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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
take these costs ifit expected the changing
demand conditions to be transitory.
The extent of price pressure in the
United States after an exogenous dollar
depreciation also depends on the response
of foreign prices. PPP can be re-established
by an increase in U.S. prices, a decline in
foreign prices, or both. Generally, the outcome depends on the importance of a foreign country's trade with the United States.
If exports to the United States account for
a large share of foreign output and the foreign demand for U.S. exports is highly sensitive to price changes, then a dollar depreciation would more likely cause foreign
prices to fall. A rather unique problem,
however, occurs with oil prices. Because
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) sets oil prices in terms
of U.S. dollars, a dollar depreciation lowers
the foreign-currency price of oil. The dollar
depreciation tends to increase foreign oil
demand but reduces the purchasing power
of each dollar of OPEC revenues. Market
conditions permitting, OPEC might respond
to a dollar depreciation by raising the dollar
price of crude oil. Such a response would
intensify the impact of a dollar depreciation
on U.S. prices.
The most important factor determining
how the demand pressures emanating from
an exogenous dollar depreciation translate
into higher U.S. prices is the willingness of
U.S. monetary authorities to accommodate the price increases through faster
money growth. The previous examples
assume that monetary policy is accommodative. Suppose, however, that the
money supply does not expand enough to
permit a rise in the overall price level. The
exogenous dollar depreciation would tend
to raise the U.S. price of traded goods and
their close substitutes. Consumers who
would buy these higher-priced goods would
need to reduce purchases of other goods.
The prices of these other goods would tend
to fall. Consequently, in the absence of an
accommodative monetary policy, an exoge-

nous dollar depreciation would cause some
prices to rise and others to fall.
The Rule of Thumb
Since the inception of floating exchange
rates, researchers have attempted to deal
with these many caveats and to estimate
reliably the price-level impacts of exogenous exchange-rate movements. Hooper
and Lowrey (1979) surveyed this literature,
standardized the results, and culled a consensus estimate of the price effect of exogenous exchange-rate movements: a 10 percent depreciation of the dollar's real tradeweighted exchange rate increases consumer
prices 1.50 percent to 1.75 percent, depending on how oil prices respond to the
depreciation and assuming an accommodative monetary policy. Approximately
one-half of the impact occurs within one
year of the exchange-rate change, while the
remainder is spread over the next two
years to three years. Using this rule of
thumb, and assuming it is also applicable to
dollar appreciation, one can approximate
the contribution of recent dollar appreciation to the U.S. inflation fight. By making
some reasonable assumptions about exchange-rate movements in the future, we
can estimate the price implications for the
next few years.
The real trade-weighted dollar appreciated 3.9 percent (fourth quarter to fourth
quarter) in 1980, 18.3 percent in 1981, and
13.2 percent in 1982. At the same time, the
consumer price index (CPI) advanced 12.6
percent in 1980 (fourth quarter to fourth
quarter) but then began to moderate in
1981 (9.6 percent) and 1982 (4.5 percent).
According to the rule of thumb, the dollar's
appreciation over this period moderated
the rise in the CPI by 0.1 percentage points
in 1980 (fourth quarter to fourth quarter),
by 1.6 percentage points in 1981, by 1.9
percentage points in 1982, and by approximately 3.6 percentage points over the

entire three-year period.
Difficult as it is to estimate the effects of
past exchange-rate movements on the price
level, it is even harder to project the impact
of future dollar movements on tomorrow's
prices. There is no highly reliable method
for forecasting future trends of the dollar.
In December 1982, the real trade-weighted
dollar stood 12.9 percent above its March
1973, or base-year, value, strongly suggesting that it is more likely to depreciate than
appreciate in the years ahead. There is,
however, little information about the time
frame over which this depreciation would
occur. As chart 1 indicates, the real exchange rate can deviate from its base-year
level for years at a time. Let us therefore
consider three different scenarios. The first
scenario assumes that, on balance, the real
trade-weighted dollar does not depreciate
in 1983. Recent movements in the real
trade-weighted exchange rate and forward
exchange-rate quotes, adjusted to a tradeweighted basis, are not inconsistent with
this scenario. In this case, lagged effects
from past dollar appreciation would con-'
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland,OH 44101

tinue to moderate price movements in 1983
and 1984. Price-level increases would be
reduced by approximately 1.6 percentage
points in 1983 and approximately 0.6 percentage point in 1984.At the other extreme,
a second scenario assumes that the real
trade-weighted dollar would return to its
March 1973 level by the end of 1983. In this
scenario the favorable price effects would
be only 0.9 percentage point in 1983, and a
slight boost (0.2 percentage point) would
be given to the rise in the price level in 1984.
The third scenario assumes that the exchange rate would depreciate more gradually-6.5 percent this year and again next
year-to re-attain its base-year value by the
end of 1984. While this gradual decline
would yield a 1.2 percent favorable impact
on 1983 prices, it also would augment the
1984 price levels by approximately 0.1 percentage point. Therefore, while U.S. price
performance probably would not continue
to benefit from dollar appreciation, a
depreciation of the dollar probably would
not greatly compromise a disinflation
monetary policy in the near term.
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Cleveland, OH
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Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

April 18, 1983

tfgnomic Commentary
Exchange Rates and U.S. Prices
by Gerald H. Anderson and Owen F. Humpage

