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If the deposit-insurance subsidy increases as the institution takes greater
risks, the perverse effects of the subsidy
are magnified. As insured banks take
on more risk, their deposit-insurance
subsidy increases and their ability to
pay a higher return (offer a lower
interest rate) on their liabilities (assets)
than uninsured institutions increases.
A subsidy that increases with risk encourages an insured institution to adopt
an even riskier portfolio than a subsidy
that does not increase with risk. Allowing deposit-insurance subsidies to
increase with bank risk magnifies the
resource misallocations associated with
mispriced deposit insurance.
In addition, a risk-related subsidy
that automatically increases with the
level of risk has the additional effect of
giving high-risk insured institutions a
competitive advantage over low-risk
insured institutions. As with the uninsured institution, the low-risk institu-

tion's smaller deposit-insurance subsidy does not allow it to pay as much
for its assets or to offer as high a
return on its deposits as a high-risk
insured institution with a larger subsidy. This causes society as a whole to
invest too heavily in risky projects and
increases the probability of a systemwide failure of the federally insured
banking and thrift industries.
The goals of federal deposit insurance
are to protect uninsured depositors and
to increase the stability of the banking
system. Few would argue that the system has failed in its goal of protecting
small savers. No small saver has lost a
penny of insured money since federal
deposit insurance was established.'?
However, it is not clear that the cur-

10. See The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: The
First Fifty Years, 1984, Washington, D.C.
11. The collapse of the privately operated Ohio
Deposit Guarantee Fund (ODGF) led to runs on
ODGF-insured savings and loan institutions. See
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1985
Annual Report.

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Research Department
P.O. Box 6387
Cleveland, OH 44101

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rent system of federal deposit insurance has achieved its second goal. The
absence of bank runs on federally
insured institutions is an indication
that federal deposit insurance has
helped stabilize the financial system.'!
On the other hand, mispricing the deposit guarantee encourages insured
institutions to adopt riskier portfolios.
This effect serves ultimately to destabilize the financial system.
Whether the ultimate net effect of
federal deposit insurance on the stability of the financial system is positive or
negative is beyond the scope of this
article. While few economists would
dispute the claim that federal deposit
insurance has tended to stabilize the
banking system, it is clear that removal
of the subsidy inherent in the current
deposit-insurance system would increase
the equity, efficiency, and stability of
our banking and thrift industries."

12. See for example, Edward J. Kane. "A SixPoint Program for Deposit Insurance-Reform."
Housing Finance Review, July 1983, pp. 269-278;
George G. Kaufman, and Gerald O. Beirwag. "A
Proposal for Federal Deposit Insurance with Risk
Sensitive Premiums." Occasional Papers of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 83-3, March 16,
1983; Pyle, David H. "Pricing Deposit Insurance:
The Effects of Mismeasurement." Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Working Paper
83-05, October 1983; The Working Group of the
Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs, Recommendations for Change in the Federal Deposit
Insurance System, United States Treasury
Department, January 1985.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

July 15, 1986
ISSN 0428-1276

Equity, Efficiency,
and Mispriced
Deposit Guarantees
by James B. Thomson

Federal deposit insurance is supposed
to protect savers and to help stabilize
our banking system. However, if the
deposit guarantees are mispriced, federal deposit insurance has unintended
effects that are undesirable.
In this Economic Commentary, we
examine the factors that determine the
value of deposit insurance. We show
how insured banks can increase the
value of their insurance and discuss
their incentives to do so.'
The economic consequences of mispriced deposit insurance includes a misallocation of resources, an inequitable
transfer of wealth between society and
the insured industry, and an inequitable transfer of wealth between institutions within the insured industry."
Since its beginning in 1934; federal
deposit insurance has provided safety
for the savings and transactions balances of small savers. This role usually
is justified on the basis of equity and
efficiency. Providing deposit guarantees
for small savers is considered equitable
because the cost of obtaining information is thought to be greater for small
depositors than for large depositors. If
small depositors lack the sophistication
and resources to monitor the health of
their banks, then without deposit insurance they are at a disadvantage compared to large depositors. Large depositors, being better informed, usually

