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November 1999

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Forecasts and Sunspots:
Looking Back for a Better Future
Charles T. Carlstrom and Timothy S. Fuerst


ome would argue that economic
forecasts are about as accurate as soothsayers and weather forecasts. Yet central
banks all around the world make such
forecasts and use them when conducting
monetary policy. In fact, countries with
inflation targets (Canada, New Zealand,
and the United Kingdom, for example)
all base their policy actions on inflation
forecasts. As Federal Reserve Chairman
Alan Greenspan recently commented:
“Implicit in any monetary policy action
or inaction is an expectation of how the
future will unfold, that is, a forecast.”1

The recent funds rate increase in the
United States is evidence that such forecasts are used. Although there were few
signs that current inflation was increasing, interest rates were raised at the
August Federal Open Market Committee
meeting because it was feared that higher
future inflation might very well be in the
offing.2 Most accept that the monetary
authority must be proactive to keep inflation from increasing. This Economic
Commentary discusses why such a policy may be destabilizing.
The reasons to use forecasts are in some
sense obvious. Because the monetary
authority’s actions will affect the future,
it seems wise to have an idea of what the
future is likely to be in the absence of
(and in response to) its actions. After all,
if you want to arrive at some destination,
you need to have a good idea of where
you’re heading. Before driving from
Cleveland to Atlanta, you consult a map.
If the goal of monetary policy is to stabilize the inflation rate, then the monetary
authority’s natural course of action is to
look ahead and respond to what inflation
is expected to be.
ISSN 0428-1276

The alternative course of action is to
respond only to what has already taken
place. This is a bit like trying to make the
drive to Atlanta by looking out of the
rearview mirror the entire way. Such an
approach seems doomed to fail. If the
monetary authority decided to stabilize
inflation with this approach, it would try
to maintain an inflation objective by responding only to past inflation. Because
a policy that responds to past inflation
reacts not only to shocks that have a lasting impact but also to those with no bearing on future inflation, the result would
be large swings in prices.
Despite the fact that a “rearview” approach can never deliver price stability,
some continue to argue against using
forecasts when conducting monetary
policy. Milton Friedman warned that
attempts to fine-tune output or even
inflation by acting preemptively would
usually make matters worse. Because it
takes long and variable amounts of time
for changes in the money supply to
affect prices, he argued that forwardlooking monetary policy was futile and
proposed instead to let money growth
expand at a constant rate.
To many, however, this argument rings
hollow. While forecasts are not perfect,
conducting monetary policy without
them would be foolish, akin to deciding
to carry an umbrella without consulting
the local weather channel. Surely, even a
bad weather forecast is better than none.
Despite this cogent reasoning, this Economic Commentary argues that the use
of such forecasts has a serious downside
in that basing monetary policy decisions
on forecasts may lead to excessive volatility in prices. This occurs not just

To head off inflation before it gets
started, central banks must use forecasts. But using forecasts to determine
monetary policy actions introduces
the possibility that inflation will
increase just because the public
expects it to. This Economic Commentary explains how random events—
sunspots—can affect economic systems and lead to volatility in prices.
The authors suggest that sunspots can
be avoided with an approach that
responds predominantly to past,
rather than predicted, inflation.

because the monetary authority may respond to bad forecasts but also because
the use of forecasts makes the economy
vulnerable to a pernicious type of event
known as a sunspot.

■ Sunspots and Lack
of Coordination
The difference between comparing monetary policy actions with one’s decision
to carry an umbrella is that one’s decision to carry an umbrella will not affect
whether it rains. This is not necessarily
true in economics. Monetary policy can
be conducted in such a way that decisions depend on what the public is expected to do, and the public bases its
behavior on current monetary policy
actions. This can lead to a well-known
problem of “infinite regress,” in which
the public’s behavior and monetary policy affect each other in turn, and there is
nothing objective on which to “pin
down” either. Once the cycle gets going,

