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November 1, 1989

spending, rose by 1.5 percent, and gross

Are We Investing What We Borrow?"

billion per year in additional foreign investment of the current expansion,
about $71 billion (58 percent) went for
additional investment spending, and the
remaining $51 billion (about 42 per-

business investment plus investmenttype consumer spending fell about 1.0

Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of

cent) allowed for higher levels of pure
consumer spending (see chart J).

Foreign capital has been a gift horse,
predominantly used in ways that bode
well for future U.S. productivity. Of the

The experience of the past several

approximately $122 billion per year in
additional foreign investment that this
nation has enjoyed over the current expansion compared with previous expan-

In sum, we conjecture that of the $122

quarters is roughly consistent with these
estimates. Since the third quarter of
1988, there has been a rather sharp decline in the flow of both foreign investment and business saving compared
with levels of just two years ago (see
table 3). As a share of national income,
foreign investment fell from a 1987
peak of 4.4 percent to only 2.6 percent
in recent quarters, and business saving
fell from 15.3 percent to 14.3 percent.
Overall, there has been a decline in foreign and business saving of about 2.8
percent of national income since 1987.
Despite this decline in the pool of saving, there has been little change in the
relative size of the government deficit.
Instead, the business and foreign saving
shortfall appears to have crowded out
domestic investment and consumer
spending. Measured as a share of national income, personal saving, adjusted to
include investment-type consumer

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101



sions, we conclude that about 58 percent of it, or $71 billion, allowed
additional domestic investment and investment-type consumer spending. The
remaining $51 billion per year, or about
42 percent, seems to have been used for
additional consumption. This differs
substantially from surface appearances,
which suggest that foreign investment is
being used entirely to finance consumption and government outlays.


1. See Gerald H. Anderson, "Three Com-

mon MisperceptionsAbout Foreign Direct Investment," Economic Commentary, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, July 15, 1988;
and Mack On, "Is America Being Sold Out?"
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
March/April 1989.
2. For an example of an article that has

those concerns, and with which we disagree,
see Jon Faust, "U.S. Foreign Indebtedness:


Kansas City, July/August 1989.
3. The government deficit includes deficits

and surpluses of state and local governments.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

4. This estimate of "pure" consumption

spending is hardly pure, because there is almost certainly some investment-typespending beyond the types we have identified.
Thus, our estimate of consumer investmenttype spending is conservative.Also, we do
not mean to imply that the pure consumption
component is necessarily undesirableor unwise. Such spending may be perfectly sensible, but a discussion of that issue is beyond
the scope of this article.

Foreign Capital Inflows:
Another Trojan Horse?

5. The results are available from the authors
on request.

by Gerald H. Anderson
and Michael F. Bryan

6. State and local govemment borrowing

probably has some sensitivityto interest
rates, but we believe it to be relatively small.
7. The estimates are in Lawrence A. Sum-

mers, "Issues in National Savings Policy," in
G. Adams and S. Wachter,eds., Saving and
Capital Formation, Lexington, Ky: D.C.
Heath, 1986.Economists' estimates of crowding out vary substantially;we prefer
Summers' estimates because his accounting
framework is similar to ours.


Gerald H. Anderson is an economic advisor

and Michael F Bryan is an economist at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

authors and not necessarily those



Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board 0/ Governors

0/ the

estimates of foreign investment's role

Since 1982, the cumulative net inflow
of funds into the United States from

For every use of funds, there must be a
source of funds. In the case of the national economy, there are three broad

work where it is most wanted. But the
long-run implications of debt, foreign
or otherwise, on U.S. prosperity would

sources of funds: saving by domestic
households, or personal saving; saving

seem to depend on whether that debt
was being used for investment pur-

be some hidden costs associated with
the seeming windfall.

by domestic firms, or business saving;
and saving by foreigners, or foreign

poses or to finance consumption.

