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June 2000

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Who Is That Guy on the $10 Bill?
by Michael Bryan, Bruce Champ, and Jennifer Ransom


his May, the Federal Reserve issued a
new series of $10 currency bearing
Alexander Hamilton’s portrait. Regrettably, what is most often remembered
about Hamilton is his fateful duel with
his political archenemy, Aaron Burr. But
Hamilton’s importance goes well beyond
his compelling life story and its untimely
end. In fact, Hamilton’s likeness has
adorned our national currency more than
any other person, and this, in our view, is
an entirely appropriate honor. As the first
Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton
erected the pillars of the U.S. financial
infrastructure, pillars that still support us.
In this Economic Commentary, we
recount these contributions.

■ Hamilton the Revolutionary
Alexander Hamilton, born on the West
Indies island of Nevis, was orphaned
and left penniless at the age of 13. He
supported himself by working for a
New York businessman with properties
in the area and was educated by a local
clergyman. He rapidly became experienced in business. Hamilton’s benefactors sent him to America at 15 to be educated at King’s College (now Columbia
University). Soon after, he became
involved in colonial politics. After the
Boston Tea Party, a pamphlet attributed
to Hamilton called for a boycott of
British goods.1 Later, he advocated war
against the British, arguing a naturalrights philosophy.
In January 1776, Hamilton was commissioned as a captain in an artillery unit
formed for the defense of New York
City, and in 1777, General Washington,
Commander and Chief of the Continental Army, invited Hamilton to join his
staff. Hamilton served as the general’s
aide-de-camp, often writing Washington’s correspondence.
ISSN 0428-1276

Hamilton contributed as much to the revolutionary cause by combatting mismanagement of Continental government
finances as by fighting on the battlefield.
As an artillery unit captain, he frequently
chastised the Provisional Congress for
not paying the troops, going so far as to
claim his men were victims of a breach
of contract. When he joined Washington’s troops at Valley Forge in January
1778, he was appalled by their lack of
supplies. He wrote a scathing letter to the
governor of New York, blaming inadequate wartime resources on members of
the Continental Congress who were
motivated more by “the particular interests of the states to which they belonged
than for the common interests of the confederacy.” Long after the revolution had
ended, he continued to wage his war
against what he saw as the nation’s ineffectual financial infrastructure.

■ Hamilton and Money
President Washington appointed Hamilton the nation’s first Secretary of the
Treasury in 1789. In this capacity,
Hamilton championed his vision for
national financial management. Many
daunting tasks awaited him. A national
monetary standard had to be established
and made credible, a new government
had to be financed, and the war debt had
to be serviced.
The nation had reason to question the
government’s ability to manage monetary affairs. Some colonial governments
and the Continental Congress had undermined the public’s confidence before and
during the Revolutionary War by greatly
overissuing currencies.
Before the war, financing government
expenditures in the American colonies
was often problematic. Colonists had a
strong distaste for taxes, and borrowing

Alexander Hamilton is perhaps the
least known and most misunderstood
of our nation’s founders. His contributions include creating a monetary
standard, forming the foundation of
our banking system, and establishing
the creditworthiness of our young
nation. This Economic Commentary
describes the debt our nation’s financial strength owes to Hamilton.

was not an option because the colonial
governments’ credit was unproven.
Given the lack of alternatives, colonial
governments had frequently relied on
seigniorage—revenue from the creation
of money—to finance their expenditures.
When the colonists went to war against
England, the difficulty of financing government expenditures greatly intensified.
The Continental Congress was not given
the power to tax, and although states did
have the power, tax collection was difficult. Indeed, overtaxation had helped
cause the war. Like the colonial governments, the Continental Congress turned
to the printing press and issued its own
bills of credit, called continentals. Between June 1775 and November 1779,
the Continental Congress authorized
42 currency issues, representing a total
face value of $241.6 million.2 By 1781,
the value of the continental currency had
depreciated to 1/150th of its face value.3
Hamilton also distrusted irredeemable
government-issued paper currency.
Among his first acts as Secretary was to
propose establishing a national mint,
with the intent of providing a stable
monetary standard. He argued for a
bimetallic standard that defined a

“dollar” in terms of a certain quantity of
gold or silver. Hamilton claimed that a
metallic standard would “render the unit
as little variable as possible; because on
this depends the steady value of all contracts, and, in a certain sense, of all
other property.”4 Gold and silver coined
by the mint would engender confidence
in the emerging banking system. The
potential for overissuance of bank notes
could be limited by requiring the redemption of bank notes in specie.5 Congress accepted Hamilton’s arguments
and passed the Mint Act of 1792.

