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December 1999

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

The Exchange Stabilization Fund:
How It Works
By William P. Osterberg and James B. Thomson


he increased turmoil in international
financial markets, starting with the Asian
crises of 1997, has led to calls for financial assistance from the wealthier nations.
In December 1997, the United States announced a $5 billion commitment toward
an international package of financial assistance for South Korea. Two months
earlier the United States pledged $3 billion for assistance to Indonesia. In both
instances, the Exchange Stabilization
Fund (ESF) was to be involved.
Established by Congress in 1934 to help
stabilize the international value of the
dollar, the ESF received little public
attention until it was used in the provision of financial assistance to Mexico in
the wake of the peso crisis of 1995.
Indeed, greater scrutiny may have been
inevitable given the ESF’s expansion
beyond its original mandate.1 Despite the
recent attention, the full range of ESF
activities and the actual amount of available ESF resources are not well understood. This impedes an informed public
discussion of ESF operations.
A major goal of this Economic Commentary is to facilitate accurate assessments
of the amount of resources available to
the ESF. First, in order to understand the
uses of ESF resources, we provide an
overview of ESF operations. Second, we
examine the ESF balance sheet to show
how “total assets” is a poor measure of
the resources available to the ESF for one
of its major activities, foreign-exchange
intervention. Third, we discuss how any
measure of ESF resources must take
account of warehousing and swap lines.
Finally, we suggest a better procedure for
assessing the amount of resources available to the ESF.
ISSN 0428-1276

■ An Overview of the ESF
The ESF began operations on April 27,
1934, with capital of $2 billion. Initially,
$1.8 billion of the ESF’s reserves were
maintained in the Treasury’s gold
account. The remaining $200 million
was deposited in a special account at the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York as
the working balance for investing in
gold and foreign exchange.2 The working fund of the ESF has expanded over
time, reaching as high as $42 billion in
mid-1995.3 As documented by Schwartz
(1997), most of the growth in ESF assets
has occurred since 1960 and has comprised increases in foreign exchange and
securities. As of June 30, 1998, almost
60 percent of the asset total had been
financed by cumulative net income,
mainly reflecting interest earnings and
capital gains on foreign currencies.
The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 excluded
the ESF from the congressional appropriations process and explicitly authorized it to operate without congressional
oversight and accountability. In other
words, Congress gave exclusive control
of the ESF to the executive branch. All
decisions regarding the ESF are made by
the Secretary of the Treasury, subject to
the approval of the President.
Legislative changes in the late 1970s reduced somewhat the secrecy under which
the ESF operates and made it more accountable to the Congress. For instance,
since 1979 the administrative expenses of
the ESF have been subject to the budget
process. Moreover, a 1977 amendment to
Section 10 of the Gold Reserve Act provides that:

Increasingly controversial, the
Exchange Stabilization Fund is
used to influence the international
value of the U.S. dollar and to provide aid to foreign countries. The
debate surrounding the Fund will
become more informed, suggest the
authors, when observers understand
how to calculate the total amount of
resources available to the Fund. This
Economic Commentary explains how
the ESF’s balance sheet figures must
be adjusted to produce an accurate
account of those resources.

“… a loan or credit to a foreign entity or
government of a foreign country may be
made for more than 6 months in a 12month period only if the President gives
Congress a written statement that unique
or emergency circumstances require the
loan or credit be for more than 6 months
(31 U.S.C. 5302(b)).”
Finally, 1978 legislation requires the
Treasury to provide monthly statements
of ESF activities to the House and Senate Banking Committees. Nevertheless,
none of these legislative changes has
reduced the discretion of the Treasury
Secretary in operating the ESF. All of his
decisions are final and not subject to
approval by the Congress.
■ The Size of the ESF
A common misperception about the ESF
is that its size is adequately measured by
the “total assets” number reported on the
ESF balance sheet, published quarterly in

