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February I, 1997

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Inforination Dynainics
and CRA Strategy
by Robert B. Avery, Patricia E. Beeson, and Mark S. Sniderman

Congress enacted the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) to combat redlining, whereby lenders allegedly
curtail the supply of mortgage credit to
particular neighborhoods, discounting
the creditworthiness of the applicants
because the neighborhood itself is considered undesirable. Under the CRA's
provisions, bank regulators are required
to use their supervisory authority to
encourage each depository institutionincluding those in low- and moderateincome communities-to help meet its
community's credit needs consistent
with safe and sound lending p~actices.
Not surprisingly, many lenders have become more aggressive at marketing and
selling mortgages in neighborhoods
they had previously not penetrated very
deeply. They are finding creative means
of reaching potential customers, and are
investing in education programs that
should enable those customers to become more successful applicants and
borrowers. Nevertheless, amid the positive stories emerging from lenders'
increased attention to underserved markets, many people have expressed dissatisfaction with CRA's implementation.
Public interest groups have complained
that the evaluations rely too heavily on
process and too little on outcomes; both
they and lenders agree that enforcement
standards are too vague.
One aspect of the CRA that has caused
particular concern is the degree to which
each lender in a community is expected
ISSN 0428-1276

to serve all neighborhoods in its assessment area. This point has been contentious because regulators and public
advocacy groups want to promote competition and service, while lenders want
to avoid situations in which they cannot
operate profitably.
Bank regulatory agencies revised the
CRA in 1995 to address these and several related issues. The revised regulations appear to offer a wider scope for
lenders to adapt their business practices
to the realities of their assessment areas.
In particular, as long as no unexplainable
gaps or arbitrary exclusions appear,
lenders should now have greater flexibility to meet their CRA obligations without lending directly to all portions of
their communities.
In this Economic Commentary, we look
at how the quantity and source of information flowing to lenders can affect
their credit decisions. Based on our
findings, we encourage lenders to take
advantage of the CRA provisions that
allow them to address their obligations
through joint-lending programs and
qualified investments.
Our recommendation stems from our
own inquiries regarding how lenders
learn about the neighborhoods they
serve. 1 Does the very small number of
mortgage applications from some lowand moderate-income communities provide lenders with adequate information
for their credit decisions? If not, will


Evidence shows that by focusing on
certain neighborhoods, lenders can
sometimes exploit economies of scale
in the collection of information. They
can also find themselves at a disadvantage in areas where too many
lenders are competing for a limited
number of qualified mortgage applicants. Current CRA regulations provide greater scope for lenders to pool
their resources (through community
development banks, loan consortia,
and other institutional arrangements) and to achieve the critical
mass of applications necessary
to exploit economies of scale.

lenders tend to reject applications for
properties in these locations more often
than applications from higher-income
neighborhoods, where the lending market is more active? Must lenders be
independently active within a neighborhood to find good loan prospects and to
increase their understanding of property
values, or can they obtain this information from the activity generated by other
lenders? The answers have different
implications for the efficient design and
enforcement ofCRA regulations.
Based on our research, we conclude that
in many low- and moderate-income
neighborhoods, demand is too low to
allow more than a handful of lenders to
learn enough about the area to operate
profitably. Thus, we encourage lenders
to experiment with different vehicles
through which they can concentrate their
community lending efforts. Current CRA
regulations smooth the way for establishing community development banks, loan
consortia, or other institutional arrangements whereby lenders can pool their resources to specialize in neighborhood
lending. Our research indicates that such
specialization could increase overall lending in targeted neighborhoods.

• Information and
Mortgage Lending
Property location clearly affects mortgage credit flows and approval rates.
Lenders worry that houses located in
neighborhoods containing dilapidated
and vacant properties and having low
rates of owner occupancy and property
turnover expose their collateral to undue
risk of price depreciation. Obviously,
lenders have an incentive to acquire
information about the neighborhoods in
their service areas, just as they do regarding information about applicants'
ability to repay their loans. Because information about applicants and neighborhoods is expensive to collect and
process, lenders also face incentives to
collect only the amount and type of
information that leads to efficient lending decisions.