Between October 1980 and November
1982, the U.S. dollar appreciated substantiallyin foreign-exchange markets. Relative
to the major currencies, the advance of the
dollar ranged from 5 percent against the
Canadian dollar to 69 percent against the
French franc. On a trade-weighted average
basis against 10 key currencies, the dollar
appreciated 40 percent, fully offsetting its
depreciation during the preceding decade.
While the dollar has given up only a fraction
of its trade-weighted advance since November 1982, many exchange-market analysts
anticipate a further depreciation in the
near future.
Because an exchange rate represents
the price of one nation's currency in terms
of another's, prolonged movements in exchange rates can alter a nation's trade
flows, capital flows, price levels, and real
growth. U.S. inflation, for example, moderated as the dollar appreciated, and many
analysts predict that future dollar depreciation would reverse some of those gains.
The relationships among exchange rates,
prices, and other economic variables are
Gerald H. Anderson is an economic advisor and
Owen F. Humpage is an economist, both with the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

complex; hence, we should be very careful
in attributing price-level moderations or
accelerations to exchange-rate movements.
This Economic Commentary discusses
the relationship between dollar exchangerate movements and U.S. price levels. 1 The
discussion focuses on the many snags encountered in digging toward the root of this
relationship. After considering the caveats,
we present a simple rule of thumb to
approximate the contribution of the recent
dollar appreciation to the improved U.S.
price performance. We also use this rule to
speculate on the impact of future dollar
depreciation on U.S. price performance.
The Causality Problem
It is easy to understand that changes in
exchange rates automatically alter the
price of one nation's products relative to
1. For more detailed discussion of this topic, see
Andrew D. Crockett and Morris Goldstein, "Inflation
under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates," International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, vol. 23, no. 3
(November 1976), pp. 509-44; Peter Hooper and Barbara Lowrey, "Impact of the Dollar Depreciation on
the U.S. Price Level: An Analytical Survey of Empirical Estimates,"
International Finance Discussion
Papers, No. 128, Washington: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, January 1979; and Joel
L. Prakken, "The Exchange Rate and Domestic lnflation," Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, vol. 4, no. 2 (Summer 1979), pp. 49-55.

another's. It is more difficult to understand
how these relative price changes translate
into aggregate price-level changes in the
home country. The biggest difficulty in
measuring the price-level impact of exchange-rate movements is to determine
whether exchange-rate movements cause
price changes, or whether price changes
cause exchange-rate movements. The causal
effect can run either way, because ultimately other factors in the economy determine both exchange rates and price levels.
The relationship between exchange-rate
changes and national inflation rates is described by the relative purchasing power
parity (PPP) theory. This theory states that
exchange-rate movements tend to equal
inflationdifferentialsbetween countries over
the long run. If, for example, the United
States experienced 10 percent inflation,
while West Germany experienced 4 percent inflation, the U.S. dollar would depreciate by 6 percent relative to the deutschemark. According to PPP, commodity-price
differentials create opportunities for profitable international trade; this trade tends to
maintain parity among the purchasing
powers of various nations' currencies. If,
for example, the price of domestically produced goods rises above the dollar price of
similar goods produced abroad, U.S. imports would rise and exports would fall as
demand shifted toward the less expensive
foreign goods. Under fixed exchange rates,
this shift tends to raise foreign prices and
lower U.S. prices; under flexible exchange
rates, this demand shift can cause the U.S.
dollar to depreciate as wellas cause relative
prices to change.
Although discussions of PPP usually
imply that causality runs from commodity
price changes via trade to exchange-rate
movements, the effect in fact can run in the
opposite direction. For example, an exchange-rate change resulting from capital
flight from foreign currencies to the dollar
would lower the price of foreign goods relative to U.S. goods and thereby encourage

the importation of foreign goods. PPP then
would tend to be re-established as demand
shifts away from U.S. goods toward foreign
goods and raises foreign prices relative to
U.S. prices.
PPP describes an equilibrium condition.
Disturbances can occur from either exchange-rate movements or price changes,
but international trade eventually tends to
re-establish PPP. In evaluating the effects
of exchange-rate movements on prices, it
is therefore important to determine why
the exchange rate changed in the first
place. Did the change result from a third
factor that itself was a cause of inflation;
or, was the change caused by something
outside of (exogenous to) the inflation
process? In the former case, it would be
erroneous to attribute inflation to the
exchange-rate change; in the latter case,
however, the exchange-rate movement
could contribute independently to a change
in prices.
As an example of this problem, consider
the inflation process. Inflation is a persistent increase in the overall level of prices.
This price increase cannot exist without an
equally persistent increase in the supply of
money or a decline in the demand for
money that outpaces the long-term growth
of goods and services. When the Federal
Reserve permits an excessive increase in
the money supply, individuals-flush with
additional money balances-attempt to exchange some of the money for other assets,
such as bonds and goods. Especially when
the economy is operating close to capacity,
this exchange tends to raise prices until an
equilibrium between real-money balances
and other assets is re-established. Some of
the assets purchased during this process
could be foreign, and their purchase could
result in depreciation of the U.S. dollar.
The increase in domestic prices would
accentuate the shift in demand toward foreign goods. Furthermore, it is likely that,
because of the actions of speculators, the
excess U.S. money growth would be re-

Chart 1

The Exchange Rate and U.S. Price Movements

Index March 1973= 100

Channels of Price Pressure
CPI, percent change




Exchange rate


1111111 111111111111

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980



1981 1982 1983 1984

SOURCES: Exchange rate: real trade-weighted exchange- rate index, measured against ten major
foreign currencies, March 1973= 100;Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
CPI: monthly percent change, saar; Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department ofLabor.

flected in the foreign-exchange market
through depreciation of the dollar before
the excess money growth would be reflected in the commodity markets through
higher commodity prices. In this case,
although the exchange-rate change might
contribute to some further rise in prices,
it would not be the primary cause of
the inflation.
Because factors independent of the inflation process can, and often do, alter exchange rates, questions about the inflationary consequences of such exogenous
exchange-rate changes are important. To
measure exchange-rate movements exogenous to the inflation process, economists
construct indexes of real exchange rates.