One concern is that the influx of
foreign capital may ultimately allow

To complete the identity, saving in an
economy must be "used," or borrowed,

foreigners to gain control of our
view that has been dismissed in several recent publications.
Another concern is that we are using

by others in the economy. In this case,
the total value of saving must be

foreign nations has totaled more than
$700 billion. As this river of dollars
flows into the United States, many in
this country are worried that there may

The views stated herein are those a/the

Federal Reserve

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH

Permit No. 385


these funds in unproductive waysAddress Correction

primarily to finance additional spending by the U.S. government and consumption by households, instead of for
productivity-enhancing investments?


Please send corrected mailing label to
the above address.

This Economic Commentary examines
aspects of recent foreign investment
in the United States. We calculate how
much of the recent net capital inflow
benefits different kinds of spending.
Our measures are not precise, but
should be regarded as ballpark

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
ISSN 0428-1276


least since that fateful day when
the ancient Greeks offered a giant
wooden horse to the citizens of Troy,
unsolicited gifts from foreigners have
been viewed with a certain skepticism.
One is tempted to make a parallel case
in the 1980s regarding the tremendous
level of foreign investment occurring in
the U.S. economy.

in U.S. resource allocation.
• Going With the Flow
To examine the uses of foreign investment, it is helpful to understand the accounting relationships among foreign
capital inflow, gross private domestic
investment, and domestic saving.

matched by gross investment in the
private economy plus deficit spending
by the government.
From this investment-saving


(see table I), we see that increases in
foreign investment will have at least
one of four possible effects. They can
finance additional gross investment,
finance larger government deficits, or
induce an offsetting saving decrease by
either U.S. businesses or households.
The fluid operation of markets should
ensure that foreign investment is put to

The U.S. economy has been awash in
foreign investment for nearly the entire decade of the 19805. A close look

at the destinations of this net inflow
of funds reveals that, contrary to popular perception, most of the windfall
is being used to fund U.S. investment.

If the capital inflow is financing investment, then U.S. productivity is enhanced by the foreign capital inflow.
Conversely, if the foreign capital is
compensating for reductions in personal or business saving, or is financing an increase in the government
deficit, then foreign investment might
be financing current U.S. consumption,
and might therefore have a negative effect on future U.S. living standards.
Following the flow of foreign money to
its ultimate destination is not an easy
task: it is comparable to tracking a drop
of water after it drips into a full bucket.
Consequently, we must infer from indirect evidence exactly how the foreign
funds are being used. At first glance, the
indirect evidence strongly argues that
the foreign saving inflow is supporting

household consumption and govem-

Two uses of funds clearly broke from

and research from total consumer spend-

ment spending rather than business investment. More detailed analysis, however, indicates that a majority of the
inflow of foreign funds is financing

previous expansionary experience, however. Personal saving has been lower,
averaging only 4.1 percent compared
with 6 percent over earlier expansions.

ing, we can roughly separate consumer
expenditures into two broad categories
=-consumer investment spending and
"pure" consumer spending."

business investment and investmenttype spending by consumers.

Translated into dollars, personal saving
is about $64 billion per year less than
what was indicated by earlier expansion
averages. More important, the govern-

Table 2 shows data on saving, investment, and the deficit, each expressed as
percentages of national income, and
compares averages for the five expansionary periods between 1954 and
1980 with the current expansion.

ment deficit has been larger. Since
1982, the size of the government deficit
has averaged about 3.6 percent of national income, which is about 2.9 percent of national income or $98 billion
per year larger than in prior expansions.

