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constantly upgrading them to meet
demand (Schorsch 1984). More recently,
however, steel demand has begun to
slow in other mature economies, including Japan. From 1969 to 1981 (the latest
year for which data are available) steel
demand grew at a compound annual
rate of only 1.3 percent in Iapan, 1.6 percent in Canada, and fell 0.9 percent in
EEC nations, excluding the United
Kingdom (CBO 1984, p. 33). While steel
demand has slowed in more advanced
countries, new capacity has been built
in the Third World, adding to competitive pressures.
Analysts cite the shift of steel production away from advanced industrial
nations to the less developed world
as another major factor contributing to
the long-term financial difficulties of
U.S. steel producers. In 1961, the Third
World accounted for 4.1 percent of the
Western World's steel production and
9.6 percent of its consumption; in 1980
this had increased to 12.4 percent and
21.2 percent, respectively (CBO 1984,
p. 34). Domestic steel producers contend
that many Third World steel plants
were built to enhance national prestige and that they are competitive only
because they receive government subsidies (Roderick 1984, p. 51). Some Third
World nations, however, are considered
legitimate low-cost producers and formidable competitors. South Korea, for
example, was the second largest source
of steel imports (after Japan) to the
United States in 1983.
A third factor affecting the competitive position of domestic integrated
firms is the loss of technological preeminance to foreign producers and
domestic minimills (CBO 1984, p. 33).
Foreign steel producers have led the
United States in the adoption of ad-

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vanced technologies, such as continuous casting, that have enabled them
to match or surpass U.S. standards of
technological performance (Barnett
and Schorsch 1984, p. 57). Furthermore, the development of the electric
furnace for melting steel scrap has permitted the construction of steel plants
(minimills) that do not use capitalintensive integrated processes. The
electric furnace offers an alternative
to expensive coke ovens and blast furnaces that are required to reduce
iron ore.
Domestic minimills have competed
successfully with imports, and have not
had the difficulty raising capital that
older, integrated firms have experienced
(CBO 1984, p. 49). Although minimills
produce a more limited range of steel
products than integrated facilities and
cannot be viewed as a replacement
for them, they are currently expanding
product lines. Estimates show that even
new integrated facilities would not be
competitive with minimills in the production of certain products, largely
because of minimills' lower capital
costs (Schorsch 1984, p. 36).
For the past 25 years, foreign steel producers have steadily increased their
share of the U.S. market. Imports are
now at record levels, while the domestic steel industry faces one of its most
severe economic downturns. The world
is currently plagued with excess capacity because of plant construction in
Third World nations and a slower rate
of growth in steel consumption in many
of the more developed countries. These
two trends have resulted in vigorous
price competition. Since the United
States has relatively few trade barriers,
domestic steel firms have been particularly vulnerable. Temporary import

restraints could therefore prevent bankruptcies, unemployment, and the loss
of some capacity that might be needed
for the long term.
Nevertheless, the financial difficulties
facing U.S. producers and the events in
the world's steel markets are largely a
result of long-term trends. If the domestic industry is to become more competitive, its investment strategies must
be geared toward streamlining operations and perhaps adopting minimill
techniques on a wider scale. Spending
massive sums for modernizing old, capital-intensive plants, while the U.S.
market is shrinking may only lead to
more overcapacity and perpetuate current problems.
Barnett, Donald E, and Louis Schorsch. Steel:
Upheaval in a Basic Industry. Cambridge, MA:
Ballinger Publishing Company, 1983.
Congressional Budget Office. The Effects of Import
Quotas on the Steel Industry. Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office, July 1984.
Crandall, Robert W. The U.S. Steel Industry in
Recurrent Crisis. Washington, DC: Brookings
Institution, 1981.
Hogan, William T., S.]. World Steel in the 1980s:
A Case of Survival. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath
and Company, 1971.

__ . Economic History of the Iron and Steel
Industry in the United States. Volume 5: Part VI
concluded, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and
Company, 1983.