The practical difficulties of constructing
such measures are enormous. At a minimum, the accuracy of the real exchangerate index requires that PPP. held during
the index's base year. Theoretically, when
PPP holds, the real exchange-rate index
equals 100; but, as shown in chart 1, the
real exchange rate can deviate from its PPP
level by substantial amounts for long
periods of time.2
2. For a basic discussion see Peter Hooper and John
Morton, "Summary Measures of the Dollar's Foreign
Exchange Value," Federal Reserve Bul/etin, vol. .64,
no. 10(October 1978),pp. 783-89;and Ronald I.
McKinnon, Money in International Exchange: The
Convertible Currency System, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1979,
chap. 6.

Even allowingthat exogenous exchangerate changes can affect prices, the channels of influence are long and contain many
potentially mitigating circumstances. An
exchange rate is the price of one nation's
currency in terms of another nation's currency. The change in an exchange rate
alters the prices of goods and services produced in one country relative to those produced in another. This shift in prices induces a shift in demand away from the
products of the country whose money and
goods have become more expensive and
toward the products of the country whose
currency and goods have become less
expensive. These demand shifts initiate
pressure on overall price levels in each of
the countries. The extent to which these
pressures actually translate into higher or
lower prices and the speed with which the
changes occur, however, depend on many
factors; the most important of these are the
extent and expected permanency of the
exchange-rate change, the degree of slack
in the economy, the reaction of foreign
prices, and the stance of monetary policy.
The example below illustrates the channels through which these price pressures
work for the case of an exogenous depreciation in the U.S. dollar relative to allother
currencies. Initially, we assume that the
U.S. economy is operating at less than full
employment, that monetary policy is accommodative, and that foreign prices do
not respond to the exchange-rate change.
We later shall alter these assumptions to
show how they affect the timing and extent
of the outcome.
The most direct price effect of a dollar
depreciation is to raise the dollar price of
foreign goods, many of which are inputs to
production processes in the United States.
When possible, U.S. consumers of these
imports would seek domestically produced
substitutes. When the economy is not at

full employment, manufacturers of import
substitutes can accommodate increased
demand for their goods by expanding production. As output nears capacity, these
producers would raise their prices.
A similar series of events occurs in the
U.S. export sector. The dollar's depreciation reduces the foreign currency price of
U.S. goods and services, increasing foreign
demand for U.S. exports. At less than full
employment, U.S. producers can accommodate this demand by expanding production. Capacity constraints eventually would
force these producers to raise the dollar
price of their products.
The depreciation-induced expansion in
the U.S. export and import-substitute industries increases the demand for goods
and services needed in the production process of these industries. Production expands and prices begin to rise in the supplier industries; eventually, the demand
pressures spread to the basic factors of
production. Once the prices of intermediate goods and basic factors of production
begin to rise, the depreciation-induced
upward pressures on prices would spread
even to those industries that do not engage
directly in international trade.
As the foregoing example implies, the
speed with which an exchange-rate change
translates into price movements depends
on the degree of slack that exists in the
economy. The risk that dollar depreciation
would result in higher prices is greater
when firms are utilizing large proportions
of capacity and the labor force is closer to
full employment.
The extent of domestic price pressures
resulting from a currency depreciation obviously depends on the size and expected
duration of the depreciation. Even a large
currency depreciation can have a small
price effect ifthe market expects the depreciation to be quickly reversed. Altering
listed prices involves sizable costs, including the possibility of alienating longstanding customers. A firm would not under-

another's. It is more difficult to understand
how these relative price changes translate
into aggregate price-level changes in the
home country. The biggest difficulty in
measuring the price-level impact of exchange-rate movements is to determine
whether exchange-rate movements cause
price changes, or whether price changes
cause exchange-rate movements. The causal
effect can run either way, because ultimately other factors in the economy determine both exchange rates and price levels.
The relationship between exchange-rate
changes and national inflation rates is described by the relative purchasing power
parity (PPP) theory. This theory states that
exchange-rate movements tend to equal
inflationdifferentialsbetween countries over
the long run. If, for example, the United
States experienced 10 percent inflation,
while West Germany experienced 4 percent inflation, the U.S. dollar would depreciate by 6 percent relative to the deutschemark. According to PPP, commodity-price
differentials create opportunities for profitable international trade; this trade tends to
maintain parity among the purchasing
powers of various nations' currencies. If,
for example, the price of domestically produced goods rises above the dollar price of
similar goods produced abroad, U.S. imports would rise and exports would fall as
demand shifted toward the less expensive
foreign goods. Under fixed exchange rates,
this shift tends to raise foreign prices and
lower U.S. prices; under flexible exchange
rates, this demand shift can cause the U.S.
dollar to depreciate as wellas cause relative
prices to change.
Although discussions of PPP usually
imply that causality runs from commodity
price changes via trade to exchange-rate
movements, the effect in fact can run in the
opposite direction. For example, an exchange-rate change resulting from capital
flight from foreign currencies to the dollar
would lower the price of foreign goods relative to U.S. goods and thereby encourage

