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April 1, 1996

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

The Future of Banking Supervision
by Jerry L. Jordan


believe that in the years to come,
bank auditors will be playing an ever-

increasing role in the regulatory system
and in ensuring the well-being of banks
and the financial system. This will happen not because of new legislation or
regulations, but because market participants and banking officials need information about financial institutions that is
accurate, timely, and comprehensive. In
my remarks, I will elaborate on how
market forces have affected the evolution of the financial services industry,
paying particular attention to the roles of
information and auditing.
While it is obvious that the financial system's structure and products are changing rapidly, we can't predict exactly how,
or at what pace, the financial structure
will evolve. Nor can we foresee what the
most efficient form of financial structure
will be. We do know that financial institutions will continue to become more
similar as the restraints of the current regulatory system are removed or are further
outflanked by less-regulated -or unregulated-competitors. Banking companies are already combining securities,
insurance, underwriting, and venture
capital activities with traditional banking
products. At the same time, we see many
companies beginning to "de-aggregate,"
or to spin off lines of business and concentrate on their core competencies.

ISSN 0428-1276

I would like you to consider the possibility that banking supervisors can actually
assist, rather than resist, market discipline. The inevitability of greater reliance
on market participants' judgments rather
than regulators' judgments stems from
the fact that it is now impossible for any

individual or supervisory agency to fully
comprehend the real-time risk profile of
a diverse and complex financial institution. Thus, it is essential that we enlist
the collective knowledge of many market
participants to evaluate an institution's
risk-bearing capabilities and to exert discipline on its business practices. In the
future, the job of banking supervisors
will be to ensure that markets are working effectively, rather than to supplant
markets. Supervisors will pay more
attention to the functioning of the financial system as a whole, and less attention
to the operation of individual institutions.
That premise underlies much of my
thinking and several of my suggestions
about the future of banking supervision.
Even though the financial system and
the day-to-day activities of bank supervisors are changing, the basic goals of
banking supervision will remain constant. The challenge is to find ways that
banking supervision can be changed so
that its enduring goals are more fully
achieved with less cost to banks, their
customers, and taxpayers. In my remarks, I will emphasize two goals: enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of the financial system, and
protecting the economy and taxpayers
from systemic risk and consequent
deposit insurance fund losses. We might
quibble about the wording, and I readily
admit that there are other goals (such as
protecting consumers against fraud,
deception, and discrimination). Nevertheless, these two categories of goals
capture the essence of the objectives that
supervisors will aim to meet as the environment around them changes.


This Economic Commentary was
excerpted from a speech that Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland President
Jerry L. Jordan delivered to the Bank
Administration lnstitute's Bank
Auditing and Regulatory Compliance
Conference, held in Orlando on
March 19, 1996.

• Enhancing Efficiency
and Competitiveness
In the past, legislation and regulations
have defined banking as we know it. The
National Bank Act, the Federal Reserve
Act, and the Glass-Steagall Act have defined what a banking organization can
and cannot do. The McFadden Act, the
Douglas amendment to the Bank Holding
Company Act of 1956, and other legislation have determined the place of business and defined the corporate form
required to do it. The national and state
banking authorities, deposit insurance
agencies, and Federal Reserve System
have defined how to do it. Banking supervisors and examiners have tried to ensure
that it was done that way.
Although the environment has been
changing during the last few years, our
nation's basic regulatory framework does
not recognize that commercial banks are
greatly affected by the competition they
face from firms in the other regulatory
boxes. Nevertheless, depository institutions, securities firms , and insurance
companies all cater to the financial needs
of the same customers. Financial engineers can now decompose and recom-

bine financial risks faced by businesses,
households, and governments, in ways
that make it impossible to maintain separate regulatory compartments. The highly
fragmented regulatory structure of the
twentieth century's financial services
industry simply does not serve the needs
of the twenty-first century marketplace.
So, even though by law and by tradition
the term "bank" has a distinct meaning,
supervision must acknowledge that all
financial services providers are basically
in the same business and deserve to be
treated accordingly.


Removing Barriers

The first step in achieving full parity
among intermediaries is to remove or
ease the restrictions on the lines of financial business that banks can enter. A
minimum step would be to improve the
method of product regulation. Banking
companies should not be required to get
permission from regulators before doing
something new. Rather, they should
notify authorities of their intentions. If
regulators want to prevent the action, the
burden should be on them to intervene in
a timely way to demonstrate that the
costs exceed the benefits.
Unfortunately, the 1930s' regulatory approach to banking required companies
to ask permission whenever they wanted
to change what they were doing. Banks
have needed permission to branch, to
merge, to form a holding company, to
acquire a subsidiary or affiliate, or even
to open or move an ATM. The underlying philosophy has been: Prove to the
authorities that you should be allowed
to do this.
I have a philosophical objection to this
approach. It places power outside the
constitutional checks and balances
among the legislative, executive, and
judicial branches. Constitutionally, as I
understand it, government is supposed to
bear the burden of proof if private citizens are to be constrained from following the dictates of self-interest. Banking
regulation forces private citizens-in
this case, bankers-to bear the burden
of proving that they should be permitted
to act in their own self-interest.
The ideal response to the first need
would be to remove legislative barriers
to structural change in the industry so

that market forces could determine the
most efficient structure. In addition, by
attaching sunset provisions to both legislation and regulations, we would reduce
the likelihood that restrictions will apply
beyond their useful economic life.