the Treasury Bulletin (see table 1).4 This
might seem to be a reasonable presumption since the ESF cannot unilaterally
issue debt in financial markets. However,
several important aspects of ESF operations are not apparent from its balance
sheet. In particular, since many ESF
operations use dollar assets, any limitation on the conversion of nondollar assets
to dollar assets is relevant to an assessment of available ESF resources.
Intervention, the purchase or sale of foreign currencies to influence the international value of the dollar, is a major use
of ESF resources (see box, opposite).
The other is the provision of financial
assistance to foreign countries. Whenever the ESF sells foreign currency, it
produces a crediting of the ESF’s (nonmarketable) U.S. government security
account with the Treasury, which is
equivalent to “dollar” cash assets. When
purchasing foreign currency, the ESF
first obtains dollar balances—possibly
by selling some of its Treasury securities
to the Treasury (with the Federal Reserve
[hereafter, the Fed] acting as agent). The
subsequent purchase of foreign exchange
with dollars leaves the ESF with a lower
level of Treasury securities but an offsetting increase in “foreign exchange
and securities.”
Thus the relevant measure of resources
available for ESF interventions depends
on whether foreign exchange is being
bought or sold. Dollar assets are needed
to buy foreign-currency-denominated
assets. On the other hand, purchases of
dollars are financed from international
reserves, which include official holdings
of gold, foreign government securities or
deposits at foreign central banks, the
reserve position in the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), and special
drawing rights (SDRs).5
ESF accounting for SDRs provides
another example of why total assets is a
poor measure of available resources. The
SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF (under the First Amendment to its Articles of Agreement) to
supplement existing reserve assets. The
value of an SDR is determined by reference to a basket of currencies of the five
largest industrial-economy member
countries of the IMF. Pursuant to the
Special Drawing Rights Act of 1968,
SDRs allocated to the United States or
otherwise acquired by the United States
are resources of the ESF.


Held with U.S. Treasury:
U.S. government securities

($ millions)


Special drawing rights (SDRs) 10,001
Foreign exchange and securities:
German marks
Japanese yen
Accounts receivable

Total Assets



Liabilities and capital

Current liabilities:
Accounts payable
Total current liabilities

($ millions)


Other liabilities:
SDR certificates
SDR allocations
Total other liabilities
Capital account
Net income gain (+) or loss (–) 23,581
Total capital
Total liabilities and capital


a. The column sum does not equal this number because of rounding error.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Treasury Bulletin, December 1998, p. 108.

There are three SDR entries on the ESF
balance sheet (see table 1). The SDR
asset entry and the SDR liability entry,
“SDR allocations,” pertain to ESF linkages to the IMF. The allocations represent the current value of the provisions of
SDRs by the IMF to the U.S. Treasury,
which were transferred to the account of
the ESF.6 The SDR asset entry reflects
the dollar value of SDR allocations to the
United States plus interest earnings, valuation changes, and sales and acquisitions
of SDRs from other IMF participants.

an estimate of the ESF’s available resources. Thus, although total assets of
the ESF on June 30, 1998, were $39.7
billion dollars, a slightly more accurate
measure of available dollars would be
$30.4 billion. This is the sum of the nonmonetized portion of the SDR total
($10 billion SDRs minus $9.2 billion
SDR certificates), the entry for U.S.
government securities with the Treasury
($15.7 billion), and the dollar value of
the German mark and Japanese yen
items ($13.9 billion).

The third entry, “SDR certificates,”
equals the portion of the SDR assets
which has already been “used.” As noted
earlier, all SDRs owned by the U.S. government must be held by the ESF. In
other words, the ESF cannot engage in
transactions with either the U.S. Treasury or the Fed that would result in a
reduction in the ESF’s SDR holdings.
Thus, in order to convert SDRs to dollardenominated assets, the ESF issues a
claim on its SDR assets to the Fed—
SDR certificates—in a process called
monetization.7 While this does not
decrease the SDR asset entry on the balance sheet of the ESF, it does increase
the certificate number by the amount of
the monetization. By law, the certificate
entry cannot exceed the SDR asset entry.
However, up to the limit imposed by the
SDR asset total, monetization increases
the size of the balance sheet, since the
certificate amount increases dollar for
dollar with the eventual purchase of
assets (for example, foreign-currencydenominated government securities).8

■ Off-Balance-Sheet Financing
Congress limited the ability of the ESF
to issue liabilities on its own and thus,
perhaps intentionally, limited the ESF
to financing new interventions through
the sale of assets, a practice known as
asset management. However, beyond
the uses of SDRs and securities as described above the ESF can obtain additional dollar resources by moving foreign-denominated assets off-balance
sheet through an arrangement with the
Federal Reserve System. Thus, the
$30.4 billion on-balance sheet asset
number is still a flawed measure of the
dollar assets available to the ESF.