the importation of foreign goods. PPP then
would tend to be re-established as demand
shifts away from U.S. goods toward foreign
goods and raises foreign prices relative to
U.S. prices.
PPP describes an equilibrium condition.
Disturbances can occur from either exchange-rate movements or price changes,
but international trade eventually tends to
re-establish PPP. In evaluating the effects
of exchange-rate movements on prices, it
is therefore important to determine why
the exchange rate changed in the first
place. Did the change result from a third
factor that itself was a cause of inflation;
or, was the change caused by something
outside of (exogenous to) the inflation
process? In the former case, it would be
erroneous to attribute inflation to the
exchange-rate change; in the latter case,
however, the exchange-rate movement
could contribute independently to a change
in prices.
As an example of this problem, consider
the inflation process. Inflation is a persistent increase in the overall level of prices.
This price increase cannot exist without an
equally persistent increase in the supply of
money or a decline in the demand for
money that outpaces the long-term growth
of goods and services. When the Federal
Reserve permits an excessive increase in
the money supply, individuals-flush with
additional money balances-attempt to exchange some of the money for other assets,
such as bonds and goods. Especially when
the economy is operating close to capacity,
this exchange tends to raise prices until an
equilibrium between real-money balances
and other assets is re-established. Some of
the assets purchased during this process
could be foreign, and their purchase could
result in depreciation of the U.S. dollar.
The increase in domestic prices would
accentuate the shift in demand toward foreign goods. Furthermore, it is likely that,
because of the actions of speculators, the
excess U.S. money growth would be re-

Chart 1

The Exchange Rate and U.S. Price Movements

Index March 1973= 100

Channels of Price Pressure
CPI, percent change




Exchange rate


1111111 111111111111

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980



1981 1982 1983 1984

SOURCES: Exchange rate: real trade-weighted exchange- rate index, measured against ten major
foreign currencies, March 1973= 100;Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
CPI: monthly percent change, saar; Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department ofLabor.

flected in the foreign-exchange market
through depreciation of the dollar before
the excess money growth would be reflected in the commodity markets through
higher commodity prices. In this case,
although the exchange-rate change might
contribute to some further rise in prices,
it would not be the primary cause of
the inflation.
Because factors independent of the inflation process can, and often do, alter exchange rates, questions about the inflationary consequences of such exogenous
exchange-rate changes are important. To
measure exchange-rate movements exogenous to the inflation process, economists
construct indexes of real exchange rates.

The practical difficulties of constructing
such measures are enormous. At a minimum, the accuracy of the real exchangerate index requires that PPP. held during
the index's base year. Theoretically, when
PPP holds, the real exchange-rate index
equals 100; but, as shown in chart 1, the
real exchange rate can deviate from its PPP
level by substantial amounts for long
periods of time.2
2. For a basic discussion see Peter Hooper and John
Morton, "Summary Measures of the Dollar's Foreign
Exchange Value," Federal Reserve Bul/etin, vol. .64,
no. 10(October 1978),pp. 783-89;and Ronald I.
McKinnon, Money in International Exchange: The
Convertible Currency System, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1979,
chap. 6.

Even allowingthat exogenous exchangerate changes can affect prices, the channels of influence are long and contain many
potentially mitigating circumstances. An
exchange rate is the price of one nation's
currency in terms of another nation's currency. The change in an exchange rate
alters the prices of goods and services produced in one country relative to those produced in another. This shift in prices induces a shift in demand away from the
products of the country whose money and
goods have become more expensive and
toward the products of the country whose
currency and goods have become less
expensive. These demand shifts initiate
pressure on overall price levels in each of
the countries. The extent to which these
pressures actually translate into higher or
lower prices and the speed with which the
changes occur, however, depend on many
factors; the most important of these are the
extent and expected permanency of the
exchange-rate change, the degree of slack
in the economy, the reaction of foreign
prices, and the stance of monetary policy.
The example below illustrates the channels through which these price pressures
work for the case of an exogenous depreciation in the U.S. dollar relative to allother
currencies. Initially, we assume that the
U.S. economy is operating at less than full
employment, that monetary policy is accommodative, and that foreign prices do
not respond to the exchange-rate change.
We later shall alter these assumptions to
show how they affect the timing and extent
of the outcome.
The most direct price effect of a dollar
depreciation is to raise the dollar price of
foreign goods, many of which are inputs to
production processes in the United States.
When possible, U.S. consumers of these
imports would seek domestically produced
substitutes. When the economy is not at

full employment, manufacturers of import
substitutes can accommodate increased
demand for their goods by expanding production. As output nears capacity, these
producers would raise their prices.
A similar series of events occurs in the
U.S. export sector. The dollar's depreciation reduces the foreign currency price of
U.S. goods and services, increasing foreign
demand for U.S. exports. At less than full
employment, U.S. producers can accommodate this demand by expanding production. Capacity constraints eventually would
force these producers to raise the dollar
price of their products.
The depreciation-induced expansion in
the U.S. export and import-substitute industries increases the demand for goods
and services needed in the production process of these industries. Production expands and prices begin to rise in the supplier industries; eventually, the demand
pressures spread to the basic factors of
production. Once the prices of intermediate goods and basic factors of production
begin to rise, the depreciation-induced
upward pressures on prices would spread
even to those industries that do not engage
directly in international trade.
As the foregoing example implies, the
speed with which an exchange-rate change
translates into price movements depends
on the degree of slack that exists in the
economy. The risk that dollar depreciation
would result in higher prices is greater
when firms are utilizing large proportions
of capacity and the labor force is closer to
full employment.
The extent of domestic price pressures
resulting from a currency depreciation obviously depends on the size and expected
duration of the depreciation. Even a large
currency depreciation can have a small
price effect ifthe market expects the depreciation to be quickly reversed. Altering
listed prices involves sizable costs, including the possibility of alienating longstanding customers. A firm would not under-