Supervisory Methods

Even as we press for fundamental reforms , we should strive to improve our
method of supervision so as to reduce the
regulatory burden. There was a time
when bank examiners essentially operated in the spirit of financial cops who
sought to catch banks doing something
wrong and issue citations. That era has
now passed, and what we call "valueadded supervision" has taken its place.
Value-added supervision seeks to protect
the public interest with a minimum cost
to banking organizations. The responsibility of financial supervisors in the
broadest sense is to ensure that financial
intermediaries are safe, sound, efficient,
and honest. The goal of every on-site or
off-site exam should be to leave the intermediary a stronger and healthier place.
Value-added supervision includes two
broad initiatives - increased responsiveness to the needs and concerns of
banks, and an array of educational
efforts. Increased responsiveness promotes a working relationship with
bankers that is based on collaboration
rather than confrontation. The Federal
Reserve System is developing Examiner
Workstation, which uses Windowsbased software to allow examiners to
download loan, investment, and earnings
information from a bank's computer system before and during an examination,
and to electronically manipulate and
analyze those files. This eliminates the
laborious preparation of reports and
helps examiners identify areas of highest
risk before arriving on site, so that their
efforts can be advantageously focused.
Value-added supervision also eases asset
quality determination by placing greater
reliance on banks' own internal systems
of loan quality review and reporting,
after supervisors verify the adequacy of
the internal loan review systems. Similarly, once supervisors confum that
banks have strong internal controls and
audit systems, there is less need for
examiners to review for compliance with
various laws and regulations.

The philosophy behind value-added
supervision is that it is less costly to prevent problems than to fix them. Advocating high-quality risk management systems is one way to support that belief.
It strikes me that au di tors should have a
natural affinity for the concept of valueadded supervision. Auditors, whether
internal or external to the film, are paid
to provide bank management and/or the
public with information and advice that
adds value to the firm and protects the
interests of investors and customers. All
of the groups that receive information
want it to be timely, accurate, and germane to their interests. They want to understand the risks faced by the banking
organization, how the risks are being
managed, and what residual exposures
remain. They want to know if they
should alter their behavior in ways that
will either strengthen the organization's
performance or reduce their exposure.
And, it seems to me, stakeholders also
want to know about best practices within
the industry. Auditors routinely provide
these services for financial institutions.

Derivatives and
Risk Management
In recent years, auditors and examiners
have encountered new challenges in
dealing with derivative products and the
associated risk-measurement tools.
Derivatives are innovations that, like
atomic energy and genetic engineering,
can be intended for good but have ill
effects through mismanagement. Auditors and supervisors want bank managers to employ financial innovations
appropriately, and to ensure that fundamental questions are being addressed
inside the banking organization.
Bank examiners could themselves
directly evaluate the bank's risk assessment models, procedures, and controls.
But by properly structuring incentives
within the bank, supervisors could rely
more on internal auditors. Of course,
banking supervisors will want evidence
that a bank's internal auditors are
informed, educated, and permitted to
play an independent and influential role
in evaluating the organization's riskmanagement tools, and that they adhere
to the bank's own policies. In Ronald
Reagan's phrase about arms control,
"Trust, but verify."

The technological advances that spawned
derivatives are now being used to aggregate risks across all lines of business and
activity. From a supervision perspective,
these initiatives are to be applauded. Corresponding to this change is an explicit
focus by the supervisory agencies on the
risk-management process, particularly
regarding oversight by directors and
senior management, adequacy of policy
procedures and limits on risky activities,
MIS measurements, and adequacy of
internal controls.
Given the dynamic nature of the market,
it becomes much more important for
supervisors and auditors to ensure that
risk-management systems are adequate
and that risk is properly identified, measured, and controlled on an ongoing basis.
This area of self-governance offers the
greatest opportunity to reduce regulatory
burdens while achieving the goals of
supervision and regulation.

• Making Greater
Use of Market Forces
The concept of market forces regulating
an industry sounds like an oxymoron.
Some might think that all regulation has
to be carried out by a government
agency. I don't believe that. Under the
right circumstances, market forces can
provide powerful and efficient incentives for appropriate behavior. Banking
supervision should rely as much as possible on public disclosure, market forces ,
and positive incentives rather than on
permission, denial, and instruction.
Because of the rapid pace of financial
innovation, the increasing complexity of
the global payments system, and the
kinds of instruments being used for risk
management, it makes enormous sense
to broaden the involvement of the many
market participants who have a clear
self-interest in rewarding and disciplining financial institutions. For market
forces to be effective, ample information
about the assets, liabilities, and practices
of banks must be disclosed to the public.
Furthermore, there must be credible
assurance that the information released
is accurate and complete.