■ Hamilton and the Bank
of the United States
Establishing a strong national bank to
facilitate the new nation’s growth was
perhaps the most controversial proposal
made by the young Secretary.
The debate centered on the question of
whether a national bank conformed to
the newly drafted U.S. Constitution,
which enumerated the powers of the federal authority. Article I, Section 8, of the
Constitution spells out the powers
granted to the federal government,
including the power to tax, borrow, regulate commerce, and to coin and regulate
the value of money. But Article I, Section 8 also contains a clause allowing the
federal government to enact “all laws
which shall be necessary and proper, for
carrying into execution the [enumerated]
powers.” The meaning of “necessary and
proper” became the focus of the debate
over the national bank.
In December 1790, Secretary Hamilton
introduced in Congress a plan for incorporating the Bank of the United States.
Congressman James Madison opposed
the bank, arguing that since states could
incorporate banks, a national bank
infringed on that right. Madison thought
such a broad interpretation of “necessary
and proper” would allow the federal
government a reach far beyond the intentions of the Constitution’s framers.
Nevertheless, Hamilton’s plan won Congressional approval by a 39-20 vote.
President Washington, also uncertain
about the proposed bank’s constitutionality, asked members of his cabinet to write
arguments for or against the measure.
Secretary of State Jefferson opposed the
bank along lines similar to Madison’s.
While a bank may be a convenient means
to an end, Jefferson argued, it was not a
necessary means.6

Hamilton, however, argued that a
national bank was justified for the federal government’s exercise of its powers
of taxation, debt issuance, and the regulation of commerce. President Washington accepted this argument and signed
the bill incorporating the Bank of the
United States on February 25, 1791.7
The Bank of the United States was given
a 20-year charter. Its main office was in
Philadelphia, although eight branches
were established in major commercial
areas across the country.8 The bank was
capitalized at $10 million, 20 percent of
which could be subscribed by the federal
government. Funds of private citizens
made up the remainder of the bank’s
capital, although no individual could
own a significant share of the total voting shares. This division of ownership
gave the institution a dual character—it
was largely a private institution, but it
acted in the public interest in many of its
responsibilities. Like many of its qualities, the Bank’s quasipublic character
would eventually be incorporated into
the Federal Reserve System.
By most accounts, the Bank of the
United States achieved Hamilton’s objectives. It served as an important lender to
the federal government, and its geographically diverse branches aided the
fiscal operations of the federal government. Its branches allowed it to provide
for a more elastic financial system. That
is, it facilitated the flow of money and
credit across the nation in response to
changing regional needs because, unlike
state banks, the Bank of the United States
could operate across state lines. State
bank notes often traded at a discount,
partially because of the inefficient
redemption systems in place. Although
notes of the Bank did not represent a
truly uniform national currency, they
came closer to universal acceptance than
any state bank’s notes.9 While not legal
tender, the Bank’s notes were acceptable
in payment of all federal taxes, and by
1811, the last year of its charter, they
accounted for about one-third of the
money circulating in the country.10
Because the Bank was relatively large, its
influence was considerably greater than
that of the typically small state banks. As
the government’s fiscal agent, the Bank
acquired state bank notes when taxes
were paid. Because it could refuse to
accept the notes of any bank that would
not pay out specie on demand, the Bank
had a limited regulatory authority over