We recently examined how information
about a neighborhood affects the level of
lending activity in it. Our investigation
concerns two aspects of the CRA debate.
First, does the overall goal of increasing
lending in low- and moderate-income
neighborhoods improve the efficiency of
the mortgage market, and second, does
the requirement that each individual
lender be active in these neighborhoods
provide the most efficient means of increasing total lending? We find that the
more applications a lender processes
within a neighborhood, the lower is that
lender's neighborhood denial rate.2
When individual lenders take only a
few applications from specific lowincome and minority neighborhoods,
they apparently do not acquire enough
neighborhood-specific information to
reduce their relatively high denial rates in
those areas.
We also find that when the volume of
applications in a neighborhood rises
because of a larger number of lenders,
denial rates do not fall. In fact, the presence of many lenders in a neighborhood
is associated with an increase in denial
rates, suggesting that excessive competition may hamper some lenders' efforts
to reach a critical application mass.

• Information as
a Public Good
It is well known that lenders may incur a
loss when borrowers default on a property that is overvalued, but do not share
in the gains when a house is undervalued.
Hence, greater uncertainty about home
values induces lenders to deny more
applications. Information about property
values may be a public good: When one
lender increases lending in a neighborhood, it generates information that is
beneficial to all potential lenders there. 3
For example, each transaction produces
information on local home values that all
lenders can use in their property appraisals. Thus, when information is a
public good, appraisals become more
precise as the total number of transactions increases. This reduces each
lender's uncertainty about property values and may lower mortgage denial rates.

According to this view, all lenders can
use information from one another's
transactions in a neighborhood-an
external effect. 4 However, a (perhaps
significant) part of the benefit from the
transactions completed by any particular
lender (including appraisals) accrues to
other lenders in the area.5 Because individual lenders do not capture the full
value of the information contained in
their own transactions, they will spend
less time and money collecting data on
the neighborhood than they would otherwise. Hence, the number of loans made
in neighborhoods with few loan applications will also be lower than otherwise.
By encouraging lending activity in these
neighborhoods, the CRA boosts efficiency in the lending market. Furthermore, it doesn't matter if all lenders
increase lending or if just a few do,
because the information generated by
the transaction is available to all. Therefore, under the view of information as a
public good, the CRA's requirement that
all lenders be active in these neighborhoods could be an efficient means of
boosting lending.

• Information as
a Private Good
Alternatively, the information generated
by the transaction may be a private good,
accruing only to the lender actually
engaged in the transaction. 6 As lenders
increase their activity in a neighborhood,
they gain information that they can use in
processing subsequent applications for
properties in the same area, lowering perunit processing costs. If lenders cannot
charge different prices in different neighborhoods, they will tend to reject more
applications in neighborhoods where perunit costs are higher (that is, areas from
which they receive fewer applications)
than in neighborhoods where they are
more active.
This effect is internal to the lending firm:
The per-unit cost of information falls as
the number of applications processed by
an individual lender rises.7 Thus, given a
neighborhood's loan demand, per-unit
costs will be lower when a smaller number oflenders are active there. Under this
view, it is especially important that there
be/ewer lenders in a neighborhood with
a low number of potential borrowers.
This suggests that ifCRA regulations

Figures I and 2 display the actual and
adjusted denial rates arrayed by income
and racial composition of the neighborboods.12 Note that the adjustment reduced the disparities in denial rates considerably, although differences remain:
The gap between denial rates in the
lowest- and highest-income neighbor-

Denial rate



hoods fell from 19 percentage points
before adjustment to 8 percentage points
after, whereas the difference between the
all-white and all-minority neighborhoods
dropped from 12 to 3 percentage points.




The Impact of Applications
Volume on Lending Efficiency


To examine the role played by the volume of applications taken by lenders in a
neighborhood, we statistically tested for
whether the lender-neighborhood denial
rate is systematically related to the volume of applications received by a given
lender in a particular neighborhood (to
capture the internal effect), or to the volume of applications received by all
lenders in that neighborhood (to capture
the external effect). 13









Medianfamily income (thousands of dollars per year)

Denial rale


Percent minority population

We found convincing support for the
internal (private) information hypothesis: Holding all else constant, denial
rates are significantly lower for lenders
that process more applications from a
neighborhood. 14 The denial rate for a
lender processing 30 or more applications is 3.1 percentage points lower, on
average, than that of an otherwise identical lender processing fewer than three
applications. 15 Stated another way, the
small scale of activity undertaken by
certain lenders in specific low-income
and minority neighborhoods apparently
does contribute to the relatively high
denial rates in these areas.

SOURCE: Authors ' calculations.

encourage all lenders to be active in all
neighborhoods, they may increase the
costs of lending in neighborhoods with

thin loan demand. 8• 9


The Evidence

We tested both of these perspectives
on information's role using national
home mortgage lending and neighborhood data. 10 Lenders attract applicants

with different personal and financial
characteristics, which in turn are related
to their creditworthiness. 11 After adjusting for these characteristics, we constructed application denial rates for each
lender and within each neighborhood in
which the lender operates. This generated lender-neighborhood denial rates
that vary for reasons other than applicant characteristics.