• Protecting the Economy
and the Taxpayer
A Few Words about Systemic Risk
Banking supervisors have traditionally
attempted to ensure the safety and
soundness of the entire financial system
by ensuring the viability of each bank, or
at least the viability of the largest and
most complex banking organizations.
During the 1980s, the term "too big to
let fail " became part of the supervisors'
jargon. We all recognize that as financial
institutions become larger, as financial
markets become more global, and as
new financial products make it possible
for institutions to incur massive losses in
a very short period, it becomes ever
more difficult for supervisors to feel
secure about preventing the problems
within one institution from spilling over
into the broader marketplace. Supervisors care deeply about these potential
events because their occurrence can
cause disruptions in real economic activity and serious losses of wealth.

An alternative approach that seems more
manageable and less intrusive is to
require sufficient capitalization and collateralization and to limit interbank exposures. This idea was recently suggested
by Tom Hoenig, president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City. 1 Hoenig's
approach could enhance the prospect that
the failure of even the largest financial
organization would be resolved without
unacceptable degrees of disruption to the
financial system or the economy. In such
a world, regulators would impose far
fewer restrictions, if any, on companies
engaging in risky activities. Bank stockholders and other claimants, knowing to
whom and by how much their bank is
exposed to other banks, would exert
greater pressure on management for prudent behavior. This approach would also
reduce the resources needed for examination, the costs that banks incur from
exams, and most important, the restrictions on market-driven innovations by
large institutions.

The Safety Net
This approach to systemic risk management requires a careful reexamination of
the federal safety net placed beneath
large, complex banks operating on the
high wire. Deposit insurance exists to

di scourage depositors from withdrawing
funds from their bank so rapidly that
assets cannot readily be liquidated at par
value. Moreover, the Federal Reserve's
discount window offers a mechanism for
providing liquidity to sound institutions
that may have trouble funding them ~
selves temporarily in the market. Because of the way deposit insurance premiums were set, and the manner in
which insolvent bank resolutions were
structured, the entire safety net at times
may have encouraged bank managers to
take on imprudent levels of risk. In
effect, the safe~y net encouraged the very
same risk it was designed to prevent.

In the wake of the thrift industry crisis
last decade, Congress altered the framework within which banking supervisors
could operate to resolve problems at
troubled depositories. The changes were
designed to minimize taxpayer risk. Yet,
the deposit insurance system itself was
not reformed. Deposit insurance introduces moral hazard and risk to the public
purse, as has been amply demonstrated
in the last two decades. We face three
dilemmas: 1) how to respond to the
problem of moral hazard, 2) how to
avoid broadening the moral hazard problem as banks broaden their range of
activities, and 3) how to avoid having
our efforts to protect taxpayers impede
the natural, market-driven evolution of
the financial system.
Our current approach to the problem of
moral hazard is to use supervision and
regulation to promote safety and soundness. If we continue with this approach
as banking organizations extend the
range of their activities, we must either
build effective firewalls to separate the
traditional portion of the organization
from its affiliates, or we must extend
safety and soundness supervision-and
the associated regulatory costs-to all
of the affiliates. Neither approach is
attractive or even plausible.

An alternative approach was recently
suggested by President Hoenig as part of
the plan I mentioned previously. Deposit
insurance would be provided only to
banks that limit themselves to traditional
banking activities, and safety and soundness supervision would be continued for
those firms. Banks that engage in riskier

activities would forfeit access to the
safety net. This approach would allow
each bank to choose whether it prefers to
participate in riskier activities or to be
covered by deposit insurance.
I am inclined to favor the Hoenig
approach because it would continue
insurance for most banks while not
inhibiting the activities of banking organizations that want to broaden the scope
or increase the riskiness of their activities. It seems to blend an increase in market freedom with political feasibility.



I expect banking supervision to remain a
challenging activity in the years ahead
for several reasons. Apart from issues of
safety and soundness and fraud, supervisors are expected to prevent problems
that originate in one organization from
spilling over into the broader financial
markets. In other words, bankers are
expected to look out for their individual
interests, and supervisors are expected to

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look out for the public interest. This difference in perspective will not, and
should not, change.
As banks continue to perform their traditional economic functions as risk managers and financial intermediaries, they
will increasingly resemble their competitors in other financial services industries and, in some instances, in other
nonfinancial industries. Electronic banking, for example, holds out not only the
promise of exciting new products for
customers, but also the prospect of unusual alliances among banks, computer
software companies, and telecommunications firms. These new partnerships
will certainly raise safety and soundness
issues about the banking system. They
are equally likely to pose interesting
public policy issues about the design and
operation of domestic and global payments systems. Even the role of central
banks within payments systems needs to
be assessed, since central banks typically
authenticate certain types of transactions
and ensure their timeliness.

Because the financial system is changing, its supervision must change as well.
Closer connections among firms in the
financial intermediation, risk management, and payments businesses suggest
that an umbrella supervisor of some sort
will likely be needed to assess the condition of diverse, highly complex organizations and to safeguard the operation
of the system as a whole. As my remarks have surely indicated, however,
I think that the public's interest is best
served by constructively capitalizing on
the self-interest of market participants.

• Footnote
1. See Thomas M. Hoenig, "Rethinking Financial Regulation," speech presented at the
World Economic Forum 1996 Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, February 2, 1996.


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