. A long hedge is the purchase of a
futures contract today as a temporary

tute for the purchase of the actual financial
instrument in the future. The primary reason
for executing
a long hedge is to lock in a
high yield on a future
interest rates are expected to decline. As in
the previous example, a long hedge could be
used by a bank in its asset/liability
management. If a bank's assets (loans or investment
before its liabilities are
due and interest rates are expected to decline
(deposit inflows can thus be expected to increase), a bank may want to lock in the
current high rate by going long, that is, buying, a corresponding
futures contract.
If, as
yields decline in the interim, the
price of the futures contract would rise. The
banker would sell the previously purchased
futures contract
at a profit, offsetting
higher price of the actual security (or lower
interest rate on the loan). By hedging in the
futures market, the banker has protected the
return on his anticipated
investment or loan,
since his increased cost of buying the actual
(or lower loan rate) is offset by
the profit made on his futures position. If
rates had increased rather than declined, the
banker would have experienced
a loss on his
position, but this would have
been offset by the lower cost of purchasing
the actual financial
(or higher
loan rate). Thus, the banker would have
the additional
profit that would
have resulted from an accurate interest-rate
in exchange
for minimizing
potential increase in his purchase cost.
can be
used to minimize
risk, some
caveats are in order. If there is no futures
to an institution's
hedging could increase risk. Cross-hedging-the
buying or seiling of an interest-rate
futures contract
protect the value of a cash-market
of a similar, but not identical instrumentdepends on the degree of price correlation
between the two instruments.
If a change in
market conditions
affects the instruments
the hedger could suffer losses on
both his cash and futures position. Thus, an
may not be able to hedge a cashmarket
that has no comparable
futures contract.

It is generally conceded
that futures
trading tends to encourage
because of the low transaction
costs of being a
market participant.f
Similarly, futures markets enable commercial
users to hedge more
easily and cheaply. However, it is sometimes
difficult to determine whether the activities
of a financial institution
in the futures market constitute
hedging or speculating. Under
a bona fide hedging strategy, a market participant should be indifferent
to the course
of interest
rates; he would fare as well
whether interest rates rose or fell. In practice,
most financial institutions
probably engage
in speculation to some extent insofar as they
seek to profit from a change in interest rates.
In the strictest sense, a, futures-market
hedging position that is unequal to an institution's
exposure involves an element of
In fact, most institutions
do not
equal to their cash-market positions, thereby
retaining some interest-rate
risk. The magnitude of interest-rate
risk is probably reduced

by a selective or partial hedge.

In this issue:

Interest-Rate Futures

have the potential
the way in which
business is conducted
in the capital markets.
Although still in their infancy, interest-rate
futures have proven to be a valuable tool for
money managers seeking to avoid or minimize their exposure to interest-rate
To date, much of the participation
these markets has been speculative in nature.
As interest-rate futures contracts continue to
prol iferate,
can be expected to become more frequent
users of these markets. Ultimately,
the success of these markets will depend on the
willinqnsss of those who manage moneybanks, securities dealers, savings and loans,
mortgage bankers-to
take advantage of the
market's hedging opportunities.
5. Transaction costs are the costs of participation
in the market and include
costs, and margin deposits.



The views stated herein are those of the author and
not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

June 16, 1980
a forward market. Whereas futures
are traded on federally designated


are not. Each
exchange maintains a clearinghouse that reconciles all trades executed on
the floor of the exchange. The clearinghouse
interposes itself in the middle of each transaction, becoming the buyer to every seller,
and the seller to every buyer. The contractual
obligation of each market participant,
therefore, is to the clearinghouse,
eliminating the
need for market
to concern
themselves with the identity or credit standing of the other party to the transaction.
Members of the clearinghouse
post margins
on their contracts,
similar to performance
bonds, to ensure the financial integrity of
the market.
Each day the accounts of the
clearing members are adjusted as to gain or
loss. Losses posted to an account must be
by the deposit of cash prior to
the opening of trading the following day. In
forward markets generally do not
require margin deposits or daily settlement
of accounts.
Parties to a forward contract
must, therefore,
assess the credit worthiness
of the other party to the transaction.
this reason, forward contracts
may entail a
greater risk of default.