Lee, John M. "Steel Men Seek Stronger Laws
on Dumping Here by Foreigners;' New York
Times, June 26, 1963.
Roderick, David M. "U.S. Steel makers Fight
Back;' Challenge, vol. 26, no. 6 (lanuary/February 1984), pp. 51-3.
Schorsch, Louis. "The Abdication of Big Steel;'
Challenge, vol. 27, no. 1 (Marchi April 1984),

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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

April 15, 1985
ISSN 0428-1276

For U.S. steel manufacturers, 1983
was not a banner year; one-third of U.S.
steelworkers were on layoff, it was
the industry's second consecutive unprofitable year, and the market share
of imports set a record high. Domestic steel manufacturers responded by
appealing to the U.S. Congress to set
global limits on imported steel and
in November 1983, the Fair Trade in
Steel Act was introduced. This act calls
for setting import quotas at 15 percent
of the domestic market supply for five
years. (The foreign market share was
26.2 percent in the first three quarters of
1984). In September 1984, President
Reagan announced he would push for
voluntary restraints on foreign steel
producers to limit imports of finished
steel products to around 18.5 percent of
the American market, and by December 1984, some major foreign steel producers had agreed to a five-year-long
limit on exports to the United States.
Global limits on imported steel are,
in a sense, the culmination of a 25-year
effort by domestic integrated steel producers to curtail the importation of
goods that are allegedly dumped or
government subsidized. Domestic producers have charged that such "unfair"
trade practices are largely to blame for
their losing ground.' From the industry's point of view, no previous restraint
program has dealt adequately with this
problem. A review of events over the
past 25 years reveals that in a number
of cases foreign producers have been

Amy Kerka is a research assistant at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The author would like
to thank Roger Brown for his helpful comments
and Laura Meadenfor her research assistance.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

Imports and
Domestic Steel
by Amy Kerka

guilty of trade violations in the context
of U.S. legislation. Nevertheless, it is
difficult to attribute all of the increase
in imports to "unfair" competition.
For example, a significant portion of
imports has come from Japan, which is
Chart 1 Imports as a Percent of the
U.S. Domestic Market







a. Average of first three quarters of 1984.
SOURCES: Selected Issues of Annual Statistical Report, American Iron and Steel Institute; and Statistics
Office, American Iron and Steel Institute.

widely recognized as having a comparative advantage over the United States
in the production of steel. More recently,
steel imports from Japan have been
eclipsed by imports from other lowcost suppliers. Many analysts would
cite such trends as the fundamental
cause for the current difficulties of
older, established U.S. firms. In this
context, temporary import restraints
without recognition of the underlying
trends would only protect the steel
industry at the expense of consumers.

1. See, for example, Steel Comments,1uly 15, 1984,
American Iron and Steel Institute; and Steel News,
June 8, 1984, American Iron and Steel Institute.
Most steel in the United States is produced by
integrated steel firms, which combine all steps
in the steelmaking process at one site. These
steps include reducing iron ore in coke ovens and
blast furnaces, producing steel in basic oxygen

Legal Tug-of-War
Imports gained their first foothold in
the United States in 1959, when foreign
steel was purchased during a 116-day
steelworkers strike. This was the first
year since 1900 that the United States
was a net steel importer. Imports in 1959
accounted for 6.1 percent of domestic
steel consumption. (The share fell to
4.7 percent in 1960 and 1961.) Thereafter, imports grew both in tonnage
and as a percentage of steel supply consumed (see chart 1). By 1967 imports
accounted for 12.2 percent of domestic
consumption. Importers increased their
share of the market by selling at substantially lower prices than U.S. manufacturers; they were aided by the threat
of strikes during steel-labor contract
negotiations in 1965 and 1968 (Hogan
1971, pp. 2037-8). Foreigners could cut
prices because of declines in raw material and shipping costs and significant
productivity increases due to the introduction of new technology. This was
particularly true of Iapari. In the decade
after 1958, Japanese unit labor costs
(a measure of both productivity and
labor compensation) declined by more
than 30 percent; material and shipping
costs also fell; meanwhile, unit labor
and material costs in the United States
remained constant, and surface transportation costs rose (Crandall 1981,
pp. 22, 27).

or open hearth furnaces, rolling semifinished
shapes, and producing final steel-mill products.
All references to steel producers in this Economic
Commentary refer to the integrated sector.

In September 1962, six domestic steel
man ufacturers charged wire rod producers in Iapan, West Germany, France,
Belgium, and Luxembourg with dumping goods and requested that special
duties be imposed on these goods. The
Treasury Department ruled that while
Japan was selling wire rods at a very
low price, it was not dumping them; the
department did determine that European wire rod producers were selling
wire rods at less than fair value. However, the Tariff Commission concluded
that these dumped goods did not injure
domestic firms, and it did not impose
special duties (Lee 1963).
In response to these rulings, industry leaders petitioned the Congress
to strengthen antidumping laws, and
in 1967, began a major drive in Congress to enact a temporary tariff on
imports of steel and pig iron. Such a
tariff, it was argued, would allow the
U.S. industry to modernize and compete
(Hogan 1983, p. 197). When a bill to limit
imports to 9.6 percent of the U.S. market was introduced in the Senate late
in 1967, domestic steel switched its
support from the levy to quotas.
Exercising Restraint
Rather than accept legislated quotas,
the Japanese adopted a three-year voluntary export quota plan that went
into effect in 1969. This arrangement
allotted European Economic Community (EEC) and Japanese producers each
41 percent of total U.S. imports (set at
12.7 million tons for 1969) and permitted import levels to rise 5 percent
a year for the next two years. Legislative action to limit imports was postponed, and voluntary export restraints
(VERs) lasted through 1974. During
the 1969-74 period imports averaged
14.6 percent of domestic consumption.
Domestic steel manufacturers were
dissatisfied with the VER program for
two primary reasons. First, the voluntary nature of the program defeated
its purpose; imports in 1971, for example, were 2.5 million tons above the