another's. It is more difficult to understand
how these relative price changes translate
into aggregate price-level changes in the
home country. The biggest difficulty in
measuring the price-level impact of exchange-rate movements is to determine
whether exchange-rate movements cause
price changes, or whether price changes
cause exchange-rate movements. The causal
effect can run either way, because ultimately other factors in the economy determine both exchange rates and price levels.
The relationship between exchange-rate
changes and national inflation rates is described by the relative purchasing power
parity (PPP) theory. This theory states that
exchange-rate movements tend to equal
inflationdifferentialsbetween countries over
the long run. If, for example, the United
States experienced 10 percent inflation,
while West Germany experienced 4 percent inflation, the U.S. dollar would depreciate by 6 percent relative to the deutschemark. According to PPP, commodity-price
differentials create opportunities for profitable international trade; this trade tends to
maintain parity among the purchasing
powers of various nations' currencies. If,
for example, the price of domestically produced goods rises above the dollar price of
similar goods produced abroad, U.S. imports would rise and exports would fall as
demand shifted toward the less expensive
foreign goods. Under fixed exchange rates,
this shift tends to raise foreign prices and
lower U.S. prices; under flexible exchange
rates, this demand shift can cause the U.S.
dollar to depreciate as wellas cause relative
prices to change.
Although discussions of PPP usually
imply that causality runs from commodity
price changes via trade to exchange-rate
movements, the effect in fact can run in the
opposite direction. For example, an exchange-rate change resulting from capital
flight from foreign currencies to the dollar
would lower the price of foreign goods relative to U.S. goods and thereby encourage

the importation of foreign goods. PPP then
would tend to be re-established as demand
shifts away from U.S. goods toward foreign
goods and raises foreign prices relative to
U.S. prices.
PPP describes an equilibrium condition.
Disturbances can occur from either exchange-rate movements or price changes,
but international trade eventually tends to
re-establish PPP. In evaluating the effects
of exchange-rate movements on prices, it
is therefore important to determine why
the exchange rate changed in the first
place. Did the change result from a third
factor that itself was a cause of inflation;
or, was the change caused by something
outside of (exogenous to) the inflation
process? In the former case, it would be
erroneous to attribute inflation to the
exchange-rate change; in the latter case,
however, the exchange-rate movement
could contribute independently to a change
in prices.
As an example of this problem, consider
the inflation process. Inflation is a persistent increase in the overall level of prices.
This price increase cannot exist without an
equally persistent increase in the supply of
money or a decline in the demand for
money that outpaces the long-term growth
of goods and services. When the Federal
Reserve permits an excessive increase in
the money supply, individuals-flush with
additional money balances-attempt to exchange some of the money for other assets,
such as bonds and goods. Especially when
the economy is operating close to capacity,
this exchange tends to raise prices until an
equilibrium between real-money balances
and other assets is re-established. Some of
the assets purchased during this process
could be foreign, and their purchase could
result in depreciation of the U.S. dollar.
The increase in domestic prices would
accentuate the shift in demand toward foreign goods. Furthermore, it is likely that,
because of the actions of speculators, the
excess U.S. money growth would be re-

Chart 1

The Exchange Rate and U.S. Price Movements

Index March 1973= 100

Channels of Price Pressure
CPI, percent change




Exchange rate


1111111 111111111111

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980



1981 1982 1983 1984

SOURCES: Exchange rate: real trade-weighted exchange- rate index, measured against ten major
foreign currencies, March 1973= 100;Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
CPI: monthly percent change, saar; Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department ofLabor.

flected in the foreign-exchange market
through depreciation of the dollar before
the excess money growth would be reflected in the commodity markets through
higher commodity prices. In this case,
although the exchange-rate change might
contribute to some further rise in prices,
it would not be the primary cause of
the inflation.
Because factors independent of the inflation process can, and often do, alter exchange rates, questions about the inflationary consequences of such exogenous
exchange-rate changes are important. To
measure exchange-rate movements exogenous to the inflation process, economists
construct indexes of real exchange rates.

The practical difficulties of constructing
such measures are enormous. At a minimum, the accuracy of the real exchangerate index requires that PPP. held during
the index's base year. Theoretically, when
PPP holds, the real exchange-rate index
equals 100; but, as shown in chart 1, the
real exchange rate can deviate from its PPP
level by substantial amounts for long
periods of time.2
2. For a basic discussion see Peter Hooper and John
Morton, "Summary Measures of the Dollar's Foreign
Exchange Value," Federal Reserve Bul/etin, vol. .64,
no. 10(October 1978),pp. 783-89;and Ronald I.
McKinnon, Money in International Exchange: The
Convertible Currency System, New York: Oxford
University Press, 1979,
chap. 6.

Even allowingthat exogenous exchangerate changes can affect prices, the channels of influence are long and contain many
potentially mitigating circumstances. An
exchange rate is the price of one nation's
currency in terms of another nation's currency. The change in an exchange rate
alters the prices of goods and services produced in one country relative to those produced in another. This shift in prices induces a shift in demand away from the
products of the country whose money and
goods have become more expensive and
toward the products of the country whose
currency and goods have become less
expensive. These demand shifts initiate
pressure on overall price levels in each of
the countries. The extent to which these
pressures actually translate into higher or
lower prices and the speed with which the
changes occur, however, depend on many
factors; the most important of these are the
extent and expected permanency of the
exchange-rate change, the degree of slack
in the economy, the reaction of foreign
prices, and the stance of monetary policy.
The example below illustrates the channels through which these price pressures
work for the case of an exogenous depreciation in the U.S. dollar relative to allother
currencies. Initially, we assume that the
U.S. economy is operating at less than full
employment, that monetary policy is accommodative, and that foreign prices do
not respond to the exchange-rate change.
We later shall alter these assumptions to
show how they affect the timing and extent
of the outcome.
The most direct price effect of a dollar
depreciation is to raise the dollar price of
foreign goods, many of which are inputs to
production processes in the United States.
When possible, U.S. consumers of these
imports would seek domestically produced
substitutes. When the economy is not at