manage to withdraw their money from
a failing bank, typically leaving small
savers holding the bag.
If small depositors lack information
about their bank, then they will tend to
overreact to whatever bad news they
may hear, whether it is true or not.
The rational response against a perceived threat is for small savers to
attempt to protect themselves against
loss by participating in a run against
the bank.
By guaranteeing the deposits of small
savers, federal deposit insurance
removes the incentives for them to
participate in bank runs. Providing
deposit guarantees for small savers
thus increases the efficiency of the
banking system because it reduces the
probability of destabilizing bank runs.
Moreover, a single federal depositinsurance agency is likely to have
lower information costs than the total
cost of the combined efforts of a mass
of small depositors. For this reason,
provision of deposit guarantees for
small depositors also increases the
efficiency of deposit markets by
lowering the costs of gathering
information on the condition of banks.
By guaranteeing deposits, however,
the federal deposit guarantor bears the
risk of the deposits it is insuring, and
there are costs associated with this.

Whether or not a bank fails, for example, the federal deposit guarantor
incurs the cost of gathering and evaluating information about the condition
of a bank. If banks do fail, the guarantor then has the additional expense
of paying claims of insured depositors.
If a system of deposit guarantees is
to improve the equity and efficiency of
deposit markets, the deposit-insurance
agency must charge the insured institutions for the risk-bearing services
provided by the deposit-insurance
agency lest those services be overused.
Forcing individual institutions to
bear the costs of the risks they place on
the deposit-insurance fund makes sense
because bankers will manage the risks
in their portfolios more carefully if they
know they will have to bear all the
costs of making risky loans and investments. Such a reallocation of costs also
is desirable because risk-based premiums
allocate the costs of the depositinsurance system among the insured institutions on the basis of the benefits
they receive from the system."
If insured institutions do not pay the
full costs of the risk-bearing services
they receive from the deposit-insurance
agency, then the deposit-insurance system subsidizes the risk-taking behavior
of the insured institutions. Since, at
the margin, the subsidy reduces the

James B. Thomson is an economist with the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The author
would like to thank William Gavin, E. j. Stevens,
and Walker Todd for their helpful comments.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

1. The discussion here is limited to the deposit
guarantees issued by the three federal depositinsurance agencies: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Savings
and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) and the
National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund
(NCUSIF). However, the analysis can easily be extended to other types of government guarantees.

3. If the social benefits of government deposit
insurance exceed the private benefits, the
deposit-insurance premium should be higher than
that implied by the private benefits that accrue to
the insured institution. However, if the external
benefits of deposit insurance accrue to society in
general, then it can be argued that society as a
whole should pay for the benefits. A risk-neutral
subsidy that reallocates wealth from the depositinsurance system to the insured institutions is
one way of accomplishing this. For a more complete discussion of this argument, see: Anthony
Saunders and John J. Merrick Jr. "Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy." Journal of Money,

2. For a comprehensive discussion of this topic
see Edward J. Kane. The Gathering Crisis in Federal Deposit Insurance, MIT Press, 1985.

cost of risk to the insured institutions,
the insured institutions will tend to
increase the risk of their portfolio.
The subsidy inherent in such a
deposit-insurance system can be independent of the risk of the institution or
can increase with the risk of the institution. For example, Buser, Chen and
Kane argue that the FDIC purposely
underprices its guarantee to all banks
to induce state-chartered banks that
are not members of the Federal Reserve
System to submit to federal regulation.'
This subsidy is independent of the risk
of the institution. The current flat-rate
deposit-insurance premium that is assessed against all institutions, regardless of risk, creates a deposit-insurance
subsidy whosevalue increases with
risk. In either case, mispriced deposit
insurance subsidizes risk-taking behavior by insured institutions and encourages insured institutions to increase
the risk of their portfolios.
Strategies for Increasing the
Value of the Deposit Guarantee
We assume that bank managers want
to maximize the value of the bank to its
stockholders. If deposit insurance is
properly priced, the value of a bank to
its owners is neutral, it is the same
with deposit guarantees as it is without
them." If the deposit guarantee is either
underpriced or overpriced, however,
deposit insurance either increases or
decreases the total value of the bank by
the amount of the deposit-insurance
subsidy. With mispriced deposit insurance, the goal of the owners is to maximize the combined value of the bank
(without deposit insurance) and the
deposit-insurance subsidy. Bank managers thus will act to increase the value
of the deposit-insurance subsidy so long
as it increases the total value of the
insured institution. They even will