quota. Second, VERs restricted tonnage rather than import value. This
spurred foreign producers to import
more expensive products so that profitability of U.S. firms was lower than if
restrictions had been product-specific
(CBO, see Congressional Budget Office
1984, pp. 7-8).
Voluntary export restraints expired
in 1974, and between 1975 and 1978 no
specific limits were in effect for carbonsteel imports. A world steel boom, which
had begun in 1973, ended abruptly in
1975. By 1977 foreign producers had cut
their steel prices sharply in the United
States, and foreign imports rose to
17.8percent of domestic consumption.
Partly because of the severe import
competition, domestic producers closed
some facilities, and profits that year
were negligible (Hogan 1983, pp. 199,
201,202). In response to this crisis, the
Carter administration established a
system of reference prices that would be
used by the Treasury Department to
determine if goods were being dumped.
Steel imported at prices below the reference, or trigger prices, would be subject to accelerated dumping investigations. The reference prices were to be
based on the cost of production, plus
capital charges, of the most efficient
steel producer, which at the time was
considered to be Japan.
The imposition of the trigger price
mechanism (TPM) was delayed until
May 1978 to allow the processing and
shipping of steel orders. As a result,
imports in those four months rose significantly, helping boost 1978 imports to
a record 18.1 percent of domestic steel
consumption. After the TPM went into
effect, import levels fell and profitability returned to the industry. Nevertheless, domestic producers were generally dissatisfied with the program
and questioned Japanese industry cost
data as well as the effectiveness of
the program (CBO 1984, p. 9). In March
1980, U.S. Steel Corporation filed an
antidumping suit against seven European nations, and the TPM was suspended. The suit was later dropped
when the Carter administration proposed a new trigger price 12 percen t
above suspended prices. The new TPM
went into effect in October 1980.

Recent Feints and Parries
Despite the new TPM, imports in 1981
rose from 1980 levels in tonnage and
as a percent of supply consumed. Continued weakness in world steel demand
led to substantial price cutting by overseas producers, and some steel was
imported into the United States at
prices below the TPM (Hogan 1971,
p. 204). Foreign producers justified the
price cuts by arguing that an appreciation in the dollar reduced their relative costs. In November 1981, the Commerce Department charged Brazil,
Romania, France, Belgium, and South
Africa with trade violations. These
charges were later withdrawn when
the Commerce Department agreed to
process 38 of 92 antidumping suits filed
by U.S. companies. The TPM was later
suspended, because the U.S. government maintained it could not enforce
the TPM and prosecute dumping complaints at the same time. In its Iune 1982
preliminary report on the antidumping cases, the Commerce Department
found that foreign government subsidies ranged from nothing or a small
fraction for some West German firms
to 40.4 percent for British Steel (Hogan
1983, p. 205). Stiff penalties would
have been levied against subsidized
imports, but the charges were dropped
in fall 1982 when the Reagan administration reached an agreement with
the EEC to reduce steel exports to the
United States for the next three years.
In 1982 and 1983, import tonnage fell
from 1981 levels. Nevertheless, as a
percentage of domestic consumption
imports were higher (21.8 percent and
20.5 percent, respectively, compared
with 18.9 percent in 1981) because of
a decline in purchases of domestic steel.
Based on data for the first three quarters of 1984, it appears that imports
for the year will reach a new record in
both tonnage and as a percentage of
domestic consumption. Much of the increase in 1983-84 has come from outside
the EEC and Japan (see chart 2). The
recent surge can be traced to a Third
World steel-expansion program undertaken in the second half of the 1970s to

develop capacity for domestic needs
and for export. Latin America, China,
India, South Korea, and Taiwan have
significantly increased production/
Most steel plants in the Third World
are government-owned, and some are
competitive only because they are subsidized. However, some Third World
Chart 2 Steel Imports
by Country of Origin
Percentage of total