On average over the previous expansions, foreign investment tended to be
small and, on balance, slightly negative, averaging about -D.5 percent of
national income. That is, in the five previous expansions, the United States
tended to be a small net lender of funds
to foreigners. Since 1982, the United
States has become a large net borrower
from foreigners, with these funds
averaging about 3.1 percent of national
income. Therefore, compared with previous expansions, the United States has
increased its inflow of foreign saving
by a magnitude of about 3.6 percent of
its national income, or by about $122
billion per year.
Foreigners were not alone in saving
more in the United States. Business
saving as a share of national income
was at record-high levels early in the
expansion. A number of factors,
prominent among them the major tax
reform of 1982, have encouraged more
business saving. Averaging 16 percent
of national income in the current expansion, business saving is about 1.3 percent of national income, or $44 billion
per year, larger than previous expansionary averages would have suggested.
Gross business investment, however, at
19.5 percent of national income over
the current expansion, is identical to its
expansionary average, indicating that
the disproportionately large flow of
foreign and business saving has not
financed a disproportionately
level of investment.


In short, comparisons with the five expansions of the past 35 years indicate
that about 40 percent of the increase in
foreign and business saving has
financed consumer spending and about
60 percent has supported the government deficit. Because savings from all
sources are likely to be interchangeable, those percentage distributions
should also apply to foreign investment
taken alone. Con seq uently, of the additional $122 billion annual inflow of
foreign investment, it appears that
about $49 billion has financed additional consumer spending and $73 billion
has gone toward financing the government deficit. The ratio of gross investment to national income, on the other
hand, appears to have been unaffected.
• Consumption as Investment
Before concluding that Americans are
using such a large fraction of foreign investment to finance consumption, we
need to make a few adjustments to the
Suppose that the personal saving rate
has declined because households have
increased their purchases of goods with
relatively long lives (such as cars and
appliances) and services that improve
their long-run earnings potential (such
as education). These may be classified
as "investment" expenditures because
these goods and services can be expected to provide benefits or income in
the future.

Using simple statistical techniques, we
have attempted to separate the effects of
trends, the business cycle, and changes
in foreign investment on household investment spending versus household
consumption spending. The results
were illuminating.i Of the two broad
spending types, consumer investment
spending seems to be disproportionately
linked with foreign capital inflows.
An increase in foreign investment
tends to increase total consumer spending by about 40 percent of the additional capital inflow-the
same share that
we calculated above from the data reported in table 2. However, 40 percent
of the additional consumer spending
occurred in the investment-type spending group. Given that investment-type
spending traditionally represents a




(Billions of dollars)
SIDing + Inzestment
tnzestment +
+ ~

U.S. Department of Commerce,


Personal Business
SIDing + Sl! + Inv!:stm!:nt = Inv!:stm!:nt + D!:ficit

Share of National Income:
Average Expansion








a. Share difference times weighted average annual national income in 1982-87.

Totals may not add exactly due to rounding and statistical discrepancies.


U.S. Department of Commerce,


durable goods and private education

saving available to the United States.

Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Federal Reserve Bank of

FROM 1987 PEAKS (Percent)
Personal Business
Sating" + Sating
+ Investment
Investment + I!efi.cit




















a. Data adjusted to include consumer expenditures

on durable goods and private education and research.

Totals may not add exactly due to rounding and statistical discrepancies.


U.S. Department of Commerce,


Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Federal Reserve Bank of


ments. The fruits of that spending improve future living standards, either by
producing future services for consumers or by enhancing future income.

By subtracting consumer spending on




Difference in $ Billions

Imagine a scenario in which foreign investment is reduced by some artificial
means, thereby shrinking the pool of



Share Difference

link between foreign investment and
the government deficit, and understates
the impact of foreign investment on
domestic investment and consumption.




induced by foreign capital inflow.

• Crowding Out
The foregoing analysis includes an interpretive problem that overstates the


Difference in $ Billions"

Share of National Income:
1987 Peak

during this expansion, at least 40 percent, or about $20 billion per year,
would be for goods and services that
are more accurately classified as invest-





Share Difference

small share of total consumer spending (about 15 percent in 1988), it therefore seems to benefit disproportionately from the rise in consumer spending

If the previous averages hold up, then
of the roughly $49 billion per year in
foreign-financed consumer spending

Bureau of Economic Analysis.