4. See Steven A. Buser, Andrew C. Chen, and Edward]. Kane. "Federal Deposit Insurance, Regulatory Policy, and Optimal Bank Capital." Journal
0/ Finance vol. 36, no. 1, March 1981, pp. 51·60.
5. The social value of the properly priced deposit
insurance may be positive if federal deposit insurance increases the efficiency and equity of the
financial system.

accept a reduction in the value of the
bank, net of the deposit-insurance subsidy, as long as the increase in the
value of the deposit-insurance subsidy
more than offsets the decrease in the
value of the bank.
The value of the deposit guarantee is
a function of the expected losses to the
deposit-insurance agency if the bank becomes insolvent, and to the probability
that the bank will become insolvent." In
other words, the value of the depositinsurance subsidy arises because bank
stockholders receive the returns from
increased leverage and/or portfolio risk,
while the deposit-insurance agency and
the uninsured depositors bear the increased downside losses. The owners of
the institution receive all the benefits
from increased leverage and portfolio
risk without having to pay the full
costs associated with their actions.
Here are some ways banks can increase their risk. The leverage of the
institution, can be increased by reducing the amount of capital the institution holds relative to its assets. One
way of doing this is to increase the size
of the institution and to finance its
growth entirely with debt. Another
way is to issue debt and to distribute
the proceeds of the debt issue to the
stockholders as dividends, instead of
purchasing additional assets. The
marked decline in bank capital ratios
during the 1960's and 1970's suggests
that the major banking institutions
may have increased the value of the
deposit-insurance subsidy by increasing their leverage during this period.
Without changing the leverage of its
portfolio, an institution can also increase the value of its deposit insurance by increasing its total portfolio
risk. There are several ways to do this.
The portfolio risk can be increased, for
example, by changing the composition
of the institution's assets or by changing the composition of the liabilities
used to fund the assets.

6. Merton shows that deposit insurance can be
modeled as a put option. Thomson uses put
options to show how subsidies arise from mispriced deposit insurance. For a discussion of the
use of put options to value deposit insurance, see:
Robert C. Merton, "An Analytic Derivation of the
Cost of the Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantees: An Application of Modern Option Pricing
Theory." Journal 0/ Banking and Finance vol. 1,
no. 1 June 1977, pp. 3·11; Robert C. Merton. "On
the Cost of Deposit Insurance When There are
Surveillance Costs." Journal 0/ Business vol. 51,
no. 2, July 1978, pp. 439·452; and James B. Thornson. "The Use of Market Information in Pricing

Chart 1 Loans and Securities
% of total commercial banking assets
Percent of total assets


SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Asset risk can be increased by changing the relative amounts of the portfolio's low-risk and high-risk assets. If
the percentage of the bank's portfolio invested in high credit-risk assets (such
as commercial loans) is increased at the
expense of low credit-risk assets (such as
treasury bills), the overall risk of the
portfolio will increase. In fact, we have
seen such a change in the composition of
banks' portfolios in recent years. As seen
in chart 1 loans (securities) as a percentage of assets have steadily increased
(decreased) since the early 1960's.
The portfolio risk also can be raised
by increasing the credit risk of the
portfolio's high credit-risk assets. If the
asset credit risk in the risky asset part
of the bank's portfolio increases (as
bank managers replace less-risky exist-

Deposit Insurance." Working Paper, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, August 1986.

ing loans with riskier loans), the risk of
the portfolio and, hence, the value of
the deposit guarantee increases. An
indication that this is happening can be
inferred from the fact that banking and
thrift industry regulators routinely
express concern regarding the declining
asset quality at many banks and thrifts.
The third way bank managers can restructure assets to increase portfolio
risk is by decreasing the diversification
of the portfolio. The risk level of the
portfolio increases as its sensitivity to
any single firm, industry, country, or
macroeconomic shock increases. The difficulties faced by banks with major investments in the depressed energy sector, and in the farm sector, underscores
the risks inherent in overconcentrating
assets in anyone sector of the economy.
The risk on the liability side of the
portfolio can 'be raised by increasing
the institution's reliance on purchased
funds, which tend to be a less stable
source of funds than deposits'? An
increase in the instability of the liabilities used to fund the asset side of the
portfolio raises the probability of nearterm illiquidity, leading inexorably to
insolvency for the institution. An
excessive reliance on purchased funds,
for example, is thought to be one of the
major causes of the near failure of Continental Illinois National Bank and
Trust Company of Chicago in 1984.
The total portfolio risk of an institution can also be increased by mismatching the maturity and/or the interest
sensitivity of assets and liabilities," An
increase in the mismatch between the
maturity of the assets and the liabilities
that fund them increases the probability
that large and unexpected deposit outflows will force the institution to liquidate part of the asset side of the portfolio at a large loss. This forced liquidation
increases the probability that the institution will fail, therefore increasing the
total risk of the institution.