state-chartered banks. Furthermore, by
redeeming state bank notes, it could
lower the reserve positions of state banks,
thereby directly affecting their lending
potential—a form of monetary policy.
The Bank’s effectiveness notwithstanding, the debate over renewing its charter
in 1811 (seven years after Hamilton’s
death) was as bitter as the discussions of
its initial charter. Indeed, the Bank’s constitutionality had not been established in
the courts, and there was considerable
resentment of the centralized power
being wielded by the Bank. Vice President Clinton cast the deciding vote
against renewing the Bank’s charter,
breaking a 17-17 tie in the Senate.
In the years immediately following the
demise of the Bank of the United States,
the number of state banks exploded—as
did their note issuance (see figure 1).
Albert Gallatin, former Secretary of the
Treasury, estimated that 208 banks had
failed by 1815—a rate of around 30 per
year.11 Indeed, many of the problems that
the national bank was designed to address resurfaced with its elimination, and
in December 1815, President Madison
recommended that Congress create a
new national bank.12 The charter for the
Second Bank of the United States was
approved on April 10, 1816.
Several states tried to limit the Second
Bank’s power by taxing its notes and
branches. When the Second Bank’s
cashier, William McCulloch, refused to
pay Maryland taxes on the branch in
Baltimore, a constitutional challenge to
the establishment of a national bank was
finally brought before the Supreme
Court. In a unanimous 1819 ruling,
Chief Justice John Marshall’s majority
opinion in support of the Bank echoed
the arguments that Hamilton made had
28 years earlier:
“Let the end be legitimate, let it be
within the scope of the Constitution, and
all means which are appropriate, which
are plainly adapted to that end, which
are not prohibited, but consistent with
the letter and spirit of the Constitution,
are constitutional.”13

■ Hamilton and the
Creditworthiness of the
New Nation
As Treasury Secretary, Hamilton was
also charged with the task of refinancing
and repaying the new nation’s war debts.

Number of banks

Circulation (millions of dollars)

First Bank of the U.S.











Second Bank of the U.S.




Number of banks






SOURCE: Report of the Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1876.

Hamilton calculated the outstanding debt
to be $78.8 million,14,15 roughly 31 percent of national income.16 While it was
widely agreed that funds borrowed from
foreign governments would be repaid,
many in the new Congress, including Jefferson and Madison, argued against
repaying some obligations to avoid the
difficulties of increased taxation. For
example, people who bought heavily discounted government debt in secondary
markets were generally considered inferior creditors, and some argued against
honoring their claims.17
But Hamilton was committed to establishing the government’s creditworthiness. He knew the dangers of explicitly
defaulting on debt (or implicitly defaulting by engineering inflation). He argued
forcefully that by taking the expedient
course and defaulting on portions of the
war debt, Congress would cast doubt on
the new government’s trustworthiness
and drive up the cost of credit by
increasing the perceived riskiness of
future debt.18
Hamilton’s plan called for repaying federal and state debts, at par and including
interest,19 using income from import
tariffs on wine, spirits, tea, and coffee.
He also proposed an excise tax to be
levied on “pernicious luxuries,” such as
spirits distilled in the United States. In
addition to the monies raised from these
sources, he proposed that revenues from
post office operations be used to retire
war debts.
In a political compromise, Hamilton
agreed to endorse a plan to move the
nation’s capital from New York—first to
Philadelphia for 10 years, then to a site
on the Potomac—if his debt repayment
plan passed Congress. The plan passed,
the capital was moved, and the new
nation established its creditworthiness.

we use the notes that bear his portrait—
mere paper that has great power to facilitate national and international commerce—we pay tribute to the man who
played a vital role in laying the foundation for the most effective financial and
monetary system in the world.

■ Hamilton’s Legacy
While mostly remembered as a passionate revolutionary who found his end in a
duel with a political enemy, Alexander
Hamilton’s lasting contribution was his
farsightedness in establishing the integrity of the institutions that would
become an important part of our nation’s financial infrastructure. He
emphasized the importance of an efficient system of financing government
deficits and of a government honoring
its debt commitments. One must question how nineteenth century development might have been affected if
lenders had doubted our government’s
creditworthiness. Today, the U.S. government securities market is arguably
the most efficient in the world, and U.S.
government debt is among the most
secure of all assets—the Treasury has
never defaulted on any debt obligation.
The Federal Reserve System also owes
much to Alexander Hamilton. His design
of a large national bank, with branches
located in the major commercial centers
to facilitate the nation’s payments and
credit system, was the model on which
the Federal Reserve System was established. His belief that responsibility for
money creation should come from the
combined wisdom of persons motivated
by both public and private interests, and
who are separated from the national treasury, is the basis of the Congressional
vision that became the Federal Reserve
Act in 1913.
Finally, Alexander Hamilton’s argument
for the importance of a stable purchasing
power of money was a clear and powerful anti-inflation sentiment, an idea that
has helped to make the U.S. dollar the
most widely accepted and trusted
medium of exchange in the world. When