full employment, manufacturers of import
substitutes can accommodate increased
demand for their goods by expanding production. As output nears capacity, these
producers would raise their prices.
A similar series of events occurs in the
U.S. export sector. The dollar's depreciation reduces the foreign currency price of
U.S. goods and services, increasing foreign
demand for U.S. exports. At less than full
employment, U.S. producers can accommodate this demand by expanding production. Capacity constraints eventually would
force these producers to raise the dollar
price of their products.
The depreciation-induced expansion in
the U.S. export and import-substitute industries increases the demand for goods
and services needed in the production process of these industries. Production expands and prices begin to rise in the supplier industries; eventually, the demand
pressures spread to the basic factors of
production. Once the prices of intermediate goods and basic factors of production
begin to rise, the depreciation-induced
upward pressures on prices would spread
even to those industries that do not engage
directly in international trade.
As the foregoing example implies, the
speed with which an exchange-rate change
translates into price movements depends
on the degree of slack that exists in the
economy. The risk that dollar depreciation
would result in higher prices is greater
when firms are utilizing large proportions
of capacity and the labor force is closer to
full employment.
The extent of domestic price pressures
resulting from a currency depreciation obviously depends on the size and expected
duration of the depreciation. Even a large
currency depreciation can have a small
price effect ifthe market expects the depreciation to be quickly reversed. Altering
listed prices involves sizable costs, including the possibility of alienating longstanding customers. A firm would not under-

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
take these costs ifit expected the changing
demand conditions to be transitory.
The extent of price pressure in the
United States after an exogenous dollar
depreciation also depends on the response
of foreign prices. PPP can be re-established
by an increase in U.S. prices, a decline in
foreign prices, or both. Generally, the outcome depends on the importance of a foreign country's trade with the United States.
If exports to the United States account for
a large share of foreign output and the foreign demand for U.S. exports is highly sensitive to price changes, then a dollar depreciation would more likely cause foreign
prices to fall. A rather unique problem,
however, occurs with oil prices. Because
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) sets oil prices in terms
of U.S. dollars, a dollar depreciation lowers
the foreign-currency price of oil. The dollar
depreciation tends to increase foreign oil
demand but reduces the purchasing power
of each dollar of OPEC revenues. Market
conditions permitting, OPEC might respond
to a dollar depreciation by raising the dollar
price of crude oil. Such a response would
intensify the impact of a dollar depreciation
on U.S. prices.
The most important factor determining
how the demand pressures emanating from
an exogenous dollar depreciation translate
into higher U.S. prices is the willingness of
U.S. monetary authorities to accommodate the price increases through faster
money growth. The previous examples
assume that monetary policy is accommodative. Suppose, however, that the
money supply does not expand enough to
permit a rise in the overall price level. The
exogenous dollar depreciation would tend
to raise the U.S. price of traded goods and
their close substitutes. Consumers who
would buy these higher-priced goods would
need to reduce purchases of other goods.
The prices of these other goods would tend
to fall. Consequently, in the absence of an
accommodative monetary policy, an exoge-

nous dollar depreciation would cause some
prices to rise and others to fall.
The Rule of Thumb
Since the inception of floating exchange
rates, researchers have attempted to deal
with these many caveats and to estimate
reliably the price-level impacts of exogenous exchange-rate movements. Hooper
and Lowrey (1979) surveyed this literature,
standardized the results, and culled a consensus estimate of the price effect of exogenous exchange-rate movements: a 10 percent depreciation of the dollar's real tradeweighted exchange rate increases consumer
prices 1.50 percent to 1.75 percent, depending on how oil prices respond to the
depreciation and assuming an accommodative monetary policy. Approximately
one-half of the impact occurs within one
year of the exchange-rate change, while the
remainder is spread over the next two
years to three years. Using this rule of
thumb, and assuming it is also applicable to
dollar appreciation, one can approximate
the contribution of recent dollar appreciation to the U.S. inflation fight. By making
some reasonable assumptions about exchange-rate movements in the future, we
can estimate the price implications for the
next few years.
The real trade-weighted dollar appreciated 3.9 percent (fourth quarter to fourth
quarter) in 1980, 18.3 percent in 1981, and
13.2 percent in 1982. At the same time, the
consumer price index (CPI) advanced 12.6
percent in 1980 (fourth quarter to fourth
quarter) but then began to moderate in
1981 (9.6 percent) and 1982 (4.5 percent).
According to the rule of thumb, the dollar's
appreciation over this period moderated
the rise in the CPI by 0.1 percentage points
in 1980 (fourth quarter to fourth quarter),
by 1.6 percentage points in 1981, by 1.9
percentage points in 1982, and by approximately 3.6 percentage points over the

entire three-year period.
Difficult as it is to estimate the effects of
past exchange-rate movements on the price
level, it is even harder to project the impact
of future dollar movements on tomorrow's
prices. There is no highly reliable method
for forecasting future trends of the dollar.
In December 1982, the real trade-weighted
dollar stood 12.9 percent above its March
1973, or base-year, value, strongly suggesting that it is more likely to depreciate than
appreciate in the years ahead. There is,
however, little information about the time
frame over which this depreciation would
occur. As chart 1 indicates, the real exchange rate can deviate from its base-year
level for years at a time. Let us therefore
consider three different scenarios. The first
scenario assumes that, on balance, the real
trade-weighted dollar does not depreciate
in 1983. Recent movements in the real
trade-weighted exchange rate and forward
exchange-rate quotes, adjusted to a tradeweighted basis, are not inconsistent with
this scenario. In this case, lagged effects
from past dollar appreciation would con-'
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland,OH 44101