7. Purchased funds are liabilites that the bank or
thrift attracts from national capital markets.
They include negotiable certificates of deposit,
brokered deposits, federal funds and Eurodollar
borrowings. Deposit liabilities include the traditional demand deposits, NOW accounts, money
market deposit accounts, and small time and savings deposits.
8. McCulloch claims that maturity mismatching
in a bank's portfolio is a consequence of deposit
insurance and not a natural function of financial
intermediation by these institutions. See]. Huston McCulloch. "Misinterrnediation and Macro-

An increase in the interestsensitivity mismatch between assets
and liabilities also increases overall
portfolio risk. If the assets are more
(less) interest sensitive than the liabilities, an increase in interest rates
causes an increase (a reduction) in the
value of the portfolio. A decrease in
interest rates has the opposite effect.
Therefore, an increase in the portfolio's
asset-liability interest-sensitivity mismatch, increases uncertainty about
earnings and, hence, the total risk of
the portfolio.
The risks inherent in interestsensitivity mismatches between assets
and liabilities are illustrated by the
current problems in the thrift industry.
The inflationary climate of the late
1970's and early 1980's increased the
cost of funds for thrifts and decreased
the value of their assets (primarily
fixed-rate mortgages). The losses in the
thrifts' portfolios eroded the capital of
these institutions, leaving one-third of
them at or near the brink of insolvency
on a market-value basis.
The Economic Effects of the
Deposit-Insurance Subsidy
Deposit-insurance subsidies arise when
the insurance premium paid by banks
is less than the fair value of the deposit
guarantee. It is important to remember
that there is a tradeoff between risk
and expected return. Bearing risk is a
service provided by private sector
market participants for which they
must be paid. As the risk of a project
increases, the amount of risk-bearing
services provided by market participants also increases. Therefore, the
amount they are paid should increase
as the services they provide increases.
If insured institutions are able to
increase the expected return to their
shareholders without paying for the
additional value of their deposit insurance, then the value of the depositinsurance subsidy increases.

economic Fluctuations." Journal 0/ Monetary
Economics vol. 8, no. I, July 1981, pp. 103·115.

An institution receiving deposit insurance has real incentives to increase
the value of the subsidy by increasing
either its leverage, its portfolio risk, or
a combination of both. Increasing the
value of the deposit-insurance subsidy
increases the bank's value to its stockholders at the expense of the depositinsurance agency." However, there are
real economic costs other than the
money transferred from the depositinsurance agency to the bank's stockholders. Deposit insurance that is equal
for all insured institutions, regardless
of risk, or that increases with the risk
of the institution, with no corresponding increase in premium, has two basic
effects. First, the subsidy gives insured
institutions a competitive advantage
over uninsured institutions in raising
funds and buying assets. In essence,
the insured institution can offer part of
its insurance subsidy to depositors in
order to attract deposits. Holding risk
constant, the insured institution can
pay higher rates on its liabilities than
the uninsured institution can offer on
equivalent debt. When competing for
assets, the insured institution can give
better terms on loans and pay higher
prices for securities than the uninsured
institution because it can offset the
higher cost of assets with its depositinsurance subsidy.
Second, mispriced deposit insurance
subsidizes the institution's risk-taking
and thereby allows it to hold a riskier
portfolio than it would if the subsidy
were zero and if the insurance were
fairly priced. By mispricing its guarantee, the deposit-insurance agency reduces the cost to the bank's shareholders
and managers of increasing the risk of
the bank's portfolio. Thus, an insurance subsidy that does not vary with
the amount of risk-taking by insured
institutions causes resources in the
economy to be misallocated.