Primary Uses of Interest-Rate Futures
financial institutions
and other institutional
money managers the opportunity
to manage
risk at relatively low cost. By
hedging in the futures market, money managers can achieve any of three basic objectives:
(1) protect
the val ue of a currently
portfolio of fixed-income
securities that
will be liquidated,
or protect the value
of a portfol io of fixed-income
against a rise in interest rates; or
(2) lock in the interest cost of debt to be
issued at a future time; or
(3) fix the return on an investment
in a
security before funds are
available, or lock in the yield on a reinvestment or rollover of a portfolio.
If a holder of a financial asset expects
interest rates to rise before he can sell the
he can lock in the current higher
price by using a short hedge. A short hedge

is the sale of a futures contract
today as a
for the sale of the
actual instrument
in the future. By using a
short hedge, the loss on the actual instrument would be offset by a gain in the futures
market when the holder buys back (offsets
his short position)
at an anticipated
price. Financial institutions
that own fixedincome securities or create them for sale to
investors could use a short hedge to protect
themselves against a rise in interest rates. For
example, mortgage bankers holding a pool of
for later resale to permanent
investors would be vulnerable to losses on
their holdings during periods of rising interest
rates. By initiating a short hedge, a mortgage
banker could protect himself against the price
of rising interest rates.
The second objective-to
lock in the
interest cost of debt to be issued at a future
would entail the initiation
of a
short hedge in the futures market. A short
hedge thus could be used by a bank in its
Banks especially
are vulnerable
to changes in the level of
interest rates, as they often fund long-term
assets (for example, mortgages and consumer
loans) with short-term
liabilities (for example, six-month
and other short-term
This "mismatch"
of maturities
banks to
loss if interest rates rise; rollover
costs can increase, while the return on the
remains constant.
To mitigate the
adverse effects of mismatched
a bank can hedge in the futures
market. To ensure its profit margin against
rising interest rates, a bank can sell Treasurybill futures contracts roughly corresponding
to the terms of its short-term
interest rates rise, a bank's increased rollover
costs would be offset by a gain on its futuresmarket position, thereby locking in a specified level of profits on its lending activities.
The cost of this profit margin "insurance"
the forfeited profit that would have resulted
from a decl ine in interest rates.
The final objective-to
fix the return on
a fixed-income
security to be purchased
the future-would
entail the initiation
of a
long hedge. A long hedge is the purchase of a
futures contract today as a temporary

tute for the purchase of the actual financial
instrument in the future. The primary reason
for executing
a long hedge is to lock in a
high yield on a future
interest rates are expected to decline. As in
the previous example, a long hedge could be
used by a bank in its asset/liability
management. If a bank's assets (loans or investment
before its liabilities are
due and interest rates are expected to decline
(deposit inflows can thus be expected to increase), a bank may want to lock in the
current high rate by going long, that is, buying, a corresponding
futures contract.
If, as
yields decline in the interim, the
price of the futures contract would rise. The
banker would sell the previously purchased
futures contract
at a profit, offsetting
higher price of the actual security (or lower
interest rate on the loan). By hedging in the
futures market, the banker has protected the
return on his anticipated
investment or loan,
since his increased cost of buying the actual
(or lower loan rate) is offset by
the profit made on his futures position. If
rates had increased rather than declined, the
banker would have experienced
a loss on his
position, but this would have
been offset by the lower cost of purchasing
the actual financial
(or higher
loan rate). Thus, the banker would have
the additional
profit that would
have resulted from an accurate interest-rate
in exchange
for minimizing
potential increase in his purchase cost.
can be
used to minimize
risk, some
caveats are in order. If there is no futures
to an institution's
hedging could increase risk. Cross-hedging-the
buying or seiling of an interest-rate
futures contract
protect the value of a cash-market
of a similar, but not identical instrumentdepends on the degree of price correlation
between the two instruments.
If a change in
market conditions
affects the instruments
the hedger could suffer losses on
both his cash and futures position. Thus, an
may not be able to hedge a cashmarket
that has no comparable
futures contract.

It is generally conceded
that futures
trading tends to encourage
because of the low transaction
costs of being a
market participant.f
Similarly, futures markets enable commercial
users to hedge more
easily and cheaply. However, it is sometimes
difficult to determine whether the activities
of a financial institution
in the futures market constitute
hedging or speculating. Under
a bona fide hedging strategy, a market participant should be indifferent
to the course
of interest
rates; he would fare as well
whether interest rates rose or fell. In practice,
most financial institutions
probably engage
in speculation to some extent insofar as they
seek to profit from a change in interest rates.
In the strictest sense, a, futures-market
hedging position that is unequal to an institution's
exposure involves an element of
In fact, most institutions
do not
equal to their cash-market positions, thereby
retaining some interest-rate
risk. The magnitude of interest-rate
risk is probably reduced

by a selective or partial hedge.

In this issue:

Interest-Rate Futures

have the potential
the way in which
business is conducted
in the capital markets.
Although still in their infancy, interest-rate
futures have proven to be a valuable tool for
money managers seeking to avoid or minimize their exposure to interest-rate
To date, much of the participation
these markets has been speculative in nature.
As interest-rate futures contracts continue to
prol iferate,
can be expected to become more frequent
users of these markets. Ultimately,
the success of these markets will depend on the
willinqnsss of those who manage moneybanks, securities dealers, savings and loans,
mortgage bankers-to
take advantage of the
market's hedging opportunities.
5. Transaction costs are the costs of participation
in the market and include
costs, and margin deposits.



The views stated herein are those of the author and
not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385