no matter what the cause, there is nothing to check it. Thus, even random
events, which would otherwise have no
effect, can affect economic variables
(such as inflation) if only the public
expects them to.
The term sunspots was first introduced
into economics by Jevons in 1884. He
argued that actual sunspots—cooler
regions on the Sun which fluctuate in
number—mattered to economic activity
because their attendant climate changes
would affect agricultural productivity.
This effect proved to be quantitatively
irrelevant. More recently, the term has
come to symbolize something quite different. An event is called a sunspot if it
affects some economic variable only
because the public believes it does. A
sunspot is therefore purely extraneous
information that leads to a circle of selffulfilling expectations. If the public
expects prices to be higher today, it sets
in motion a series of forces that actually
causes prices to be higher.
Perhaps the most obvious example of
sunspot behavior was the bank runs during the Great Depression. Because of the
first-come-first-served rule for bank
depositors, it was in their best interest to
withdraw their money whenever they
thought the bank might be in financial
jeopardy. But here is the rub. If everyone
thought the bank was in financial trouble, the ensuing run on the bank would,
in and of itself, cause this trouble. The
reason is that much of a bank’s portfolio
is tied up in assets that cannot be easily
liquidated, so that a bank run or even the
rumor of one would be a self-fulfilling
prophecy. Deposit insurance was instituted to eliminate this particular sunspot
Many economists dispute the notion that
sunspots are an important source of
shocks to the economy. They contend
that the circumstances in which expectations may actually be self-fulfilling are
rare. Yet there is one case in which
sunspots become much more likely, and
that is when the actions of multiple players depend on each other, but coordination among the parties is not possible.
Suppose Chuck’s decision whether or not
to attend a party depends on Tim’s decision and that Tim’s decision, in turn, depends on Chuck’s. Further suppose that
they prefer to attend these parties if only
both attend. If coordination is not possible, then two different self-fulfilling

prophecies are possible. If Tim expects
that Chuck will not attend, he will decide
to miss the party, too. It doesn’t matter
how Tim arrives at his expectation.
When Chuck hears Tim isn’t going, he’ll
definitely decide not to attend, which
confirms Tim’s initial expectation. Of
course, the same thing occurs in reverse
if Tim initially thinks Chuck is going.
Now suppose that Tim believes that
Chuck will never go to a party if it rains
in Tahiti. Tim’s belief will be self-fulfilling: if it rains in Tahiti, Tim will not go to
the party (because he expects Chuck not
to), and neither will Chuck (because Tim
isn’t going).
The key to this example and the hallmark of sunspot behavior is the presence
of the self-fulfilling circle of expectations. Sunspots can’t disturb the system
without this circle. Rain in Tahiti can
affect whether Tim and Chuck attend
parties only because Tim believes it
affects Chuck, and each of their decisions is based on the other’s decision.
Lack of coordination was also a factor in
the bank-run problem. Notice that the
possibility of a disastrous run on an otherwise healthy bank would have been
eliminated if all the bank’s customers
could have coordinated their actions
before deciding whether to clean out
their accounts. Knowing that others were
contemplating withdrawals only out of
fear that everyone else would do so
would have removed depositors’ need to
withdraw their funds.

■ Sunspots and Monetary
In monetary policy, the two parties that
can be involved in self-fulfilling prophecies are the monetary authority and the
public. Self-fulfilling prophecies become
much more likely when central banks
target interest rates. Central banks all
around the world have found it best to do
so (in this country, we target the federal
funds rate). Because of this, the money
supply (the primary determinant of inflation) is no longer directly controlled by
the monetary authority. It is supplied at
whatever level is necessary to achieve
the interest-rate target. The potential
problem with this approach is that
changes in public expectations will indirectly influence money growth, which
directly impacts (and possibly even justifies) these expectations.
Consider the case of a pure funds-rate
peg, and suppose prices today increase.

This lowers real money balances and
puts upward pressure on nominal interest rates. In order to keep interest rates
constant, the monetary authority increases the money supply to accommodate the increase in prices. But at the
end of this cycle, real money balances
and, hence, interest rates are back where
they started.3
With a pure funds-rate peg, therefore,
the money supply and prices would be
vulnerable to random sunspot events. Although the term sunspots reflects the fact
that the triggers that set such a cycle in
motion are purely extraneous events that
cannot be predicted ahead of time, they
could just as easily be based on the release of some economic variable. Whatever the trigger, the result is that prices
could, in principle, be quite volatile.
One possible way to avoid sunspots is to
control money directly and let interest
rates do what they will. This draconian
solution would allow sharp spikes in
interest rates from predictable spikes in
money demand. Indeed, the Federal
Reserve was founded in part to smooth
out the sharp spike in interest rates that
used to occur with every spring planting.
To this day, the Fed continues to keep
interest rates from increasing during
spring and the Christmas season by
expanding the money supply to satisfy
the public’s increased demand for cash.