Foreign Investment Inflow
($122 billion)


Government Deficit
($73 billion)


($29 billion)

need to be made up by some combination of domestic spending cuts. Most
of this adjustment would occur as
domestic borrowers, competing for a
reduced pool of saving, bid up interest
rates until the appropriate number of
borrowers drop out of the credit
market, an occurrence economists have
dubbed "crowding out."
Naturally, the borrowers most sensitive
to interest -rate increases will be the
first to go. These are likely to be consumers and domestic investors, rather
than the federal government, because
the government will borrow whatever
is necessary to cover the gap between
its spending and its revenue, regardless
of the interest rate that it must pay.6 It
is therefore somewhat erroneous to conclude that foreign investment is "allowing" the government deficit. Rather,
foreign investment is preventing some
of the crowding out of consumption
and domestic investment that the
deficit otherwise would have caused.
Estimating what might have occurred
in the absence of foreign investment is
a very difficult empirical problem.
There seems to be no consensus in the
literature about the magnitude of
crowding out. Two recent estimates
suggest that federal deficits have historically tended to crowd out domestic
investment and consumerspending
roughly equal proportions?
It seems reasonable that, other things

Consumer Spending
($49 billion)

($20 billion)

The resulting saving shortfall would

($36.5 billion)

($36.5 billion)



($14.5 billion)

($22 billion)

being equal, declines in the saving pool
would have crowding-out effects similar to those of government deficits. If
so, we estimate that the $73 billion portion of foreign investment that appears
to be financing the government deficit
is actually preventing the crowding out
of about $36.5 billion of domestic investment and $36.5 billion of household consumption. Moreover, our study
suggests that of the $36.5 billion of additional household consumption, 40 percent ($14.5 billion) is channeled to
investment-type purchases, while 60
percent ($22 billion) is directed to pure
consumption purchases.

household consumption and govem-

Two uses of funds clearly broke from

and research from total consumer spend-

ment spending rather than business investment. More detailed analysis, however, indicates that a majority of the
inflow of foreign funds is financing

previous expansionary experience, however. Personal saving has been lower,
averaging only 4.1 percent compared
with 6 percent over earlier expansions.

ing, we can roughly separate consumer
expenditures into two broad categories
=-consumer investment spending and
"pure" consumer spending."

business investment and investmenttype spending by consumers.

Translated into dollars, personal saving
is about $64 billion per year less than
what was indicated by earlier expansion
averages. More important, the govern-

Table 2 shows data on saving, investment, and the deficit, each expressed as
percentages of national income, and
compares averages for the five expansionary periods between 1954 and
1980 with the current expansion.

ment deficit has been larger. Since
1982, the size of the government deficit
has averaged about 3.6 percent of national income, which is about 2.9 percent of national income or $98 billion
per year larger than in prior expansions.

On average over the previous expansions, foreign investment tended to be
small and, on balance, slightly negative, averaging about -D.5 percent of
national income. That is, in the five previous expansions, the United States
tended to be a small net lender of funds
to foreigners. Since 1982, the United
States has become a large net borrower
from foreigners, with these funds
averaging about 3.1 percent of national
income. Therefore, compared with previous expansions, the United States has
increased its inflow of foreign saving
by a magnitude of about 3.6 percent of
its national income, or by about $122
billion per year.
Foreigners were not alone in saving
more in the United States. Business
saving as a share of national income
was at record-high levels early in the
expansion. A number of factors,
prominent among them the major tax
reform of 1982, have encouraged more
business saving. Averaging 16 percent
of national income in the current expansion, business saving is about 1.3 percent of national income, or $44 billion
per year, larger than previous expansionary averages would have suggested.
Gross business investment, however, at
19.5 percent of national income over
the current expansion, is identical to its
expansionary average, indicating that
the disproportionately large flow of
foreign and business saving has not
financed a disproportionately
level of investment.