All others

a. Based on data for first 11 months of 1984.
SOURCES: Selected Issues of Atltlual Statistical Report, American Iron and Steel Institute; and Statistics
Office, American Iron and Steel Institute.

nations, particularly Taiwan and South
Korea, have a legitimate cost advantage because of extremely low wages
and modern equipment.
Long-Term Trends
Although investigations by the U.S.
government have found foreign steelmakers guilty of "unfair" trade practices
in a number of cases, it is not certain
that dumping has been the chief cause
of the decline in U.S. producers' market share. Significantly, the cost advantage traditionally enjoyed by U.S. firms
has gradually been eroded. Energy,
raw materials, and labor costs together
make up roughly 90 percent of the total
cost per ton of steel produced domestically.' Over the past 25 years, the
United States has lost its comparative
advantage in raw materials costs due in
part to the discovery of inexpensive
sources overseas. U.S. firms have also
failed to contain labor costs. Since 1968,

labor contract settlements have been
quite expensive, with the Steelworker's
Union winning most of its demands.
In 1968 steel compensation per hour
was 28 percent above the manufacturing average. In 1982, it was 92 percent
above the average (see chart 3). Hourly
steel compensation in the U.S. is also
about twice as much as in Japan. This
differential could be offset, if productivity were high enough. In the 1950s
the U.S. labor productivity rate for steel
was three times that of the Japanese,
which offset higher U.S. wages, but
by the 1970s, Japanese productivity
had met or exceeded the U.S. level.
Such productivity improvements have
occurred in other nations to a lesser
extent. Furthermore, the growth rate
of U.S. labor productivity in steel has
been slowing. From 1953-83 productivity rose at an average annual rate of
1.6 percent; from 1973 to 1983 the rate
was 0.6 percent.'
Domestic steel firms have made
attempts to improve productivity.
The long-held view of U.S. integrated
firms is that this is best achieved by
building new, large scale integrated
facilities that produce a wide range of
products with the latest technology+
The Japanese have successfully used
this so-called greenfield strategy, but
it requires massive funds that U.S.
firms have lacked for constructing new
plants. Moreover, estimates show that
the cost of building completely new
facilities outweighs the expected productivity gains. Because of these constraints, U.S. firms have instead chosen
the "brownfield" investment strategy
in which older facilities are gradually
replaced by larger, more modern units.
During the 1960s, large sums were
spent to install new equipment, particularly basic oxygen furnaces and
hot strip mills. While this helped boost
productivity of some manufacturing
stages, productivity by product area was
only marginally improved because old,
inefficient equipment tended to offset
productivity gains from new equipment.
Low profitability has hampered further
modernization efforts, and currently
one-third of capacity is not considered
competitive on a world-wide basis (Roderick 1984, p. 53). Domestic steel producers argue that unfair competition is

2. See William T. Hogan (1983, pp. 153-4 and
178-9) for a more detailed account of Third World
steel producers.

4. See table 9,1983 Annual Statistical Report,
American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC, 1984.

3. For a more complete picture of US. productivity data cited here and below, see CBO (1984).

5. For a full description of the modernization
efforts outlined here, see Barnett and Schorsch
(1983, pp. 53, 72, 138, 170, and 180).

the primary reason for their poor performance record, while many analysts
attribute it to long-term trends.
Stagnating domestic demand for
steel, which is a consequence of the
maturation of the U.S. economy is one
such major trend (CBO 1984, p. 32).
In mature economies, investments in
steel-intensive infrastructure have
already been made, technological progress introduces materials that replace
steel, and the service sector, which
uses comparatively little steel, grows
in relation to manufacturing. From 1950
to 1981, for example, U.S. steel consumption grew at a compound annual
rate of 1.0 percent, compared with
9.8 percent for Japan, 3.1 percent for
Canada, and 3.6 percent for the EEC
Chart 3 Hourly Compensation
in Steel Industry
Percentage above manufacturing average





a. Average of first three Quarters of 1984.
SOURCES: Selected Issues of Annual Statistical Report,
American Iron and Steel Institute; Statistics Office,
American Iron and Steel Institute; and Department of
Labor, BLS Office of Productivity and Technology.