tinue to moderate price movements in 1983
and 1984. Price-level increases would be
reduced by approximately 1.6 percentage
points in 1983 and approximately 0.6 percentage point in 1984.At the other extreme,
a second scenario assumes that the real
trade-weighted dollar would return to its
March 1973 level by the end of 1983. In this
scenario the favorable price effects would
be only 0.9 percentage point in 1983, and a
slight boost (0.2 percentage point) would
be given to the rise in the price level in 1984.
The third scenario assumes that the exchange rate would depreciate more gradually-6.5 percent this year and again next
year-to re-attain its base-year value by the
end of 1984. While this gradual decline
would yield a 1.2 percent favorable impact
on 1983 prices, it also would augment the
1984 price levels by approximately 0.1 percentage point. Therefore, while U.S. price
performance probably would not continue
to benefit from dollar appreciation, a
depreciation of the dollar probably would
not greatly compromise a disinflation
monetary policy in the near term.
U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

April 18, 1983

tfgnomic Commentary
Exchange Rates and U.S. Prices
by Gerald H. Anderson and Owen F. Humpage

Between October 1980 and November
1982, the U.S. dollar appreciated substantiallyin foreign-exchange markets. Relative
to the major currencies, the advance of the
dollar ranged from 5 percent against the
Canadian dollar to 69 percent against the
French franc. On a trade-weighted average
basis against 10 key currencies, the dollar
appreciated 40 percent, fully offsetting its
depreciation during the preceding decade.
While the dollar has given up only a fraction
of its trade-weighted advance since November 1982, many exchange-market analysts
anticipate a further depreciation in the
near future.
Because an exchange rate represents
the price of one nation's currency in terms
of another's, prolonged movements in exchange rates can alter a nation's trade
flows, capital flows, price levels, and real
growth. U.S. inflation, for example, moderated as the dollar appreciated, and many
analysts predict that future dollar depreciation would reverse some of those gains.
The relationships among exchange rates,
prices, and other economic variables are
Gerald H. Anderson is an economic advisor and
Owen F. Humpage is an economist, both with the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

complex; hence, we should be very careful
in attributing price-level moderations or
accelerations to exchange-rate movements.
This Economic Commentary discusses
the relationship between dollar exchangerate movements and U.S. price levels. 1 The
discussion focuses on the many snags encountered in digging toward the root of this
relationship. After considering the caveats,
we present a simple rule of thumb to
approximate the contribution of the recent
dollar appreciation to the improved U.S.
price performance. We also use this rule to
speculate on the impact of future dollar
depreciation on U.S. price performance.
The Causality Problem
It is easy to understand that changes in
exchange rates automatically alter the
price of one nation's products relative to
1. For more detailed discussion of this topic, see
Andrew D. Crockett and Morris Goldstein, "Inflation
under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates," International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, vol. 23, no. 3
(November 1976), pp. 509-44; Peter Hooper and Barbara Lowrey, "Impact of the Dollar Depreciation on
the U.S. Price Level: An Analytical Survey of Empirical Estimates,"
International Finance Discussion
Papers, No. 128, Washington: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, January 1979; and Joel
L. Prakken, "The Exchange Rate and Domestic lnflation," Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, vol. 4, no. 2 (Summer 1979), pp. 49-55.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
take these costs ifit expected the changing
demand conditions to be transitory.
The extent of price pressure in the
United States after an exogenous dollar
depreciation also depends on the response
of foreign prices. PPP can be re-established
by an increase in U.S. prices, a decline in
foreign prices, or both. Generally, the outcome depends on the importance of a foreign country's trade with the United States.
If exports to the United States account for
a large share of foreign output and the foreign demand for U.S. exports is highly sensitive to price changes, then a dollar depreciation would more likely cause foreign
prices to fall. A rather unique problem,
however, occurs with oil prices. Because
the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) sets oil prices in terms
of U.S. dollars, a dollar depreciation lowers
the foreign-currency price of oil. The dollar
depreciation tends to increase foreign oil
demand but reduces the purchasing power
of each dollar of OPEC revenues. Market
conditions permitting, OPEC might respond
to a dollar depreciation by raising the dollar
price of crude oil. Such a response would
intensify the impact of a dollar depreciation
on U.S. prices.
The most important factor determining
how the demand pressures emanating from
an exogenous dollar depreciation translate
into higher U.S. prices is the willingness of
U.S. monetary authorities to accommodate the price increases through faster
money growth. The previous examples
assume that monetary policy is accommodative. Suppose, however, that the
money supply does not expand enough to
permit a rise in the overall price level. The
exogenous dollar depreciation would tend
to raise the U.S. price of traded goods and
their close substitutes. Consumers who
would buy these higher-priced goods would
need to reduce purchases of other goods.
The prices of these other goods would tend
to fall. Consequently, in the absence of an
accommodative monetary policy, an exoge-