In short, comparisons with the five expansions of the past 35 years indicate
that about 40 percent of the increase in
foreign and business saving has
financed consumer spending and about
60 percent has supported the government deficit. Because savings from all
sources are likely to be interchangeable, those percentage distributions
should also apply to foreign investment
taken alone. Con seq uently, of the additional $122 billion annual inflow of
foreign investment, it appears that
about $49 billion has financed additional consumer spending and $73 billion
has gone toward financing the government deficit. The ratio of gross investment to national income, on the other
hand, appears to have been unaffected.
• Consumption as Investment
Before concluding that Americans are
using such a large fraction of foreign investment to finance consumption, we
need to make a few adjustments to the
Suppose that the personal saving rate
has declined because households have
increased their purchases of goods with
relatively long lives (such as cars and
appliances) and services that improve
their long-run earnings potential (such
as education). These may be classified
as "investment" expenditures because
these goods and services can be expected to provide benefits or income in
the future.

Using simple statistical techniques, we
have attempted to separate the effects of
trends, the business cycle, and changes
in foreign investment on household investment spending versus household
consumption spending. The results
were illuminating.i Of the two broad
spending types, consumer investment
spending seems to be disproportionately
linked with foreign capital inflows.
An increase in foreign investment
tends to increase total consumer spending by about 40 percent of the additional capital inflow-the
same share that
we calculated above from the data reported in table 2. However, 40 percent
of the additional consumer spending
occurred in the investment-type spending group. Given that investment-type
spending traditionally represents a




(Billions of dollars)
SIDing + Inzestment
tnzestment +
+ ~

U.S. Department of Commerce,


Personal Business
SIDing + Sl! + Inv!:stm!:nt = Inv!:stm!:nt + D!:ficit

Share of National Income:
Average Expansion








a. Share difference times weighted average annual national income in 1982-87.

Totals may not add exactly due to rounding and statistical discrepancies.


U.S. Department of Commerce,


durable goods and private education

saving available to the United States.

Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Federal Reserve Bank of

FROM 1987 PEAKS (Percent)
Personal Business
Sating" + Sating
+ Investment
Investment + I!efi.cit




















a. Data adjusted to include consumer expenditures

on durable goods and private education and research.

Totals may not add exactly due to rounding and statistical discrepancies.


U.S. Department of Commerce,


Bureau of Economic Analysis; and Federal Reserve Bank of


ments. The fruits of that spending improve future living standards, either by
producing future services for consumers or by enhancing future income.

By subtracting consumer spending on




Difference in $ Billions

Imagine a scenario in which foreign investment is reduced by some artificial
means, thereby shrinking the pool of



Share Difference

link between foreign investment and
the government deficit, and understates
the impact of foreign investment on
domestic investment and consumption.




induced by foreign capital inflow.

• Crowding Out
The foregoing analysis includes an interpretive problem that overstates the


Difference in $ Billions"

Share of National Income:
1987 Peak

during this expansion, at least 40 percent, or about $20 billion per year,
would be for goods and services that
are more accurately classified as invest-





Share Difference

small share of total consumer spending (about 15 percent in 1988), it therefore seems to benefit disproportionately from the rise in consumer spending

If the previous averages hold up, then
of the roughly $49 billion per year in
foreign-financed consumer spending

Bureau of Economic Analysis.