We did not find evidence supporting
the external (public) information effect.
On the contrary, increases in applications processed by other neighborhood
lenders slightly raise the denial rate of
a given lender, holding constant the
number of applications processed by
that lender. 16· 17


Median family income (thousands of dollars per year)





- 10

- 1.5 ' - - - - - ' ' - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - ' - -- .....L..- - - L - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - '
Percent minority population

SOURCE: Authors' calculations.

Finally, we investigated the practical
significance of these information effects
on neighborhoods with different income
and racial compositions. To what extent
do the internal and external effects,
taken separately and jointly, explain the
observed differences in denial rates
across neighborhoods? We calculated
the total internal effect for a neighborhood by adding up the separate internal

effects accruing to each lender accepting applications there. 18 The external
effect was obtained directly from the
total number of applications taken
within a neighborhood by all lenders.
Figure 3 plots the percentage-point differences in adjusted neighborhood
denial rates arising from the sum of the
internal effects of all lenders in the area

against neighborhood median family
income. 19 It also plots the percentagepoint differences in adjusted denial rates
attributable to the total number of
neighborhood applications processed.
The total effect is the sum of the external and internal information effects.20
According to figure 3, the internal information effect becomes more powerful
- that is, it leads to a lower adjusted
denial rate-as median family income
increases up to $30,000, and is relatively constant beyond that amount. For
example, figure 1 shows that adjusted
denial rates drop from 19.3 percent in
neighborhoods with a median family
income of $10,000 to about 15.6 percent
in those with a median family income of
$30,000. About 1 percentage point of
this 3.7-percentage-point decline is
accounted for by the internal effect on
lenders, because each of them processes
more applications in the wealthier
neighborhoods. Contrary to theoretical
predictions, the external effect actually
operates to increase denial rates slightly
as median family income rises.

In figure 4, the external and internal
information effects are arrayed by the
percent minority population in the
tract. 21 While the percentage-point difference in adjusted denial rates between
all-minority and all-white neighborhoods is 2.6-smaller than the gap for
median family income (see figure 2) the internal information effect becomes
more powerful as the share of minorities in the neighborhood decreases (it
accounts for 0.65 percent of the 2.6percentage-point difference). Again, the
external effect actually elevates denial
rates as the percent minority population
increases. However, because this effect
tends to be less significant, neighborhoods with a smaller minority population exhibit lower denial rates on the
strength of the internal effect.



The CRA was a response to concerns
that certain neighborhoods, primarily
low-income and minority areas, were
being underserved by lenders. Our study
is not designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the CRA as a whole. As we note
in the introduction, the CRA bas clearly
focused attention on underserved mar_kets and has most likely increased credit
availability to many low- and moderateincome individuals. Rather, we have
chosen to concentrate on a geographic
aspect ofCRA implementation. Before
the Act was revised in 1995, enforcing
agencies tended to take a strict view regarding each lender's obligation to be
directly active in all portions of its assessment area. Our finding of economies
of scale in neighborhood lending accruing to individual lenders suggests that
this approach may not be in the best interest of the most underserved communities, where there are relatively few
Based strictly on the role of information
and the costs of generating it, public
policy would be improved by allowing
individual lenders more scope to specialize so that they could achieve the
critical mass of applications necessary
to exploit economies of scale in neighborhood lending. However, when
designing the compliance mechanism
for CRA, regulators need to weigh the
potential efficiency gains from having a
few specialized lenders in an area
against the potential losses if these
lenders acquire and exploit monopoly
power and limit the number of loans to
the neighborhood. Our evidence about
the size and significance of internal
scale economies for individual lenders
suggests that it may be worth considering alternative mechanisms that permit
their operation.