9. The recent moves by firms such as Merrill
Lynch, and Sears, to set up or purchase institutions that offer insured deposits is an indication
that the value of the deposit-insurance subsidy is
economically significant. The brokered-deposit
market, where brokers are paid a fee to gather insured deposits for institutions, is another exampie of the value of the deposit-insurance subsidy.

cost of risk to the insured institutions,
the insured institutions will tend to
increase the risk of their portfolio.
The subsidy inherent in such a
deposit-insurance system can be independent of the risk of the institution or
can increase with the risk of the institution. For example, Buser, Chen and
Kane argue that the FDIC purposely
underprices its guarantee to all banks
to induce state-chartered banks that
are not members of the Federal Reserve
System to submit to federal regulation.'
This subsidy is independent of the risk
of the institution. The current flat-rate
deposit-insurance premium that is assessed against all institutions, regardless of risk, creates a deposit-insurance
subsidy whosevalue increases with
risk. In either case, mispriced deposit
insurance subsidizes risk-taking behavior by insured institutions and encourages insured institutions to increase
the risk of their portfolios.
Strategies for Increasing the
Value of the Deposit Guarantee
We assume that bank managers want
to maximize the value of the bank to its
stockholders. If deposit insurance is
properly priced, the value of a bank to
its owners is neutral, it is the same
with deposit guarantees as it is without
them." If the deposit guarantee is either
underpriced or overpriced, however,
deposit insurance either increases or
decreases the total value of the bank by
the amount of the deposit-insurance
subsidy. With mispriced deposit insurance, the goal of the owners is to maximize the combined value of the bank
(without deposit insurance) and the
deposit-insurance subsidy. Bank managers thus will act to increase the value
of the deposit-insurance subsidy so long
as it increases the total value of the
insured institution. They even will

4. See Steven A. Buser, Andrew C. Chen, and Edward]. Kane. "Federal Deposit Insurance, Regulatory Policy, and Optimal Bank Capital." Journal
0/ Finance vol. 36, no. 1, March 1981, pp. 51·60.
5. The social value of the properly priced deposit
insurance may be positive if federal deposit insurance increases the efficiency and equity of the
financial system.

accept a reduction in the value of the
bank, net of the deposit-insurance subsidy, as long as the increase in the
value of the deposit-insurance subsidy
more than offsets the decrease in the
value of the bank.
The value of the deposit guarantee is
a function of the expected losses to the
deposit-insurance agency if the bank becomes insolvent, and to the probability
that the bank will become insolvent." In
other words, the value of the depositinsurance subsidy arises because bank
stockholders receive the returns from
increased leverage and/or portfolio risk,
while the deposit-insurance agency and
the uninsured depositors bear the increased downside losses. The owners of
the institution receive all the benefits
from increased leverage and portfolio
risk without having to pay the full
costs associated with their actions.
Here are some ways banks can increase their risk. The leverage of the
institution, can be increased by reducing the amount of capital the institution holds relative to its assets. One
way of doing this is to increase the size
of the institution and to finance its
growth entirely with debt. Another
way is to issue debt and to distribute
the proceeds of the debt issue to the
stockholders as dividends, instead of
purchasing additional assets. The
marked decline in bank capital ratios
during the 1960's and 1970's suggests
that the major banking institutions
may have increased the value of the
deposit-insurance subsidy by increasing their leverage during this period.
Without changing the leverage of its
portfolio, an institution can also increase the value of its deposit insurance by increasing its total portfolio
risk. There are several ways to do this.
The portfolio risk can be increased, for
example, by changing the composition
of the institution's assets or by changing the composition of the liabilities
used to fund the assets.

6. Merton shows that deposit insurance can be
modeled as a put option. Thomson uses put
options to show how subsidies arise from mispriced deposit insurance. For a discussion of the
use of put options to value deposit insurance, see:
Robert C. Merton, "An Analytic Derivation of the
Cost of the Deposit Insurance and Loan Guarantees: An Application of Modern Option Pricing
Theory." Journal 0/ Banking and Finance vol. 1,
no. 1 June 1977, pp. 3·11; Robert C. Merton. "On
the Cost of Deposit Insurance When There are
Surveillance Costs." Journal 0/ Business vol. 51,
no. 2, July 1978, pp. 439·452; and James B. Thornson. "The Use of Market Information in Pricing

Chart 1 Loans and Securities
% of total commercial banking assets
Percent of total assets


SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.