(excluding the United Kingdom). Between 1969 and 1981, U.S. demand fell
0.9 percent a.r. (CBO 1984, p. 33). A
major result of low domestic demand
has been that U.S. firms have had less
incentive to streamline operations, close
inefficient facilities, and use technological innovations. In contrast, nations
such as Japan have maintained high
rates of investment in steel plants,

In September 1962, six domestic steel
man ufacturers charged wire rod producers in Iapan, West Germany, France,
Belgium, and Luxembourg with dumping goods and requested that special
duties be imposed on these goods. The
Treasury Department ruled that while
Japan was selling wire rods at a very
low price, it was not dumping them; the
department did determine that European wire rod producers were selling
wire rods at less than fair value. However, the Tariff Commission concluded
that these dumped goods did not injure
domestic firms, and it did not impose
special duties (Lee 1963).
In response to these rulings, industry leaders petitioned the Congress
to strengthen antidumping laws, and
in 1967, began a major drive in Congress to enact a temporary tariff on
imports of steel and pig iron. Such a
tariff, it was argued, would allow the
U.S. industry to modernize and compete
(Hogan 1983, p. 197). When a bill to limit
imports to 9.6 percent of the U.S. market was introduced in the Senate late
in 1967, domestic steel switched its
support from the levy to quotas.
Exercising Restraint
Rather than accept legislated quotas,
the Japanese adopted a three-year voluntary export quota plan that went
into effect in 1969. This arrangement
allotted European Economic Community (EEC) and Japanese producers each
41 percent of total U.S. imports (set at
12.7 million tons for 1969) and permitted import levels to rise 5 percent
a year for the next two years. Legislative action to limit imports was postponed, and voluntary export restraints
(VERs) lasted through 1974. During
the 1969-74 period imports averaged
14.6 percent of domestic consumption.
Domestic steel manufacturers were
dissatisfied with the VER program for
two primary reasons. First, the voluntary nature of the program defeated
its purpose; imports in 1971, for example, were 2.5 million tons above the

quota. Second, VERs restricted tonnage rather than import value. This
spurred foreign producers to import
more expensive products so that profitability of U.S. firms was lower than if
restrictions had been product-specific
(CBO, see Congressional Budget Office
1984, pp. 7-8).
Voluntary export restraints expired
in 1974, and between 1975 and 1978 no
specific limits were in effect for carbonsteel imports. A world steel boom, which
had begun in 1973, ended abruptly in
1975. By 1977 foreign producers had cut
their steel prices sharply in the United
States, and foreign imports rose to
17.8percent of domestic consumption.
Partly because of the severe import
competition, domestic producers closed
some facilities, and profits that year
were negligible (Hogan 1983, pp. 199,
201,202). In response to this crisis, the
Carter administration established a
system of reference prices that would be
used by the Treasury Department to
determine if goods were being dumped.
Steel imported at prices below the reference, or trigger prices, would be subject to accelerated dumping investigations. The reference prices were to be
based on the cost of production, plus
capital charges, of the most efficient
steel producer, which at the time was
considered to be Japan.
The imposition of the trigger price
mechanism (TPM) was delayed until
May 1978 to allow the processing and
shipping of steel orders. As a result,
imports in those four months rose significantly, helping boost 1978 imports to
a record 18.1 percent of domestic steel
consumption. After the TPM went into
effect, import levels fell and profitability returned to the industry. Nevertheless, domestic producers were generally dissatisfied with the program
and questioned Japanese industry cost
data as well as the effectiveness of
the program (CBO 1984, p. 9). In March
1980, U.S. Steel Corporation filed an
antidumping suit against seven European nations, and the TPM was suspended. The suit was later dropped
when the Carter administration proposed a new trigger price 12 percen t
above suspended prices. The new TPM
went into effect in October 1980.

Recent Feints and Parries
Despite the new TPM, imports in 1981
rose from 1980 levels in tonnage and
as a percent of supply consumed. Continued weakness in world steel demand
led to substantial price cutting by overseas producers, and some steel was
imported into the United States at
prices below the TPM (Hogan 1971,
p. 204). Foreign producers justified the
price cuts by arguing that an appreciation in the dollar reduced their relative costs. In November 1981, the Commerce Department charged Brazil,
Romania, France, Belgium, and South
Africa with trade violations. These
charges were later withdrawn when
the Commerce Department agreed to
process 38 of 92 antidumping suits filed
by U.S. companies. The TPM was later
suspended, because the U.S. government maintained it could not enforce
the TPM and prosecute dumping complaints at the same time. In its Iune 1982
preliminary report on the antidumping cases, the Commerce Department
found that foreign government subsidies ranged from nothing or a small
fraction for some West German firms
to 40.4 percent for British Steel (Hogan
1983, p. 205). Stiff penalties would
have been levied against subsidized
imports, but the charges were dropped
in fall 1982 when the Reagan administration reached an agreement with
the EEC to reduce steel exports to the
United States for the next three years.
In 1982 and 1983, import tonnage fell
from 1981 levels. Nevertheless, as a
percentage of domestic consumption
imports were higher (21.8 percent and
20.5 percent, respectively, compared
with 18.9 percent in 1981) because of
a decline in purchases of domestic steel.
Based on data for the first three quarters of 1984, it appears that imports
for the year will reach a new record in
both tonnage and as a percentage of
domestic consumption. Much of the increase in 1983-84 has come from outside
the EEC and Japan (see chart 2). The
recent surge can be traced to a Third
World steel-expansion program undertaken in the second half of the 1970s to