■ Looking Back to the Future
Of course, the Federal Reserve does not
maintain a pure funds-rate peg. Instead,
the funds rate is allowed to vary in response to changes in either past or expected inflation. The question is whether
it is best to be proactive and use a
forward-looking rule, increasing the
funds rate when inflation appears to be
increasing, or to adopt a backwardlooking rule and wait until prices
actually start to rise before responding.
With both approaches, the monetary
authority responds to inflation (whether
past or future), irrespective of why inflation changed (whether because of a fundamental or a sunspot shock). In either
case, the money supply responds to maintain the central bank’s interest-rate target.
Having the funds rate respond to expected inflation results in a situation
similar to the pure funds-rate-peg scenario just described. There, the circle
was completed when the sunspot-driven
price increase was accommodated by the

central bank: The bank increased the
money supply, which resulted in a price
increase. With a forward-looking rule,
the story is slightly more complicated.
Unlike the case of a pure funds-rate peg,
where prices were assumed to be perfectly flexible, this example assumes
that firms choose their prices one period
in advance. This “sticky price” assumption allows sunspots to affect not just
today’s prices but expected inflation as
well. This causes real variables also to
be affected by sunspot events.
Suppose there is a sunspot-driven increase in the prices firms are planning
for tomorrow. Since today’s prices are
fixed (having been set one period earlier), this increases expected inflation
(the price-level movement between today and tomorrow). The monetary policy rule implies that today’s funds rate
must increase in response. To achieve
this, the monetary authority lowers today’s money growth, thus driving down
real money balances. Given this monetary contraction, when tomorrow comes,
firms’ preset prices will be too high.
That is, real money balances will be too
low. But low real-money balances put
upward pressure on interest rates, implying that the monetary authority must
increase tomorrow’s money supply so
that the funds rate returns to normal. As
with an interest-rate peg, the increase in
expected inflation sets in motion a future
increase in the money supply that is ultimately inflationary. Thus, a forwardlooking rule opens the door to sunspotinduced behavior.4
This simple example also suggests how
sunspots could get started in the first
place. Sunspots might arise if the factors
that cause inflation are not well understood. Suppose that either the public or
the monetary authority falsely believes
that capacity utilization in and of itself
causes future inflation.5 Even if changes
in capacity utilization have no direct
impact on expected inflation, they will
set in motion a chain of events that cause
expected inflation to rise. Over time, the
belief that there is a direct causal connection between the two will become
entrenched because inflation will generally increase following high capacityutilization numbers.
The problem with a proactive agenda is
that money growth is responding to
market-determined variables. Remarkably, a backward-looking interest-rate
rule can potentially eliminate sunspots.6

Such a rule commits the central bank to
moving future funds rates in response
to today’s price movements. This timing
difference mitigates the coordination
problem because the monetary authority
does not “move” until long after the
public has moved.7
Sunspots seem possible even with a
backward-looking rule. But if interest
rates respond to past inflation aggressively enough, sunspots will never get
started because the expectations that start
the ball rolling will never be fulfilled.
To see why this is so, suppose current
(call it period t) inflation increases. The
monetary authority must increase money
growth today to keep nominal interest
rates constant (being based on yesterday’s inflation). Why does this not
become a self-fulfilling prophecy? With
a backward-looking monetary policy
rule, higher current inflation means that
tomorrow’s nominal interest rate must
also increase. How can this be accomplished? Decreasing money growth
tomorrow (t + 1) will not work because
it would lower prices in t + 1 and hence
decrease expected inflation and nominal
interest rates in t. The monetary authority can only increase nominal interest
rates in t + 1 by increasing money
growth in t + 2. But the story doesn’t end
there. Faster money growth and hence
higher prices in period t + 2 imply that
nominal interest rates must increase in
t + 3. If interest rates respond aggressively enough, then this process would
lead to a cascading series of events in
which nominal interest rates and inflation move progressively higher, culminating in hyperinflation.8
Like a debtor borrowing money today
to pay off yesterday’s loan, such an approach is not sustainable. Nobody would
ever extend the first loan if they knew the
debtor’s approach to finances. With a
backward-looking rule, the monetary
authority would always have to use
future (not today’s) money growth to satisfy its interest-rate objective. Knowing
that this could only continue so far before
collapsing like a house of cards, no one
would allow the sunspot to get started.9
There are, of course, shocks other than
sunspots that buffet the economy. Inflation increases that are based on market
fundamentals would never lead to a
hyperinflationary outcome. Sunspots
influence prices directly, while fundamental shocks affect both prices and

interest rates. Interest rates and prices
will always respond to fundamental
shocks such that these hyperinflationary
outcomes never occur.