Asset risk can be increased by changing the relative amounts of the portfolio's low-risk and high-risk assets. If
the percentage of the bank's portfolio invested in high credit-risk assets (such
as commercial loans) is increased at the
expense of low credit-risk assets (such as
treasury bills), the overall risk of the
portfolio will increase. In fact, we have
seen such a change in the composition of
banks' portfolios in recent years. As seen
in chart 1 loans (securities) as a percentage of assets have steadily increased
(decreased) since the early 1960's.
The portfolio risk also can be raised
by increasing the credit risk of the
portfolio's high credit-risk assets. If the
asset credit risk in the risky asset part
of the bank's portfolio increases (as
bank managers replace less-risky exist-

Deposit Insurance." Working Paper, Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland, August 1986.

ing loans with riskier loans), the risk of
the portfolio and, hence, the value of
the deposit guarantee increases. An
indication that this is happening can be
inferred from the fact that banking and
thrift industry regulators routinely
express concern regarding the declining
asset quality at many banks and thrifts.
The third way bank managers can restructure assets to increase portfolio
risk is by decreasing the diversification
of the portfolio. The risk level of the
portfolio increases as its sensitivity to
any single firm, industry, country, or
macroeconomic shock increases. The difficulties faced by banks with major investments in the depressed energy sector, and in the farm sector, underscores
the risks inherent in overconcentrating
assets in anyone sector of the economy.
The risk on the liability side of the
portfolio can 'be raised by increasing
the institution's reliance on purchased
funds, which tend to be a less stable
source of funds than deposits'? An
increase in the instability of the liabilities used to fund the asset side of the
portfolio raises the probability of nearterm illiquidity, leading inexorably to
insolvency for the institution. An
excessive reliance on purchased funds,
for example, is thought to be one of the
major causes of the near failure of Continental Illinois National Bank and
Trust Company of Chicago in 1984.
The total portfolio risk of an institution can also be increased by mismatching the maturity and/or the interest
sensitivity of assets and liabilities," An
increase in the mismatch between the
maturity of the assets and the liabilities
that fund them increases the probability
that large and unexpected deposit outflows will force the institution to liquidate part of the asset side of the portfolio at a large loss. This forced liquidation
increases the probability that the institution will fail, therefore increasing the
total risk of the institution.

7. Purchased funds are liabilites that the bank or
thrift attracts from national capital markets.
They include negotiable certificates of deposit,
brokered deposits, federal funds and Eurodollar
borrowings. Deposit liabilities include the traditional demand deposits, NOW accounts, money
market deposit accounts, and small time and savings deposits.
8. McCulloch claims that maturity mismatching
in a bank's portfolio is a consequence of deposit
insurance and not a natural function of financial
intermediation by these institutions. See]. Huston McCulloch. "Misinterrnediation and Macro-

An increase in the interestsensitivity mismatch between assets
and liabilities also increases overall
portfolio risk. If the assets are more
(less) interest sensitive than the liabilities, an increase in interest rates
causes an increase (a reduction) in the
value of the portfolio. A decrease in
interest rates has the opposite effect.
Therefore, an increase in the portfolio's
asset-liability interest-sensitivity mismatch, increases uncertainty about
earnings and, hence, the total risk of
the portfolio.
The risks inherent in interestsensitivity mismatches between assets
and liabilities are illustrated by the
current problems in the thrift industry.
The inflationary climate of the late
1970's and early 1980's increased the
cost of funds for thrifts and decreased
the value of their assets (primarily
fixed-rate mortgages). The losses in the
thrifts' portfolios eroded the capital of
these institutions, leaving one-third of
them at or near the brink of insolvency
on a market-value basis.
The Economic Effects of the
Deposit-Insurance Subsidy
Deposit-insurance subsidies arise when
the insurance premium paid by banks
is less than the fair value of the deposit
guarantee. It is important to remember
that there is a tradeoff between risk
and expected return. Bearing risk is a
service provided by private sector
market participants for which they
must be paid. As the risk of a project
increases, the amount of risk-bearing
services provided by market participants also increases. Therefore, the
amount they are paid should increase
as the services they provide increases.
If insured institutions are able to
increase the expected return to their
shareholders without paying for the
additional value of their deposit insurance, then the value of the depositinsurance subsidy increases.

economic Fluctuations." Journal 0/ Monetary
Economics vol. 8, no. I, July 1981, pp. 103·115.