develop capacity for domestic needs
and for export. Latin America, China,
India, South Korea, and Taiwan have
significantly increased production/
Most steel plants in the Third World
are government-owned, and some are
competitive only because they are subsidized. However, some Third World
Chart 2 Steel Imports
by Country of Origin
Percentage of total

All others

a. Based on data for first 11 months of 1984.
SOURCES: Selected Issues of Atltlual Statistical Report, American Iron and Steel Institute; and Statistics
Office, American Iron and Steel Institute.

nations, particularly Taiwan and South
Korea, have a legitimate cost advantage because of extremely low wages
and modern equipment.
Long-Term Trends
Although investigations by the U.S.
government have found foreign steelmakers guilty of "unfair" trade practices
in a number of cases, it is not certain
that dumping has been the chief cause
of the decline in U.S. producers' market share. Significantly, the cost advantage traditionally enjoyed by U.S. firms
has gradually been eroded. Energy,
raw materials, and labor costs together
make up roughly 90 percent of the total
cost per ton of steel produced domestically.' Over the past 25 years, the
United States has lost its comparative
advantage in raw materials costs due in
part to the discovery of inexpensive
sources overseas. U.S. firms have also
failed to contain labor costs. Since 1968,

labor contract settlements have been
quite expensive, with the Steelworker's
Union winning most of its demands.
In 1968 steel compensation per hour
was 28 percent above the manufacturing average. In 1982, it was 92 percent
above the average (see chart 3). Hourly
steel compensation in the U.S. is also
about twice as much as in Japan. This
differential could be offset, if productivity were high enough. In the 1950s
the U.S. labor productivity rate for steel
was three times that of the Japanese,
which offset higher U.S. wages, but
by the 1970s, Japanese productivity
had met or exceeded the U.S. level.
Such productivity improvements have
occurred in other nations to a lesser
extent. Furthermore, the growth rate
of U.S. labor productivity in steel has
been slowing. From 1953-83 productivity rose at an average annual rate of
1.6 percent; from 1973 to 1983 the rate
was 0.6 percent.'
Domestic steel firms have made
attempts to improve productivity.
The long-held view of U.S. integrated
firms is that this is best achieved by
building new, large scale integrated
facilities that produce a wide range of
products with the latest technology+
The Japanese have successfully used
this so-called greenfield strategy, but
it requires massive funds that U.S.
firms have lacked for constructing new
plants. Moreover, estimates show that
the cost of building completely new
facilities outweighs the expected productivity gains. Because of these constraints, U.S. firms have instead chosen
the "brownfield" investment strategy
in which older facilities are gradually
replaced by larger, more modern units.
During the 1960s, large sums were
spent to install new equipment, particularly basic oxygen furnaces and
hot strip mills. While this helped boost
productivity of some manufacturing
stages, productivity by product area was
only marginally improved because old,
inefficient equipment tended to offset
productivity gains from new equipment.
Low profitability has hampered further
modernization efforts, and currently
one-third of capacity is not considered
competitive on a world-wide basis (Roderick 1984, p. 53). Domestic steel producers argue that unfair competition is

2. See William T. Hogan (1983, pp. 153-4 and
178-9) for a more detailed account of Third World
steel producers.

4. See table 9,1983 Annual Statistical Report,
American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC, 1984.

3. For a more complete picture of US. productivity data cited here and below, see CBO (1984).

5. For a full description of the modernization
efforts outlined here, see Barnett and Schorsch
(1983, pp. 53, 72, 138, 170, and 180).

the primary reason for their poor performance record, while many analysts
attribute it to long-term trends.
Stagnating domestic demand for
steel, which is a consequence of the
maturation of the U.S. economy is one
such major trend (CBO 1984, p. 32).
In mature economies, investments in
steel-intensive infrastructure have
already been made, technological progress introduces materials that replace
steel, and the service sector, which
uses comparatively little steel, grows
in relation to manufacturing. From 1950
to 1981, for example, U.S. steel consumption grew at a compound annual
rate of 1.0 percent, compared with
9.8 percent for Japan, 3.1 percent for
Canada, and 3.6 percent for the EEC
Chart 3 Hourly Compensation
in Steel Industry
Percentage above manufacturing average





a. Average of first three Quarters of 1984.
SOURCES: Selected Issues of Annual Statistical Report,
American Iron and Steel Institute; Statistics Office,
American Iron and Steel Institute; and Department of
Labor, BLS Office of Productivity and Technology.