Institutional arrangements that enable
lenders to pool their resources are one
such alternative to (or supplement of)
direct lending in low- and moderateincome neighborhoods. Whether organized as a commercial bank, development corporation, or loan consortium,
these institutions can operate in local
areas to provide housing, consumer,
and neighborhood development finance.
By specializing in collecting and analyzing local market data, they might, in
certain situations, stand a better chance
of generating economies of scale than
would direct financing by individual
lenders. Since CRA regulations now
accord lenders greater latitude to address their obligations through such
activities, we encourage them to take
advantage of these resource-pooling
arrangements in their overall community lending strategies. 22



1. These results are based on a lengthier
study of ours. See "Neighborhood lnformation and Home Mortgage Lending," Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Working Paper
No. 9620, December 1996.
2. This rate is defined as the percentage
ofrejected applications from a given
3. For a more thorough treatment of this
hypothesis, see William W. Lang and
Leonard I. Nakamura, "A Model of Redlining," Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 33,
no. 2 (March 1993), pp. 223-34.
4. Generally, when a third party gains (or
loses) as a result of a transaction between
two parties, the benefit (or cost) accruing to
the third party is called an externality.

7. ln the language of economics, this is
known as increasing returns to scale, an
effect that is internal to the firm.
8. Limiting the number of lenders in an area
may also reduce efficiency if these lenders
are able to exploit monopoly power and limit
the number of loans to the neighborhood.
The potential gains in efficiency from having
few lenders in an area must be weighed
against this potential loss.
9. Empirical support exists for both (public
and private) perspectives. See, for example,
Paul S. Calem, "Mortgage Credit Availability
in Low- and Moderate-lncome Minority
Neighborhoods: Are lnformation Externalities Critical?" Journal ofReal Estate Finance
and Economics, vol. 13, no. 1(July1996),
pp. 71-89. Calem finds lower denial rates in
communities with thicker markets, that is,
more home sales. While this may be interpreted as evidence of information's external
effects, it probably captures both the external
and internal effects, since total home sales
are likely to affect an individual lender 's
ability to exp loit internal economies of scale,
as well as the amount of information available to all lenders in the neighborhood.
10. The national home mortgage lending
data used in our study were collected in 1990
and 1991 by lenders covered by the Home
Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), and data
on neighborhood information were taken
from the 1980 and 1990 decennial censuses.
Our sample includes more than 12,000
lenders making nearly 2.5 million loans in
about 36,000 separate census tracts in 1990
and 1991.
11. This finding is based on an earlier study
of ours. See "Underserved Mortgage Markets : Evidence from HMDA Data," Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Working Paper
No. 9421, December 1994.

5. The benefit is the useful information generated about home values and the applicant's

12. The figures are constructed so that the
actual and adjusted denial rates are equal in
neighborhoods with either a median family
income of$80,000 or more or a minority
population ofless than I percent.

6. This hypothesis is developed in William
C. Gruben, Jonathan A. Neuberger, and
Ronald H. Schmidt, "Imperfect lnformation
and the Community Reinvestment Act," Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Economic Review, Summer 1990, pp. 27- 46.

13. We first adjusted for neighborhoodspeci fie characteristics that may affect denial
rates independently of the volume of applications received.

14. The effect of lender-specific applications
volume in lowering denial rates is both statistically and economically significant.

20. We constructed these measures to begin
at zero for neighborhoods with a median
family income of less than $10,000.

15. In the sample, about 15 percent of all
applications were denied.

21. In this case, we constructed the measure
to have a value of zero in neighborhoods
inhabited solely by minorities.


R obert B. Avery is a senior economist at the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

16. These results suggest that increased activity by a lender imposes costs (negative externalities) on other lenders in the neighborhood.
17. It should be noted, however, that our
analysis was conducted using a fairly narrow
definition of neighborhood (neighborhoods
are equated with census tracts) . We did not
test for information externalities at a broader
market level.
18. When calculating the total internal effect
for the neighborhood, each lender's internal
effect is weighted by its share of total applications there.

22. See Charles W. Calomiris, Charles M.
Kahn, and Stanley D. Longhofer, "HousingFinance Intervention and Private Incentives:
Helping Minorities and the Poor," Journal of
Mon ey, Credit, and Banking, vol. 26, no. 3,
part 2 (August 1994), pp. 634- 74. The
authors explain the value of joint-lending
organizations as stemming from informational economies of scale. They also discuss
appropriate incentive systems for the operation of these indirect lending organizations.

System; Patricia E. Beeson is an associate
professor of economics at the University of
Pittsburgh and a research associate at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland; and
Mark S. Sniderman is a senior vice president
and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank ofCleveland. The authors thank
Paul Ca/em, Jagadeesh Gokhale, and Glenn
Loney for helpfal comments and suggestions.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Economic Commentary is available
electronically through the Cleveland Feds

19. Recall that earlier, denial rates were
adjusted for applicant characteristics. Figure
3 shows the fraction of the adjusted denial
rates accounted for by lender-specific application volume (the internal effect) and total
neighborhood application volume (the external effect).

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