An institution receiving deposit insurance has real incentives to increase
the value of the subsidy by increasing
either its leverage, its portfolio risk, or
a combination of both. Increasing the
value of the deposit-insurance subsidy
increases the bank's value to its stockholders at the expense of the depositinsurance agency." However, there are
real economic costs other than the
money transferred from the depositinsurance agency to the bank's stockholders. Deposit insurance that is equal
for all insured institutions, regardless
of risk, or that increases with the risk
of the institution, with no corresponding increase in premium, has two basic
effects. First, the subsidy gives insured
institutions a competitive advantage
over uninsured institutions in raising
funds and buying assets. In essence,
the insured institution can offer part of
its insurance subsidy to depositors in
order to attract deposits. Holding risk
constant, the insured institution can
pay higher rates on its liabilities than
the uninsured institution can offer on
equivalent debt. When competing for
assets, the insured institution can give
better terms on loans and pay higher
prices for securities than the uninsured
institution because it can offset the
higher cost of assets with its depositinsurance subsidy.
Second, mispriced deposit insurance
subsidizes the institution's risk-taking
and thereby allows it to hold a riskier
portfolio than it would if the subsidy
were zero and if the insurance were
fairly priced. By mispricing its guarantee, the deposit-insurance agency reduces the cost to the bank's shareholders
and managers of increasing the risk of
the bank's portfolio. Thus, an insurance subsidy that does not vary with
the amount of risk-taking by insured
institutions causes resources in the
economy to be misallocated.

9. The recent moves by firms such as Merrill
Lynch, and Sears, to set up or purchase institutions that offer insured deposits is an indication
that the value of the deposit-insurance subsidy is
economically significant. The brokered-deposit
market, where brokers are paid a fee to gather insured deposits for institutions, is another exampie of the value of the deposit-insurance subsidy.

If the deposit-insurance subsidy increases as the institution takes greater
risks, the perverse effects of the subsidy
are magnified. As insured banks take
on more risk, their deposit-insurance
subsidy increases and their ability to
pay a higher return (offer a lower
interest rate) on their liabilities (assets)
than uninsured institutions increases.
A subsidy that increases with risk encourages an insured institution to adopt
an even riskier portfolio than a subsidy
that does not increase with risk. Allowing deposit-insurance subsidies to
increase with bank risk magnifies the
resource misallocations associated with
mispriced deposit insurance.
In addition, a risk-related subsidy
that automatically increases with the
level of risk has the additional effect of
giving high-risk insured institutions a
competitive advantage over low-risk
insured institutions. As with the uninsured institution, the low-risk institu-

tion's smaller deposit-insurance subsidy does not allow it to pay as much
for its assets or to offer as high a
return on its deposits as a high-risk
insured institution with a larger subsidy. This causes society as a whole to
invest too heavily in risky projects and
increases the probability of a systemwide failure of the federally insured
banking and thrift industries.
The goals of federal deposit insurance
are to protect uninsured depositors and
to increase the stability of the banking
system. Few would argue that the system has failed in its goal of protecting
small savers. No small saver has lost a
penny of insured money since federal
deposit insurance was established.'?
However, it is not clear that the cur-

10. See The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: The
First Fifty Years, 1984, Washington, D.C.
11. The collapse of the privately operated Ohio
Deposit Guarantee Fund (ODGF) led to runs on
ODGF-insured savings and loan institutions. See
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1985
Annual Report.

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rent system of federal deposit insurance has achieved its second goal. The
absence of bank runs on federally
insured institutions is an indication
that federal deposit insurance has
helped stabilize the financial system.'!
On the other hand, mispricing the deposit guarantee encourages insured
institutions to adopt riskier portfolios.
This effect serves ultimately to destabilize the financial system.
Whether the ultimate net effect of
federal deposit insurance on the stability of the financial system is positive or
negative is beyond the scope of this
article. While few economists would
dispute the claim that federal deposit
insurance has tended to stabilize the
banking system, it is clear that removal
of the subsidy inherent in the current
deposit-insurance system would increase
the equity, efficiency, and stability of
our banking and thrift industries."

12. See for example, Edward J. Kane. "A SixPoint Program for Deposit Insurance-Reform."
Housing Finance Review, July 1983, pp. 269-278;
George G. Kaufman, and Gerald O. Beirwag. "A
Proposal for Federal Deposit Insurance with Risk
Sensitive Premiums." Occasional Papers of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 83-3, March 16,
1983; Pyle, David H. "Pricing Deposit Insurance:
The Effects of Mismeasurement." Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Working Paper
83-05, October 1983; The Working Group of the
Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs, Recommendations for Change in the Federal Deposit
Insurance System, United States Treasury
Department, January 1985.