Foreign Investment Inflow
($122 billion)


Government Deficit
($73 billion)


($29 billion)

need to be made up by some combination of domestic spending cuts. Most
of this adjustment would occur as
domestic borrowers, competing for a
reduced pool of saving, bid up interest
rates until the appropriate number of
borrowers drop out of the credit
market, an occurrence economists have
dubbed "crowding out."
Naturally, the borrowers most sensitive
to interest -rate increases will be the
first to go. These are likely to be consumers and domestic investors, rather
than the federal government, because
the government will borrow whatever
is necessary to cover the gap between
its spending and its revenue, regardless
of the interest rate that it must pay.6 It
is therefore somewhat erroneous to conclude that foreign investment is "allowing" the government deficit. Rather,
foreign investment is preventing some
of the crowding out of consumption
and domestic investment that the
deficit otherwise would have caused.
Estimating what might have occurred
in the absence of foreign investment is
a very difficult empirical problem.
There seems to be no consensus in the
literature about the magnitude of
crowding out. Two recent estimates
suggest that federal deficits have historically tended to crowd out domestic
investment and consumerspending
roughly equal proportions?
It seems reasonable that, other things

Consumer Spending
($49 billion)

($20 billion)

The resulting saving shortfall would

($36.5 billion)

($36.5 billion)



($14.5 billion)

($22 billion)

being equal, declines in the saving pool
would have crowding-out effects similar to those of government deficits. If
so, we estimate that the $73 billion portion of foreign investment that appears
to be financing the government deficit
is actually preventing the crowding out
of about $36.5 billion of domestic investment and $36.5 billion of household consumption. Moreover, our study
suggests that of the $36.5 billion of additional household consumption, 40 percent ($14.5 billion) is channeled to
investment-type purchases, while 60
percent ($22 billion) is directed to pure
consumption purchases.

November 1, 1989

spending, rose by 1.5 percent, and gross

Are We Investing What We Borrow?"

billion per year in additional foreign investment of the current expansion,
about $71 billion (58 percent) went for
additional investment spending, and the
remaining $51 billion (about 42 per-

business investment plus investmenttype consumer spending fell about 1.0

Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of

cent) allowed for higher levels of pure
consumer spending (see chart J).

Foreign capital has been a gift horse,
predominantly used in ways that bode
well for future U.S. productivity. Of the

The experience of the past several

approximately $122 billion per year in
additional foreign investment that this
nation has enjoyed over the current expansion compared with previous expan-

In sum, we conjecture that of the $122

quarters is roughly consistent with these
estimates. Since the third quarter of
1988, there has been a rather sharp decline in the flow of both foreign investment and business saving compared
with levels of just two years ago (see
table 3). As a share of national income,
foreign investment fell from a 1987
peak of 4.4 percent to only 2.6 percent
in recent quarters, and business saving
fell from 15.3 percent to 14.3 percent.
Overall, there has been a decline in foreign and business saving of about 2.8
percent of national income since 1987.
Despite this decline in the pool of saving, there has been little change in the
relative size of the government deficit.
Instead, the business and foreign saving
shortfall appears to have crowded out
domestic investment and consumer
spending. Measured as a share of national income, personal saving, adjusted to
include investment-type consumer

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101



sions, we conclude that about 58 percent of it, or $71 billion, allowed
additional domestic investment and investment-type consumer spending. The
remaining $51 billion per year, or about
42 percent, seems to have been used for
additional consumption. This differs
substantially from surface appearances,
which suggest that foreign investment is
being used entirely to finance consumption and government outlays.


1. See Gerald H. Anderson, "Three Com-

mon MisperceptionsAbout Foreign Direct Investment," Economic Commentary, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, July 15, 1988;
and Mack On, "Is America Being Sold Out?"
Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis,
March/April 1989.
2. For an example of an article that has

those concerns, and with which we disagree,
see Jon Faust, "U.S. Foreign Indebtedness:


Kansas City, July/August 1989.
3. The government deficit includes deficits

and surpluses of state and local governments.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

4. This estimate of "pure" consumption

spending is hardly pure, because there is almost certainly some investment-typespending beyond the types we have identified.
Thus, our estimate of consumer investmenttype spending is conservative.Also, we do
not mean to imply that the pure consumption
component is necessarily undesirableor unwise. Such spending may be perfectly sensible, but a discussion of that issue is beyond
the scope of this article.

Foreign Capital Inflows:
Another Trojan Horse?