■ Conclusion
A fundamental contribution of economic
research over the last three decades is
the discovery that private-sector expectations have an enormous influence on
the business cycle and on the effect of
changes in government policy. This Economic Commentary illustrates a natural
corollary. If monetary policy is based on
expected inflation, and expected inflation is influenced by monetary policy,
then there is a very real danger that a forward-looking policy will make matters
worse by introducing additional volatility into the economy.
To avoid doing this harm, the central
bank has (at least) two possibilities. One
option is to commit to a Friedman-style
constant-money-growth rule and thus
eliminate one player from the coordination game: Tim announces that he is
always going to the party. The disadvantage of such a rule in monetary policy is
that it leads to a great deal of volatility in
nominal interest rates because of underlying movements in money demand. For
example, without Fed action, there would
be a larger seasonal component in the
nominal interest rate, driven by seasonal
movements in the demand for cash.
A second method of avoiding selffulfilling expectations is for the central
bank to target the nominal rate but base
these movements on past movements
in the inflation rate. As long as this link
between current interest rates and past
inflation is aggressive enough, the central bank can eliminate the possibility
of sunspots.
For illustrative purposes, this Economic
Commentary analyzed two polar extremes: a pure forward-looking rule and a
pure backward-looking rule. In reality,
the monetary authority is likely to use
both of these options to varying degrees.
Research on these more complicated but
realistic rules suggests that to avoid producing a fertile environment for sunspots, the monetary authority must respond aggressively to inflation and that,
while it can look forward, the weight of
the response should always be from past
movements in inflation. A mixed rule of
this type allows one to respond to movements in future expected inflation, thus
helping to minimize inflation variability.

■ Footnotes
1. Alan Greenspan, quoted in Sir Alan Budd,
“Economic Policy, with and without Forecasts,” Bank of England, Quarterly Bulletin,
November 1998.
2. To quote the FOMC minutes: “While key
measures of prices did not at this point suggest any upturn in inflation, a failure to act
would incur a substantial risk of increasing
pressure on already tight labor markets and
higher inflation.”
3. This was first discussed by Thomas J.
Sargent and Neil Wallace in “Rational Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument,
and the Optimal Money Supply Rule,” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 83, no. 2 (April
1975), pp. 241–54. A general-equilibrium
version is contained in Charles T. Carlstrom
and Timothy S. Fuerst, “Interest Rate Rules
vs. Money Growth Rules: A Welfare Comparison in a Cash-in-Advance Economy,” Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 36, no. 2
(November 1995), pp. 247–67. Carlstrom
and Fuerst show that this nominal indeterminacy becomes real in the presence of a nominal rigidity.
4. In contrast to a model in which firms set
prices in advance, one could imagine that
after any arbitrarily large but finite period, not
all firms will have adjusted their prices, as

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postulated by Richard H. Clarida, Jordi Galí,
and Mark Gertler in “Monetary Policy Rules
and Macroeconomic Stability: Evidence and
Some Theory,” Centre for Economic Policy
Research, discussion paper no. 1908 (June
1998). In this case, a forward-looking rule
may be determinate; however, with capital
and forward-looking rules, their model is
almost always indeterminate. See Charles T.
Carlstrom and Timothy S. Fuerst, “ForwardLooking Versus Backward-Looking Taylor
Rules,” Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
unpublished manuscript, 1999.
5. This is not meant to indicate whether or
not capacity utilization causes changes in
expected inflation independent of its influence on money growth.
6. A constant money-growth rule will generally also eliminate these sunspot possibilities.
7. It doesn’t completely end the coordination problem because the public’s movement is based on expectations of the future
and thus on the monetary authority’s future
action. This is why a backward-looking
rule must also be sufficiently aggressive to
eliminate sunspots.
8. We have assumed flexible prices here.
With sticky prices, the argument is basically
the same but becomes more difficult to tell.

9. Price divergence is not a rational outcome
if everyone believes that the monetary
authority will stop the process before money
becomes worthless.

Charles T. Carlstrom is an economic advisor
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,
and Timothy S. Fuerst is an associate professor of economics at Bowling Green State University and a visiting consultant at the Bank.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Economic Commentary is published by
the Research Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
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