Since the monetization process increases
the total asset number while decreasing
the amount of SDRs available to be
monetized, the certificate total must be
subtracted from total assets to arrive at

The first problem is that, once the Treasury securities (“dollars”) are exhausted,
the ESF cannot use its German mark assets or Japanese yen assets to purchase
additional mark or yen items, respectively, without first converting them into
dollar-denominated assets. This conversion of the ESF’s foreign currency
portfolio into dollar-denominated assets
requires an off-balance-sheet financing
arrangement with the Fed, referred to
as warehousing.

Since the ESF’s inception, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been the officially designated agent for the ESF in intervention operations. In 1962, the Federal
Reserve System’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) authorized open-market
transactions in foreign currencies for the account of the Fed, and since then, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has acted as agent for both the Fed and the ESF in
such transactions. Starting in 1978, the ESF and the Fed have almost always intervened jointly.
Although the decision to intervene is usually made jointly by the Treasury and the Fed,
it falls primarily under the Treasury’s purview. While the two entities routinely intervene in the same direction and amounts for their individual accounts, formal independence is maintained. In other words, the Treasury can instruct the Fed to intervene on
behalf of the ESF but it cannot force the Fed to intervene for the Fed’s own account.a
a. One exception to this would be a declared national emergency. See also Owen F. Humpage, “Institutional
Aspects of U.S. Intervention,” Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, vol. 20, no. 1 (Quarter 1
1994), pp. 2–19.

Warehousing is a swap transaction in
which the Fed buys foreign exchange
from the ESF in a spot transaction and
sells it back with a forward transaction
—that is, the ESF agrees to exchange
dollar assets for foreign exchange on the
date the forward transaction comes due.
The ESF balance sheet would thus
record a decline in “foreign exchange
and securities” but an increase in the
“U.S. government securities” total,
which could be used to purchase foreign
currency or implement dollar loans to
foreign countries (the forward transaction would not appear). In other words,
the Fed warehousing arrangement
allows the ESF to take a leveraged position in foreign assets that is not reflected
on the ESF’s balance sheet.
Two factors complicate the ESF’s ability
to use the Fed warehouse. First, the size
of the warehouse is determined by
FOMC deliberations. Although the size
of the warehouse was increased to $20
billion to help finance the Mexican financial assistance package in 1995, it is
currently limited to $5 billion with no
balances currently outstanding. Second,
although the currencies currently eligible
for the warehouse are indicated in the
Authorization for Foreign Currency
Operations, they are not necessarily the
same as the currencies that the ESF
needs to exchange.9
Since about 1978, warehousing has been
controversial. Goodfriend (1994) argues
currency-warehousing agreements
between the ESF and the Fed provide
the ESF with additional funding that circumvents the congressional appropriations process and statutory limits on
Federal borrowing.10

The second problem with the on-balancesheet asset measure of ESF resources is
that it ignores swap lines. Swap lines,
formally called reciprocal currency
arrangements, are credit lines between
governments (or central banks) stipulating terms which, usually for a short
period of time, allow either country to
borrow the other’s currency.11 The
mechanics of drawing down a swap line
are similar to that of warehousing—offsetting spot market and forward market
transactions—except that our swap lines
do not provide us with dollar assets
directly but rather provide dollar assets
for the other country. As in the warehousing arrangement, the forward market transaction does not appear on the
balance sheet until the expiration of the
swap line.12 Drawings might be
renewed once routinely, but statutes
require that the executive branch report
subsequent renewals to Congress. Both
the Fed and the ESF maintain swap lines
the sizes of which are indicated in the
quarterly summary of ESF and Fed foreign exchange operations published in
the Federal Reserve Bulletin. As of
March 31, 1999, the only authorized
ESF swap line was with the Bank of
Mexico for $3 billion.13
Finally, any measure of ESF resources
available for intervention needs to take
account of any stated commitments by
the U.S. Treasury to provide financial
assistance to foreign governments via
the ESF. For instance, the commitments
that had been made to Korea and
Indonesia would have reduced the total
resources available for intervention as
reflected on the June 30 balance sheet
by $8 billion.14