5. The results are available from the authors
on request.

by Gerald H. Anderson
and Michael F. Bryan

6. State and local govemment borrowing

probably has some sensitivityto interest
rates, but we believe it to be relatively small.
7. The estimates are in Lawrence A. Sum-

mers, "Issues in National Savings Policy," in
G. Adams and S. Wachter,eds., Saving and
Capital Formation, Lexington, Ky: D.C.
Heath, 1986.Economists' estimates of crowding out vary substantially;we prefer
Summers' estimates because his accounting
framework is similar to ours.


Gerald H. Anderson is an economic advisor

and Michael F Bryan is an economist at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

authors and not necessarily those



Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board 0/ Governors

0/ the

estimates of foreign investment's role

Since 1982, the cumulative net inflow
of funds into the United States from

For every use of funds, there must be a
source of funds. In the case of the national economy, there are three broad

work where it is most wanted. But the
long-run implications of debt, foreign
or otherwise, on U.S. prosperity would

sources of funds: saving by domestic
households, or personal saving; saving

seem to depend on whether that debt
was being used for investment pur-

be some hidden costs associated with
the seeming windfall.

by domestic firms, or business saving;
and saving by foreigners, or foreign

poses or to finance consumption.

One concern is that the influx of
foreign capital may ultimately allow

To complete the identity, saving in an
economy must be "used," or borrowed,

foreigners to gain control of our
view that has been dismissed in several recent publications.
Another concern is that we are using

by others in the economy. In this case,
the total value of saving must be

foreign nations has totaled more than
$700 billion. As this river of dollars
flows into the United States, many in
this country are worried that there may

The views stated herein are those a/the

Federal Reserve

U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH

Permit No. 385


these funds in unproductive waysAddress Correction

primarily to finance additional spending by the U.S. government and consumption by households, instead of for
productivity-enhancing investments?


Please send corrected mailing label to
the above address.

This Economic Commentary examines
aspects of recent foreign investment
in the United States. We calculate how
much of the recent net capital inflow
benefits different kinds of spending.
Our measures are not precise, but
should be regarded as ballpark

Material may be reprinted provided that
the source is credited. Please send copies
of reprinted materials to the editor.
ISSN 0428-1276


least since that fateful day when
the ancient Greeks offered a giant
wooden horse to the citizens of Troy,
unsolicited gifts from foreigners have
been viewed with a certain skepticism.
One is tempted to make a parallel case
in the 1980s regarding the tremendous
level of foreign investment occurring in
the U.S. economy.

in U.S. resource allocation.
• Going With the Flow
To examine the uses of foreign investment, it is helpful to understand the accounting relationships among foreign
capital inflow, gross private domestic
investment, and domestic saving.

matched by gross investment in the
private economy plus deficit spending
by the government.
From this investment-saving


(see table I), we see that increases in
foreign investment will have at least
one of four possible effects. They can
finance additional gross investment,
finance larger government deficits, or
induce an offsetting saving decrease by
either U.S. businesses or households.
The fluid operation of markets should
ensure that foreign investment is put to

The U.S. economy has been awash in
foreign investment for nearly the entire decade of the 19805. A close look

at the destinations of this net inflow
of funds reveals that, contrary to popular perception, most of the windfall
is being used to fund U.S. investment.

If the capital inflow is financing investment, then U.S. productivity is enhanced by the foreign capital inflow.
Conversely, if the foreign capital is
compensating for reductions in personal or business saving, or is financing an increase in the government
deficit, then foreign investment might
be financing current U.S. consumption,
and might therefore have a negative effect on future U.S. living standards.
Following the flow of foreign money to
its ultimate destination is not an easy
task: it is comparable to tracking a drop
of water after it drips into a full bucket.
Consequently, we must infer from indirect evidence exactly how the foreign
funds are being used. At first glance, the
indirect evidence strongly argues that
the foreign saving inflow is supporting