nous dollar depreciation would cause some
prices to rise and others to fall.
The Rule of Thumb
Since the inception of floating exchange
rates, researchers have attempted to deal
with these many caveats and to estimate
reliably the price-level impacts of exogenous exchange-rate movements. Hooper
and Lowrey (1979) surveyed this literature,
standardized the results, and culled a consensus estimate of the price effect of exogenous exchange-rate movements: a 10 percent depreciation of the dollar's real tradeweighted exchange rate increases consumer
prices 1.50 percent to 1.75 percent, depending on how oil prices respond to the
depreciation and assuming an accommodative monetary policy. Approximately
one-half of the impact occurs within one
year of the exchange-rate change, while the
remainder is spread over the next two
years to three years. Using this rule of
thumb, and assuming it is also applicable to
dollar appreciation, one can approximate
the contribution of recent dollar appreciation to the U.S. inflation fight. By making
some reasonable assumptions about exchange-rate movements in the future, we
can estimate the price implications for the
next few years.
The real trade-weighted dollar appreciated 3.9 percent (fourth quarter to fourth
quarter) in 1980, 18.3 percent in 1981, and
13.2 percent in 1982. At the same time, the
consumer price index (CPI) advanced 12.6
percent in 1980 (fourth quarter to fourth
quarter) but then began to moderate in
1981 (9.6 percent) and 1982 (4.5 percent).
According to the rule of thumb, the dollar's
appreciation over this period moderated
the rise in the CPI by 0.1 percentage points
in 1980 (fourth quarter to fourth quarter),
by 1.6 percentage points in 1981, by 1.9
percentage points in 1982, and by approximately 3.6 percentage points over the

entire three-year period.
Difficult as it is to estimate the effects of
past exchange-rate movements on the price
level, it is even harder to project the impact
of future dollar movements on tomorrow's
prices. There is no highly reliable method
for forecasting future trends of the dollar.
In December 1982, the real trade-weighted
dollar stood 12.9 percent above its March
1973, or base-year, value, strongly suggesting that it is more likely to depreciate than
appreciate in the years ahead. There is,
however, little information about the time
frame over which this depreciation would
occur. As chart 1 indicates, the real exchange rate can deviate from its base-year
level for years at a time. Let us therefore
consider three different scenarios. The first
scenario assumes that, on balance, the real
trade-weighted dollar does not depreciate
in 1983. Recent movements in the real
trade-weighted exchange rate and forward
exchange-rate quotes, adjusted to a tradeweighted basis, are not inconsistent with
this scenario. In this case, lagged effects
from past dollar appreciation would con-'
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland,OH 44101

tinue to moderate price movements in 1983
and 1984. Price-level increases would be
reduced by approximately 1.6 percentage
points in 1983 and approximately 0.6 percentage point in 1984.At the other extreme,
a second scenario assumes that the real
trade-weighted dollar would return to its
March 1973 level by the end of 1983. In this
scenario the favorable price effects would
be only 0.9 percentage point in 1983, and a
slight boost (0.2 percentage point) would
be given to the rise in the price level in 1984.
The third scenario assumes that the exchange rate would depreciate more gradually-6.5 percent this year and again next
year-to re-attain its base-year value by the
end of 1984. While this gradual decline
would yield a 1.2 percent favorable impact
on 1983 prices, it also would augment the
1984 price levels by approximately 0.1 percentage point. Therefore, while U.S. price
performance probably would not continue
to benefit from dollar appreciation, a
depreciation of the dollar probably would
not greatly compromise a disinflation
monetary policy in the near term.
U.S. Postage Paid
Cleveland, OH
Permit No. 385

Address Correction Requested: Please send corrected mailing label to the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Research Department, P.O. Box 6387, Cleveland, OH 44101.

April 18, 1983

tfgnomic Commentary
Exchange Rates and U.S. Prices
by Gerald H. Anderson and Owen F. Humpage

Between October 1980 and November
1982, the U.S. dollar appreciated substantiallyin foreign-exchange markets. Relative
to the major currencies, the advance of the
dollar ranged from 5 percent against the
Canadian dollar to 69 percent against the
French franc. On a trade-weighted average
basis against 10 key currencies, the dollar
appreciated 40 percent, fully offsetting its
depreciation during the preceding decade.
While the dollar has given up only a fraction
of its trade-weighted advance since November 1982, many exchange-market analysts
anticipate a further depreciation in the
near future.
Because an exchange rate represents
the price of one nation's currency in terms
of another's, prolonged movements in exchange rates can alter a nation's trade
flows, capital flows, price levels, and real
growth. U.S. inflation, for example, moderated as the dollar appreciated, and many
analysts predict that future dollar depreciation would reverse some of those gains.
The relationships among exchange rates,
prices, and other economic variables are
Gerald H. Anderson is an economic advisor and
Owen F. Humpage is an economist, both with the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
The views stated herein are those of the authors
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

complex; hence, we should be very careful
in attributing price-level moderations or
accelerations to exchange-rate movements.
This Economic Commentary discusses
the relationship between dollar exchangerate movements and U.S. price levels. 1 The
discussion focuses on the many snags encountered in digging toward the root of this
relationship. After considering the caveats,
we present a simple rule of thumb to
approximate the contribution of the recent
dollar appreciation to the improved U.S.
price performance. We also use this rule to
speculate on the impact of future dollar
depreciation on U.S. price performance.
The Causality Problem
It is easy to understand that changes in
exchange rates automatically alter the
price of one nation's products relative to
1. For more detailed discussion of this topic, see
Andrew D. Crockett and Morris Goldstein, "Inflation
under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates," International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, vol. 23, no. 3
(November 1976), pp. 509-44; Peter Hooper and Barbara Lowrey, "Impact of the Dollar Depreciation on
the U.S. Price Level: An Analytical Survey of Empirical Estimates,"
International Finance Discussion
Papers, No. 128, Washington: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System, January 1979; and Joel
L. Prakken, "The Exchange Rate and Domestic lnflation," Quarterly Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, vol. 4, no. 2 (Summer 1979), pp. 49-55.