(excluding the United Kingdom). Between 1969 and 1981, U.S. demand fell
0.9 percent a.r. (CBO 1984, p. 33). A
major result of low domestic demand
has been that U.S. firms have had less
incentive to streamline operations, close
inefficient facilities, and use technological innovations. In contrast, nations
such as Japan have maintained high
rates of investment in steel plants,

constantly upgrading them to meet
demand (Schorsch 1984). More recently,
however, steel demand has begun to
slow in other mature economies, including Japan. From 1969 to 1981 (the latest
year for which data are available) steel
demand grew at a compound annual
rate of only 1.3 percent in Iapan, 1.6 percent in Canada, and fell 0.9 percent in
EEC nations, excluding the United
Kingdom (CBO 1984, p. 33). While steel
demand has slowed in more advanced
countries, new capacity has been built
in the Third World, adding to competitive pressures.
Analysts cite the shift of steel production away from advanced industrial
nations to the less developed world
as another major factor contributing to
the long-term financial difficulties of
U.S. steel producers. In 1961, the Third
World accounted for 4.1 percent of the
Western World's steel production and
9.6 percent of its consumption; in 1980
this had increased to 12.4 percent and
21.2 percent, respectively (CBO 1984,
p. 34). Domestic steel producers contend
that many Third World steel plants
were built to enhance national prestige and that they are competitive only
because they receive government subsidies (Roderick 1984, p. 51). Some Third
World nations, however, are considered
legitimate low-cost producers and formidable competitors. South Korea, for
example, was the second largest source
of steel imports (after Japan) to the
United States in 1983.
A third factor affecting the competitive position of domestic integrated
firms is the loss of technological preeminance to foreign producers and
domestic minimills (CBO 1984, p. 33).
Foreign steel producers have led the
United States in the adoption of ad-

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vanced technologies, such as continuous casting, that have enabled them
to match or surpass U.S. standards of
technological performance (Barnett
and Schorsch 1984, p. 57). Furthermore, the development of the electric
furnace for melting steel scrap has permitted the construction of steel plants
(minimills) that do not use capitalintensive integrated processes. The
electric furnace offers an alternative
to expensive coke ovens and blast furnaces that are required to reduce
iron ore.
Domestic minimills have competed
successfully with imports, and have not
had the difficulty raising capital that
older, integrated firms have experienced
(CBO 1984, p. 49). Although minimills
produce a more limited range of steel
products than integrated facilities and
cannot be viewed as a replacement
for them, they are currently expanding
product lines. Estimates show that even
new integrated facilities would not be
competitive with minimills in the production of certain products, largely
because of minimills' lower capital
costs (Schorsch 1984, p. 36).
For the past 25 years, foreign steel producers have steadily increased their
share of the U.S. market. Imports are
now at record levels, while the domestic steel industry faces one of its most
severe economic downturns. The world
is currently plagued with excess capacity because of plant construction in
Third World nations and a slower rate
of growth in steel consumption in many
of the more developed countries. These
two trends have resulted in vigorous
price competition. Since the United
States has relatively few trade barriers,
domestic steel firms have been particularly vulnerable. Temporary import

restraints could therefore prevent bankruptcies, unemployment, and the loss
of some capacity that might be needed
for the long term.
Nevertheless, the financial difficulties
facing U.S. producers and the events in
the world's steel markets are largely a
result of long-term trends. If the domestic industry is to become more competitive, its investment strategies must
be geared toward streamlining operations and perhaps adopting minimill
techniques on a wider scale. Spending
massive sums for modernizing old, capital-intensive plants, while the U.S.
market is shrinking may only lead to
more overcapacity and perpetuate current problems.
Barnett, Donald E, and Louis Schorsch. Steel:
Upheaval in a Basic Industry. Cambridge, MA:
Ballinger Publishing Company, 1983.
Congressional Budget Office. The Effects of Import
Quotas on the Steel Industry. Washington, DC:
U.S. Government Printing Office, July 1984.
Crandall, Robert W. The U.S. Steel Industry in
Recurrent Crisis. Washington, DC: Brookings
Institution, 1981.
Hogan, William T., S.]. World Steel in the 1980s:
A Case of Survival. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath
and Company, 1971.