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Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

July 15, 1986
ISSN 0428-1276

Equity, Efficiency,
and Mispriced
Deposit Guarantees
by James B. Thomson

Federal deposit insurance is supposed
to protect savers and to help stabilize
our banking system. However, if the
deposit guarantees are mispriced, federal deposit insurance has unintended
effects that are undesirable.
In this Economic Commentary, we
examine the factors that determine the
value of deposit insurance. We show
how insured banks can increase the
value of their insurance and discuss
their incentives to do so.'
The economic consequences of mispriced deposit insurance includes a misallocation of resources, an inequitable
transfer of wealth between society and
the insured industry, and an inequitable transfer of wealth between institutions within the insured industry."
Since its beginning in 1934; federal
deposit insurance has provided safety
for the savings and transactions balances of small savers. This role usually
is justified on the basis of equity and
efficiency. Providing deposit guarantees
for small savers is considered equitable
because the cost of obtaining information is thought to be greater for small
depositors than for large depositors. If
small depositors lack the sophistication
and resources to monitor the health of
their banks, then without deposit insurance they are at a disadvantage compared to large depositors. Large depositors, being better informed, usually

manage to withdraw their money from
a failing bank, typically leaving small
savers holding the bag.
If small depositors lack information
about their bank, then they will tend to
overreact to whatever bad news they
may hear, whether it is true or not.
The rational response against a perceived threat is for small savers to
attempt to protect themselves against
loss by participating in a run against
the bank.
By guaranteeing the deposits of small
savers, federal deposit insurance
removes the incentives for them to
participate in bank runs. Providing
deposit guarantees for small savers
thus increases the efficiency of the
banking system because it reduces the
probability of destabilizing bank runs.
Moreover, a single federal depositinsurance agency is likely to have
lower information costs than the total
cost of the combined efforts of a mass
of small depositors. For this reason,
provision of deposit guarantees for
small depositors also increases the
efficiency of deposit markets by
lowering the costs of gathering
information on the condition of banks.
By guaranteeing deposits, however,
the federal deposit guarantor bears the
risk of the deposits it is insuring, and
there are costs associated with this.

Whether or not a bank fails, for example, the federal deposit guarantor
incurs the cost of gathering and evaluating information about the condition
of a bank. If banks do fail, the guarantor then has the additional expense
of paying claims of insured depositors.
If a system of deposit guarantees is
to improve the equity and efficiency of
deposit markets, the deposit-insurance
agency must charge the insured institutions for the risk-bearing services
provided by the deposit-insurance
agency lest those services be overused.
Forcing individual institutions to
bear the costs of the risks they place on
the deposit-insurance fund makes sense
because bankers will manage the risks
in their portfolios more carefully if they
know they will have to bear all the
costs of making risky loans and investments. Such a reallocation of costs also
is desirable because risk-based premiums
allocate the costs of the depositinsurance system among the insured institutions on the basis of the benefits
they receive from the system."
If insured institutions do not pay the
full costs of the risk-bearing services
they receive from the deposit-insurance
agency, then the deposit-insurance system subsidizes the risk-taking behavior
of the insured institutions. Since, at
the margin, the subsidy reduces the

James B. Thomson is an economist with the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. The author
would like to thank William Gavin, E. j. Stevens,
and Walker Todd for their helpful comments.
The views stated herein are those of the author
and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland or of the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.

1. The discussion here is limited to the deposit
guarantees issued by the three federal depositinsurance agencies: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Federal Savings
and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) and the
National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund
(NCUSIF). However, the analysis can easily be extended to other types of government guarantees.

3. If the social benefits of government deposit
insurance exceed the private benefits, the
deposit-insurance premium should be higher than
that implied by the private benefits that accrue to
the insured institution. However, if the external
benefits of deposit insurance accrue to society in
general, then it can be argued that society as a
whole should pay for the benefits. A risk-neutral
subsidy that reallocates wealth from the depositinsurance system to the insured institutions is
one way of accomplishing this. For a more complete discussion of this argument, see: Anthony
Saunders and John J. Merrick Jr. "Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy." Journal of Money,

2. For a comprehensive discussion of this topic
see Edward J. Kane. The Gathering Crisis in Federal Deposit Insurance, MIT Press, 1985.