■ Summary
The Exchange Stabilization Fund, under
the U.S. Treasury, is now routinely involved in efforts to stabilize currencies
and to provide financial support to foreign countries. However, the amount of
resources available to the ESF and its
range of activities are perhaps not well
understood by many observers. In this
Economic Commentary we correct the
misperception that “total assets” is a good
measure of available ESF resources.
First, “total assets” ignores the fact that
the monetization of SDRs does not
decrease the SDR asset entry even
though the total amount of monetization
is limited by the SDR asset number. Consequently, total assets must be reduced by
the outstanding amount of monetization,
measured by the SDR certificate number.
Second, estimates of resources available
to the ESF for intervention must take into
account the warehousing arrangement
with the Fed. The current limit on the
size of the warehouse is relevant to
whether the foreign-currency-denominated assets could be converted into dollars for use in purchasing foreign assets.
Third, outstanding swaps and any existing commitments of ESF funds should be
reflected in estimated ESF resources. An
understanding of these points is a prerequisite to an informed debate regarding
any change in ESF funding.
■ Footnotes
1. See Anna J. Schwartz, “From Obscurity to
Notoriety: A Biography of the Exchange Stabilization Fund,” Journal of Money, Credit,
and Banking, vol. 29, no. 2 (May 1997), pp.
135–53; Walker F. Todd, “Disorderly Markets: The Law, History, and Economics of the
Exchange Stabilization Fund and U.S. Foreign Exchange Market Intervention,” Research in Financial Services Public and Private Policy, vol. 4 (1992), pp. 111–79; and
C. Randall Henning, “The Exchange Stabilization Fund: Slush Money or War Chest?”
Institute for International Economics, Washington, D.C., 1999.
2. Although originally authorized to deal in
both gold and foreign exchange, the ESF has
tended to deal primarily in foreign exchange
and, to some extent, in the securities of sovereign nations (including U.S. government
3. See Schwartz (footnote 1), pp. 136–7.
4. For example, a December 4, 1997, article
discussing the proposed rescue plan for South
Korea states that “the U.S. money, if needed,
would come from the Exchange Stabilization
Fund…. The fund contained $40 billion as of
the end of March….” See “South Korea, IMF
Finalize $55 Billion Bailout Plan,” Los Angeles Times, p. D1.

5. The U.S. drew on its IMF quota in
1964– 66, 1968, 1970–72, and 1978 for
amounts totaling $6.5 billion. Treasury securities denominated in foreign currencies were
issued in 1962–74 (“Roosa” bonds ) and in
1978–79 (“Carter” bonds) for $11.1 billion.
See Schwartz (footnote 1), pp.143–4.
6. These IMF provisions of SDRs to the U.S.
Treasury occurred in four separate actions
between 1970 and 1981.
7. The last big cash-in, or conversion of, SDRs
was in the third quarter of 1995 to fund part of
the financial assistance offered to Mexico.
8. The conversion of SDRs first augments the
asset-side entry for U.S. government securities. This entry, plus “foreign exchange and
(foreign government) securities” more
directly permits the funding of ESF activities
such as the purchase and sale of foreign currencies. For example, U.S. government securities can be used to purchase foreign currency as part of an effort to depress the
international value of the dollar. This would
then add to the foreign exchange total, which
is largely held in the form of foreign currency
government securities, rather than cash.
9. The authorization is published annually in
Annual Report of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System. See also Owen F.
Humpage, “Institutional Aspects of U.S. -

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Intervention,” Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, vol. 30, no. 1 (Quarter 1 1994), p. 5.
10. See Marvin Goodfriend, “Why We
Need an ‘Accord’ for Federal Reserve Credit
Policy: A Note,” Journal of Money, Credit
and Banking, vol. 26 (August 1994, Pt. 2),
pp. 572–80.
11. See Humpage (footnote 9), pp.7–8, for
further details on the accounting associated
with swap lines.
12. Because a forward transaction commits
the ESF to exchange foreign currency for
dollars at a fixed price in the future, the true
exposure of the ESF to foreign-exchange risk
is not reflected on its balance sheet.
13. In the last quarter of 1998, Federal
Reserve System swap lines were reduced
from $32.4 billion to $5 billion ($2 billion
with the Bank of Canada and $3 billion with
the Bank of Mexico), and the ESF eliminated
its swap line with the German Bundesbank.
There are no outstanding swaps for either
agency. Reasons stated for the reductions
included history of disuse, formation of the
European Central Bank, and the existence of
other arrangements for monetary cooperation.
14. The commitments to Korea and Indonesia and also to Thailand have since been rendered inoperative. However, as of June 1999,

the ESF still provides backstop to the Bank
of International Settlements’ $7.5 billion dollar support package for Brazil.

William P. Osterberg is a senior economist at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and
James B. Thomson is a vice president and
economist at the Bank. The authors are
grateful to Tim Dulaney, Owen Humpage,
Dino Kos, and Walker Todd for numerous
helpful comments and suggestions.
The views stated herein are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland or of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Economic Commentary is published by the
Research Department of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland.
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