__ . Economic History of the Iron and Steel
Industry in the United States. Volume 5: Part VI
concluded, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and
Company, 1983.

Lee, John M. "Steel Men Seek Stronger Laws
on Dumping Here by Foreigners;' New York
Times, June 26, 1963.
Roderick, David M. "U.S. Steel makers Fight
Back;' Challenge, vol. 26, no. 6 (lanuary/February 1984), pp. 51-3.
Schorsch, Louis. "The Abdication of Big Steel;'
Challenge, vol. 27, no. 1 (Marchi April 1984),

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For U.S. steel manufacturers, 1983
was not a banner year; one-third of U.S.
steelworkers were on layoff, it was
the industry's second consecutive unprofitable year, and the market share
of imports set a record high. Domestic steel manufacturers responded by
appealing to the U.S. Congress to set
global limits on imported steel and
in November 1983, the Fair Trade in
Steel Act was introduced. This act calls
for setting import quotas at 15 percent
of the domestic market supply for five
years. (The foreign market share was
26.2 percent in the first three quarters of
1984). In September 1984, President
Reagan announced he would push for
voluntary restraints on foreign steel
producers to limit imports of finished
steel products to around 18.5 percent of
the American market, and by December 1984, some major foreign steel producers had agreed to a five-year-long
limit on exports to the United States.
Global limits on imported steel are,
in a sense, the culmination of a 25-year
effort by domestic integrated steel producers to curtail the importation of
goods that are allegedly dumped or
government subsidized. Domestic producers have charged that such "unfair"
trade practices are largely to blame for
their losing ground.' From the industry's point of view, no previous restraint
program has dealt adequately with this
problem. A review of events over the
past 25 years reveals that in a number
of cases foreign producers have been

Amy Kerka is a research assistant at the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The author would like
to thank Roger Brown for his helpful comments
and Laura Meadenfor her research assistance.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

Imports and
Domestic Steel
by Amy Kerka

guilty of trade violations in the context
of U.S. legislation. Nevertheless, it is
difficult to attribute all of the increase
in imports to "unfair" competition.
For example, a significant portion of
imports has come from Japan, which is
Chart 1 Imports as a Percent of the
U.S. Domestic Market







a. Average of first three quarters of 1984.
SOURCES: Selected Issues of Annual Statistical Report, American Iron and Steel Institute; and Statistics
Office, American Iron and Steel Institute.

widely recognized as having a comparative advantage over the United States
in the production of steel. More recently,
steel imports from Japan have been
eclipsed by imports from other lowcost suppliers. Many analysts would
cite such trends as the fundamental
cause for the current difficulties of
older, established U.S. firms. In this
context, temporary import restraints
without recognition of the underlying
trends would only protect the steel
industry at the expense of consumers.

1. See, for example, Steel Comments,1uly 15, 1984,
American Iron and Steel Institute; and Steel News,
June 8, 1984, American Iron and Steel Institute.
Most steel in the United States is produced by
integrated steel firms, which combine all steps
in the steelmaking process at one site. These
steps include reducing iron ore in coke ovens and
blast furnaces, producing steel in basic oxygen

Legal Tug-of-War
Imports gained their first foothold in
the United States in 1959, when foreign
steel was purchased during a 116-day
steelworkers strike. This was the first
year since 1900 that the United States
was a net steel importer. Imports in 1959
accounted for 6.1 percent of domestic
steel consumption. (The share fell to
4.7 percent in 1960 and 1961.) Thereafter, imports grew both in tonnage
and as a percentage of steel supply consumed (see chart 1). By 1967 imports
accounted for 12.2 percent of domestic
consumption. Importers increased their
share of the market by selling at substantially lower prices than U.S. manufacturers; they were aided by the threat
of strikes during steel-labor contract
negotiations in 1965 and 1968 (Hogan
1971, pp. 2037-8). Foreigners could cut
prices because of declines in raw material and shipping costs and significant
productivity increases due to the introduction of new technology. This was
particularly true of Iapari. In the decade
after 1958, Japanese unit labor costs
(a measure of both productivity and
labor compensation) declined by more
than 30 percent; material and shipping
costs also fell; meanwhile, unit labor
and material costs in the United States
remained constant, and surface transportation costs rose (Crandall 1981,
pp. 22, 27).

or open hearth furnaces, rolling semifinished
shapes, and producing final steel-mill products.
All references to steel producers in this Economic
Commentary refer to the integrated sector.