■ Footnotes
1. Signed “A Friend to America,”A Full Vindication of the Measures of the Congress from
the Calumnies of their Enemies, In Answer to
A Letter, Under the Signature of A. W. Farmer,
New York: James Rivington, 1774.
2. Charles Jesse Bullock, “The Finances of
the United States from 1775 to 1789,” in
Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin: Economic, Political Science, and History Series.
Madison, Wisc.: The University of Wisconsin, 1895, p. 135. Estimates of the amount
of continental currency issued vary. James E.
Ferguson puts the value at $226 million.
(The Power of the Purse: A History of American Public Finance, 1776–1790. Chapel
Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina
Press 1961, p. 30.) Individual state governments issued notes with similar values,
although by one estimate, their actual purchasing power was initially less than 20 percent of their face value, and rapidly depreciated further after issuance.
3. See Charles W. Calomiris, “Institutional
Failure, Monetary Scarcity, and the Depreciation of the Continental,” The Journal of Economic History, vol 48, no. 1 (March 1988),
pp. 47–68.
4. Hamilton’s “Treasury Report on the Establishment of a Mint,” cited in Herman Edward
Krooss, ed., Documentary History of Banking
and Currency in the United States. New York:
Chelsea House Publishers, 1969, p. 169.
5. For a discussion of the discipline imposed
on bank note issue by regulations requiring
the redemption of notes in specie, see Arthur
J. Rolnick, Bruce D. Smith, and Warren E.
Weber, “Establishing a Monetary Union: The
United States Experience,” Federal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis Working Paper, 1994.
6. Some historians have argued that Jefferson’s opposition to the First Bank probably
reflected his general opinion of banking,
rather than the question of its constitutionality. Jefferson’s contempt of banking is well
known, as is his remark that “banking establishments are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies.”
7. Not all historians have been so generous
regarding Hamilton’s support of the Constitution. See Gregory B. Christainsen, “Constitutional and Ideological Influences on State
Action: The Case of the First Bank of the
United States,” in Money and Banking: The
American Experience. Fairfax, Va.: George
Mason University Press.

8. The eight branch offices were in New
York, Baltimore, Boston, Washington, D.C.,
Newport, Charleston, Savannah, and New

14. Of this amount, $11.7 million was owed
to foreigners, $40.4 million was owed by the
federal government to domestic creditors,
and $26.6 million was owed by the states.

9. John Thom Holdsworth and Davis R.
Dewey, The First and Second Banks of the
United States. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1910, p. 94. See also
Larry Schweikart, “Banking in North America, 1700–1900,” in Banking, Trade, and
Industry: Europe, America, and Asia from the
Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century, Alice
Teichova, Ginette Kurgan-van Hentenryk,
and Dieter Ziegler, eds., 1997, p. 300. A uniform national currency would not exist in the
U.S. until 1863.

15. Louis Hacker, “Secretary of the Treasury,” in Views of American Economic
Growth: The Agricultural Era, T. C.
Cochran and T. B. Brewer, eds., New York:
McGraw–Hill, 1966, p. 95.

10. Holdsworth and Dewey, p. 91 (see footnote 9).
11. Albert Gallatin, Considerations on the
Currency and Banking System of the United
States. Philadelphia: Carey & Lea, 1831.
12. Reversing his initial opposition to a
national bank, Madison said its constitutionality should be affirmed because precedent had
already been established by the First Bank of
the United States.
13. John Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland

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16. Robert J. Barro, Macroeconomics, 2nd
ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
1987, p. 373.
17. Two years before Hamilton’s refunding
plan, federal debt sold at a 75 percent discount. See Peter M. Garber, “Alexander
Hamilton’s Market-Based Debt Reduction
Plan,” in Carnegie-Rochester Conference
Series on Public Policy, vol. 35 (1991),
pp. 79–104.
18. Alexander Hamilton, “The Vindication
No. III,” in The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Harold C. Syrett, ed., New York: Columbia University Press, 1961.
19. Previously issued debt bearing 6 percent
interest was refinanced at 3 percent interest.
The continentals were redeemed at 3 cents on
the dollar.

Michael Bryan is an assistant vice president
and economist at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, Bruce Champ is an economist
at the Bank, and Jennifer Ransom is a public
information representative at the Bank.
The views stated here are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
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